path: root/ipl/progs/pt.icn
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1 files changed, 1031 insertions, 0 deletions
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index 0000000..3bb2db9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/progs/pt.icn
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+# File: pt.icn
+# Subject: Program to produce parse table generator
+# Author: Deeporn H. Beardsley
+# Date: December 10, 1988
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# See for a description of functionality as well as input and
+# output format.
+#* *
+#* Main procedure as well as *
+#* a routine to generate production table, nonterminal, terminal *
+#* and epsilon sets from the input grammar *
+# 1. Data structures:-
+# E.g. Grammar:-
+# A -> ( B )
+# A -> B , C
+# A -> a
+# B -> ( C )
+# B -> C , A
+# B -> b
+# C -> ( A )
+# C -> A , B
+# C -> c
+# prod_table prod
+# __________________ _____ _____ _____
+# | | | num | 1 | | 2 | | 3 |
+# | "A" | ------|-->[ |---| ,|---| ,|---| ]
+# | | | rhs |_|_| |_|_| |_|_|
+# | | | | | v
+# | | | | v ["a"]
+# | | | v ["B",",","C"]
+# | | | ["(","B",")"]
+# |_____|__________| _____ _____ _____
+# | | | num | 4 | | 5 | | 6 |
+# | "B" | ------|-->[ |---| ,|---| ,|---| ]
+# | | | rhs |_|_| |_|_| |_|_|
+# | | | | | v
+# | | | | v ["b"]
+# | | | v ["C",",","A"]
+# | | | ["(","C",")"]
+# |_____|__________| _____ _____ _____
+# | | | num | 7 | | 8 | | 9 |
+# | "C" | ------|-->[ |---| ,|---| ,|---| ]
+# | | | rhs |_|_| |_|_| |_|_|
+# | | | | | v
+# | | | | v ["c"]
+# | | | v ["A",",","B"]
+# | | | ["(","A",")"]
+# ------------------
+# __________________
+# firsts | "A" | ------|-->("(", "a", "b", "c")
+# |-----|----------|
+# | "B" | ------|-->("(", "a", "b", "c")
+# |-----|----------|
+# | "C" | ------|-->("(", "a", "b", "c")
+# ------------------
+# _______
+# NTs | ---|-->("A", "B", "C")
+# -------
+# _______
+# Ts | ---|-->("(", "a", "b", "c")
+# -------
+# 2. Algorithm:-
+# get_productions() -- build productions table (& NT, T
+# and epsilon sets):-
+# open grammar file or from stdin
+# while can get an input line, i.e. production, do
+# get LHS token and use it as entry value to table
+# (very first LHS token is start symbol of grammar)
+# (enter token in nonterminal, NT, set)
+# get each RHS token & form a list, put this list
+# in the list, i.e.assigned value, of the table
+# (enter each RHS token in terminal, T, set)
+# (if first RHS token is epsilon
+# enter LHS token in the epsilon set)
+# (T is the difference of T and NT)
+# close grammar file
+global prod_table, NTs, Ts, firsts, stateL, itemL
+global StartSymbol, start, eoi, epsilon
+global erratta # to list all items in a state (debugging)
+record prod(num, rhs) # assigned values for prod_table
+record arc(From, To) # firsts computation -- closure
+record item(prodN, lhs, rhs1, rhs2, NextI)
+record state(C_Set, I_Set, goto)
+procedure main(opt_list)
+ local opt
+ start := "START" # start symbol for augmented grammar
+ eoi := "EOI" # end-of-input token (constant)
+ epsilon := "EPSILON" # epsilon token (constant)
+ prod_table := table() # productions
+ NTs := set() # non-terminals
+ Ts := set() # terminals
+ firsts := table() # nonterminals only; first(T) = {T}
+ get_firsts(get_productions())
+ if /StartSymbol then exit(0) # input file empty
+ write_prods()
+ if opt := (!opt_list == "-nt") then
+ write_NTs()
+ if opt := (!opt_list == "-t") then
+ write_Ts()
+ if opt := (!opt_list == "-f") then
+ write_firsts()
+ if opt := (!opt_list == "-e") then
+ erratta := 1
+ else
+ erratta := 0
