path: root/src/iconc
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/iconc')
28 files changed, 0 insertions, 23362 deletions
diff --git a/src/iconc/Makefile b/src/iconc/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index bce6aa8..0000000
--- a/src/iconc/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-# Makefile for the Icon compiler, iconc.
-# This is no longer supported and may not work.
-include ../../Makedefs
-OBJS = cmain.o ctrans.o dbase.o clex.o\
- cparse.o csym.o cmem.o ctree.o ccode.o ccomp.o\
- ivalues.o codegen.o fixcode.o inline.o chkinv.o\
- typinfer.o types.o lifetime.o incheck.o
-COBJS = ../common/long.o ../common/getopt.o ../common/time.o\
- ../common/filepart.o ../common/identify.o ../common/munix.o\
- ../common/strtbl.o ../common/rtdb.o ../common/literals.o \
- ../common/alloc.o ../common/ipp.o
-iconc: $(OBJS) $(COBJS)
- $(CC) -o iconc $(OBJS) $(COBJS)
- cp iconc ../../bin
- strip ../../bin/iconc$(EXE)
-$(OBJS): ../h/config.h ../h/cpuconf.h ../h/cstructs.h ../h/define.h\
- ../h/mproto.h ../h/typedefs.h ../h/gsupport.h \
- ccode.h cglobals.h cproto.h csym.h ctrans.h ctree.h
-$(COBJS): ../h/mproto.h
- cd ../common; $(MAKE); $(MAKE) xpm
-ccode.o: ../h/lexdef.h ctoken.h
-chkinv.o: ctoken.h
-clex.o: ../h/lexdef.h ../h/parserr.h ctoken.h \
- ../common/lextab.h ../common/yylex.h ../common/error.h
-clocal.o: ../h/config.h
-cparse.o: ../h/lexdef.h
-ctrans.o: ctoken.h
-ctree.o: ../h/lexdef.h ctoken.h
-csym.o: ctoken.h
-dbase.o: ../h/lexdef.h
-lifetime.o: ../h/lexdef.h ctoken.h
-typinfer.o: ../h/lexdef.h ctoken.h
-types.o: ../h/lexdef.h ctoken.h
-# The following sections are commented out because they do not need to
-# be performed unless changes are made to cgrammar.c, ../h/grammar.h,
-# ../common/tokens.txt, or ../common/op.txt. Such changes involve
-# modifications to the syntax of Icon and are not part of the installation
-# process. However, if the distribution files are unloaded in a fashion
-# such that their dates are not set properly, the following sections would
-# be attempted.
-# Note that if any changes are made to the files mentioned above, the comment
-# characters at the beginning of the following lines should be removed.
-# icont must be on your search path for these actions to work.
-#../common/lextab.h ../common/yacctok.h ../common/fixgram ../common/pscript: \
-# ../common/tokens.txt ../common/op.txt
-# cd ../common; $(MAKE) gfiles
-#cparse.c ctoken.h: cgram.g ../common/pscript
-## expect 218 shift/reduce conflicts
-# yacc -d cgram.g
-# ../common/pscript < >cparse.c
-# mv ctoken.h
-# rm -f
-#cgram.g: cgrammar.c ../h/define.h ../h/grammar.h \
-# ../common/yacctok.h ../common/fixgram
-# $(CC) -E -C cgrammar.c | ../common/fixgram >cgram.g
diff --git a/src/iconc/ccode.c b/src/iconc/ccode.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 108cd15..0000000
--- a/src/iconc/ccode.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4954 +0,0 @@
- * ccode.c - routines to produce internal representation of C code.
- */
-#include "../h/gsupport.h"
-#include "../h/lexdef.h"
-#include "ctrans.h"
-#include "cglobals.h"
-#include "csym.h"
-#include "ccode.h"
-#include "ctree.h"
-#include "ctoken.h"
-#include "cproto.h"
-#ifdef OptimizeLit
-#define NO_LIMIT 0
-#define LIMITED 1
-#define LIMITED_TO_INT 2
-#define NO_TOUCH 3
-struct lit_tbl {
- int modified;
- int index;
- int safe;
- struct code *initial;
- struct code *end;
- struct val_loc *vloc;
- struct centry *csym;
- struct lit_tbl *prev;
- struct lit_tbl *next;
-#endif /* OptimizeLit */
- * Prototypes for static functions.
- */
-static struct c_fnc *alc_fnc (void);
-static struct tmplftm *alc_lftm (int num, union field *args);
-static int alc_tmp (int n, struct tmplftm *lifetm_ary);
-#ifdef OptimizePoll
- static int analyze_poll (void);
- static void remove_poll (void);
-#endif /* OptimizePoll */
-#ifdef OptimizeLit
- static int instr (const char *str, int chr);
- static void invalidate (struct val_loc *val,struct code *end,int code);
- static void analyze_literals (struct code *start, struct code *top, int lvl);
- static int eval_code (struct code *cd, struct lit_tbl *cur);
- static void propagate_literals (void);
- static void free_tbl (void);
- static struct lit_tbl *alc_tbl (void);
- static void tbl_add (truct lit_tbl *add);
-#endif /* OptimizeLit */
-static struct code *asgn_null (struct val_loc *loc1);
-static struct val_loc *bound (struct node *n, struct val_loc *rslt,
- int catch_fail);
-static struct code *check_var (struct val_loc *d, struct code *lbl);
-static void deref_cd (struct val_loc *src, struct val_loc *dest);
-static void deref_ret (struct val_loc *src, struct val_loc *dest,
- int subtypes);
-static void endlife (int kind, int indx, int old, nodeptr n);
-static struct val_loc *field_ref(struct node *n, struct val_loc *rslt);
-static struct val_loc *gen_act (nodeptr n, struct val_loc *rslt);
-static struct val_loc *gen_apply(struct node *n, struct val_loc *rslt);
-static struct val_loc *gen_args (struct node *n, int frst_arg, int nargs);
-static struct val_loc *gen_case (struct node *n, struct val_loc *rslt);
-static struct val_loc *gen_creat(struct node *n, struct val_loc *rslt);
-static struct val_loc *gen_lim (struct node *n, struct val_loc *rslt);
-static struct val_loc *gen_scan (struct node *n, struct val_loc *rslt);
-static struct val_loc *gencode (struct node *n, struct val_loc *rslt);
-static struct val_loc *genretval(struct node *n, struct node *expr,
- struct val_loc *dest);
-static struct val_loc *inv_prc (nodeptr n, struct val_loc *rslt);
-static struct val_loc *inv_op (nodeptr n, struct val_loc *rslt);
-static nodeptr max_lftm (nodeptr n1, nodeptr n2);
-static void mk_callop (char *oper_nm, int ret_flag,
- struct val_loc *arg1rslt, int nargs,
- struct val_loc *rslt, int optim);
-static struct code *mk_cpyval (struct val_loc *loc1, struct val_loc *loc2);
-static struct code *new_call (void);
-static char *oper_name (struct implement *impl);
-static void restr_env (struct val_loc *sub_sav, struct val_loc *pos_sav);
-static void save_env (struct val_loc *sub_sav, struct val_loc *pos_sav);
-static void setloc (nodeptr n);
-static struct val_loc *tmp_loc (int n);
-static struct val_loc *var_ref (struct lentry *sym);
-static struct val_loc *vararg_sz(int n);
-#define FrstArg 2
- * Information that must be passed between a loop and its next and break
- * expressions.
- */
-struct loop_info {
- struct code *next_lbl; /* where to branch for a next expression */
- struct code *end_loop; /* label at end of loop */
- struct code *on_failure; /* where to go if the loop fails */
- struct scan_info *scan_info; /* scanning environment upon entering loop */
- struct val_loc *rslt; /* place to put result of loop */
- struct c_fnc *succ_cont; /* the success continuation for the loop */
- struct loop_info *prev; /* link to info for outer loop */
- };
- * The allocation status of a temporary variable can either be "in use",
- * "not allocated", or reserved for use at a code position (indicated
- * by a specific negative number).
- */
-#define InUse 1
-#define NotAlc 0
- * tmplftm is used to precompute lifetime information for use in allocating
- * temporary variables.
- */
-struct tmplftm {
- int cur_status;
- nodeptr lifetime;
- };
- * Places where &subject and &pos are saved during string scanning. "outer"
- * values are saved when the scanning expression is executed. "inner"
- * values are saved when the scanning expression suspends.
- */
-struct scan_info {
- struct val_loc *outer_sub;
- struct val_loc *outer_pos;
- struct val_loc *inner_sub;
- struct val_loc *inner_pos;
- struct scan_info *next;
- };
-struct scan_info scan_base = {NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL};
-struct scan_info *nxt_scan = &scan_base;
-struct val_loc ignore; /* no values, just something to point at */
-static struct val_loc proc_rslt; /* result location for procedure */
-int *tmp_status = NULL; /* allocation status of temp descriptor vars */
-int *itmp_status = NULL; /* allocation status of temp C int vars*/
-int *dtmp_status = NULL; /* allocation status of temp C double vars */
-int *sbuf_status = NULL; /* allocation of string buffers */
-int *cbuf_status = NULL; /* allocation of cset buffers */
-int num_tmp; /* number of temp descriptors actually used */
-int num_itmp; /* number of temp C ints actually used */
-int num_dtmp; /* number of temp C doubles actually used */
-int num_sbuf; /* number of string buffers actually used */
-int num_cbuf; /* number of cset buffers actually used */
-int status_sz = 20; /* current size of tmp_status array */
-int istatus_sz = 20; /* current size of itmp_status array */
-int dstatus_sz = 20; /* current size of dtmp_status array */
-int sstatus_sz = 20; /* current size of sbuf_status array */
-int cstatus_sz = 20; /* current size of cbuf_status array */
-struct freetmp *freetmp_pool = NULL;
-static char frm_prfx[PrfxSz + 1];/* prefix for procedure frame */
-static char *lastfiln; /* last file name set in code */
-static int lastline; /* last line number set in code */
-#ifdef OptimizePoll
-static struct code *lastpoll;
-#endif /* OptimizePoll */
-#ifdef OptimizeLit
-static struct lit_tbl *tbl = NULL;
-static struct lit_tbl *free_lit_tbl = NULL;
-#endif /* OptimizeLit */
-static struct c_fnc *fnc_lst; /* list of C functions implementing proc */
-static struct c_fnc **flst_end; /* pointer to null pointer at end of fnc_lst */
-struct c_fnc *cur_fnc; /* C function currently being built */
-static int create_lvl = 0; /* co-expression create level */
-struct pentry *cur_proc; /* procedure currently being translated */
-struct code *on_failure; /* place to go on failure */
-static struct code *p_ret_lbl; /* label for procedure return */
-static struct code *p_fail_lbl; /* label for procedure fail */
-struct code *bound_sig; /* bounding signal for current procedure */
- * statically declared "signals".
- */
-struct code resume;
-struct code contin;
-struct code fallthru;
-struct code next_fail;
-int lbl_seq_num = 0; /* next label sequence number */
-#ifdef OptimizeLit
-static void print_tbl(struct lit_tbl *start) {
- struct lit_tbl *ptr;
- for (ptr=start; ptr != NULL ;ptr=ptr->next) {
- printf("mod (%2d) strchr (%2d) ",ptr->modified,ptr->index);
- if (ptr->csym != NULL) {
- printf("image (%13s) ",ptr->csym->image);
- }
- if (ptr->vloc != NULL) {
- printf("val (%6d) type (%d)",ptr->vloc->u.tmp,ptr->vloc->loc_type);
- }
- if (ptr->end == NULL)
- printf(" END IS NULL");
- printf("\n");
- }
-static void free_tbl() {
- struct lit_tbl *ptr, *next;
- free_lit_tbl = tbl;
- tbl = NULL;
- ptr = tbl;
- while (ptr != NULL) {
- next = ptr->next;
- free(ptr);
- ptr = next;
- }
- tbl = NULL;
-static struct lit_tbl *alc_tbl() {
- struct lit_tbl *new;
- static int cnt=0;
- if (free_lit_tbl != NULL) {
- new = free_lit_tbl;
- free_lit_tbl = new->next;
- }
- else
- new = (struct lit_tbl *)alloc(sizeof(struct lit_tbl));
- new->modified = NO_LIMIT;
- new->index = -1;
- new->safe = 1;
- new->initial = NULL;
- new->end = NULL;
- new->vloc = NULL;
- new->csym = NULL;
- new->prev = NULL;
- new->next = NULL;
- return new;
-#endif /* OptimizeLit */
- * proccode - generate code for a procedure.
- */
-void proccode(proc)
-struct pentry *proc;
- {
- struct c_fnc *fnc;
- struct code *cd;
- struct code *cd1;
- struct code *lbl;
- nodeptr n;
- nodeptr failer;
- int gen;
- int i;
-#ifdef OptimizeLit
- struct code *procstart;
-#endif /* OptimizeLit */
- /*
- * Initialize arrays used for allocating temporary variables.
- */
- if (tmp_status == NULL)
- tmp_status = (int *)alloc((unsigned int)(status_sz * sizeof(int)));
- if (itmp_status == NULL)
- itmp_status = (int *)alloc((unsigned int)(istatus_sz * sizeof(int)));
- if (dtmp_status == NULL)
- dtmp_status = (int *)alloc((unsigned int)(dstatus_sz * sizeof(int)));
- if (sbuf_status == NULL)
- sbuf_status = (int *)alloc((unsigned int)(sstatus_sz * sizeof(int)));
- if (cbuf_status == NULL)
- cbuf_status = (int *)alloc((unsigned int)(cstatus_sz * sizeof(int)));
- for (i = 0; i < status_sz; ++i)
- tmp_status[i] = NotAlloc;
- for (i = 0; i < istatus_sz; ++i)
- itmp_status[i] = NotAlloc;
- for (i = 0; i < dstatus_sz; ++i)
- dtmp_status[i] = NotAlloc;
- for (i = 0; i < sstatus_sz; ++i)
- sbuf_status[i] = NotAlloc;
- for (i = 0; i < cstatus_sz; ++i)
- cbuf_status[i] = NotAlloc;
- num_tmp = 0;
- num_itmp = 0;
- num_dtmp = 0;
- num_sbuf = 0;
- num_cbuf = 0;
- /*
- * Initialize standard signals.
- */
- resume.cd_id = C_Resume;
- contin.cd_id = C_Continue;
- fallthru.cd_id = C_FallThru;
- /*
- * Initialize procedure result and the transcan locations.
- */
- proc_rslt.loc_type = V_PRslt;
- proc_rslt.mod_access = M_None;
- ignore.loc_type = V_Ignore;
- ignore.mod_access = M_None;
- cur_proc = proc; /* current procedure */
- lastfiln = NULL; /* file name */
- lastline = 0; /* line number */
-#ifdef OptimizePoll
- lastpoll = NULL;
-#endif /* OptimizePoll */
- /*
- * Procedure frame prefix is the procedure prefix.
- */
- for (i = 0; i < PrfxSz; ++i)
- frm_prfx[i] = cur_proc->prefix[i];
- frm_prfx[PrfxSz] = '\0';
- /*
- * Initialize the continuation list and allocate the outer function for
- * this procedure.
- */
- fnc_lst = NULL;
- flst_end = &fnc_lst;
- cur_fnc = alc_fnc();
-#ifdef OptimizeLit
- procstart = cur_fnc->cursor;
-#endif /* OptimizeLit */
- /*
- * If the procedure is not used anywhere don't generate code for it.
- * This can happen when using libraries containing several procedures,
- * but not all are needed. However, if there is a block for the
- * procedure, we need at least a dummy function.
- */
- if (!cur_proc->reachable) {
- if (!(glookup(cur_proc->name)->flag & F_SmplInv))
- outerfnc(fnc_lst);
- return;
- }
- /*
- * Allocate labels for the code for procedure failure, procedure return,
- * and allocate the bounding signal for this procedure (at this point
- * signals and labels are not distinguished).
- */
- p_fail_lbl = alc_lbl("proc fail", 0);
- p_ret_lbl = alc_lbl("proc return", 0);
- bound_sig = alc_lbl("bound", 0);
- n = proc->tree;
- setloc(n);
- if (Type(Tree1(n)) != N_Empty) {
- /*
- * initial clause.
- */
- Tree1(n)->lifetime = NULL;
- liveness(Tree1(n), NULL, &failer, &gen);
- if (tfatals > 0)
- return;
- lbl = alc_lbl("end initial", 0);
- cd_add(lbl);
- cur_fnc->cursor = lbl->prev; /* code goes before label */
- cd = NewCode(2);
- cd->cd_id = C_If;
- cd1 = alc_ary(1);
- cd1->ElemTyp(0) = A_Str;
- cd1->Str(0) = "!first_time";
- cd->Cond = cd1;
- cd->ThenStmt = mk_goto(lbl);
- cd_add(cd);
- cd = alc_ary(1);
- cd->ElemTyp(0) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(0) = "first_time = 0;";
- cd_add(cd);
- bound(Tree1(n), &ignore, 1);
- cur_fnc->cursor = lbl;
- }
- Tree2(n)->lifetime = NULL;
- liveness(Tree2(n), NULL, &failer, &gen);
- if (tfatals > 0)
- return;
- bound(Tree2(n), &ignore, 1);
- /*
- * Place code to perform procedure failure and return and the
- * end of the outer function.
- */
- setloc(Tree3(n));
- cd_add(p_fail_lbl);
- cd = NewCode(0);
- cd->cd_id = C_PFail;
- cd_add(cd);
- cd_add(p_ret_lbl);
- cd = NewCode(0);
- cd->cd_id = C_PRet;
- cd_add(cd);
- /*
- * Fix up signal handling code and perform peephole optimizations.
- */
- fix_fncs(fnc_lst);
-#ifdef OptimizeLit
- analyze_literals(procstart, NULL, 0);
- propagate_literals();
-#endif /* OptimizeLit */
- /*
- * The outer function is the first one on the list. It has the
- * procedure interface; the others are just continuations.
- */
- outerfnc(fnc_lst);
- for (fnc = fnc_lst->next; fnc != NULL; fnc = fnc->next)
- if (fnc->ref_cnt > 0)
- prt_fnc(fnc);
-#ifdef OptimizeLit
- free_tbl();
-#endif /* OptimizeLit */
- * gencode - generate code for a syntax tree.
- */
-static struct val_loc *gencode(n, rslt)
-struct node *n;
-struct val_loc *rslt;
- {
- struct code *cd;
- struct code *cd1;
- struct code *fail_sav;
- struct code *lbl1;
- struct code *lbl2;
- struct code *cursor_sav;
- struct c_fnc *fnc_sav;
- struct c_fnc *fnc;
- struct implement *impl;
- struct implement *impl1;
- struct val_loc *r1[3];
- struct val_loc *r2[2];
- struct val_loc *frst_arg;
- struct lentry *single;
- struct freetmp *freetmp;
- struct freetmp *ft;
- struct tmplftm *lifetm_ary;
- char *sbuf;
- int i;
- int tmp_indx;
- int nargs;
- static struct loop_info *loop_info = NULL;
- struct loop_info *li_sav;
- switch (n->n_type) {
- case N_Activat:
- rslt = gen_act(n, rslt);
- break;
- case N_Alt:
- rslt = chk_alc(rslt, n->lifetime); /* insure a result location */
- fail_sav = on_failure;
- fnc_sav = cur_fnc;
- /*
- * If the first alternative fails, execution must go to the
- * "alt" label.
- */
- lbl1 = alc_lbl("alt", 0);
- on_failure = lbl1;
- cd_add(lbl1);
- cur_fnc->cursor = lbl1->prev; /* 1st alternative goes before label */
- gencode(Tree0(n), rslt);
- /*
- * Each alternative must call the same success continuation.
- */
- fnc = alc_fnc();
- callc_add(fnc);
- cur_fnc = fnc_sav; /* return to the context of the label */
- cur_fnc->cursor = lbl1; /* 2nd alternative goes after label */
- on_failure = fail_sav; /* on failure, alternation fails */
- gencode(Tree1(n), rslt);
- callc_add(fnc); /* call continuation */
- /*
- * Code following the alternation goes in the continuation. If
- * the code fails, the continuation returns the resume signal.
- */
- cur_fnc = fnc;
- on_failure = &resume;
- break;
- case N_Apply:
- rslt = gen_apply(n, rslt);
- break;
- case N_Augop:
- impl = Impl0(n); /* assignment */
- impl1 = Impl1(n); /* the operation */
- if (impl == NULL || impl1 == NULL) {
- rslt = &ignore; /* make sure code generation can continue */
- break;
- }
- /*
- * allocate an argument list for the operation.
- */
- lifetm_ary = alc_lftm(2, &n->n_field[2]);
- tmp_indx = alc_tmp(2, lifetm_ary);
- r1[0] = tmp_loc(tmp_indx);
- r1[1] = tmp_loc(tmp_indx + 1);
- gencode(Tree2(n), r1[0]); /* first argument */
- /*
- * allocate an argument list for the assignment and copy the
- * value of the first argument into it.
- */
- lifetm_ary[0].cur_status = InUse;
- lifetm_ary[1].cur_status = n->postn;
- lifetm_ary[1].lifetime = n->intrnl_lftm;
- tmp_indx = alc_tmp(2, lifetm_ary);
- r2[0] = tmp_loc(tmp_indx++);
- cd_add(mk_cpyval(r2[0], r1[0]));
- r2[1] = tmp_loc(tmp_indx);
- gencode(Tree3(n), r1[1]); /* second argument */
- /*
- * Produce code for the operation.
- */
- setloc(n);
- implproto(impl1);
- mk_callop(oper_name(impl1), impl1->ret_flag, r1[0], 2, r2[1], 0);
- /*
- * Produce code for the assignment.
- */
- implproto(impl);
- if (impl->ret_flag & (DoesRet | DoesSusp))
- rslt = chk_alc(rslt, n->lifetime);
- mk_callop(oper_name(impl), impl->ret_flag, r2[0], 2, rslt, 0);
- free((char *)lifetm_ary);
- break;
- case N_Bar: {
- struct val_loc *fail_flg;
- /*
- * Allocate an integer variable to keep track of whether the
- * repeated alternation should fail when execution reaches
- * the top of its loop, and generate code to initialize the
- * variable to 0.
- */
- fail_flg = itmp_loc(alc_itmp(n->intrnl_lftm));
- cd = alc_ary(2);
- cd->ElemTyp(0) = A_ValLoc;
- cd->ValLoc(0) = fail_flg;
- cd->ElemTyp(1) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(1) = " = 0;";
- cd_add(cd);
- /*
- * Code at the top of the repeated alternation loop checks
- * the failure flag.
- */
- lbl1 = alc_lbl("rep alt", 0);
- cd_add(lbl1);
- cd = NewCode(2);
- cd->cd_id = C_If;
- cd1 = alc_ary(1);
- cd1->ElemTyp(0) = A_ValLoc;
- cd1->ValLoc(0) = fail_flg;
- cd->Cond = cd1;
- cd->ThenStmt = sig_cd(on_failure, cur_fnc);
- cd_add(cd);
- /*
- * If the expression fails without producing a value, the
- * repeated alternation must fail.
- */
- cd = alc_ary(2);
- cd->ElemTyp(0) = A_ValLoc;
- cd->ValLoc(0) = fail_flg;
- cd->ElemTyp(1) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(1) = " = 1;";
- cd_add(cd);
- /*
- * Generate code for the repeated expression. If it produces
- * a value before before backtracking occurs, the loop is
- * repeated as indicated by the value of the failure flag.
- */
- on_failure = lbl1;
- rslt = gencode(Tree0(n), rslt);
- cd = alc_ary(2);
- cd->ElemTyp(0) = A_ValLoc;
- cd->ValLoc(0) = fail_flg;
- cd->ElemTyp(1) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(1) = " = 0;";
- cd_add(cd);
- }
- break;
- case N_Break:
- if (loop_info == NULL) {
- nfatal(n, "invalid context for a break expression", NULL);
- rslt = &ignore;
- break;
- }
- /*
- * If the break is in a different string scanning context from the
- * loop itself, generate code to restore the scanning environment.
- */
- if (nxt_scan != loop_info->scan_info)
- restr_env(loop_info->scan_info->outer_sub,
- loop_info->scan_info->outer_pos);
- if (Tree0(n)->n_type == N_Empty && loop_info->rslt == &ignore) {
- /*
- * The break has no associated expression and the loop needs
- * no value, so just branch out of the loop.
- */
- cd_add(sig_cd(loop_info->end_loop, cur_fnc));
- }
- else {
- /*
- * The code for the expression associated with the break is
- * actually placed at the end of the loop. Go there and
- * add a label to branch to.
- */
- cursor_sav = cur_fnc->cursor;
- fnc_sav = cur_fnc;
- fail_sav = on_failure;
- cur_fnc = loop_info->end_loop->Container;
- cur_fnc->cursor = loop_info->end_loop->prev;
- on_failure = loop_info->on_failure;
- lbl1 = alc_lbl("break", 0);
- cd_add(lbl1);
- /*
- * Make sure a result location has been allocated for the
- * loop, restore the loop information for the next outer
- * loop, generate code for the break expression, then
- * restore the loop information for this loop.
- */
- loop_info->rslt = chk_alc(loop_info->rslt, Tree0(n)->lifetime);
- li_sav = loop_info;
- loop_info = loop_info->prev;
- gencode(Tree0(n), li_sav->rslt);
- loop_info = li_sav;
- /*
- * If this or another break expression suspends so we cannot
- * just branch to the end of the loop, all breaks must
- * call a common continuation.
- */
- if (cur_fnc->cursor->next != loop_info->end_loop &&
- loop_info->succ_cont == NULL)
- loop_info->succ_cont = alc_fnc();
- if (loop_info->succ_cont == NULL)
- cd_add(mk_goto(loop_info->end_loop)); /* go to end of loop */
- else
- callc_add(loop_info->succ_cont); /* call continuation */
- /*
- * Return to the location of the break and generate a branch to
- * the code for its associated expression.
- */
- cur_fnc = fnc_sav;
- cur_fnc->cursor = cursor_sav;
- on_failure = fail_sav;
- cd_add(sig_cd(lbl1, cur_fnc));
- }
- rslt = &ignore; /* shouldn't be used but must be something valid */
- break;
- case N_Case:
- rslt = gen_case(n, rslt);
- break;
- case N_Create:
- rslt = gen_creat(n, rslt);
- break;
- case N_Cset:
- case N_Int:
- case N_Real:
- case N_Str:
- cd = NewCode(2);
- cd->cd_id = C_Lit;
- rslt = chk_alc(rslt, n->lifetime);
- cd->Rslt = rslt;
- cd->Literal = CSym0(n);
- cd_add(cd);
- break;
- case N_Empty:
- /*
- * Assume null value is needed.
- */
- if (rslt == &ignore)
- break;
- rslt = chk_alc(rslt, n->lifetime);
- cd_add(asgn_null(rslt));
- break;
- case N_Field:
- rslt = field_ref(n, rslt);
- break;
- case N_Id:
- /*
- * If the variable reference is not going to be used, don't bother
- * building it.
- */
- if (rslt == &ignore)
- break;
- cd = NewCode(2);
- cd->cd_id = C_NamedVar;
- rslt = chk_alc(rslt, n->lifetime);
- cd->Rslt = rslt;
- cd->NamedVar = LSym0(n);
- cd_add(cd);
- break;
- case N_If:
- if (Type(Tree2(n)) == N_Empty) {
- /*
- * if-then. Control clause is bounded, but otherwise trivial.
- */
- bound(Tree0(n), &ignore, 0); /* control clause */
- rslt = gencode(Tree1(n), rslt); /* then clause */
- }
- else {
- /*
- * if-then-else. Establish an "else" label as the failure
- * label of the bounded control clause.
- */
- fail_sav = on_failure;
- fnc_sav = cur_fnc;
- lbl1 = alc_lbl("else", 0);
- on_failure = lbl1;
- bound(Tree0(n), &ignore, 0); /* control clause */
- cd_add(lbl1);
- cur_fnc->cursor = lbl1->prev; /* then clause goes before else lbl */
- on_failure = fail_sav;
- rslt = chk_alc(rslt, n->lifetime);
- gencode(Tree1(n), rslt); /* then clause */
- /*
- * If the then clause is not a generator, execution can
- * just go to the end of the if-then-else expression. If it
- * is a generator, the continuation for the expression must be
- * in a separate function.
- */
- if (cur_fnc->cursor->next == lbl1) {
- fnc = NULL;
- lbl2 = alc_lbl("end if", 0);
- cd_add(mk_goto(lbl2));
- cur_fnc->cursor = lbl1;
- cd_add(lbl2);
- }
- else {
- lbl2 = NULL;
- fnc = alc_fnc();
- callc_add(fnc);
- cur_fnc = fnc_sav;
- }
- cur_fnc->cursor = lbl1; /* else clause goes after label */
- on_failure = fail_sav;
- gencode(Tree2(n), rslt); /* else clause */
- /*
- * If the else clause is not a generator, execution is at
- * the end of the if-then-else expression, but the if clause
- * may have forced the continuation to be in a separate function.
- * If the else clause is a generator, it forces the continuation
- * to be in a separate function.
- */
- if (fnc == NULL) {
- if (cur_fnc->cursor->next == lbl2)
- cur_fnc->cursor = lbl2;
- else {
- fnc = alc_fnc();
- callc_add(fnc);
- /*
- * The then clause is not a generator, so it has branched
- * to lbl2. We must add a call to the continuation there.
- */
- cur_fnc = fnc_sav;
- cur_fnc->cursor = lbl2;
- on_failure = fail_sav;
- callc_add(fnc);
- }
- }
- else
- callc_add(fnc);
- if (fnc != NULL) {
- /*
- * We produced a continuation for the if-then-else, so code
- * generation must proceed in it.
- */
- cur_fnc = fnc;
- on_failure = &resume;
- }
- }
- break;
- case N_Invok:
- /*
- * General invocation.
- */
- nargs = Val0(n);
- if (Tree1(n)->n_type == N_Empty) {
- /*
- * Mutual evaluation.
- */
- for (i = 2; i <= nargs; ++i)
- gencode(n->n_field[i].n_ptr, &ignore); /* arg i - 1 */
- rslt = chk_alc(rslt, n->lifetime);
- gencode(n->n_field[nargs + 1].n_ptr, rslt); /* last argument */
- }
- else {
- ++nargs; /* consider the procedure an argument to invoke() */
- frst_arg = gen_args(n, 1, nargs);
- setloc(n);
- /*
- * Assume this operation uses its result location as a work
- * area. Give it a location that is tended, where the value
- * is retained as long as the operation can be resumed.
- */
- if (rslt == &ignore)
- rslt = NULL; /* force allocation of temporary */
- rslt = chk_alc(rslt, max_lftm(n->lifetime, n->intrnl_lftm));
- mk_callop( "invoke", DoesRet | DoesFail | DoesSusp, frst_arg, nargs,
- rslt, 0);
- }
- break;
- case N_InvOp:
- rslt = inv_op(n, rslt);
- break;
- case N_InvProc:
- rslt = inv_prc(n, rslt);
- break;
- case N_InvRec: {
- /*
- * Directly invoke a record constructor.
- */
- struct rentry *rec;
- nargs = Val0(n); /* number of arguments */
- frst_arg = gen_args(n, 2, nargs);
- setloc(n);
- rec = Rec1(n);
- rslt = chk_alc(rslt, n->lifetime);
- /*
- * If error conversion can occur then the record constructor may
- * fail and we must check the signal.
- */
- if (err_conv) {
- sbuf = (char *)alloc((unsigned int)(strlen(rec->name) +
- strlen("signal = R_") + PrfxSz + 1));
- sprintf(sbuf, "signal = R%s_%s(", rec->prefix, rec->name);
- }
- else {
- sbuf = (char *)alloc((unsigned int)(strlen(rec->name) + PrfxSz +4));
- sprintf(sbuf, "R%s_%s(", rec->prefix, rec->name);
- }
- cd = alc_ary(9);
- cd->ElemTyp(0) = A_Str; /* constructor name */
- cd->Str(0) = sbuf;
- cd->ElemTyp(1) = A_Intgr; /* number of arguments */
- cd->Intgr(1) = nargs;
- cd->ElemTyp(2) = A_Str; /* , */
- cd->Str(2) = ", ";
- if (frst_arg == NULL) { /* location of first argument */
- cd->ElemTyp(3) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(3) = "NULL";
- cd->ElemTyp(4) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(4) = "";
- }
- else {
- cd->ElemTyp(3) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(3) = "&";
- cd->ElemTyp(4) = A_ValLoc;
- cd->ValLoc(4) = frst_arg;
- }
- cd->ElemTyp(5) = A_Str; /* , */
- cd->Str(5) = ", ";
- cd->ElemTyp(6) = A_Str; /* location of result */
- cd->Str(6) = "&";
- cd->ElemTyp(7) = A_ValLoc;
- cd->ValLoc(7) = rslt;
- cd->ElemTyp(8) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(8) = ");";
- cd_add(cd);
- if (err_conv) {
- cd = NewCode(2);
- cd->cd_id = C_If;
- cd1 = alc_ary(1);
- cd1->ElemTyp(0) = A_Str;
- cd1->Str(0) = "signal == A_Resume";
- cd->Cond = cd1;
- cd->ThenStmt = sig_cd(on_failure, cur_fnc);
- cd_add(cd);
- }
- }
- break;
- case N_Limit:
- rslt = gen_lim(n, rslt);
- break;
- case N_Loop: {
- struct loop_info li;
- /*
- * Set up loop information for use by break and next expressions.
- */
- li.end_loop = alc_lbl("end loop", 0);
- cd_add(li.end_loop);
- cur_fnc->cursor = li.end_loop->prev; /* loop goes before label */
- li.rslt = rslt;
- li.on_failure = on_failure;
- li.scan_info = nxt_scan;
- li.succ_cont = NULL;
- li.prev = loop_info;
- loop_info = &li;
- switch ((int)Val0(Tree0(n))) {
- case EVERY:
- /*
- * "next" in the control clause just fails.
- */
- li.next_lbl = &next_fail;
- gencode(Tree1(n), &ignore); /* control clause */
- /*
- * "next" in the do clause transfers control to the
- * statement at the end of the loop that resumes the
- * control clause.
- */
- li.next_lbl = alc_lbl("next", 0);
- bound(Tree2(n), &ignore, 1); /* do clause */
- cd_add(li.next_lbl);
- cd_add(sig_cd(on_failure, cur_fnc)); /* resume control clause */
- break;
- case REPEAT:
- li.next_lbl = alc_lbl("repeat", 0);
- cd_add(li.next_lbl);
- bound(Tree1(n), &ignore, 1);
- cd_add(mk_goto(li.next_lbl));
- break;
- case SUSPEND: /* suspension expression */
- if (create_lvl > 0) {
- nfatal(n, "invalid context for suspend", NULL);
- return &ignore;
- }
- /*
- * "next" in the control clause just fails. The result
- * of the control clause goes in the procedure return
- * location.
- */
- li.next_lbl = &next_fail;
- genretval(n, Tree1(n), &proc_rslt);
- /*
- * If necessary, swap scanning environments before suspending.
- * if there is no success continuation, just return.
- */
- if (nxt_scan != &scan_base) {
- save_env(scan_base.inner_sub, scan_base.inner_pos);
- restr_env(scan_base.outer_sub, scan_base.outer_pos);
- }
- cd = NewCode(2);
- cd->cd_id = C_If;
- cd1 = alc_ary(2);
- cd1->ElemTyp(0) = A_ProcCont;
- cd1->ElemTyp(1) = A_Str;
- cd1->Str(1) = " == NULL";
- cd->Cond = cd1;
- cd->ThenStmt = sig_cd(p_ret_lbl, cur_fnc);
- cd_add(cd);
- cd = NewCode(0);
- cd->cd_id = C_PSusp;
- cd_add(cd);
- cur_fnc->flag |= CF_ForeignSig;
- /*
- * Force updating file name and line number, and if needed,
- * switch scanning environments before resuming.
- */
- lastfiln = NULL;
- lastline = 0;
- if (nxt_scan != &scan_base) {
- save_env(scan_base.outer_sub, scan_base.outer_pos);
- restr_env(scan_base.inner_sub, scan_base.inner_pos);
- }
- /*
- * "next" in the do clause transfers control to the
- * statement at the end of the loop that resumes the
- * control clause.
- */
- li.next_lbl = alc_lbl("next", 0);
- bound(Tree2(n), &ignore, 1); /* do clause */
- cd_add(li.next_lbl);
- cd_add(sig_cd(on_failure, cur_fnc));
- break;
- case WHILE:
- li.next_lbl = alc_lbl("while", 0);
- cd_add(li.next_lbl);
- /*
- * The control clause and do clause are both bounded expressions,
- * but only the do clause establishes a new failure label.
- */
- bound(Tree1(n), &ignore, 0); /* control clause */
- bound(Tree2(n), &ignore, 1); /* do clause */
- cd_add(mk_goto(li.next_lbl));
- break;
- case UNTIL:
- fail_sav = on_failure;
- li.next_lbl = alc_lbl("until", 0);
- cd_add(li.next_lbl);
- /*
- * If the control clause fails, execution continues in
- * the loop.
- */
- if (Type(Tree2(n)) == N_Empty)
- on_failure = li.next_lbl;
- else {
- lbl2 = alc_lbl("do", 0);
- on_failure = lbl2;
- cd_add(lbl2);
- cur_fnc->cursor = lbl2->prev; /* control before label */
- }
- bound(Tree1(n), &ignore, 0); /* control clause */
- /*
- * If the control clause succeeds, the loop fails.
- */
- cd_add(sig_cd(fail_sav, cur_fnc));
- if (Type(Tree2(n)) != N_Empty) {
- /*
- * Do clause goes after the label and the loop repeats.
- */
- cur_fnc->cursor = lbl2;
- bound(Tree2(n), &ignore, 1); /* do clause */
- cd_add(mk_goto(li.next_lbl));
- }
- break;
- }
- /*
- * Go to the end of the loop and see if the loop's success continuation
- * is in a separate function.
- */
- cur_fnc = li.end_loop->Container;
- cur_fnc->cursor = li.end_loop;
- if (li.succ_cont != NULL) {
- callc_add(li.succ_cont);
- cur_fnc = li.succ_cont;
- on_failure = &resume;
- }
- if (li.rslt == NULL)
- rslt = &ignore; /* shouldn't be used but must be something valid */
- else
- rslt = li.rslt;
- loop_info = li.prev;
- break;
- }
- case N_Next:
- /*
- * In some contexts "next" just fails. In other contexts it
- * transfers control to a label, in which case it may have
- * to restore a scanning environment.
- */
- if (loop_info == NULL)
- nfatal(n, "invalid context for a next expression", NULL);
- else if (loop_info->next_lbl == &next_fail)
- cd_add(sig_cd(on_failure, cur_fnc));
- else {
- if (nxt_scan != loop_info->scan_info)
- restr_env(loop_info->scan_info->outer_sub,
- loop_info->scan_info->outer_pos);
- cd_add(sig_cd(loop_info->next_lbl, cur_fnc));
- }
- rslt = &ignore; /* shouldn't be used but must be something valid */
- break;
- case N_Not:
- lbl1 = alc_lbl("not", 0);
- fail_sav = on_failure;
- on_failure = lbl1;
- cd_add(lbl1);
- cur_fnc->cursor = lbl1->prev; /* code goes before label */
- bound(Tree0(n), &ignore, 0);
- on_failure = fail_sav;
- cd_add(sig_cd(on_failure, cur_fnc)); /* convert success to failure */
- cur_fnc->cursor = lbl1; /* convert failure to null */
- if (rslt != &ignore) {
- rslt = chk_alc(rslt, n->lifetime);
- cd_add(asgn_null(rslt));
- }
- break;
- case N_Ret:
- if (create_lvl > 0) {
- nfatal(n, "invalid context for return or fail", NULL);
- return &ignore;
- }
- if (Val0(Tree0(n)) == RETURN) {
- /*
- * Set up the failure action of the return expression to do a
- * procedure fail.
- */
- if (nxt_scan != &scan_base) {
- /*
- * we must switch scanning environments if the expression fails.
- */
- lbl1 = alc_lbl("return fail", 0);
- cd_add(lbl1);
- restr_env(scan_base.outer_sub, scan_base.outer_pos);
- cd_add(sig_cd(p_fail_lbl, cur_fnc));
- cur_fnc->cursor = lbl1->prev; /* code goes before label */
- on_failure = lbl1;
- }
- else
- on_failure = p_fail_lbl;
- /*
- * Produce code to place return value in procedure result location.
- */
- genretval(n, Tree1(n), &proc_rslt);
- /*
- * See if a scanning environment must be restored and
- * transfer control to the procedure return code.
- */
- if (nxt_scan != &scan_base)
- restr_env(scan_base.outer_sub, scan_base.outer_pos);
- cd_add(sig_cd(p_ret_lbl, cur_fnc));
- }
- else {
- /*
- * fail. See if a scanning environment must be restored and
- * transfer control to the procedure failure code.
- */
- if (nxt_scan != &scan_base)
- restr_env(scan_base.outer_sub, scan_base.outer_pos);
- cd_add(sig_cd(p_fail_lbl, cur_fnc));
- }
- rslt = &ignore; /* shouldn't be used but must be something valid */
- break;
- case N_Scan:
- rslt = gen_scan(n, rslt);
- break;
- case N_Sect:
- /*
- * x[i+:j] or x[i-:j] (x[i:j] handled as ordinary operator)
- */
- impl1 = Impl0(n); /* sectioning */
- if (impl1 == NULL) {
- rslt = &ignore; /* make sure code generation can continue */
- break;
- }
- implproto(impl1);
- impl = Impl1(n); /* plus or minus */
- /*
- * Allocate work area of temporary variables for sectioning.
- */
- lifetm_ary = alc_lftm(3, NULL);
- lifetm_ary[0].cur_status = Tree2(n)->postn;
- lifetm_ary[0].lifetime = n->intrnl_lftm;
- lifetm_ary[1].cur_status = Tree3(n)->postn;
- lifetm_ary[1].lifetime = n->intrnl_lftm;
- lifetm_ary[2].cur_status = n->postn;
- lifetm_ary[2].lifetime = n->intrnl_lftm;
- tmp_indx = alc_tmp(3, lifetm_ary);
- for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
- r1[i] = tmp_loc(tmp_indx++);
- gencode(Tree2(n), r1[0]); /* generate code to compute x */
- gencode(Tree3(n), r1[1]); /* generate code compute i */
- /*
- * Allocate work area of temporary variables for arithmetic.
- */
- lifetm_ary[0].cur_status = InUse;
- lifetm_ary[0].lifetime = Tree3(n)->lifetime;
- lifetm_ary[1].cur_status = Tree4(n)->postn;
- lifetm_ary[1].lifetime = Tree4(n)->lifetime;
- tmp_indx = alc_tmp(2, lifetm_ary);
- for (i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
- r2[i] = tmp_loc(tmp_indx++);
- cd_add(mk_cpyval(r2[0], r1[1])); /* generate code to copy i */
- gencode(Tree4(n), r2[1]); /* generate code to compute j */
- /*
- * generate code for i op j.
- */
- setloc(n);
- implproto(impl);
- mk_callop(oper_name(impl), impl->ret_flag, r2[0], 2, r1[2], 0);
- /*
- * generate code for x[i : (i op j)]
- */
- rslt = chk_alc(rslt, n->lifetime);
- mk_callop(oper_name(impl1),impl1->ret_flag,r1[0],3,rslt,0);
- free((char *)lifetm_ary);
- break;
- case N_Slist:
- bound(Tree0(n), &ignore, 1);
- rslt = gencode(Tree1(n), rslt);
- break;
- case N_SmplAsgn: {
- struct val_loc *var, *val;
- /*
- * Optimized assignment to a named variable. Use information
- * from type inferencing to determine if the right-hand-side
- * is a variable.
- */
- var = var_ref(LSym0(Tree2(n)));
- if (HasVar(varsubtyp(Tree3(n)->type, &single)))
- Val0(n) = AsgnDeref;
- if (single != NULL) {
- /*
- * Right-hand-side results in a named variable. Compute
- * the expression but don't bother saving the result, we
- * know what it is. Assignment just copies value from
- * one variable to the other.
- */
- gencode(Tree3(n), &ignore);
- val = var_ref(single);
- cd_add(mk_cpyval(var, val));
- }
- else switch (Val0(n)) {
- case AsgnDirect:
- /*
- * It is safe to compute the result directly into the variable.
- */
- gencode(Tree3(n), var);
- break;
- case AsgnCopy:
- /*
- * The result is not a variable reference, but it is not
- * safe to compute it into the variable, we must use a
- * temporary variable.
- */
- val = gencode(Tree3(n), NULL);
- cd_add(mk_cpyval(var, val));
- break;
- case AsgnDeref:
- /*
- * We must dereference the result into the variable.
- */
- val = gencode(Tree3(n), NULL);
- deref_cd(val, var);
- break;
- }
- /*
- * If the assignment has to produce a result, construct the
- * variable reference.
- */
- if (rslt != &ignore)
- rslt = gencode(Tree2(n), rslt);
- }
- break;
- case N_SmplAug: {
- /*
- * Optimized augmented assignment to a named variable.
- */
- struct val_loc *var, *val;
- impl = Impl1(n); /* the operation */
- if (impl == NULL) {
- rslt = &ignore; /* make sure code generation can continue */
- break;
- }
- implproto(impl); /* insure prototype for operation */
- /*
- * Generate code to compute the arguments for the operation.
- */
- frst_arg = gen_args(n, 2, 2);
- setloc(n);
- /*
- * Use information from type inferencing to determine if the
- * operation produces a variable.
- */
- if (HasVar(varsubtyp(Typ4(n), &single)))
- Val0(n) = AsgnDeref;
- var = var_ref(LSym0(Tree2(n)));
- if (single != NULL) {
- /*
- * The operation results in a named variable. Call the operation
- * but don't bother saving the result, we know what it is.
- * Assignment just copies value from one variable to the other.
- */
- mk_callop(oper_name(impl), impl->ret_flag, frst_arg, 2,
- &ignore, 0);
- val = var_ref(single);
- cd_add(mk_cpyval(var, val));
- }
- else switch (Val0(n)) {
- case AsgnDirect:
- /*
- * It is safe to compute the result directly into the variable.
- */
- mk_callop(oper_name(impl), impl->ret_flag, frst_arg, 2,
- var, 0);
- break;
- case AsgnCopy:
- /*
- * The result is not a variable reference, but it is not
- * safe to compute it into the variable, we must use a
- * temporary variable.
- */
- val = chk_alc(NULL, n);
- mk_callop(oper_name(impl), impl->ret_flag, frst_arg, 2, val, 0);
- cd_add(mk_cpyval(var, val));
- break;
- case AsgnDeref:
- /*
- * We must dereference the result into the variable.
- */
- val = chk_alc(NULL, n);
- mk_callop(oper_name(impl), impl->ret_flag, frst_arg, 2, val, 0);
- deref_cd(val, var);
- break;
- }
- /*
- * If the assignment has to produce a result, construct the
- * variable reference.
- */
- if (rslt != &ignore)
- rslt = gencode(Tree2(n), rslt);
- }
- break;
- default:
- fprintf(stderr, "compiler error: node type %d unknown\n", n->n_type);
- }
- /*
- * Free any temporaries whose lifetime ends at this node.
- */
- freetmp = n->freetmp;
- while (freetmp != NULL) {
- switch (freetmp->kind) {
- case DescTmp:
- tmp_status[freetmp->indx] = freetmp->old;
- break;
- case CIntTmp:
- itmp_status[freetmp->indx] = freetmp->old;
- break;
- case CDblTmp:
- dtmp_status[freetmp->indx] = freetmp->old;
- break;
- case SBuf:
- sbuf_status[freetmp->indx] = freetmp->old;
- break;
- case CBuf:
- cbuf_status[freetmp->indx] = freetmp->old;
- break;
- }
- ft = freetmp->next;
- freetmp->next = freetmp_pool;
- freetmp_pool = freetmp;
- freetmp = ft;
- }
- return rslt;
- }
- * chk_alc - make sure a result location has been allocated. If it is
- * a temporary variable, indicate that it is now in use.
- */
-struct val_loc *chk_alc(rslt, lifetime)
-struct val_loc *rslt;
-nodeptr lifetime;
- {
- struct tmplftm tmplftm;
- if (rslt == NULL) {
- if (lifetime == NULL)
- rslt = &ignore;
- else {
- tmplftm.cur_status = InUse;
- tmplftm.lifetime = lifetime;
- rslt = tmp_loc(alc_tmp(1, &tmplftm));
- }
- }
- else if (rslt->loc_type == V_Temp)
- tmp_status[rslt->u.tmp] = InUse;
- return rslt;
- }
- * mk_goto - make a code structure for goto label
- */
-struct code *mk_goto(label)
-struct code *label;
- {
- register struct code *cd;
- cd = NewCode(1); /* # fields == # fields of C_RetSig & C_Break */
- cd->cd_id = C_Goto;
- cd->next = NULL;
- cd->prev = NULL;
- cd->Lbl = label;
- ++label->RefCnt;
- return cd;
- }
- * mk_cpyval - make code to copy a value from one location to another.
- */
-static struct code *mk_cpyval(loc1, loc2)
-struct val_loc *loc1;
-struct val_loc *loc2;
- {
- struct code *cd;
- cd = alc_ary(4);
- cd->ElemTyp(0) = A_ValLoc;
- cd->ValLoc(0) = loc1;
- cd->ElemTyp(1) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(1) = " = ";
- cd->ElemTyp(2) = A_ValLoc;
- cd->ValLoc(2) = loc2;
- cd->ElemTyp(3) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(3) = ";";
- return cd;
- }
- * asgn_null - make code to assign the null value to a location.
- */
-static struct code *asgn_null(loc1)
-struct val_loc *loc1;
- {
- struct code *cd;
- cd = alc_ary(2);
- cd->ElemTyp(0) = A_ValLoc;
- cd->ValLoc(0) = loc1;
- cd->ElemTyp(1) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(1) = " = nulldesc;";
- return cd;
- }
- * oper_name - create the name for the most general implementation of an Icon
- * operation.
- */
-static char *oper_name(impl)
-struct implement *impl;
- {
- char *sbuf;
- sbuf = (char *)alloc((unsigned int)(strlen(impl->name) + 5));
- sprintf(sbuf, "%c%c%c_%s", impl->oper_typ, impl->prefix[0], impl->prefix[1],
- impl->name);
- return sbuf;
- }
- * gen_args - generate code to evaluate an argument list.
- */
-static struct val_loc *gen_args(n, frst_arg, nargs)
-struct node *n;
-int frst_arg;
-int nargs;
- {
- struct tmplftm *lifetm_ary;
- int i;
- int tmp_indx;
- if (nargs == 0)
- return NULL;
- lifetm_ary = alc_lftm(nargs, &n->n_field[frst_arg]);
- tmp_indx = alc_tmp(nargs, lifetm_ary);
- for (i = 0; i < nargs; ++i)
- gencode(n->n_field[frst_arg + i].n_ptr, tmp_loc(tmp_indx + i));
- free((char *)lifetm_ary);
- return tmp_loc(tmp_indx);
- }
- * gen_case - generate code for a case expression.
- */
-static struct val_loc *gen_case(n, rslt)
-struct node *n;
-struct val_loc *rslt;
- {
- struct node *control;
- struct node *cases;
- struct node *deflt;
- struct node *clause;
- struct val_loc *r1;
- struct val_loc *r2;
- struct val_loc *r3;
- struct code *cd;
- struct code *cd1;
- struct code *fail_sav;
- struct code *skp_lbl;
- struct code *cd_lbl;
- struct code *end_lbl;
- struct c_fnc *fnc_sav;
- struct c_fnc *succ_cont = NULL;
- control = Tree0(n);
- cases = Tree1(n);
- deflt = Tree2(n);
- /*
- * The control clause is bounded.
- */
- r1 = chk_alc(NULL, n);
- bound(control, r1, 0);
- /*
- * Remember the context in which the case expression occurs and
- * establish a label at the end of the expression.
- */
- fail_sav = on_failure;
- fnc_sav = cur_fnc;
- end_lbl = alc_lbl("end case", 0);
- cd_add(end_lbl);
- cur_fnc->cursor = end_lbl->prev; /* generate code before the end label */
- /*
- * All cases share the result location of the case expression.
- */
- rslt = chk_alc(rslt, n->lifetime);
- r2 = chk_alc(NULL, n); /* for result of selection clause */
- r3 = chk_alc(NULL, n); /* for dereferenced result of control clause */
- while (cases != NULL) {
- /*
- * See if we are at the end of the case clause list.
- */
- if (cases->n_type == N_Ccls) {
- clause = cases;
- cases = NULL;
- }
- else {
- clause = Tree1(cases);
- cases = Tree0(cases);
- }
- /*
- * If the evaluation of the selection code or the comparison of
- * its value to the control clause fail, execution will proceed
- * to the "skip clause" label and on to the next case.
- */
- skp_lbl = alc_lbl("skip clause", 0);
- on_failure = skp_lbl;
- cd_add(skp_lbl);
- cur_fnc->cursor = skp_lbl->prev; /* generate code before end label */
- /*
- * Bound the selection code for this clause.
- */
- cd_lbl = alc_lbl("selected code", Bounding);
- cd_add(cd_lbl);
- cur_fnc->cursor = cd_lbl->prev;
- gencode(Tree0(clause), r2);
- /*
- * Dereference the results of the control clause and the selection
- * clause and compare them.
- */
- setloc(clause);
- deref_cd(r1, r3);
- deref_cd(r2, r2);
- cd = NewCode(2);
- cd->cd_id = C_If;
- cd1 = alc_ary(5);
- cd1->ElemTyp(0) = A_Str;
- cd1->Str(0) = "!equiv(&";
- cd1->ElemTyp(1) = A_ValLoc;
- cd1->ValLoc(1) = r3;
- cd->Cond = cd1;
- cd1->ElemTyp(2) = A_Str;
- cd1->Str(2) = ", &";
- cd1->ElemTyp(3) = A_ValLoc;
- cd1->ValLoc(3) = r2;
- cd1->ElemTyp(4) = A_Str;
- cd1->Str(4) = ")";
- cd->ThenStmt = sig_cd(on_failure, cur_fnc);
- cd_add(cd);
- cd_add(sig_cd(cd_lbl, cur_fnc)); /* transfer control to bounding label */
- /*
- * Generate code for the body of this clause after the bounding label.
- */
- cur_fnc = fnc_sav;
- cur_fnc->cursor = cd_lbl;
- on_failure = fail_sav;
- gencode(Tree1(clause), rslt);
- /*
- * If this clause is a generator, call the success continuation
- * for the case expression, otherwise branch to the end of the
- * expression.
- */
- if (cur_fnc->cursor->next != skp_lbl) {
- if (succ_cont == NULL)
- succ_cont = alc_fnc(); /* allocate a continuation function */
- callc_add(succ_cont);
- cur_fnc = fnc_sav;
- }
- else
- cd_add(mk_goto(end_lbl));
- /*
- * The code for the next clause goes after the "skip" label of
- * this clause.
- */
- cur_fnc->cursor = skp_lbl;
- }
- if (deflt == NULL)
- cd_add(sig_cd(fail_sav, cur_fnc)); /* default action is failure */
- else {
- /*
- * There is an explicit default action.
- */
- on_failure = fail_sav;
- gencode(deflt, rslt);
- if (cur_fnc->cursor->next != end_lbl) {
- if (succ_cont == NULL)
- succ_cont = alc_fnc();
- callc_add(succ_cont);
- cur_fnc = fnc_sav;
- }
- }
- cur_fnc->cursor = end_lbl;
- /*
- * If some clauses are generators but others have transferred control
- * to here, we must call the success continuation of the case
- * expression and generate subsequent code there.
- */
- if (succ_cont != NULL) {
- on_failure = fail_sav;
- callc_add(succ_cont);
- cur_fnc = succ_cont;
- on_failure = &resume;
- }
- return rslt;
- }
- * gen_creat - generate code to create a co-expression.
- */
-static struct val_loc *gen_creat(n, rslt)
-struct node *n;
-struct val_loc *rslt;
- {
- struct code *cd;
- struct code *fail_sav;
- struct code *fail_lbl;
- struct c_fnc *fnc_sav;
- struct c_fnc *fnc;
- struct val_loc *co_rslt;
- struct freetmp *ft;
- char sav_prfx[PrfxSz];
- int *tmp_sv;
- int *itmp_sv;
- int *dtmp_sv;
- int *sbuf_sv;
- int *cbuf_sv;
- int ntmp_sv;
- int nitmp_sv;
- int ndtmp_sv;
- int nsbuf_sv;
- int ncbuf_sv;
- int stat_sz_sv;
- int istat_sz_sv;
- int dstat_sz_sv;
- int sstat_sz_sv;
- int cstat_sz_sv;
- int i;
- rslt = chk_alc(rslt, n->lifetime);
- fail_sav = on_failure;
- fnc_sav = cur_fnc;
- for (i = 0; i < PrfxSz; ++i)
- sav_prfx[i] = frm_prfx[i];
- /*
- * Temporary variables are allocated independently for the co-expression.
