path: root/ipl/progs/when.icn
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ipl/progs/when.icn')
1 files changed, 300 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ipl/progs/when.icn b/ipl/progs/when.icn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0fb9462
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipl/progs/when.icn
@@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
+# File: when.icn
+# Subject: Program to show file age
+# Author: Chris Tenaglia
+# Date: August 14, 1996
+# This file is in the public domain.
+# This one was developed for UNIX (namely ULTRIX 4.3 rev 44). Maybe
+# it will work on some other UNIX too. I'd like to know. This program
+# is called 'when'. It's like a date based ls command. Some have told
+# me 'find' can do the same things, but I find find a bit arcane?
+# So 'when' is what I use. Here are some samples:
+# when before 4/12/92 # files before a date
+# when before 300 # files older than an age
+# when after 3/25 # or younger than a date this year
+# when before 2/1/94 and after 10/31/93 # even a range
+# More options and clauses are supported. Look at the code for clues.
+# This one only works in the current directory. It also has an interesting
+# property. Maybe this is just ULTRIX, maybe not, I'd like to know anyway...
+# The interpreted version works fine, but the compiled version has a
+# numeric overflow. That'll make for some fun debugging. I wrote it for
+# myself as a tool to locate old files for archiving or deleting. Study and
+# enjoy!
+# Requires: UNIX
+global base, # 1970 calculation baseline number
+ today, # displacement from 12:00:01am today
+ now, # upto the second mark for right now
+ method, # ascending or descending order
+ output, # long (ls -al) or brief (ls -1) style
+ command, # optional command to do on each file
+ files # list with files, sizes, and ages
+procedure main(param)
+ local i, option, j
+ calc_today()
+ files := directory()
+ method := "none"
+ output := "long"
+ command := ""
+ if *param = 0 then show_age()
+ every i := 1 to *param do
+ {
+ (option := param[i]) | break
+ case option of
+ {
+ "to" |
+ "before" |
+ "until" : {
+ files := before(files,param[i+1])
+ i +:= 1
+ }
+ "from" |
+ "since" |
+ "after" : {
+ files := since(files,param[i+1])
+ i +:= 1
+ }
+ "asc" : method:="ascending"
+ "des" : method:="descending"
+ "long" : output:="long"
+ "brief" : output:="brief"
+ "do" : {
+ every j := i+1 to *param do
+ command ||:= param[j] || " "
+ }
+ default : 5 # stop("Unrecognized option :",option)
+ }
+ }
+ show_age()
+ end
+# just show another ls with days old numbers & optionally sorts
+procedure show_age()
+ local line, age, ks, file, text, results, i
+ case method of
+ {
+ "none" : {
+ every line := !files do
+ {
+ age := (today - parse(line,' ')[1]) / 86400
+ ks := parse(line,' ')[2] / 1024
+ file:= line[23:0]
+ (command == "") |
+ {
+ write(command,line[37:0])
+ system(command || line[37:0])
+ next
+ }
+ if output == "brief" then text := line[37:0]
+ else text:= right(age,6) || " days " || right(ks,6) || " kb | " || file
+ write(text)
+ }
+ }
+ "descending" : {
+ results := sort(files)
+ every line := !results do
+ {
+ age := (today - parse(line,' ')[1]) / 86400
+ ks := parse(line,' ')[2] / 1024
+ file:= line[23:0]
+ (command == "") |
+ {
+ write(command,line[37:0])
+ system(command || line[37:0])
+ next
+ }
+ if output == "brief" then text := line[37:0]
+ else text:= right(age,6) || " days " || right(ks,6) || " kb | " || file
+ write(text)
+ }
+ }
+ "ascending" : {
+ results := sort(files)
+ every i := *results to 1 by -1 do
+ {
+ line:= results[i]