+ stateL := list() # not popped, only for referencing
+ itemL := list() # not popped, only for referencing
+ state0() # closure of start production
+ gotos() # sets if items
+ p_table() # output parse table
+procedure get_productions()
+ local Epsilon_Set, LHS, first_RHS_token, grammarFile, line, prods, temp_list
+ local token, ws
+ prods := 0 # for enumeration of productions
+ ws := ' \t'
+ Epsilon_Set := set() # NT's that have epsilon production
+ grammarFile := (open("grammar") | &input)
+ while line := read(grammarFile) do {
+ first_RHS_token := &null # to detect epsilon production
+ temp_list := [] # RHS of production--list of tokens
+ line ? {
+ tab(many(ws))
+ LHS := tab(upto(ws)) # LHS of production--nonterminal
+ /firsts[LHS] := set()
+ /StartSymbol := LHS # start symbol for unaug. grammar
+ insert(NTs, LHS) # collect nonterminals
+ tab(many(ws)); tab(match("->")); tab(many(ws))
+ while put(temp_list, token := tab(upto(ws))) do {
+ /first_RHS_token := token
+ insert(Ts, token) # put all RHS tokens into T set for now
+ tab(many(ws))
+ }
+ token := tab(0) # get last RHS non-ws token
+ if *token > 0 then {
+ put(temp_list, token)
+ /first_RHS_token := token
+ insert(Ts, token)
+ }
+ Ts --:= NTs # set of terminals
+ delete(Ts, epsilon) # EPSILON is not a terminal
+ /prod_table[LHS] := []
+ put(prod_table[LHS], prod(prods +:=1, temp_list))
+ }
+ if first_RHS_token == epsilon then
+ insert(Epsilon_Set, LHS)
+ }
+ if not (grammarFile === &input) then
+ close(grammarFile)
+ return Epsilon_Set
+#* *
+#* Routines to generate first sets *
+# 1. Data structures:-
+# (see also data structures in mainProds.icn)
+# __________________
+# needs | "A" | ------|-->[B]
+# |-----|----------|
+# | "B" | ------|-->[C]
+# |-----|----------|
+# | "C" | ------|-->[A]
+# ------------------
+# has_all_1st
+# _______
+# | ---|-->("A", "C")
+# -------
+# G |-----------------------|
+# | __________________ v
+# | | "A" | ------|-->(B)<--------|
+# | |-----|----------| |
+# |--|--- | ----|-->"A" |
+# |-----|----------| |
+# | "B" | ------|-->(C)<-----| |
+# |-----|----------| | |
+# | (C) | ------|-->"B" | |
+# |-----|----------| | |
+# | "C" | ------|-->(A)<--| | |
+# |-----|----------| | | |
+# | (A) | ------|-->"C" | | |
+# ------------------ | | |
+# | | |
+# closure_table | | |
+# __________________ | | |
+# | "A" | ------|-->( ----| ,| ,| )
+# |-----|----------|
+# | "B" | ------|-->( as above )
+# |-----|----------|
+# | "C" | ------|-->( as above )
+# ------------------
+# (Note: G table: the entry values (B) and (C) should be analogous
+# to that of '(A)'.)
+# 2. Algorithms:-
+# 2.1 Firsts sets (note: A is nonterminal &
+# beta is a string of symbols):-
+# For definition, see Aho, et al, Compilers...
+# Addison-Wesley, 1986, p.188)
+# for each production A -> beta (use production table above)
+# loop1
+# case next RHS token, B, is
+# epsilon : do nothing, break from loop1
+# terminal : insert it in first(A), break from loop1
+# nonterminal: put B in needs[A] table
+# if B in epsilon set & last RHS token
+# insert A in epsilon set
+# break from loop1
+# loop1
+# collect has_all_1st set (NTs whose first is fully defined
+# i.e. NTs not entry value of needs table)
+# Loop2 (fill_firsts)
+# for each NT B in each needs[A]
+# if B is in has_all_1st
+# insert all elements of first(B) in first(A)
+# delete B from needs[A]
+# if needs[A] is empty
+# insert A in has_all_1st
+# if *has_all_1st set equal to *NTs set
+# exit loop2
+# if *has_all_1st set not equal to *NTs set
+# if *has_all_1st not changed from beginning of loop2
+# (i.e. circular dependency e.g.