- */
- tmp_sv = tmp_status;
- itmp_sv = itmp_status;
- dtmp_sv = dtmp_status;
- sbuf_sv = sbuf_status;
- cbuf_sv = cbuf_status;
- stat_sz_sv = status_sz;
- istat_sz_sv = istatus_sz;
- dstat_sz_sv = dstatus_sz;
- sstat_sz_sv = sstatus_sz;
- cstat_sz_sv = cstatus_sz;
- ntmp_sv = num_tmp;
- nitmp_sv = num_itmp;
- ndtmp_sv = num_dtmp;
- nsbuf_sv = num_sbuf;
- ncbuf_sv = num_cbuf;
- tmp_status = (int *)alloc((unsigned int)(status_sz * sizeof(int)));
- itmp_status = (int *)alloc((unsigned int)(istatus_sz * sizeof(int)));
- dtmp_status = (int *)alloc((unsigned int)(dstatus_sz * sizeof(int)));
- sbuf_status = (int *)alloc((unsigned int)(sstatus_sz * sizeof(int)));
- cbuf_status = (int *)alloc((unsigned int)(cstatus_sz * sizeof(int)));
- for (i = 0; i < status_sz; ++i)
- tmp_status[i] = NotAlloc;
- for (i = 0; i < istatus_sz; ++i)
- itmp_status[i] = NotAlloc;
- for (i = 0; i < dstatus_sz; ++i)
- dtmp_status[i] = NotAlloc;
- for (i = 0; i < sstatus_sz; ++i)
- sbuf_status[i] = NotAlloc;
- for (i = 0; i < cstatus_sz; ++i)
- cbuf_status[i] = NotAlloc;
- num_tmp = 0;
- num_itmp = 0;
- num_dtmp = 0;
- num_sbuf = 0;
- num_cbuf = 0;
- /*
- * Put code for co-expression in separate function. We will need a new
- * type of procedure frame which contains copies of local variables,
- * copies of arguments, and temporaries for use by the co-expression.
- */
- fnc = alc_fnc();
- fnc->ref_cnt = 1;
- fnc->flag |= CF_Coexpr;
- ChkPrefix(fnc->prefix);
- for (i = 0; i < PrfxSz; ++i)
- frm_prfx[i] = fnc->frm_prfx[i] = fnc->prefix[i];
- cur_fnc = fnc;
- /*
- * Set up a co-expression failure label followed by a context switch
- * and a branch back to the failure label.
- */
- fail_lbl = alc_lbl("co_fail", 0);
- cd_add(fail_lbl);
- lastline = 0; /* force setting line number so tracing matches interp */
- setloc(n);
- cd = alc_ary(2);
- cd->ElemTyp(0) = A_Str;
- cd->ElemTyp(1) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(0) = "co_chng(popact((struct b_coexpr *)BlkLoc(k_current)),";
- cd->Str(1) = "NULL, NULL, A_Cofail, 1);";
- cd_add(cd);
- cd_add(mk_goto(fail_lbl));
- cur_fnc->cursor = fail_lbl->prev; /* code goes before failure label */
- on_failure = fail_lbl;
- /*
- * Generate code for the co-expression body, using the same
- * dereferencing rules as for procedure return.
- */
- lastfiln = ""; /* force setting of file name and line number */
- lastline = 0;
- setloc(n);
- ++create_lvl;
- co_rslt = genretval(n, Tree0(n), NULL);
- --create_lvl;
- /*
- * If the co-expression might produce a result, generate a co-expression
- * context switch.
- */
- if (co_rslt != NULL) {
- cd = alc_ary(1);
- cd->ElemTyp(0) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(0) = "++BlkLoc(k_current)->coexpr.size;";
- cd_add(cd);
- cd = alc_ary(3);
- cd->ElemTyp(0) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(0) = "co_chng(popact((struct b_coexpr *)BlkLoc(k_current)), &";
- cd->ElemTyp(1) = A_ValLoc;
- cd->ValLoc(1) = co_rslt;
- cd->ElemTyp(2) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(2) = ", NULL, A_Coret, 1);";
- cd_add(cd);
- cd_add(sig_cd(on_failure, cur_fnc)); /* if reactivated, resume expr */
- }
- /*
- * Output the new frame definition.
- */
- prt_frame(frm_prfx, cur_proc->tnd_loc + num_tmp + Abs(cur_proc->nargs),
- num_itmp, num_dtmp, num_sbuf, num_cbuf);
- /*
- * Now return to original function and produce code to create the
- * co-expression.
- */
- cur_fnc = fnc_sav;
- for (i = 0; i < PrfxSz; ++i)
- frm_prfx[i] = sav_prfx[i];
- on_failure = fail_sav;
- lastfiln = ""; /* force setting of file name and line number */
- lastline = 0;
- setloc(n);
- cd = NewCode(5);
- cd->cd_id = C_Create;
- cd->Rslt = rslt;
- cd->Cont = fnc;
- cd->NTemps = num_tmp;
- cd->WrkSize = num_itmp;
- cd->NextCreat = cur_fnc->creatlst;
- cur_fnc->creatlst = cd;
- cd_add(cd);
- /*
- * Restore arrays for temporary variable allocation.
- */
- free((char *)tmp_status);
- free((char *)itmp_status);
- free((char *)dtmp_status);
- free((char *)sbuf_status);
- free((char *)cbuf_status);
- tmp_status = tmp_sv;
- itmp_status = itmp_sv;
- dtmp_status = dtmp_sv;
- sbuf_status = sbuf_sv;
- cbuf_status = cbuf_sv;
- status_sz = stat_sz_sv;
- istatus_sz = istat_sz_sv;
- dstatus_sz = dstat_sz_sv;
- sstatus_sz = sstat_sz_sv;
- cstatus_sz = cstat_sz_sv;
- num_tmp = ntmp_sv;
- num_itmp = nitmp_sv;
- num_dtmp = ndtmp_sv;
- num_sbuf = nsbuf_sv;
- num_cbuf = ncbuf_sv;
- /*
- * Temporary variables that exist to the end of the co-expression
- * have no meaning in the surrounding code and must not be
- * deallocated there.
- */
- while (n->freetmp != NULL) {
- ft = n->freetmp->next;
- n->freetmp->next = freetmp_pool;
- freetmp_pool = n->freetmp;
- n->freetmp = ft;
- }
- return rslt;
- }
- * gen_lim - generate code for limitation.
- */
-static struct val_loc *gen_lim(n, rslt)
-struct node *n;
-struct val_loc *rslt;
- {
- struct node *expr;
- struct node *limit;
- struct val_loc *lim_desc;
- struct code *cd;
- struct code *cd1;
- struct code *lbl;
- struct code *fail_sav;
- struct c_fnc *fnc_sav;
- struct c_fnc *succ_cont;
- struct val_loc *lim_int;
- struct lentry *single;
- int deref;
- expr = Tree0(n);
- limit = Tree1(n);
- /*
- * Generate code to compute the limitation value and dereference it.
- */
- deref = HasVar(varsubtyp(limit->type, &single));
- if (single != NULL) {
- /*
- * Limitation is in a named variable. Use value directly from
- * the variable rather than saving the result of the expression.
- */
- gencode(limit, &ignore);
- lim_desc = var_ref(single);
- }
- else {
- lim_desc = gencode(limit, NULL);
- if (deref)
- deref_cd(lim_desc, lim_desc);
- }
- setloc(n);
- fail_sav = on_failure;
- /*
- * Try to convert the limitation value into an integer.
- */
- lim_int = itmp_loc(alc_itmp(n->intrnl_lftm));
- cur_symtyps = n->symtyps;
- if (largeints || (eval_is(int_typ, 0) & MaybeFalse)) {
- /*
- * Must call the conversion routine.
- */
- lbl = alc_lbl("limit is int", 0);
- cd_add(lbl);
- cur_fnc->cursor = lbl->prev; /* conversion goes before label */
- cd = NewCode(2);
- cd->cd_id = C_If;
- cd1 = alc_ary(5);
- cd1->ElemTyp(0) = A_Str;
- cd1->Str(0) = "cnv_c_int(&";
- cd1->ElemTyp(1) = A_ValLoc;
- cd1->ValLoc(1) = lim_desc;
- cd1->ElemTyp(2) = A_Str;
- cd1->Str(2) = ", &";
- cd1->ElemTyp(3) = A_ValLoc;
- cd1->ValLoc(3) = lim_int;
- cd1->ElemTyp(4) = A_Str;
- cd1->Str(4) = ")";
- cd->Cond = cd1;
- cd->ThenStmt = mk_goto(lbl);
- cd_add(cd);
- cd = alc_ary(3);
- cd->ElemTyp(0) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(0) = "err_msg(101, &";
- cd->ElemTyp(1) = A_ValLoc;
- cd->ValLoc(1) = lim_desc;
- cd->ElemTyp(2) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(2) = ");";
- cd_add(cd);
- if (err_conv)
- cd_add(sig_cd(on_failure, cur_fnc));
- cur_fnc->cursor = lbl;
- }
- else {
- /*
- * The C integer is in the vword.
- */
- cd = alc_ary(4);
- cd->ElemTyp(0) = A_ValLoc;
- cd->ValLoc(0) = lim_int;
- cd->ElemTyp(1) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(1) = " = IntVal(";
- cd->ElemTyp(2) = A_ValLoc;
- cd->ValLoc(2) = lim_desc;
- cd->ElemTyp(3) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(3) = ");";
- cd_add(cd);
- }
- /*
- * Make sure the limitation value is positive.
- */
- lbl = alc_lbl("limit positive", 0);
- cd_add(lbl);
- cur_fnc->cursor = lbl->prev; /* code goes before label */
- cd = NewCode(2);
- cd->cd_id = C_If;
- cd1 = alc_ary(2);
- cd1->ElemTyp(0) = A_ValLoc;
- cd1->ValLoc(0) = lim_int;
- cd1->ElemTyp(1) = A_Str;
- cd1->Str(1) = " >= 0";
- cd->Cond = cd1;
- cd->ThenStmt = mk_goto(lbl);
- cd_add(cd);
- cd = alc_ary(3);
- cd->ElemTyp(0) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(0) = "err_msg(205, &";
- cd->ElemTyp(1) = A_ValLoc;
- cd->ValLoc(1) = lim_desc;
- cd->ElemTyp(2) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(2) = ");";
- cd_add(cd);
- if (err_conv)
- cd_add(sig_cd(on_failure, cur_fnc));
- cur_fnc->cursor = lbl;
- /*
- * If the limitation value is 0, fail immediately.
- */
- cd = NewCode(2);
- cd->cd_id = C_If;
- cd1 = alc_ary(2);
- cd1->ElemTyp(0) = A_ValLoc;
- cd1->ValLoc(0) = lim_int;
- cd1->ElemTyp(1) = A_Str;
- cd1->Str(1) = " == 0";
- cd->Cond = cd1;
- cd->ThenStmt = sig_cd(on_failure, cur_fnc);
- cd_add(cd);
- /*
- * Establish where to go when limit has been reached.
- */
- fnc_sav = cur_fnc;
- lbl = alc_lbl("limit", 0);
- cd_add(lbl);
- cur_fnc->cursor = lbl->prev; /* limited expression goes before label */
- /*
- * Generate code for limited expression and to check the limit value.
- */
- rslt = gencode(expr, rslt);
- cd = NewCode(2);
- cd->cd_id = C_If;
- cd1 = alc_ary(3);
- cd1->ElemTyp(0) = A_Str;
- cd1->Str(0) = "--";
- cd1->ElemTyp(1) = A_ValLoc;
- cd1->ValLoc(1) = lim_int;
- cd1->ElemTyp(2) = A_Str;
- cd1->Str(2) = " == 0";
- cd->Cond = cd1;
- cd->ThenStmt = sig_cd(lbl, cur_fnc);
- cd_add(cd);
- /*
- * Call the success continuation both here and after the limitation
- * label.
- */
- succ_cont = alc_fnc();
- callc_add(succ_cont);
- cur_fnc = fnc_sav;
- cur_fnc->cursor = lbl;
- on_failure = fail_sav;
- callc_add(succ_cont);
- cur_fnc = succ_cont;
- on_failure = &resume;
- return rslt;
- }
- * gen_apply - generate code for the apply operator, !.
- */
-static struct val_loc *gen_apply(n, rslt)
-struct node *n;
-struct val_loc *rslt;
- {
- struct val_loc *callee;
- struct val_loc *lst;
- struct code *arg_lst;
- struct code *on_ret;
- struct c_fnc *fnc;
- /*
- * Generate code to compute the two operands.
- */
- callee = gencode(Tree0(n), NULL);
- lst = gencode(Tree1(n), NULL);
- rslt = chk_alc(rslt, n->lifetime);
- setloc(n);
- /*
- * Construct argument list for apply().
- */
- arg_lst = alc_ary(6);
- arg_lst->ElemTyp(0) = A_Str;
- arg_lst->Str(0) = "&";
- arg_lst->ElemTyp(1) = A_ValLoc;
- arg_lst->ValLoc(1) = callee;
- arg_lst->ElemTyp(2) = A_Str;
- arg_lst->Str(2) = ", &";
- arg_lst->ElemTyp(3) = A_ValLoc;
- arg_lst->ValLoc(3) = lst;
- arg_lst->ElemTyp(4) = A_Str;
- arg_lst->Str(4) = ", &";
- arg_lst->ElemTyp(5) = A_ValLoc;
- arg_lst->ValLoc(5) = rslt;
- /*
- * Generate code to call apply(). Assume the operation can suspend and
- * allocate a continuation. If it returns a "continue" signal,
- * just break out of the signal handling code and fall into a call
- * to the continuation.
- */
- on_ret = NewCode(1); /* #fields for C_Break == #fields for C_Goto */
- on_ret->cd_id = C_Break;
- on_ret->next = NULL;
- on_ret->prev = NULL;
- fnc = alc_fnc(); /* success continuation */
- callo_add("apply", DoesFail | DoesRet | DoesSusp, fnc, 1, arg_lst, on_ret);
- callc_add(fnc);
- cur_fnc = fnc; /* subsequent code goes in the continuation */
- on_failure = &resume;
- return rslt;
- }
- * gen_scan - generate code for string scanning.
- */
-static struct val_loc *gen_scan(n, rslt)
-nodeptr n;
-struct val_loc *rslt;
- {
- struct node *op;
- struct node *subj;
- struct node *body;
- struct scan_info *scanp;
- struct val_loc *asgn_var;
- struct val_loc *new_subj;
- struct val_loc *scan_rslt;
- struct tmplftm *lifetm_ary;
- struct lentry *subj_single;
- struct lentry *body_single;
- struct code *cd;
- struct code *cd1;
- struct code *lbl;
- struct implement *impl;
- int subj_deref;
- int body_deref;
- int op_tok;
- int tmp_indx;
- op = Tree0(n); /* operator node '?' or '?:=' */
- subj = Tree1(n); /* subject expression */
- body = Tree2(n); /* scanning expression */
- op_tok = optab[Val0(op)].tok.t_type;
- /*
- * The location of the save areas for scanning environments is stored
- * in list so they can be accessed by expressions that transfer
- * control out of string scanning. Get the next list element and
- * allocate the save areas in the procedure frame.
- */
- scanp = nxt_scan;
- if (nxt_scan->next == NULL)
- nxt_scan->next = NewStruct(scan_info);
- nxt_scan = nxt_scan->next;
- scanp->outer_sub = chk_alc(NULL, n->intrnl_lftm);
- scanp->outer_pos = itmp_loc(alc_itmp(n->intrnl_lftm));
- scanp->inner_sub = chk_alc(NULL, n->intrnl_lftm);
- scanp->inner_pos = itmp_loc(alc_itmp(n->intrnl_lftm));
- subj_deref = HasVar(varsubtyp(subj->type, &subj_single));
- if (subj_single != NULL) {
- /*
- * The subject value is in a named variable. Use value directly from
- * the variable rather than saving the result of the expression.
- */
- gencode(subj, &ignore);
- new_subj = var_ref(subj_single);
- if (op_tok == AUGQMARK) {
- body_deref = HasVar(varsubtyp(body->type, &body_single));
- if (body_single != NULL)
- scan_rslt = &ignore; /* we know where the value will be */
- else
- scan_rslt = chk_alc(NULL, n->intrnl_lftm);
- }
- else
- scan_rslt = rslt; /* result of 2nd operand is result of scanning */
- }
- else if (op_tok == AUGQMARK) {
- /*
- * Augmented string scanning using general assignment. The operands
- * must be in consecutive locations.
- */
- lifetm_ary = alc_lftm(2, &n->n_field[1]);
- tmp_indx = alc_tmp(2, lifetm_ary);
- asgn_var = tmp_loc(tmp_indx++);
- scan_rslt = tmp_loc(tmp_indx);
- free((char *)lifetm_ary);
- gencode(subj, asgn_var);
- new_subj = chk_alc(NULL, n->intrnl_lftm);
- deref_cd(asgn_var, new_subj);
- }
- else {
- new_subj = gencode(subj, NULL);
- if (subj_deref)
- deref_cd(new_subj, new_subj);
- scan_rslt = rslt; /* result of 2nd operand is result of scanning */
- }
- /*
- * Produce code to save the old scanning environment.
- */
- setloc(op);
- save_env(scanp->outer_sub, scanp->outer_pos);
- /*
- * Produce code to handle failure of the body of string scanning.
- */
- lbl = alc_lbl("scan fail", 0);
- cd_add(lbl);
- restr_env(scanp->outer_sub, scanp->outer_pos);
- cd_add(sig_cd(on_failure, cur_fnc)); /* fail */
- cur_fnc->cursor = lbl->prev; /* body goes before label */
- on_failure = lbl;
- /*
- * If necessary, try to convert the subject to a string. Note that if
- * error conversion occurs, backtracking will restore old subject.
- */
- cur_symtyps = n->symtyps;
- if (eval_is(str_typ, 0) & MaybeFalse) {
- lbl = alc_lbl("&subject is string", 0);
- cd_add(lbl);
- cur_fnc->cursor = lbl->prev; /* code goes before label */
- cd = NewCode(2);
- cd->cd_id = C_If;
- cd1 = alc_ary(3);
- cd1->ElemTyp(0) = A_Str;
- cd1->Str(0) = "cnv_str(&";
- cd1->ElemTyp(1) = A_ValLoc;
- cd1->ValLoc(1) = new_subj;
- cd1->ElemTyp(2) = A_Str;
- cd1->Str(2) = ", &k_subject)";
- cd->Cond = cd1;
- cd->ThenStmt = mk_goto(lbl);
- cd_add(cd);
- cd = alc_ary(3);
- cd->ElemTyp(0) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(0) = "err_msg(103, &";
- cd->ElemTyp(1) = A_ValLoc;
- cd->ValLoc(1) = new_subj;
- cd->ElemTyp(2) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(2) = ");";
- cd_add(cd);
- if (err_conv)
- cd_add(sig_cd(on_failure, cur_fnc));
- cur_fnc->cursor = lbl;
- }
- else {
- cd = alc_ary(3);
- cd->ElemTyp(0) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(0) = "k_subject = ";
- cd->ElemTyp(1) = A_ValLoc;
- cd->ValLoc(1) = new_subj;
- cd->ElemTyp(2) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(2) = ";";
- cd_add(cd);
- }
- cd = alc_ary(1);
- cd->ElemTyp(0) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(0) = "k_pos = 1;";
- cd_add(cd);
- scan_rslt = gencode(body, scan_rslt);
- setloc(op);
- if (op_tok == AUGQMARK) {
- /*
- * '?:=' - perform assignment.
- */
- if (subj_single != NULL) {
- /*
- * Assignment to a named variable.
- */
- if (body_single != NULL)
- cd_add(mk_cpyval(new_subj, var_ref(body_single)));
- else if (body_deref)
- deref_cd(scan_rslt, new_subj);
- else
- cd_add(mk_cpyval(new_subj, scan_rslt));
- }
- else {
- /*
- * Use general assignment.
- */
- impl = optab[asgn_loc].binary;
- if (impl == NULL) {
- nfatal(op, "assignment not implemented", NULL);
- rslt = &ignore; /* make sure code generation can continue */
- }
- else {
- implproto(impl);
- rslt = chk_alc(rslt, n->lifetime);
- mk_callop(oper_name(impl), impl->ret_flag, asgn_var, 2, rslt,0);
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- /*
- * '?'
- */
- rslt = scan_rslt;
- }
- /*
- * Produce code restore subject and pos when the body of the
- * scanning expression succeeds. The new subject and pos must
- * be saved in case of resumption.
- */
- save_env(scanp->inner_sub, scanp->inner_pos);
- restr_env(scanp->outer_sub, scanp->outer_pos);
- /*
- * Produce code to handle resumption of string scanning.
- */
- lbl = alc_lbl("scan resume", 0);
- cd_add(lbl);
- save_env(scanp->outer_sub, scanp->outer_pos);
- restr_env(scanp->inner_sub, scanp->inner_pos);
- cd_add(sig_cd(on_failure, cur_fnc)); /* fail */
- cur_fnc->cursor = lbl->prev; /* success continuation goes before label */
- on_failure = lbl;
- nxt_scan = scanp;
- return rslt;
- }
- * gen_act - generate code for co-expression activation.
- */
-static struct val_loc *gen_act(n, rslt)
-nodeptr n;
-struct val_loc *rslt;
- {
- struct node *op;
- struct node *transmit;
- struct node *coexpr;
- struct tmplftm *lifetm_ary;
- struct val_loc *trans_loc;
- struct val_loc *coexpr_loc;
- struct val_loc *asgn1;
- struct val_loc *asgn2;
- struct val_loc *act_rslt;
- struct lentry *c_single;
- struct code *cd;
- struct code *cd1;
- struct code *lbl;
- struct implement *impl;
- int c_deref;
- int op_tok;
- int tmp_indx;
- op = Tree0(n); /* operator node for '@' or '@:=' */
- transmit = Tree1(n); /* expression for value to transmit */
- coexpr = Tree2(n); /* expression for co-expression */
- op_tok = optab[Val0(op)].tok.t_type;
- /*
- * Produce code for the value to be transmitted.
- */
- if (op_tok == AUGAT) {
- /*
- * Augmented activation. This is seldom used so don't try too
- * hard to optimize it. Allocate contiguous temporaries for
- * the operands to the assignment.
- */
- lifetm_ary = alc_lftm(2, &n->n_field[1]);
- tmp_indx = alc_tmp(2, lifetm_ary);
- asgn1 = tmp_loc(tmp_indx++);
- asgn2 = tmp_loc(tmp_indx);
- free((char *)lifetm_ary);
- /*
- * Generate code to produce the left-hand-side of the assignment.
- * This is also the transmitted value. Activation may need a
- * dereferenced value, so this must be in a different location.
- */
- gencode(transmit, asgn1);
- trans_loc = chk_alc(NULL, n->intrnl_lftm);
- setloc(op);
- deref_ret(asgn1, trans_loc, varsubtyp(transmit->type, NULL));
- }
- else
- trans_loc = genretval(op, transmit, NULL); /* ordinary activation */
- /*
- * Determine if the value to be activated needs dereferencing, and
- * see if it can only come from a single named variable.
- */
- c_deref = HasVar(varsubtyp(coexpr->type, &c_single));
- if (c_single == NULL) {
- /*
- * The value is something other than a single named variable.
- */
- coexpr_loc = gencode(coexpr, NULL);
- if (c_deref)
- deref_cd(coexpr_loc, coexpr_loc);
- }
- else {
- /*
- * The value is in a named variable. Use it directly from the
- * variable rather than saving the result of the expression.
- */
- gencode(coexpr, &ignore);
- coexpr_loc = var_ref(c_single);
- }
- /*
- * Make sure the value to be activated is a co-expression. Perform
- * run-time checking if necessary.
- */
- cur_symtyps = n->symtyps;
- if (eval_is(coexp_typ, 1) & MaybeFalse) {
- lbl = alc_lbl("is co-expression", 0);
- cd_add(lbl);
- cur_fnc->cursor = lbl->prev; /* code goes before label */
- cd = NewCode(2);
- cd->cd_id = C_If;
- cd1 = alc_ary(3);
- cd1->ElemTyp(0) = A_Str;
- cd1->Str(0) = "(";
- cd1->ElemTyp(1) = A_ValLoc;
- cd1->ValLoc(1) = coexpr_loc;
- cd1->ElemTyp(2) = A_Str;
- cd1->Str(2) = ").dword == D_Coexpr";
- cd->Cond = cd1;
- cd->ThenStmt = mk_goto(lbl);
- cd_add(cd);
- cd = alc_ary(3);
- cd->ElemTyp(0) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(0) = "err_msg(118, &(";
- cd->ElemTyp(1) = A_ValLoc;
- cd->ValLoc(1) = coexpr_loc;
- cd->ElemTyp(2) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(2) = "));";
- cd_add(cd);
- if (err_conv)
- cd_add(sig_cd(on_failure, cur_fnc));
- cur_fnc->cursor = lbl;
- }
- /*
- * Make sure a result location has been allocated. For ordinary
- * activation, this is where activate() puts its result. For
- * augmented activation, this is where assignment puts its result.
- */
- rslt = chk_alc(rslt, n->lifetime);
- if (op_tok == AUGAT)
- act_rslt = asgn2;
- else
- act_rslt = rslt;
- /*
- * Generate code to call activate().
- */
- setloc(n);
- cd = NewCode(2);
- cd->cd_id = C_If;
- cd1 = alc_ary(7);
- cd1->ElemTyp(0) = A_Str;
- cd1->Str(0) = "activate(&";
- cd1->ElemTyp(1) = A_ValLoc;
- cd1->ValLoc(1) = trans_loc;
- cd1->ElemTyp(2) = A_Str;
- cd1->Str(2) = ", (struct b_coexpr *)BlkLoc(";
- cd1->ElemTyp(3) = A_ValLoc;
- cd1->ValLoc(3) = coexpr_loc;
- cd1->ElemTyp(4) = A_Str;
- cd1->Str(4) = "), &";
- cd1->ElemTyp(5) = A_ValLoc;
- cd1->ValLoc(5) = act_rslt;
- cd1->ElemTyp(6) = A_Str;
- cd1->Str(6) = ") == A_Resume";
- cd->Cond = cd1;
- cd->ThenStmt = sig_cd(on_failure, cur_fnc);
- cd_add(cd);
- /*
- * For augmented activation, generate code to call assignment.
- */
- if (op_tok == AUGAT) {
- impl = optab[asgn_loc].binary;
- if (impl == NULL) {
- nfatal(op, "assignment not implemented", NULL);
- rslt = &ignore; /* make sure code generation can continue */
- }
- else {
- implproto(impl);
- mk_callop(oper_name(impl), impl->ret_flag, asgn1, 2, rslt, 0);
- }
- }
- return rslt;
- }
- * save_env - generate code to save scanning environment.
- */
-static void save_env(sub_sav, pos_sav)
-struct val_loc *sub_sav;
-struct val_loc *pos_sav;
- {
- struct code *cd;
- cd = alc_ary(2);
- cd->ElemTyp(0) = A_ValLoc;
- cd->ValLoc(0) = sub_sav;
- cd->ElemTyp(1) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(1) = " = k_subject;";
- cd_add(cd);
- cd = alc_ary(2);
- cd->ElemTyp(0) = A_ValLoc;
- cd->ValLoc(0) = pos_sav;
- cd->ElemTyp(1) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(1) = " = k_pos;";
- cd_add(cd);
- }
- * restr_env - generate code to restore scanning environment.
- */
-static void restr_env(sub_sav, pos_sav)
-struct val_loc *sub_sav;
-struct val_loc *pos_sav;
- {
- struct code *cd;
- cd = alc_ary(3);
- cd->ElemTyp(0) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(0) = "k_subject = ";
- cd->ElemTyp(1) = A_ValLoc;
- cd->ValLoc(1) = sub_sav;
- cd->ElemTyp(2) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(2) = ";";
- cd_add(cd);
- cd = alc_ary(3);
- cd->ElemTyp(0) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(0) = "k_pos = ";
- cd->ElemTyp(1) = A_ValLoc;
- cd->ValLoc(1) = pos_sav;
- cd->ElemTyp(2) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(2) = ";";
- cd_add(cd);
- }
- * mk_callop - produce the code to directly call an operation.
- */
-static void mk_callop(oper_nm, ret_flag, arg1rslt, nargs, rslt, optim)
-char *oper_nm;
-int ret_flag;
-struct val_loc *arg1rslt;
-int nargs;
-struct val_loc *rslt;
-int optim;
- {
- struct code *arg_lst;
- struct code *on_ret;
- struct c_fnc *fnc;
- int n;
- int need_cont;
- /*
- * If this operation can return an "continue" signal, we will need
- * a break statement in the signal switch to handle it.
- */
- if (ret_flag & DoesRet) {
- on_ret = NewCode(1); /* #fields == #fields C_Goto */
- on_ret->cd_id = C_Break;
- on_ret->next = NULL;
- on_ret->prev = NULL;
- }
- else
- on_ret = NULL;
- /*
- * Construct argument list for the C function implementing the
- * operation. First compute the size of the code array for the
- * argument list; this varies if we are using an optimized calling
- * interface.
- */
- if (optim) {
- n = 0;
- if (arg1rslt != NULL)
- n += 2;
- if (ret_flag & (DoesRet | DoesSusp)) {
- if (n > 0)
- ++n;
- n += 2;
- }
- }
- else
- n = 7;
- if (n == 0)
- arg_lst = NULL;
- else {
- arg_lst = alc_ary(n);
- n = 0;
- if (!optim) {
- arg_lst->ElemTyp(n) = A_Intgr; /* number of arguments */
- arg_lst->Intgr(n) = nargs;
- ++n;
- arg_lst->ElemTyp(n) = A_Str; /* , */
- arg_lst->Str(n) = ", ";
- ++n;
- }
- if (arg1rslt == NULL) { /* location of first argument */
- if (!optim) {
- arg_lst->ElemTyp(n) = A_Str;
- arg_lst->Str(n) = "NULL";
- ++n;
- arg_lst->ElemTyp(n) = A_Str;
- arg_lst->Str(n) = ""; /* nothing, but must fill slot */
- ++n;
- }
- }
- else {
- arg_lst->ElemTyp(n) = A_Str;
- arg_lst->Str(n) = "&";
- ++n;
- arg_lst->ElemTyp(n) = A_ValLoc;
- arg_lst->ValLoc(n) = arg1rslt;
- ++n;
- }
- if (!optim || ret_flag & (DoesRet | DoesSusp)) {
- if (n > 0) {
- arg_lst->ElemTyp(n) = A_Str; /* , */
- arg_lst->Str(n) = ", ";
- ++n;
- }
- arg_lst->ElemTyp(n) = A_Str; /* location of result */
- arg_lst->Str(n) = "&";
- ++n;
- arg_lst->ElemTyp(n) = A_ValLoc;
- arg_lst->ValLoc(n) = rslt;
- }
- }
- /*
- * Generate code to call the operation and handle returned signals.
- */
- if (ret_flag & DoesSusp) {
- /*
- * The operation suspends, so call it with a continuation, then
- * proceed to generate code in the continuation.
- */
- fnc = alc_fnc();
- callo_add(oper_nm, ret_flag, fnc, 1, arg_lst, on_ret);
- if (ret_flag & DoesRet)
- callc_add(fnc);
- cur_fnc = fnc;
- on_failure = &resume;
- }
- else {
- /*
- * No continuation is needed, but if standard calling conventions
- * are used, a NULL continuation argument is required.
- */
- if (optim)
- need_cont = 0;
- else
- need_cont = 1;
- callo_add(oper_nm, ret_flag, NULL, need_cont, arg_lst, on_ret);
- }
- * genretval - generate code for the expression in a return/suspend or
- * for the expression for the value to be transmitted in a co-expression
- * context switch.
- */
-static struct val_loc *genretval(n, expr, dest)
-struct node *n;
-struct node *expr;
-struct val_loc *dest;
- {
- int subtypes;
- struct lentry *single;
- struct val_loc *val;
- subtypes = varsubtyp(expr->type, &single);
- /*
- * If we have a single local or argument, we don't need to construct
- * a variable reference; we need the value and we know where it is.
- */
- if (single != NULL && (subtypes & (HasLcl | HasPrm))) {
- gencode(expr, &ignore);
- val = var_ref(single);
- if (dest == NULL)
- dest = val;
- else
- cd_add(mk_cpyval(dest, val));
- }
- else {
- dest = gencode(expr, dest);
- setloc(n);
- deref_ret(dest, dest, subtypes);
- }
- return dest;
- }
- * deref_ret - produced dereferencing code for values returned from
- * procedures or transmitted to co-expressions.
- */
-static void deref_ret(src, dest, subtypes)
-struct val_loc *src;
-struct val_loc *dest;
-int subtypes;
- {
- struct code *cd;
- struct code *lbl;
- if (src == NULL)
- return; /* no value to dereference */
- /*
- * If there may be values that do not need dereferencing, insure that the
- * values are in the destination and make it the source of dereferencing.
- */
- if ((subtypes & (HasVal | HasGlb)) && (src != dest)) {
- cd_add(mk_cpyval(dest, src));
- src = dest;
- }
- if (subtypes & (HasLcl | HasPrm)) {
- /*
- * Some values may need to be dereferenced.
- */
- lbl = NULL;
- if (subtypes & HasVal) {
- /*
- * We may have a non-variable and must check at run time.
- */
- lbl = check_var(dest, NULL);
- }
- if (subtypes & HasGlb) {
- /*
- * Make sure we don't dereference any globals, use retderef().
- */
- if (subtypes & HasLcl) {
- /*
- * We must dereference any locals.
- */
- cd = alc_ary(3);
- cd->ElemTyp(0) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(0) = "retderef(&";
- cd->ElemTyp(1) = A_ValLoc;
- cd->ValLoc(1) = dest;
- cd->ElemTyp(2) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(2) =
- ", (word *)pfp->tend.d, (word *)(pfp->tend.d + pfp->tend.num));";
- cd_add(cd);
- /*
- * We may now have a value. We must check at run-time and skip
- * any attempt to dereference an argument.
- */
- lbl = check_var(dest, lbl);
- }
- if (subtypes & HasPrm) {
- /*
- * We must dereference any arguments.
- */
- cd = alc_ary(5);
- cd->ElemTyp(0) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(0) = "retderef(&";
- cd->ElemTyp(1) = A_ValLoc;
- cd->ValLoc(1) = dest;
- cd->ElemTyp(2) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(2) = ", (word *)glbl_argp, (word *)(glbl_argp + ";
- cd->ElemTyp(3) = A_Intgr;
- cd->Intgr(3) = Abs(cur_proc->nargs);
- cd->ElemTyp(4) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(4) = "));";
- cd_add(cd);
- }
- }
- else /* No globals */
- deref_cd(src, dest);
- if (lbl != NULL)
- cur_fnc->cursor = lbl; /* continue after label */
- }
- }
- * check_var - generate code to make sure a descriptor contains a variable
- * reference. If no label is given to jump to for a non-variable, allocate
- * one and generate code before it.
- */
-static struct code *check_var(d, lbl)
-struct val_loc *d;
-struct code *lbl;
- {
- struct code *cd, *cd1;
- if (lbl == NULL) {
- lbl = alc_lbl("not variable", 0);
- cd_add(lbl);
- cur_fnc->cursor = lbl->prev; /* code goes before label */
- }
- cd = NewCode(2);
- cd->cd_id = C_If;
- cd1 = alc_ary(3);
- cd1->ElemTyp(0) = A_Str;
- cd1->Str(0) = "!Var(";
- cd1->ElemTyp(1) = A_ValLoc;
- cd1->ValLoc(1) = d;
- cd1->ElemTyp(2) = A_Str;
- cd1->Str(2) = ")";
- cd->Cond = cd1;
- cd->ThenStmt = mk_goto(lbl);
- cd_add(cd);
- return lbl;
- }
- * field_ref - generate code for a field reference.
- */
-static struct val_loc *field_ref(n, rslt)
-struct node *n;
-struct val_loc *rslt;
- {
- struct node *rec;
- struct node *fld;
- struct fentry *fp;
- struct par_rec *rp;
- struct val_loc *rec_loc;
- struct code *cd;
- struct code *cd1;
- struct code *lbl;
- struct lentry *single;
- int deref;
- int num_offsets;
- int offset;
- int bad_recs;
- rec = Tree0(n);
- fld = Tree1(n);
- /*
- * Generate code to compute the record value and dereference it.
- */
- deref = HasVar(varsubtyp(rec->type, &single));
- if (single != NULL) {
- /*
- * The record is in a named variable. Use value directly from
- * the variable rather than saving the result of the expression.
- */
- gencode(rec, &ignore);
- rec_loc = var_ref(single);
- }
- else {
- rec_loc = gencode(rec, NULL);
- if (deref)
- deref_cd(rec_loc, rec_loc);
- }
- setloc(fld);
- /*
- * Make sure the operand is a record.
- */
- cur_symtyps = n->symtyps;
- if (eval_is(rec_typ, 0) & MaybeFalse) {
- lbl = alc_lbl("is record", 0);
- cd_add(lbl);
- cur_fnc->cursor = lbl->prev; /* code goes before label */
- cd = NewCode(2);
- cd->cd_id = C_If;
- cd1 = alc_ary(3);
- cd1->ElemTyp(0) = A_Str;
- cd1->Str(0) = "(";
- cd1->ElemTyp(1) = A_ValLoc;
- cd1->ValLoc(1) = rec_loc;
- cd1->ElemTyp(2) = A_Str;
- cd1->Str(2) = ").dword == D_Record";
- cd->Cond = cd1;
- cd->ThenStmt = mk_goto(lbl);
- cd_add(cd);
- cd = alc_ary(3);
- cd->ElemTyp(0) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(0) = "err_msg(107, &";
- cd->ElemTyp(1) = A_ValLoc;
- cd->ValLoc(1) = rec_loc;
- cd->ElemTyp(2) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(2) = ");";
- cd_add(cd);
- if (err_conv)
- cd_add(sig_cd(on_failure, cur_fnc));
- cur_fnc->cursor = lbl;
- }
- rslt = chk_alc(rslt, n->lifetime);
- /*
- * Find the list of records containing this field.
- */
- if ((fp = flookup(Str0(fld))) == NULL) {
- nfatal(n, "invalid field", Str0(fld));
- return rslt;
- }
- /*
- * Generate code for declarations and to get the record block pointer.
- */
- cd = alc_ary(1);
- cd->ElemTyp(0) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(0) = "{";
- cd_add(cd);
- cd = alc_ary(3);
- cd->ElemTyp(0) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(0) = "struct b_record *r_rp = (struct b_record *) BlkLoc(";
- cd->ElemTyp(1) = A_ValLoc;
- cd->ValLoc(1) = rec_loc;
- cd->ElemTyp(2) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(2) = ");";
- cd_add(cd);
- if (err_conv) {
- cd = alc_ary(1);
- cd->ElemTyp(0) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(0) = "int r_must_fail = 0;";
- cd_add(cd);
- }
- /*
- * Determine which records are in the record type.
- */
- mark_recs(fp, cur_symtyps->types[0], &num_offsets, &offset, &bad_recs);
- /*
- * Generate code to insure that the field belongs to the record
- * and to index into the record block.
- */
- if (num_offsets == 1 && !bad_recs) {
- /*
- * We already know the offset of the field.
- */
- cd = alc_ary(4);
- cd->ElemTyp(0) = A_ValLoc;
- cd->ValLoc(0) = rslt;
- cd->ElemTyp(1) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(1) = ".dword = D_Var + ((word *)&r_rp->fields[";
- cd->ElemTyp(2) = A_Intgr;
- cd->Intgr(2) = offset;
- cd->ElemTyp(3) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(3) = "] - (word *)r_rp);";
- cd_add(cd);
- cd = alc_ary(3);
- cd->ElemTyp(0) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(0) = "VarLoc(";
- cd->ElemTyp(1) = A_ValLoc;
- cd->ValLoc(1) = rslt;
- cd->ElemTyp(2) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(2) = ") = (dptr)r_rp;";
- cd_add(cd);
- for (rp = fp->rlist; rp != NULL; rp = rp->next)
- rp->mark = 0;
- }
- else {
- /*
- * The field appears in several records. generate code to determine
- * which one it is.
- */
- cd = alc_ary(1);
- cd->ElemTyp(0) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(0) = "dptr r_dp;";
- cd_add(cd);
- cd = alc_ary(1);
- cd->ElemTyp(0) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(0) = "switch (r_rp->recdesc->proc.recnum) {";
- cd_add(cd);
- rp = fp->rlist;
- while (rp != NULL) {
- offset = rp->offset;
- while (rp != NULL && rp->offset == offset) {
- if (rp->mark) {
- rp->mark = 0;
- cd = alc_ary(3);
- cd->ElemTyp(0) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(0) = " case ";
- cd->ElemTyp(1) = A_Intgr;
- cd->Intgr(1) = rp->rec->rec_num;
- cd->ElemTyp(2) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(2) = ":";
- cd_add(cd);
- }
- rp = rp->next;
- }
- cd = alc_ary(3);
- cd->ElemTyp(0) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(0) = " r_dp = &r_rp->fields[";
- cd->ElemTyp(1) = A_Intgr;
- cd->Intgr(1) = offset;
- cd->ElemTyp(2) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(2) = "];";
- cd_add(cd);
- cd = alc_ary(1);
- cd->ElemTyp(0) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(0) = " break;";
- cd_add(cd);
- }
- cd = alc_ary(1);
- cd->ElemTyp(0) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(0) = " default:";
- cd_add(cd);
- cd = alc_ary(3);
- cd->ElemTyp(0) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(0) = " err_msg(207, &";
- cd->ElemTyp(1) = A_ValLoc;
- cd->ValLoc(1) = rec_loc;
- cd->ElemTyp(2) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(2) = ");";
- cd_add(cd);
- if (err_conv) {
- /*
- * The peephole analyzer doesn't know how to handle a goto or return
- * in a switch statement, so just set a flag here.
- */
- cd = alc_ary(1);
- cd->ElemTyp(0) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(0) = " r_must_fail = 1;";
- cd_add(cd);
- }
- cd = alc_ary(1);
- cd->ElemTyp(0) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(0) = " }";
- cd_add(cd);
- if (err_conv) {
- /*
- * Now that we are out of the switch statement, see if the flag
- * was set to indicate error conversion.
- */
- cd = NewCode(2);
- cd->cd_id = C_If;
- cd1 = alc_ary(1);
- cd1->ElemTyp(0) = A_Str;
- cd1->Str(0) = "r_must_fail";
- cd->Cond = cd1;
- cd->ThenStmt = sig_cd(on_failure, cur_fnc);
- cd_add(cd);
- }
- cd = alc_ary(2);
- cd->ElemTyp(0) = A_ValLoc;
- cd->ValLoc(0) = rslt;
- cd->ElemTyp(1) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(1) = ".dword = D_Var + ((word *)r_dp - (word *)r_rp);";
- cd_add(cd);
- cd = alc_ary(3);
- cd->ElemTyp(0) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(0) = "VarLoc(";
- cd->ElemTyp(1) = A_ValLoc;
- cd->ValLoc(1) = rslt;
- cd->ElemTyp(2) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(2) = ") = (dptr)r_rp;";
- cd_add(cd);
- }
- cd = alc_ary(1);
- cd->ElemTyp(0) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(0) = "}";
- cd_add(cd);
- return rslt;
- }
- * bound - bound the code for the given sub-tree. If catch_fail is true,
- * direct failure to the bounding label.
- */
-static struct val_loc *bound(n, rslt, catch_fail)
-struct node *n;
-struct val_loc *rslt;
-int catch_fail;
- {
- struct code *lbl1;
- struct code *fail_sav;
- struct c_fnc *fnc_sav;
- fnc_sav = cur_fnc;
- fail_sav = on_failure;
- lbl1 = alc_lbl("bound", Bounding);
- cd_add(lbl1);
- cur_fnc->cursor = lbl1->prev; /* code goes before label */
- if (catch_fail)
- on_failure = lbl1;
- rslt = gencode(n, rslt);
- cd_add(sig_cd(lbl1, cur_fnc)); /* transfer control to bounding label */
- cur_fnc = fnc_sav;
- cur_fnc->cursor = lbl1;
- on_failure = fail_sav;
- return rslt;
- }
- * cd_add - add a code struct at the cursor in the current function.
- */
-void cd_add(cd)
-struct code *cd;
- {
- register struct code *cursor;
- cursor = cur_fnc->cursor;
- cd->next = cursor->next;
- cd->prev = cursor;
- if (cursor->next != NULL)
- cursor->next->prev = cd;
- cursor->next = cd;
- cur_fnc->cursor = cd;
- }
- * sig_cd - convert a signal/label into a goto or return signal in
- * the context of the given function.
- */
-struct code *sig_cd(sig, fnc)
-struct code *sig;
-struct c_fnc *fnc;
- {
- struct code *cd;
- if (sig->cd_id == C_Label && sig->Container == fnc)
- return mk_goto(sig);
- else {
- cd = NewCode(1); /* # fields <= # fields of C_Goto */
- cd->cd_id = C_RetSig;
- cd->next = NULL;
- cd->prev = NULL;
- cd->SigRef = add_sig(sig, fnc);
- return cd;
- }
- }
- * add_sig - add signal to list of signals returned by function.
- */
-struct sig_lst *add_sig(sig, fnc)
-struct code *sig;
-struct c_fnc *fnc;
- {
- struct sig_lst *sl;
- for (sl = fnc->sig_lst; sl != NULL && sl->sig != sig; sl = sl->next)
- ;
- if (sl == NULL) {
- sl = NewStruct(sig_lst);
- sl->sig = sig;
- sl->ref_cnt = 1;
- sl->next = fnc->sig_lst;
- fnc->sig_lst = sl;
- }
- else
- ++sl->ref_cnt;
- return sl;
- }
- * callc_add - add code to call a continuation. Note the action to be
- * taken if the continuation returns resumption. The actual list
- * signals returned and actions to take will be figured out after
- * the continuation has been optimized.
- */
-void callc_add(cont)
-struct c_fnc *cont;
- {
- struct code *cd;
- cd = new_call();
- cd->OperName = NULL;
- cd->Cont = cont;
- cd->ArgLst = NULL;
- cd->ContFail = on_failure;
- cd->SigActs = NULL;
- ++cont->ref_cnt;
- }
- * callo_add - add code to call an operation.
- */
-void callo_add(oper_nm, ret_flag, cont, need_cont, arglist, on_ret)
-char *oper_nm;
-int ret_flag;
-struct c_fnc *cont;
-int need_cont;
-struct code *arglist;
-struct code *on_ret;
- {
- struct code *cd;
- struct code *cd1;
- cd = new_call();
- cd->OperName = oper_nm;
- cd->Cont = cont;
- if (need_cont)
- cd->Flags = NeedCont;
- cd->ArgLst = arglist;
- cd->ContFail = NULL; /* operation handles failure from the continuation */
- /*
- * Decide how to handle the signals produced by the operation. (Those
- * produced by the continuation will be examined after the continuation
- * is optimized.)
- */
- cd->SigActs = NULL;
- if (MightFail(ret_flag))
- cd->SigActs = new_sgact(&resume, sig_cd(on_failure,cur_fnc), cd->SigActs);
- if (ret_flag & DoesRet)
- cd->SigActs = new_sgact(&contin, on_ret, cd->SigActs);
- if (ret_flag & DoesFThru) {
- cd1 = NewCode(1); /* #fields == #fields C_Goto */
- cd1->cd_id = C_Break;
- cd1->next = NULL;
- cd1->prev = NULL;
- cd->SigActs = new_sgact(&fallthru, cd1, cd->SigActs);
- }
- if (cont != NULL)
- ++cont->ref_cnt; /* increment reference count */
- * Create a call, add it to the code for the current function, and
- * add it to the list of calls from the current function.
- */
-static struct code *new_call()
- {
- struct code *cd;
- cd = NewCode(7);
- cd->cd_id = C_CallSig;
- cd_add(cd);
- cd->Flags = 0;
- cd->NextCall = cur_fnc->call_lst;
- cur_fnc->call_lst = cd;
- return cd;
- }
- * sig_act - create a new binding of an action to a signal.
- */
-struct sig_act *new_sgact(sig, cd, next)
-struct code *sig;
-struct code *cd;
-struct sig_act *next;
- {
- struct sig_act *sa;
- sa = NewStruct(sig_act);
- sa->sig = sig;
- sa->cd = cd;
- sa->shar_act = NULL;
- sa->next = next;
- return sa;
- }
-#ifdef OptimizeLit
-static int instr(const char *str, int chr) {
- int i, found, go;
- found = 0; go = 1;
- for(i=0; ((str[i] != '\0') && go) ;i++) {
- if (str[i] == chr) {
- go = 0;
- found = 1;
- if ((str[i+1] != '\0') && (chr == '='))
- if (str[i+1] == '=')
- found = 0;
- if ((chr == '=') && (i > 0)) {
- if (str[i-1] == '>')
- found = 0;
- else if (str[i-1] == '<')
- found = 0;
- else if (str[i-1] == '!')
- found = 0;
- }
- }
- }
- return found;
-static void tbl_add(struct lit_tbl *add) {
- struct lit_tbl *ins;
- static struct lit_tbl *ptr = NULL;
- int go = 1;
- if (tbl == NULL) {
- tbl = add;
- ptr = add;
- }
- else {
- ins = ptr;
- while ((ins != NULL) && go) {
- if (add->index != ins->index)
- ins = ins->prev;
- else
- go = 0;
- }
- if (ins != NULL) {
- if (ins->end == NULL)
- ins->end = add->initial;
- }
- ptr->next = add;
- add->prev = ptr;
- ptr = add;
- }
-static void invalidate(struct val_loc *val, struct code *end, int code) {
- struct lit_tbl *ptr, *back;
- int index, go = 1;
- if (val == NULL)
- return;
- if (val->loc_type == V_NamedVar) {
- index = val->u.nvar->val.index;
- return;
- }
- else if (val->loc_type == V_Temp)
- index = val->u.tmp + cur_proc->tnd_loc;
- else
- return;
- if (tbl == NULL)
- return;
- back = tbl;
- while (back->next != NULL)
- back = back->next;
- go = 1;
- for(ptr=back; ((ptr != NULL) && go) ; ptr=ptr->prev) {
- if ((ptr->index == index) && (ptr->modified != NO_TOUCH)) {
- ptr->modified = code;
- if ((code != LIMITED_TO_INT) && (ptr->safe)) {
- ptr->end = end;
- ptr->safe = 0;
- }
- go = 0;
- }
- else if ((ptr->index == index) && (ptr->modified == NO_TOUCH)) {
- if ((code != LIMITED_TO_INT) && (ptr->safe)) {
- ptr->end = end;
- ptr->safe = 0;
- }
- go = 0;
- }
- else if (ptr->index == index)
- go = 0;
- }
-static int eval_code(struct code *cd, struct lit_tbl *cur) {
- struct code *tmp;
- struct lit_tbl *tmp_tbl;
- int i, j;
- char *str;
- for (i=0; cd->ElemTyp(i) != A_End ;i++) {
- switch(cd->ElemTyp(i)) {
- case A_ValLoc:
- if (cd->ValLoc(i)->mod_access != M_CInt)
- break;
- if ((cd->ValLoc(i)->u.tmp + cur_proc->tnd_loc) == cur->index) {
- switch (cd->ValLoc(i)->loc_type) {
- case V_Temp:
- if (cur->csym->flag == F_StrLit) {
-#if 0
- cd->ElemTyp(i) = A_Str;
- str = (char *)alloc(strlen(cur->csym->image)+8);
- sprintf(str, "\"%s\"/*Z*/", cur->csym->image);
- cd->Str(i) = str;
- }
- else if (cur->csym->flag == F_IntLit) {
- cd->ElemTyp(i) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(i) = cur->csym->image;
- }
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- break;
- case A_Ary:
- for(tmp=cd->Array(i); tmp != NULL ;tmp=tmp->next)
- eval_code(tmp, cur);
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
-static void propagate_literals() {
- struct lit_tbl *ptr;
- struct code *cd, *arg;
- int ret;
- for(ptr=tbl; ptr != NULL ;ptr=ptr->next) {
- if (ptr->modified != NO_TOUCH) {
- for(cd=ptr->initial; cd != ptr->end ;cd=cd->next) {
- switch (cd->cd_id) {
- case C_If:
- for(arg=cd->Cond; arg != NULL ;arg=arg->next)
- ret = eval_code(arg, ptr);
- /*
- * Again, don't take the 'then' portion.
- * It might lead to infinite loops.
- * for(arg=cd->ThenStmt; arg != NULL ;arg=arg->next)
- * ret = eval_code(arg, ptr);
- */
- break;
- case C_CdAry:
- ret = eval_code(cd, ptr);
- break;
- case C_CallSig:
- for(arg=cd->ArgLst; arg != NULL ;arg=arg->next)
- ret = eval_code(arg, ptr);
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- * analyze_literals - analyzes the generated code to replace
- * complex record dereferences with C
- * literals.
- */
-static void analyze_literals(struct code *start, struct code *top, int lvl) {
- struct code *ptr, *tmp, *not_null;
- struct lit_tbl *new_tbl;
- struct lbl_tbl *new_lbl;
- struct val_loc *prev = NULL;
- int i, inc=0, addr=0, assgn=0, equal = 0;
- for (ptr = start; ptr != NULL ; ptr = ptr->next) {
- if (!lvl)
- not_null = ptr;
- else
- not_null = top;
- switch (ptr->cd_id) {
- case C_NamedVar:
- break;
- case C_CallSig:
- analyze_literals(ptr->ArgLst, not_null, lvl+1);
- break;
- case C_Goto:
- break;
- case C_Label:
- break;
- case C_Lit:
- new_tbl = alc_tbl();
- new_tbl->initial = ptr;
- new_tbl->vloc = ptr->Rslt;
- new_tbl->csym = ptr->Literal;
- switch (ptr->Rslt->loc_type) {
- case V_NamedVar:
- new_tbl->index = ptr->Rslt->u.nvar->val.index;
- tbl_add(new_tbl);
- break;
- case V_Temp:
- new_tbl->index = ptr->Rslt->u.tmp + cur_proc->tnd_loc;
- tbl_add(new_tbl);
- break;
- default:
- new_tbl->index = -1;
- free(new_tbl);
- break;
- }
- break;
- case C_If:
- analyze_literals(ptr->Cond, not_null, lvl+1);
- /*
- * Don't analyze the 'then' portion such as in:
- * analyze_literals(ptr->ThenStmt, not_null, lvl+1);
- * Apparently, all the intermediate code does is maintain
- * a pointer to where the flow of execution jumps to in
- * case the 'then' is taken. These are all goto statments
- * and can result in infinite loops of analyzation.
- */
- break;
- case C_CdAry:
- for(i=0; ptr->ElemTyp(i) != A_End ;i++) {
- switch(ptr->ElemTyp(i)) {
- case A_Str:
- if (ptr->Str(i) != NULL) {
- if ( (strstr(ptr->Str(i), "-=")) ||
- (strstr(ptr->Str(i), "+=")) ||
- (strstr(ptr->Str(i), "*=")) ||
- (strstr(ptr->Str(i), "/=")) )
- invalidate(prev, not_null, NO_TOUCH);
- else if (instr(ptr->Str(i), '=')) {
- invalidate(prev, not_null, LIMITED);
- assgn = 1;
- }
- else if ( (strstr(ptr->Str(i), "++")) ||
- (strstr(ptr->Str(i), "--")) )
- inc = 1;
- else if (instr(ptr->Str(i), '&'))
- addr = 1;
- else if (strstr(ptr->Str(i), "=="))
- equal = 1;
- }
- break;
- case A_ValLoc:
- if (inc) {
- invalidate(ptr->ValLoc(i), not_null, NO_TOUCH);
- inc = 0;
- }
- if (addr) {
- invalidate(ptr->ValLoc(i), not_null, LIMITED);
- addr = 0;
- }
- if ((assgn) && (ptr->ValLoc(i)->mod_access == M_None)) {
- invalidate(ptr->ValLoc(i), not_null, LIMITED);
- assgn = 0;
- }
- else if (assgn)
- assgn = 0;
- if (equal) {
- invalidate(ptr->ValLoc(i), not_null, LIMITED_TO_INT);
- equal = 0;
- }
- prev = ptr->ValLoc(i);
- break;
- case A_Intgr:
- break;
- case A_SBuf:
- break;
- case A_Ary:
- for(tmp=ptr->Array(i); tmp != NULL ;tmp=tmp->next)
- analyze_literals(tmp, not_null, lvl+1);
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
-#endif /* OptimizeLit */
- * analyze_poll - analyzes the internal C code representation from
- * the position of the last Poll() function call to
- * the current position in the code.
- * Returns a 0 if the last Poll() function should not
- * be removed.
- */
-#ifdef OptimizePoll
-static int analyze_poll(void) {
- struct code *cursor, *ptr;
- int cont = 1;
- ptr = lastpoll;
- if (ptr == NULL)
- return 0;
- cursor = cur_fnc->cursor;
- while ((cursor != ptr) && (ptr != NULL) && (cont)) {
- switch (ptr->cd_id) {
- case C_Null :
- case C_NamedVar :
- case C_Label :
- case C_Lit :
- case C_Resume :
- case C_Continue :
- case C_FallThru :
- case C_PFail :
- case C_Goto :
- case C_Create :
- case C_If :
- case C_SrcLoc :
- case C_CdAry :
- break;
- case C_CallSig :
- case C_RetSig :
- case C_LBrack :
- case C_RBrack :
- case C_PRet :
- case C_PSusp :
- case C_Break :
- cont = 0;
- break;
- }
- ptr = ptr->next;
- }
- return cont;
- * remove_poll - removes the ccode structure that represents the last
- * call to the "Poll()" function by simply changing the code ID to
- * C_Null code.
- */
-static void remove_poll(void) {
- if (lastpoll == NULL)
- return;
- lastpoll->cd_id = C_Null;
-#endif /* OptimizePoll */
- * setloc produces code to set the file name and line number to the
- * source location of node n. Code is only produced if the corresponding
- * value has changed since the last time setloc was called.
- */
-static void setloc(n)
-nodeptr n;
- {
- struct code *cd;
- static int count=0;
- if (n == NULL || File(n) == NULL || Line(n) == 0)
- return;
- if (File(n) != lastfiln || Line(n) != lastline) {
-#ifdef OptimizePoll
- if (analyze_poll())
- remove_poll();
- cd = alc_ary(1);
- lastpoll = cd;
-#else /* OptimizePoll */
- cd = alc_ary(1);
-#endif /* OptimizePoll */
- cd->ElemTyp(0) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(0) = "Poll();";
- cd_add(cd);
- if (line_info) {
- cd = NewCode(2);
- cd->cd_id = C_SrcLoc;
- if (File(n) == lastfiln)
- cd->FileName = NULL;
- else {
- lastfiln = File(n);
- cd->FileName = lastfiln;
- }
- if (Line(n) == lastline)
- cd->LineNum = 0;
- else {
- lastline = Line(n);
- cd->LineNum = lastline;
- }
- cd_add(cd);
- }
- }
- }
- * alc_ary - create an array for a sequence of code fragments.