+ age := (today - parse(line,' ')[1]) / 86400
+ ks := parse(line,' ')[2] / 1024
+ file:= line[23:0]
+ (command == "") |
+ {
+ write(command,line[37:0])
+ system(command || line[37:0])
+ next
+ }
+ if output == "brief" then text := line[37:0]
+ else text:= right(age,6) || " days " || right(ks,6) || " kb | " || file
+ write(text)
+ }
+ }
+ default : 5
+ }
+ end
+# remove elements later than a date
+procedure before(lst,days)
+ local i, mo, da, yr, tmp, dd, age, work, file, old
+ static mtab
+ initial mtab := [0,31,59,90,120,151,181,212,243,273,304,334]
+ if find("/",days) then
+ {
+ mo := parse(days,'/')[1]
+ da := parse(days,'/')[2]
+ yr := parse(days,'/')[3] | parse(&date,'/')[1]
+ if yr < 100 then yr +:= 1900
+ tmp := yr * 31557600
+ dd := mtab[mo] + da
+ if ((yr % 4) = 0) & (mo > 2) then dd +:= 1
+ tmp+:= dd * 86400
+ age := tmp
+ } else {
+ age := now - (days * 86400)
+ }
+ work := []
+ every file := !lst do
+ {
+ old := parse(file,' ')[1]
+ if old <= age then put(work,file)
+ }
+ return copy(work)
+ end
+# remove elements earlier than a date
+procedure since(lst,days)
+ local mo, da, yr, tmp, dd, age, work, file, old
+ static mtab
+ initial mtab := [0,31,59,90,120,151,181,212,243,273,304,334]
+ if find("/",days) then
+ {
+ mo := parse(days,'/')[1]
+ da := parse(days,'/')[2]
+ yr := parse(days,'/')[3] | parse(&date,'/')[1]
+ if yr < 100 then yr +:= 1900
+ tmp := yr * 31557600
+ dd := mtab[mo] + da
+ if ((yr % 4) = 0) & (mo > 2) then dd +:= 1
+ tmp+:= dd * 86400
+ age := tmp
+ } else {
+ age := now - (days * 86400)
+ }
+ work := []
+ every file := !lst do
+ {
+ old := parse(file,' ')[1]
+ if old >= age then put(work,file)
+ }
+ return copy(work)
+ end
+# calculate today and now figures
+procedure calc_today()
+ local tmpy, tmpm, tmpd, here
+ static mtab
+ initial {
+ base := 1970*31557600
+ mtab := [0,31,59,90,120,151,181,212,243,273,304,334]
+ }
+ tmpy := parse(&date,'/')[1]
+ tmpm := parse(&date,'/')[2]
+ tmpd := parse(&date,'/')[3]
+ here := tmpy * 31557600 +
+ (mtab[tmpm] + tmpd) * 86400
+ if ((tmpy%4) = 0) & (tmpm > 2) then here +:= 86400
+ today := here
+ now := here +
+ parse(&clock,':')[1] * 3600 +
+ parse(&clock,':')[2] * 60 +
+ parse(&clock,':')[3]
+ end
+# convert a ls -al output into a list for sorting and printing
+procedure directory()
+ local pipe, entries, line, size, file, day, year, sec, mark, text
+ static mtab
+ initial {
+ mtab := table(0)
+ mtab["Jan"] := 0
+ mtab["Feb"] := 31
+ mtab["Mar"] := 59
+ mtab["Apr"] := 90
+ mtab["May"] := 120
+ mtab["Jun"] := 151
+ mtab["Jul"] := 181
+ mtab["Aug"] := 212
+ mtab["Sep"] := 243
+ mtab["Oct"] := 273
+ mtab["Nov"] := 304
+ mtab["Dec"] := 334
+ }
+ pipe := open("ls -al","pr")
+ entries := []
+ every line := !pipe do
+ {
+ if any('dclst',line) then next # ignore info and dirs
+ size := parse(line,' ')[4]
+ file := line[33:0]
+ day := mtab[parse(line,' ')[5]] + parse(line,' ')[6]
+ year := if line[40] == " " then parse(line,' ')[7] else parse(&date,'/')[1]
+ sec := if line[40] == " " then 0 else hhmm(parse(line,' ')[7])
+ mark := year * 31557600 + day * 86400 + sec
+ if (now-mark) < 0 then mark -:= 31557600
+ text := right(mark,12) || right(size,10) || " " || file
+ put(entries,text)
+ }
+ close(pipe)
+ return entries
+ end
+# convert hh:mm into seconds since midnight
+procedure hhmm(str)
+ local hh, mm
+ hh := str[1+:2]
+ mm := str[4+:2]
+ return hh*3600 + mm*60
+ end
+# parse a string into a list with respect to a delimiter
+procedure parse(line,delims)
+ local tokens
+ static chars
+ chars := &cset -- delims
+ tokens := []
+ line ? while tab(upto(chars)) do put(tokens,tab(many(chars)))
+ return tokens
+ end