+# needs[X] = [Y]
+# needs[Y] = [Z]
+# needs[Z] = [X])
+# find closure of each A
+# find a set of A's whose closure sets are same
+# pool their firsts together
+# add pooled firsts to first set of each A
+# goto loop2
+# This algorithm is implemented by the following procedures:-
+# get_firsts(Epsilon_Set) -- compute first sets of all
+# NTs, given the NTs that have epsilon productions.
+# fill_firsts(needs) -- given the needs table that says
+# which first set contains the elements of other
+# first set(s), complete computation of first sets.
+# buildgraph(tempL) -- given the productions in tempL,
+# build table G above.
+# closure(G, S1, S2) -- given the productions in tempL,
+# the entry value S1 and its closure set S2, build
+# closure_table.
+# addnode(n, t) -- given table t ( G, actually), and
+# 1. entry value of n, enter its assigned value in
+# in table t to be a set (empty, for now)
+# 2. use t[n] (in 1) as the entry value, enter its
+# assigned value in table t to be "n".
+# closed_loop(G, SS, closure_table, tempL_i) -- given
+# table G, closure_table and a nonterminal tempL_i
+# that still needs its firsts completed, return the
+# set SS of nonterminals if each and every of these
+# nonterminals has identical closure set.
+# finish_firsts(closed_set) -- given the set closed_set
+# of nonterminals where every member of of the set
+# has identical closure set, pool the elements
+# (terminals) from their so-far known firsts sets
+# together and reenter this pooled value into their
+# firsts sets (firsts table).
+# 2.2 Note that buildgraph(), closure() and addnode()
+# are either exactly or essentially the same as
+# given in class (by R. Griswold).
+procedure get_firsts(Epsilon_Set)
+ local needs, prods, i, j, k, token
+ needs := table()
+ prods := sort(prod_table, 3)
+ every i := 1 to *prods by 2 do # production(s) of a NT
+ every j := 1 to *prods[i+1] do # RHS of each production
+ every k := 1 to *prods[i+1][j].rhs do # and each token
+ if ((token := prods[i+1][j].rhs[k]) == epsilon) then
+ break # did in get_productions
+ else if member(Ts, token) then { # leading token on RHS
+ insert(firsts[prods[i]], token) # e.g. A -> ( B )
+ break
+ }
+ else { #if member(NTs, token) then # A -> B a C
+ /needs[prods[i]] := []
+ put(needs[prods[i]], token)
+ if not (member(Epsilon_Set, token)) then # not B -> EPSILON
+ break
+ if k = *prods[i+1][j].rhs then # all RHS tokens are NTs &
+ insert(Epsilon_Set, prods[i]) # each has epsilon production
+ }
+ fill_firsts(needs) # do firsts that contain firsts of other NT(s)
+ every insert(firsts[!Epsilon_Set], epsilon) # add epsilon last
+procedure fill_firsts(needs)
+ local G, L, NTy, SS, closed_set, closure_table, has_all_1st, i, lhs
+ local new_temp, rhs, size_has_all_1st, ss, ss_table, tempL, x
+ closure_table := table()
+ has_all_1st := copy(NTs) # set of NTs whose firsts fully defined
+ tempL := sort(needs, 3)
+ every i := 1 to *tempL by 2 do
+ delete(has_all_1st, tempL[i])
+ repeat {
+ ss := ""
+ ss_table := table()
+ size_has_all_1st := *has_all_1st
+ new_temp := list()
+ while lhs := pop(tempL) do {
+ rhs := pop(tempL)
+ L := list()
+ while NTy := pop(rhs) do
+ if NTy ~== lhs then
+ if member(has_all_1st, NTy) then
+ firsts[lhs] ++:= firsts[NTy]
+ else
+ put(L, NTy)
+ if *L = 0 then
+ insert(has_all_1st, lhs)
+ else {
+ put(new_temp, lhs)
+ put(new_temp, L)
+ }
+ }
+ tempL := new_temp
+ if *has_all_1st = *NTs then
+ break
+ if size_has_all_1st = *has_all_1st then {