- */
-struct code *alc_ary(n)
-int n;
- {
- struct code *cd;
- static cnt=1;
- cd = NewCode(2 * n + 1);
- cd->cd_id = C_CdAry;
- cd->next = NULL;
- cd->prev = NULL;
- cd->ElemTyp(n) = A_End;
- return cd;
- }
- * alc_lbl - create a label.
- */
-struct code *alc_lbl(desc, flag)
-char *desc;
-int flag;
- {
- register struct code *cd;
- cd = NewCode(5);
- cd->cd_id = C_Label;
- cd->next = NULL;
- cd->prev = NULL;
- cd->Container = cur_fnc; /* function containing label */
- cd->SeqNum = 0; /* sequence number is allocated later */
- cd->Desc = desc; /* identifying comment */
- cd->RefCnt = 0; /* reference count */
- cd->LabFlg = flag;
- return cd;
- }
- * alc_fnc - allocate a function structure;
- */
-static struct c_fnc *alc_fnc()
- {
- register struct c_fnc *cf;
- int i;
- cf = NewStruct(c_fnc);
- cf->prefix[0] = '\0'; /* prefix is allocated later */
- cf->prefix[PrfxSz] = '\0'; /* terminate prefix for printing */
- cf->flag = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < PrfxSz; ++i)
- cf->frm_prfx[i] = frm_prfx[i]; /* note procedure frame prefix */
- cf->frm_prfx[PrfxSz] = '\0'; /* terminate prefix for printing */
- cf->cd.cd_id = C_Null; /* base of code sequence in function */
- cf-> = NULL;
- cf->cursor = &cf->cd; /* current place to insert code */
- cf->call_lst = NULL; /* functions called by this function */
- cf->creatlst = NULL; /* creates within this function */
- cf->sig_lst = NULL; /* signals returned by this function */
- cf->ref_cnt = 0;
- cf->next = NULL;
- *flst_end = cf; /* link entry onto global list */
- flst_end = &(cf->next);
- return cf;
- }
- * tmp_loc - allocate a value location structure for nth temporary descriptor
- * variable in procedure frame.
- */
-static struct val_loc *tmp_loc(n)
-int n;
- {
- register struct val_loc *r;
- r = NewStruct(val_loc);
- r->loc_type = V_Temp;
- r->mod_access = M_None;
- r->u.tmp = n;
- return r;
- }
- * itmp_loc - allocate a value location structure for nth temporary integer
- * variable in procedure frame.
- */
-struct val_loc *itmp_loc(n)
-int n;
- {
- register struct val_loc *r;
- r = NewStruct(val_loc);
- r->loc_type = V_ITemp;
- r->mod_access = M_None;
- r->u.tmp = n;
- return r;
- }
- * dtmp_loc - allocate a value location structure for nth temporary double
- * variable in procedure frame.
- */
-struct val_loc *dtmp_loc(n)
-int n;
- {
- register struct val_loc *r;
- r = NewStruct(val_loc);
- r->loc_type = V_DTemp;
- r->mod_access = M_None;
- r->u.tmp = n;
- return r;
- }
- * vararg_sz - allocate a value location structure that refers to the size
- * of the variable part of an argument list.
- */
-static struct val_loc *vararg_sz(n)
-int n;
- {
- register struct val_loc *r;
- r = NewStruct(val_loc);
- r->loc_type = V_Const;
- r->mod_access = M_None;
- r->u.int_const = n;
- return r;
- }
- * cvar_loc - allocate a value location structure for a C variable.
- */
-struct val_loc *cvar_loc(name)
-char *name;
- {
- register struct val_loc *r;
- r = NewStruct(val_loc);
- r->loc_type = V_CVar;
- r->mod_access = M_None;
- r-> = name;
- return r;
- }
- * var_ref - allocate a value location structure for an Icon named variable.
- */
-static struct val_loc *var_ref(sym)
-struct lentry *sym;
- {
- struct val_loc *loc;
- loc = NewStruct(val_loc);
- loc->loc_type = V_NamedVar;
- loc->mod_access = M_None;
- loc->u.nvar = sym;
- return loc;
- }
- * deref_cd - generate code to dereference a descriptor.
- */
-static void deref_cd(src, dest)
-struct val_loc *src;
-struct val_loc *dest;
- {
- struct code *cd;
- cd = alc_ary(5);
- cd->ElemTyp(0) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(0) = "deref(&";
- cd->ElemTyp(1) = A_ValLoc;
- cd->ValLoc(1) = src;
- cd->ElemTyp(2) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(2) = ", &";
- cd->ElemTyp(3) = A_ValLoc;
- cd->ValLoc(3) = dest;
- cd->ElemTyp(4) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(4) = ");";
- cd_add(cd);
- }
- * inv_op - directly invoke a run-time operation, in-lining it if possible.
- */
-static struct val_loc *inv_op(n, rslt)
-nodeptr n;
-struct val_loc *rslt;
- {
- struct implement *impl;
- struct code *scont_strt;
- struct code *scont_fail;
- struct c_fnc *fnc;
- struct val_loc *frst_arg;
- struct val_loc *arg_rslt;
- struct val_loc *r;
- struct val_loc **varg_rslt;
- struct op_symentry *symtab;
- struct lentry **single;
- struct tmplftm *lifetm_ary;
- nodeptr rslt_lftm;
- char *sbuf;
- int *maybe_var;
- int may_mod;
- int nsyms;
- int nargs;
- int nparms;
- int cont_loc;
- int flag;
- int refs;
- int var_args;
- int n_varargs;
- int arg_loc;
- int dcl_var;
- int i;
- int j;
- int v;
- nargs = Val0(n);
- impl = Impl1(n);
- if (impl == NULL) {
- /*
- * We have already printed an error, just make sure we can
- * continue.
- */
- return &ignore;
- }
- /*
- * If this operation uses its result location as a work area, it must
- * be given a tended result location and the value must be retained
- * as long as the operation can be resumed.
- */
- rslt_lftm = n->lifetime;
- if (impl->use_rslt) {
- rslt_lftm = max_lftm(rslt_lftm, n->intrnl_lftm);
- if (rslt == &ignore)
- rslt = NULL; /* force allocation of temporary */
- }
- /*
- * Determine if this operation takes a variable number of arguments
- * and determine the size of the variable part of the arg list.
- */
- nparms = impl->nargs;
- if (nparms > 0 && impl->arg_flgs[nparms - 1] & VarPrm) {
- var_args = 1;
- n_varargs = nargs - nparms + 1;
- if (n_varargs < 0)
- n_varargs = 0;
- }
- else {
- var_args = 0;
- n_varargs = 0;
- }
- /*
- * Construct a symbol table (implemented as an array) for the operation.
- * The symbol table includes parameters, and both the tended and
- * ordinary variables from the RTL declare statement.
- */
- nsyms = (n->symtyps == NULL ? 0 : n->symtyps->nsyms);
- if (var_args)
- ++nsyms;
- nsyms += impl->ntnds + impl->nvars;
- if (nsyms > 0)
- symtab = (struct op_symentry *)alloc((unsigned int)(nsyms *
- sizeof(struct op_symentry)));
- else
- symtab = NULL;
- for (i = 0; i < nsyms; ++i) {
- symtab[i].n_refs = 0; /* number of non-modifying references */
- symtab[i].n_mods = 0; /* number of modifying references */
- symtab[i].n_rets = 0; /* number of times returned directly */
- symtab[i].var_safe = 0; /* Icon variable arg can be passed directly */
- symtab[i].adjust = 0; /* adjustments needed to "dereference" */
- symtab[i].itmp_indx = -1; /* loc after "in-place" convert to C integer */
- symtab[i].dtmp_indx = -1; /* loc after "in-place" convert to C double */
- symtab[i].loc = NULL; /* location as a descriptor */
- }
- /*
- * If in-lining has not been disabled or the operation is a keyword,
- * check to see if it can reasonably be in-lined and gather information
- * needed to in-line it.
- */
- if ((allow_inline || impl->oper_typ == 'K') &&
- do_inlin(impl, n, &cont_loc, symtab, n_varargs)) {
- /*
- * In-line the operation.
- */
- if (impl->ret_flag & DoesRet || impl->ret_flag & DoesSusp)
- rslt = chk_alc(rslt, rslt_lftm); /* operation produces a result */
- /*
- * Allocate arrays to hold information from type inferencing about
- * whether arguments are variables. This is used to optimize
- * dereferencing.
- */
- if (nargs > 0) {
- maybe_var = (int *)alloc((unsigned int)(nargs * sizeof(int)));
- single = (struct lentry **)alloc((unsigned int)(nargs *
- sizeof(struct lentry *)));
- }
- if (var_args)
- --nparms; /* don't deal with varargs parameter yet. */
- /*
- * Match arguments with parameters and generate code for the
- * arguments. The type of code generated depends on the kinds
- * of dereferencing optimizations that are possible, though
- * in general, dereferencing must wait until all arguments are
- * computed. Because there may be both dereferenced and undereferenced
- * parameters for an argument, the symbol table index does not always
- * match the argument index.
- */
- i = 0; /* symbol table index */
- for (j = 0; j < nparms && j < nargs; ++j) {
- /*
- * Use information from type inferencing to determine if the
- * argument might me a variable and whether it is a single
- * known named variable.
- */
- maybe_var[j] = HasVar(varsubtyp(n->n_field[FrstArg + j].n_ptr->type,
- &(single[j])));
- /*
- * Determine how many times the argument is referenced. If we
- * optimize away return statements because we don't need the
- * result, those references don't count. Take into account
- * that there may be both dereferenced and undereferenced
- * parameters for this argument.
- */
- if (rslt == &ignore)
- symtab[i].n_refs -= symtab[i].n_rets;
- refs = symtab[i].n_refs + symtab[i].n_mods;
- flag = impl->arg_flgs[j] & (RtParm | DrfPrm);
- if (flag == (RtParm | DrfPrm))
- refs += symtab[i + 1].n_refs + symtab[i + 1].n_mods;
- if (refs == 0) {
- /*
- * Indicate that we don't need the argument value (we must
- * still perform the computation in case it has side effects).
- */
- arg_rslt = &ignore;
- symtab[i].adjust = AdjNone;
- }
- else {
- /*
- * Decide whether the result location for the argument can be
- * used directly as the parameter.
- */
- if (flag == (RtParm | DrfPrm) && symtab[i].n_refs +
- symtab[i].n_mods == 0) {
- /*
- * We have both dereferenced and undereferenced parameters,
- * but don't use the undereferenced one so ignore it.
- */
- symtab[i].adjust = AdjNone;
- ++i;
- flag = DrfPrm;
- }
- if (flag == DrfPrm && single[j] != NULL) {
- /*
- * We need only a dereferenced value, but know what variable
- * it is in. We don't need the computed argument value, we will
- * get it directly from the variable. If it is safe to do
- * so, we will pass a pointer to the variable as the argument
- * to the operation.
- */
- arg_rslt = &ignore;
- symtab[i].loc = var_ref(single[j]);
- if (symtab[i].var_safe)
- symtab[i].adjust = AdjNone;
- else
- symtab[i].adjust = AdjCpy;
- }
- else {
- /*
- * Determine if the argument descriptor is modified by the
- * operation; dereferencing a variable is a modification.
- */
- may_mod = (symtab[i].n_mods != 0);
- if (flag == DrfPrm)
- may_mod |= maybe_var[j];
- if (n->n_field[FrstArg + j].n_ptr->reuse && may_mod) {
- /*
- * The parameter may be reused without recomputing
- * the argument and the value may be modified. The
- * argument result location and the parameter location
- * must be separate so the parameter is reloaded upon
- * each invocation.
- */
- arg_rslt = chk_alc(NULL,
- n->n_field[FrstArg + j].n_ptr->lifetime);
- if (flag == DrfPrm && maybe_var[j])
- symtab[i].adjust = AdjNDrf; /* var: must dereference */
- else
- symtab[i].adjust = AdjCpy; /* value only: just copy */
- }
- else {
- /*
- * Argument result location will act as parameter location.
- * Its lifetime must be as long as both that of the
- * the argument and the parameter (operation internal
- * lifetime).
- */
- arg_rslt = chk_alc(NULL, max_lftm(n->intrnl_lftm,
- n->n_field[FrstArg + j].n_ptr->lifetime));
- if (flag == DrfPrm && maybe_var[j])
- symtab[i].adjust = AdjDrf; /* var: must dereference */
- else
- symtab[i].adjust = AdjNone;
- }
- symtab[i].loc = arg_rslt;
- }
- }
- /*
- * Generate the code for the argument.
- */
- gencode(n->n_field[FrstArg + j].n_ptr, arg_rslt);
- if (flag == (RtParm | DrfPrm)) {
- /*
- * We have computed the value for the undereferenced parameter,
- * decide how to get the dereferenced value.
- */
- ++i;
- if (symtab[i].n_refs + symtab[i].n_mods == 0)
- symtab[i].adjust = AdjNone; /* not needed, ignore */
- else {
- if (single[j] != NULL) {
- /*
- * The value is in a specific Icon variable, get it from
- * there. If is is safe to pass the variable directly
- * to the operation, do so.
- */
- symtab[i].loc = var_ref(single[j]);
- if (symtab[i].var_safe)
- symtab[i].adjust = AdjNone;
- else
- symtab[i].adjust = AdjCpy;
- }
- else {
- /*
- * If there might be a variable reference, note that it
- * must be dereferenced. Otherwise decide whether the
- * argument location can be used for both the dereferenced
- * and undereferenced parameter.
- */
- symtab[i].loc = arg_rslt;
- if (maybe_var[j])
- symtab[i].adjust = AdjNDrf;
- else if (symtab[i - 1].n_mods + symtab[i].n_mods == 0)
- symtab[i].adjust = AdjNone;
- else
- symtab[i].adjust = AdjCpy;
- }
- }
- }
- ++i;
- }
- /*
- * Fill out parameter list with null values.
- */
- while (j < nparms) {
- int k, kn;
- kn = 0;
- if (impl->arg_flgs[j] & RtParm)
- ++kn;
- if (impl->arg_flgs[j] & DrfPrm)
- ++kn;
- for (k = 0; k < kn; ++k) {
- if (symtab[i].n_refs + symtab[i].n_mods > 0) {
- arg_rslt = chk_alc(NULL, n->intrnl_lftm);
- cd_add(asgn_null(arg_rslt));
- symtab[i].loc = arg_rslt;
- }
- symtab[i].adjust = AdjNone;
- ++i;
- }
- ++j;
- }
- if (var_args) {
- /*
- * Compute variable part of argument list.
- */
- ++nparms; /* add varargs parameter back into parameter list */
- /*
- * The variable part of the parameter list must be in contiguous
- * descriptors. Create location and lifetime arrays for use in
- * allocating the descriptors.
- */
- if (n_varargs > 0) {
- varg_rslt = (struct val_loc **)alloc((unsigned int)(n_varargs *
- sizeof(struct val_loc *)));
- lifetm_ary = alc_lftm(n_varargs, NULL);
- }
- flag = impl->arg_flgs[j] & (RtParm | DrfPrm);
- /*
- * Compute the lifetime of the elements of the varargs parameter array.
- */
- for (v = 0; v < n_varargs; ++v) {
- /*
- * Use information from type inferencing to determine if the
- * argument might me a variable and whether it is a single
- * known named variable.
- */
- maybe_var[j + v] = HasVar(varsubtyp(
- n->n_field[FrstArg+j+v].n_ptr->type, &(single[j + v])));
- /*
- * Determine if the elements of the vararg parameter array
- * might be modified. If it is a variable, dereferencing
- * modifies it.
- */
- may_mod = (symtab[j].n_mods != 0);
- if (flag == DrfPrm)
- may_mod |= maybe_var[j + v];
- if ((flag == DrfPrm && single[j + v] != NULL) ||
- (n->n_field[FrstArg + j + v].n_ptr->reuse && may_mod)) {
- /*
- * The argument value is only placed in the vararg parameter
- * array during "dereferencing". So the lifetime of the array
- * element is the lifetime of the parameter and the element
- * is not used until dereferencing.
- */
- lifetm_ary[v].lifetime = n->intrnl_lftm;
- lifetm_ary[v].cur_status = n->postn;
- }
- else {
- /*
- * The argument is computed into the vararg parameter array.
- * The lifetime of the array element encompasses both
- * the lifetime of the argument and the parameter. The
- * element is used as soon as the argument is computed.
- */
- lifetm_ary[v].lifetime = max_lftm(n->intrnl_lftm,
- n->n_field[FrstArg+j+v].n_ptr->lifetime);
- lifetm_ary[v].cur_status = n->n_field[FrstArg+j+v].n_ptr->postn;
- }
- }
- /*
- * Allocate (reserve) the array of temporary variables for the
- * vararg list.
- */
- if (n_varargs > 0) {
- arg_loc = alc_tmp(n_varargs, lifetm_ary);
- free((char *)lifetm_ary);
- }
- /*
- * Generate code to compute arguments.
- */
- for (v = 0; v < n_varargs; ++v) {
- may_mod = (symtab[j].n_mods != 0);
- if (flag == DrfPrm)
- may_mod |= maybe_var[j + v];
- if (flag == DrfPrm && single[j + v] != NULL) {
- /*
- * We need a dereferenced value and it is in a known place: a
- * named variable; don't bother saving the result of the
- * argument computation.
- */
- r = &ignore;
- }
- else if (n->n_field[FrstArg + j + v].n_ptr->reuse && may_mod) {
- /*
- * The argument can be reused without being recomputed and
- * the parameter may be modified, so we cannot safely
- * compute the argument into the vararg parameter array; we
- * must compute it elsewhere and copy (dereference) it at the
- * beginning of the operation. Let gencode allocate an argument
- * result location.
- */
- r = NULL;
- }
- else {
- /*
- * We can compute the argument directly into the vararg
- * parameter array.
- */
- r = tmp_loc(arg_loc + v);
- }
- varg_rslt[v] = gencode(n->n_field[FrstArg + j + v].n_ptr, r);
- }
- setloc(n);
- /*
- * Dereference or copy argument values that are not already in vararg
- * parameter list. Preceding arguments are dereferenced later, but
- * it is okay if dereferencing is out-of-order.
- */
- for (v = 0; v < n_varargs; ++v) {
- if (flag == DrfPrm && single[j + v] != NULL) {
- /*
- * Copy the value from the known named variable into the
- * parameter list.
- */
- varg_rslt[v] = var_ref(single[j + v]);
- cd_add(mk_cpyval(tmp_loc(arg_loc + v), varg_rslt[v]));
- }
- else if (flag == DrfPrm && maybe_var[j + v]) {
- /*
- * Dereference the argument into the parameter list.
- */
- deref_cd(varg_rslt[v], tmp_loc(arg_loc + v));
- }
- else if (arg_loc + v != varg_rslt[v]->u.tmp) {
- /*
- * The argument is a dereferenced value, but is not yet
- * in the parameter list; copy it there.
- */
- cd_add(mk_cpyval(tmp_loc(arg_loc + v), varg_rslt[v]));
- }
- tmp_status[arg_loc + v] = InUse; /* parameter location in use */
- }
- /*
- * The vararg parameter gets the address of the first element
- * in the variable part of the argument list and the size
- * parameter gets the number of elements in the list.
- */
- if (n_varargs > 0) {
- free((char *)varg_rslt);
- symtab[i].loc = tmp_loc(arg_loc);
- }
- else
- symtab[i].loc = chk_alc(NULL, n); /* dummy arg location */
- symtab[i].loc->mod_access = M_Addr;
- ++i;
- symtab[i].loc = vararg_sz(n_varargs);
- ++i;
- }
- else {
- /*
- * Compute extra arguments, but discard the results.
- */
- while (j < nargs) {
- gencode(n->n_field[FrstArg + j].n_ptr, &ignore);
- ++j;
- }
- }
- if (nargs > 0) {
- free((char *)maybe_var);
- free((char *)single);
- }
- /*
- * If execution does not continue through the parameter evaluation,
- * don't try to generate in-line code. A lack of parameter types
- * will cause problems with some in-line type conversions.
- */
- if (!past_prms(n))
- return rslt;
- setloc(n);
- dcl_var = i;
- /*
- * Perform any needed copying or dereferencing.
- */
- for (i = 0; i < nsyms; ++i) {
- switch (symtab[i].adjust) {
- case AdjNDrf:
- /*
- * Dereference into a new temporary which is used as the
- * parameter.
- */
- arg_rslt = chk_alc(NULL, n->intrnl_lftm);
- deref_cd(symtab[i].loc, arg_rslt);
- symtab[i].loc = arg_rslt;
- break;
- case AdjDrf:
- /*
- * Dereference in place.
- */
- deref_cd(symtab[i].loc, symtab[i].loc);
- break;
- case AdjCpy:
- /*
- * Copy into a new temporary which is used as the
- * parameter.
- */
- arg_rslt = chk_alc(NULL, n->intrnl_lftm);
- cd_add(mk_cpyval(arg_rslt, symtab[i].loc));
- symtab[i].loc = arg_rslt;
- break;
- case AdjNone:
- break; /* nothing need be done */
- }
- }
- switch (cont_loc) {
- case SepFnc:
- /*
- * success continuation must be in a separate function.
- */
- fnc = alc_fnc();
- sbuf = (char *)alloc((unsigned int)(strlen(impl->name) + 5));
- sprintf(sbuf, "end %s", impl->name);
- scont_strt = alc_lbl(sbuf, 0);
- cd_add(scont_strt);
- cur_fnc->cursor = scont_strt->prev; /* put oper before label */
- gen_inlin(impl->in_line, rslt, &scont_strt, NULL, fnc, impl,
- nsyms, symtab, n, dcl_var, n_varargs);
- cur_fnc->cursor = scont_strt;
- callc_add(fnc);
- cur_fnc = fnc;
- on_failure = &resume;
- break;
- case SContIL:
- /*
- * one suspend an no return: success continuation is put in-line.
- */
- gen_inlin(impl->in_line, rslt, &scont_strt, &scont_fail, NULL, impl,
- nsyms, symtab, n, dcl_var, n_varargs);
- cur_fnc->cursor = scont_strt;
- on_failure = scont_fail;
- break;
- case EndOper:
- /*
- * no suspends: success continuation goes at end of operation.
- */
- sbuf = (char *)alloc((unsigned int)(strlen(impl->name) + 5));
- sprintf(sbuf, "end %s", impl->name);
- scont_strt = alc_lbl(sbuf, 0);
- cd_add(scont_strt);
- cur_fnc->cursor = scont_strt->prev; /* put operation before lbl */
- gen_inlin(impl->in_line, rslt, &scont_strt, NULL, NULL, impl,
- nsyms, symtab, n, dcl_var, n_varargs);
- cur_fnc->cursor = scont_strt;
- break;
- }
- }
- else {
- /*
- * Do not in-line operation.
- */
- implproto(impl);
- frst_arg = gen_args(n, 2, nargs);
- setloc(n);
- if (impl->ret_flag & (DoesRet | DoesSusp))
- rslt = chk_alc(rslt, rslt_lftm);
- mk_callop(oper_name(impl), impl->ret_flag, frst_arg, nargs, rslt,
- 0);
- }
- if (symtab != NULL)
- free((char *)symtab);
- return rslt;
- }
- * max_lftm - given two lifetimes (in the form of nodes) return the
- * maximum one.
- */
-static nodeptr max_lftm(n1, n2)
-nodeptr n1;
-nodeptr n2;
- {
- if (n1 == NULL)
- return n2;
- else if (n2 == NULL)
- return n1;
- else if (n1->postn > n2->postn)
- return n1;
- else
- return n2;
- }
- * inv_prc - directly invoke a procedure.
- */
-static struct val_loc *inv_prc(n, rslt)
-nodeptr n;
-struct val_loc *rslt;
- {
- struct pentry *proc;
- struct val_loc *r;
- struct val_loc *arg1rslt;
- struct val_loc *var_part;
- int *must_deref;
- struct lentry **single;
- struct val_loc **arg_rslt;
- struct code *cd;
- struct tmplftm *lifetm_ary;
- char *sbuf;
- int nargs;
- int nparms;
- int i, j;
- int arg_loc;
- int var_sz;
- int var_loc;
- /*
- * This procedure is implemented without argument list adjustment or
- * dereferencing, so they must be done before the call.
- */
- nargs = Val0(n); /* number of arguments */
- proc = Proc1(n);
- nparms = Abs(proc->nargs);
- if (nparms > 0) {
- must_deref = (int *)alloc((unsigned int)(nparms * sizeof(int)));
- single = (struct lentry **)alloc((unsigned int)(nparms *
- sizeof(struct lentry *)));
- arg_rslt = (struct val_loc **)alloc((unsigned int)(nparms *
- sizeof(struct val_loc *)));
- }
- /*
- * Allocate a work area of temporaries to use as argument list. If
- * an argument can be reused without being recomputed, it must not
- * be computed directly into the work area. It will be copied or
- * dereferenced into the work area when execution reaches the
- * operation. If an argument is a single named variable, it can
- * be dereferenced directly into the argument location. These
- * conditions affect when the temporary will receive a value.
- */
- if (nparms > 0)
- lifetm_ary = alc_lftm(nparms, NULL);
- for (i = 0; i < nparms; ++i)
- lifetm_ary[i].lifetime = n->intrnl_lftm;
- for (i = 0; i < nparms && i < nargs; ++i) {
- must_deref[i] = HasVar(varsubtyp(n->n_field[FrstArg + i].n_ptr->type,
- &(single[i])));
- if (single[i] != NULL || n->n_field[FrstArg + i].n_ptr->reuse)
- lifetm_ary[i].cur_status = n->postn;
- else
- lifetm_ary[i].cur_status = n->n_field[FrstArg + i].n_ptr->postn;
- }
- while (i < nparms) {
- lifetm_ary[i].cur_status = n->postn; /* arg list extension */
- ++i;
- }
- if (proc->nargs < 0)
- lifetm_ary[nparms - 1].cur_status = n->postn; /* variable part */
- if (nparms > 0) {
- arg_loc = alc_tmp(nparms, lifetm_ary);
- free((char *)lifetm_ary);
- }
- if (proc->nargs < 0)
- --nparms; /* treat variable part specially */
- for (i = 0; i < nparms && i < nargs; ++i) {
- if (single[i] != NULL)
- r = &ignore; /* we know where the dereferenced value is */
- else if (n->n_field[FrstArg + i].n_ptr->reuse)
- r = NULL; /* let gencode allocate a new temporary */
- else
- r = tmp_loc(arg_loc + i);
- arg_rslt[i] = gencode(n->n_field[FrstArg + i].n_ptr, r);
- }
- /*
- * If necessary, fill out argument list with nulls.
- */
- while (i < nparms) {
- cd_add(asgn_null(tmp_loc(arg_loc + i)));
- tmp_status[arg_loc + i] = InUse;
- ++i;
- }
- if (proc->nargs < 0) {
- /*
- * handle variable part of list.
- */
- var_sz = nargs - nparms;
- if (var_sz > 0) {
- lifetm_ary = alc_lftm(var_sz, &n->n_field[FrstArg + nparms]);
- var_loc = alc_tmp(var_sz, lifetm_ary);
- free((char *)lifetm_ary);
- for (j = 0; j < var_sz; ++j) {
- gencode(n->n_field[FrstArg + nparms + j].n_ptr,
- tmp_loc(var_loc + j));
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- /*
- * If there are extra arguments, compute them, but discard the
- * results.
- */
- while (i < nargs) {
- gencode(n->n_field[FrstArg + i].n_ptr, &ignore);
- ++i;
- }
- }
- setloc(n);
- /*
- * Dereference or copy argument values that are not already in argument
- * list as dereferenced values.
- */
- for (i = 0; i < nparms && i < nargs; ++i) {
- if (must_deref[i]) {
- if (single[i] == NULL) {
- deref_cd(arg_rslt[i], tmp_loc(arg_loc + i));
- }
- else {
- arg_rslt[i] = var_ref(single[i]);
- cd_add(mk_cpyval(tmp_loc(arg_loc + i), arg_rslt[i]));
- }
- }
- else if (n->n_field[FrstArg + i].n_ptr->reuse)
- cd_add(mk_cpyval(tmp_loc(arg_loc + i), arg_rslt[i]));
- tmp_status[arg_loc + i] = InUse;
- }
- if (proc->nargs < 0) {
- var_part = tmp_loc(arg_loc + nparms);
- tmp_status[arg_loc + nparms] = InUse;
- if (var_sz <= 0) {
- cd = alc_ary(3);
- cd->ElemTyp(0) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(0) = "varargs(NULL, 0, &";
- cd->ElemTyp(1) = A_ValLoc;
- cd->ValLoc(1) = var_part;
- cd->ElemTyp(2) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(2) = ");";
- }
- else {
- cd = alc_ary(7);
- cd->ElemTyp(0) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(0) = "varargs(&";
- cd->ElemTyp(1) = A_ValLoc;
- cd->ValLoc(1) = tmp_loc(var_loc);
- cd->ElemTyp(2) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(2) = ", ";
- cd->ElemTyp(3) = A_Intgr;
- cd->Intgr(3) = var_sz;
- cd->ElemTyp(4) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(4) = ", &";
- cd->ElemTyp(5) = A_ValLoc;
- cd->ValLoc(5) = var_part;
- cd->ElemTyp(6) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(6) = ");";
- }
- cd_add(cd);
- ++nparms; /* include variable part in call */
- }
- if (nparms > 0) {
- free((char *)must_deref);
- free((char *)single);
- free((char *)arg_rslt);
- }
- sbuf = (char *)alloc((unsigned int)(strlen(proc->name) + PrfxSz + 3));
- sprintf(sbuf, "P%s_%s", proc->prefix, proc->name);
- if (nparms > 0)
- arg1rslt = tmp_loc(arg_loc);
- else
- arg1rslt = NULL;
- if (proc->ret_flag & (DoesRet | DoesSusp))
- rslt = chk_alc(rslt, n->lifetime);
- mk_callop(sbuf, proc->ret_flag, arg1rslt, nargs, rslt, 1);
- return rslt;
- }
- * endlife - link a temporary variable onto the list to be freed when
- * execution reaches a node.
- */
-static void endlife(kind, indx, old, n)
-int kind;
-int indx;
-int old;
-nodeptr n;
- {
- struct freetmp *freetmp;
- if ((freetmp = freetmp_pool) == NULL)
- freetmp = NewStruct(freetmp);
- else
- freetmp_pool = freetmp_pool->next;
- freetmp->kind = kind;
- freetmp->indx = indx;
- freetmp->old = old;
- freetmp->next = n->freetmp;
- n->freetmp = freetmp;
- }
- * alc_tmp - allocate a block of temporary variables with the given lifetimes.
- */
-static int alc_tmp(num, lifetm_ary)
-int num;
-struct tmplftm *lifetm_ary;
- {
- int i, j, k;
- register int status;
- int *new_status;
- int new_size;
- i = 0;
- for (;;) {
- if (i + num > status_sz) {
- /*
- * The status array is too small, expand it.
- */
- new_size = status_sz + Max(num, status_sz);
- new_status = (int *)alloc((unsigned int)(new_size * sizeof(int)));
- k = 0;
- while (k < status_sz) {
- new_status[k] = tmp_status[k];
- ++k;
- }
- while (k < new_size) {
- new_status[k] = NotAlloc;
- ++k;
- }
- free((char *)tmp_status);
- tmp_status = new_status;
- status_sz = new_size;
- }
- for (j = 0; j < num; ++j) {
- status = tmp_status[i + j];
- if (status != NotAlloc &&
- (status == InUse || status <= lifetm_ary[j].lifetime->postn))
- break;
- }
- /*
- * Did we find a block of temporaries that we can use?
- */
- if (j == num) {
- while (--j >= 0) {
- endlife(DescTmp, i + j, tmp_status[i + j], lifetm_ary[j].lifetime);
- tmp_status[i + j] = lifetm_ary[j].cur_status;
- }
- if (i + num > num_tmp)
- num_tmp = i + num;
- return i;
- }
- ++i;
- }
- }
- * alc_lftm - allocate an array of lifetime information for an argument
- * list.
- */
-static struct tmplftm *alc_lftm(num, args)
-int num;
-union field *args;
- {
- struct tmplftm *lifetm_ary;
- int i;
- lifetm_ary = (struct tmplftm *)alloc((unsigned int)(num *
- sizeof(struct tmplftm)));
- if (args != NULL)
- for (i = 0; i < num; ++i) {
- lifetm_ary[i].cur_status = args[i].n_ptr->postn; /* reserved for arg */
- lifetm_ary[i].lifetime = args[i].n_ptr->lifetime;
- }
- return lifetm_ary;
- }
- * alc_itmp - allocate a temporary C integer variable.
- */
-int alc_itmp(lifetime)
-nodeptr lifetime;
- {
- int i, j;
- int new_size;
- i = 0;
- while (i < istatus_sz && itmp_status[i] == InUse)
- ++i;
- if (i >= istatus_sz) {
- /*
- * The status array is too small, expand it.
- */
- free((char *)itmp_status);
- new_size = istatus_sz * 2;
- itmp_status = (int *)alloc((unsigned int)(new_size * sizeof(int)));
- j = 0;
- while (j < istatus_sz)
- itmp_status[j++] = InUse;
- while (j < new_size)
- itmp_status[j++] = NotAlloc;
- istatus_sz = new_size;
- }
- endlife(CIntTmp, i, NotAlloc, lifetime);
- itmp_status[i] = InUse;
- if (num_itmp < i + 1)
- num_itmp = i + 1;
- return i;
- }
- * alc_dtmp - allocate a temporary C integer variable.
- */
-int alc_dtmp(lifetime)
-nodeptr lifetime;
- {
- int i, j;
- int new_size;
- i = 0;
- while (i < dstatus_sz && dtmp_status[i] == InUse)
- ++i;
- if (i >= dstatus_sz) {
- /*
- * The status array is too small, expand it.
- */
- free((char *)dtmp_status);
- new_size = dstatus_sz * 2;
- dtmp_status = (int *)alloc((unsigned int)(new_size * sizeof(int)));
- j = 0;
- while (j < dstatus_sz)
- dtmp_status[j++] = InUse;
- while (j < new_size)
- dtmp_status[j++] = NotAlloc;
- dstatus_sz = new_size;
- }
- endlife(CDblTmp, i, NotAlloc, lifetime);
- dtmp_status[i] = InUse;
- if (num_dtmp < i + 1)
- num_dtmp = i + 1;
- return i;
- }
- * alc_sbufs - allocate a block of string buffers with the given lifetime.
- */
-int alc_sbufs(num, lifetime)
-int num;
-nodeptr lifetime;
- {
- int i, j, k;
- int *new_status;
- int new_size;
- i = 0;
- for (;;) {
- if (i + num > sstatus_sz) {
- /*
- * The status array is too small, expand it.
- */
- new_size = sstatus_sz + Max(num, sstatus_sz);
- new_status = (int *)alloc((unsigned int)(new_size * sizeof(int)));
- k = 0;
- while (k < sstatus_sz) {
- new_status[k] = sbuf_status[k];
- ++k;
- }
- while (k < new_size) {
- new_status[k] = NotAlloc;
- ++k;
- }
- free((char *)sbuf_status);
- sbuf_status = new_status;
- sstatus_sz = new_size;
- }
- for (j = 0; j < num && sbuf_status[i + j] == NotAlloc; ++j)
- ;
- /*
- * Did we find a block of buffers that we can use?
- */
- if (j == num) {
- while (--j >= 0) {
- endlife(SBuf, i + j, sbuf_status[i + j], lifetime);
- sbuf_status[i + j] = InUse;
- }
- if (i + num > num_sbuf)
- num_sbuf = i + num;
- return i;
- }
- ++i;
- }
- }
- * alc_cbufs - allocate a block of cset buffers with the given lifetime.
- */
-int alc_cbufs(num, lifetime)
-int num;
-nodeptr lifetime;
- {
- int i, j, k;
- int *new_status;
- int new_size;
- i = 0;
- for (;;) {
- if (i + num > cstatus_sz) {
- /*
- * The status array is too small, expand it.
- */
- new_size = cstatus_sz + Max(num, cstatus_sz);
- new_status = (int *)alloc((unsigned int)(new_size * sizeof(int)));
- k = 0;
- while (k < cstatus_sz) {
- new_status[k] = cbuf_status[k];
- ++k;
- }
- while (k < new_size) {
- new_status[k] = NotAlloc;
- ++k;
- }
- free((char *)cbuf_status);
- cbuf_status = new_status;
- cstatus_sz = new_size;
- }
- for (j = 0; j < num && cbuf_status[i + j] == NotAlloc; ++j)
- ;
- /*
- * Did we find a block of buffers that we can use?
- */
- if (j == num) {
- while (--j >= 0) {
- endlife(CBuf, i + j, cbuf_status[i + j], lifetime);
- cbuf_status[i + j] = InUse;
- }
- if (i + num > num_cbuf)
- num_cbuf = i + num;
- return i;
- }
- ++i;
- }
- }
diff --git a/src/iconc/ccode.h b/src/iconc/ccode.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 2d0cb6f..0000000
--- a/src/iconc/ccode.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,252 +0,0 @@
- * ccode.h - definitions used in code generation.
- */
- * ChkPrefix - allocate a prefix to x if it has not already been done.
- */
-#define ChkPrefix(x) if ((x)[0] == '\0') nxt_pre(x, pre, PrfxSz);
- * sig_act - list of possible signals returned by a call and the action to be
- * to be taken when the signal is returned: in effect a switch statement.
- */
-struct sig_act {
- struct code *sig; /* signal */
- struct code *cd; /* action to be taken: goto, return, break */
- struct sig_act *shar_act; /* signals that share this action */
- struct sig_act *next;
- };
- * val_loc - location of a value. Used for intermediate and final results
- * of expressions.
- */
-#define V_NamedVar 1 /* Icon named variable indicated by nvar */
-#define V_Temp 2 /* temporary variable indicated by tmp */
-#define V_ITemp 3 /* C integer temporary variable indicated by tmp */
-#define V_DTemp 4 /* C double temporary variable indicated by tmp */
-#define V_PRslt 5 /* procedure result location */
-#define V_Const 6 /* integer constant - used for size of varargs */
-#define V_CVar 7 /* C named variable */
-#define V_Ignore 8 /* "trashcan" - a write-only location */
-#define M_None 0 /* access simply as descriptor */
-#define M_CharPtr 1 /* access v-word as "char *" */
-#define M_BlkPtr 2 /* access v-word as block pointer using blk_name */
-#define M_CInt 3 /* access v-word as C integer */
-#define M_Addr 4 /* address of descriptor for varargs */
-struct val_loc {
- int loc_type; /* manifest constants V_* */
- int mod_access; /* manifest constants M_* */
- char *blk_name; /* used with M_BlkPtr */
- union {
- struct lentry *nvar; /* Icon named variable */
- int tmp; /* index of temporary variable */
- int int_const; /* integer constant value */
- char *name; /* C named variable */
- } u;
- };
- * "code" contains the information needed to print a piece of C code.
- * C_... manifest constants are cd_id's. These are followed by
- * corresponding field access expressions.
- */
-#define Rslt fld[0].vloc /* place to put result of expression */
-#define Cont fld[1].fnc /* continuation function or null */
-#define C_Null 0 /* no code */
-#define C_NamedVar 1 /* reference to a named variable */
-/* uses Rslt */
-#define NamedVar fld[1].nvar
-#define C_CallSig 2 /* call and handling of returned signal */
-#define OperName fld[0].oper_nm /* run-time routine name or null */
-/* uses Cont */
-#define Flags fld[2].n /* flag: NeedCont, ForeignSig */
-#define ArgLst fld[3].cd /* argument list */
-#define ContFail fld[4].cd /* label/signal to goto/return on failure */
-#define SigActs fld[5].sa /* actions to take for returned signals */
-#define NextCall fld[6].cd /* for chaining calls within a continuation*/
-#define NeedCont 1 /* pass NULL continuation if Cont == NULL */
-#define ForeignSig 2 /* may get foreign signal from a suspend */
-#define C_RetSig 3 /* return signal */
-#define SigRef fld[0].sigref /* pointer to func's reference to signal */
-#define C_Goto 4 /* goto label */
-#define Lbl fld[0].cd /* label */
-#define C_Label 5 /* statment label "Ln:" and signal "n" */
-#define Container fld[0].fnc /* continuation containing label */
-#define SeqNum fld[1].n /* sequence number, n */
-#define Desc fld[2].s /* description of how label/signal is used */
-#define RefCnt fld[3].n /* reference count for label */
-#define LabFlg fld[4].n /* flag: FncPtrd, BndSig */
-#define FncPrtd 1 /* function sig_n has been printed */
-#define Bounding 2 /* this is a bounding label */
-#define C_Lit 6 /* literal (integer, real, string, cset) */
-/* uses Rslt */
-#define Literal fld[1].lit
-#define C_Resume 7 /* resume signal */
-#define C_Continue 8 /* continue signal */
-#define C_FallThru 9 /* fall through signal */
-#define C_PFail 10 /* procedure failure */
-#define C_PRet 11 /* procedure return (result already set) */
-#define C_PSusp 12 /* procedure suspend */
-#define C_Break 13 /* break out of signal handling switch */
-#define C_LBrack 14 /* '{' */
-#define C_RBrack 15 /* '}' */
-#define C_Create 16 /* call of create() for create expression */
-/* uses Rslt */
-/* uses Cont */
-#define NTemps fld[2].n /* number of temporary descriptors needed */
-#define WrkSize fld[3].n /* size of non-descriptor work area */
-#define NextCreat fld[4].cd /* for chaining creates in a continuation */
-#define C_If 17 /* conditional (goto or return) */
-#define Cond fld[0].cd /* condition */
-#define ThenStmt fld[1].cd /* what to do if condition is true */
-#define C_SrcLoc 18
-#define FileName fld[0].s /* name of source file */
-#define LineNum fld[1].n /* line number within source file */
-#define C_CdAry 19 /* array of code pieces, each with type code*/
-#define A_Str 0 /* code represented as a string */
-#define A_ValLoc 1 /* value location */
-#define A_Intgr 2 /* integer */
-#define A_ProcCont 3 /* procedure continuation */
-#define A_SBuf 4 /* string buffer (integer index) */
-#define A_CBuf 5 /* cset buffer (integer index) */
-#define A_Ary 6 /* pointer to subarray of code pieces */
-#define A_End 7 /* marker for end of array */
-#define ElemTyp(i) fld[2*i].n /* type of element i (A_* codes) */
-#define Str(i) fld[2*i+1].s /* string in element i */
-#define ValLoc(i) fld[2*i+1].vloc /* value location in element i */
-#define Intgr(i) fld[2*i+1].n /* integer in element i */
-#define Array(i) fld[2*i+1].cd /* pointer to subarray in element i */
- * union cd_fld - fields within a code struct.
- */
-union cd_fld {
- int n; /* various integer values */
- char *s; /* various string values */
- struct lentry *nvar; /* symbol table entry for a named variable */
- struct code *cd; /* various pointers to other pieces of code */
- struct c_fnc *fnc; /* pointer to function information */
- struct centry *lit; /* symbol table entry for a literal */
- struct sig_act *sa; /* actions to take for a returned signal */
- struct sig_lst *sigref; /* pointer to func's reference to signal */
- struct val_loc *vloc; /* value location */
- char *oper_nm; /* name of run-time operation or NULL */
- };
- * code - struct used to hold the internal representation of generated code.
- */
-struct code {
- int cd_id; /* kind of code: C_* */
- struct code *next; /* next code fragment in list */
- struct code *prev; /* previous code fragment in list */
- union cd_fld fld[1]; /* fields of code fragment, actual number varies */
- };
- * NewCode - allocate a code structure with "size" fields.
- */
-#define NewCode(size) (struct code *)alloc((unsigned int)\
- (sizeof(struct code) + (size-1) * sizeof(union cd_fld)))
- * c_fnc contains information about a C function that implements a continuation.
- */
-#define CF_SigOnly 1 /* this function only returns a signal */
-#define CF_ForeignSig 2 /* may return foreign signal from a suspend */
-#define CF_Mark 4 /* this function has been visited by fix_fncs() */
-#define CF_Coexpr 8 /* this function implements a co-expression */
-struct c_fnc {
- char prefix[PrfxSz+1]; /* function prefix */
- char frm_prfx[PrfxSz+1]; /* procedure frame prefix */
- int flag; /* CF_* flags */
- struct code cd; /* start of code sequence */
- struct code *cursor; /* place to insert more code into sequence */
- struct code *call_lst; /* functions called by this function */
- struct code *creatlst; /* list of creates in this function */
- struct sig_lst *sig_lst; /* signals returned by this function */
- int ref_cnt; /* reference count for this function */
- struct c_fnc *next;
- };
- * sig_lst - a list of signals returned by a continuation along with a count
- * of the number of places each signal is returned.
- */
-struct sig_lst {
- struct code *sig; /* signal */
- int ref_cnt; /* number of places returned */
- struct sig_lst *next;
- };
- * op_symentry - entry in symbol table for an operation
- */
-#define AdjNone 1 /* no adjustment to this argument */
-#define AdjDrf 2 /* deref in place */
-#define AdjNDrf 3 /* deref into a new temporary */
-#define AdjCpy 4 /* copy into a new temporary */
-struct op_symentry {
- int n_refs; /* number of non-modifying references */
- int n_mods; /* number of modifying referenced */
- int n_rets; /* number of times directly returned from operation */
- int var_safe; /* if arg is named var, it may be used directly */
- int adjust; /* AdjNone, AdjInplc, or AdjToNew */
- int itmp_indx; /* index of temporary C integer variable */
- int dtmp_indx; /* index of temporary C double variable */
- struct val_loc *loc;
- };
-extern int num_tmp; /* number of temporary descriptor variables */
-extern int num_itmp; /* number of temporary C integer variables */
-extern int num_dtmp; /* number of temporary C double variables */
-extern int num_sbuf; /* number of string buffers */
-extern int num_cbuf; /* number of cset buffers */
-extern struct code *bound_sig; /* bounding signal for current procedure */
- * statically declared "signals".
- */
-extern struct code resume;
-extern struct code contin;
-extern struct code fallthru;
-extern struct code next_fail;
-extern struct val_loc ignore; /* no values, just something to point at */
-extern struct c_fnc *cur_fnc; /* C function currently being built */
-extern struct code *on_failure; /* place to go on failure */
-extern int lbl_seq_num; /* next label sequence number */
-extern char pre[PrfxSz]; /* next unused prefix */
-extern struct op_symentry *cur_symtab; /* current operation symbol table */
-#define SepFnc 1 /* success continuation goes in separate function */
-#define SContIL 2 /* in line success continuation */
-#define EndOper 3 /* success continuation goes at end of operation */
-#define HasVal 1 /* type contains values */
-#define HasLcl 2 /* type contains local variables */
-#define HasPrm 4 /* type contains parameters */
-#define HasGlb 8 /* type contains globals (including statics and elements) */
-#define HasVar(x) ((x) & (HasLcl | HasPrm | HasGlb))
diff --git a/src/iconc/ccomp.c b/src/iconc/ccomp.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 5b86189..0000000
--- a/src/iconc/ccomp.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,130 +0,0 @@
- * ccomp.c - routines for compiling and linking the C program produced
- * by the translator.
- */
-#include "../h/gsupport.h"
-#include "cglobals.h"
-#include "ctrans.h"
-#include "ctree.h"
-#include "ccode.h"
-#include "csym.h"
-#include "cproto.h"
-extern char *refpath;
-#define ExeFlag "-o"
-#define LinkLibs " -lm"
- * Structure to hold the list of Icon run-time libraries that must be
- * linked in.
- */
-struct lib {
- char *libname;
- int nm_sz;
- struct lib *next;
- };
-static struct lib *liblst;
-static int lib_sz = 0;
- * addlib - add a new library to the list the must be linked.
- */
-void addlib(libname)
-char *libname;
- {
- static struct lib **nxtlib = &liblst;
- struct lib *l;
- l = NewStruct(lib);
- l->libname = libname;
- l->nm_sz = strlen(libname);
- l->next = NULL;
- *nxtlib = l;
- nxtlib = &l->next;
- lib_sz += l->nm_sz + 1;
- }
- * ccomp - perform C compilation and linking.
- */
-int ccomp(srcname, exename)
-char *srcname;
-char *exename;
- {
- struct lib *l;
- char sbuf[MaxPath]; /* file name construction buffer */
- char *buf;
- char *s;
- char *dlrgint;
- int cmd_sz, opt_sz, flg_sz, exe_sz, src_sz;
- /*
- * Compute the sizes of the various parts of the command line
- * to do the compilation.
- */
- cmd_sz = strlen(c_comp);
- opt_sz = strlen(c_opts);
- flg_sz = strlen(ExeFlag);
- exe_sz = strlen(exename);
- src_sz = strlen(srcname);
- lib_sz += strlen(LinkLibs);
- if (!largeints) {
- dlrgint = makename(sbuf, refpath, "dlrgint", ObjSuffix);
- lib_sz += strlen(dlrgint) + 1;
- }
-#ifdef Graphics
- lib_sz += strlen(" -L") +
- strlen(refpath) +
- strlen(" -lIgpx ");
- lib_sz += strlen(ICONC_XLIB);
-#endif /* Graphics */
- buf = alloc((unsigned int)cmd_sz + opt_sz + flg_sz + exe_sz + src_sz +
- lib_sz + 5);
- strcpy(buf, c_comp);
- s = buf + cmd_sz;
- *s++ = ' ';
- strcpy(s, c_opts);
- s += opt_sz;
- *s++ = ' ';
- strcpy(s, ExeFlag);
- s += flg_sz;
- *s++ = ' ';
- strcpy(s, exename);
- s += exe_sz;
- *s++ = ' ';
- strcpy(s, srcname);
- s += src_sz;
- if (!largeints) {
- *s++ = ' ';
- strcpy(s, dlrgint);
- s += strlen(dlrgint);
- }
- for (l = liblst; l != NULL; l = l->next) {
- *s++ = ' ';
- strcpy(s, l->libname);
- s += l->nm_sz;
- }
-#ifdef Graphics
- strcpy(s," -L");
- strcat(s, refpath);
- strcat(s," -lIgpx ");
- strcat(s, ICONC_XLIB);
- s += strlen(s);
-#endif /* Graphics */
- strcpy(s, LinkLibs);
- if (system(buf) != 0)
- return EXIT_FAILURE;
- strcpy(buf, "strip ");
- s = buf + 6;
- strcpy(s, exename);
- system(buf);
- return EXIT_SUCCESS;
- }
diff --git a/src/iconc/cglobals.h b/src/iconc/cglobals.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 301a602..0000000
--- a/src/iconc/cglobals.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
- * Global variables.
- */
-extern char *runtime;
-#ifndef Global
-#define Global extern
-#define Init(v)
-#endif /* Global */
- * Variables related to command processing.
- */
-Global char *progname Init("iconc"); /* program name for diagnostics */
-Global int debug_info Init(0); /* -fd, -t: generate debugging info */
-Global int err_conv Init(0); /* -fe: support error conversion */
-#ifdef LargeInts
- Global int largeints Init(1); /* -fl: support large integers */
-#else /* LargeInts */
- Global int largeints Init(0); /* -fl: support large integers */
-#endif /* LargeInts */
-Global int line_info Init(0); /* -fn, -fd, -t: generate line info */
-Global int m4pre Init(0); /* -m: use m4 preprocessor? */
-Global int str_inv Init(0); /* -fs: enable full string invocation */
-Global int trace Init(0); /* -t: initial &trace value */
-Global int uwarn Init(0); /* -u: warn about undefined ids? */
-Global int just_type_trace Init(0); /* -T: suppress C code */
-Global int verbose Init(1); /* -s, -v: level of verbosity */
-Global int pponly Init(0); /* -E: preprocess only */
-Global char *c_comp Init(CComp); /* -C: C compiler */
-Global char *c_opts Init(COpts); /* -p: options for C compiler */
- * Flags turned off by the -n option.
- */
-Global int opt_cntrl Init(1); /* do control flow optimization */
-Global int opt_sgnl Init(1); /* do signal handling optimizations */
-Global int do_typinfer Init(1); /* do type inference */
-Global int allow_inline Init(1); /* allow expanding operations in line */
- * Files.
- */
-Global FILE *codefile Init(0); /* C code output - primary file */
-Global FILE *inclfile Init(0); /* C code output - include file */
diff --git a/src/iconc/cgrammar.c b/src/iconc/cgrammar.c
deleted file mode 100644
index a48e621..0000000
--- a/src/iconc/cgrammar.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,221 +0,0 @@
- * cgrammar.c - includes and macros for building the parse tree.
- */
-#include "../h/define.h"
-#include "../common/yacctok.h"
- * These commented directives are passed through the first application
- * of cpp, then turned into real directives in cgram.g by fixgram.icn.
- */
-/*#include "../h/gsupport.h"*/
-/*#include "../h/lexdef.h"*/
-/*#include "ctrans.h"*/
-/*#include "csym.h"*/
-/*#include "ctree.h"*/
-/*#include "ccode.h" */
-/*#include "cproto.h"*/
-/*#undef YYSTYPE*/
-/*#define YYSTYPE nodeptr*/
-/*#define YYMAXDEPTH 500*/
-int idflag;
-#define EmptyNode tree1(N_Empty)
-#define Alt(x1,x2,x3) $$ = tree4(N_Alt,x2,x1,x3)
-#define Apply(x1,x2,x3) $$ = tree4(N_Apply,x2,x1,x3)
-#define Arglist1() /* empty */
-#define Arglist2(x) /* empty */
-#define Arglist3(x1,x2,x3) proc_lst->nargs = -proc_lst->nargs
-#define Bact(x1,x2,x3) $$ = tree5(N_Activat,x2,x2,x1,x3)
-#define Bamper(x1,x2,x3) $$ = binary_nd(x2,x1,x3)
-#define Bassgn(x1,x2,x3) $$ = binary_nd(x2,x1,x3)
-#define Baugact(x1,x2,x3) $$ = tree5(N_Activat,x2,x2,x1,x3)
-#define Baugamper(x1,x2,x3) $$ = aug_nd(x2,x1,x3)
-#define Baugcat(x1,x2,x3) $$ = aug_nd(x2,x1,x3)
-#define Baugeq(x1,x2,x3) $$ = aug_nd(x2,x1,x3)
-#define Baugeqv(x1,x2,x3) $$ = aug_nd(x2,x1,x3)
-#define Baugge(x1,x2,x3) $$ = aug_nd(x2,x1,x3)
-#define Bauggt(x1,x2,x3) $$ = aug_nd(x2,x1,x3)
-#define Bauglcat(x1,x2,x3) $$ = aug_nd(x2,x1,x3)
-#define Baugle(x1,x2,x3) $$ = aug_nd(x2,x1,x3)
-#define Bauglt(x1,x2,x3) $$ = aug_nd(x2,x1,x3)
-#define Baugne(x1,x2,x3) $$ = aug_nd(x2,x1,x3)
-#define Baugneqv(x1,x2,x3) $$ = aug_nd(x2,x1,x3)
-#define Baugques(x1,x2,x3) $$ = tree5(N_Scan,x2,x2,x1,x3)
-#define Baugseq(x1,x2,x3) $$ = aug_nd(x2,x1,x3)
-#define Baugsge(x1,x2,x3) $$ = aug_nd(x2,x1,x3)
-#define Baugsgt(x1,x2,x3) $$ = aug_nd(x2,x1,x3)
-#define Baugsle(x1,x2,x3) $$ = aug_nd(x2,x1,x3)
-#define Baugslt(x1,x2,x3) $$ = aug_nd(x2,x1,x3)
-#define Baugsne(x1,x2,x3) $$ = aug_nd(x2,x1,x3)
-#define Bcaret(x1,x2,x3) $$ = binary_nd(x2,x1,x3)
-#define Bcareta(x1,x2,x3) $$ = aug_nd(x2,x1,x3)
-#define Bcat(x1,x2,x3) $$ = binary_nd(x2,x1,x3)
-#define Bdiff(x1,x2,x3) $$ = binary_nd(x2,x1,x3)
-#define Bdiffa(x1,x2,x3) $$ = aug_nd(x2,x1,x3)
-#define Beq(x1,x2,x3) $$ = binary_nd(x2,x1,x3)
-#define Beqv(x1,x2,x3) $$ = binary_nd(x2,x1,x3)
-#define Bge(x1,x2,x3) $$ = binary_nd(x2,x1,x3)
-#define Bgt(x1,x2,x3) $$ = binary_nd(x2,x1,x3)
-#define Binter(x1,x2,x3) $$ = binary_nd(x2,x1,x3)
-#define Bintera(x1,x2,x3) $$ = aug_nd(x2,x1,x3)
-#define Blcat(x1,x2,x3) $$ = binary_nd(x2,x1,x3)
-#define Ble(x1,x2,x3) $$ = binary_nd(x2,x1,x3)
-#define Blim(x1,x2,x3) $$ = tree4(N_Limit,x2,x1,x3)
-#define Blt(x1,x2,x3) $$ = binary_nd(x2,x1,x3)
-#define Bminus(x1,x2,x3) $$ = binary_nd(x2,x1,x3)
-#define Bminusa(x1,x2,x3) $$ = aug_nd(x2,x1,x3)
-#define Bmod(x1,x2,x3) $$ = binary_nd(x2,x1,x3)
-#define Bmoda(x1,x2,x3) $$ = aug_nd(x2,x1,x3)
-#define Bne(x1,x2,x3) $$ = binary_nd(x2,x1,x3)
-#define Bneqv(x1,x2,x3) $$ = binary_nd(x2,x1,x3)
-#define Bplus(x1,x2,x3) $$ = binary_nd(x2,x1,x3)
-#define Bplusa(x1,x2,x3) $$ = aug_nd(x2,x1,x3)
-#define Bques(x1,x2,x3) $$ = tree5(N_Scan,x2,x2,x1,x3)
-#define Brace(x1,x2,x3) $$ = x2
-#define Brack(x1,x2,x3) $$ = list_nd(x1,x2)
-#define Brassgn(x1,x2,x3) $$ = binary_nd(x2,x1,x3)
-#define Break(x1,x2) $$ = tree3(N_Break,x1,x2)
-#define Brswap(x1,x2,x3) $$ = binary_nd(x2,x1,x3)
-#define Bseq(x1,x2,x3) $$ = binary_nd(x2,x1,x3)
-#define Bsge(x1,x2,x3) $$ = binary_nd(x2,x1,x3)
-#define Bsgt(x1,x2,x3) $$ = binary_nd(x2,x1,x3)
-#define Bslash(x1,x2,x3) $$ = binary_nd(x2,x1,x3)
-#define Bslasha(x1,x2,x3) $$ = aug_nd(x2,x1,x3)
-#define Bsle(x1,x2,x3) $$ = binary_nd(x2,x1,x3)
-#define Bslt(x1,x2,x3) $$ = binary_nd(x2,x1,x3)
-#define Bsne(x1,x2,x3) $$ = binary_nd(x2,x1,x3)
-#define Bstar(x1,x2,x3) $$ = binary_nd(x2,x1,x3)
-#define Bstara(x1,x2,x3) $$ = aug_nd(x2,x1,x3)
-#define Bswap(x1,x2,x3) $$ = binary_nd(x2,x1,x3)
-#define Bunion(x1,x2,x3) $$ = binary_nd(x2,x1,x3)
-#define Buniona(x1,x2,x3) $$ = aug_nd(x2,x1,x3)
-#define Case(x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6) $$ = case_nd(x1,x2,x5)
-#define Caselist(x1,x2,x3) $$ = tree4(N_Clist,x2,x1,x3)
-#define Cclause0(x1,x2,x3) $$ = tree4(N_Ccls,x2,x1,x3)
-#define Cclause1(x1,x2,x3) $$ = tree4(N_Ccls,x2,x1,x3)
-#define Cliter(x) CSym0(x) = putlit(Str0(x),F_CsetLit,(int)Val1(x))
-#define Colon(x) $$ = x
-#define Compound(x1,x2,x3) $$ = tree4(N_Slist,x2,x1,x3)
-#define Create(x1,x2) $$ = tree3(N_Create,x1,x2);\
- proc_lst->has_coexpr = 1;
-#define Elst0(x) $$ = x;
-#define Elst1(x1,x2,x3) $$ = tree4(N_Elist,x2,x1,x3);
-#define Every0(x1,x2) $$ = tree5(N_Loop,x1,x1,x2,EmptyNode)
-#define Every1(x1,x2,x3,x4) $$ = tree5(N_Loop,x1,x1,x2,x4)
-#define Fail(x) $$ = tree4(N_Ret,x,x,EmptyNode)
-#define Field(x1,x2,x3) $$ = tree4(N_Field,x2,x1,x3)
-#define Global0(x) idflag = F_Global
-#define Global1(x1,x2,x3) /* empty */
-#define Globdcl(x) /* empty */
-#define Ident(x) install(Str0(x),idflag)
-#define Idlist(x1,x2,x3) install(Str0(x3),idflag)
-#define If0(x1,x2,x3,x4) $$ = tree5(N_If,x1,x2,x4,EmptyNode)
-#define If1(x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6) $$ = tree5(N_If,x1,x2,x4,x6)
-#define Iliter(x) CSym0(x) = putlit(Str0(x),F_IntLit,0)
-#define Initial1() $$ = EmptyNode
-#define Initial2(x1,x2,x3) $$ = x2
-#define Invocdcl(x) /* empty */
-#define Invocable(x1,x2) /* empty */
-#define Invoclist(x1,x2, x3) /* empty */
-#define Invocop1(x) invoc_grp(Str0(x));
-#define Invocop2(x) invocbl(x, -1);
-#define Invocop3(x1,x2,x3) invocbl(x1, atoi(Str0(x3)));
-#define Invoke(x1,x2,x3,x4) $$ = invk_nd(x2,x1,x3)
-#define Keyword(x1,x2) $$ = key_leaf(x1,Str0(x2))
-#define Kfail(x1,x2) $$ = key_leaf(x1,spec_str("fail"))
-#define Link(x1,x2) /* empty */
-#define Linkdcl(x) /* empty */
-#define Lnkfile1(x) lnkdcl(Str0(x));
-#define Lnkfile2(x) lnkdcl(Str0(x));
-#define Lnklist(x1,x2,x3) /* empty */
-#define Local(x) idflag = F_Dynamic
-#define Locals1() /* empty */
-#define Locals2(x1,x2,x3,x4) /* empty */
-#define Mcolon(x) $$ = x
-#define Nexpr() $$ = EmptyNode
-#define Next(x) $$ = tree2(N_Next,x)
-#define Paren(x1,x2,x3) if ((x2)->n_type == N_Elist)\
- $$ = invk_nd(x1,EmptyNode,x2);\
- else\
- $$ = x2
-#define Pcolon(x) $$ = x
-#define Pdco0(x1,x2,x3) $$ = invk_nd(x2,x1,list_nd(x2,EmptyNode))
-#define Pdco1(x1,x2,x3,x4) $$ = invk_nd(x2,x1,list_nd(x2,x3))
-#define Pdcolist0(x) $$ = tree3(N_Create,x,x);\
- proc_lst->has_coexpr = 1;
-#define Pdcolist1(x1,x2,x3) $$ =tree4(N_Elist,x2,x1,tree3(N_Create,x2,x3));\
- proc_lst->has_coexpr = 1;
-#define Proc1(x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6) $$ = tree6(N_Proc,x1,x1,x4,x5,x6)
-#define Procbody1() $$ = EmptyNode
-#define Procbody2(x1,x2,x3) $$ = tree4(N_Slist,x2,x1,x3)
-#define Procdcl(x) proc_lst->tree = x
-#define Prochead1(x1,x2) init_proc(Str0(x2));\
- idflag = F_Argument
-#define Prochead2(x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6) /* empty */
-#define Progend(x1,x2) /* empty */
-#define Recdcl(x) /* empty */
-#define Record1(x1, x2) init_rec(Str0(x2));\
- idflag = F_Field
-#define Record2(x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6) /* empty */
-#define Repeat(x1,x2) $$ = tree5(N_Loop,x1,x1,x2,EmptyNode)
-#define Return(x1,x2) $$ = tree4(N_Ret,x1,x1,x2)
-#define Rliter(x) CSym0(x) = putlit(Str0(x),F_RealLit,0)
-#define Section(x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6) $$ = sect_nd(x4,x1,x3,x5)
-#define Sliter(x) CSym0(x) = putlit(Str0(x),F_StrLit,(int)Val1(x))
-#define Static(x) idflag = F_Static
-#define Subscript(x1,x2,x3,x4) $$ = buildarray(x1,x2,x3)
-#define Suspend0(x1,x2) $$ = tree5(N_Loop,x1,x1,x2,EmptyNode)
-#define Suspend1(x1,x2,x3,x4) $$ = tree5(N_Loop,x1,x1,x2,x4)
-#define To0(x1,x2,x3) $$ = to_nd(x2,x1,x3)
-#define To1(x1,x2,x3,x4,x5) $$ = toby_nd(x2,x1,x3,x5)
-#define Uat(x1,x2) $$ = tree5(N_Activat,x1,x1,EmptyNode,x2)
-#define Ubackslash(x1,x2) $$ = unary_nd(x1,x2)
-#define Ubang(x1,x2) $$ = unary_nd(x1,x2)
-#define Ubar(x1,x2) $$ = tree3(N_Bar,x2,x2)
-#define Ucaret(x1,x2) $$ = unary_nd(x1,x2)
-#define Uconcat(x1,x2) $$ = tree3(N_Bar,x2,x2)
-#define Udiff(x1,x2) $$ = MultiUnary(x1,x2)
-#define Udot(x1,x2) $$ = unary_nd(x1,x2)
-#define Uequiv(x1,x2) $$ = MultiUnary(x1,x2)
-#define Uinter(x1,x2) $$ = MultiUnary(x1,x2)
-#define Ulconcat(x1,x2) $$ = tree3(N_Bar,x2,x2)
-#define Ulexeq(x1,x2) $$ = MultiUnary(x1,x2)
-#define Ulexne(x1,x2) $$ = MultiUnary(x1,x2)
-#define Uminus(x1,x2) $$ = unary_nd(x1,x2)
-#define Unot(x1,x2) $$ = tree3(N_Not,x2,x2)
-#define Unotequiv(x1,x2) $$ = MultiUnary(x1,x2)
-#define Until0(x1,x2) $$ = tree5(N_Loop,x1,x1,x2,EmptyNode)
-#define Until1(x1,x2,x3,x4) $$ = tree5(N_Loop,x1,x1,x2,x4)
-#define Unumeq(x1,x2) $$ = unary_nd(x1,x2)
-#define Unumne(x1,x2) $$ = MultiUnary(x1,x2)
-#define Uplus(x1,x2) $$ = unary_nd(x1,x2)
-#define Uqmark(x1,x2) $$ = unary_nd(x1,x2)
-#define Uslash(x1,x2) $$ = unary_nd(x1,x2)
-#define Ustar(x1,x2) $$ = unary_nd(x1,x2)
-#define Utilde(x1,x2) $$ = unary_nd(x1,x2)
-#define Uunion(x1,x2) $$ = MultiUnary(x1,x2)
-#define Var(x) LSym0(x) = putloc(Str0(x),0)
-#define While0(x1,x2) $$ = tree5(N_Loop,x1,x1,x2,EmptyNode)
-#define While1(x1,x2,x3,x4) $$ = tree5(N_Loop,x1,x1,x2,x4)
-#include "../h/grammar.h"
- * xfree(p) -- used with free(p) macro to avoid compiler errors from
- * miscast free calls generated by Yacc.
- */
-#undef free
-static void xfree(p)
-char *p;
- free(p);
-/*#define free(p) xfree((char*)p)*/
diff --git a/src/iconc/chkinv.c b/src/iconc/chkinv.c
deleted file mode 100644
index af4298f..0000000
--- a/src/iconc/chkinv.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,545 +0,0 @@
- * chkinv.c - routines to determine which global names are only
- * used as immediate operand to invocation and to directly invoke
- * the corresponding operations. In addition, simple assignments to
- * names variables are recognized and it is determined whether
- * procedures return, suspend, or fail.
- */
-#include "../h/gsupport.h"
-#include "ctrans.h"
-#include "csym.h"
-#include "ctree.h"
-#include "ctoken.h"
-#include "cglobals.h"
-#include "ccode.h"
-#include "cproto.h"
- * prototypes for static functions.
- */
-static int chg_ret (int flag);
-static void chksmpl (struct node *n, int smpl_invk);
-static int seq_exec (int exec_flg1, int exec_flg2);
-static int spcl_inv (struct node *n, struct node *asgn);
-static ret_flag;
- * chkinv - check for invocation and assignment optimizations.
- */
-void chkinv()
- {
- struct gentry *gp;
- struct pentry *proc;
- int exec_flg;
- int i;
- if (debug_info)
- return; /* The following analysis is not valid */
- /*
- * start off assuming that global variables for procedure, etc. are
- * only used as immediate operands to invocations then mark any
- * which are not. Any variables retaining the property are never
- * changed. Go through the code and change invocations to such
- * variables to invocations directly to the operation.
- */
- for (i = 0; i < GHSize; i++)
- for (gp = ghash[i]; gp != NULL; gp = gp->blink) {
- if (gp->flag & (F_Proc | F_Builtin | F_Record) &&
- !(gp->flag & F_StrInv))
- gp->flag |= F_SmplInv;
- /*
- * However, only optimize normal cases for main.
- */
- if (strcmp(gp->name, "main") == 0 && (gp->flag & F_Proc) &&
- (gp->val.proc->nargs < 0 || gp->val.proc->nargs > 1))
- gp->flag &= ~(uword)F_SmplInv;
- /*
- * Work-around to problem that a co-expression block needs
- * block for enclosing procedure: just keep procedure in
- * a variable to force outputting the block. Note, this
- * inhibits tailored calling conventions for the procedure.
- */
- if ((gp->flag & F_Proc) && gp->val.proc->has_coexpr)
- gp->flag &= ~(uword)F_SmplInv;
- }
- /*
- * Analyze code in each procedure.
- */
- for (proc = proc_lst; proc != NULL; proc = proc->next) {
- chksmpl(Tree1(proc->tree), 0); /* initial expression */
- chksmpl(Tree2(proc->tree), 0); /* procedure body */
- }
- /*
- * Go through each procedure performing "naive" optimizations on
- * invocations and assignments. Also determine whether the procedure
- * returns, suspends, or fails (possibly by falling through to
- * the end).
- */
- for (proc = proc_lst; proc != NULL; proc = proc->next) {
- ret_flag = 0;
- spcl_inv(Tree1(proc->tree), NULL);
- exec_flg = spcl_inv(Tree2(proc->tree), NULL);
- if (exec_flg & DoesFThru)
- ret_flag |= DoesFail;
- proc->ret_flag = ret_flag;
- }
- }
- * smpl_invk - find any global variable uses that are not a simple
- * invocation and mark the variables.
- */
-static void chksmpl(n, smpl_invk)
-struct node *n;
-int smpl_invk;
- {
- struct node *cases;
- struct node *clause;
- struct lentry *var;
- int i;
- int lst_arg;
- switch (n->n_type) {
- case N_Alt:
- case N_Apply:
- case N_Limit:
- case N_Slist:
- chksmpl(Tree0(n), 0);
- chksmpl(Tree1(n), 0);
- break;
- case N_Activat:
- chksmpl(Tree1(n), 0);
- chksmpl(Tree2(n), 0);
- break;
- case N_Augop:
- chksmpl(Tree2(n), 0);
- chksmpl(Tree3(n), 0);
- break;
- case N_Bar:
- case N_Break:
- case N_Create:
- case N_Field:
- case N_Not:
- chksmpl(Tree0(n), 0);
- break;
- case N_Case:
- chksmpl(Tree0(n), 0); /* control clause */
- cases = Tree1(n);
- while (cases != NULL) {
- if (cases->n_type == N_Ccls) {
- clause = cases;
- cases = NULL;
- }
- else {
- clause = Tree1(cases);
- cases = Tree0(cases);
- }
- chksmpl(Tree0(clause), 0); /* value of clause */
- chksmpl(Tree1(clause), 0); /* body of clause */
- }
- if (Tree2(n) != NULL)
- chksmpl(Tree2(n), 0); /* default */
- break;
- case N_Cset:
- case N_Int:
- case N_Real:
- case N_Str:
- case N_Empty:
- case N_Next:
- break;
- case N_Id:
- if (!smpl_invk) {
- /*
- * The variable is being used somewhere other than in a simple
- * invocation.
- */
- var = LSym0(n);
- if (var->flag & F_Global)
- var->>flag &= ~F_SmplInv;
- }
- break;
- case N_If:
- chksmpl(Tree0(n), 0);
- chksmpl(Tree1(n), 0);
- chksmpl(Tree2(n), 0);
- break;
- case N_Invok:
- lst_arg = 1 + Val0(n);
- /*
- * Check the thing being invoked, noting that it is in fact being
- * invoked.
- */
- chksmpl(Tree1(n), 1);
- for (i = 2; i <= lst_arg; ++i)
- chksmpl(n->n_field[i].n_ptr, 0); /* arg i - 1 */
- break;
- case N_InvOp:
- lst_arg = 1 + Val0(n);
- for (i = 2; i <= lst_arg; ++i)
- chksmpl(n->n_field[i].n_ptr, 0); /* arg i */
- break;
- case N_Loop: {
- switch ((int)Val0(Tree0(n))) {
- case EVERY:
- case SUSPEND:
- case WHILE:
- case UNTIL:
- chksmpl(Tree1(n), 0); /* control clause */
- chksmpl(Tree2(n), 0); /* do clause */
- break;
- case REPEAT:
- chksmpl(Tree1(n), 0); /* clause */
- break;
- }
- }
- case N_Ret:
- if (Val0(Tree0(n)) == RETURN)
- chksmpl(Tree1(n), 0);
- break;
- case N_Scan:
- chksmpl(Tree1(n), 0);
- chksmpl(Tree2(n), 0);
- break;
- case N_Sect:
- chksmpl(Tree2(n), 0);
- chksmpl(Tree3(n), 0);
- chksmpl(Tree4(n), 0);
- break;
- default:
- fprintf(stderr, "compiler error: node type %d unknown\n", n->n_type);
- }
- }
- * spcl_inv - look for general invocations that can be replaced by
- * special invocations. Simple assignment to a named variable is
- * is a particularly special case. Also, determine whether execution
- * might "fall through" this code and whether the code might fail.
- */
-static int spcl_inv(n, asgn)
-struct node *n;
-struct node *asgn; /* the result goes into this special-cased assignment */
- {
- struct node *cases;
- struct node *clause;
- struct node *invokee;
- struct gentry *gvar;
- struct loop {
- int exec_flg;
- struct node *asgn;
- struct loop *prev;
- } loop_info;
- struct loop *loop_sav;
- int exec_flg;
- int i;
- int lst_arg;
- static struct loop *cur_loop = NULL;
- switch (n->n_type) {
- case N_Activat:
- if (asgn != NULL)
- Val0(asgn) = AsgnDeref; /* assume worst case */
- return seq_exec(spcl_inv(Tree1(n), NULL), spcl_inv(Tree2(n), NULL));
- case N_Alt:
- exec_flg = spcl_inv(Tree0(n), asgn) & DoesFThru;
- return exec_flg | spcl_inv(Tree1(n), asgn);
- case N_Apply:
- if (asgn != NULL)
- Val0(asgn) = AsgnCopy; /* assume worst case */
- return seq_exec(spcl_inv(Tree0(n), NULL), spcl_inv(Tree1(n), NULL));
- case N_Augop:
- exec_flg = chg_ret(Impl1(n)->ret_flag);
- if (Tree2(n)->n_type == N_Id) {
- /*
- * This is an augmented assignment to a named variable.
- * An optimized version of assignment can be used.
- */
- n->n_type = N_SmplAug;
- if (Impl1(n)->use_rslt)
- Val0(n) = AsgnCopy;
- else
- Val0(n) = AsgnDirect;
- }
- else {
- if (asgn != NULL)
- Val0(asgn) = AsgnDeref; /* this operation produces a variable */
- exec_flg = seq_exec(exec_flg, spcl_inv(Tree2(n), NULL));
- exec_flg = seq_exec(exec_flg, chg_ret(Impl0(n)->ret_flag));
- }
- return seq_exec(exec_flg, spcl_inv(Tree3(n), NULL));
- case N_Bar:
- return spcl_inv(Tree0(n), asgn);
- case N_Break:
- if (cur_loop == NULL) {
- nfatal(n, "invalid context for break", NULL);
- return 0;
- }
- loop_sav = cur_loop;
- cur_loop = cur_loop->prev;
- loop_sav->exec_flg |= spcl_inv(Tree0(n), loop_sav->asgn);
- cur_loop = loop_sav;
- return 0;
- case N_Create:
- spcl_inv(Tree0(n), NULL);
- return DoesFThru;
- case N_Case:
- exec_flg = spcl_inv(Tree0(n), NULL) & DoesFail; /* control clause */
- cases = Tree1(n);
- while (cases != NULL) {
- if (cases->n_type == N_Ccls) {
- clause = cases;
- cases = NULL;
- }
- else {
- clause = Tree1(cases);
- cases = Tree0(cases);
- }
- spcl_inv(Tree0(clause), NULL);
- exec_flg |= spcl_inv(Tree1(clause), asgn);
- }
- if (Tree2(n) != NULL)
- exec_flg |= spcl_inv(Tree2(n), asgn); /* default */
- else
- exec_flg |= DoesFail;
- return exec_flg;
- case N_Cset:
- case N_Int:
- case N_Real:
- case N_Str:
- case N_Empty:
- return DoesFThru;
- case N_Field:
- if (asgn != NULL)
- Val0(asgn) = AsgnDeref; /* operation produces variable */
- return spcl_inv(Tree0(n), NULL);
- case N_Id:
- if (asgn != NULL)
- Val0(asgn) = AsgnDeref; /* variable */
- return DoesFThru;
- case N_If:
- spcl_inv(Tree0(n), NULL);
- exec_flg = spcl_inv(Tree1(n), asgn);
- if (Tree2(n)->n_type == N_Empty)
- exec_flg |= DoesFail;
- else
- exec_flg |= spcl_inv(Tree2(n), asgn);
- return exec_flg;
- case N_Invok:
- lst_arg = 1 + Val0(n);
- invokee = Tree1(n);
- exec_flg = DoesFThru;
- for (i = 2; i <= lst_arg; ++i)
- exec_flg = seq_exec(exec_flg, spcl_inv(n->n_field[i].n_ptr, NULL));
- if (invokee->n_type == N_Id && LSym0(invokee)->flag & F_Global) {
- /*
- * This is an invocation of a global variable. If we can
- * convert this to a direct invocation, determine whether
- * it is an invocation of a procedure, built-in function,
- * or record constructor; each has a difference kind of
- * direct invocation node.
- */
- gvar = LSym0(invokee)->;
- if (gvar->flag & F_SmplInv) {
- switch (gvar->flag & (F_Proc | F_Builtin | F_Record)) {
- case F_Proc:
- n->n_type = N_InvProc;
- Proc1(n) = gvar->val.proc;
- return DoesFThru | DoesFail; /* assume worst case */
- case F_Builtin:
- n->n_type = N_InvOp;
- Impl1(n) = gvar->val.builtin;
- if (asgn != NULL && Impl1(n)->use_rslt)
- Val0(asgn) = AsgnCopy;
- return seq_exec(exec_flg, chg_ret(
- gvar->val.builtin->ret_flag));
- case F_Record:
- n->n_type = N_InvRec;
- Rec1(n) = gvar->val.rec;
- return seq_exec(exec_flg, DoesFThru |
- (err_conv ? DoesFail : 0));
- }
- }
- }
- if (asgn != NULL)
- Val0(asgn) = AsgnCopy; /* assume worst case */
- spcl_inv(invokee, NULL);
- return DoesFThru | DoesFail; /* assume worst case */
- case N_InvOp:
- if (Impl1(n)->op != NULL && strcmp(Impl1(n)->op, ":=") == 0 &&
- Tree2(n)->n_type == N_Id) {
- /*
- * This is a simple assignment to a named variable.
- * An optimized version of assignment can be used.
- */
- n->n_type = N_SmplAsgn;
- /*
- * For now, assume rhs of := can compute directly into a
- * variable. This may be changed when the rhs is examined
- * in the recursive call to spcl_inv().
- */
- Val0(n) = AsgnDirect;
- return spcl_inv(Tree3(n), n);
- }
- else {
- /*
- * No special cases.
- */
- lst_arg = 1 + Val0(n);
- exec_flg = chg_ret(Impl1(n)->ret_flag);
- for (i = 2; i <= lst_arg; ++i)
- exec_flg = seq_exec(exec_flg, spcl_inv(n->n_field[i].n_ptr,
- NULL)); /* arg i */
- if (asgn != NULL && Impl1(n)->use_rslt)
- Val0(asgn) = AsgnCopy;
- return exec_flg;
- }
- case N_Limit:
- return seq_exec(spcl_inv(Tree0(n), asgn),
- spcl_inv(Tree1(n), NULL)) | DoesFail;
- case N_Loop: {
- loop_info.prev = cur_loop;
- loop_info.exec_flg = 0;
- loop_info.asgn = asgn;
- cur_loop = &loop_info;
- switch ((int)Val0(Tree0(n))) {
- case EVERY:
- case WHILE:
- case UNTIL:
- spcl_inv(Tree1(n), NULL); /* control clause */
- spcl_inv(Tree2(n), NULL); /* do clause */
- exec_flg = DoesFail;
- break;
- case SUSPEND:
- spcl_inv(Tree1(n), NULL); /* control clause */
- spcl_inv(Tree2(n), NULL); /* do clause */
- ret_flag |= DoesSusp;
- exec_flg = DoesFail;
- break;
- case REPEAT:
- spcl_inv(Tree1(n), NULL); /* clause */
- exec_flg = 0;
- break;
- }
- exec_flg |= cur_loop->exec_flg;
- cur_loop = cur_loop->prev;
- return exec_flg;
- }
- case N_Next:
- return 0;
- case N_Not:
- exec_flg = spcl_inv(Tree0(n), NULL);
- return ((exec_flg & DoesFail) ? DoesFThru : 0) |
- ((exec_flg & DoesFThru) ? DoesFail: 0);
- case N_Ret:
- if (Val0(Tree0(n)) == RETURN) {
- exec_flg = spcl_inv(Tree1(n), NULL);
- ret_flag |= DoesRet;
- if (exec_flg & DoesFail)
- ret_flag |= DoesFail;
- }
- else
- ret_flag |= DoesFail;
- return 0;
- case N_Scan:
- if (asgn != NULL)
- Val0(asgn) = AsgnCopy; /* assume worst case */
- return seq_exec(spcl_inv(Tree1(n), NULL),
- spcl_inv(Tree2(n), NULL));
- case N_Sect:
- if (asgn != NULL && Impl0(n)->use_rslt)
- Val0(asgn) = AsgnCopy;
- exec_flg = spcl_inv(Tree2(n), NULL);
- exec_flg = seq_exec(exec_flg, spcl_inv(Tree3(n), NULL));
- exec_flg = seq_exec(exec_flg, spcl_inv(Tree4(n), NULL));
- return seq_exec(exec_flg, chg_ret(Impl0(n)->ret_flag));
- case N_Slist:
- exec_flg = spcl_inv(Tree0(n), NULL);
- if (exec_flg & (DoesFThru | DoesFail))
- exec_flg = DoesFThru;
- return seq_exec(exec_flg, spcl_inv(Tree1(n), asgn));
- default:
- fprintf(stderr, "compiler error: node type %d unknown\n", n->n_type);
- }
- }
- * seq_exec - take the execution flags for sequential pieces of code
- * and compute the flags for the combined code.
- */
-static int seq_exec(exec_flg1, exec_flg2)
-int exec_flg1;
-int exec_flg2;
- {
- return (exec_flg1 & exec_flg2 & DoesFThru) |
- ((exec_flg1 | exec_flg2) & DoesFail);
- }
- * chg_ret - take a return flag and change suspend and return to
- * "fall through". If error conversion is supported, change error
- * failure to failure.
- *
- */
-static int chg_ret(flag)
-int flag;
- {
- int flg1;
- flg1 = flag & DoesFail;
- if (flag & (DoesRet | DoesSusp))
- flg1 |= DoesFThru;
- if (err_conv && (flag & DoesEFail))
- flg1 |= DoesFail;
- return flg1;
- }
diff --git a/src/iconc/clex.c b/src/iconc/clex.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 8e7d657..0000000
--- a/src/iconc/clex.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
- * clex.c -- the lexical analyzer for iconc.
- */
-#define Iconc
-#include "../h/gsupport.h"
-#include "../h/lexdef.h"
-#include "ctrans.h"
-#include "ctoken.h"
-#include "ctree.h"
-#include "csym.h"
-#include "ccode.h"
-#include "cproto.h"
-#include "../h/parserr.h"
-#include "../common/lextab.h"
-#include "../common/yylex.h"
-#include "../common/error.h"
diff --git a/src/iconc/cmain.c b/src/iconc/cmain.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 6daf5c4..0000000
--- a/src/iconc/cmain.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,424 +0,0 @@
- * cmain.c - main program icon compiler.
- */
-#include "../h/gsupport.h"
-#include "ctrans.h"
-#include "ctree.h"
-#include "ccode.h"
-#include "csym.h"
-#include "cproto.h"
- * Prototypes.
- */
-static void execute (char *ofile, char **args);
-static FILE *open_out (char *fname);
-static void rmfile (char *fname);
-static void report (char *s);
-static void usage (void);
-char *refpath;
-char patchpath[MaxPath+18] = "%PatchStringHere->";
- * Define global variables.
- */
-#define Global
-#define Init(v) = v
-#include "cglobals.h"
- * getopt() variables
- */
-extern int optind; /* index into parent argv vector */
-extern int optopt; /* character checked for validity */
-extern char *optarg; /* argument associated with option */
- * main program
- */
-int main(argc,argv)
-int argc;
-char **argv;
- {
- int no_c_comp = 0; /* suppress C compile and link? */
- int errors = 0; /* compilation errors */
- char *cfile = NULL; /* name of C file - primary */
- char *hfile = NULL; /* name of C file - include */
- char *ofile = NULL; /* name of executable result */
- char *db_name = "rt.db"; /* data base name */
- char *incl_file = "rt.h"; /* header file name */
- char *db_path; /* path to data base */
- char *db_lst; /* list of private data bases */
- char *incl_path; /* path to header file */
- char *s, c1;
- char buf[MaxPath]; /* file name construction buffer */
- int c;
- int ret_code;
- struct fileparts *fp;
- if ((int)strlen(patchpath) > 18)
- refpath = patchpath+18;
- else
- refpath = relfile(argv[0], "/../");
- /*
- * Process options.
- */
- while ((c = getopt(argc,argv,"+C:ELS:Tcf:mn:o:p:r:stuv:x")) != EOF)
- switch (c) {
- case 'C': /* -C C-comp: C compiler*/
- c_comp = optarg;
- break;
- case 'E': /* -E: preprocess only */
- pponly = 1;
- no_c_comp = 1;
- break;
- case 'L': /* Ignore: interpreter only */
- break;
- case 'S': /* Ignore: interpreter only */
- break;
- case 'T':
- just_type_trace = 1;
- break;
- case 'c': /* -c: produce C file only */
- no_c_comp = 1;
- break;
- case 'f': /* -f: enable features */
- for (s = optarg; *s != '\0'; ++s) {
- switch (*s) {
- case 'a': /* -fa: enable all features */
- line_info = 1;
- debug_info = 1;
- err_conv = 1;
- largeints = 1;
- str_inv = 1;
- break;
- case 'd': /* -fd: enable debugging features */
- line_info = 1;
- debug_info = 1;
- break;
- case 'e': /* -fe: enable error conversion */
- err_conv = 1;
- break;
- case 'l': /* -fl: support large integers */
- largeints = 1;
- break;
- case 'n': /* -fn: enable line numbers */
- line_info = 1;
- break;
- case 's': /* -fs: enable full string invocation */
- str_inv = 1;
- break;
- default:
- quitf("-f option must be a, d, e, l, n, or s. found: %s",
- optarg);
- }
- }
- break;
- case 'm': /* -m: preprocess using m4(1) */
- m4pre = 1;
- break;
- case 'n': /* -n: disable optimizations */
- for (s = optarg; *s != '\0'; ++s) {
- switch (*s) {
- case 'a': /* -na: disable all optimizations */
- opt_cntrl = 0;
- allow_inline = 0;
- opt_sgnl = 0;
- do_typinfer = 0;
- break;
- case 'c': /* -nc: disable control flow opts */
- opt_cntrl = 0;
- break;
- case 'e': /* -ne: disable expanding in-line */
- allow_inline = 0;
- break;
- case 's': /* -ns: disable switch optimizations */
- opt_sgnl = 0;
- break;
- case 't': /* -nt: disable type inference */
- do_typinfer = 0;
- break;
- default:
- usage();
- }
- }
- break;
- case 'o': /* -o file: name output file */
- ofile = optarg;
- break;
- case 'p': /* -p C-opts: options for C comp */
- if (*optarg == '\0') /* if empty string, clear options */
- c_opts = optarg;
- else { /* else append to current set */
- s = (char *)alloc(strlen(c_opts) + 1 + strlen(optarg) + 1);
- sprintf(s, "%s %s", c_opts, optarg);
- c_opts = s;
- }
- break;
- case 'r': /* -r path: primary runtime system */
- refpath = optarg;
- break;
- case 's': /* -s: suppress informative messages */
- verbose = 0;
- break;
- case 't': /* -t: &trace = -1 */
- line_info = 1;
- debug_info = 1;
- trace = 1;
- break;
- case 'u': /* -u: warn about undeclared ids */
- uwarn = 1;
- break;
- case 'v': /* -v: set level of verbosity */
- if (sscanf(optarg, "%d%c", &verbose, &c1) != 1)
- quitf("bad operand to -v option: %s",optarg);
- break;
- default:
- case 'x': /* -x illegal until after file list */
- usage();
- }
- init(); /* initialize memory for translation */
- /*
- * Load the data bases of information about run-time routines and
- * determine what libraries are needed for linking (these libraries
- * go before any specified on the command line).
- */
- db_lst = getenv("DBLIST");
- if (db_lst != NULL)
- db_lst = salloc(db_lst);
- s = db_lst;
- while (s != NULL) {
- db_lst = s;
- while (isspace(*db_lst))
- ++db_lst;
- if (*db_lst == '\0')
- break;
- for (s = db_lst; !isspace(*s) && *s != '\0'; ++s)
- ;
- if (*s == '\0')
- s = NULL;
- else
- *s++ = '\0';
- readdb(db_lst);
- addlib(salloc(makename(buf,SourceDir, db_lst, LibSuffix)));
- }
- db_path = (char *)alloc((unsigned int)strlen(refpath) + strlen(db_name) + 1);
- strcpy(db_path, refpath);
- strcat(db_path, db_name);
- readdb(db_path);
- addlib(salloc(makename(buf,SourceDir, db_path, LibSuffix)));
- /*
- * Scan the rest of the command line for file name arguments.
- */
- while (optind < argc) {
- if (strcmp(argv[optind],"-x") == 0) /* stop at -x */
- break;
- else if (strcmp(argv[optind],"-") == 0)
- src_file("-"); /* "-" means standard input */
- else if (argv[optind][0] == '-')
- addlib(argv[optind]); /* assume linker option */
- else {
- fp = fparse(argv[optind]); /* parse file name */
- if (*fp->ext == '\0' || smatch(fp->ext, SourceSuffix)) {
- makename(buf,SourceDir,argv[optind], SourceSuffix);
- src_file(buf);
- }
- else
- /*
- * Assume all files that are not Icon source go to linker.
- */
- addlib(argv[optind]);
- }
- optind++;
- }
- if (srclst == NULL)
- usage(); /* error -- no files named */
- if (pponly) {
- if (trans() == 0)
- exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
- else
- exit (EXIT_SUCCESS);
- }
- if (ofile == NULL) { /* if no -o file, synthesize a name */
- if (strcmp(srclst->name,"-") == 0)
- ofile = salloc(makename(buf,TargetDir,"stdin",ExecSuffix));
- else
- ofile = salloc(makename(buf,TargetDir,srclst->name,ExecSuffix));
- } else { /* add extension if necessary */
- fp = fparse(ofile);
- if (*fp->ext == '\0' && *ExecSuffix != '\0')
- ofile = salloc(makename(buf,NULL,ofile,ExecSuffix));
- }
- /*
- * Make name of intermediate C files.
- */
- cfile = salloc(makename(buf,TargetDir,ofile,CSuffix));
- hfile = salloc(makename(buf,TargetDir,ofile,HSuffix));
- codefile = open_out(cfile);
- fprintf(codefile, "#include \"%s\"\n", hfile);
- inclfile = open_out(hfile);
- fprintf(inclfile, "#define COMPILER 1\n");
- incl_path = (char *)alloc((unsigned int)(strlen(refpath) +
- strlen(incl_file) + 1));
- strcpy(incl_path, refpath);
- strcat(incl_path, incl_file);
- fprintf(inclfile,"#include \"%s\"\n", incl_path);
- /*
- * Translate .icn files to make C file.
- */
- if ((verbose > 0) && !just_type_trace)
- report("Translating to C");
- errors = trans();
- if ((errors > 0) || just_type_trace) { /* exit if errors seen */
- rmfile(cfile);
- rmfile(hfile);
- if (errors > 0)
- else exit(EXIT_SUCCESS);
- }
- fclose(codefile);
- fclose(inclfile);
- /*
- * Compile and link C file.
- */
- if (no_c_comp) /* exit if no C compile wanted */
- if (verbose > 0)
- report("Compiling and linking C code");
- ret_code = ccomp(cfile, ofile);
- if (ret_code == EXIT_FAILURE) {
- fprintf(stderr, "*** C compile and link failed ***\n");
- rmfile(ofile);
- }
- /*
- * Finish by removing C files.
- */
- rmfile(cfile);
- rmfile(hfile);
- rmfile(makename(buf,TargetDir,cfile,ObjSuffix));
- if (ret_code == EXIT_SUCCESS && optind < argc) {
- if (verbose > 0)
- report("Executing");
- execute (ofile, argv+optind+1);
- }
- return ret_code;
- }
- * execute - execute compiled Icon program
- */
-static void execute(ofile,args)
-char *ofile, **args;
- {
- int n;
- char **argv, **p;
- char buf[MaxPath]; /* file name construction buffer */
- ofile = salloc(makename(buf,"./",ofile,ExecSuffix));
- for (n = 0; args[n] != NULL; n++) /* count arguments */
- ;
- p = argv = (char **)alloc((unsigned int)((n + 2) * sizeof(char *)));
- *p++ = ofile; /* set executable file */
- while (*p++ = *args++) /* copy args into argument vector */
- ;
- *p = NULL;
- execvp(ofile,argv);
- quitf("could not run %s",ofile);
- }
- * Report phase.
- */
-static void report(s)
-char *s;
- {
- fprintf(stderr,"%s:\n",s);
- }
- * rmfile - remove a file
- */
-static void rmfile(fname)
-char *fname;
- {
- remove(fname);
- }
- * open_out - open a C output file and write identifying information
- * to the front.
- */
-static FILE *open_out(fname)
-char *fname;
- {
- FILE *f;
- static char *ident = "/*ICONC*/";
- int c;
- int i;
- /*
- * If the file already exists, make sure it is old output from iconc
- * before overwriting it. Note, this test doesn't work if the file
- * is writable but not readable.
- */
- f = fopen(fname, "r");
- if (f != NULL) {
- for (i = 0; i < (int)strlen(ident); ++i) {
- c = getc(f);
- if (c == EOF)
- break;
- if ((char)c != ident[i])
- quitf("%s not in iconc format; rename or delete, and rerun", fname);
- }
- fclose(f);
- }
- f = fopen(fname, "w");
- if (f == NULL)
- quitf("cannot create %s", fname);
- fprintf(f, "%s\n", ident); /* write "belongs to iconc" comment */
- id_comment(f); /* write detailed comment for human readers */
- fflush(f);
- return f;
- }
- * Print an error message if called incorrectly. The message depends
- * on the legal options for this system.
- */
-static void usage()
- {
- fprintf(stderr,"usage: %s %s file ... [-x args]\n", progname, CUsage);
- }
diff --git a/src/iconc/cmem.c b/src/iconc/cmem.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 720a495..0000000
--- a/src/iconc/cmem.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
- * cmem.c -- memory initialization and allocation for the translator.
- */
-#include "../h/gsupport.h"
-#include "cglobals.h"
-#include "ctrans.h"
-#include "csym.h"
-#include "ctree.h"
-#include "ccode.h"
-#include "cproto.h"
-struct centry *chash[CHSize]; /* hash area for constant table */
-struct fentry *fhash[FHSize]; /* hash area for field table */
-struct gentry *ghash[GHSize]; /* hash area for global table */
-struct implement *bhash[IHSize]; /* hash area for built-in functions */
-struct implement *khash[IHSize]; /* hash area for keywords */
-struct implement *ohash[IHSize]; /* hash area for operators */
-struct implement *spec_op[NumSpecOp]; /* table of ops with special syntax */
-char pre[PrfxSz] = {'0', '0', '0'}; /* initial function name prefix */
-extern struct str_buf lex_sbuf;
- * init - initialize memory for the translator
- */
-void init()
- int i;
- init_str();
- init_sbuf(&lex_sbuf);
- /*
- * Zero out the hash tables.
- */
- for (i = 0; i < CHSize; i++)
- chash[i] = NULL;
- for (i = 0; i < FHSize; i++)
- fhash[i] = NULL;
- for (i = 0; i < GHSize; i++)
- ghash[i] = NULL;
- for (i = 0; i < IHSize; i++) {
- bhash[i] = NULL;
- khash[i] = NULL;
- ohash[i] = NULL;
- }
- /*
- * Clear table of operators with non-standard operator syntax.
- */
- for (i = 0; i < NumSpecOp; ++i)
- spec_op[i] = NULL;
- }
- * init_proc - add a new entry on front of procedure list.
- */
-void init_proc(name)
-char *name;
- {
- register struct pentry *p;
- int i;
- struct gentry *sym_ent;
- p = NewStruct(pentry);
- p->name = name;
- nxt_pre(p->prefix, pre, PrfxSz);
- p->prefix[PrfxSz] = '\0';
- p->nargs = 0;
- p->args = NULL;
- p->ndynam = 0;
- p->dynams = NULL;
- p->nstatic = 0;
- p->has_coexpr = 0;
- p->statics = NULL;
- p->ret_flag = DoesRet | DoesFail | DoesSusp; /* start out pessimistic */
- p->arg_lst = 0;
- p->lhash =
- (struct lentry **)alloc((unsigned int)((LHSize)*sizeof(struct lentry *)));
- for (i = 0; i < LHSize; i++)
- p->lhash[i] = NULL;
- p->next = proc_lst;
- proc_lst = p;
- sym_ent = instl_p(name, F_Proc);
- sym_ent->val.proc = proc_lst;
- }
- * init_rec - add a new entry on the front of the record list.
- */
-void init_rec(name)
-char *name;
- {
- register struct rentry *r;
- struct gentry *sym_ent;
- static int rec_num = 0;
- r = NewStruct(rentry);
- r->name = name;
- nxt_pre(r->prefix, pre, PrfxSz);
- r->prefix[PrfxSz] = '\0';
- r->rec_num = rec_num++;
- r->nfields = 0;
- r->fields = NULL;
- r->next = rec_lst;
- rec_lst = r;
- sym_ent= instl_p(name, F_Record);
- sym_ent->val.rec = r;
- }
diff --git a/src/iconc/codegen.c b/src/iconc/codegen.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 8ca5bd1..0000000
--- a/src/iconc/codegen.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1918 +0,0 @@
- * codegen.c - routines to write out C code.
- */
-#include "../h/gsupport.h"
-#include "ctrans.h"
-#include "cglobals.h"
-#include "csym.h"
-#include "ccode.h"
-#include "ctree.h"
-#include "cproto.h"
-#ifndef LoopThreshold
-#define LoopThreshold 7
-#endif /* LoopThreshold */
- * MinOne - arrays sizes must be at least 1.
- */
-#define MinOne(n) ((n) > 0 ? (n) : 1)
- * ChkSeqNum - make sure a label has been given a sequence number.
- */
-#define ChkSeqNum(x) if ((x)->SeqNum == 0) (x)->SeqNum = ++lbl_seq_num
- * ChkBound - for a given procedure, signals that transfer control to a
- * bounding label all use the same signal number.
- */
-#define ChkBound(x) (((x)->LabFlg & Bounding) ? bound_sig : (x))
- * When a switch statement for signal handling is optimized, there
- * are three possible forms of default clauses.
- */
-#define DfltNone 0 /* no default clause */
-#define DfltBrk 1 /* default is just a break */
-#define DfltRetSig 2 /* default is to return the signal from the call */
- * Prototypes for static functions.
- */
-static int arg_nms (struct lentry *lptr, int prt);
-static void bi_proc (char *name, struct implement *ip);
-static void chkforgn (int outer);
-static int dyn_nms (struct lentry *lptr, int prt);
-static void fldnames (struct fldname *fields);
-static void fnc_blk (struct gentry *gptr);
-static void frame (int outer);
-static void good_clsg (struct code *call, int outer);
-static void initpblk (FILE *f, int c, char *prefix, char *name,
- int nquals, int nparam, int ndynam, int nstatic,
- int frststat);
-static char *is_builtin (struct gentry *gptr);
-static void proc_blk (struct gentry *gptr, int init_glbl);
-static void prt_ary (struct code *cd, int outer);
-static void prt_cond (struct code *cond);
-static void prt_cont (struct c_fnc *cont);
-static void prt_var (struct lentry *var, int outer);
-static void prtcall (struct code *call, int outer);
-static void prtcode (struct code *cd, int outer);
-static void prtpccall (int outer);
-static void rec_blk (struct gentry *gptr, int init_glbl);
-static void smpl_clsg (struct code *call, int outer);
-static void stat_nms (struct lentry *lptr, int prt);
-static void val_loc (struct val_loc *rslt, int outer);
-static int n_stat = -1; /* number of static variables */
- * var_dcls - produce declarations necessary to implement variables
- * and to initialize globals and statics: procedure blocks, procedure
- * frames, record blocks, declarations for globals and statics, the
- * C main program.
- */
-void var_dcls()
- {
- register int i;
- register struct gentry *gptr;
- struct gentry *gbl_main;
- struct pentry *prc_main;
- int n_glob = 0;
- int flag;
- int init_glbl;
- int first;
- char *pfx;
- /*
- * Output initialized array of descriptors for globals.
- */
- fprintf(codefile, "\nstatic struct {word dword; union block *vword;}");
- fprintf(codefile, " init_globals[NGlobals] = {\n");
- prc_main = NULL;
- for (i = 0; i < GHSize; i++)
- for (gptr = ghash[i]; gptr != NULL; gptr = gptr->blink) {
- flag = gptr->flag & ~(F_Global | F_StrInv);
- if (strcmp(gptr->name, "main") == 0 && (gptr->flag & F_Proc)) {
- /*
- * Remember main procedure.
- */
- gbl_main = gptr;
- prc_main = gbl_main->val.proc;
- }
- if (flag == 0) {
- /*
- * Ordinary variable.
- */
- gptr->index = n_glob++;
- fprintf(codefile, " {D_Null},\n");
- }
- else {
- /*
- * Procedure, function, or record constructor. If the variable
- * has not been optimized away, initialize the it to reference
- * the procedure block.
- */
- if (flag & F_SmplInv) {
- init_glbl = 0;
- flag &= ~(uword)F_SmplInv;
- }
- else {
- init_glbl = 1;
- gptr->index = n_glob++;
- fprintf(codefile, " {D_Proc, ");
- }
- switch (flag) {
- case F_Proc:
- proc_blk(gptr, init_glbl);
- break;
- case F_Builtin:
- if (init_glbl)
- fnc_blk(gptr);
- break;
- case F_Record:
- rec_blk(gptr, init_glbl);
- }
- }
- }
- if (n_glob == 0)
- fprintf(codefile, " {D_Null} /* place holder */\n");
- fprintf(codefile, " };\n");
- if (prc_main == NULL) {
- nfatal(NULL, "main procedure missing", NULL);
- return;
- }
- /*
- * Output array of descriptors initialized to the names of the
- * global variables that have not been optimized away.
- */
- if (n_glob == 0)
- fprintf(codefile, "\nstruct sdescrip init_gnames[1];\n");
- else {
- fprintf(codefile, "\nstruct sdescrip init_gnames[NGlobals] = {\n");
- for (i = 0; i < GHSize; i++)
- for (gptr = ghash[i]; gptr != NULL; gptr = gptr->blink)
- if (!(gptr->flag & F_SmplInv))
- fprintf(codefile, " {%d, \"%s\"},\n", strlen(gptr->name),
- gptr->name);
- fprintf(codefile, " };\n");
- }
- /*
- * Output array of pointers to builtin functions that correspond to
- * names of the global variables.
- */
- if (n_glob == 0)
- fprintf(codefile, "\nstruct b_proc *builtins[1];\n");
- else {
- fprintf(codefile, "\nstruct b_proc *builtins[NGlobals] = {\n");
- for (i = 0; i < GHSize; i++)
- for (gptr = ghash[i]; gptr != NULL; gptr = gptr->blink)
- if (!(gptr->flag & F_SmplInv)) {
- /*
- * Need to output *something* to stay in step with other arrays.
- */
- if (pfx = is_builtin(gptr)) {
- fprintf(codefile, " (struct b_proc *)&BF%c%c_%s,\n",
- pfx[0], pfx[1], gptr->name);
- }
- else
- fprintf(codefile, " 0,\n");
- }
- fprintf(codefile, " };\n");
- }
- /*
- * Output C main function that initializes the run-time system and
- * calls the main procedure.
- */
- fprintf(codefile, "\n");
- fprintf(codefile, "int main(argc, argv)\n");
- fprintf(codefile, "int argc;\n");
- fprintf(codefile, "char **argv;\n");
- fprintf(codefile, " {\n");
- /*
- * If the main procedure requires a command-line argument list, we
- * need a place to construct the Icon argument list.
- */
- if (prc_main->nargs != 0 || !(gbl_main->flag & F_SmplInv)) {
- fprintf(codefile, " struct {\n");
- fprintf(codefile, " struct tend_desc *previous;\n");
- fprintf(codefile, " int num;\n");
- fprintf(codefile, " struct descrip arg_lst;\n");
- fprintf(codefile, " } t;\n");
- fprintf(codefile, "\n");
- }
- /*
- * Produce code to initialize run-time system variables. Some depend
- * on compiler options.
- */
- fprintf(codefile, " op_tbl = (struct b_proc *)init_op_tbl;\n");
- fprintf(codefile, " globals = (dptr)init_globals;\n");
- fprintf(codefile, " eglobals = &globals[%d];\n", n_glob);
- fprintf(codefile, " gnames = (dptr)init_gnames;\n");
- fprintf(codefile, " egnames = &gnames[%d];\n", n_glob);
- fprintf(codefile, " estatics = &statics[%d];\n", n_stat + 1);
- if (debug_info)
- fprintf(codefile, " debug_info = 1;\n");
- else
- fprintf(codefile, " debug_info = 0;\n");
- if (line_info) {
- fprintf(codefile, " line_info = 1;\n");
- fprintf(codefile, " file_name = \"\";\n");
- fprintf(codefile, " line_num = 0;\n");
- }
- else
- fprintf(codefile, " line_info = 0;\n");
- if (err_conv)
- fprintf(codefile, " err_conv = 1;\n");
- else
- fprintf(codefile, " err_conv = 0;\n");
- if (largeints)
- fprintf(codefile, " largeints = 1;\n");
- else
- fprintf(codefile, " largeints = 0;\n");
- /*
- * Produce code to call the routine to initialize the runtime system.
- */
- if (trace)
- fprintf(codefile, " init(*argv, &argc, argv, -1);\n");
- else
- fprintf(codefile, " init(*argv, &argc, argv, 0);\n");
- fprintf(codefile, "\n");
- /*
- * If the main procedure requires an argument list (perhaps because
- * it uses standard, rather than tailored calling conventions),
- * set up the argument list.
- */
- if (prc_main->nargs != 0 || !(gbl_main->flag & F_SmplInv)) {
- fprintf(codefile, " t.arg_lst = nulldesc;\n");
- fprintf(codefile, " t.num = 1;\n");
- fprintf(codefile, " t.previous = NULL;\n");
- fprintf(codefile, " tend = (struct tend_desc *)&t;\n");
- if (prc_main->nargs == 0)
- fprintf(codefile,
- " /* main() takes no arguments: construct no list */\n");
- else
- fprintf(codefile, " cmd_line(argc, argv, &t.arg_lst);\n");
- fprintf(codefile, "\n");
- }
- else
- fprintf(codefile, " tend = NULL;\n");
- if (gbl_main->flag & F_SmplInv) {
- /*
- * procedure main only has a simplified implementation if it
- * takes either 0 or 1 argument.
- */
- first = 1;
- if (prc_main->nargs == 0)
- fprintf(codefile, " P%s_main(", prc_main->prefix);
- else {
- fprintf(codefile, " P%s_main(&t.arg_lst", prc_main->prefix);
- first = 0;
- }
- if (prc_main->ret_flag & (DoesRet | DoesSusp)) {
- if (!first)
- fprintf(codefile, ", ");
- fprintf(codefile, "&trashcan");
- first = 0;
- }
- if (prc_main->ret_flag & DoesSusp)
- fprintf(codefile, ", (continuation)NULL");
- fprintf(codefile, ");\n");
- }
- else /* the main procedure uses standard calling conventions */
- fprintf(codefile,
- " P%s_main(1, &t.arg_lst, &trashcan, (continuation)NULL);\n",
- prc_main->prefix);
- fprintf(codefile, " \n");
- fprintf(codefile, " c_exit(EXIT_SUCCESS);\n");
- fprintf(codefile, " }\n");
- /*
- * Output to header file definitions related to global and static
- * variables.
- */
- fprintf(inclfile, "\n");
- if (n_glob == 0) {
- fprintf(inclfile, "#define NGlobals 1\n");
- fprintf(inclfile, "int n_globals = 0;\n");
- }
- else {
- fprintf(inclfile, "#define NGlobals %d\n", n_glob);
- fprintf(inclfile, "int n_globals = NGlobals;\n");
- }
- ++n_stat;
- fprintf(inclfile, "\n");
- fprintf(inclfile, "int n_statics = %d;\n", n_stat);
- fprintf(inclfile, "struct descrip statics[%d]", MinOne(n_stat));
- if (n_stat > 0) {
- fprintf(inclfile, " = {\n");
- for (i = 0; i < n_stat; ++i)
- fprintf(inclfile, " {D_Null},\n");
- fprintf(inclfile, " };\n");
- }
- else
- fprintf(inclfile, ";\n");
- }
- * proc_blk - create procedure block and initialize global variable, also
- * compute offsets for local procedure variables.
- */
-static void proc_blk(gptr, init_glbl)
-struct gentry *gptr;
-int init_glbl;
- {
- struct pentry *p;
- register char *name;
- int nquals;
- name = gptr->name;
- p = gptr->val.proc;
- /*
- * If we don't initialize a global variable for this procedure, we
- * need only compute offsets for variables.
- */
- if (init_glbl) {
- fprintf(codefile, "(union block *)&BP%s_%s},\n", p->prefix, name);
- nquals = 1 + Abs(p->nargs) + p->ndynam + p->nstatic;
- fprintf(inclfile, "\n");
- fprintf(inclfile, "static int P%s_%s (int r_nargs, dptr r_args,",
- p->prefix, name);
- fprintf(inclfile, "dptr r_rslt, continuation r_s_cont);\n");
- initpblk(inclfile, 'P', p->prefix, name, nquals, p->nargs, p->ndynam,
- p->nstatic, n_stat + 1);
- fprintf(inclfile, "\n {%d, \"%s\"},\n", strlen(name), name);
- }
- arg_nms(p->args, init_glbl);
- p->tnd_loc = dyn_nms(p->dynams, init_glbl);
- stat_nms(p->statics, init_glbl);
- if (init_glbl)
- fprintf(inclfile, " }};\n");
- }
- * arg_nms - compute offsets of arguments and, if needed, output the
- * initializer for a descriptor for the argument name.
- */
-static int arg_nms(lptr, prt)
-struct lentry *lptr;
-int prt;
- {
- register int n;
- if (lptr == NULL)
- return 0;
- n = arg_nms(lptr->next, prt);
- lptr->val.index = n;
- if (prt)
- fprintf(inclfile, " {%d, \"%s\"},\n", strlen(lptr->name), lptr->name);
- return n + 1;
- }
- * dyn_nms - compute offsets of dynamic locals and, if needed, output the
- * initializer for a descriptor for the variable name.
- */
-static int dyn_nms(lptr, prt)
-struct lentry *lptr;
-int prt;
- {
- register int n;
- if (lptr == NULL)
- return 0;
- n = dyn_nms(lptr->next, prt);
- lptr->val.index = n;
- if (prt)
- fprintf(inclfile, " {%d, \"%s\"},\n", strlen(lptr->name), lptr->name);
- return n + 1;
- }
- * stat_nams - compute offsets of static locals and, if needed, output the
- * initializer for a descriptor for the variable name.
- */
-static void stat_nms(lptr, prt)
-struct lentry *lptr;
-int prt;
- {
- if (lptr == NULL)
- return;
- stat_nms(lptr->next, prt);
- lptr->val.index = ++n_stat;
- if (prt)
- fprintf(inclfile, " {%d, \"%s\"},\n", strlen(lptr->name), lptr->name);
- }
- * is_builtin - check if a global names or hides a builtin, returning prefix.
- * If it hides one, we must also generate the prototype and block here.
- */
-static char *is_builtin(gptr)
-struct gentry *gptr;
- {
- struct implement *iptr;
- if (!(gptr->flag & F_StrInv)) /* if not eligible for string invoc */
- return 0;
- if (gptr->flag & F_Builtin) /* if global *is* a builtin */
- return gptr->val.builtin->prefix;
- iptr = db_ilkup(gptr->name, bhash);
- if (iptr == NULL) /* if no builtin by this name */
- return NULL;
- bi_proc(gptr->name, iptr); /* output prototype and proc block */
- return iptr->prefix;
- }
- * fnc_blk - output vword of descriptor for a built-in function and its
- * procedure block.
- */
-static void fnc_blk(gptr)
-struct gentry *gptr;
- {
- struct implement *iptr;
- char *name, *pfx;
- name = gptr->name;
- iptr = gptr->val.builtin;
- pfx = iptr->prefix;
- /*
- * output prototype and procedure block to inclfile.
- */
- bi_proc(name, iptr);
- /*
- * vword of descriptor references the procedure block.
- */
- fprintf(codefile, "(union block *)&BF%c%c_%s}, \n", pfx[0], pfx[1], name);
- }
- * bi_proc - output prototype and procedure block for builtin function.