+ G := buildgraph(tempL)
+ every i := 1 to *tempL by 2 do
+ closure_table[tempL[i]] := closure(G, tempL[i])
+ every i := 1 to *tempL by 2 do {
+ closed_set := set()
+ SS := set([tempL[i]])
+ every x := !closure_table[tempL[i]] do
+ insert(SS, G[x])
+ closed_set := closed_loop(G,SS,closure_table,tempL[i])
+ if \closed_set then {
+ finish_firsts(closed_set)
+ every insert(has_all_1st, !closed_set)
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return
+procedure buildgraph(tempL) # modified from the original version
+ local arclist, nodetable, x, i
+ arclist := [] # by Ralph Griswold
+ nodetable := table()
+ every i := 1 to *tempL by 2 do {
+ every x := !tempL[i+1] do {
+ addnode(tempL[i], nodetable)
+ addnode(x, nodetable)
+ put(arclist, arc(tempL[i], x))
+ }
+ }
+ while x := get(arclist) do
+ insert(nodetable[x.From], nodetable[x.To])
+ return nodetable
+procedure closure(G, S1, S2) # modified from the original version
+ local S
+ /S2 := set([G[S1]]) # by Ralph Griswold
+ every S := !(G[S1]) do
+ if not member(S2, S) then {
+ insert(S2, S)
+ closure(G, G[S], S2)
+ }
+ return S2
+procedure addnode(n, t) # author: Ralph Griswold
+ local S
+ if /t[n] then {
+ S := set()
+ t[n] := S
+ t[S] := n
+ }
+ return
+procedure closed_loop(G, SS, closure_table, tempL_i)
+ local S, x, y
+ delete(SS, tempL_i)
+ every x := !SS do {
+ S := set()
+ every y := !closure_table[x] do
+ insert(S, G[y])
+ delete(S, tempL_i)
+ if *S ~= *SS then fail
+ every y := !S do
+ if not member(SS, y) then fail
+ }
+ return insert(SS, tempL_i)
+procedure finish_firsts(closed_set)
+ local S, x
+ S := set()
+ every x := !closed_set do
+ every insert(S, !firsts[x])
+ every x := !closed_set do
+ every insert(firsts[x], !S)
+#* *
+#* Routines to generate states *
+# 1. Data structures:-
+# E.g. Augmented grammar:-
+# START -> S (production 0)
+# S -> ( S ) (production 1)
+# S -> ( ) (production 2)
+# Item is a record of 5 fields:-
+# Example of an item: itemL[1] is [START->.S , $]
+# prodN represents the production number
+# lhs represents the nonterminal at the
+# left hand side of the production
+# rhs1 represents the list of tokens seen so
+# far (i.e. left of the dot in item)
+# rhs2 represents the list of tokens yet to be
+# seen (i.e. right of the dot in item)
+# NextI represents the next input symbol
+# (the end of input symbol $ is
+# represented by EOI.)
+# item
+# _________ _________
+# prodN| 0 | | 1 |
+# |-------| |-------|
+# lhs |"START"| | "S" |
+# _______ |-------| |-------|
+# itemL | ---|-->[ rhs1 | ---|---| , | -----|---| , ... ]
+# ------- |-------| | |-------| |
+# rhs2 | ---|-| | | -----|-| |
+# |-------| | | |-------| | |
+# NextI| "EOI" | | | | "EOI" | | |
+# --------- | | --------- | |
+# | | | |
+# | | | |
+# | v | v
+# | [] | []
+# | |
+# v v
+# ["S"] ["(", "S", ")"]
+# state
+# _______
+# C_Set| ---|-----|
+# _______ |-----| |
+# stateL | ---|-->[ I_Set| ---|---| | , ... ]
+# ------- |-----| | |
+# goto | ---|-| | |
+# ------- | | |
+# | | v
+# | | (1, 2, 3)
+# | v
+# | (1)
+# v
+# __________________
+# | "A" | 5 |
+# |-----|----------|
+# | "B" | 2 |
+# |-----|----------|
+# | "C" | 3 |
+# ------------------
+# (Note: 1. The above 2 lists:-
+# -- are not to be popped
+# -- new elements are put in the back
+# -- index represents the identity of the element
+# -- no duplicate elements in either list
+# 2. The state record:-
+# I_Set represents J in function goto(I,x) in
+# Compiler, Aho, et al, Addison-Wesley, 1986,
+# p. 232.
+# C_Set represents the closure if I_Set.
+# goto is part of the goto table and the shift
+# actions of the final parse table.)
+# 3. The 1 in C_Set and I_Set in the diagrams above refer
+# the same (physical) element.
+# 2. Algorithms:-
+# state0() -- create itemL[1] and stateL[1] as well as its
+# closure.
+# item_num(P_num, N_lhs, N_rhs1, N_rhs2, NI) --
+# if the item with the values given in the
+# argument list already exists in itemL list,
+# it returns the index of the item in the list,
+# if not, it builds a new item and put it at the
+# end of the list and returns the new index.
+# prod_equal(prod1, prod2) -- prod1 and prod2 are lists of
+# strings; fail if they are not the same.
+# state_closure(st) -- given the item set (I_set of the state
+# st), set the value of C_Set of st to the closure
+# of this item set. For definition of closure,
+# see Aho, et al, Compilers..., Addison-Wesley,
+# 1986, pp. 222-224)
+# new_item(st,O_itm) -- given the state st and an item O_itm,
+# suppose the item has the following configuration:-
+# [A -> B.CD,x]
+# where CD is a string of terminal and nonterminal
+# tokens. If C is a nonterminal,
+# for each C -> E in the grammar, and
+# for each y in first(Dx), add the new item
+# [C -> .E,y]
+# to the C_Set of st.
+# all_firsts(itm) -- given an item itm and suupose it has the
+# following configuration:-
+# [A -> B.CD,x]
+# where D is a string of terminal and nonterminal
+# tokens. The procedure returns first(Dx).
+# gotos() -- For definition of goto operation, see Aho, et al,
+# Compilers..., Addison-Wesley, 1986, pp. 224-227)
+# The C = {closure({[S'->S]})} is set up by the
+# state0()
+# call in the main procedure.
+# It also compiles the goto table. The errata part
+# (last section of the code in this procedure) is
+# for debugging purposes and is left intact for now.
+# moved_item(itm) -- given the item itm and suppose it has the
+# following configuration:-
+# [A -> B.CD,x]
+# where D is a string of terminal and nonterminal
+# tokens. The procedure builds a new item:-
+# [A -> BC.D,x]
+# It then looks up itemL to see if it already is
+# in it. If so, it'll return its index in the list,
+# else, it'll put it in the back of the list and
+# return this new index. (This is done by calling
+# item_num()).
+# exists_I_Set(test) -- given the I_Set test, look in the stateL
+# list and see if any state does contain similar
+# I_Set, if so, return its index to the stateL list,
+# else fail.
+# set_equal(set1, set2) -- set1 and set2 are sets of integers;
+# return set1 if the two sets have the same elements
+# else fail. (It is used strictly in comparison of
+# I_Sets).