- */
-static void bi_proc(name, ip)
-char *name;
- struct implement *ip;
- {
- int nargs;
- char prefix[3];
- prefix[0] = ip->prefix[0];
- prefix[1] = ip->prefix[1];
- prefix[2] = '\0';
- nargs = ip->nargs;
- if (nargs > 0 && ip->arg_flgs[nargs - 1] & VarPrm)
- nargs = -nargs;
- fprintf(inclfile, "\n");
- implproto(ip);
- initpblk(inclfile, 'F', prefix, name, 1, nargs, -1, 0, 0);
- fprintf(inclfile, "{%d, \"%s\"}}};\n", strlen(name), name);
- }
- * rec_blk - if needed, output vword of descriptor for a record
- * constructor and output its procedure block.
- */
-static void rec_blk(gptr, init_glbl)
-struct gentry *gptr;
-int init_glbl;
- {
- struct rentry *r;
- register char *name;
- int nfields;
- name = gptr->name;
- r = gptr->val.rec;
- nfields = r->nfields;
- /*
- * If the variable is not optimized away, output vword of descriptor.
- */
- if (init_glbl)
- fprintf(codefile, "(union block *)&BR%s_%s},\n", r->prefix, name);
- fprintf(inclfile, "\n");
- /*
- * Prototype for C function implementing constructor. If no optimizations
- * have been performed on the variable, the standard calling conventions
- * are used and we need a continuation parameter.
- */
- fprintf(inclfile,
- "static int R%s_%s (int r_nargs, dptr r_args, dptr r_rslt",
- r->prefix, name);
- if (init_glbl)
- fprintf(inclfile, ", continuation r_s_cont");
- fprintf(inclfile, ");\n");
- /*
- * Procedure block, including record name and field names.
- */
- initpblk(inclfile, 'R', r->prefix, name, nfields + 1, nfields, -2,
- r->rec_num, 1);
- fprintf(inclfile, "\n {%d, \"%s\"},\n", strlen(name), name);
- fldnames(r->fields);
- fprintf(inclfile, " }};\n");
- }
- * fldnames - output the initializer for a descriptor for the field name.
- */
-static void fldnames(fields)
-struct fldname *fields;
- {
- register char *name;
- if (fields == NULL)
- return;
- fldnames(fields->next);
- name = fields->name;
- fprintf(inclfile, " {%d, \"%s\"},\n", strlen(name), name);
- }
- * implproto - print prototype for function implementing a run-time operation.
- */
-void implproto(ip)
-struct implement *ip;
- {
- if (ip->iconc_flgs & ProtoPrint)
- return; /* only print prototype once */
- fprintf(inclfile, "int %c%c%c_%s ", ip->oper_typ, ip->prefix[0],
- ip->prefix[1], ip->name);
- fprintf(inclfile, "(int r_nargs, dptr r_args, dptr r_rslt, ");
- fprintf(inclfile,"continuation r_s_cont);\n");
- ip->iconc_flgs |= ProtoPrint;
- }
- * const_blks - output blocks for cset and real constants.
- */
-void const_blks()
- {
- register int i;
- register struct centry *cptr;
- fprintf(inclfile, "\n");
- for (i = 0; i < CHSize; i++)
- for (cptr = chash[i]; cptr != NULL; cptr = cptr->blink) {
- switch (cptr->flag) {
- case F_CsetLit:
- nxt_pre(cptr->prefix, pre, PrfxSz);
- cptr->prefix[PrfxSz] = '\0';
- fprintf(inclfile, "struct b_cset BDC%s = ", cptr->prefix);
- cset_init(inclfile, cptr->u.cset);
- break;
- case F_RealLit:
- nxt_pre(cptr->prefix, pre, PrfxSz);
- cptr->prefix[PrfxSz] = '\0';
- fprintf(inclfile, "struct b_real BDR%s = {T_Real, %s};\n",
- cptr->prefix, cptr->image);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- * reccnstr - output record constructors.
- */
-void recconstr(r)
-struct rentry *r;
- {
- register char *name;
- int optim;
- int nfields;
- if (r == NULL)
- return;
- recconstr(r->next);
- name = r->name;
- nfields = r->nfields;
- /*
- * Does this record constructor use optimized calling conventions?
- */
- optim = glookup(name)->flag & F_SmplInv;
- fprintf(codefile, "\n");
- fprintf(codefile, "static int R%s_%s(r_nargs, r_args, r_rslt", r->prefix,
- name);
- if (!optim)
- fprintf(codefile, ", r_s_cont"); /* continuation is passed */
- fprintf(codefile, ")\n");
- fprintf(codefile, "int r_nargs;\n");
- fprintf(codefile, "dptr r_args;\n");
- fprintf(codefile, "dptr r_rslt;\n");
- if (!optim)
- fprintf(codefile, "continuation r_s_cont;\n");
- fprintf(codefile, " {\n");
- fprintf(codefile, " register int i;\n");
- fprintf(codefile, " register struct b_record *rp;\n");
- fprintf(codefile, "\n");
- fprintf(codefile, " rp = alcrecd(%d, (union block *)&BR%s_%s);\n",
- nfields, r->prefix, name);
- fprintf(codefile, " if (rp == NULL) {\n");
- fprintf(codefile, " err_msg(307, NULL);\n");
- if (err_conv)
- fprintf(codefile, " return A_Resume;\n");
- fprintf(codefile, " }\n");
- fprintf(codefile, " for (i = %d; i >= 0; i--)\n", nfields - 1);
- fprintf(codefile, " if (i < r_nargs)\n");
- fprintf(codefile, " deref(&r_args[i], &rp->fields[i]);\n");
- fprintf(codefile, " else\n");
- fprintf(codefile, " rp->fields[i] = nulldesc;\n");
- fprintf(codefile, " r_rslt->vword.bptr = (union block *)rp;\n");
- fprintf(codefile, " r_rslt->dword = D_Record;\n");
- fprintf(codefile, " return A_Continue;\n");
- fprintf(codefile, " }\n");
- }
- * outerfnc - output code for the outer function implementing a procedure.
- */
-void outerfnc(fnc)
-struct c_fnc *fnc;
- {
- char *prefix;
- char *name;
- char *cnt_var;
- char *sep;
- int ntend;
- int first_arg;
- int nparms;
- int optim; /* optimized interface: no arg list adjustment */
- int ret_flag;
-#ifdef OptimizeLoop
- int i;
-#endif /* OptimizeLoop */
- prefix = cur_proc->prefix;
- name = cur_proc->name;
- ntend = cur_proc->tnd_loc + num_tmp;
- ChkPrefix(fnc->prefix);
- optim = glookup(name)->flag & F_SmplInv;
- nparms = Abs(cur_proc->nargs);
- ret_flag = cur_proc->ret_flag;
- fprintf(codefile, "\n");
- if (optim) {
- /*
- * Arg list adjustment and dereferencing are done at call site.
- * Use simplified interface. Output both function header and
- * prototype.
- */
- sep = "";
- fprintf(inclfile, "static int P%s_%s (", prefix, name);
- fprintf(codefile, "static int P%s_%s(", prefix, name);
- if (nparms != 0) {
- fprintf(inclfile, "dptr r_args");
- fprintf(codefile, "r_args");
- sep = ", ";
- }
- if (ret_flag & (DoesRet | DoesSusp)) {
- fprintf(inclfile, "%sdptr r_rslt", sep);
- fprintf(codefile, "%sr_rslt", sep);
- sep = ", ";
- }
- if (ret_flag & DoesSusp) {
- fprintf(inclfile, "%scontinuation r_s_cont", sep);
- fprintf(codefile, "%sr_s_cont", sep);
- sep = ", ";
- }
- if (*sep == '\0')
- fprintf(inclfile, "void");
- fprintf(inclfile, ");\n");
- fprintf(codefile, ")\n");
- if (nparms != 0)
- fprintf(codefile, "dptr r_args;\n");
- if (ret_flag & (DoesRet | DoesSusp))
- fprintf(codefile, "dptr r_rslt;\n");
- if (ret_flag & DoesSusp)
- fprintf(codefile, "continuation r_s_cont;\n");
- }
- else {
- /*
- * General invocation interface. Output function header; prototype has
- * already been produced.
- */
- fprintf(codefile,
- "static int P%s_%s(r_nargs, r_args, r_rslt, r_s_cont)\n", prefix,
- name);
- fprintf(codefile, "int r_nargs;\n");
- fprintf(codefile, "dptr r_args;\n");
- fprintf(codefile, "dptr r_rslt;\n");
- fprintf(codefile, "continuation r_s_cont;\n");
- }
- fprintf(codefile, "{\n");
- fprintf(codefile, " struct PF%s_%s r_frame;\n", prefix, name);
- fprintf(codefile, " register int r_signal;\n");
- fprintf(codefile, " int i;\n");
- if (Type(Tree1(cur_proc->tree)) != N_Empty)
- fprintf(codefile, " static int first_time = 1;");
- fprintf(codefile, "\n");
- fprintf(codefile, " r_frame.old_pfp = pfp;\n");
- fprintf(codefile, " pfp = (struct p_frame *)&r_frame;\n");
- fprintf(codefile, " r_frame.old_argp = glbl_argp;\n");
- if (!optim || ret_flag & (DoesRet | DoesSusp))
- fprintf(codefile, " r_frame.rslt = r_rslt;\n");
- else
- fprintf(codefile, " r_frame.rslt = NULL;\n");
- if (!optim || ret_flag & DoesSusp)
- fprintf(codefile, " r_frame.succ_cont = r_s_cont;\n");
- else
- fprintf(codefile, " r_frame.succ_cont = NULL;\n");
- fprintf(codefile, "\n");
-#ifdef OptimizeLoop
- if (ntend > 0) {
- if (ntend < LoopThreshold)
- for (i=0; i < ntend ;i++)
- fprintf(codefile, " r_frame.tend.d[%d] = nulldesc;\n", i);
- else {
- fprintf(codefile, " for (i = 0; i < %d; ++i)\n", ntend);
- fprintf(codefile, " r_frame.tend.d[i] = nulldesc;\n");
- }
- }
-#else /* OptimizeLoop */
- fprintf(codefile, " for (i = 0; i < %d; ++i)\n", ntend);
- fprintf(codefile, " r_frame.tend.d[i] = nulldesc;\n");
-#endif /* OptimizeLoop */
- if (optim) {
- /*
- * Dereferencing and argument list adjustment is done at the call
- * site. There is not much to do here.
- */
- if (nparms == 0)
- fprintf(codefile, " glbl_argp = NULL;\n");
- else
- fprintf(codefile, " glbl_argp = r_args;\n");
- }
- else {
- /*
- * Dereferencing and argument list adjustment must be done by
- * the procedure itself.
- */
- first_arg = ntend;
- ntend += nparms;
- if (cur_proc->nargs < 0) {
- /*
- * varargs - construct a list into the last argument.
- */
- nparms -= 1;
- if (nparms == 0)
- cnt_var = "r_nargs";
- else {
- fprintf(codefile, " i = r_nargs - %d;\n", nparms);
- cnt_var = "i";
- }
- fprintf(codefile," if (%s <= 0)\n", cnt_var);
- fprintf(codefile," varargs(NULL, 0, &r_frame.tend.d[%d]);\n",
- first_arg + nparms);
- fprintf(codefile," else\n");
- fprintf(codefile,
- " varargs(&r_args[%d], %s, &r_frame.tend.d[%d]);\n", nparms,
- cnt_var, first_arg + nparms);
- }
- if (nparms > 0) {
- /*
- * Output code to dereference argument or supply default null
- * value.
- */
-#ifdef OptimizeLoop
- fprintf(codefile, " for (i = 0; i < r_nargs ; ++i)\n");
- fprintf(codefile, " deref(&r_args[i], &r_frame.tend.d[i + %d]);\n", first_arg);
- fprintf(codefile, " for(i = r_nargs; i < %d ; ++i)\n", nparms);
- fprintf(codefile, " r_frame.tend.d[i + %d] = nulldesc;\n",
- first_arg);
-#else /* OptimizeLoop */
- fprintf(codefile, " for (i = 0; i < %d; ++i)\n", nparms);
- fprintf(codefile, " if (i < r_nargs)\n");
- fprintf(codefile,
- " deref(&r_args[i], &r_frame.tend.d[i + %d]);\n",
- first_arg);
- fprintf(codefile, " else\n");
- fprintf(codefile, " r_frame.tend.d[i + %d] = nulldesc;\n",
- first_arg);
-#endif /* OptimizeLoop */
- }
- fprintf(codefile, " glbl_argp = &r_frame.tend.d[%d];\n", first_arg);
- }
- fprintf(codefile, " r_frame.tend.num = %d;\n", ntend);
- fprintf(codefile, " r_frame.tend.previous = tend;\n");
- fprintf(codefile, " tend = (struct tend_desc *)&r_frame.tend;\n");
- if (line_info) {
- fprintf(codefile, " r_frame.debug.old_line = line_num;\n");
- fprintf(codefile, " r_frame.debug.old_fname = file_name;\n");
- }
- if (debug_info) {
- fprintf(codefile, " r_frame.debug.proc = (struct b_proc *)&BP%s_%s;\n",
- prefix, name);
- fprintf(codefile, " if (k_trace) ctrace();\n");
- fprintf(codefile, " ++k_level;\n\n");
- }
- fprintf(codefile, "\n");
- /*
- * Output definition for procedure frame.
- */
- prt_frame(prefix, ntend, num_itmp, num_dtmp, num_sbuf, num_cbuf);
- /*
- * Output code to implement procedure body.
- */
- prtcode(&(fnc->cd), 1);
- fprintf(codefile, " }\n");
- }
- * prt_fnc - output C function that implements a continuation.
- */
-void prt_fnc(fnc)
-struct c_fnc *fnc;
- {
- struct code *sig;
- char *name;
- char *prefix;
- if (fnc->flag & CF_SigOnly) {
- /*
- * This function only returns a signal. A shared function is used in
- * its place. Make sure that function has been printed.
- */
- sig = fnc->>SigRef->sig;
- if (sig->cd_id != C_Resume) {
- sig = ChkBound(sig);
- if (!(sig->LabFlg & FncPrtd)) {
- ChkSeqNum(sig);
- fprintf(inclfile, "static int sig_%d (void);\n",
- sig->SeqNum);
- fprintf(codefile, "\n");
- fprintf(codefile, "static int sig_%d()\n", sig->SeqNum);
- fprintf(codefile, " {\n");
- fprintf(codefile, " return %d; /* %s */\n", sig->SeqNum,
- sig->Desc);
- fprintf(codefile, " }\n");
- sig->LabFlg |= FncPrtd;
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- ChkPrefix(fnc->prefix);
- prefix = fnc->prefix;
- name = cur_proc->name;
- fprintf(inclfile, "static int P%s_%s (void);\n", prefix, name);
- fprintf(codefile, "\n");
- fprintf(codefile, "static int P%s_%s()\n", prefix, name);
- fprintf(codefile, " {\n");
- if (fnc->flag & CF_Coexpr)
- fprintf(codefile, "#ifdef Coexpr\n");
- prefix = fnc->frm_prfx;
- fprintf(codefile, " register int r_signal;\n");
- fprintf(codefile, " register struct PF%s_%s *r_pfp;\n", prefix, name);
- fprintf(codefile, "\n");
- fprintf(codefile, " r_pfp = (struct PF%s_%s *)pfp;\n", prefix, name);
- prtcode(&(fnc->cd), 0);
- if (fnc->flag & CF_Coexpr) {
- fprintf(codefile, "#else\t\t\t\t\t/* Coexpr */\n");
- fprintf(codefile, " fatalerr(401, NULL);\n");
- fprintf(codefile, "#endif\t\t\t\t\t/* Coexpr */\n");
- }
- fprintf(codefile, " }\n");
- }
- }
- * prt_frame - output the definition for a procedure frame.
- */
-void prt_frame(prefix, ntend, n_itmp, n_dtmp, n_sbuf, n_cbuf)
-char *prefix;
-int ntend;
-int n_itmp;
-int n_dtmp;
-int n_sbuf;
-int n_cbuf;
- {
- int i;
- /*
- * Output standard part of procedure frame including tended
- * descriptors.
- */
- fprintf(inclfile, "\n");
- fprintf(inclfile, "struct PF%s_%s {\n", prefix, cur_proc->name);
- fprintf(inclfile, " struct p_frame *old_pfp;\n");
- fprintf(inclfile, " dptr old_argp;\n");
- fprintf(inclfile, " dptr rslt;\n");
- fprintf(inclfile, " continuation succ_cont;\n");
- fprintf(inclfile, " struct {\n");
- fprintf(inclfile, " struct tend_desc *previous;\n");
- fprintf(inclfile, " int num;\n");
- fprintf(inclfile, " struct descrip d[%d];\n", MinOne(ntend));
- fprintf(inclfile, " } tend;\n");
- if (line_info) { /* must be true if debug_info is true */
- fprintf(inclfile, " struct debug debug;\n");
- }
- /*
- * Output declarations for the integer, double, string buffer,
- * and cset buffer work areas of the frame.
- */
- for (i = 0; i < n_itmp; ++i)
- fprintf(inclfile, " word i%d;\n", i);
- for (i = 0; i < n_dtmp; ++i)
- fprintf(inclfile, " double d%d;\n", i);
- if (n_sbuf > 0)
- fprintf(inclfile, " char sbuf[%d][MaxCvtLen];", n_sbuf);
- if (n_cbuf > 0)
- fprintf(inclfile, " struct b_cset cbuf[%d];", n_cbuf);
- fprintf(inclfile, " };\n");
- }
- * prtcode - print a list of C code.
- */
-static void prtcode(cd, outer)
-struct code *cd;
-int outer;
- {
- struct lentry *var;
- struct centry *lit;
- struct code *sig;
- int n;
- for ( ; cd != NULL; cd = cd->next) {
- switch (cd->cd_id) {
- case C_Null:
- break;
- case C_NamedVar:
- /*
- * Construct a reference to a named variable in a result
- * location.
- */
- var = cd->NamedVar;
- fprintf(codefile, " ");
- val_loc(cd->Rslt, outer);
- fprintf(codefile, ".dword = D_Var;\n");
- fprintf(codefile, " ");
- val_loc(cd->Rslt, outer);
- fprintf(codefile, ".vword.descptr = &");
- prt_var(var, outer);
- fprintf(codefile, ";\n");
- break;
- case C_CallSig:
- /*
- * Call to C function that returns a signal along with signal
- * handling code.
- */
- if (opt_sgnl)
- good_clsg(cd, outer);
- else
- smpl_clsg(cd, outer);
- break;
- case C_RetSig:
- /*
- * Return a signal.
- */
- sig = cd->SigRef->sig;
- if (sig->cd_id == C_Resume)
- fprintf(codefile, " return A_Resume;\n");
- else {
- sig = ChkBound(sig);
- ChkSeqNum(sig);
- fprintf(codefile, " return %d; /* %s */\n", sig->SeqNum,
- sig->Desc);
- }
- break;
- case C_Goto:
- /*
- * goto label.
- */
- ChkSeqNum(cd->Lbl);
- fprintf(codefile, " goto L%d /* %s */;\n", cd->Lbl->SeqNum,
- cd->Lbl->Desc);
- break;
- case C_Label:
- /*
- * numbered label.
- */
- if (cd->RefCnt > 0) {
- ChkSeqNum(cd);
- fprintf(codefile, "L%d: ; /* %s */\n", cd->SeqNum, cd->Desc);
- }
- break;
- case C_Lit:
- /*
- * Assign literal value to a result location.
- */
- lit = cd->Literal;
- fprintf(codefile, " ");
- val_loc(cd->Rslt, outer);
- switch (lit->flag) {
- case F_CsetLit:
- fprintf(codefile, ".dword = D_Cset;\n");
- fprintf(codefile, " ");
- val_loc(cd->Rslt, outer);
- fprintf(codefile, ".vword.bptr = (union block *)&BDC%s;\n",
- lit->prefix);
- break;
- case F_IntLit:
- if (lit->u.intgr == -1) {
- /*
- * Large integer literal - output string and convert
- * to integer.
- */
- fprintf(codefile, ".vword.sptr = \"%s\";\n", lit->image);
- fprintf(codefile, " ");
- val_loc(cd->Rslt, outer);
- fprintf(codefile, ".dword = %d;\n", strlen(lit->image));
- fprintf(codefile, " cnv_int(&");
- val_loc(cd->Rslt, outer);
- fprintf(codefile, ", &");
- val_loc(cd->Rslt, outer);
- fprintf(codefile, ");\n");
- }
- else {
- /*
- * Ordinary integer literal.
- */
- fprintf(codefile, ".dword = D_Integer;\n");
- fprintf(codefile, " ");
- val_loc(cd->Rslt, outer);
- fprintf(codefile, ".vword.integr = %ld;\n", lit->u.intgr);
- }
- break;
- case F_RealLit:
- fprintf(codefile, ".dword = D_Real;\n");
- fprintf(codefile, " ");
- val_loc(cd->Rslt, outer);
- fprintf(codefile, ".vword.bptr = (union block *)&BDR%s;\n",
- lit->prefix);
- break;
- case F_StrLit:
- fprintf(codefile, ".vword.sptr = ");
- if (lit->length == 0) {
- /*
- * Placing an empty string at the end of the string region
- * allows some concatenation optimizations at run time.
- */
- fprintf(codefile, "strfree;\n");
- n = 0;
- }
- else {
- fprintf(codefile, "\"");
- n = prt_i_str(codefile, lit->image, lit->length);
- fprintf(codefile, "\";\n");
- }
- fprintf(codefile, " ");
- val_loc(cd->Rslt, outer);
- fprintf(codefile, ".dword = %d;\n", n);
- break;
- }
- break;
- case C_PFail:
- /*
- * Procedure failure - this code occurs once near the end of
- * the procedure.
- */
- if (debug_info) {
- fprintf(codefile, " --k_level;\n");
- fprintf(codefile, " if (k_trace) failtrace();\n");
- }
- fprintf(codefile, " tend = r_frame.tend.previous;\n");
- fprintf(codefile, " pfp = r_frame.old_pfp;\n");
- fprintf(codefile, " glbl_argp = r_frame.old_argp;\n");
- if (line_info) {
- fprintf(codefile, " line_num = r_frame.debug.old_line;\n");
- fprintf(codefile, " file_name = r_frame.debug.old_fname;\n");
- }
- fprintf(codefile, " return A_Resume;\n");
- break;
- case C_PRet:
- /*
- * Procedure return - this code occurs once near the end of
- * the procedure.
- */
- if (debug_info) {
- fprintf(codefile, " --k_level;\n");
- fprintf(codefile, " if (k_trace) rtrace();\n");
- }
- fprintf(codefile, " tend = r_frame.tend.previous;\n");
- fprintf(codefile, " pfp = r_frame.old_pfp;\n");
- fprintf(codefile, " glbl_argp = r_frame.old_argp;\n");
- if (line_info) {
- fprintf(codefile, " line_num = r_frame.debug.old_line;\n");
- fprintf(codefile, " file_name = r_frame.debug.old_fname;\n");
- }
- fprintf(codefile, " return A_Continue;\n");
- break;
- case C_PSusp:
- /*
- * Procedure suspend - call success continuation.
- */
- prtpccall(outer);
- break;
- case C_Break:
- fprintf(codefile, " break;\n");
- break;
- case C_If:
- /*
- * C if statement.
- */
- fprintf(codefile, " if (");
- prt_ary(cd->Cond, outer);
- fprintf(codefile, ")\n ");
- prtcode(cd->ThenStmt, outer);
- break;
- case C_CdAry:
- /*
- * Array of code fragments.
- */
- fprintf(codefile, " ");
- prt_ary(cd, outer);
- fprintf(codefile, "\n");
- break;
- case C_LBrack:
- fprintf(codefile, " {\n");
- break;
- case C_RBrack:
- fprintf(codefile, " }\n");
- break;
- case C_Create:
- /*
- * Code to create a co-expression and assign it to a result
- * location.
- */
- fprintf(codefile, " ");
- val_loc(cd->Rslt, outer);
- fprintf(codefile , ".vword.bptr = (union block *)create(");
- prt_cont(cd->Cont);
- fprintf(codefile,
- ", (struct b_proc *)&BP%s_%s, %d, sizeof(word) * %d);\n",
- cur_proc->prefix, cur_proc->name, cd->NTemps, cd->WrkSize);
- fprintf(codefile, " ");
- val_loc(cd->Rslt, outer);
- fprintf(codefile, ".dword = D_Coexpr;\n");
- break;
- case C_SrcLoc:
- /*
- * Update file name and line number information.
- */
- if (cd->FileName != NULL) {
- fprintf(codefile, " file_name = \"");
- prt_i_str(codefile, cd->FileName, strlen(cd->FileName));
- fprintf(codefile, "\";\n");
- }
- if (cd->LineNum != 0)
- fprintf(codefile, " line_num = %d;\n", cd->LineNum);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- * prt_var - output C code to reference an Icon named variable.
- */
-static void prt_var(var, outer)
-struct lentry *var;
-int outer;
- {
- switch (var->flag) {
- case F_Global:
- fprintf(codefile, "globals[%d]", var->>index);
- break;
- case F_Static:
- fprintf(codefile, "statics[%d]", var->val.index);
- break;
- case F_Dynamic:
- frame(outer);
- fprintf(codefile, ".tend.d[%d]", var->val.index);
- break;
- case F_Argument:
- fprintf(codefile, "glbl_argp[%d]", var->val.index);
- }
- /*
- * Include an identifying comment.
- */
- fprintf(codefile, " /* %s */", var->name);
- }
- * prt_ary - print an array of code fragments.
- */
-static void prt_ary(cd, outer)
-struct code *cd;
-int outer;
- {
- int i;
- for (i = 0; cd->ElemTyp(i) != A_End; ++i)
- switch (cd->ElemTyp(i)) {
- case A_Str:
- /*
- * Simple C code in a string.
- */
- fprintf(codefile, "%s", cd->Str(i));
- break;
- case A_ValLoc:
- /*
- * Value location (usually variable of some sort).
- */
- val_loc(cd->ValLoc(i), outer);
- break;
- case A_Intgr:
- /*
- * Integer.
- */
- fprintf(codefile, "%d", cd->Intgr(i));
- break;
- case A_ProcCont:
- /*
- * Current procedure call's success continuation.
- */
- if (outer)
- fprintf(codefile, "r_s_cont");
- else
- fprintf(codefile, "r_pfp->succ_cont");
- break;
- case A_SBuf:
- /*
- * One of the string buffers.
- */
- frame(outer);
- fprintf(codefile, ".sbuf[%d]", cd->Intgr(i));
- break;
- case A_CBuf:
- /*
- * One of the cset buffers.
- */
- fprintf(codefile, "&(");
- frame(outer);
- fprintf(codefile, ".cbuf[%d])", cd->Intgr(i));
- break;
- case A_Ary:
- /*
- * A subarray of code fragments.
- */
- prt_ary(cd->Array(i), outer);
- break;
- }
- }
- * frame - access to the procedure frame. Access directly from outer function,
- * but access through r_pfp from a continuation.
- */
-static void frame(outer)
-int outer;
- {
- if (outer)
- fprintf(codefile, "r_frame");
- else
- fprintf(codefile, "(*r_pfp)");
- }
- * prtpccall - print procedure continuation call.
- */
-static void prtpccall(outer)
-int outer;
- {
- int first_arg;
- int optim; /* optimized interface: no arg list adjustment */
- first_arg = cur_proc->tnd_loc + num_tmp;
- optim = glookup(cur_proc->name)->flag & F_SmplInv;
- /*
- * The only signal to be handled in this procedure is
- * resumption, the rest must be passed on.
- */
- if (cur_proc->nargs != 0 && optim && !outer) {
- fprintf(codefile, " {\n");
- fprintf(codefile, " dptr r_argp_sav;\n");
- fprintf(codefile, "\n");
- fprintf(codefile, " r_argp_sav = glbl_argp;\n");
- }
- if (debug_info) {
- fprintf(codefile, " --k_level;\n");
- fprintf(codefile, " if (k_trace) strace();\n");
- }
- fprintf(codefile, " pfp = ");
- frame(outer);
- fprintf(codefile, ".old_pfp;\n");
- fprintf(codefile, " glbl_argp = ");
- frame(outer);
- fprintf(codefile, ".old_argp;\n");
- if (line_info) {
- fprintf(codefile, " line_num = ");
- frame(outer);
- fprintf(codefile, ".debug.old_line;\n");
- fprintf(codefile, " file_name = ");
- frame(outer);
- fprintf(codefile , ".debug.old_fname;\n");
- }
- fprintf(codefile, " r_signal = (*");
- if (outer)
- fprintf(codefile, "r_s_cont)();\n");
- else
- fprintf(codefile, "r_pfp->succ_cont)();\n");
- fprintf(codefile, " if (r_signal != A_Resume) {\n");
- if (outer)
- fprintf(codefile, " tend = r_frame.tend.previous;\n");
- fprintf(codefile, " return r_signal;\n");
- fprintf(codefile, " }\n");
- fprintf(codefile, " pfp = (struct p_frame *)&");
- frame(outer);
- fprintf(codefile, ";\n");
- if (cur_proc->nargs == 0)
- fprintf(codefile, " glbl_argp = NULL;\n");
- else {
- if (optim) {
- if (outer)
- fprintf(codefile, " glbl_argp = r_args;\n");
- else
- fprintf(codefile, " glbl_argp = r_argp_sav;\n");
- }
- else {
- fprintf(codefile, " glbl_argp = &");
- if (outer)
- fprintf(codefile, "r_frame.");
- else
- fprintf(codefile, "r_pfp->");
- fprintf(codefile, "tend.d[%d];\n", first_arg);
- }
- }
- if (debug_info) {
- fprintf(codefile, " if (k_trace) atrace();\n");
- fprintf(codefile, " ++k_level;\n");
- }
- if (cur_proc->nargs != 0 && optim && !outer)
- fprintf(codefile, " }\n");
- }
- * smpl_clsg - print call and signal handling code, but nothing fancy.
- */
-static void smpl_clsg(call, outer)
-struct code *call;
-int outer;
- {
- struct sig_act *sa;
- fprintf(codefile, " r_signal = ");
- prtcall(call, outer);
- fprintf(codefile, ";\n");
- if (call->Flags & ForeignSig)
- chkforgn(outer);
- fprintf(codefile, " switch (r_signal) {\n");
- for (sa = call->SigActs; sa != NULL; sa = sa->next) {
- fprintf(codefile, " case ");
- prt_cond(sa->sig);
- fprintf(codefile, ":\n ");
- prtcode(sa->cd, outer);
- }
- fprintf(codefile, " }\n");
- }
- * chkforgn - produce code to see if the current signal belongs to a
- * procedure higher up the call chain and pass it along if it does.
- */
-static void chkforgn(outer)
-int outer;
- {
- fprintf(codefile, " if (pfp != (struct p_frame *)");
- if (outer) {
- fprintf(codefile, "&r_frame) {\n");
- fprintf(codefile, " tend = r_frame.tend.previous;\n");
- }
- else
- fprintf(codefile, "r_pfp) {\n");
- fprintf(codefile, " return r_signal;\n");
- fprintf(codefile, " }\n");
- }
- * good_clsg - print call and signal handling code and do a good job.
- */
-static void good_clsg(call, outer)
-struct code *call;
-int outer;
- {
- struct sig_act *sa, *sa1, *nxt_sa;
- int ncases; /* the number of cases - each may have multiple case labels */
- int ncaselbl; /* the number of case labels */
- int nbreak; /* the number of cases that just break out of the switch */
- int nretsig; /* the number of cases that just pass along signal */
- int sig_var;
- int dflt;
- struct code *cond;
- struct code *then_cd;
- /*
- * Decide whether to use "break;", "return r_signal;", or nothing as
- * the default case.
- */
- nretsig = 0;
- nbreak = 0;
- for (sa = call->SigActs; sa != NULL; sa = sa->next) {
- if (sa->cd->cd_id == C_RetSig && sa->sig == sa->cd->SigRef->sig) {
- /*
- * The action returns the same signal detected by this case.
- */
- ++nretsig;
- }
- else if (sa->cd->cd_id == C_Break) {
- cond = sa->sig; /* if there is only one break, we may want this */
- ++nbreak;
- }
- }
- dflt = DfltNone;
- ncases = 0;
- if (nbreak > 0 && nbreak >= nretsig) {
- /*
- * There are at least as many "break;"s as "return r_signal;"s, so
- * use "break;" for default clause.
- */
- dflt = DfltBrk;
- ncases = 1;
- }
- else if (nretsig > 1) {
- /*
- * There is more than one case that returns the same signal it
- * detects and there are more of them than "break;"s, to make
- * "return r_signal;" the default clause.
- */
- dflt = DfltRetSig;
- ncases = 1;
- }
- /*
- * Gather case labels together for each case, ignoring cases that
- * fall under the default. This involves constructing a new
- * improved call->SigActs list.
- */
- ncaselbl = ncases;
- sa = call->SigActs;
- call->SigActs = NULL;
- for ( ; sa != NULL; sa = nxt_sa) {
- nxt_sa = sa->next;
- /*
- * See if we have already found a case with the same action.
- */
- sa1 = call->SigActs;
- switch (sa->cd->cd_id) {
- case C_Break:
- if (dflt == DfltBrk)
- continue;
- while (sa1 != NULL && sa1->cd->cd_id != C_Break)
- sa1 = sa1->next;
- break;
- case C_RetSig:
- if (dflt == DfltRetSig && sa->cd->SigRef->sig == sa->sig)
- continue;
- while (sa1 != NULL && (sa1->cd->cd_id != C_RetSig ||
- sa1->cd->SigRef->sig != sa->cd->SigRef->sig))
- sa1 = sa1->next;
- break;
- default: /* C_Goto */
- while (sa1 != NULL && (sa1->cd->cd_id != C_Goto ||
- sa1->cd->Lbl != sa->cd->Lbl))
- sa1 = sa1->next;
- break;
- }
- ++ncaselbl;
- if (sa1 == NULL) {
- /*
- * First time we have seen this action, create a new case.
- */
- ++ncases;
- sa->next = call->SigActs;
- call->SigActs = sa;
- }
- else {
- /*
- * We can share the action of another case label.
- */
- sa->shar_act = sa1->shar_act;
- sa1->shar_act = sa;
- }
- }
- /*
- * If we might receive a "foreign" signal that belongs to a procedure
- * further down the call chain, put the signal in "r_signal" then
- * check for this condition.
- */
- sig_var = 0;
- if (call->Flags & ForeignSig) {
- fprintf(codefile, " r_signal = ");
- prtcall(call, outer);
- fprintf(codefile, ";\n");
- chkforgn(outer);
- sig_var = 1;
- }
- /*
- * Determine the best way to handle the signal returned from the call.
- */
- if (ncases == 0) {
- /*
- * Any further signal checking has been optimized away. Execution
- * just falls through to subsequent code. If the call has not
- * been done, do it.
- */
- if (!sig_var) {
- fprintf(codefile, " ");
- prtcall(call, outer);
- fprintf(codefile, ";\n");
- }
- }
- else if (ncases == 1) {
- if (dflt == DfltRetSig || ncaselbl == nretsig) {
- /*
- * All this call does is pass the signal on. See if we have
- * done the call yet.
- */
- if (sig_var)
- fprintf(codefile, " return r_signal;");
- else {
- fprintf(codefile, " return ");
- prtcall(call, outer);
- fprintf(codefile, ";\n");
- }
- }
- else {
- /*
- * We know what to do without looking at the signal. Make sure
- * we have done the call. If the action is not simply "break"
- * out signal checking, execute it.
- */
- if (!sig_var) {
- fprintf(codefile, " ");
- prtcall(call, outer);
- fprintf(codefile, ";\n");
- }
- if (dflt != DfltBrk)
- prtcode(call->SigActs->cd, outer);
- }
- }
- else {
- /*
- * We have at least two cases. If we have a default action of returning
- * the signal without looking at it, make sure it is in "r_signal".
- */
- if (!sig_var && dflt == DfltRetSig) {
- fprintf(codefile, " r_signal = ");
- prtcall(call, outer);
- fprintf(codefile, ";\n");
- sig_var = 1;
- }
- if (ncaselbl == 2) {
- /*
- * We can use an if statement. If we need the signal in "r_signal",
- * it is already there.
- */
- fprintf(codefile, " if (");
- if (sig_var)
- fprintf(codefile, "r_signal");
- else
- prtcall(call, outer);
- cond = call->SigActs->sig;
- then_cd = call->SigActs->cd;
- /*
- * If the "then" clause is a no-op ("break;" from a switch),
- * prepare to eliminate it by reversing the test in the
- * condition.
- */
- if (then_cd->cd_id == C_Break)
- fprintf(codefile, " != ");
- else
- fprintf(codefile, " == ");
- prt_cond(cond);
- fprintf(codefile, ")\n ");
- if (then_cd->cd_id == C_Break) {
- /*
- * We have reversed the test, so we need to use the default
- * code. However, because a "break;" exists and it is not
- * default, "return r_signal;" must be the default.
- */
- fprintf(codefile, " return r_signal;\n");
- }
- else {
- /*
- * Print the "then" clause and determine what the "else" clause
- * is.
- */
- prtcode(then_cd, outer);
- if (call->SigActs->next != NULL) {
- fprintf(codefile, " else\n ");
- prtcode(call->SigActs->next->cd, outer);
- }
- else if (dflt == DfltRetSig) {
- fprintf(codefile, " else\n");
- fprintf(codefile, " return r_signal;\n");
- }
- }
- }
- else if (ncases == 2 && nbreak == 1) {
- /*
- * We can use an if-then statement with a negated test. Note,
- * the non-break case is not "return r_signal" or we would have
- * ncaselbl = 2, making the last test true. This also means that
- * break is the default (the break condition was saved).
- */
- fprintf(codefile, " if (");
- if (sig_var)
- fprintf(codefile, "r_signal");
- else
- prtcall(call, outer);
- fprintf(codefile, " != ");
- prt_cond(cond);
- fprintf(codefile, ") {\n ");
- prtcode(call->SigActs->cd, outer);
- fprintf(codefile, " }\n");
- }
- else {
- /*
- * We must use a full case statement. If we need the signal in
- * "r_signal", it is already there.
- */
- fprintf(codefile, " switch (");
- if (sig_var)
- fprintf(codefile, "r_signal");
- else
- prtcall(call, outer);
- fprintf(codefile, ") {\n");
- /*
- * Print the cases
- */
- for (sa = call->SigActs; sa != NULL; sa = sa->next) {
- for (sa1 = sa; sa1 != NULL; sa1 = sa1->shar_act) {
- fprintf(codefile, " case ");
- prt_cond(sa1->sig);
- fprintf(codefile, ":\n");
- }
- fprintf(codefile, " ");
- prtcode(sa->cd, outer);
- }
- /*
- * If we have a default action and it is not break, print it.
- */
- if (dflt == DfltRetSig) {
- fprintf(codefile, " default:\n");
- fprintf(codefile, " return r_signal;\n");
- }
- fprintf(codefile, " }\n");
- }
- }
- }
- * prtcall - print call.
- */
-static void prtcall(call, outer)
-struct code *call;
-int outer;
- {
- /*
- * Either the operation or the continuation may be missing, but not
- * both.
- */
- if (call->OperName == NULL) {
- prt_cont(call->Cont);
- fprintf(codefile, "()");
- }
- else {
- fprintf(codefile, "%s(", call->OperName);
- if (call->ArgLst != NULL)
- prt_ary(call->ArgLst, outer);
- if (call->Cont == NULL) {
- if (call->Flags & NeedCont) {
- /*
- * The operation requires a continuation argument even though
- * this call does not include one, pass the NULL pointer.
- */
- if (call->ArgLst != NULL)
- fprintf(codefile, ", ");
- fprintf(codefile, "(continuation)NULL");
- }
- }
- else {
- /*
- * Pass the success continuation.
- */
- if (call->ArgLst != NULL)
- fprintf(codefile, ", ");
- prt_cont(call->Cont);
- }
- fprintf(codefile, ")");
- }
- }
- * prt_cont - print the name of a continuation.
- */
-static void prt_cont(cont)
-struct c_fnc *cont;
- {
- struct code *sig;
- if (cont->flag & CF_SigOnly) {
- /*
- * This continuation only returns a signal. All continuations
- * returning the same signal are implemented by the same C function.
- */
- sig = cont->>SigRef->sig;
- if (sig->cd_id == C_Resume)
- fprintf(codefile, "sig_rsm");
- else {
- sig = ChkBound(sig);
- ChkSeqNum(sig);
- fprintf(codefile, "sig_%d", sig->SeqNum);
- }
- }
- else {
- /*
- * Regular continuation.
- */
- ChkPrefix(cont->prefix);
- fprintf(codefile, "P%s_%s", cont->prefix, cur_proc->name);
- }
- }
- * val_loc - output code referencing a value location (usually variable of
- * some sort).
- */
-static void val_loc(loc, outer)
-struct val_loc *loc;
-int outer;
- {
- /*
- * See if we need to cast a block pointer to a specific block type
- * or if we need to take the address of a location.
- */
- if (loc->mod_access == M_BlkPtr && loc->blk_name != NULL)
- fprintf(codefile, "(*(struct %s **)&", loc->blk_name);
- if (loc->mod_access == M_Addr)
- fprintf(codefile, "(&");
- switch (loc->loc_type) {
- case V_Ignore:
- fprintf(codefile, "trashcan");
- break;
- case V_Temp:
- /*
- * Temporary descriptor variable.
- */
- frame(outer);
- fprintf(codefile, ".tend.d[%d]", cur_proc->tnd_loc + loc->u.tmp);
- break;
- case V_ITemp:
- /*
- * Temporary C integer variable.
- */
- frame(outer);
- fprintf(codefile, ".i%d", loc->u.tmp);
- break;
- case V_DTemp:
- /*
- * Temporary C double variable.
- */
- frame(outer);
- fprintf(codefile, ".d%d", loc->u.tmp);
- break;
- case V_Const:
- /*
- * Integer constant (used for size of variable part of arg list).
- */
- fprintf(codefile, "%d", loc->u.int_const);
- break;
- case V_NamedVar:
- /*
- * Icon named variable.
- */
- prt_var(loc->u.nvar, outer);
- break;
- case V_CVar:
- /*
- * C variable from in-line code.
- */
- fprintf(codefile, "%s", loc->;
- break;
- case V_PRslt:
- /*
- * Procedure result location.
- */
- if (!outer)
- fprintf(codefile, "(*r_pfp->rslt)");
- else
- fprintf(codefile, "(*r_rslt)");
- break;
- }
- /*
- * See if we are accessing the vword of a descriptor.
- */
- switch (loc->mod_access) {
- case M_CharPtr:
- fprintf(codefile, ".vword.sptr");
- break;
- case M_BlkPtr:
- fprintf(codefile, ".vword.bptr");
- if (loc->blk_name != NULL)
- fprintf(codefile, ")");
- break;
- case M_CInt:
- fprintf(codefile, ".vword.integr");
- break;
- case M_Addr:
- fprintf(codefile, ")");
- break;
- }
- }
- * prt_cond - print a condition (signal number).
- */
-static void prt_cond(cond)
-struct code *cond;
- {
- if (cond == &resume)
- fprintf(codefile, "A_Resume");
- else if (cond == &contin)
- fprintf(codefile, "A_Continue");
- else if (cond == &fallthru)
- fprintf(codefile, "A_FallThru");
- else {
- cond = ChkBound(cond);
- ChkSeqNum(cond);
- fprintf(codefile, "%d /* %s */", cond->SeqNum, cond->Desc);
- }
- }
- * initpblk - write a procedure block along with initialization up to the
- * the array of qualifiers.
- */
-static void initpblk(f, c, prefix, name, nquals, nparam, ndynam, nstatic,
- frststat)
-FILE *f; /* output file */
-int c; /* distinguishes procedures, functions, record constructors */
-char* prefix; /* prefix for name */
-char *name; /* name of routine */
-int nquals; /* number of qualifiers at end of block */
-int nparam; /* number of parameters */
-int ndynam; /* number of dynamic locals or function/record indicator */
-int nstatic; /* number of static locals or record number */
-int frststat; /* index into static array of first static local */
- {
- fprintf(f, "B_IProc(%d) B%c%s_%s = ", nquals, c, prefix, name);
- fprintf(f, "{T_Proc, %d, %c%s_%s, %d, %d, %d, %d, {", 9 + 2 * nquals, c,
- prefix, name, nparam, ndynam, nstatic, frststat);
- }
diff --git a/src/iconc/cparse.c b/src/iconc/cparse.c
deleted file mode 100644
index b29986d..0000000
--- a/src/iconc/cparse.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1940 +0,0 @@
-# define IDENT 257
-# define INTLIT 258
-# define REALLIT 259
-# define STRINGLIT 260
-# define CSETLIT 261
-# define EOFX 262
-# define BREAK 263
-# define BY 264
-# define CASE 265
-# define CREATE 266
-# define DEFAULT 267
-# define DO 268
-# define ELSE 269
-# define END 270
-# define EVERY 271
-# define FAIL 272
-# define GLOBAL 273
-# define IF 274
-# define INITIAL 275
-# define INVOCABLE 276
-# define LINK 277
-# define LOCAL 278
-# define NEXT 279
-# define NOT 280
-# define OF 281
-# define PROCEDURE 282
-# define RECORD 283
-# define REPEAT 284
-# define RETURN 285
-# define STATIC 286
-# define SUSPEND 287
-# define THEN 288
-# define TO 289
-# define UNTIL 290
-# define WHILE 291
-# define BANG 292
-# define MOD 293
-# define AUGMOD 294
-# define AND 295
-# define AUGAND 296
-# define STAR 297
-# define AUGSTAR 298
-# define INTER 299
-# define AUGINTER 300
-# define PLUS 301
-# define AUGPLUS 302
-# define UNION 303
-# define AUGUNION 304
-# define MINUS 305
-# define AUGMINUS 306
-# define DIFF 307
-# define AUGDIFF 308
-# define DOT 309
-# define SLASH 310
-# define AUGSLASH 311
-# define ASSIGN 312
-# define SWAP 313
-# define NMLT 314
-# define AUGNMLT 315
-# define REVASSIGN 316
-# define REVSWAP 317
-# define SLT 318
-# define AUGSLT 319
-# define SLE 320
-# define AUGSLE 321
-# define NMLE 322
-# define AUGNMLE 323
-# define NMEQ 324
-# define AUGNMEQ 325
-# define SEQ 326
-# define AUGSEQ 327
-# define EQUIV 328
-# define AUGEQUIV 329
-# define NMGT 330
-# define AUGNMGT 331
-# define NMGE 332
-# define AUGNMGE 333
-# define SGT 334
-# define AUGSGT 335
-# define SGE 336
-# define AUGSGE 337
-# define QMARK 338
-# define AUGQMARK 339
-# define AT 340
-# define AUGAT 341
-# define BACKSLASH 342
-# define CARET 343
-# define AUGCARET 344
-# define BAR 345
-# define CONCAT 346
-# define AUGCONCAT 347
-# define LCONCAT 348
-# define AUGLCONCAT 349
-# define TILDE 350
-# define NMNE 351
-# define AUGNMNE 352
-# define SNE 353
-# define AUGSNE 354
-# define NEQUIV 355
-# define AUGNEQUIV 356
-# define LPAREN 357
-# define RPAREN 358
-# define PCOLON 359
-# define COMMA 360
-# define MCOLON 361
-# define COLON 362
-# define SEMICOL 363
-# define LBRACK 364
-# define RBRACK 365
-# define LBRACE 366
-# define RBRACE 367
-# line 145 "cgram.g"
- * These commented directives are passed through the first application
- * of cpp, then turned into real directives in cgram.g by fixgram.icn.
- */
-#include "../h/gsupport.h"
-#include "../h/lexdef.h"
-#include "ctrans.h"
-#include "csym.h"
-#include "ctree.h"
-#include "ccode.h"
-#include "cproto.h"
-#undef YYSTYPE
-#define YYSTYPE nodeptr
-#define YYMAXDEPTH 500
-int idflag;
-#define yyclearin yychar = -1
-#define yyerrok yyerrflag = 0
-extern int yychar;
-extern int yyerrflag;
-#define YYMAXDEPTH 150
-#ifndef YYSTYPE
-#define YYSTYPE int
-YYSTYPE yylval, yyval;
-# define YYERRCODE 256
-# line 441 "cgram.g"
- * xfree(p) -- used with free(p) macro to avoid compiler errors from
- * miscast free calls generated by Yacc.