+procedure state0()
+ local itm, st
+ itm := item_num(0, start, [], [StartSymbol], eoi)
+ st := state(set(), set([itm]), table())
+ put(stateL, st)
+ state_closure(st) # closure on initial state
+procedure item_num(P_num, N_lhs, N_rhs1, N_rhs2, NI)
+ local itm, i
+ itm := item(P_num, N_lhs, N_rhs1, N_rhs2, NI)
+ every i := 1 to *itemL do {
+ if itm.prodN ~== itemL[i].prodN then next
+ if itm.lhs ~== itemL[i].lhs then next
+ if not prod_equal(itm.rhs1, itemL[i].rhs1) then next
+ if not prod_equal(itm.rhs2, itemL[i].rhs2) then next
+ if itm.NextI == itemL[i].NextI then return i
+ }
+ put(itemL, itm)
+ return *itemL
+procedure prod_equal(prod1, prod2) # compare 2 lists of strings
+ local i
+ if *prod1 ~= *prod2 then fail
+ every i := 1 to *prod1 do
+ if prod1[i] ~== prod2[i] then fail
+ return
+procedure state_closure(st)
+ local addset, more_set, i
+ st.C_Set := copy(st.I_Set)
+ addset := copy(st.C_Set)
+ while *addset > 0 do {
+ more_set := set()
+ every i := !addset do
+ if (itemL[i].rhs2[1] ~== epsilon) then
+ if member(NTs, itemL[i].rhs2[1]) then
+ more_set ++:= new_item(st,itemL[i])
+ addset := more_set
+ }
+procedure new_item(st,O_itm)
+ local N_Lhs, N_Rhs1, N_prod, NxtInput, T_itm, i, rtn_set
+ rtn_set := set()
+ NxtInput := all_firsts(O_itm)
+ N_Lhs := O_itm.rhs2[1]
+ N_Rhs1 := []
+ every N_prod := !prod_table[N_Lhs] do
+ every i := !NxtInput do {
+ T_itm := item_num(N_prod.num, N_Lhs, N_Rhs1, N_prod.rhs, i)
+ if not member(st.C_Set, T_itm) then {
+ insert(st.C_Set, T_itm)
+ insert(rtn_set, T_itm)
+ }
+ }
+ return rtn_set
+procedure all_firsts(itm)
+ local rtn_set, i
+ if *itm.rhs2 = 1 then
+ return set([itm.NextI])
+ rtn_set := set()
+ every i := 2 to *itm.rhs2 do
+ if member(Ts, itm.rhs2[i]) then
+ return insert(rtn_set, itm.rhs2[i])
+ else {
+ rtn_set ++:= firsts[itm.rhs2[i]]
+ if not member(firsts[itm.rhs2[i]], epsilon) then
+ return rtn_set
+ }
+ return insert(rtn_set, itm.NextI)
+procedure gotos()
+ local New_I_Set, gost, i, i_num, j, j_num, looked_at, scan, st, st_num, x
+ st_num := 1
+ repeat{
+ looked_at := set()
+ scan := sort(stateL[st_num].C_Set)
+ every i := 1 to *scan do {
+ i_num := scan[i]
+ if member(looked_at, i_num) then next
+ insert(looked_at, i_num)
+ x := itemL[i_num].rhs2[1] # next LHS
+ if ((*itemL[i_num].rhs2 = 0) | (x == epsilon)) then next
+ New_I_Set := set([moved_item(itemL[i_num])])
+ every j := i+1 to *scan do {
+ j_num := scan[j]
+ if not member(looked_at, j_num) then
+ if (x == itemL[j_num].rhs2[1]) then {
+ insert(New_I_Set, moved_item(itemL[j_num]))
+ insert(looked_at, j_num)
+ }
+ }
+ if gost := exists_I_Set(New_I_Set) then
+ stateL[st_num].goto[x] := gost #add into goto
+ else { # add a new state
+ st := state(set(), New_I_Set, table())
+ put(stateL, st)
+ state_closure(st)
+ stateL[st_num].goto[x] := *stateL #add into goto
+ }
+ }
+ if erratta=1 then {
+ write("--------------------------------")
+ write("State ", st_num-1)
+ write_state(stateL[st_num])
+ }
+ st_num +:= 1
+ if st_num > *stateL then {
+ if erratta=1 then
+ write("--------------------------------")
+ return stateL
+ }
+ }
+procedure moved_item(itm)
+ local N_Rhs1, N_Rhs2, i
+ N_Rhs1 := copy(itm.rhs1)
+ put(N_Rhs1, itm.rhs2[1])
+ N_Rhs2 := list()
+ every i := 2 to *itm.rhs2 do
+ put(N_Rhs2, itm.rhs2[i])
+ return item_num(itm.prodN, itm.lhs, N_Rhs1, N_Rhs2, itm.NextI)
+procedure exists_I_Set(test)
+ local st
+ every st := 1 to *stateL do
+ if set_equal(test, stateL[st].I_Set) then return st
+ fail
+procedure set_equal(set1, set2)
+ local i
+ if *set1 ~= *set2 then fail
+ every i := !set2 do
+ if not member(set1, i) then fail
+ return set1
+#* *
+#* Miscellaneous write routines *
+# The following are write routines; some for optional output
+# while others are for debugging purposes.
+# write_item(itm) -- write the contents if item itm.
+# write_state(st) -- write the contents of state st.
+# write_tbl_list(out) -- (for debugging purposes only).
+# write_prods()-- write the enmnerated grammar productions.
+# write_NTs() -- write the set of nonterminals.
+# write_Ts() -- write the set of terminals.
+# write_firsts() -- write the first sets of each nonterminal.
+# write_needs(L) -- write the list of all nonterminals and the
+# associated nonterminals whose first sets
+# it still needs to compute its own first
+# set.
+procedure write_item(itm)
+ local i
+ writes("[(",itm.prodN,") ",itm.lhs," ->")
+ every i := !itm.rhs1 do writes(" ",i)
+ writes(" .")
+ every i := !itm.rhs2 do writes(" ",i)
+ writes(", ",itm.NextI,"]\n")
+procedure write_state(st)
+ local i, tgoto
+ write("I_Set")
+ every i := ! st.I_Set do {
+ writes("Item ", i, " ")
+ write_item(itemL[i])
+ }
+ write()
+ write("C_Set")
+ every i := ! st.C_Set do {
+ writes("Item ", i, " ")
+ write_item(itemL[i])
+ }
+ tgoto := sort(st.goto, 3)
+ write()
+ write("Gotos")
+ every i := 1 to *tgoto by 2 do
+ write("Goto state ", tgoto[i+1]-1, " on ", tgoto[i])
+procedure write_tbl_list(out)
+ local i, j
+ every i := 1 to *out by 2 do {
+ writes(out[i], ", [")
+ every j := *out[i+1] do {
+ if j ~= 1 then
+ writes(", ")
+ writes(out[i+1][j])
+ }
+ writes("]\n")
+ }
+procedure write_prods()
+ local i, j, k, prods
+ prods := sort(prod_table, 3)
+ every i := 1 to *prods by 2 do
+ every j := 1 to *prods[i+1] do {
+ writes(right(string(prods[i+1][j].num),3," "),": ")
+ writes(prods[i], " ->")
+ every k := 1 to *prods[i+1][j].rhs do
+ writes(" ", prods[i+1][j].rhs[k])
+ writes("\n")
+ }
+procedure write_NTs()
+ local temp_list
+ temp_list := sort(NTs)
+ write("\n")
+ write("nonterminal sets are:")
+ every write(|pop(temp_list))
+procedure write_Ts()
+ local temp_list
+ temp_list := sort(Ts)
+ write("\n")
+ write("terminal sets are:")
+ every write(|pop(temp_list))
+procedure write_firsts()
+ local temp_list, i, j, first_list
+ temp_list := sort(firsts, 3)
+ write("\nfirst sets:::::")
+ every i := 1 to *temp_list by 2 do {
+ writes(temp_list[i], ": ")
+ first_list := sort(temp_list[i+1])
+ every j := 1 to *first_list do
+ writes(" ", pop(first_list))
+ writes("\n\n")
+ }
+procedure write_needs(L)
+ local i, temp
+ write("tempL : ")
+ every i := 1 to *L by 2 do {
+ writes(L[i], " ")
+ temp := copy(L[i+1])
+ every writes(|pop(temp))
+ writes("\n")
+ }
+#* *
+#* Output the parse table routines *
+# p_table() -- output parse table: tablulated (vertical and
+# horizontal lines, etc.) if the width is within
+# 80 characters long else a listing.
+# outline(size, out, st_num, T_list, NT_list) -- print the header;
+# used in table form.