- */
-static void xfree(p)
-char *p;
- free(p);
-#define free(p) xfree((char*)p)
-int yyexca[] ={
--1, 0,
- 262, 2,
- 273, 2,
- 276, 2,
- 277, 2,
- 282, 2,
- 283, 2,
- -2, 0,
--1, 1,
- 0, -1,
- -2, 0,
--1, 20,
- 270, 40,
- 363, 42,
- -2, 0,
--1, 86,
- 264, 42,
- 268, 42,
- 269, 42,
- 281, 42,
- 288, 42,
- 289, 42,
- 293, 42,
- 294, 42,
- 296, 42,
- 298, 42,
- 300, 42,
- 302, 42,
- 304, 42,
- 306, 42,
- 308, 42,
- 311, 42,
- 312, 42,
- 313, 42,
- 314, 42,
- 315, 42,
- 316, 42,
- 317, 42,
- 318, 42,
- 319, 42,
- 320, 42,
- 321, 42,
- 322, 42,
- 323, 42,
- 325, 42,
- 327, 42,
- 329, 42,
- 330, 42,
- 331, 42,
- 332, 42,
- 333, 42,
- 334, 42,
- 335, 42,
- 336, 42,
- 337, 42,
- 339, 42,
- 341, 42,
- 344, 42,
- 347, 42,
- 349, 42,
- 352, 42,
- 354, 42,
- 356, 42,
- 358, 42,
- 359, 42,
- 360, 42,
- 361, 42,
- 362, 42,
- 363, 42,
- 365, 42,
- 367, 42,
- -2, 0,
--1, 87,
- 358, 42,
- 360, 42,
- -2, 0,
--1, 88,
- 363, 42,
- 367, 42,
- -2, 0,
--1, 89,
- 360, 42,
- 365, 42,
- -2, 0,
--1, 96,
- 264, 42,
- 268, 42,
- 269, 42,
- 281, 42,
- 288, 42,
- 289, 42,
- 293, 42,
- 294, 42,
- 296, 42,
- 298, 42,
- 300, 42,
- 302, 42,
- 304, 42,
- 306, 42,
- 308, 42,
- 311, 42,
- 312, 42,
- 313, 42,
- 314, 42,
- 315, 42,
- 316, 42,
- 317, 42,
- 318, 42,
- 319, 42,
- 320, 42,
- 321, 42,
- 322, 42,
- 323, 42,
- 325, 42,
- 327, 42,
- 329, 42,
- 330, 42,
- 331, 42,
- 332, 42,
- 333, 42,
- 334, 42,
- 335, 42,
- 336, 42,
- 337, 42,
- 339, 42,
- 341, 42,
- 344, 42,
- 347, 42,
- 349, 42,
- 352, 42,
- 354, 42,
- 356, 42,
- 358, 42,
- 359, 42,
- 360, 42,
- 361, 42,
- 362, 42,
- 363, 42,
- 365, 42,
- 367, 42,
- -2, 0,
--1, 97,
- 264, 42,
- 268, 42,
- 269, 42,
- 281, 42,
- 288, 42,
- 289, 42,
- 293, 42,
- 294, 42,
- 296, 42,
- 298, 42,
- 300, 42,
- 302, 42,
- 304, 42,
- 306, 42,
- 308, 42,
- 311, 42,
- 312, 42,
- 313, 42,
- 314, 42,
- 315, 42,
- 316, 42,
- 317, 42,
- 318, 42,
- 319, 42,
- 320, 42,
- 321, 42,
- 322, 42,
- 323, 42,
- 325, 42,
- 327, 42,
- 329, 42,
- 330, 42,
- 331, 42,
- 332, 42,
- 333, 42,
- 334, 42,
- 335, 42,
- 336, 42,
- 337, 42,
- 339, 42,
- 341, 42,
- 344, 42,
- 347, 42,
- 349, 42,
- 352, 42,
- 354, 42,
- 356, 42,
- 358, 42,
- 359, 42,
- 360, 42,
- 361, 42,
- 362, 42,
- 363, 42,
- 365, 42,
- 367, 42,
- -2, 0,
--1, 111,
- 270, 40,
- 363, 42,
- -2, 0,
--1, 117,
- 270, 40,
- 363, 42,
- -2, 0,
--1, 182,
- 360, 42,
- 365, 42,
- -2, 0,
--1, 183,
- 360, 42,
- -2, 0,
--1, 184,
- 358, 42,
- 360, 42,
- -2, 0,
--1, 311,
- 358, 42,
- 360, 42,
- 365, 42,
- -2, 0,
--1, 313,
- 363, 42,
- 367, 42,
- -2, 0,
--1, 335,
- 360, 42,
- 367, 42,
- -2, 0,
- };
-# define YYNPROD 203
-# define YYLAST 728
-int yyact[]={
- 38, 84, 91, 92, 93, 94, 312, 86, 185, 99,
- 83, 118, 335, 359, 341, 102, 95, 358, 98, 334,
- 311, 311, 355, 85, 51, 329, 314, 20, 103, 96,
- 118, 97, 313, 228, 101, 100, 56, 346, 118, 90,
- 118, 59, 117, 62, 360, 58, 108, 70, 336, 64,
- 311, 57, 228, 55, 60, 326, 184, 228, 310, 119,
- 311, 107, 106, 182, 345, 183, 324, 232, 65, 110,
- 67, 168, 69, 169, 352, 214, 118, 350, 328, 177,
- 41, 356, 71, 174, 50, 175, 73, 61, 325, 52,
- 53, 320, 54, 316, 63, 66, 176, 68, 327, 72,
- 118, 87, 332, 118, 333, 331, 319, 361, 89, 116,
- 88, 305, 38, 84, 91, 92, 93, 94, 118, 86,
- 181, 99, 83, 353, 317, 231, 3, 102, 95, 218,
- 98, 318, 105, 118, 19, 85, 51, 315, 118, 28,
- 103, 96, 29, 97, 217, 321, 101, 100, 56, 309,
- 170, 90, 172, 59, 173, 62, 171, 58, 118, 70,
- 30, 64, 18, 57, 118, 55, 60, 44, 180, 37,
- 179, 178, 113, 24, 104, 114, 25, 330, 351, 306,
- 65, 212, 67, 115, 69, 82, 2, 81, 80, 27,
- 17, 36, 23, 79, 71, 78, 50, 77, 73, 61,
- 76, 52, 53, 75, 54, 74, 63, 66, 49, 68,
- 47, 72, 42, 87, 38, 84, 91, 92, 93, 94,
- 89, 86, 88, 99, 83, 40, 112, 322, 109, 102,
- 95, 34, 98, 273, 274, 111, 33, 85, 51, 12,
- 233, 32, 103, 96, 21, 97, 22, 26, 101, 100,
- 56, 10, 9, 90, 8, 59, 7, 62, 31, 58,
- 6, 70, 5, 64, 1, 57, 0, 55, 60, 13,
- 0, 216, 15, 14, 0, 210, 0, 0, 16, 11,
- 0, 0, 65, 0, 67, 234, 69, 236, 239, 221,
- 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 71, 230, 50, 229,
- 73, 61, 0, 52, 53, 237, 54, 0, 63, 66,
- 0, 68, 0, 72, 0, 87, 46, 84, 91, 92,
- 93, 94, 89, 86, 88, 99, 83, 45, 0, 0,
- 0, 102, 95, 0, 98, 0, 289, 290, 0, 85,
- 51, 0, 0, 235, 103, 96, 0, 97, 0, 238,
- 101, 100, 56, 0, 0, 90, 0, 59, 0, 62,
- 0, 58, 4, 70, 303, 64, 308, 57, 0, 55,
- 60, 0, 0, 13, 304, 0, 15, 14, 0, 0,
- 0, 0, 16, 11, 65, 0, 67, 0, 69, 338,
- 0, 213, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 71, 43,
- 50, 0, 73, 61, 0, 52, 53, 323, 54, 347,
- 63, 66, 35, 68, 152, 72, 0, 87, 0, 133,
- 0, 150, 0, 130, 89, 131, 88, 128, 0, 127,
- 0, 129, 0, 126, 362, 0, 132, 121, 120, 0,
- 140, 123, 122, 0, 147, 164, 146, 0, 139, 158,
- 135, 157, 143, 163, 136, 160, 138, 154, 137, 166,
- 145, 162, 144, 161, 149, 156, 151, 155, 0, 134,
- 0, 0, 124, 0, 125, 0, 153, 141, 211, 148,
- 215, 142, 165, 39, 159, 0, 167, 0, 219, 220,
- 0, 295, 296, 297, 298, 299, 0, 0, 291, 292,
- 293, 294, 0, 35, 0, 0, 0, 339, 340, 35,
- 342, 343, 344, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
- 0, 0, 348, 0, 0, 0, 48, 0, 0, 0,
- 0, 0, 0, 354, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
- 0, 0, 357, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
- 0, 354, 363, 364, 275, 276, 277, 278, 279, 280,
- 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 0, 0,
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 307, 0, 186, 187, 188,
- 189, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198,
- 199, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208,
- 209, 0, 0, 240, 241, 242, 243, 244, 245, 246,
- 247, 248, 249, 250, 251, 252, 253, 254, 255, 256,
- 257, 258, 259, 260, 261, 262, 263, 264, 265, 266,
- 267, 268, 269, 270, 271, 272, 0, 0, 0, 0,
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
- 0, 0, 0, 337, 0, 215, 300, 301, 302, 0,
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 349 };
-int yypact[]={
- -130, -1000, 100, -1000, -1000, -1000, -1000, -1000, -1000, -1000,
- -1000, -95, -229, -1000, -84, -118, -97, -4, -1000, -1000,
- -42, -125, -298, -1000, -1000, -1000, -299, -1000, -1000, -316,
- -1000, -1000, -288, -103, -161, -321, -219, -279, -1000, -1000,
- 125, -1000, 131, -275, -151, -214, -1000, -172, -1000, -301,
- 60, 60, 60, 60, 60, 60, 60, 60, 60, 60,
- 60, 60, 60, 60, 60, 60, 60, 60, 60, 60,
- 60, 60, 60, 60, -1000, -1000, -1000, -1000, -1000, -1000,
- -1000, -1000, -1000, -42, -1000, -1000, -42, -42, -42, -42,
- -128, -1000, -1000, -1000, -1000, -1000, -42, -42, -42, -42,
- -42, -42, -42, -42, -303, -1000, -84, -118, -133, -290,
- -125, -42, -125, -42, -1000, -1000, -1000, -42, 60, 60,
- 60, 60, 60, 60, 60, 60, 60, 60, 60, 60,
- 60, 60, 60, 60, 60, 60, 60, 60, 60, 60,
- 60, 60, 60, 60, 60, 60, 60, 60, 60, 60,
- 60, 60, 60, 60, 60, 60, 60, 60, 60, 60,
- 60, 60, 60, 60, 60, 60, 60, 60, 60, 60,
- 60, 60, 60, 60, 60, 60, 60, 60, 60, 60,
- 60, 60, -42, -256, -42, -108, -1000, -1000, -1000, -1000,
- -1000, -1000, -1000, -1000, -1000, -1000, -1000, -1000, -1000, -1000,
- -1000, -1000, -1000, -1000, -1000, -1000, -1000, -1000, -1000, -1000,
- -219, -1000, -300, -1000, -361, -331, -339, -1000, -1000, -1000,
- -1000, -131, -195, -157, -137, -162, -177, -219, -112, -1000,
- -1000, -1000, -125, -292, -303, -182, -308, -265, -1000, -279,
- -1000, -1000, -1000, -1000, -1000, -1000, -1000, -1000, -1000, -1000,
- -1000, -1000, -1000, -1000, -1000, -1000, -1000, -1000, -1000, -1000,
- -1000, -1000, -1000, -1000, -1000, -1000, -1000, -1000, -1000, -1000,
- -1000, -1000, -1000, -186, -1000, -275, -275, -275, -275, -275,
- -275, -275, -275, -275, -275, -275, -275, -275, -275, -151,
- -151, -214, -214, -214, -214, -1000, -1000, -1000, -1000, -1000,
- -1000, -1000, -1000, -340, -257, -1000, -348, -1000, -310, -1000,
- -1000, -42, -1000, -42, -1000, -42, -42, -352, -42, -42,
- -42, -1000, -294, -327, -1000, -1000, -1000, -1000, 60, -1000,
- -42, -1000, -1000, -1000, -1000, -42, -1000, -1000, -1000, -219,
- -192, -144, -219, -219, -219, -1000, -343, -1000, -284, -1000,
- -42, -350, -1000, -318, -255, -1000, -1000, -219, -1000, -144,
- -42, -42, -1000, -219, -219 };
-int yypgo[]={
- 0, 264, 186, 262, 260, 256, 254, 252, 251, 247,
- 189, 246, 192, 244, 174, 241, 240, 239, 236, 235,
- 231, 228, 227, 226, 191, 391, 169, 483, 225, 80,
- 212, 399, 167, 327, 316, 210, 526, 208, 205, 203,
- 200, 197, 195, 193, 188, 187, 185, 181, 75, 179,
- 178, 74, 177 };
-int yyr1[]={
- 0, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 8,
- 9, 9, 10, 10, 10, 7, 11, 11, 12, 12,
- 13, 6, 15, 4, 16, 16, 5, 21, 17, 22,
- 22, 22, 14, 14, 18, 18, 23, 23, 19, 19,
- 20, 20, 25, 25, 24, 24, 26, 26, 27, 27,
- 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27,
- 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27,
- 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27,
- 27, 28, 28, 28, 29, 29, 30, 30, 30, 30,
- 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30,
- 30, 31, 31, 31, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 33,
- 33, 33, 33, 33, 34, 34, 35, 35, 35, 35,
- 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36,
- 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36,
- 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 37, 37, 37, 37, 37,
- 37, 37, 37, 37, 37, 37, 37, 37, 37, 37,
- 37, 37, 37, 37, 37, 37, 37, 37, 43, 43,
- 44, 44, 45, 45, 46, 40, 40, 40, 40, 41,
- 41, 42, 50, 50, 51, 51, 47, 47, 49, 49,
- 38, 38, 38, 38, 39, 52, 52, 52, 48, 48,
- 1, 5, 24 };
-int yyr2[]={
- 0, 5, 0, 4, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 5,
- 2, 7, 3, 3, 7, 5, 2, 7, 3, 3,
- 1, 7, 1, 13, 1, 3, 13, 1, 13, 1,
- 3, 7, 3, 7, 1, 9, 3, 3, 1, 7,
- 1, 7, 1, 2, 2, 7, 2, 7, 2, 7,
- 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7,
- 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7,
- 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7,
- 7, 2, 7, 11, 2, 7, 2, 7, 7, 7,
- 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7,
- 7, 2, 7, 7, 2, 7, 7, 7, 7, 2,
- 7, 7, 7, 7, 2, 7, 2, 7, 7, 7,
- 2, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5,
- 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5,
- 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
- 2, 2, 2, 2, 5, 3, 3, 5, 7, 7,
- 7, 9, 7, 9, 9, 7, 5, 5, 5, 9,
- 5, 9, 5, 9, 5, 3, 5, 5, 9, 9,
- 13, 13, 2, 7, 7, 7, 3, 7, 3, 7,
- 3, 3, 3, 3, 13, 3, 3, 3, 2, 7,
- 6, 8, 2 };
-int yychk[]={
- -1000, -1, -2, 256, 262, -3, -4, -5, -6, -7,
- -8, 283, -17, 273, 277, 276, 282, -2, 257, 363,
- 256, -13, -11, -12, 257, 260, -9, -10, 257, 260,
- 257, 262, -15, -18, -20, -25, -24, -26, 256, -27,
- -28, -29, -30, -31, -32, -33, -34, -35, -36, -37,
- 340, 280, 345, 346, 348, 309, 292, 307, 301, 297,
- 310, 343, 299, 350, 305, 324, 351, 326, 353, 328,
- 303, 338, 355, 342, -38, -39, -40, -41, -42, -43,
- -44, -45, -46, 266, 257, 279, 263, 357, 366, 364,
- 295, 258, 259, 260, 261, 272, 285, 287, 274, 265,
- 291, 290, 271, 284, -14, 257, 360, 360, 362, -21,
- 357, -19, -23, 275, 278, 286, 270, 363, 295, 338,
- 313, 312, 317, 316, 347, 349, 308, 304, 302, 306,
- 298, 300, 311, 294, 344, 325, 329, 333, 331, 323,
- 315, 352, 356, 327, 337, 335, 321, 319, 354, 339,
- 296, 341, 289, 345, 326, 336, 334, 320, 318, 353,
- 324, 332, 330, 322, 314, 351, 328, 355, 346, 348,
- 301, 307, 303, 305, 297, 299, 310, 293, 343, 342,
- 340, 292, 364, 366, 357, 309, -36, -36, -36, -36,
- -36, -36, -36, -36, -36, -36, -36, -36, -36, -36,
- -36, -36, -36, -36, -36, -36, -36, -36, -36, -36,
- -24, -25, -47, -25, -48, -25, -47, 272, 257, -25,
- -25, -24, -24, -24, -24, -24, -24, -24, 360, -12,
- -10, 258, 357, -16, -14, -20, -14, -24, -20, -26,
- -27, -27, -27, -27, -27, -27, -27, -27, -27, -27,
- -27, -27, -27, -27, -27, -27, -27, -27, -27, -27,
- -27, -27, -27, -27, -27, -27, -27, -27, -27, -27,
- -27, -27, -27, -29, -29, -31, -31, -31, -31, -31,
- -31, -31, -31, -31, -31, -31, -31, -31, -31, -32,
- -32, -33, -33, -33, -33, -34, -34, -34, -34, -34,
- -36, -36, -36, -47, -24, 367, -49, -25, -47, 257,
- 358, 360, 367, 363, 365, 268, 288, 281, 268, 268,
- 268, 257, -22, -14, 358, 270, 363, 363, 264, 365,
- -52, 362, 359, 361, 367, 360, 358, -25, -48, -24,
- -24, 366, -24, -24, -24, 358, 364, -29, -24, -25,
- 269, -50, -51, 267, -24, 365, 365, -24, 367, 363,
- 362, 362, -51, -24, -24 };
-int yydef[]={
- -2, -2, 0, 2, 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,
- 8, 0, 0, 20, 0, 0, 0, 0, 22, 34,
- -2, 0, 15, 16, 18, 19, 9, 10, 12, 13,
- 27, 200, 0, 38, 0, 0, 43, 44, 202, 46,
- 48, 81, 84, 86, 101, 104, 109, 114, 116, 120,
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150,
- 151, 152, 153, 0, 155, 156, -2, -2, -2, -2,
- 0, 190, 191, 192, 193, 175, -2, -2, 0, 0,
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 21, 32, 0, 0, 0, 0,
- 24, -2, 0, 0, 36, 37, 201, -2, 0, 0,
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
- 0, 0, -2, -2, -2, 0, 121, 122, 123, 124,
- 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134,
- 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144,
- 154, 157, 0, 186, 0, 198, 0, 166, 167, 176,
- 177, 43, 0, 0, 168, 170, 172, 174, 0, 17,
- 11, 14, 29, 0, 25, 0, 0, 0, 41, 45,
- 47, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57,
- 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67,
- 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77,
- 78, 79, 80, 82, 85, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91,
- 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 102,
- 103, 105, 106, 107, 108, 110, 111, 112, 113, 115,
- 117, 118, 119, 0, 43, 162, 0, 188, 0, 165,
- 158, -2, 159, -2, 160, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
- 0, 33, 0, 30, 23, 26, 35, 39, 0, 161,
- 0, 195, 196, 197, 163, -2, 164, 187, 199, 178,
- 179, 0, 169, 171, 173, 28, 0, 83, 0, 189,
- 0, 0, 182, 0, 0, 31, 194, 180, 181, 0,
- 0, 0, 183, 184, 185 };
-typedef struct { char *t_name; int t_val; } yytoktype;
-#ifndef YYDEBUG
-# define YYDEBUG 0 /* don't allow debugging */
-yytoktype yytoks[] =
- "IDENT", 257,
- "INTLIT", 258,
- "REALLIT", 259,
- "STRINGLIT", 260,
- "CSETLIT", 261,
- "EOFX", 262,
- "BREAK", 263,
- "BY", 264,
- "CASE", 265,
- "CREATE", 266,
- "DEFAULT", 267,
- "DO", 268,
- "ELSE", 269,
- "END", 270,
- "EVERY", 271,
- "FAIL", 272,
- "GLOBAL", 273,
- "IF", 274,
- "INITIAL", 275,
- "INVOCABLE", 276,
- "LINK", 277,
- "LOCAL", 278,
- "NEXT", 279,
- "NOT", 280,
- "OF", 281,
- "PROCEDURE", 282,
- "RECORD", 283,
- "REPEAT", 284,
- "RETURN", 285,
- "STATIC", 286,
- "SUSPEND", 287,
- "THEN", 288,
- "TO", 289,
- "UNTIL", 290,
- "WHILE", 291,
- "BANG", 292,
- "MOD", 293,
- "AUGMOD", 294,
- "AND", 295,
- "AUGAND", 296,
- "STAR", 297,
- "AUGSTAR", 298,
- "INTER", 299,
- "AUGINTER", 300,
- "PLUS", 301,
- "AUGPLUS", 302,
- "UNION", 303,
- "AUGUNION", 304,
- "MINUS", 305,
- "AUGMINUS", 306,
- "DIFF", 307,
- "AUGDIFF", 308,
- "DOT", 309,
- "SLASH", 310,
- "AUGSLASH", 311,
- "ASSIGN", 312,
- "SWAP", 313,
- "NMLT", 314,
- "AUGNMLT", 315,
- "REVASSIGN", 316,
- "REVSWAP", 317,
- "SLT", 318,
- "AUGSLT", 319,
- "SLE", 320,
- "AUGSLE", 321,
- "NMLE", 322,
- "AUGNMLE", 323,
- "NMEQ", 324,
- "AUGNMEQ", 325,
- "SEQ", 326,
- "AUGSEQ", 327,
- "EQUIV", 328,
- "AUGEQUIV", 329,
- "NMGT", 330,
- "AUGNMGT", 331,
- "NMGE", 332,
- "AUGNMGE", 333,
- "SGT", 334,
- "AUGSGT", 335,
- "SGE", 336,
- "AUGSGE", 337,
- "QMARK", 338,
- "AUGQMARK", 339,
- "AT", 340,
- "AUGAT", 341,
- "BACKSLASH", 342,
- "CARET", 343,
- "AUGCARET", 344,
- "BAR", 345,
- "CONCAT", 346,
- "AUGCONCAT", 347,
- "LCONCAT", 348,
- "AUGLCONCAT", 349,
- "TILDE", 350,
- "NMNE", 351,
- "AUGNMNE", 352,
- "SNE", 353,
- "AUGSNE", 354,
- "NEQUIV", 355,
- "AUGNEQUIV", 356,
- "LPAREN", 357,
- "RPAREN", 358,
- "PCOLON", 359,
- "COMMA", 360,
- "MCOLON", 361,
- "COLON", 362,
- "SEMICOL", 363,
- "LBRACK", 364,
- "RBRACK", 365,
- "LBRACE", 366,
- "RBRACE", 367,
- "-unknown-", -1 /* ends search */
-char * yyreds[] =
- "-no such reduction-",
- "program : decls EOFX",
- "decls : /* empty */",
- "decls : decls decl",
- "decl : record",
- "decl : proc",
- "decl : global",
- "decl : link",
- "decl : invocable",
- "invocable : INVOCABLE invoclist",
- "invoclist : invocop",
- "invoclist : invoclist COMMA invocop",
- "invocop : IDENT",
- "invocop : STRINGLIT",
- "link : LINK lnklist",
- "lnklist : lnkfile",
- "lnklist : lnklist COMMA lnkfile",
- "lnkfile : IDENT",
- "lnkfile : STRINGLIT",
- "global : GLOBAL",
- "global : GLOBAL idlist",
- "record : RECORD IDENT",
- "record : RECORD IDENT LPAREN fldlist RPAREN",
- "fldlist : /* empty */",
- "fldlist : idlist",
- "proc : prochead SEMICOL locals initial procbody END",
- "prochead : PROCEDURE IDENT",
- "prochead : PROCEDURE IDENT LPAREN arglist RPAREN",
- "arglist : /* empty */",
- "arglist : idlist",
- "arglist : idlist LBRACK RBRACK",
- "idlist : IDENT",
- "idlist : idlist COMMA IDENT",
- "locals : /* empty */",
- "locals : locals retention idlist SEMICOL",
- "retention : LOCAL",
- "retention : STATIC",
- "initial : /* empty */",
- "initial : INITIAL expr SEMICOL",
- "procbody : /* empty */",
- "procbody : nexpr SEMICOL procbody",
- "nexpr : /* empty */",
- "nexpr : expr",
- "expr : expr1a",
- "expr : expr AND expr1a",
- "expr1a : expr1",
- "expr1a : expr1a QMARK expr1",
- "expr1 : expr2",
- "expr1 : expr2 SWAP expr1",
- "expr1 : expr2 ASSIGN expr1",
- "expr1 : expr2 REVSWAP expr1",
- "expr1 : expr2 REVASSIGN expr1",
- "expr1 : expr2 AUGCONCAT expr1",
- "expr1 : expr2 AUGLCONCAT expr1",
- "expr1 : expr2 AUGDIFF expr1",
- "expr1 : expr2 AUGUNION expr1",
- "expr1 : expr2 AUGPLUS expr1",
- "expr1 : expr2 AUGMINUS expr1",
- "expr1 : expr2 AUGSTAR expr1",
- "expr1 : expr2 AUGINTER expr1",
- "expr1 : expr2 AUGSLASH expr1",
- "expr1 : expr2 AUGMOD expr1",
- "expr1 : expr2 AUGCARET expr1",
- "expr1 : expr2 AUGNMEQ expr1",
- "expr1 : expr2 AUGEQUIV expr1",
- "expr1 : expr2 AUGNMGE expr1",
- "expr1 : expr2 AUGNMGT expr1",
- "expr1 : expr2 AUGNMLE expr1",
- "expr1 : expr2 AUGNMLT expr1",
- "expr1 : expr2 AUGNMNE expr1",
- "expr1 : expr2 AUGNEQUIV expr1",
- "expr1 : expr2 AUGSEQ expr1",
- "expr1 : expr2 AUGSGE expr1",
- "expr1 : expr2 AUGSGT expr1",
- "expr1 : expr2 AUGSLE expr1",
- "expr1 : expr2 AUGSLT expr1",
- "expr1 : expr2 AUGSNE expr1",
- "expr1 : expr2 AUGQMARK expr1",
- "expr1 : expr2 AUGAND expr1",
- "expr1 : expr2 AUGAT expr1",
- "expr2 : expr3",
- "expr2 : expr2 TO expr3",
- "expr2 : expr2 TO expr3 BY expr3",
- "expr3 : expr4",
- "expr3 : expr4 BAR expr3",
- "expr4 : expr5",
- "expr4 : expr4 SEQ expr5",
- "expr4 : expr4 SGE expr5",
- "expr4 : expr4 SGT expr5",
- "expr4 : expr4 SLE expr5",
- "expr4 : expr4 SLT expr5",
- "expr4 : expr4 SNE expr5",
- "expr4 : expr4 NMEQ expr5",
- "expr4 : expr4 NMGE expr5",
- "expr4 : expr4 NMGT expr5",
- "expr4 : expr4 NMLE expr5",
- "expr4 : expr4 NMLT expr5",
- "expr4 : expr4 NMNE expr5",
- "expr4 : expr4 EQUIV expr5",
- "expr4 : expr4 NEQUIV expr5",
- "expr5 : expr6",
- "expr5 : expr5 CONCAT expr6",
- "expr5 : expr5 LCONCAT expr6",
- "expr6 : expr7",
- "expr6 : expr6 PLUS expr7",
- "expr6 : expr6 DIFF expr7",
- "expr6 : expr6 UNION expr7",
- "expr6 : expr6 MINUS expr7",
- "expr7 : expr8",
- "expr7 : expr7 STAR expr8",
- "expr7 : expr7 INTER expr8",
- "expr7 : expr7 SLASH expr8",
- "expr7 : expr7 MOD expr8",
- "expr8 : expr9",
- "expr8 : expr9 CARET expr8",
- "expr9 : expr10",
- "expr9 : expr9 BACKSLASH expr10",
- "expr9 : expr9 AT expr10",
- "expr9 : expr9 BANG expr10",
- "expr10 : expr11",
- "expr10 : AT expr10",
- "expr10 : NOT expr10",
- "expr10 : BAR expr10",
- "expr10 : CONCAT expr10",
- "expr10 : LCONCAT expr10",
- "expr10 : DOT expr10",
- "expr10 : BANG expr10",
- "expr10 : DIFF expr10",
- "expr10 : PLUS expr10",
- "expr10 : STAR expr10",
- "expr10 : SLASH expr10",
- "expr10 : CARET expr10",
- "expr10 : INTER expr10",
- "expr10 : TILDE expr10",
- "expr10 : MINUS expr10",
- "expr10 : NMEQ expr10",
- "expr10 : NMNE expr10",
- "expr10 : SEQ expr10",
- "expr10 : SNE expr10",
- "expr10 : EQUIV expr10",
- "expr10 : UNION expr10",
- "expr10 : QMARK expr10",
- "expr10 : NEQUIV expr10",
- "expr10 : BACKSLASH expr10",
- "expr11 : literal",
- "expr11 : section",
- "expr11 : return",
- "expr11 : if",
- "expr11 : case",
- "expr11 : while",
- "expr11 : until",
- "expr11 : every",
- "expr11 : repeat",
- "expr11 : CREATE expr",
- "expr11 : IDENT",
- "expr11 : NEXT",
- "expr11 : BREAK nexpr",
- "expr11 : LPAREN exprlist RPAREN",
- "expr11 : LBRACE compound RBRACE",
- "expr11 : LBRACK exprlist RBRACK",
- "expr11 : expr11 LBRACK exprlist RBRACK",
- "expr11 : expr11 LBRACE RBRACE",
- "expr11 : expr11 LBRACE pdcolist RBRACE",
- "expr11 : expr11 LPAREN exprlist RPAREN",
- "expr11 : expr11 DOT IDENT",
- "expr11 : AND FAIL",
- "expr11 : AND IDENT",
- "while : WHILE expr",
- "while : WHILE expr DO expr",
- "until : UNTIL expr",
- "until : UNTIL expr DO expr",
- "every : EVERY expr",
- "every : EVERY expr DO expr",
- "repeat : REPEAT expr",
- "return : FAIL",
- "return : RETURN nexpr",
- "return : SUSPEND nexpr",
- "return : SUSPEND expr DO expr",
- "if : IF expr THEN expr",
- "if : IF expr THEN expr ELSE expr",
- "case : CASE expr OF LBRACE caselist RBRACE",
- "caselist : cclause",
- "caselist : caselist SEMICOL cclause",
- "cclause : DEFAULT COLON expr",
- "cclause : expr COLON expr",
- "exprlist : nexpr",
- "exprlist : exprlist COMMA nexpr",
- "pdcolist : nexpr",
- "pdcolist : pdcolist COMMA nexpr",
- "literal : INTLIT",
- "literal : REALLIT",
- "literal : STRINGLIT",
- "literal : CSETLIT",
- "section : expr11 LBRACK expr sectop expr RBRACK",
- "sectop : COLON",
- "sectop : PCOLON",
- "sectop : MCOLON",
- "compound : nexpr",
- "compound : nexpr SEMICOL compound",
- "program : error decls EOFX",
- "proc : prochead error procbody END",
- "expr : error",
-#line 1 "/usr/lib/yaccpar"
-/* @(#)yaccpar 1.10 89/04/04 SMI; from S5R3 1.10 */
-** Skeleton parser driver for yacc output
-** yacc user known macros and defines
-#define YYERROR goto yyerrlab
-#define YYACCEPT { free(yys); free(yyv); return(0); }
-#define YYABORT { free(yys); free(yyv); return(1); }
-#define YYBACKUP( newtoken, newvalue )\
- if ( yychar >= 0 || ( yyr2[ yytmp ] >> 1 ) != 1 )\
- {\
- tsyserr("parser: syntax error - cannot backup" );\
- goto yyerrlab;\
- }\
- yychar = newtoken;\
- yystate = *yyps;\
- yylval = newvalue;\
- goto yynewstate;\
-#define YYRECOVERING() (!!yyerrflag)
-#ifndef YYDEBUG
-# define YYDEBUG 1 /* make debugging available */
-** user known globals
-int yydebug; /* set to 1 to get debugging */
-** driver internal defines
-#define YYFLAG (-1000)
-** static variables used by the parser
-static YYSTYPE *yyv; /* value stack */
-static int *yys; /* state stack */
-static YYSTYPE *yypv; /* top of value stack */
-static int *yyps; /* top of state stack */
-static int yystate; /* current state */
-static int yytmp; /* extra var (lasts between blocks) */
-int yynerrs; /* number of errors */
-int yyerrflag; /* error recovery flag */
-int yychar; /* current input token number */
-** yyparse - return 0 if worked, 1 if syntax error not recovered from
- register YYSTYPE *yypvt; /* top of value stack for $vars */
- unsigned yymaxdepth = YYMAXDEPTH;
- /*
- ** Initialize externals - yyparse may be called more than once
- */
- yyv = (YYSTYPE*)malloc(yymaxdepth*sizeof(YYSTYPE));
- yys = (int*)malloc(yymaxdepth*sizeof(int));
- if (!yyv || !yys)
- {
- tsyserr("parser: out of memory" );
- return(1);
- }
- yypv = &yyv[-1];
- yyps = &yys[-1];
- yystate = 0;
- yytmp = 0;
- yynerrs = 0;
- yyerrflag = 0;
- yychar = -1;
- goto yystack;
- {
- register YYSTYPE *yy_pv; /* top of value stack */
- register int *yy_ps; /* top of state stack */
- register int yy_state; /* current state */
- register int yy_n; /* internal state number info */
- /*
- ** get globals into registers.
- ** branch to here only if YYBACKUP was called.
- */
- yynewstate:
- yy_pv = yypv;
- yy_ps = yyps;
- yy_state = yystate;
- goto yy_newstate;
- /*
- ** get globals into registers.
- ** either we just started, or we just finished a reduction
- */
- yystack:
- yy_pv = yypv;
- yy_ps = yyps;
- yy_state = yystate;
- /*
- ** top of for (;;) loop while no reductions done
- */
- yy_stack:
- /*
- ** put a state and value onto the stacks
- */
- /*
- ** if debugging, look up token value in list of value vs.
- ** name pairs. 0 and negative (-1) are special values.
- ** Note: linear search is used since time is not a real
- ** consideration while debugging.
- */
- if ( yydebug )
- {
- register int yy_i;
- (void)printf( "State %d, token ", yy_state );
- if ( yychar == 0 )
- (void)printf( "end-of-file\n" );
- else if ( yychar < 0 )
- (void)printf( "-none-\n" );
- else
- {
- for ( yy_i = 0; yytoks[yy_i].t_val >= 0;
- yy_i++ )
- {
- if ( yytoks[yy_i].t_val == yychar )
- break;
- }
- (void)printf( "%s\n", yytoks[yy_i].t_name );
- }
- }
- if ( ++yy_ps >= &yys[ yymaxdepth ] ) /* room on stack? */
- {
- /*
- ** reallocate and recover. Note that pointers
- ** have to be reset, or bad things will happen
- */
- int yyps_index = (yy_ps - yys);
- int yypv_index = (yy_pv - yyv);
- int yypvt_index = (yypvt - yyv);
- yymaxdepth += YYMAXDEPTH;
- yyv = (YYSTYPE*)realloc((char*)yyv,
- yymaxdepth * sizeof(YYSTYPE));
- yys = (int*)realloc((char*)yys,
- yymaxdepth * sizeof(int));
- if (!yyv || !yys)
- {
- tsyserr("parse stack overflow" );
- return(1);
- }
- yy_ps = yys + yyps_index;
- yy_pv = yyv + yypv_index;
- yypvt = yyv + yypvt_index;
- }
- *yy_ps = yy_state;
- *++yy_pv = yyval;
- /*
- ** we have a new state - find out what to do
- */
- yy_newstate:
- if ( ( yy_n = yypact[ yy_state ] ) <= YYFLAG )
- goto yydefault; /* simple state */
- /*
- ** if debugging, need to mark whether new token grabbed
- */
- yytmp = yychar < 0;
- if ( ( yychar < 0 ) && ( ( yychar = yylex() ) < 0 ) )
- yychar = 0; /* reached EOF */
- if ( yydebug && yytmp )
- {
- register int yy_i;
- (void)printf( "Received token " );
- if ( yychar == 0 )
- (void)printf( "end-of-file\n" );
- else if ( yychar < 0 )
- (void)printf( "-none-\n" );
- else
- {
- for ( yy_i = 0; yytoks[yy_i].t_val >= 0;
- yy_i++ )
- {
- if ( yytoks[yy_i].t_val == yychar )
- break;
- }
- (void)printf( "%s\n", yytoks[yy_i].t_name );
- }
- }
- if ( ( ( yy_n += yychar ) < 0 ) || ( yy_n >= YYLAST ) )
- goto yydefault;
- if ( yychk[ yy_n = yyact[ yy_n ] ] == yychar ) /*valid shift*/
- {
- yychar = -1;
- yyval = yylval;
- yy_state = yy_n;
- if ( yyerrflag > 0 )
- yyerrflag--;
- goto yy_stack;
- }
- yydefault:
- if ( ( yy_n = yydef[ yy_state ] ) == -2 )
- {
- yytmp = yychar < 0;
- if ( ( yychar < 0 ) && ( ( yychar = yylex() ) < 0 ) )
- yychar = 0; /* reached EOF */
- if ( yydebug && yytmp )
- {
- register int yy_i;
- (void)printf( "Received token " );
- if ( yychar == 0 )
- (void)printf( "end-of-file\n" );
- else if ( yychar < 0 )
- (void)printf( "-none-\n" );
- else
- {
- for ( yy_i = 0;
- yytoks[yy_i].t_val >= 0;
- yy_i++ )
- {
- if ( yytoks[yy_i].t_val
- == yychar )
- {
- break;
- }
- }
- (void)printf( "%s\n", yytoks[yy_i].t_name );
- }
- }
- /*
- ** look through exception table
- */
- {
- register int *yyxi = yyexca;
- while ( ( *yyxi != -1 ) ||
- ( yyxi[1] != yy_state ) )
- {
- yyxi += 2;
- }
- while ( ( *(yyxi += 2) >= 0 ) &&
- ( *yyxi != yychar ) )
- ;
- if ( ( yy_n = yyxi[1] ) < 0 )
- }
- }
- /*
- ** check for syntax error
- */
- if ( yy_n == 0 ) /* have an error */
- {
- /* no worry about speed here! */
- switch ( yyerrflag )
- {
- case 0: /* new error */
- yyerror(yychar, yylval, yy_state );
- goto skip_init;
- yyerrlab:
- /*
- ** get globals into registers.
- ** we have a user generated syntax type error
- */
- yy_pv = yypv;
- yy_ps = yyps;
- yy_state = yystate;
- yynerrs++;
- skip_init:
- case 1:
- case 2: /* incompletely recovered error */
- /* try again... */
- yyerrflag = 3;
- /*
- ** find state where "error" is a legal
- ** shift action
- */
- while ( yy_ps >= yys )
- {
- yy_n = yypact[ *yy_ps ] + YYERRCODE;
- if ( yy_n >= 0 && yy_n < YYLAST &&
- yychk[yyact[yy_n]] == YYERRCODE) {
- /*
- ** simulate shift of "error"
- */
- yy_state = yyact[ yy_n ];
- goto yy_stack;
- }
- /*
- ** current state has no shift on
- ** "error", pop stack
- */
-# define _POP_ "Error recovery pops state %d, uncovers state %d\n"
- if ( yydebug )
- (void)printf( _POP_, *yy_ps,
- yy_ps[-1] );
-# undef _POP_
- yy_ps--;
- yy_pv--;
- }
- /*
- ** there is no state on stack with "error" as
- ** a valid shift. give up.
- */
- case 3: /* no shift yet; eat a token */
- /*
- ** if debugging, look up token in list of
- ** pairs. 0 and negative shouldn't occur,
- ** but since timing doesn't matter when
- ** debugging, it doesn't hurt to leave the
- ** tests here.
- */
- if ( yydebug )
- {
- register int yy_i;
- (void)printf( "Error recovery discards " );
- if ( yychar == 0 )
- (void)printf( "token end-of-file\n" );
- else if ( yychar < 0 )
- (void)printf( "token -none-\n" );
- else
- {
- for ( yy_i = 0;
- yytoks[yy_i].t_val >= 0;
- yy_i++ )
- {
- if ( yytoks[yy_i].t_val
- == yychar )
- {
- break;
- }
- }
- (void)printf( "token %s\n",
- yytoks[yy_i].t_name );
- }
- }
- if ( yychar == 0 ) /* reached EOF. quit */
- yychar = -1;
- goto yy_newstate;
- }
- }/* end if ( yy_n == 0 ) */
- /*
- ** reduction by production yy_n
- ** put stack tops, etc. so things right after switch
- */
- /*
- ** if debugging, print the string that is the user's
- ** specification of the reduction which is just about
- ** to be done.
- */
- if ( yydebug )
- (void)printf( "Reduce by (%d) \"%s\"\n",
- yy_n, yyreds[ yy_n ] );
- yytmp = yy_n; /* value to switch over */
- yypvt = yy_pv; /* $vars top of value stack */
- /*
- ** Look in goto table for next state
- ** Sorry about using yy_state here as temporary
- ** register variable, but why not, if it works...
- ** If yyr2[ yy_n ] doesn't have the low order bit
- ** set, then there is no action to be done for
- ** this reduction. So, no saving & unsaving of
- ** registers done. The only difference between the
- ** code just after the if and the body of the if is
- ** the goto yy_stack in the body. This way the test
- ** can be made before the choice of what to do is needed.
- */
- {
- /* length of production doubled with extra bit */
- register int yy_len = yyr2[ yy_n ];
- if ( !( yy_len & 01 ) )
- {
- yy_len >>= 1;
- yyval = ( yy_pv -= yy_len )[1]; /* $$ = $1 */
- yy_state = yypgo[ yy_n = yyr1[ yy_n ] ] +
- *( yy_ps -= yy_len ) + 1;
- if ( yy_state >= YYLAST ||
- yychk[ yy_state =
- yyact[ yy_state ] ] != -yy_n )
- {
- yy_state = yyact[ yypgo[ yy_n ] ];
- }
- goto yy_stack;
- }
- yy_len >>= 1;
- yyval = ( yy_pv -= yy_len )[1]; /* $$ = $1 */
- yy_state = yypgo[ yy_n = yyr1[ yy_n ] ] +
- *( yy_ps -= yy_len ) + 1;
- if ( yy_state >= YYLAST ||
- yychk[ yy_state = yyact[ yy_state ] ] != -yy_n )
- {
- yy_state = yyact[ yypgo[ yy_n ] ];
- }
- }
- /* save until reenter driver code */
- yystate = yy_state;
- yyps = yy_ps;
- yypv = yy_pv;
- }
- /*
- ** code supplied by user is placed in this switch
- */
- switch( yytmp )
- {
-case 1:
-# line 177 "cgram.g"
-{;} break;
-case 4:
-# line 182 "cgram.g"
-{;} break;
-case 5:
-# line 183 "cgram.g"
-{proc_lst->tree = yypvt[-0] ;} break;
-case 6:
-# line 184 "cgram.g"
-{;} break;
-case 7:
-# line 185 "cgram.g"
-{;} break;
-case 8:
-# line 186 "cgram.g"
-{;} break;
-case 9:
-# line 188 "cgram.g"
-{;} break;
-case 11:
-# line 191 "cgram.g"
-{;} break;
-case 12:
-# line 193 "cgram.g"
-{invoc_grp(Str0(yypvt[-0])); ;} break;
-case 13:
-# line 194 "cgram.g"
-{invocbl(yypvt[-0], -1); ;} break;
-case 14:
-# line 195 "cgram.g"
-{invocbl(yypvt[-2], atoi(Str0(yypvt[-0]))); ;} break;
-case 15:
-# line 197 "cgram.g"
-{;} break;
-case 17:
-# line 200 "cgram.g"
-{;} break;
-case 18:
-# line 202 "cgram.g"
-{lnkdcl(Str0(yypvt[-0])); ;} break;
-case 19:
-# line 203 "cgram.g"
-{lnkdcl(Str0(yypvt[-0])); ;} break;
-case 20:
-# line 205 "cgram.g"
-{idflag = F_Global ;} break;
-case 21:
-# line 205 "cgram.g"
-{;} break;
-case 22:
-# line 207 "cgram.g"
-{init_rec(Str0(yypvt[-0])); idflag = F_Field ;} break;
-case 23:
-# line 207 "cgram.g"
- ;
- } break;
-case 24:
-# line 211 "cgram.g"
-{;} break;
-case 25:
-# line 212 "cgram.g"
-{;} break;
-case 26:
-# line 214 "cgram.g"
- yyval = tree6(N_Proc,yypvt[-5],yypvt[-5],yypvt[-2],yypvt[-1],yypvt[-0]) ;
- } break;
-case 27:
-# line 218 "cgram.g"
-{init_proc(Str0(yypvt[-0])); idflag = F_Argument ;} break;
-case 28:
-# line 218 "cgram.g"
- ;
- } break;
-case 29:
-# line 222 "cgram.g"
-{;} break;
-case 30:
-# line 223 "cgram.g"
-{;} break;
-case 31:
-# line 224 "cgram.g"
-{proc_lst->nargs = -proc_lst->nargs ;} break;
-case 32:
-# line 227 "cgram.g"
- install(Str0(yypvt[-0]),idflag) ;
- } break;
-case 33:
-# line 230 "cgram.g"
- install(Str0(yypvt[-0]),idflag) ;
- } break;
-case 34:
-# line 234 "cgram.g"
-{;} break;
-case 35:
-# line 235 "cgram.g"
-{;} break;
-case 36:
-# line 237 "cgram.g"
-{idflag = F_Dynamic ;} break;
-case 37:
-# line 238 "cgram.g"
-{idflag = F_Static ;} break;
-case 38:
-# line 240 "cgram.g"
-{yyval = tree1(N_Empty) ;} break;
-case 39:
-# line 241 "cgram.g"
-{yyval = yypvt[-1] ;} break;
-case 40:
-# line 243 "cgram.g"
-{yyval = tree1(N_Empty) ;} break;
-case 41:
-# line 244 "cgram.g"
-{yyval = tree4(N_Slist,yypvt[-1],yypvt[-2],yypvt[-0]) ;} break;
-case 42:
-# line 246 "cgram.g"
-{yyval = tree1(N_Empty) ;} break;
-case 45:
-# line 250 "cgram.g"
-{yyval = binary_nd(yypvt[-1],yypvt[-2],yypvt[-0]) ;} break;
-case 47:
-# line 253 "cgram.g"
-{yyval = tree5(N_Scan,yypvt[-1],yypvt[-1],yypvt[-2],yypvt[-0]) ;} break;
-case 49:
-# line 256 "cgram.g"
-{yyval = binary_nd(yypvt[-1],yypvt[-2],yypvt[-0]) ;} break;
-case 50:
-# line 257 "cgram.g"
-{yyval = binary_nd(yypvt[-1],yypvt[-2],yypvt[-0]) ;} break;
-case 51:
-# line 258 "cgram.g"
-{yyval = binary_nd(yypvt[-1],yypvt[-2],yypvt[-0]) ;} break;
-case 52:
-# line 259 "cgram.g"
-{yyval = binary_nd(yypvt[-1],yypvt[-2],yypvt[-0]) ;} break;
-case 53:
-# line 260 "cgram.g"
-{yyval = aug_nd(yypvt[-1],yypvt[-2],yypvt[-0]) ;} break;
-case 54:
-# line 261 "cgram.g"
-{yyval = aug_nd(yypvt[-1],yypvt[-2],yypvt[-0]) ;} break;
-case 55:
-# line 262 "cgram.g"
-{yyval = aug_nd(yypvt[-1],yypvt[-2],yypvt[-0]) ;} break;
-case 56:
-# line 263 "cgram.g"
-{yyval = aug_nd(yypvt[-1],yypvt[-2],yypvt[-0]) ;} break;
-case 57:
-# line 264 "cgram.g"
-{yyval = aug_nd(yypvt[-1],yypvt[-2],yypvt[-0]) ;} break;
-case 58:
-# line 265 "cgram.g"
-{yyval = aug_nd(yypvt[-1],yypvt[-2],yypvt[-0]) ;} break;
-case 59:
-# line 266 "cgram.g"
-{yyval = aug_nd(yypvt[-1],yypvt[-2],yypvt[-0]) ;} break;
-case 60:
-# line 267 "cgram.g"
-{yyval = aug_nd(yypvt[-1],yypvt[-2],yypvt[-0]) ;} break;
-case 61:
-# line 268 "cgram.g"
-{yyval = aug_nd(yypvt[-1],yypvt[-2],yypvt[-0]) ;} break;
-case 62:
-# line 269 "cgram.g"
-{yyval = aug_nd(yypvt[-1],yypvt[-2],yypvt[-0]) ;} break;
-case 63:
-# line 270 "cgram.g"
-{yyval = aug_nd(yypvt[-1],yypvt[-2],yypvt[-0]) ;} break;
-case 64:
-# line 271 "cgram.g"
-{yyval = aug_nd(yypvt[-1],yypvt[-2],yypvt[-0]) ;} break;
-case 65:
-# line 272 "cgram.g"
-{yyval = aug_nd(yypvt[-1],yypvt[-2],yypvt[-0]) ;} break;
-case 66:
-# line 273 "cgram.g"
-{yyval = aug_nd(yypvt[-1],yypvt[-2],yypvt[-0]) ;} break;
-case 67:
-# line 274 "cgram.g"
-{yyval = aug_nd(yypvt[-1],yypvt[-2],yypvt[-0]) ;} break;
-case 68:
-# line 275 "cgram.g"
-{yyval = aug_nd(yypvt[-1],yypvt[-2],yypvt[-0]) ;} break;
-case 69:
-# line 276 "cgram.g"
-{yyval = aug_nd(yypvt[-1],yypvt[-2],yypvt[-0]) ;} break;
-case 70:
-# line 277 "cgram.g"
-{yyval = aug_nd(yypvt[-1],yypvt[-2],yypvt[-0]) ;} break;
-case 71:
-# line 278 "cgram.g"
-{yyval = aug_nd(yypvt[-1],yypvt[-2],yypvt[-0]) ;} break;
-case 72:
-# line 279 "cgram.g"
-{yyval = aug_nd(yypvt[-1],yypvt[-2],yypvt[-0]) ;} break;
-case 73:
-# line 280 "cgram.g"
-{yyval = aug_nd(yypvt[-1],yypvt[-2],yypvt[-0]) ;} break;
-case 74:
-# line 281 "cgram.g"
-{yyval = aug_nd(yypvt[-1],yypvt[-2],yypvt[-0]) ;} break;
-case 75:
-# line 282 "cgram.g"
-{yyval = aug_nd(yypvt[-1],yypvt[-2],yypvt[-0]) ;} break;
-case 76:
-# line 283 "cgram.g"
-{yyval = aug_nd(yypvt[-1],yypvt[-2],yypvt[-0]) ;} break;
-case 77:
-# line 284 "cgram.g"
-{yyval = aug_nd(yypvt[-1],yypvt[-2],yypvt[-0]) ;} break;
-case 78:
-# line 285 "cgram.g"
-{yyval = tree5(N_Scan,yypvt[-1],yypvt[-1],yypvt[-2],yypvt[-0]) ;} break;
-case 79:
-# line 286 "cgram.g"
-{yyval = aug_nd(yypvt[-1],yypvt[-2],yypvt[-0]) ;} break;
-case 80:
-# line 287 "cgram.g"
-{yyval = tree5(N_Activat,yypvt[-1],yypvt[-1],yypvt[-2],yypvt[-0]) ;} break;
-case 82:
-# line 290 "cgram.g"
-{yyval = to_nd(yypvt[-1],yypvt[-2],yypvt[-0]) ;} break;
-case 83:
-# line 291 "cgram.g"
-{yyval = toby_nd(yypvt[-3],yypvt[-4],yypvt[-2],yypvt[-0]) ;} break;
-case 85:
-# line 294 "cgram.g"
-{yyval = tree4(N_Alt,yypvt[-1],yypvt[-2],yypvt[-0]) ;} break;
-case 87:
-# line 297 "cgram.g"
-{yyval = binary_nd(yypvt[-1],yypvt[-2],yypvt[-0]) ;} break;
-case 88:
-# line 298 "cgram.g"
-{yyval = binary_nd(yypvt[-1],yypvt[-2],yypvt[-0]) ;} break;
-case 89:
-# line 299 "cgram.g"
-{yyval = binary_nd(yypvt[-1],yypvt[-2],yypvt[-0]) ;} break;
-case 90:
-# line 300 "cgram.g"
-{yyval = binary_nd(yypvt[-1],yypvt[-2],yypvt[-0]) ;} break;
-case 91:
-# line 301 "cgram.g"
-{yyval = binary_nd(yypvt[-1],yypvt[-2],yypvt[-0]) ;} break;
-case 92:
-# line 302 "cgram.g"
-{yyval = binary_nd(yypvt[-1],yypvt[-2],yypvt[-0]) ;} break;
-case 93:
-# line 303 "cgram.g"
-{yyval = binary_nd(yypvt[-1],yypvt[-2],yypvt[-0]) ;} break;
-case 94:
-# line 304 "cgram.g"
-{yyval = binary_nd(yypvt[-1],yypvt[-2],yypvt[-0]) ;} break;
-case 95:
-# line 305 "cgram.g"
-{yyval = binary_nd(yypvt[-1],yypvt[-2],yypvt[-0]) ;} break;
-case 96:
-# line 306 "cgram.g"
-{yyval = binary_nd(yypvt[-1],yypvt[-2],yypvt[-0]) ;} break;
-case 97:
-# line 307 "cgram.g"
-{yyval = binary_nd(yypvt[-1],yypvt[-2],yypvt[-0]) ;} break;
-case 98:
-# line 308 "cgram.g"
-{yyval = binary_nd(yypvt[-1],yypvt[-2],yypvt[-0]) ;} break;
-case 99:
-# line 309 "cgram.g"
-{yyval = binary_nd(yypvt[-1],yypvt[-2],yypvt[-0]) ;} break;
-case 100:
-# line 310 "cgram.g"
-{yyval = binary_nd(yypvt[-1],yypvt[-2],yypvt[-0]) ;} break;
-case 102:
-# line 313 "cgram.g"
-{yyval = binary_nd(yypvt[-1],yypvt[-2],yypvt[-0]) ;} break;
-case 103:
-# line 314 "cgram.g"
-{yyval = binary_nd(yypvt[-1],yypvt[-2],yypvt[-0]) ;} break;
-case 105:
-# line 317 "cgram.g"
-{yyval = binary_nd(yypvt[-1],yypvt[-2],yypvt[-0]) ;} break;
-case 106:
-# line 318 "cgram.g"
-{yyval = binary_nd(yypvt[-1],yypvt[-2],yypvt[-0]) ;} break;
-case 107:
-# line 319 "cgram.g"
-{yyval = binary_nd(yypvt[-1],yypvt[-2],yypvt[-0]) ;} break;
-case 108:
-# line 320 "cgram.g"
-{yyval = binary_nd(yypvt[-1],yypvt[-2],yypvt[-0]) ;} break;
-case 110:
-# line 323 "cgram.g"
-{yyval = binary_nd(yypvt[-1],yypvt[-2],yypvt[-0]) ;} break;
-case 111:
-# line 324 "cgram.g"
-{yyval = binary_nd(yypvt[-1],yypvt[-2],yypvt[-0]) ;} break;
-case 112:
-# line 325 "cgram.g"
-{yyval = binary_nd(yypvt[-1],yypvt[-2],yypvt[-0]) ;} break;
-case 113:
-# line 326 "cgram.g"
-{yyval = binary_nd(yypvt[-1],yypvt[-2],yypvt[-0]) ;} break;
-case 115:
-# line 329 "cgram.g"
-{yyval = binary_nd(yypvt[-1],yypvt[-2],yypvt[-0]) ;} break;
-case 117:
-# line 332 "cgram.g"
-{yyval = tree4(N_Limit,yypvt[-1],yypvt[-2],yypvt[-0]) ;} break;
-case 118:
-# line 333 "cgram.g"
-{yyval = tree5(N_Activat,yypvt[-1],yypvt[-1],yypvt[-2],yypvt[-0]) ;} break;
-case 119:
-# line 334 "cgram.g"
-{yyval = tree4(N_Apply,yypvt[-1],yypvt[-2],yypvt[-0]) ;} break;
-case 121:
-# line 337 "cgram.g"
-{yyval = tree5(N_Activat,yypvt[-1],yypvt[-1],tree1(N_Empty) ,yypvt[-0]) ;} break;
-case 122:
-# line 338 "cgram.g"
-{yyval = tree3(N_Not,yypvt[-0],yypvt[-0]) ;} break;
-case 123:
-# line 339 "cgram.g"
-{yyval = tree3(N_Bar,yypvt[-0],yypvt[-0]) ;} break;
-case 124:
-# line 340 "cgram.g"
-{yyval = tree3(N_Bar,yypvt[-0],yypvt[-0]) ;} break;
-case 125:
-# line 341 "cgram.g"
-{yyval = tree3(N_Bar,yypvt[-0],yypvt[-0]) ;} break;
-case 126:
-# line 342 "cgram.g"
-{yyval = unary_nd(yypvt[-1],yypvt[-0]) ;} break;
-case 127:
-# line 343 "cgram.g"
-{yyval = unary_nd(yypvt[-1],yypvt[-0]) ;} break;
-case 128:
-# line 344 "cgram.g"
-{yyval = MultiUnary(yypvt[-1],yypvt[-0]) ;} break;
-case 129:
-# line 345 "cgram.g"
-{yyval = unary_nd(yypvt[-1],yypvt[-0]) ;} break;
-case 130:
-# line 346 "cgram.g"
-{yyval = unary_nd(yypvt[-1],yypvt[-0]) ;} break;
-case 131:
-# line 347 "cgram.g"
-{yyval = unary_nd(yypvt[-1],yypvt[-0]) ;} break;
-case 132:
-# line 348 "cgram.g"
-{yyval = unary_nd(yypvt[-1],yypvt[-0]) ;} break;
-case 133:
-# line 349 "cgram.g"
-{yyval = MultiUnary(yypvt[-1],yypvt[-0]) ;} break;
-case 134:
-# line 350 "cgram.g"
-{yyval = unary_nd(yypvt[-1],yypvt[-0]) ;} break;
-case 135:
-# line 351 "cgram.g"
-{yyval = unary_nd(yypvt[-1],yypvt[-0]) ;} break;
-case 136:
-# line 352 "cgram.g"
-{yyval = unary_nd(yypvt[-1],yypvt[-0]) ;} break;
-case 137:
-# line 353 "cgram.g"
-{yyval = MultiUnary(yypvt[-1],yypvt[-0]) ;} break;
-case 138:
-# line 354 "cgram.g"
-{yyval = MultiUnary(yypvt[-1],yypvt[-0]) ;} break;
-case 139:
-# line 355 "cgram.g"
-{yyval = MultiUnary(yypvt[-1],yypvt[-0]) ;} break;
-case 140:
-# line 356 "cgram.g"
-{yyval = MultiUnary(yypvt[-1],yypvt[-0]) ;} break;
-case 141:
-# line 357 "cgram.g"
-{yyval = MultiUnary(yypvt[-1],yypvt[-0]) ;} break;
-case 142:
-# line 358 "cgram.g"
-{yyval = unary_nd(yypvt[-1],yypvt[-0]) ;} break;
-case 143:
-# line 359 "cgram.g"
-{yyval = MultiUnary(yypvt[-1],yypvt[-0]) ;} break;
-case 144:
-# line 360 "cgram.g"
-{yyval = unary_nd(yypvt[-1],yypvt[-0]) ;} break;
-case 154:
-# line 371 "cgram.g"
-{yyval = tree3(N_Create,yypvt[-1],yypvt[-0]); proc_lst->has_coexpr = 1; ;} break;
-case 155:
-# line 372 "cgram.g"
-{LSym0(yypvt[-0]) = putloc(Str0(yypvt[-0]),0) ;} break;
-case 156:
-# line 373 "cgram.g"
-{yyval = tree2(N_Next,yypvt[-0]) ;} break;
-case 157:
-# line 374 "cgram.g"
-{yyval = tree3(N_Break,yypvt[-1],yypvt[-0]) ;} break;
-case 158:
-# line 375 "cgram.g"
-{if ((yypvt[-1])->n_type == N_Elist) yyval = invk_nd(yypvt[-2],tree1(N_Empty) ,yypvt[-1]); else yyval = yypvt[-1] ;} break;
-case 159:
-# line 376 "cgram.g"
-{yyval = yypvt[-1] ;} break;
-case 160:
-# line 377 "cgram.g"
-{yyval = list_nd(yypvt[-2],yypvt[-1]) ;} break;
-case 161:
-# line 378 "cgram.g"
-{yyval = buildarray(yypvt[-3],yypvt[-2],yypvt[-1]) ;} break;
-case 162:
-# line 379 "cgram.g"
-{yyval = invk_nd(yypvt[-1],yypvt[-2],list_nd(yypvt[-1],tree1(N_Empty) )) ;} break;
-case 163:
-# line 380 "cgram.g"
-{yyval = invk_nd(yypvt[-2],yypvt[-3],list_nd(yypvt[-2],yypvt[-1])) ;} break;
-case 164:
-# line 381 "cgram.g"
-{yyval = invk_nd(yypvt[-2],yypvt[-3],yypvt[-1]) ;} break;
-case 165:
-# line 382 "cgram.g"
-{yyval = tree4(N_Field,yypvt[-1],yypvt[-2],yypvt[-0]) ;} break;
-case 166:
-# line 383 "cgram.g"
-{yyval = key_leaf(yypvt[-1],spec_str("fail")) ;} break;
-case 167:
-# line 384 "cgram.g"
-{yyval = key_leaf(yypvt[-1],Str0(yypvt[-0])) ;} break;
-case 168:
-# line 386 "cgram.g"
-{yyval = tree5(N_Loop,yypvt[-1],yypvt[-1],yypvt[-0],tree1(N_Empty) ) ;} break;
-case 169:
-# line 387 "cgram.g"
-{yyval = tree5(N_Loop,yypvt[-3],yypvt[-3],yypvt[-2],yypvt[-0]) ;} break;
-case 170:
-# line 389 "cgram.g"
-{yyval = tree5(N_Loop,yypvt[-1],yypvt[-1],yypvt[-0],tree1(N_Empty) ) ;} break;
-case 171:
-# line 390 "cgram.g"
-{yyval = tree5(N_Loop,yypvt[-3],yypvt[-3],yypvt[-2],yypvt[-0]) ;} break;
-case 172:
-# line 392 "cgram.g"
-{yyval = tree5(N_Loop,yypvt[-1],yypvt[-1],yypvt[-0],tree1(N_Empty) ) ;} break;
-case 173:
-# line 393 "cgram.g"
-{yyval = tree5(N_Loop,yypvt[-3],yypvt[-3],yypvt[-2],yypvt[-0]) ;} break;
-case 174:
-# line 395 "cgram.g"
-{yyval = tree5(N_Loop,yypvt[-1],yypvt[-1],yypvt[-0],tree1(N_Empty) ) ;} break;
-case 175:
-# line 397 "cgram.g"
-{yyval = tree4(N_Ret,yypvt[-0],yypvt[-0],tree1(N_Empty) ) ;} break;
-case 176:
-# line 398 "cgram.g"
-{yyval = tree4(N_Ret,yypvt[-1],yypvt[-1],yypvt[-0]) ;} break;
-case 177:
-# line 399 "cgram.g"
-{yyval = tree5(N_Loop,yypvt[-1],yypvt[-1],yypvt[-0],tree1(N_Empty) ) ;} break;
-case 178:
-# line 400 "cgram.g"
-{yyval = tree5(N_Loop,yypvt[-3],yypvt[-3],yypvt[-2],yypvt[-0]) ;} break;
-case 179:
-# line 402 "cgram.g"
-{yyval = tree5(N_If,yypvt[-3],yypvt[-2],yypvt[-0],tree1(N_Empty) ) ;} break;
-case 180:
-# line 403 "cgram.g"
-{yyval = tree5(N_If,yypvt[-5],yypvt[-4],yypvt[-2],yypvt[-0]) ;} break;
-case 181:
-# line 405 "cgram.g"
-{yyval = case_nd(yypvt[-5],yypvt[-4],yypvt[-1]) ;} break;
-case 183:
-# line 408 "cgram.g"
-{yyval = tree4(N_Clist,yypvt[-1],yypvt[-2],yypvt[-0]) ;} break;
-case 184:
-# line 410 "cgram.g"
-{yyval = tree4(N_Ccls,yypvt[-1],yypvt[-2],yypvt[-0]) ;} break;
-case 185:
-# line 411 "cgram.g"
-{yyval = tree4(N_Ccls,yypvt[-1],yypvt[-2],yypvt[-0]) ;} break;
-case 186:
-# line 413 "cgram.g"
-{yyval = yypvt[-0]; ;} break;
-case 187:
-# line 414 "cgram.g"
-{yyval = tree4(N_Elist,yypvt[-1],yypvt[-2],yypvt[-0]); ;} break;
-case 188:
-# line 416 "cgram.g"
- yyval = tree3(N_Create,yypvt[-0],yypvt[-0]); proc_lst->has_coexpr = 1; ;
- } break;
-case 189:
-# line 419 "cgram.g"
- yyval =tree4(N_Elist,yypvt[-1],yypvt[-2],tree3(N_Create,yypvt[-1],yypvt[-0])); proc_lst->has_coexpr = 1; ;
- } break;
-case 190:
-# line 423 "cgram.g"
-{CSym0(yypvt[-0]) = putlit(Str0(yypvt[-0]),F_IntLit,0) ;} break;
-case 191:
-# line 424 "cgram.g"
-{CSym0(yypvt[-0]) = putlit(Str0(yypvt[-0]),F_RealLit,0) ;} break;
-case 192:
-# line 425 "cgram.g"
-{CSym0(yypvt[-0]) = putlit(Str0(yypvt[-0]),F_StrLit,(int)Val1(yypvt[-0])) ;} break;
-case 193:
-# line 426 "cgram.g"
-{CSym0(yypvt[-0]) = putlit(Str0(yypvt[-0]),F_CsetLit,(int)Val1(yypvt[-0])) ;} break;
-case 194:
-# line 428 "cgram.g"
-{yyval = sect_nd(yypvt[-2],yypvt[-5],yypvt[-3],yypvt[-1]) ;} break;
-case 195:
-# line 430 "cgram.g"
-{yyval = yypvt[-0] ;} break;
-case 196:
-# line 431 "cgram.g"
-{yyval = yypvt[-0] ;} break;
-case 197:
-# line 432 "cgram.g"
-{yyval = yypvt[-0] ;} break;
-case 199:
-# line 435 "cgram.g"
-{yyval = tree4(N_Slist,yypvt[-1],yypvt[-2],yypvt[-0]) ;} break;
- }
- goto yystack; /* reset registers in driver code */
diff --git a/src/iconc/cproto.h b/src/iconc/cproto.h
deleted file mode 100644
index a32b982..0000000
--- a/src/iconc/cproto.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,165 +0,0 @@
- * Prototypes for functions in iconc.
- */
-struct sig_lst *add_sig (struct code *sig, struct c_fnc *fnc);
-void addlib (char *libname);
-struct code *alc_ary (int n);
-int alc_cbufs (int num, nodeptr lifetime);
-int alc_dtmp (nodeptr lifetime);
-int alc_itmp (nodeptr lifetime);
-struct code *alc_lbl (char *desc, int flag);
-int alc_sbufs (int num, nodeptr lifetime);
-#ifdef OptimizeType
-unsigned int *alloc_mem_typ (unsigned int n_types);
-#endif /* OptimizeType */
-void arth_anlz (struct il_code *var1, struct il_code *var2,
- int *maybe_int, int *maybe_dbl, int *chk1,
- struct code **conv1p, int *chk2,
- struct code **conv2p);
-struct node *aug_nd (nodeptr op, nodeptr arg1, nodeptr arg2);
-struct node *binary_nd (nodeptr op, nodeptr arg1, nodeptr arg2);
-void bitrange (int typcd, int *frst_bit, int *last_bit);
-nodeptr buildarray (nodeptr a, nodeptr lb, nodeptr e);
-void callc_add (struct c_fnc *cont);
-void callo_add (char *oper_nm, int ret_flag,
- struct c_fnc *cont, int need_cont,
- struct code *arglist, struct code *on_ret);
-struct node *case_nd (nodeptr loc_model, nodeptr expr, nodeptr cases);
-int ccomp (char *srcname, char *exename);
-void cd_add (struct code *cd);
-struct val_loc *chk_alc (struct val_loc *rslt, nodeptr lifetime);
-void chkinv (void);
-void chkstrinv (void);
-struct node *c_str_leaf (int type,struct node *loc_model, char *c);
-void codegen (struct node *t);
-int cond_anlz (struct il_code *il, struct code **cdp);
-void const_blks (void);
-struct val_loc *cvar_loc (char *name);
-int do_inlin (struct implement *impl, nodeptr n, int *sep_cont,
- struct op_symentry *symtab, int n_va);
-void doiconx (char *s);
-struct val_loc *dtmp_loc (int n);
-void eval_arith (int indx1, int indx2, int *maybe_int, int *maybe_dbl);
-int eval_cnv (int typcd, int indx, int def, int *cnv_flags);
-int eval_is (int typcd,int indx);
-void findcases (struct il_code *il, int has_dflt,
- struct case_anlz *case_anlz);
-void fix_fncs (struct c_fnc *fnc);
-struct fentry *flookup (char *id);
-void gen_inlin (struct il_code *il, struct val_loc *rslt,
- struct code **scont_strt,
- struct code **scont_fail, struct c_fnc *cont,
- struct implement *impl, int nsyms,
- struct op_symentry *symtab, nodeptr n,
- int dcl_var, int n_va);
-int getopr (int ac, int *cc);
-#ifdef OptimizeType
-unsigned int get_bit_vector (struct typinfo *src, int pos);
-#endif /* OptimizeType */
-struct gentry *glookup (char *id);
-void hsyserr (char **av, char *file);
-struct node *i_str_leaf (int type,struct node *loc_model,char *c, int d);
-long iconint (char *image);
-struct code *il_copy (struct il_c *dest, struct val_loc *src);
-struct code *il_cnv (int typcd, struct il_code *src,
- struct il_c *dflt, struct il_c *dest);
-struct code *il_dflt (int typcd, struct il_code *src,
- struct il_c *dflt, struct il_c *dest);
-void implproto (struct implement *ip);
-void init (void);
-void init_proc (char *name);
-void init_rec (char *name);
-void init_src (void);
-void install (char *name,int flag);
-struct gentry *instl_p (char *name, int flag);
-struct node *int_leaf (int type,struct node *loc_model,int c);
-struct val_loc *itmp_loc (int n);
-struct node *invk_main (struct pentry *main_proc);
-struct node *invk_nd (struct node *loc_model, struct node *proc,
- struct node *args);
-void invoc_grp (char *grp);
-void invocbl (nodeptr op, int arity);
-struct node *key_leaf (nodeptr loc_model, char *keyname);
-void liveness (nodeptr n, nodeptr resumer, nodeptr *failer, int *gen);
-struct node *list_nd (nodeptr loc_model, nodeptr args);
-void lnkdcl (char *name);
-void readdb (char *db_name);
-struct val_loc *loc_cpy (struct val_loc *loc, int mod_access);
-#ifdef OptimizeType
-void mark_recs (struct fentry *fp, struct typinfo *typ,
- int *num_offsets, int *offset, int *bad_recs);
-#else /* OptimizeType */
-void mark_recs (struct fentry *fp, unsigned int *typ,
- int *num_offsets, int *offset, int *bad_recs);
-#endif /* OptimizeType */
-struct code *mk_goto (struct code *label);
-struct node *multiunary (char *op, nodeptr loc_model, nodeptr oprnd);
-struct sig_act *new_sgact (struct code *sig, struct code *cd,
- struct sig_act *next);
-int nextchar (void);
-void nfatal (struct node *n, char *s1, char *s2);
-int n_arg_sym (struct implement *ip);
-void outerfnc (struct c_fnc *fnc);
-int past_prms (struct node *n);
-void proccode (struct pentry *proc);
-void prt_fnc (struct c_fnc *fnc);
-void prt_frame (char *prefix, int ntend, int n_itmp,
- int i, int j, int k);
-struct centry *putlit (char *image,int littype,int len);
-struct lentry *putloc (char *id,int id_type);
-void quit (char *msg);
-void quitf (char *msg,char *arg);
-void recconstr (struct rentry *r);
-void resolve (struct pentry *proc);
-unsigned int round2 (unsigned int n);
-struct code *sig_cd (struct code *fail, struct c_fnc *fnc);
-void src_file (char *name);
-struct node *sect_nd (nodeptr op, nodeptr arg1, nodeptr arg2,
- nodeptr arg3);
-void tfatal (char *s1,char *s2);
-struct node *to_nd (nodeptr loc_model, nodeptr arg1,
- nodeptr arg2);
-struct node *toby_nd (nodeptr loc_model, nodeptr arg1,
- nodeptr arg2, nodeptr arg3);
-int trans (void);
-struct node *tree1 (int type);
-struct node *tree2 (int type,struct node *loc_model);
-struct node *tree3 (int type,struct node *loc_model,
- struct node *c);
-struct node *tree4 (int type, struct node *loc_model,
- struct node *c, struct node *d);
-struct node *tree5 (int type, struct node *loc_model,
- struct node *c, struct node *d,
- struct node *e);
-struct node *tree6 (int type,struct node *loc_model,
- struct node *c, struct node *d,
- struct node *e, struct node *f);
-void tsyserr (char *s);
-void twarn (char *s1,char *s2);
-struct code *typ_chk (struct il_code *var, int typcd);
-int type_case (struct il_code *il, int (*fnc)(),
- struct case_anlz *case_anlz);
-void typeinfer (void);
-struct node *unary_nd (nodeptr op, nodeptr arg);
-void var_dcls (void);
-#ifdef OptimizeType
-int varsubtyp (struct typinfo *typ, struct lentry **single);
-#else /* OptimizeType */
-int varsubtyp (unsigned int *typ, struct lentry **single);
-#endif /* OptimizeType */
-void writecheck (int rc);
-void yyerror (int tok,struct node *lval,int state);
-int yylex (void);
-int yyparse (void);
-#ifdef OptimizeType
-void xfer_packed_types (struct typinfo *type);
-#endif /* OptimizeType */
-#ifdef DeBug
-void symdump (void);
-void ldump (struct lentry **lhash);
-void gdump (void);
-void cdump (void);
-void fdump (void);
-void rdump (void);
-#endif /* DeBug */
diff --git a/src/iconc/csym.c b/src/iconc/csym.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 8e764e3..0000000
--- a/src/iconc/csym.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,853 +0,0 @@
- * csym.c -- functions for symbol table management.
- */
-#include "../h/gsupport.h"
-#include "cglobals.h"
-#include "ctrans.h"
-#include "ctree.h"
-#include "ctoken.h"
-#include "csym.h"
-#include "ccode.h"
-#include "cproto.h"
- * Prototypes.
- */
-static struct gentry *alcglob (struct gentry *blink,
- char *name,int flag);
-static struct fentry *alcfld (struct fentry *blink, char *name,
- struct par_rec *rp);
-static struct centry *alclit (struct centry *blink,
- char *image, int len,int flag);
-static struct lentry *alcloc (struct lentry *blink,
- char *name,int flag);
-static struct par_rec *alcprec (struct rentry *rec, int offset,
- struct par_rec *next);
-static struct centry *clookup (char *image,int flag);
-static struct lentry *dcl_loc (char *id, int id_type,
- struct lentry *next);
-static struct lentry *llookup (char *id);
-static void opstrinv (struct implement *ip);
-static struct gentry *putglob (char *id,int id_type);
-static struct gentry *try_gbl (char *id);
-int max_sym = 0; /* max number of parameter symbols in run-time routines */
-int max_prm = 0; /* max number of parameters for any invocable routine */
- * The operands of the invocable declaration are stored in a list for
- * later processing.
- */
-struct strinv {
- nodeptr op;
- int arity;
- struct strinv *next;
- };
-struct strinv *strinvlst = NULL;
-int op_tbl_sz;
-struct pentry *proc_lst = NULL; /* procedure list */
-struct rentry *rec_lst = NULL; /* record list */
- *instl_p - install procedure or record in global symbol table, returning
- * the symbol table entry.
- */
-struct gentry *instl_p(name, flag)
-char *name;
-int flag;
- {
- struct gentry *gp;
- flag |= F_Global;
- if ((gp = glookup(name)) == NULL)
- gp = putglob(name, flag);
- else if ((gp->flag & (~F_Global)) == 0) {
- /*
- * superfluous global declaration for record or proc
- */
- gp->flag |= flag;
- }
- else /* the user can't make up his mind */
- tfatal("inconsistent redeclaration", name);
- return gp;
- }
- * install - put an identifier into the global or local symbol table.
- * The basic idea here is to look in the right table and install
- * the identifier if it isn't already there. Some semantic checks
- * are performed.
- */
-void install(name, flag)
-char *name;
-int flag;
- {
- struct fentry *fp;
- struct gentry *gp;
- struct lentry *lp;
- struct par_rec **rpp;
- struct fldname *fnp;
- int foffset;
- switch (flag) {
- case F_Global: /* a variable in a global declaration */
- if ((gp = glookup(name)) == NULL)
- putglob(name, flag);
- else
- gp->flag |= flag;
- break;
- case F_Static: /* static declaration */
- ++proc_lst->nstatic;
- lp = dcl_loc(name, flag, proc_lst->statics);
- proc_lst->statics = lp;
- break;
- case F_Dynamic: /* local declaration */
- ++proc_lst->ndynam;
- lp = dcl_loc(name, flag, proc_lst->dynams);
- proc_lst->dynams = lp;
- break;
- case F_Argument: /* formal parameter */
- ++proc_lst->nargs;
- if (proc_lst->nargs > max_prm)
- max_prm = proc_lst->nargs;
- lp = dcl_loc(name, flag, proc_lst->args);
- proc_lst->args = lp;
- break;
- case F_Field: /* field declaration */
- fnp = NewStruct(fldname);
- fnp->name = name;
- fnp->next = rec_lst->fields;
- rec_lst->fields = fnp;
- foffset = rec_lst->nfields++;
- if (foffset > max_prm)
- max_prm = foffset;
- if ((fp = flookup(name)) == NULL) {
- /*
- * first occurrence of this field name.
- */
- fhash[FHasher(name)] = alcfld(fhash[FHasher(name)], name,
- alcprec(rec_lst, foffset, NULL));
- }
- else {
- rpp = &(fp->rlist);
- while (*rpp != NULL && (*rpp)->offset <= foffset &&
- (*rpp)->rec != rec_lst)
- rpp = &((*rpp)->next);
- if (*rpp == NULL || (*rpp)->offset > foffset)
- *rpp = alcprec(rec_lst, foffset, *rpp);
- else
- tfatal("duplicate field name", name);
- }
- break;
- default:
- tsyserr("install: unrecognized symbol table flag.");
- }
- }
- * dcl_loc - handle declaration of a local identifier.
- */
-static struct lentry *dcl_loc(name, flag, next)
-char *name;
-int flag;
-struct lentry *next;
- {
- register struct lentry *lp;
- if ((lp = llookup(name)) == NULL) {
- lp = putloc(name,flag);
- lp->next = next;
- }
- else if (lp->flag == flag) /* previously declared as same type */
- twarn("redeclared identifier", name);
- else /* previously declared as different type */
- tfatal("inconsistent redeclaration", name);
- return lp;
- }
- * putloc - make a local symbol table entry and return pointer to it.
- */
-struct lentry *putloc(id,id_type)
-char *id;
-int id_type;
- {
- register struct lentry *ptr;
- register struct lentry **lhash;
- unsigned hashval;
- if ((ptr = llookup(id)) == NULL) { /* add to head of hash chain */
- lhash = proc_lst->lhash;
- hashval = LHasher(id);
- ptr = alcloc(lhash[hashval], id, id_type);
- lhash[hashval] = ptr;
- ptr->next = NULL;
- }
- return ptr;
- }
- * putglob makes a global symbol table entry and returns a pointer to it.
- */
-static struct gentry *putglob(id, id_type)
-char *id;
-int id_type;
- {
- register struct gentry *ptr;
- register unsigned hashval;
- if ((ptr = glookup(id)) == NULL) { /* add to head of hash chain */
- hashval = GHasher(id);
- ptr = alcglob(ghash[hashval], id, id_type);
- ghash[hashval] = ptr;
- }
- return ptr;
- }
- * putlit makes a constant symbol table entry and returns a pointer to it.
- */
-struct centry *putlit(image, littype, len)
-char *image;
-int len, littype;
- {
- register struct centry *ptr;
- register unsigned hashval;
- if ((ptr = clookup(image,littype)) == NULL) { /* add to head of hash chain */
- hashval = CHasher(image);
- ptr = alclit(chash[hashval], image, len, littype);
- chash[hashval] = ptr;
- }
- return ptr;
- }
- * llookup looks up id in local symbol table and returns pointer to
- * to it if found or NULL if not present.
- */
-static struct lentry *llookup(id)
-char *id;
- {
- register struct lentry *ptr;
- ptr = proc_lst->lhash[LHasher(id)];
- while (ptr != NULL && ptr->name != id)
- ptr = ptr->blink;
- return ptr;
- }
- * flookup looks up id in flobal symbol table and returns pointer to
- * to it if found or NULL if not present.
- */
-struct fentry *flookup(id)
-char *id;
- {
- register struct fentry *ptr;
- ptr = fhash[FHasher(id)];
- while (ptr != NULL && ptr->name != id) {
- ptr = ptr->blink;
- }
- return ptr;
- }
- * glookup looks up id in global symbol table and returns pointer to
- * to it if found or NULL if not present.
- */
-struct gentry *glookup(id)
-char *id;
- {
- register struct gentry *ptr;
- ptr = ghash[GHasher(id)];
- while (ptr != NULL && ptr->name != id) {
- ptr = ptr->blink;
- }
- return ptr;
- }
- * clookup looks up id in constant symbol table and returns pointer to
- * to it if found or NULL if not present.
- */
-static struct centry *clookup(image,flag)
-char *image;
-int flag;
- {
- register struct centry *ptr;
- ptr = chash[CHasher(image)];
- while (ptr != NULL && (ptr->image != image || ptr->flag != flag))
- ptr = ptr->blink;
- return ptr;
- }
-#ifdef DeBug
- * symdump - dump symbol tables.
- */
-void symdump()
- {
- struct pentry *proc;
- gdump();
- cdump();
- rdump();
- fdump();
- for (proc = proc_lst; proc != NULL; proc = proc->next) {
- fprintf(stderr,"\n");
- fprintf(stderr,"Procedure %s\n", proc->sym_entry->name);
- ldump(proc->lhash);
- }
- }
- * prt_flgs - print flags from a symbol table entry.
- */
-static void prt_flgs(flags)
-int flags;
- {
- if (flags & F_Global)
- fprintf(stderr, " F_Global");
- if (flags & F_Proc)
- fprintf(stderr, " F_Proc");
- if (flags & F_Record)
- fprintf(stderr, " F_Record");
- if (flags & F_Dynamic)
- fprintf(stderr, " F_Dynamic");
- if (flags & F_Static)
- fprintf(stderr, " F_Static");
- if (flags & F_Builtin)
- fprintf(stderr, " F_Builtin");
- if (flags & F_StrInv)
- fprintf(stderr, " F_StrInv");
- if (flags & F_ImpError)
- fprintf(stderr, " F_ImpError");
- if (flags & F_Argument)
- fprintf(stderr, " F_Argument");
- if (flags & F_IntLit)
- fprintf(stderr, " F_IntLit");
- if (flags & F_RealLit)
- fprintf(stderr, " F_RealLit");
- if (flags & F_StrLit)
- fprintf(stderr, " F_StrLit");
- if (flags & F_CsetLit)
- fprintf(stderr, " F_CsetLit");
- if (flags & F_Field)
- fprintf(stderr, " F_Field");
- fprintf(stderr, "\n");
- }
- * ldump displays local symbol table to stderr.
- */
-void ldump(lhash)
-struct lentry **lhash;
- {
- register int i;
- register struct lentry *lptr;
- fprintf(stderr," Dump of local symbol table\n");
- fprintf(stderr," address name globol-ref flags\n");
- for (i = 0; i < LHSize; i++)
- for (lptr = lhash[i]; lptr != NULL; lptr = lptr->blink) {
- fprintf(stderr," %8x %20s ", lptr, lptr->name);
- if (lptr->flag & F_Global)
- fprintf(stderr, "%8x ", lptr->;
- else
- fprintf(stderr, " - ");
- prt_flgs(lptr->flag);
- }
- fflush(stderr);
- }
- * gdump displays global symbol table to stderr.
- */
-void gdump()
- {
- register int i;
- register struct gentry *gptr;
- fprintf(stderr,"\n");
- fprintf(stderr,"Dump of global symbol table\n");
- fprintf(stderr," address name nargs flags\n");
- for (i = 0; i < GHSize; i++)
- for (gptr = ghash[i]; gptr != NULL; gptr = gptr->blink) {
- fprintf(stderr," %8x %20s %4d ", gptr,
- gptr->name, gptr->nargs);
- prt_flgs(gptr->flag);
- }
- fflush(stderr);
- }
- * cdump displays constant symbol table to stderr.
- */
-void cdump()
- {
- register int i;
- register struct centry *cptr;
- fprintf(stderr,"\n");
- fprintf(stderr,"Dump of constant symbol table\n");
- fprintf(stderr,
- " address value flags\n");
- for (i = 0; i < CHSize; i++)
- for (cptr = chash[i]; cptr != NULL; cptr = cptr->blink) {
- fprintf(stderr," %8x %-40.40s ", cptr, cptr->image);
- prt_flgs(cptr->flag);
- }
- fflush(stderr);
- }
- * fdump displays field symbol table to stderr.
- */
-void fdump()
- {
- int i;
- struct par_rec *prptr;
- struct fentry *fp;
- fprintf(stderr,"\n");
- fprintf(stderr,"Dump of field symbol table\n");
- fprintf(stderr,
- " address field global-ref offset\n");
- for (i = 0; i < FHSize; i++)
- for (fp = fhash[i]; fp != NULL; fp = fp->blink) {
- fprintf(stderr," %8x %20s\n", fp, fp->name);
- for (prptr = fp->rlist; prptr != NULL; prptr = prptr->next)
- fprintf(stderr," %8x %4d\n",
- prptr->sym_entry, prptr->offset);
- }
- fflush(stderr);
- }
- * prt_flds - print a list of fields stored in reverse order.
- */
-static void prt_flds(f)
-struct fldname *f;
- {
- if (f == NULL)
- return;
- prt_flds(f->next);
- fprintf(stderr, " %s", f->name);
- }
- * rdump displays list of records and their fields.
- */
-void rdump()
- {
- struct rentry *rp;
- fprintf(stderr,"\n");
- fprintf(stderr,"Dump of record list\n");
- fprintf(stderr, " global-ref fields\n");
- for (rp = rec_lst; rp != NULL; rp = rp->next) {
- fprintf(stderr, " %8x ", rp->sym_entry);
- prt_flds(rp->fields);
- fprintf(stderr, "\n");
- }
- }
-#endif /* DeBug */
- * alcloc allocates a local symbol table entry, fills in fields with
- * specified values and returns pointer to new entry.
- */
-static struct lentry *alcloc(blink, name, flag)
-struct lentry *blink;
-char *name;
-int flag;
- {
- register struct lentry *lp;
- lp = NewStruct(lentry);
- lp->blink = blink;
- lp->name = name;
- lp->flag = flag;
- return lp;
- }
- * alcfld allocates a field symbol table entry, fills in the entry with
- * specified values and returns pointer to new entry.
- */
-static struct fentry *alcfld(blink, name, rp)
-struct fentry *blink;
-char *name;
-struct par_rec *rp;
- {
- register struct fentry *fp;
- fp = NewStruct(fentry);
- fp->blink = blink;
- fp->name = name;
- fp->rlist = rp;
- return fp;
- }
- * alcglob allocates a global symbol table entry, fills in fields with
- * specified values and returns pointer to new entry.
- */
-static struct gentry *alcglob(blink, name, flag)
-struct gentry *blink;
-char *name;
-int flag;
- {
- register struct gentry *gp;
- gp = NewStruct(gentry);
- gp->blink = blink;
- gp->name = name;
- gp->flag = flag;
- return gp;
- }
- * alclit allocates a constant symbol table entry, fills in fields with
- * specified values and returns pointer to new entry.
- */
-static struct centry *alclit(blink, image, len, flag)
-struct centry *blink;
-char *image;
-int len, flag;
- {
- register struct centry *cp;
- cp = NewStruct(centry);
- cp->blink = blink;
- cp->image = image;
- cp->length = len;
- cp->flag = flag;
- switch (flag) {
- case F_IntLit:
- cp->u.intgr = iconint(image);
- break;
- case F_CsetLit:
- cp->u.cset = bitvect(image, len);
- break;
- }
- return cp;
- }
- * alcprec allocates an entry for the parent record list for a field.
- */
-static struct par_rec *alcprec(rec, offset, next)
-struct rentry *rec;
-int offset;
-struct par_rec *next;
- {
- register struct par_rec *rp;
- rp = NewStruct(par_rec);
- rp->rec= rec;
- rp->offset = offset;
- rp->next = next;
- return rp;
- }
- * resolve - resolve the scope of undeclared identifiers.
- */
-void resolve(proc)
-struct pentry *proc;
- {
- struct lentry **lhash;
- register struct lentry *lp;
- struct gentry *gp;
- int i;
- char *id;
- lhash = proc->lhash;
- for (i = 0; i < LHSize; ++i) {
- lp = lhash[i];
- while (lp != NULL) {
- id = lp->name;
- if (lp->flag == 0) { /* undeclared */
- if ((gp = try_gbl(id)) != NULL) { /* check global */
- lp->flag = F_Global;
- lp-> = gp;
- }
- else { /* implicit local */
- if (uwarn) {
- fprintf(stderr, "%s undeclared identifier, procedure %s\n",
- id, proc->name);
- ++twarns;
- }
- lp->flag = F_Dynamic;
- lp->next = proc->dynams;
- proc->dynams = lp;
- ++proc->ndynam;
- }
- }
- lp = lp->blink;
- }
- }
- }
- * try_glb - see if the identifier is or should be a global variable.
- */
-static struct gentry *try_gbl(id)
-char *id;
- {
- struct gentry *gp;
- register struct implement *iptr;
- int nargs;
- int n;
- gp = glookup(id);
- if (gp == NULL) {
- /*
- * See if it is a built-in function.
- */
- iptr = db_ilkup(id, bhash);
- if (iptr == NULL)
- return NULL;
- else {
- if (iptr->in_line == NULL)
- nfatal(NULL, "built-in function not installed", id);
- nargs = iptr->nargs;
- if (nargs > 0 && iptr->arg_flgs[nargs - 1] & VarPrm)
- nargs = -nargs;
- gp = putglob(id, F_Global | F_Builtin);
- gp->val.builtin = iptr;
- n = n_arg_sym(iptr);
- if (n > max_sym)
- max_sym = n;
- }
- }
- return gp;
- }
- * invoc_grp - called when "invocable all" is encountered.
- */
-void invoc_grp(grp)
-char *grp;
- {
- if (grp == spec_str("all"))
- str_inv = 1; /* enable full string invocation */
- else
- tfatal("invalid operand to invocable", grp);
- }
- * invocbl - indicate that the operator is needed for for string invocation.
- */
-void invocbl(op, arity)
-nodeptr op;
-int arity;
- {
- struct strinv *si;
- si = NewStruct(strinv);
- si->op = op;
- si->arity = arity;
- si->next = strinvlst;
- strinvlst = si;
- }
- * chkstrinv - check to see what is needed for string invocation.
- */
-void chkstrinv()
- {
- struct strinv *si;
- struct gentry *gp;
- struct implement *ip;
- char *op_name;
- int arity;
- int i;
- /*
- * A table of procedure blocks for operators is set up for use by
- * string invocation.
- */
- op_tbl_sz = 0;
- fprintf(codefile, "\nstatic B_IProc(2) init_op_tbl[OpTblSz]");
- if (str_inv) {
- /*
- * All operations must be available for string invocation. Make sure all
- * built-in functions have either been hidden by global declarations
- * or are in global variables, make sure no global variables are
- * optimized away, and make sure all operations are in the table of
- * operations.
- */
- for (i = 0; i < IHSize; ++i) /* built-in function table */
- for (ip = bhash[i]; ip != NULL; ip = ip->blink)
- try_gbl(ip->name);
- for (i = 0; i < GHSize; i++) /* global symbol table */
- for (gp = ghash[i]; gp != NULL; gp = gp->blink)
- gp->flag |= F_StrInv;
- for (i = 0; i < IHSize; ++i) /* operator table */
- for (ip = ohash[i]; ip != NULL; ip = ip->blink)
- opstrinv(ip);
- }
- else {
- /*
- * selected operations must be available for string invocation.
- */
- for (si = strinvlst; si != NULL; si = si->next) {
- op_name = Str0(si->op);
- if (isalpha(*op_name) || (*op_name == '_')) {
- /*
- * This needs to be something in a global variable: function,
- * procedure, or constructor.
- */
- gp = try_gbl(op_name);
- if (gp == NULL)
- nfatal(si->op, "not available for string invocation", op_name);
- else
- gp->flag |= F_StrInv;
- }
- else {
- /*
- * must be an operator.
- */
- arity = si->arity;
- i = IHasher(op_name);
- for (ip = ohash[i]; ip != NULL && ip->op != op_name;
- ip = ip->blink)
- ;
- if (arity < 0) {
- /*
- * Operators of all arities with this symbol.
- */
- while (ip != NULL && ip->op == op_name) {
- opstrinv(ip);
- ip = ip->blink;
- }
- }
- else {
- /*
- * Operator of a specific arity.
- */
- while (ip != NULL && ip->nargs != arity)
- ip = ip->blink;
- if (ip == NULL || ip->op != op_name)
- nfatal(si->op, "not available for string invocation",
- op_name);
- else
- opstrinv(ip);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- * Add definitions to the header file indicating the size of the operator
- * table and finish the declaration in the code file.
- */
- if (op_tbl_sz == 0) {
- fprintf(inclfile, "#define OpTblSz 1\n");
- fprintf(inclfile, "int op_tbl_sz = 0;\n");
- fprintf(codefile, ";\n");
- }
- else {
- fprintf(inclfile, "#define OpTblSz %d\n", op_tbl_sz);
- fprintf(inclfile, "int op_tbl_sz = OpTblSz;\n");
- fprintf(codefile, "\n };\n");
- }
- }
- * opstrinv - set up string invocation for an operator.
- */
-static void opstrinv(ip)
-struct implement *ip;
- {
- char c1, c2;
- char *name;
- char *op;
- register char *s;
- int nargs;
- int n;
- if (ip == NULL || ip->iconc_flgs & InStrTbl)
- return;
- /*
- * Keep track of the maximum number of argument symbols in any operation
- * so type inference can allocate enough storage for the worst case of
- * general invocation.
- */
- n = n_arg_sym(ip);
- if (n > max_sym)
- max_sym = n;
- name = ip->name;
- c1 = ip->prefix[0];
- c2 = ip->prefix[1];
- op = ip->op;
- nargs = ip->nargs;
- if (ip->arg_flgs[nargs - 1] & VarPrm)
- nargs = -nargs; /* indicate varargs with negative number of params */
- if (op_tbl_sz++ == 0) {
- fprintf(inclfile, "\n");
- fprintf(codefile, " = {\n");
- }
- else
- fprintf(codefile, ",\n");
- implproto(ip); /* output prototype */
- /*
- * Output procedure block for this operator into table used by string
- * invocation.
- */
- fprintf(codefile, " {T_Proc, 11, O%c%c_%s, %d, -1, 0, 0, {{%d, \"", c1, c2,
- name, nargs, strlen(op));
- for (s = op; *s != '\0'; ++s) {
- if (*s == '\\')
- fprintf(codefile, "\\");
- fprintf(codefile, "%c", *s);
- }
- fprintf(codefile, "\"}}}");
- ip->iconc_flgs |= InStrTbl;
- }
- * n_arg_sym - determine the number of argument symbols (dereferenced
- * and undereferenced arguments are separate symbols) for an operation
- * in the data base.
- */
-int n_arg_sym(ip)
-struct implement *ip;
- {
- int i;
- int num;
- num = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < ip->nargs; ++i) {
- if (ip->arg_flgs[i] & RtParm)
- ++num;
- if (ip->arg_flgs[i] & DrfPrm)
- ++num;
- }
- return num;
- }
diff --git a/src/iconc/csym.h b/src/iconc/csym.h
deleted file mode 100644
index cf104af..0000000
--- a/src/iconc/csym.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,380 +0,0 @@
- * Structures for symbol table entries.
- */
-#define MaybeTrue 1 /* condition might be true at run time */
-#define MaybeFalse 2 /* condition might be false at run time */
-#define MayConvert 1 /* type conversion may convert the value */
-#define MayDefault 2 /* defaulting type conversion may use default */
-#define MayKeep 4 /* conversion may succeed without any actual conversion */
-#ifdef OptimizeType
-#define NULL_T 0x1000000
-#define REAL_T 0x2000000
-#define INT_T 0x4000000
-#define CSET_T 0x8000000
-#define STR_T 0x10000000
-#define TYPINFO_BLOCK 400000
- * Optimized type structure for bit vectors
- * All previous occurencess of unsigned int * (at least
- * when refering to bit vectors) have been replaced by
- * struct typinfo.
- */
-struct typinfo {
- unsigned int packed; /* packed representation of types */
- unsigned int *bits; /* full length bit vector */
-#endif /* OptimizeType */
- * Data base type codes are mapped to type inferencing information using
- * an array.
- */
-struct typ_info {
- int frst_bit; /* first bit in bit vector allocated to this type */
- int num_bits; /* number of bits in bit vector allocated to this type */
- int new_indx; /* index into arrays of allocated types for operation */
-#ifdef OptimizeType
- struct typinfo *typ; /* for variables: initial type */
-#else /* OptimizeType */
- unsigned int *typ; /* for variabled: initial type */
-#endif /* OptimizeType */
- };
- * A type is a bit vector representing a union of basic types. There
- * are 3 sizes of types: first class types (Icon language types),
- * intermediate value types (first class types plus variable references),
- * run-time routine types (intermediate value types plus internal
- * references to descriptors such as set elements). When the size of
- * the type is known from context, a simple bit vector can be used.
- * In other contexts, the size must be included.
- */
-struct type {
- int size;
-#ifdef OptimizeType
- struct typinfo *bits;
-#else /* OptimizeType */
- unsigned int *bits;
-#endif /* OptimizeType */
- struct type *next;
- };
-#define DecodeSize(x) (x & 0xFFFFFF)
-#define DecodePacked(x) (x >> 24)
- * NumInts - convert from the number of bits in a bit vector to the
- * number of integers implementing it.
- */
-#define NumInts(n_bits) (n_bits - 1) / IntBits + 1
- * ClrTyp - zero out the bit vector for a type.
- */
-#ifdef OptimizeType
-#define ClrTyp(size,typ) {\
- int typ_indx;\
- if ((typ)->bits == NULL)\
- clr_packed((typ),(size));\
- else\
- for (typ_indx = 0; typ_indx < NumInts((size)); ++typ_indx)\
- (typ)->bits[typ_indx] = 0;}
-#else /* OptimizeType */
-#define ClrTyp(size,typ) {\
- int typ_indx;\
- for (typ_indx = 0; typ_indx < NumInts((size)); ++typ_indx)\
- (typ)[typ_indx] = 0;}
-#endif /* OptimizeType */
- * CpyTyp - copy a type of the given size from one bit vector to another.
- */
-#ifdef OptimizeType
-#define CpyTyp(nsize,src,dest) {\
- int typ_indx, num;\
- if (((src)->bits == NULL) && ((dest)->bits == NULL)) {\
- ClrTyp((nsize),(dest));\
- cpy_packed_to_packed((src),(dest),(nsize));\
- }\
- else if (((src)->bits == NULL) && ((dest)->bits != NULL)) {\
- ClrTyp((nsize),(dest));\
- xfer_packed_to_bits((src),(dest),(nsize));\
- }\
- else if (((src)->bits != NULL) && ((dest)->bits == NULL)) {\
- (dest)->bits = alloc_mem_typ(DecodeSize((dest)->packed));\
- xfer_packed_types((dest));\
- for (typ_indx = 0; typ_indx < NumInts((nsize)); ++typ_indx)\
- (dest)->bits[typ_indx] = (src)->bits[typ_indx];\
- }\
- else\
- for (typ_indx = 0; typ_indx < NumInts((nsize)); ++typ_indx)\
- (dest)->bits[typ_indx] = (src)->bits[typ_indx];}
-#else /* OptimizeType */
-#define CpyTyp(size,src,dest) {\
- int typ_indx;\
- for (typ_indx = 0; typ_indx < NumInts((size)); ++typ_indx)\
- (dest)[typ_indx] = (src)[typ_indx];}
-#endif /* OptimizeType */
- * MrgTyp - merge a type of the given size from one bit vector into another.
- */
-#ifdef OptimizeType
-#define MrgTyp(nsize,src,dest) {\
- int typ_indx;\
- if (((src)->bits == NULL) && ((dest)->bits == NULL))\
- mrg_packed_to_packed((src),(dest),(nsize));\
- else if (((src)->bits == NULL) && ((dest)->bits != NULL))\
- xfer_packed_to_bits((src),(dest),(nsize));\
- else if (((src)->bits != NULL) && ((dest)->bits == NULL)) {\
- (dest)->bits = alloc_mem_typ(DecodeSize((dest)->packed));\
- xfer_packed_types((dest));\
- for (typ_indx = 0; typ_indx < NumInts((nsize)); ++typ_indx)\
- (dest)->bits[typ_indx] |= (src)->bits[typ_indx];\
- }\
- else\
- for (typ_indx = 0; typ_indx < NumInts((nsize)); ++typ_indx)\
- (dest)->bits[typ_indx] |= (src)->bits[typ_indx];}
-#else /* OptimizeType */
-#define MrgTyp(size,src,dest) {\
- int typ_indx;\
- for (typ_indx = 0; typ_indx < NumInts((size)); ++typ_indx)\
- (dest)[typ_indx] |= (src)[typ_indx];}
-#endif /* OptimizeType */
- * ChkMrgTyp - merge a type of the given size from one bit vector into another,
- * updating the changed flag if the destination is changed by the merger.
- */
-#ifdef OptimizeType
-#define ChkMrgTyp(nsize,src,dest) {\
- int typ_indx, ret; unsigned int old;\
- if (((src)->bits == NULL) && ((dest)->bits == NULL)) {\
- ret = mrg_packed_to_packed((src),(dest),(nsize));\
- changed += ret;\
- }\
- else if (((src)->bits == NULL) && ((dest)->bits != NULL)) {\
- ret = xfer_packed_to_bits((src),(dest),(nsize));\
- changed += ret;\
- }\
- else if (((src)->bits != NULL) && ((dest)->bits == NULL)) {\
- (dest)->bits = alloc_mem_typ(DecodeSize((dest)->packed));\
- xfer_packed_types((dest));\
- for (typ_indx = 0; typ_indx < NumInts((nsize)); ++typ_indx) {\
- old = (dest)->bits[typ_indx];\
- (dest)->bits[typ_indx] |= (src)->bits[typ_indx];\
- if (old != (dest)->bits[typ_indx]) ++changed;}\
- }\
- else\
- for (typ_indx = 0; typ_indx < NumInts((nsize)); ++typ_indx) {\
- old = (dest)->bits[typ_indx];\
- (dest)->bits[typ_indx] |= (src)->bits[typ_indx];\
- if (old != (dest)->bits[typ_indx]) ++changed;}}
-#else /* OptimizeType */
-#define ChkMrgTyp(size,src,dest) {\
- int typ_indx; unsigned int old;\
- for (typ_indx = 0; typ_indx < NumInts((size)); ++typ_indx) {\
- old = (dest)[typ_indx];\
- (dest)[typ_indx] |= (src)[typ_indx];\
- if (old != (dest)[typ_indx]) ++changed;}}
-#endif /* OptimizeType */
-struct centry { /* constant table entry */
- struct centry *blink; /* link for bucket chain */
- char *image; /* pointer to string image of literal */
- int length; /* length of string */
- union {
- unsigned short *cset; /* pointer to bit string for cset literal */
- long intgr; /* value of integer literal */
- } u;
- uword flag; /* type of literal flag */
- char prefix[PrfxSz+1]; /* unique prefix used in data block name */
- };
-struct fentry { /* field table entry */
- struct fentry *blink; /* link for bucket chain */
- char *name; /* name of field */
- struct par_rec *rlist; /* head of list of records */
- };
-struct lentry { /* local table entry */
- struct lentry *blink; /* link for bucket chain */
- char *name; /* name of variable */
- uword flag; /* variable flags */
- union {
- struct gentry *global; /* for globals: global symbol table entry */
- int index; /* type index; run-time descriptor index */
- } val;
- struct lentry *next; /* used for linking a class of variables */
- };
-struct gentry { /* global table entry */
- struct gentry *blink; /* link for bucket chain */
- char *name; /* name of variable */
- uword flag; /* variable flags */
- union {
- struct implement *builtin; /* pointer to built-in function */
- struct pentry *proc; /* pointer to procedure entry */
- struct rentry *rec; /* pointer to record entry */
- } val;
- int index; /* index into global array */
- int init_type; /* initial type if procedure */
- };
- * Structure for list of parent records for a field name.
- */
-struct par_rec {
- struct rentry *rec; /* parent record */
- int offset; /* field's offset within this record */
- int mark; /* used during code generation */
- struct par_rec *next;
- };
- * Structure for a procedure.
- */
-struct pentry {
- char *name; /* name of procedure */
- char prefix[PrfxSz+1]; /* prefix to make name unique */
- struct lentry **lhash; /* hash area for procedure's local table */
- int nargs; /* number of args */
- struct lentry *args; /* list of arguments in reverse order */
- int ndynam; /* number of dynamic locals */
- struct lentry *dynams; /* list of dynamics in reverse order */
- int nstatic; /* number of statics */
- struct lentry *statics; /* list of statics in reverse order */
- struct node *tree; /* syntax tree for procedure */
- int has_coexpr; /* this procedure contains co-expressions */
- int tnd_loc; /* number of tended dynamic locals */
- int ret_flag; /* proc returns, suspends, and/or fails */
- int reachable; /* this procedure may be executed */
- int iteration; /* last iteration of type inference performed */
- int arg_lst; /* for varargs - the type number of the list */
-#ifdef OptimizeType
- struct typinfo *ret_typ; /* type returned from procedure */
-#else /* OptimizeType */
- unsigned int *ret_typ; /* type returned from procedure */
-#endif /* OptimizeType */
- struct store *in_store; /* store at start of procedure */
- struct store *susp_store; /* store for resumption points of procedure */
- struct store *out_store; /* store on exiting procedure */
- struct lentry **vartypmap; /* mapping from var types to symtab entries */
-#ifdef OptimizeType
- struct typinfo *coexprs; /* co-expressions in which proc may be called */
-#else /* OptimizeType */
- unsigned int *coexprs; /* co-expressions in which proc may be called */
-#endif /* OptimizeType */
- struct pentry *next;
- };
- * Structure for a record.
- */
-struct rentry {
- char *name; /* name of record */
- char prefix[PrfxSz+1]; /* prefix to make name unique */
- int frst_fld; /* offset of variable type of 1st field */
- int nfields; /* number of fields */
- struct fldname *fields; /* list of field names in reverse order */
- int rec_num; /* id number for record */
- struct rentry *next;
- };
-struct fldname { /* record field */
- char *name; /* field name */
- struct fldname *next;
- };
- * Structure used to analyze whether a type_case statement can be in-lined.
- * Only one type check is supported: the type_case will be implemented
- * as an "if" statement.
- */
-struct case_anlz {
- int n_cases; /* number of cases actually needed for this use */
- int typcd; /* for "if" optimization, the type code to check */
- struct il_code *il_then; /* for "if" optimization, the then clause */
- struct il_code *il_else; /* for "if" optimization, the else clause */
- };
- * spec_op contains the implementations for operations with do not have
- * standard unary/binary syntax.
- */
-#define ToOp 0 /* index into spec_op of i to j */
-#define ToByOp 1 /* index into spec_op of i to j by k */
-#define SectOp 2 /* index into spec_op of x[i:j] */
-#define SubscOp 3 /* index into spec_op of x[i] */
-#define ListOp 4 /* index into spec_op of [e1, e2, ... ] */
-#define NumSpecOp 5
-extern struct implement *spec_op[NumSpecOp];
- * Flag values.
- */
-#define F_Global 01 /* variable declared global externally */
-#define F_Proc 04 /* procedure */
-#define F_Record 010 /* record */
-#define F_Dynamic 020 /* variable declared local dynamic */
-#define F_Static 040 /* variable declared local static */
-#define F_Builtin 0100 /* identifier refers to built-in procedure */
-#define F_StrInv 0200 /* variable needed for string invocation */
-#define F_ImpError 0400 /* procedure has default error */
-#define F_Argument 01000 /* variable is a formal parameter */
-#define F_IntLit 02000 /* literal is an integer */
-#define F_RealLit 04000 /* literal is a real */
-#define F_StrLit 010000 /* literal is a string */
-#define F_CsetLit 020000 /* literal is a cset */
-#define F_Field 040000 /* identifier refers to a record field */
-#define F_SmplInv 0100000 /* identifier only used in simple invocation */
- * Symbol table region pointers.
- */
-extern struct implement *bhash[]; /* hash area for built-in func table */
-extern struct centry *chash[]; /* hash area for constant table */
-extern struct fentry *fhash[]; /* hash area for field table */
-extern struct gentry *ghash[]; /* hash area for global table */
-extern struct implement *khash[]; /* hash area for keyword table */
-extern struct implement *ohash[]; /* hash area for operator table */
-extern struct pentry *proc_lst; /* procedure list */
-extern struct rentry *rec_lst; /* record list */
-extern int max_sym; /* max number of parameter symbols in run-time routines */
-extern int max_prm; /* max number of parameters for any invocable routine */
-extern struct symtyps *cur_symtyps; /* maps run-time routine symbols to types */
-extern struct pentry *cur_proc; /* procedure currently being translated */
- * Hash functions for symbol tables. Note, hash table sizes (xHSize)
- * are all a power of 2.
- */
-#define CHasher(x) (((word)x)&(CHSize-1)) /* constant symbol table */
-#define FHasher(x) (((word)x)&(FHSize-1)) /* field symbol table */
-#define GHasher(x) (((word)x)&(GHSize-1)) /* global symbol table */
-#define LHasher(x) (((word)x)&(LHSize-1)) /* local symbol table */
- * flags for implementation entries.
- */
-#define ProtoPrint 1 /* a prototype has already been printed */
-#define InStrTbl 2 /* operator is in string table */
- * Whether an operation can fail may depend on whether error conversion
- * is allowed. The following macro checks this.
- */
-#define MightFail(ret_flag) ((ret_flag & DoesFail) ||\
- (err_conv && (ret_flag & DoesEFail)))
diff --git a/src/iconc/ctoken.h b/src/iconc/ctoken.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 1e95e98..0000000
--- a/src/iconc/ctoken.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
-# define IDENT 257
-# define INTLIT 258
-# define REALLIT 259
-# define STRINGLIT 260
-# define CSETLIT 261
-# define EOFX 262
-# define BREAK 263
-# define BY 264
-# define CASE 265
-# define CREATE 266
-# define DEFAULT 267
-# define DO 268
-# define ELSE 269
-# define END 270
-# define EVERY 271
-# define FAIL 272
-# define GLOBAL 273
-# define IF 274
-# define INITIAL 275
-# define INVOCABLE 276
-# define LINK 277
-# define LOCAL 278
-# define NEXT 279
-# define NOT 280
-# define OF 281
-# define PROCEDURE 282
-# define RECORD 283
-# define REPEAT 284
-# define RETURN 285
-# define STATIC 286
-# define SUSPEND 287
-# define THEN 288
-# define TO 289
-# define UNTIL 290
-# define WHILE 291
-# define BANG 292
-# define MOD 293
-# define AUGMOD 294
-# define AND 295
-# define AUGAND 296
-# define STAR 297
-# define AUGSTAR 298
-# define INTER 299
-# define AUGINTER 300
-# define PLUS 301
-# define AUGPLUS 302
-# define UNION 303
-# define AUGUNION 304
-# define MINUS 305
-# define AUGMINUS 306
-# define DIFF 307
-# define AUGDIFF 308
-# define DOT 309
-# define SLASH 310
-# define AUGSLASH 311
-# define ASSIGN 312
-# define SWAP 313
-# define NMLT 314
-# define AUGNMLT 315
-# define REVASSIGN 316
-# define REVSWAP 317
-# define SLT 318
-# define AUGSLT 319
-# define SLE 320
-# define AUGSLE 321
-# define NMLE 322
-# define AUGNMLE 323
-# define NMEQ 324
-# define AUGNMEQ 325
-# define SEQ 326
-# define AUGSEQ 327
-# define EQUIV 328
-# define AUGEQUIV 329
-# define NMGT 330
-# define AUGNMGT 331
-# define NMGE 332
-# define AUGNMGE 333
-# define SGT 334
-# define AUGSGT 335
-# define SGE 336
-# define AUGSGE 337
-# define QMARK 338
-# define AUGQMARK 339
-# define AT 340
-# define AUGAT 341
-# define BACKSLASH 342
-# define CARET 343
-# define AUGCARET 344
-# define BAR 345
-# define CONCAT 346
-# define AUGCONCAT 347
-# define LCONCAT 348
-# define AUGLCONCAT 349
-# define TILDE 350
-# define NMNE 351
-# define AUGNMNE 352
-# define SNE 353
-# define AUGSNE 354
-# define NEQUIV 355
-# define AUGNEQUIV 356
-# define LPAREN 357
-# define RPAREN 358
-# define PCOLON 359
-# define COMMA 360
-# define MCOLON 361
-# define COLON 362
-# define SEMICOL 363
-# define LBRACK 364
-# define RBRACK 365
-# define LBRACE 366
-# define RBRACE 367
diff --git a/src/iconc/ctrans.c b/src/iconc/ctrans.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 7d33ac5..0000000
--- a/src/iconc/ctrans.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,184 +0,0 @@
- * ctrans.c - main control of the translation process.
- */
-#include "../h/gsupport.h"
-#include "cglobals.h"
-#include "ctrans.h"
-#include "csym.h"
-#include "ctree.h"
-#include "ctoken.h"
-#include "ccode.h"
-#include "cproto.h"
- * Prototypes.
- */
-static void trans1 (char *filename);
- * Variables.
- */
-int tfatals = 0; /* total number of fatal errors */
-int twarns = 0; /* total number of warnings */
-int nocode; /* set by lexer; unused in compiler */
-int in_line; /* current input line number */
-int incol; /* current input column number */
-int peekc; /* one-character look ahead */
-struct srcfile *srclst = NULL; /* list of source files to translate */
-static char *lpath; /* LPATH value */
- * translate a number of files, returning an error count
- */
-int trans()
- {
- register struct pentry *proc;
- struct srcfile *sf;
- lpath = getenv("LPATH"); /* remains null if unspecified */
- for (sf = srclst; sf != NULL; sf = sf->next)
- trans1(sf->name); /* translate each file in turn */
- if (!pponly) {
- /*
- * Resolve undeclared references.
- */
- for (proc = proc_lst; proc != NULL; proc = proc->next)
- resolve(proc);
-#ifdef DeBug
- symdump();
-#endif /* DeBug */
- if (tfatals == 0) {
- chkstrinv(); /* see what needs be available for string invocation */
- chkinv(); /* perform "naive" optimizations */
- }
- if (tfatals == 0)
- typeinfer(); /* perform type inference */
- if (just_type_trace)
- return tfatals; /* stop without generating code */
- if (tfatals == 0) {
- var_dcls(); /* output declarations for globals and statics */
- const_blks(); /* output blocks for cset and real literals */
- for (proc = proc_lst; proc != NULL; proc = proc->next)
- proccode(proc); /* output code for a procedure */
- recconstr(rec_lst); /* output code for record constructors */
-/* ANTHONY */
- print_ghash();
- }
- }
- /*
- * Report information about errors and warnings and be correct about it.
- */
- if (tfatals == 1)
- fprintf(stderr, "1 error; ");
- else if (tfatals > 1)
- fprintf(stderr, "%d errors; ", tfatals);
- else if (verbose > 0)
- fprintf(stderr, "No errors; ");
- if (twarns == 1)
- fprintf(stderr, "1 warning\n");
- else if (twarns > 1)
- fprintf(stderr, "%d warnings\n", twarns);
- else if (verbose > 0)
- fprintf(stderr, "no warnings\n");
- else if (tfatals > 0)
- fprintf(stderr, "\n");
-#ifdef TranStats
- tokdump();
-#endif /* TranStats */
- return tfatals;
- }
- * translate one file.
- */
-static void trans1(filename)
-char *filename;
- {
- in_line = 1; /* start with line 1, column 0 */
- incol = 0;
- peekc = 0; /* clear character lookahead */
- if (!ppinit(filename,lpath?lpath:".",m4pre)) {
- tfatal(filename, "cannot open source file");
- return;
- }
- if (!largeints) /* undefine predef symbol if no -l option */
- ppdef("_LARGE_INTEGERS", (char *)NULL);
- ppdef("_MULTITASKING", (char *)NULL); /* never defined in compiler */
- ppdef("_EVENT_MONITOR", (char *)NULL);
- ppdef("_MEMORY_MONITOR", (char *)NULL);
- ppdef("_VISUALIZATION", (char *)NULL);
- if (strcmp(filename,"-") == 0)
- filename = "stdin";
- if (verbose > 0)
- fprintf(stderr, "%s:\n",filename);
- tok_loc.n_file = filename;
- in_line = 1;
- if (pponly)
- ppecho(); /* preprocess only */
- else
- yyparse(); /* Parse the input */
- }
- * writecheck - check the return code from a stdio output operation
- */
-void writecheck(rc)
- int rc;
- {
- if (rc < 0)
- quit("unable to write to icode file");
- }
- * lnkdcl - find file locally or on LPATH and add to source list.
- */
-void lnkdcl(name)
-char *name;
- struct srcfile **pp;
- struct srcfile *p;
- char buf[MaxPath];
- if (pathfind(buf, lpath, name, SourceSuffix))
- src_file(buf);
- else
- tfatal("cannot resolve reference to file name", name);
- }
- * src_file - add the file name to the list of source files to be translated,
- * if it is not already on the list.
- */
-void src_file(name)
-char *name;
- {
- struct srcfile **pp;
- struct srcfile *p;
- for (pp = &srclst; *pp != NULL; pp = &(*pp)->next)
- if (strcmp((*pp)->name, name) == 0)
- return;
- p = NewStruct(srcfile);
- p->name = salloc(name);
- p->next = NULL;
- *pp = p;
diff --git a/src/iconc/ctrans.h b/src/iconc/ctrans.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 3e03d06..0000000
--- a/src/iconc/ctrans.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
- * Miscellaneous compiler-specific definitions.
- */
-#define Iconc
-#ifndef CUsage
- #define CUsage "[-C C-comp] [-E] [-T] [-c] [-f{adelns}] [-n{acest}]\n\
- [-o ofile] [-p C-opts] [-r runtime] [-s] [-t] [-u] [-v i]"
-#endif /* CUsage */
-#define Abs(n) ((n) >= 0 ? (n) : -(n))
-#define Max(x,y) ((x)>(y)?(x):(y))
-#define tonum(c) (isdigit(c) ? (c - '0') : ((c & 037) + 9))
- * Hash tables must be a power of 2.
- */
-#define CHSize 128 /* size of constant hash table */
-#define FHSize 32 /* size of field hash table */
-#define GHSize 128 /* size of global hash table */
-#define LHSize 128 /* size of local hash table */
-#define PrfxSz 3 /* size of prefix */
- * srcfile is used construct the queue of source files to be translated.
- */
-struct srcfile {
- char *name;
- struct srcfile *next;
- };
-extern struct srcfile *srclst;
- * External definitions needed throughout translator.
- */
-extern int twarns;
-#ifdef TranStats
-#include "tstats.h"
-#else /* TranStats */
-#define TokInc(x)
-#define TokDec(x)
-#endif /* TranStats */
diff --git a/src/iconc/ctree.c b/src/iconc/ctree.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 170a631..0000000
--- a/src/iconc/ctree.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,777 +0,0 @@
- * ctree.c -- functions for constructing parse trees.
- */
-#include "../h/gsupport.h"
-#include "../h/lexdef.h"
-#include "ctrans.h"
-#include "ctree.h"
-#include "csym.h"
-#include "ctoken.h"
-#include "ccode.h"
-#include "cproto.h"
- * prototypes for static functions.
- */
-static nodeptr chk_empty (nodeptr n);
-static void put_elms (nodeptr t, nodeptr args, int slot);
-static nodeptr subsc_nd (nodeptr op, nodeptr arg1, nodeptr arg2);
- * tree[1-6] construct parse tree nodes with specified values.
- * loc_model is a node containing the same line and column information
- * as is needed in this node, while parameters a through d are values to
- * be assigned to n_field[0-3]. Note that this could be done with a
- * single routine; a separate routine for each node size is used for
- * speed and simplicity.
- */
-nodeptr tree1(type)
-int type;
- {
- register nodeptr t;
- t = NewNode(0);
- t->n_type = type;
- t->n_file = NULL;
- t->n_line = 0;
- t->n_col = 0;
- t->freetmp = NULL;
- return t;
- }
-nodeptr tree2(type, loc_model)
-int type;
-nodeptr loc_model;
- {
- register nodeptr t;
- t = NewNode(0);
- t->n_type = type;
- t->n_file = loc_model->n_file;
- t->n_line = loc_model->n_line;
- t->n_col = loc_model->n_col;
- t->freetmp = NULL;
- return t;
- }
-nodeptr tree3(type, loc_model, a)
-int type;
-nodeptr loc_model;
-nodeptr a;
- {
- register nodeptr t;
- t = NewNode(1);
- t->n_type = type;
- t->n_file = loc_model->n_file;
- t->n_line = loc_model->n_line;
- t->n_col = loc_model->n_col;
- t->freetmp = NULL;
- t->n_field[0].n_ptr = a;
- return t;
- }
-nodeptr tree4(type, loc_model, a, b)
-int type;
-nodeptr loc_model;
-nodeptr a, b;
- {
- register nodeptr t;
- t = NewNode(2);
- t->n_type = type;
- t->n_file = loc_model->n_file;
- t->n_line = loc_model->n_line;
- t->n_col = loc_model->n_col;
- t->freetmp = NULL;
- t->n_field[0].n_ptr = a;
- t->n_field[1].n_ptr = b;
- return t;
- }
-nodeptr tree5(type, loc_model, a, b, c)
-int type;
-nodeptr loc_model;
-nodeptr a, b, c;
- {
- register nodeptr t;
- t = NewNode(3);
- t->n_type = type;
- t->n_file = loc_model->n_file;
- t->n_line = loc_model->n_line;
- t->n_col = loc_model->n_col;
- t->freetmp = NULL;
- t->n_field[0].n_ptr = a;
- t->n_field[1].n_ptr = b;
- t->n_field[2].n_ptr = c;
- return t;
- }
-nodeptr tree6(type, loc_model, a, b, c, d)
-int type;
-nodeptr loc_model;
-nodeptr a, b, c, d;
- {
- register nodeptr t;
- t = NewNode(4);
- t->n_type = type;
- t->n_file = loc_model->n_file;
- t->n_line = loc_model->n_line;
- t->n_col = loc_model->n_col;
- t->freetmp = NULL;
- t->n_field[0].n_ptr = a;
- t->n_field[1].n_ptr = b;
- t->n_field[2].n_ptr = c;
- t->n_field[3].n_ptr = d;
- return t;
- }
-nodeptr int_leaf(type, loc_model, a)
-int type;
-nodeptr loc_model;
-int a;
- {
- register nodeptr t;
- t = NewNode(1);
- t->n_type = type;
- t->n_file = loc_model->n_file;
- t->n_line = loc_model->n_line;
- t->n_col = loc_model->n_col;
- t->freetmp = NULL;
- t->n_field[0].n_val = a;
- return t;
- }
-nodeptr c_str_leaf(type, loc_model, a)
-int type;
-nodeptr loc_model;
-char *a;
- {
- register nodeptr t;
- t = NewNode(1);
- t->n_type = type;
- t->n_file = loc_model->n_file;
- t->n_line = loc_model->n_line;
- t->n_col = loc_model->n_col;
- t->freetmp = NULL;
- t->n_field[0].n_str = a;
- return t;
- }
- * i_str_leaf - create a leaf node containing a string and length.