+# border(size, T_list, NT_list, col) -- draw a horizontal line
+# for the table form, given the table size that tells
+# the length of each token given the lists of
+# terminals and nonterminals. If the line is the
+# last line of the table, col given is "-", else it
+# is "-".
+# outstate(st, out, T_list, NT_list) -- print the shift, reduce
+# and goto for state st from information given in
+# out, and the lists of terminals and nonterminals;
+# used to output the parse table in the listing form.
+procedure p_table()
+ local NT_list, T_list, action, gs, i, itm, msize, out, s, size, st_num, tsize
+ T_list := sort(Ts)
+ put(T_list, eoi)
+ NT_list := sort(NTs)
+ size := table()
+ out := table()
+ if *stateL < 1000 then msize := 4
+ else if *stateL < 10000 then msize := 5
+ else msize := 6
+ tsize := 7
+ every s := !T_list do {
+ size[s] := *s
+ size[s] <:= msize
+ tsize +:= size[s] + 3
+ out[s] := s
+ }
+ every s := !NT_list do {
+ size[s] := *s
+ size[s] <:= msize
+ tsize +:= size[s] + 3
+ out[s] := s
+ }
+ write()
+ write()
+ write("PARSE TABLE")
+ write()
+ if tsize <= 80 then {
+ outline(size, out, 0, T_list, NT_list)
+ border(size, T_list, NT_list, "+")
+ }
+ every st_num := 1 to *stateL do {
+ out := table()
+ gs := sort(stateL[st_num].goto,3)
+ every i := 1 to * gs by 2 do { # do the shifts and gotos
+ if member(Ts, gs[i]) then
+ out[gs[i]] := "S" || string(gs[i+1]-1) # shift (action table)
+ else
+ out[gs[i]] := string(gs[i+1]-1) # for goto table
+ }
+ every itm := itemL[!stateL[st_num].C_Set] do {
+ if ((*itm.rhs2 = 0) | (itm.rhs2[1] == epsilon)) then {
+ if itm.prodN = 0 then
+ action := "ACC" # accept state
+ else
+ action := "R" || string(itm.prodN) # reduce (action table)
+ if /out[itm.NextI] then
+ out[itm.NextI] := action
+ else { # conflict
+ write(&errout, "Conflict on state ", st_num-1, " symbol ",
+ itm.NextI, " between ", action, " and ", out[itm.NextI])
+ write(&errout, " ", out[itm.NextI], " takes presidence")
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if tsize <= 80 then
+ outline(size, out, st_num, T_list, NT_list)
+ else
+ outstate(st_num, out, T_list, NT_list)
+ }
+procedure outline(size, out, st_num, T_list, NT_list)
+ local s
+ if st_num = 0 then
+ writes("State")
+ else
+ writes(right(string(st_num-1),5," "))
+ writes(" ||")
+ every s := !T_list do {
+ /out[s] := ""
+ writes(" ", center(out[s],size[s]," "), " |")
+ }
+ writes("|")
+ every s := !NT_list do {
+ /out[s] := ""
+ writes(" ", center(out[s],size[s]," "), " |")
+ }
+ write()
+ if st_num < * stateL then
+ border(size, T_list, NT_list, "+")
+ else
+ border(size, T_list, NT_list, "-")
+procedure border(size, T_list, NT_list, col)
+ local s
+ writes("------", col, col)
+ every s := !T_list do
+ writes("-", center("",size[s],"-"),"-", col)
+ writes(col)
+ every s := !NT_list do
+ writes("-",center("",size[s],"-"), "-", col)
+ writes("\n")
+procedure outstate(st, out, T_list, NT_list)
+ local s
+ write()
+ write("Actions for state ", st-1)
+ every s := !T_list do
+ if \out[s] then
+ if out[s][1] == "R" then
+ write(" On ", s, " reduce by production ", out[s][2:0])
+ else if out[s][1] == "A" then
+ write(" On ", s, " ACCEPT")
+ else
+ write(" On ", s, " shift to state ", out[s][2:0])
+ every s := !NT_list do
+ if \out[s] then
+ write(" On ", s, " Goto ", out[s])
+ write()