- */
-nodeptr i_str_leaf(type, loc_model, a, b)
-int type;
-nodeptr loc_model;
-char *a;
-int b;
- {
- register nodeptr t;
- t = NewNode(2);
- t->n_type = type;
- t->n_file = loc_model->n_file;
- t->n_line = loc_model->n_line;
- t->n_col = loc_model->n_col;
- t->freetmp = NULL;
- t->n_field[0].n_str = a;
- t->n_field[1].n_val = b;
- return t;
- }
- * key_leaf - create a leaf node for a keyword.
- */
-nodeptr key_leaf(loc_model, keyname)
-nodeptr loc_model;
-char *keyname;
- {
- register nodeptr t;
- struct implement *ip;
- struct il_code *il;
- char *s;
- int typcd;
- /*
- * Find the data base entry for the keyword, if it exists.
- */
- ip = db_ilkup(keyname, khash);
- if (ip == NULL)
- tfatal("invalid keyword", keyname);
- else if (ip->in_line == NULL)
- tfatal("keyword not installed", keyname);
- else {
- il = ip->in_line;
- s = il->u[1].s;
- if (il->il_type == IL_Const) {
- /*
- * This is a constant keyword, treat it as a literal.
- */
- t = NewNode(1);
- t->n_file = loc_model->n_file;
- t->n_line = loc_model->n_line;
- t->n_col = loc_model->n_col;
- t->freetmp = NULL;
- typcd = il->u[0].n;
- if (typcd == cset_typ) {
- t->n_type = N_Cset;
- CSym0(t) = putlit(&s[1], F_CsetLit, strlen(s) - 2);
- }
- else if (typcd == int_typ) {
- t->n_type = N_Int;
- CSym0(t) = putlit(s, F_IntLit, 0);
- }
- else if (typcd == real_typ) {
- t->n_type = N_Real;
- CSym0(t) = putlit(s, F_RealLit, 0);
- }
- else if (typcd == str_typ) {
- t->n_type = N_Str;
- CSym0(t) = putlit(&s[1], F_StrLit, strlen(s) - 2);
- }
- return t;
- }
- }
- t = NewNode(2);
- t->n_type = N_InvOp;
- t->n_file = loc_model->n_file;
- t->n_line = loc_model->n_line;
- t->n_col = loc_model->n_col;
- t->freetmp = NULL;
- t->n_field[0].n_val = 0; /* number of arguments */
- t->n_field[1].ip = ip;
- return t;
- }
- * list_nd - create a list creation node.
- */
-nodeptr list_nd(loc_model, args)
-nodeptr loc_model;
-nodeptr args;
- {
- register nodeptr t;
- struct implement *impl;
- int nargs;
- /*
- * Determine the number of arguments.
- */
- if (args->n_type == N_Empty)
- nargs = 0;
- else {
- nargs = 1;
- for (t = args; t->n_type == N_Elist; t = t->n_field[0].n_ptr)
- ++nargs;
- if (nargs > max_prm)
- max_prm = nargs;
- }
- impl = spec_op[ListOp];
- if (impl == NULL)
- nfatal(loc_model, "list creation not implemented", NULL);
- else if (impl->in_line == NULL)
- nfatal(loc_model, "list creation not installed", NULL);
- t = NewNode(nargs + 2);
- t->n_type = N_InvOp;
- t->n_file = loc_model->n_file;
- t->n_line = loc_model->n_line;
- t->n_col = loc_model->n_col;
- t->freetmp = NULL;
- t->n_field[0].n_val = nargs;
- t->n_field[1].ip = impl;
- if (nargs > 0)
- put_elms(t, args, nargs + 1);
- return t;
- }
- * invk_nd - create a node for invocation.
- */
-nodeptr invk_nd(loc_model, proc, args)
-nodeptr loc_model;
-nodeptr proc;
-nodeptr args;
- {
- register nodeptr t;
- int nargs;
- /*
- * Determine the number of arguments.
- */
- if (args->n_type == N_Empty)
- nargs = 0;
- else {
- nargs = 1;
- for (t = args; t->n_type == N_Elist; t = t->n_field[0].n_ptr)
- ++nargs;
- if (nargs > max_prm)
- max_prm = nargs;
- }
- t = NewNode(nargs + 2);
- t->n_type = N_Invok;
- t->n_file = loc_model->n_file;
- t->n_line = loc_model->n_line;
- t->n_col = loc_model->n_col;
- t->freetmp = NULL;
- t->n_field[0].n_val = nargs;
- t->n_field[1].n_ptr = proc;
- if (nargs > 0)
- put_elms(t, args, nargs + 1);
- return t;
- }
- * put_elms - convert a linked list of arguments into an array of arguments
- * in a node.
- */
-static void put_elms(t, args, slot)
-nodeptr t;
-nodeptr args;
-int slot;
- {
- if (args->n_type == N_Elist) {
- /*
- * The linked list is in reverse argument order.
- */
- t->n_field[slot].n_ptr = chk_empty(args->n_field[1].n_ptr);
- put_elms(t, args->n_field[0].n_ptr, slot - 1);
- free(args);
- }
- else
- t->n_field[slot].n_ptr = chk_empty(args);
- }
- * chk_empty - if an argument is empty, replace it with &null.
- */
-static nodeptr chk_empty(n)
-nodeptr n;
- {
- if (n->n_type == N_Empty)
- n = key_leaf(n, spec_str("null"));
- return n;
- }
- * case_nd - create a node for a case statement.
- */
-nodeptr case_nd(loc_model, expr, cases)
-nodeptr loc_model;
-nodeptr expr;
-nodeptr cases;
- {
- register nodeptr t;
- nodeptr reverse;
- nodeptr nxt_cases;
- nodeptr ccls;
- t = NewNode(3);
- t->n_type = N_Case;
- t->n_file = loc_model->n_file;
- t->n_line = loc_model->n_line;
- t->n_col = loc_model->n_col;
- t->freetmp = NULL;
- t->n_field[0].n_ptr = expr;
- t->n_field[2].n_ptr = NULL;
- /*
- * The list of cases is in reverse order. Walk the list reversing it,
- * and extract the default clause if one exists.
- */
- reverse = NULL;
- while (cases->n_type != N_Ccls) {
- nxt_cases = cases->n_field[0].n_ptr;
- ccls = cases->n_field[1].n_ptr;
- if (ccls->n_field[0].n_ptr->n_type == N_Res) {
- /*
- * default clause.
- */
- if (t->n_field[2].n_ptr == NULL)
- t->n_field[2].n_ptr = ccls->n_field[1].n_ptr;
- else
- nfatal(ccls, "duplicate default clause", NULL);
- }
- else {
- if (reverse == NULL) {
- reverse = cases;
- reverse->n_field[0].n_ptr = ccls;
- }
- else {
- reverse->n_field[1].n_ptr = ccls;
- cases->n_field[0].n_ptr = reverse;
- reverse = cases;
- }
- }
- cases = nxt_cases;
- }
- /*
- * Last element in list.
- */
- if (cases->n_field[0].n_ptr->n_type == N_Res) {
- /*
- * default clause.
- */
- if (t->n_field[2].n_ptr == NULL)
- t->n_field[2].n_ptr = cases->n_field[1].n_ptr;
- else
- nfatal(ccls, "duplicate default clause", NULL);
- if (reverse != NULL)
- reverse = reverse->n_field[0].n_ptr;
- }
- else {
- if (reverse == NULL)
- reverse = cases;
- else
- reverse->n_field[1].n_ptr = cases;
- }
- t->n_field[1].n_ptr = reverse;
- return t;
- }
- * multiunary - construct nodes to implement a sequence of unary operators
- * that have been lexically analyzed as one operator.
- */
-nodeptr multiunary(op, loc_model, oprnd)
-nodeptr loc_model;
-char *op;
-nodeptr oprnd;
- {
- int n;
- nodeptr nd;
- if (*op == '\0')
- return oprnd;
- for (n = 0; optab[n].tok.t_word != NULL; ++n)
- if ((optab[n].expected & Unary) & (*(optab[n].tok.t_word) == *op)) {
- nd = OpNode(n);
- nd->n_file = loc_model->n_file;
- nd->n_line = loc_model->n_line;
- nd->n_col = loc_model->n_col;
- return unary_nd(nd,multiunary(++op,loc_model,oprnd));
- }
- fprintf(stderr, "compiler error: inconsistent parsing of unary operators");
- }
- * binary_nd - construct a node for a binary operator.
- */
-nodeptr binary_nd(op, arg1, arg2)
-nodeptr op;
-nodeptr arg1;
-nodeptr arg2;
- {
- register nodeptr t;
- struct implement *impl;
- /*
- * Find the data base entry for the operator.
- */
- impl = optab[Val0(op)].binary;
- if (impl == NULL)
- nfatal(op, "binary operator not implemented", optab[Val0(op)].tok.t_word);
- else if (impl->in_line == NULL)
- nfatal(op, "binary operator not installed", optab[Val0(op)].tok.t_word);
- t = NewNode(4);
- t->n_type = N_InvOp;
- t->n_file = op->n_file;
- t->n_line = op->n_line;
- t->n_col = op->n_col;
- t->freetmp = NULL;
- t->n_field[0].n_val = 2; /* number of arguments */
- t->n_field[1].ip = impl;
- t->n_field[2].n_ptr = arg1;
- t->n_field[3].n_ptr = arg2;
- return t;
- }
- * unary_nd - construct a node for a unary operator.
- */
-nodeptr unary_nd(op, arg)
-nodeptr op;
-nodeptr arg;
- {
- register nodeptr t;
- struct implement *impl;
- /*
- * Find the data base entry for the operator.
- */
- impl = optab[Val0(op)].unary;
- if (impl == NULL)
- nfatal(op, "unary operator not implemented", optab[Val0(op)].tok.t_word);
- else if (impl->in_line == NULL)
- nfatal(op, "unary operator not installed", optab[Val0(op)].tok.t_word);
- t = NewNode(3);
- t->n_type = N_InvOp;
- t->n_file = op->n_file;
- t->n_line = op->n_line;
- t->n_col = op->n_col;
- t->freetmp = NULL;
- t->n_field[0].n_val = 1; /* number of arguments */
- t->n_field[1].ip = impl;
- t->n_field[2].n_ptr = arg;
- return t;
- }
- * buildarray - convert "multi-dimensional" subscripting into a sequence
- * of subsripting operations.
- */
-nodeptr buildarray(a,lb,e)
-nodeptr a, lb, e;
- {
- register nodeptr t, t2;
- if (e->n_type == N_Elist) {
- t2 = int_leaf(lb->n_type, lb, lb->n_field[0].n_val);
- t = subsc_nd(t2, buildarray(a,lb,e->n_field[0].n_ptr),
- e->n_field[1].n_ptr);
- free(e);
- }
- else
- t = subsc_nd(lb, a, e);
- return t;
- }
- * subsc_nd - construct a node for subscripting.
- */
-static nodeptr subsc_nd(op, arg1, arg2)
-nodeptr op;
-nodeptr arg1;
-nodeptr arg2;
- {
- register nodeptr t;
- struct implement *impl;
- /*
- * Find the data base entry for subscripting.
- */
- impl = spec_op[SubscOp];
- if (impl == NULL)
- nfatal(op, "subscripting not implemented", NULL);
- else if (impl->in_line == NULL)
- nfatal(op, "subscripting not installed", NULL);
- t = NewNode(4);
- t->n_type = N_InvOp;
- t->n_file = op->n_file;
- t->n_line = op->n_line;
- t->n_col = op->n_col;
- t->freetmp = NULL;
- t->n_field[0].n_val = 2; /* number of arguments */
- t->n_field[1].ip = impl;
- t->n_field[2].n_ptr = arg1;
- t->n_field[3].n_ptr = arg2;
- return t;
- }
- * to_nd - construct a node for binary to.
- */
-nodeptr to_nd(op, arg1, arg2)
-nodeptr op;
-nodeptr arg1;
-nodeptr arg2;
- {
- register nodeptr t;
- struct implement *impl;
- /*
- * Find the data base entry for to.
- */
- impl = spec_op[ToOp];
- if (impl == NULL)
- nfatal(op, "'i to j' not implemented", NULL);
- else if (impl->in_line == NULL)
- nfatal(op, "'i to j' not installed", NULL);
- t = NewNode(4);
- t->n_type = N_InvOp;
- t->n_file = op->n_file;
- t->n_line = op->n_line;
- t->n_col = op->n_col;
- t->freetmp = NULL;
- t->n_field[0].n_val = 2; /* number of arguments */
- t->n_field[1].ip = impl;
- t->n_field[2].n_ptr = arg1;
- t->n_field[3].n_ptr = arg2;
- return t;
- }
- * toby_nd - construct a node for binary to-by.
- */
-nodeptr toby_nd(op, arg1, arg2, arg3)
-nodeptr op;
-nodeptr arg1;
-nodeptr arg2;
-nodeptr arg3;
- {
- register nodeptr t;
- struct implement *impl;
- /*
- * Find the data base entry for to-by.
- */
- impl = spec_op[ToByOp];
- if (impl == NULL)
- nfatal(op, "'i to j by k' not implemented", NULL);
- else if (impl->in_line == NULL)
- nfatal(op, "'i to j by k' not installed", NULL);
- t = NewNode(5);
- t->n_type = N_InvOp;
- t->n_file = op->n_file;
- t->n_line = op->n_line;
- t->n_col = op->n_col;
- t->freetmp = NULL;
- t->n_field[0].n_val = 3; /* number of arguments */
- t->n_field[1].ip = impl;
- t->n_field[2].n_ptr = arg1;
- t->n_field[3].n_ptr = arg2;
- t->n_field[4].n_ptr = arg3;
- return t;
- }
- * aug_nd - create a node for an augmented assignment.
- */
-nodeptr aug_nd(op, arg1, arg2)
-nodeptr op;
-nodeptr arg1;
-nodeptr arg2;
- {
- register nodeptr t;
- struct implement *impl;
- t = NewNode(5);
- t->n_type = N_Augop;
- t->n_file = op->n_file;
- t->n_line = op->n_line;
- t->n_col = op->n_col;
- t->freetmp = NULL;
- /*
- * Find the data base entry for assignment.
- */
- impl = optab[asgn_loc].binary;
- if (impl == NULL)
- nfatal(op, "assignment not implemented", NULL);
- t->n_field[0].ip = impl;
- /*
- * The operator table entry for the augmented assignment is
- * immediately after the entry for the operation.
- */
- impl = optab[Val0(op) - 1].binary;
- if (impl == NULL)
- nfatal(op, "binary operator not implemented",
- optab[Val0(op) - 1].tok.t_word);
- t->n_field[1].ip = impl;
- t->n_field[2].n_ptr = arg1;
- t->n_field[3].n_ptr = arg2;
- /* t->n_field[4].typ - type of intermediate result */
- return t;
- }
- * sect_nd - create a node for sectioning.
- */
-nodeptr sect_nd(op, arg1, arg2, arg3)
-nodeptr op;
-nodeptr arg1;
-nodeptr arg2;
-nodeptr arg3;
- {
- register nodeptr t;
- int tok;
- struct implement *impl;
- struct implement *impl1;
- t = NewNode(5);
- t->n_file = op->n_file;
- t->n_line = op->n_line;
- t->n_col = op->n_col;
- t->freetmp = NULL;
- /*
- * Find the data base entry for sectioning.
- */
- impl = spec_op[SectOp];
- if (impl == NULL)
- nfatal(op, "sectioning not implemented", NULL);
- tok = optab[Val0(op)].tok.t_type;
- if (tok == COLON) {
- /*
- * Simple sectioning, treat as a ternary operator.
- */
- t->n_type = N_InvOp;
- t->n_field[0].n_val = 3; /* number of arguments */
- t->n_field[1].ip = impl;
- }
- else {
- /*
- * Find the data base entry for addition or subtraction.
- */
- if (tok == PCOLON) {
- impl1 = optab[plus_loc].binary;
- if (impl1 == NULL)
- nfatal(op, "addition not implemented", NULL);
- }
- else { /* MCOLON */
- impl1 = optab[minus_loc].binary;
- if (impl1 == NULL)
- nfatal(op, "subtraction not implemented", NULL);
- }
- t->n_type = N_Sect;
- t->n_field[0].ip = impl;
- t->n_field[1].ip = impl1;
- }
- t->n_field[2].n_ptr = arg1;
- t->n_field[3].n_ptr = arg2;
- t->n_field[4].n_ptr = arg3;
- return t;
- }
- * invk_main - produce an procedure invocation node with one argument for
- * use in the initial invocation to main() during type inference.
- */
-nodeptr invk_main(main_proc)
-struct pentry *main_proc;
- {
- register nodeptr t;
- t = NewNode(3);
- t->n_type = N_InvProc;
- t->n_file = NULL;
- t->n_line = 0;
- t->n_col = 0;
- t->freetmp = NULL;
- t->n_field[0].n_val = 1; /* 1 argument */
- t->n_field[1].proc = main_proc;
- t->n_field[2].n_ptr = tree1(N_Empty);
- if (max_prm < 1)
- max_prm = 1;
- return t;
- }
diff --git a/src/iconc/ctree.h b/src/iconc/ctree.h
deleted file mode 100644
index d38d3c4..0000000
--- a/src/iconc/ctree.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,200 +0,0 @@
- * Structure of a tree node.
- */
-typedef struct node *nodeptr;
- * Kinds of fields in syntax tree node.
- */
-union field {
- long n_val; /* integer-valued fields */
- char *n_str; /* string-valued fields */
- struct lentry *lsym; /* fields referencing local symbol table entries */
- struct centry *csym; /* fields referencing constant symbol table entries */
- struct implement *ip; /* fields referencing an operation */
- struct pentry *proc; /* pointer to procedure entry */
- struct rentry *rec; /* pointer to record entry */
-#ifdef OptimizeType
- struct typinfo *typ; /* extra type field */
-#else /* OptimizeType */
- unsigned int *typ; /* extra type field */
-#endif /* OptimizeType */
- nodeptr n_ptr; /* subtree pointers */
- };
- * A store is an array that maps variables types (which are given indexes)
- * to the types stored within the variables.
- */
-struct store {
- struct store *next;
- int perm; /* flag: whether store stays across iterations */
-#ifdef OptimizeType
- struct typinfo *types[1]; /* actual size is number of variables */
-#else /* OptimizeType */
- unsigned int *types[1]; /* actual size is number of variables */
-#endif /* OptimizeType */
- };
- * Array of parameter types for an operation call.
- */
-struct symtyps {
- int nsyms; /* number of parameter symbols */
- struct symtyps *next;
-#ifdef OptimizeType
- struct typinfo *types[1]; /* really one for every symbol */
-#else /* OptimizeType */
- unsigned int *types[1]; /* really one for every symbol */
-#endif /* OptimizeType */
- };
- * definitions for maintaining allocation status.
- */
-#define NotAlloc 0 /* temp var neither in use nor reserved */
-#define InUnse 1 /* temp var currently contains live variable */
-/* n < 0 reserved: must be free by node with postn field = n */
-#define DescTmp 1 /* allocation of descriptor temporary */
-#define CIntTmp 2 /* allocation of C integer temporary */
-#define CDblTmp 3 /* allocation of C double temporary */
-#define SBuf 4 /* allocation of string buffer */
-#define CBuf 5 /* allocation of cset buffer */
-struct freetmp { /* list of things to free at a node */
- int kind; /* DescTmp, CIntTmp, CDblTmp, SBuf, or CBuf */
- int indx; /* index into status array */
- int old; /* old status */
- struct freetmp *next;
- };
-struct node {
- int n_type; /* node type */
- char *n_file; /* name of file containing source program */
- int n_line; /* line number in source program */
- int n_col; /* column number in source program */
- int flag;
- int *new_types; /* pntr to array of struct types created here */
-#ifdef OptimizeType
- struct typinfo *type; /* type of this expression */
-#else /* OptimizeType */
- unsigned int *type; /* type of this expression */
-#endif /* OptimizeType */
- struct store *store; /* if needed, store saved between iterations */
- struct symtyps *symtyps; /* for operation in data base: types of arg syms */
- nodeptr lifetime; /* lifetime of intermediate result */
- int reuse; /* result may be reused without being recomputed */
- nodeptr intrnl_lftm; /* lifetime of variables internal to operation */
- int postn; /* relative position of node in execution order */
- struct freetmp *freetmp; /* temporary variables to free at this point */
- union field n_field[1]; /* node fields */
- };
- * NewNode - allocate a parse tree node with "size" fields.
- */
-#define NewNode(size) (struct node *)alloc((unsigned int)\
- (sizeof(struct node) + (size-1) * sizeof(union field)))
- * Macros to access fields of parse tree nodes.
- */
-#define Type(t) t->n_type
-#define File(t) t->n_file
-#define Line(t) t->n_line
-#define Col(t) t->n_col
-#define Tree0(t) t->n_field[0].n_ptr
-#define Tree1(t) t->n_field[1].n_ptr
-#define Tree2(t) t->n_field[2].n_ptr
-#define Tree3(t) t->n_field[3].n_ptr
-#define Tree4(t) t->n_field[4].n_ptr
-#define Val0(t) t->n_field[0].n_val
-#define Val1(t) t->n_field[1].n_val
-#define Val2(t) t->n_field[2].n_val
-#define Val3(t) t->n_field[3].n_val
-#define Val4(t) t->n_field[4].n_val
-#define Str0(t) t->n_field[0].n_str
-#define Str1(t) t->n_field[1].n_str
-#define Str2(t) t->n_field[2].n_str
-#define Str3(t) t->n_field[3].n_str
-#define LSym0(t) t->n_field[0].lsym
-#define CSym0(t) t->n_field[0].csym
-#define Impl0(t) t->n_field[0].ip
-#define Impl1(t) t->n_field[1].ip
-#define Rec1(t) t->n_field[1].rec
-#define Proc1(t) t->n_field[1].proc
-#define Typ4(t) t->n_field[4].typ
- * External declarations.
- */
-extern nodeptr yylval; /* parser's current token value */
-extern struct node tok_loc; /* "model" token holding current location */
- * Node types.
- */
-#define N_Activat 1 /* activation control structure */
-#define N_Alt 2 /* alternation operator */
-#define N_Apply 3 /* procedure application */
-#define N_Augop 4 /* augmented operator */
-#define N_Bar 5 /* generator control structure */
-#define N_Break 6 /* break statement */
-#define N_Case 7 /* case statement */
-#define N_Ccls 8 /* case clause */
-#define N_Clist 9 /* list of case clauses */
-#define N_Create 10 /* create control structure */
-#define N_Cset 11 /* cset literal */
-#define N_Elist 12 /* list of expressions */
-#define N_Empty 13 /* empty expression or statement */
-#define N_Field 14 /* record field reference */
-#define N_Id 15 /* identifier token */
-#define N_If 16 /* if-then-else statement */
-#define N_Int 17 /* integer literal */
-#define N_Invok 18 /* invocation */
-#define N_InvOp 19 /* invoke operation */
-#define N_InvProc 20 /* invoke operation */
-#define N_InvRec 21 /* invoke operation */
-#define N_Limit 22 /* LIMIT control structure */
-#define N_Loop 23 /* while, until, every, or repeat */
-#define N_Next 24 /* next statement */
-#define N_Not 25 /* not prefix control structure */
-#define N_Op 26 /* operator token */
-#define N_Proc 27 /* procedure */
-#define N_Real 28 /* real literal */
-#define N_Res 29 /* reserved word token */
-#define N_Ret 30 /* fail, return, or succeed */
-#define N_Scan 31 /* scan-using statement */
-#define N_Sect 32 /* s[i:j] (section) */
-#define N_Slist 33 /* list of statements */
-#define N_Str 34 /* string literal */
-#define N_SmplAsgn 35 /* simple assignment to named var */
-#define N_SmplAug 36 /* simple assignment to named var */
-#define AsgnDirect 0 /* rhs of special := can compute directly into var */
-#define AsgnCopy 1 /* special := must copy result into var */
-#define AsgnDeref 2 /* special := must dereference result into var */
- * Macros for constructing basic nodes.
- */
-#define CsetNode(a,b) i_str_leaf(N_Cset,&tok_loc,a,b)
-#define IdNode(a) c_str_leaf(N_Id,&tok_loc,a)
-#define IntNode(a) c_str_leaf(N_Int,&tok_loc,a)
-#define OpNode(a) int_leaf(N_Op,&tok_loc,a)
-#define RealNode(a) c_str_leaf(N_Real,&tok_loc,a)
-#define ResNode(a) int_leaf(N_Res,&tok_loc,a)
-#define StrNode(a,b) i_str_leaf(N_Str,&tok_loc,a,b)
- * MultiUnary - create subtree from an operator symbol that represents
- * multiple unary operators.
- */
-#define MultiUnary(a,b) multiunary(optab[Val0(a)].tok.t_word, a, b)
diff --git a/src/iconc/dbase.c b/src/iconc/dbase.c
deleted file mode 100644
index fdd3e50..0000000
--- a/src/iconc/dbase.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,196 +0,0 @@
- * dbase.c - routines to access data base of implementation information
- * produced by rtt.
- */
-#include "../h/gsupport.h"
-#include "../h/lexdef.h"
-#include "ctrans.h"
-#include "csym.h"
-#include "ctree.h"
-#include "ccode.h"
-#include "cproto.h"
-#include "cglobals.h"
- * Prototypes.
- */
-static int chck_spec (struct implement *ip);
-static int acpt_op (struct implement *ip);
-static struct optab *optr; /* pointer into operator table */
- * readdb - read data base produced by rtt.
- */
-void readdb(db_name)
-char *db_name;
- {
- char *op, *s;
- int i;
- struct implement *ip;
- char buf[MaxPath]; /* file name construction buffer */
- struct fileparts *fp;
- unsigned hashval;
- fp = fparse(db_name);
- if (*fp->ext == '\0')
- db_name = salloc(makename(buf, NULL, db_name, DBSuffix));
- else if (!smatch(fp->ext, DBSuffix))
- quitf("bad data base name: %s", db_name);
- if (!db_open(db_name, &s))
- db_err1(1, "cannot open data base");
- if (largeints && (*s == 'N')) {
- twarn("Warning, run-time system does not support large integers", NULL);
- largeints = 0;
- }
- /*
- * Read information about functions.
- */
- db_tbl("functions", bhash);
- /*
- * Read information about operators.
- */
- optr = optab;
- /*
- * read past operators header.
- */
- db_chstr("operators", "operators");
- while ((op = db_string()) != NULL) {
- if ((ip = db_impl('O')) == NULL)
- db_err2(1, "no implementation information for operator", op);
- ip->op = op;
- if (acpt_op(ip)) {
- db_code(ip);
- hashval = IHasher(op);
- ip->blink = ohash[hashval];
- ohash[hashval] = ip;
- db_chstr("end", "end");
- }
- else
- db_dscrd(ip);
- }
- db_chstr("endsect", "endsect");
- /*
- * Read information about keywords.
- */
- db_tbl("keywords", khash);
- db_close();
- /*
- * If error conversion is supported, make sure it is reflected in
- * the minimum result sequence of operations.
- */
- if (err_conv) {
- for (i = 0; i < IHSize; ++i)
- for (ip = bhash[i]; ip != NULL; ip = ip->blink)
- if (ip->ret_flag & DoesEFail)
- ip->min_result = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < IHSize; ++i)
- for (ip = ohash[i]; ip != NULL; ip = ip->blink)
- if (ip->ret_flag & DoesEFail)
- ip->min_result = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < IHSize; ++i)
- for (ip = khash[i]; ip != NULL; ip = ip->blink)
- if (ip->ret_flag & DoesEFail)
- ip->min_result = 0;
- }
- }
- * acpt_opt - given a data base entry for an operator determine if it
- * is in iconc's operator table.
- */
-static int acpt_op(ip)
-struct implement *ip;
- {
- register char *op;
- register int opcmp;
- /*
- * Calls to this function are in lexical order by operator symbol continue
- * searching operator table from where we left off.
- */
- op = ip->op;
- for (;;) {
- /*
- * optab has augmented assignments out of lexical order. Skip anything
- * which does not expect an implementation. This gets augmented
- * assignments out of the way.
- */
- while (optr->expected == 0 && optr->tok.t_word != NULL)
- ++optr;
- if (optr->tok.t_word == NULL)
- return chck_spec(ip);
- opcmp = strcmp(op, optr->tok.t_word);
- if (opcmp > 0)
- ++optr;
- else if (opcmp < 0)
- return chck_spec(ip);
- else {
- if (ip->nargs == 1 && (optr->expected & Unary)) {
- if (optr->unary == NULL) {
- optr->unary = ip;
- return 1;
- }
- else
- return 0;
- }
- else if (ip->nargs == 2 && (optr->expected & Binary)) {
- if (optr->binary == NULL) {
- optr->binary = ip;
- return 1;
- }
- else
- return 0;
- }
- else
- return chck_spec(ip);
- }
- }
- }
- * chck_spec - check whether the operator is one that does not use standard
- * unary or binary syntax.
- */
-static int chck_spec(ip)
-struct implement *ip;
- {
- register char *op;
- int indx;
- indx = -1;
- op = ip->op;
- if (strcmp(op, "...") == 0) {
- if (ip->nargs == 2)
- indx = ToOp;
- else
- indx = ToByOp;
- }
- else if (strcmp(op, "[:]") == 0)
- indx = SectOp;
- else if (strcmp(op, "[]") == 0)
- indx = SubscOp;
- else if (strcmp(op, "[...]") == 0)
- indx = ListOp;
- if (indx == -1) {
- db_err2(0, "unexpected operator (or arity),", op);
- return 0;
- }
- if (spec_op[indx] == NULL) {
- spec_op[indx] = ip;
- return 1;
- }
- else
- return 0;
- }
diff --git a/src/iconc/fixcode.c b/src/iconc/fixcode.c
deleted file mode 100644
index b8c06e0..0000000
--- a/src/iconc/fixcode.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,372 +0,0 @@
- * fixcode.c - routines to "fix code" by determining what signals are returned
- * by continuations and what must be done when they are. Also perform
- * optional control flow optimizations.
- */
-#include "../h/gsupport.h"
-#include "ctrans.h"
-#include "cglobals.h"
-#include "ccode.h"
-#include "ctree.h"
-#include "csym.h"
-#include "cproto.h"
- * Prototypes for static functions.
- */
-static struct code *ck_unneed (struct code *cd, struct code *lbl);
-static void clps_brch (struct code *branch);
-static void dec_refs (struct code *cd);
-static void rm_unrch (struct code *cd);
- * fix_fncs - go through the generated C functions, determine how calls
- * handle signals, in-line trivial functions where possible, remove
- * goto's which immediately precede their labels, and remove unreachable
- * code.
- */
-void fix_fncs(fnc)
-struct c_fnc *fnc;
- {
- struct code *cd, *cd1;
- struct code *contbody;
- struct sig_act *sa;
- struct sig_lst *sl;
- struct code *call;
- struct code *create;
- struct code *ret_sig;
- struct code *sig;
- struct c_fnc *calledcont;
- int no_break;
- int collapse;
- /*
- * Fix any called functions and decide how the calls handle the
- * returned signals.
- */
- fnc->flag |= CF_Mark;
- for (call = fnc->call_lst; call != NULL; call = call->NextCall) {
- calledcont = call->Cont;
- if (calledcont != NULL) {
- if (!(calledcont->flag & CF_Mark))
- fix_fncs(calledcont);
- if (calledcont->flag & CF_ForeignSig) {
- call->Flags |= ForeignSig;
- fnc->flag |= CF_ForeignSig;
- }
- }
- /*
- * Try to collapse call chains of continuations.
- */
- if (opt_cntrl && calledcont != NULL) {
- contbody = calledcont->;
- if (call->OperName == NULL && contbody->cd_id == C_RetSig) {
- /*
- * A direct call of a continuation which consists of just a
- * return. Replace call with code to handle the returned signal.
- */
- ret_sig = contbody->SigRef->sig;
- if (ret_sig == &resume)
- cd1 = sig_cd(call->ContFail, fnc);
- else
- cd1 = sig_cd(ret_sig, fnc);
- cd1->prev = call->prev;
- cd1->prev->next = cd1;
- cd1->next = call->next;
- if (cd1->next != NULL)
- cd1->next->prev = cd1;
- --calledcont->ref_cnt;
- continue; /* move on to next call */
- }
- else if (contbody->cd_id == C_CallSig && contbody->next == NULL) {
- /*
- * The called continuation contains only a call.
- */
- if (call->OperName == NULL) {
- /*
- * We call the continuation directly, so we can in-line it.
- * We must replace signal returns with appropriate actions.
- */
- if (--calledcont->ref_cnt != 0 && contbody->Cont != NULL)
- ++contbody->Cont->ref_cnt;
- call->OperName = contbody->OperName;
- call->ArgLst = contbody->ArgLst;
- call->Cont = contbody->Cont;
- call->Flags = contbody->Flags;
- for (sa = contbody->SigActs; sa != NULL; sa = sa->next) {
- ret_sig = sa->cd->SigRef->sig;
- if (ret_sig == &resume)
- cd1 = sig_cd(call->ContFail, fnc);
- else
- cd1 = sig_cd(ret_sig, fnc);
- call->SigActs = new_sgact(sa->sig, cd1, call->SigActs);
- }
- continue; /* move on to next call */
- }
- else if (contbody->OperName == NULL) {
- /*
- * The continuation simply calls another continuation. We can
- * eliminate the intermediate continuation as long as we can
- * move signal conversions to the other side of the operation.
- * The operation only intercepts resume signals.
- */
- collapse = 1;
- for (sa = contbody->SigActs; sa != NULL; sa = sa->next) {
- ret_sig = sa->cd->SigRef->sig;
- if (sa->sig != ret_sig && (sa->sig == &resume ||
- ret_sig == &resume))
- collapse = 0;
- }
- if (collapse) {
- if (--calledcont->ref_cnt != 0 && contbody->Cont != NULL)
- ++contbody->Cont->ref_cnt;
- call->Cont = contbody->Cont;
- for (sa = contbody->SigActs; sa != NULL; sa = sa->next) {
- ret_sig = sa->cd->SigRef->sig;
- if (ret_sig != &resume)
- call->SigActs = new_sgact(sa->sig, sig_cd(ret_sig, fnc),
- call->SigActs);
- }
- continue; /* move on to next call */
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- * We didn't do any optimizations. We must still figure out
- * out how to handle signals returned by the continuation.
- */
- if (calledcont != NULL) {
- for (sl = calledcont->sig_lst; sl != NULL; sl = sl->next) {
- if (sl->ref_cnt > 0) {
- sig = sl->sig;
- /*
- * If an operation is being called, it handles failure from the
- * continuation.
- */
- if (sig != &resume || call->OperName == NULL) {
- if (sig == &resume)
- cd1 = sig_cd(call->ContFail, fnc);
- else
- cd1 = sig_cd(sig, fnc);
- call->SigActs = new_sgact(sig, cd1, call->SigActs);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- * fix up the signal handling in the functions implementing co-expressions.
- */
- for (create = fnc->creatlst; create != NULL; create = create->NextCreat)
- fix_fncs(create->Cont);
- if (!opt_cntrl)
- return; /* control flow optimizations disabled. */
- /*
- * Collapse branch chains and remove unreachable code.
- */
- for (cd = &(fnc->cd); cd != NULL; cd = cd->next) {
- switch (cd->cd_id) {
- case C_CallSig:
- no_break = 1;
- for (sa = cd->SigActs; sa != NULL; sa = sa->next) {
- if (sa->cd->cd_id == C_Break) {
- switch (cd->next->cd_id) {
- case C_Goto:
- sa->cd->cd_id = cd->next->cd_id;
- sa->cd->Lbl = cd->next->Lbl;
- ++sa->cd->Lbl->RefCnt;
- break;
- case C_RetSig:
- sa->cd->cd_id = cd->next->cd_id;
- sa->cd->SigRef= cd->next->SigRef;
- ++sa->cd->SigRef->ref_cnt;
- break;
- default:
- no_break = 0;
- }
- }
- if (sa->cd->cd_id == C_Goto)
- clps_brch(sa->cd);
- }
- if (no_break)
- rm_unrch(cd);
- /*
- * Try converting gotos into breaks.
- */
- for (sa = cd->SigActs; sa != NULL; sa = sa->next)
- if (sa->cd->cd_id == C_Goto) {
- cd1 = cd->next;
- while (cd1 != NULL && (cd1->cd_id == C_Label ||
- cd1->cd_id == C_RBrack)) {
- if (cd1 == sa->cd->Lbl) {
- sa->cd->cd_id = C_Break;
- --cd1->RefCnt;
- break;
- }
- cd1 = cd1->next;
- }
- }
- break;
- case C_Goto:
- clps_brch(cd);
- rm_unrch(cd);
- if (cd->cd_id == C_Goto)
- ck_unneed(cd, cd->Lbl);
- break;
- case C_If:
- if (cd->ThenStmt->cd_id == C_Goto) {
- clps_brch(cd->ThenStmt);
- if (cd->ThenStmt->cd_id == C_Goto)
- ck_unneed(cd, cd->ThenStmt->Lbl);
- }
- break;
- case C_PFail:
- case C_PRet:
- case C_RetSig:
- rm_unrch(cd);
- break;
- }
- }
- /*
- * If this function only contains a return, indicate that we can
- * call a shared signal returning function instead of it. This is
- * a special case of "common subROUTINE elimination".
- */
- if (fnc->>cd_id == C_RetSig)
- fnc->flag |= CF_SigOnly;
- }
- * clps_brch - collapse branch chains.
- */
-static void clps_brch(branch)
-struct code *branch;
- {
- struct code *cd;
- int save_id;
- cd = branch->Lbl->next;
- while (cd->cd_id == C_Label)
- cd = cd->next;
- /*
- * Avoid infinite recursion on empty infinite loops.
- */
- save_id = branch->cd_id;
- branch->cd_id = 0;
- if (cd->cd_id == C_Goto)
- clps_brch(cd);
- branch->cd_id = save_id;
- switch (cd->cd_id) {
- case C_Goto:
- --branch->Lbl->RefCnt;
- ++cd->Lbl->RefCnt;
- branch->Lbl = cd->Lbl;
- break;
- case C_RetSig:
- /*
- * This optimization requires that C_Goto have as many fields
- * as C_RetSig.
- */
- --branch->Lbl->RefCnt;
- ++cd->SigRef->ref_cnt;
- branch->cd_id = C_RetSig;
- branch->SigRef = cd->SigRef;
- break;
- }
- }
- * rm_unrch - any code after the given point up to the next label is
- * unreachable. Remove it.
- */
-static void rm_unrch(cd)
-struct code *cd;
- {
- struct code *cd1;
- for (cd1 = cd->next; cd1 != NULL && cd1->cd_id != C_LBrack &&
- (cd1->cd_id != C_Label || cd1->RefCnt == 0); cd1 = cd1->next) {
- if (cd1->cd_id == C_RBrack) {
- /*
- * Continue deleting past a '}', but don't delete the '}' itself.
- */
- cd->next = cd1;
- cd1->prev = cd;
- cd = cd1;
- }
- else
- dec_refs(cd1);
- }
- cd->next = cd1;
- if (cd1 != NULL)
- cd1->prev = cd;
- }
- * dec_refs - decrement reference counts for things this code references.
- */
-static void dec_refs(cd)
-struct code *cd;
- {
- struct sig_act *sa;
- if (cd == NULL)
- return;
- switch (cd->cd_id) {
- case C_Goto:
- --cd->Lbl->RefCnt;
- return;
- case C_RetSig:
- --cd->SigRef->ref_cnt;
- return;
- case C_CallSig:
- if (cd->Cont != NULL)
- --cd->Cont->ref_cnt;
- for (sa = cd->SigActs; sa != NULL; sa = sa->next)
- dec_refs(sa->cd);
- return;
- case C_If:
- dec_refs(cd->ThenStmt);
- return;
- case C_Create:
- --cd->Cont->ref_cnt;
- return;
- }
- }
- * ck_unneed - if there is nothing between a goto and its label, except
- * perhaps other labels or '}', it is useless, so remove it.
- */
-static struct code *ck_unneed(cd, lbl)
-struct code *cd;
-struct code *lbl;
- {
- struct code *cd1;
- cd1 = cd->next;
- while (cd1 != NULL && (cd1->cd_id == C_Label || cd1->cd_id == C_RBrack)) {
- if (cd1 == lbl) {
- cd = cd->prev;
- cd->next = cd->next->next;
- cd->next->prev = cd;
- --lbl->RefCnt;
- break;
- }
- cd1 = cd1->next;
- }
- return cd;
- }
diff --git a/src/iconc/incheck.c b/src/iconc/incheck.c
deleted file mode 100644
index d4110f9..0000000
--- a/src/iconc/incheck.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,802 +0,0 @@
- * incheck.c - analyze a run-time operation using type information.
- * Determine wither the operation can be in-lined and what kinds
- * of parameter passing optimizations can be done.
- */
-#include "../h/gsupport.h"
-#include "ctrans.h"
-#include "cglobals.h"
-#include "csym.h"
-#include "ctree.h"
-#include "ccode.h"
-#include "cproto.h"
-struct op_symentry *cur_symtab; /* symbol table for current operation */
- * Prototypes for static functions.
- */
-static struct code *and_cond (struct code *cd1, struct code *cd2);
-static int cnv_anlz (unsigned int typcd, struct il_code *src,
- struct il_c *dflt, struct il_c *dest,
- struct code **cdp);
-static int defer_il (struct il_code *il);
-static int if_anlz (struct il_code *il);
-static void ilc_anlz (struct il_c *ilc);
-static int il_anlz (struct il_code *il);
-static void ret_anlz (struct il_c *ilc);
-static int tc_anlz (struct il_code *il, int has_dflt);
-static int n_branches; /* number branches caused by run-time type checking */
-static int side_effect; /* abstract clause indicates side-effect */
-static int n_vararg; /* size of variable part of arg list to operation */
-static int n_susp; /* number of suspends */
-static int n_ret; /* number of returns */
- * do_inlin - determine if this operation can be in-lined at the current
- * invocation. Also gather information about how arguments are used,
- * and determine where the success continuation for the operation
- * should be put.
- */
-int do_inlin(impl, n, cont_loc, symtab, n_va)
-struct implement *impl;
-nodeptr n;
-int *cont_loc;
-struct op_symentry *symtab;
-int n_va;
- {
- int nsyms;
- int i;
- /*
- * Copy arguments needed by other functions into globals and
- * initialize flags and counters for information to be gathered
- * during analysis.
- */
- cur_symtyps = n->symtyps; /* mapping from arguments to types */
- cur_symtab = symtab; /* parameter info to be filled in */
- n_vararg = n_va;
- n_branches = 0;
- side_effect = 0;
- n_susp = 0;
- n_ret = 0;
- /*
- * Analyze the code for this operation using type information for
- * the arguments to the invocation.
- */
- il_anlz(impl->in_line);
- /*
- * Don't in-line if there is more than one decision made based on
- * run-time type checks (this is a heuristic).
- */
- if (n_branches > 1)
- return 0;
- /*
- * If the operation (after eliminating code not used in this context)
- * has one suspend and no returns, the "success continuation" can
- * be placed in-line at the suspend site. Otherwise, any suspends
- * require a separate function for the continuation.
- */
- if (n_susp == 1 && n_ret == 0)
- *cont_loc = SContIL; /* in-line continuation */
- else if (n_susp > 0)
- *cont_loc = SepFnc; /* separate function for continuation */
- else
- *cont_loc = EndOper; /* place "continuation" after the operation */
- /*
- * When an argument at the source level is an Icon variable, it is
- * sometimes safe to use it directly in the generated code as the
- * argument to the operation. However, it is NOT safe under the
- * following conditions:
- *
- * - if the operation modifies the argument.
- * - if the operation suspends and resumes so that intervening
- * changes to the variable would be visible as changes to the
- * argument.
- * - if the operation has side effects that might involve the
- * variable and be visible as changes to the argument.
- */
- nsyms = (cur_symtyps == NULL ? 0 : cur_symtyps->nsyms);
- for (i = 0; i < nsyms; ++i)
- if (symtab[i].n_mods == 0 && n->intrnl_lftm == n && !side_effect)
- symtab[i].var_safe = 1;
- return 1;
- }
- * il_anlz - analyze a piece of RTL code. Return an indication of
- * whether execution can continue beyond it.
- */
-static int il_anlz(il)
-struct il_code *il;
- {
- int fall_thru;
- int ncases;
- int condition;
- int indx;
- int i, j;
- if (il == NULL)
- return 1;
- switch (il->il_type) {
- case IL_Const: /* should have been replaced by literal node */
- return 1;
- case IL_If1:
- /*
- * if-then statement. Determine whether the condition may
- * succeed or fail. Analyze the then clause if needed.
- */
- condition = if_anlz(il->u[0].fld);
- fall_thru = 0;
- if (condition & MaybeTrue)
- fall_thru |= il_anlz(il->u[1].fld);
- if (condition & MaybeFalse)
- fall_thru = 1;
- return fall_thru;
- case IL_If2:
- /*
- * if-then-else statement. Determine whether the condition may
- * succeed or fail. Analyze the "then" clause and the "else"
- * clause if needed.
- */
- condition = if_anlz(il->u[0].fld);
- fall_thru = 0;
- if (condition & MaybeTrue)
- fall_thru |= il_anlz(il->u[1].fld);
- if (condition & MaybeFalse)
- fall_thru |= il_anlz(il->u[2].fld);
- return fall_thru;
- case IL_Tcase1:
- /*
- * type_case statement with no default clause.
- */
- return tc_anlz(il, 0);
- case IL_Tcase2:
- /*
- * type_case statement with a default clause.
- */
- return tc_anlz(il, 1);
- case IL_Lcase:
- /*
- * len_case statement. Determine which case matches the number
- * of arguments.
- */
- ncases = il->u[0].n;
- indx = 1;
- for (i = 0; i < ncases; ++i) {
- if (il->u[indx++].n == n_vararg) /* selection number */
- return il_anlz(il->u[indx].fld); /* action */
- ++indx;
- }
- return il_anlz(il->u[indx].fld); /* default */
- case IL_Acase: {
- /*
- * arith_case statement.
- */
- struct il_code *var1;
- struct il_code *var2;
- int maybe_int;
- int maybe_dbl;
- int chk1;
- int chk2;
- var1 = il->u[0].fld;
- var2 = il->u[1].fld;
- arth_anlz(var1, var2, &maybe_int, &maybe_dbl, &chk1, NULL,
- &chk2, NULL);
- /*
- * Analyze the selected case (note, large integer code is not
- * currently in-lined and can be ignored).
- */
- fall_thru = 0;
- if (maybe_int)
- fall_thru |= il_anlz(il->u[2].fld); /* C_integer action */
- if (maybe_dbl)
- fall_thru |= il_anlz(il->u[4].fld); /* C_double action */
- return fall_thru;
- }
- case IL_Err1:
- /*
- * runerr() with no offending value.
- */
- return 0;
- case IL_Err2:
- /*
- * runerr() with an offending value. Note the reference to
- * the offending value descriptor.
- */
- indx = il->u[1].fld->u[0].n; /* symbol table index of variable */
- if (indx < cur_symtyps->nsyms)
- ++cur_symtab[indx].n_refs;
- return 0;
- case IL_Block:
- /*
- * inline {...} statement.
- */
- i = il->u[1].n + 2; /* skip declaration stuff */
- ilc_anlz(il->u[i].c_cd); /* body of block */
- return il->u[0].n;
- case IL_Call:
- /*
- * call to body function.
- */
- if (il->u[3].n & DoesSusp)
- n_susp = 2; /* force continuation into separate function */
- /*
- * Analyze the C code for prototype parameter declarations
- * and actual arguments. There are twice as many pieces of
- * C code to look at as there are parameters.
- */
- j = 2 * il->u[7].n;
- i = 8; /* index of first piece of C code */
- while (j--)
- ilc_anlz(il->u[i++].c_cd);
- return ((il->u[3].n & DoesFThru) != 0);
- case IL_Lst:
- /*
- * Two consecutive pieces of RTL code.
- */
- fall_thru = il_anlz(il->u[0].fld);
- if (fall_thru)
- fall_thru = il_anlz(il->u[1].fld);
- return fall_thru;
- case IL_Abstr:
- /*
- * abstract type computation. See if it indicates side effects.
- */
- if (il->u[0].fld != NULL)
- side_effect = 1;
- return 1;
- default:
- fprintf(stderr, "compiler error: unknown info in data base\n");
- }
- }
- * if_anlz - analyze the condition of an if statement.
- */
-static int if_anlz(il)
-struct il_code *il;
- {
- int cond;
- int cond1;
- if (il->il_type == IL_Bang) {
- /*
- * ! <condition>, negate the result of the condition
- */
- cond1 = cond_anlz(il->u[0].fld, NULL);
- cond = 0;
- if (cond1 & MaybeTrue)
- cond = MaybeFalse;
- if (cond1 & MaybeFalse)
- cond |= MaybeTrue;
- }
- else
- cond = cond_anlz(il, NULL);
- if (cond == (MaybeTrue | MaybeFalse))
- ++n_branches; /* must make a run-time decision */
- return cond;
- }
- * cond_anlz - analyze a simple condition or the conjunction of two
- * conditions. If cdp is not NULL, use it to return a pointer code
- * that implements the condition.
- */
-int cond_anlz(il, cdp)
-struct il_code *il;
-struct code **cdp;
- {
- struct code *cd1;
- struct code *cd2;
- int cond1;
- int cond2;
- int indx;
- switch (il->il_type) {
- case IL_And:
- /*
- * <cond> && <cond>
- */
- cond1 = cond_anlz(il->u[0].fld, (cdp == NULL ? NULL : &cd1));
- if (cond1 & MaybeTrue) {
- cond2 = cond_anlz(il->u[1].fld, (cdp == NULL ? NULL : &cd2));
- if (cdp != NULL) {
- if (!(cond2 & MaybeTrue))
- *cdp = NULL;
- else
- *cdp = and_cond(cd1, cd2);
- }
- return (cond1 & MaybeFalse) | cond2;
- }
- else {
- if (cdp != NULL)
- *cdp = cd1;
- return cond1;
- }
- case IL_Cnv1:
- /*
- * cnv:<dest-type>(<source>)
- */
- return cnv_anlz(il->u[0].n, il->u[1].fld, NULL, NULL, cdp);
- case IL_Cnv2:
- /*
- * cnv:<dest-type>(<source>,<destination>)
- */
- return cnv_anlz(il->u[0].n, il->u[1].fld, NULL, il->u[2].c_cd, cdp);
- case IL_Def1:
- /*
- * def:<dest-type>(<source>,<default-value>)
- */
- return cnv_anlz(il->u[0].n, il->u[1].fld, il->u[2].c_cd, NULL, cdp);
- case IL_Def2:
- /*
- * def:<dest-type>(<source>,<default-value>,<destination>)
- */
- return cnv_anlz(il->u[0].n, il->u[1].fld, il->u[2].c_cd, il->u[3].c_cd,
- cdp);
- case IL_Is:
- /*
- * is:<type-name>(<variable>)
- */
- indx = il->u[1].fld->u[0].n;
- cond1 = eval_is(il->u[0].n, indx);
- if (cdp == NULL) {
- if (indx < cur_symtyps->nsyms && cond1 == (MaybeTrue | MaybeFalse))
- ++cur_symtab[indx].n_refs;
- }
- else {
- if (cond1 == (MaybeTrue | MaybeFalse))
- *cdp = typ_chk(il->u[1].fld, il->u[0].n);
- else
- *cdp = NULL;
- }
- return cond1;
- default:
- fprintf(stderr, "compiler error: unknown info in data base\n");
- }
- }
- * and_cond - construct && of two conditions, either of which may have
- * been optimized away.
- */
-static struct code *and_cond(cd1, cd2)
-struct code *cd1;
-struct code *cd2;
- {
- struct code *cd;
- if (cd1 == NULL)
- return cd2;
- else if (cd2 == NULL)
- return cd1;
- else {
- cd = alc_ary(3);
- cd->ElemTyp(0) = A_Ary;
- cd->Array(0) = cd1;
- cd->ElemTyp(1) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(1) = " && ";
- cd->ElemTyp(2) = A_Ary;
- cd->Array(2) = cd2;
- return cd;
- }
- }
- * cnv_anlz - analyze a type conversion. Determine whether it can succeed
- * and, if requested, produce code to perform the conversion. Also
- * gather information about the variables it uses.
- */
-static int cnv_anlz(typcd, src, dflt, dest, cdp)
-unsigned int typcd;
-struct il_code *src;
-struct il_c *dflt;
-struct il_c *dest;
-struct code **cdp;
- {
- struct val_loc *src_loc;
- int cond;
- int cnv_flags;
- int indx;
- /*
- * Find out what is going on in the default and destination subexpressions.
- * (The information is used elsewhere.)
- */
- ilc_anlz(dflt);
- ilc_anlz(dest);
- if (cdp != NULL)
- *cdp = NULL; /* clear code pointer in case it is not set below */
- /*
- * Determine whether the conversion may succeed, whether it may fail,
- * and whether it may actually convert a value or use the default
- * value when it succeeds.
- */
- indx = src->u[0].n; /* symbol table index for source of conversion */
- cond = eval_cnv(typcd, indx, dflt != NULL, &cnv_flags);
- /*
- * Many optimizations are possible depending on whether a conversion
- * is actually needed, whether type checking is needed, whether defaulting
- * is done, and whether there is an explicit destination. Several
- * optimizations are performed here; more may be added in the future.
- */
- if (!(cnv_flags & MayDefault))
- dflt = NULL; /* demote defaulting to simple conversion */
- if (cond & MaybeTrue) {
- if (cnv_flags == MayKeep && dest == NULL) {
- /*
- * No type conversion, defaulting, or copying is needed.
- */
- if (cond & MaybeFalse) {
- /*
- * A type check is needed.
- */
- ++cur_symtab[indx].n_refs; /* non-modifying reference to source. */
- if (cdp != NULL) {
- switch (typcd) {
- case TypECInt:
- *cdp = typ_chk(src, TypCInt);
- break;
- case TypEInt:
- *cdp = typ_chk(src, int_typ);
- break;
- case TypTStr:
- *cdp = typ_chk(src, str_typ);
- break;
- case TypTCset:
- *cdp = typ_chk(src, cset_typ);
- break;
- default:
- *cdp = typ_chk(src, typcd);
- }
- }
- }
- if (cdp != NULL) {
- /*
- * Conversion from an integer to a C_integer can be done without
- * any executable code; this is not considered a real conversion.
- * It is accomplished by changing the symbol table so only the
- * dword of the descriptor is accessed.
- */
- switch (typcd) {
- case TypCInt:
- case TypECInt:
- cur_symtab[indx].loc = loc_cpy(cur_symtab[indx].loc, M_CInt);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- else if (dest != NULL && cnv_flags == MayKeep && cond == MaybeTrue) {
- /*
- * There is an explicit destination, but no conversion, defaulting,
- * or type checking is needed. Just copy the value to the
- * destination.
- */
- ++cur_symtab[indx].n_refs; /* non-modifying reference to source */
- if (cdp != NULL) {
- src_loc = cur_symtab[indx].loc;
- switch (typcd) {
- case TypCInt:
- case TypECInt:
- /*
- * The value is in the dword of the descriptor.
- */
- src_loc = loc_cpy(src_loc, M_CInt);
- break;
- }
- *cdp = il_copy(dest, src_loc);
- }
- }
- else if (cnv_flags == MayDefault) {
- /*
- * The default value is used.
- */
- if (dest == NULL)
- ++cur_symtab[indx].n_mods; /* modifying reference */
- if (cdp != NULL)
- *cdp = il_dflt(typcd, src, dflt, dest);
- }
- else {
- /*
- * Produce code to do the actual conversion.
- * Determine whether the source location is being modified
- * or just referenced.
- */
- if (dest == NULL) {
- /*
- * "In place" conversion.
- */
- switch (typcd) {
- case TypCDbl:
- case TypCInt:
- case TypECInt:
- /*
- * not really converted in-place.
- */
- ++cur_symtab[indx].n_refs; /* non-modifying reference */
- break;
- default:
- ++cur_symtab[indx].n_mods; /* modifying reference */
- }
- }
- else
- ++cur_symtab[indx].n_refs; /* non-modifying reference */
- if (cdp != NULL)
- *cdp = il_cnv(typcd, src, dflt, dest);
- }
- }
- return cond;
- }
- * ilc_anlz - gather information about in-line C code.
- */
-static void ilc_anlz(ilc)
-struct il_c *ilc;
- {
- while (ilc != NULL) {
- switch(ilc->il_c_type) {
- case ILC_Ref:
- /*
- * Non-modifying reference to variable
- */
- if (ilc->n != RsltIndx) {
- ++cur_symtab[ilc->n].n_refs;
- }
- break;
- case ILC_Mod:
- /*
- * Modifying reference to variable
- */
- if (ilc->n != RsltIndx) {
- ++cur_symtab[ilc->n].n_mods;
- }
- break;
- case ILC_Ret:
- /*
- * Return statement.
- */
- ++n_ret;
- ret_anlz(ilc);
- break;
- case ILC_Susp:
- /*
- * Suspend statement.
- */
- ++n_susp;
- ret_anlz(ilc);
- break;
- case ILC_CGto:
- /*
- * Conditional goto.
- */
- ilc_anlz(ilc->code[0]);
- break;
- }
- ilc = ilc->next;
- }
- }
- * ret_anlz - gather information about the in-line C code associated
- * with a return or suspend.
- */
-static void ret_anlz(ilc)
-struct il_c *ilc;
- {
- int i;
- int j;
- /*
- * See if the code is simply returning a parameter.
- */
- if (ilc->n == RetDesc && ilc->code[0]->il_c_type == ILC_Ref &&
- ilc->code[0]->next == NULL) {
- j = ilc->code[0]->n;
- ++cur_symtab[j].n_refs;
- ++cur_symtab[j].n_rets;
- }
- else {
- for (i = 0; i < 3 && ilc->code[i] != NULL; ++i)
- ilc_anlz(ilc->code[i]);
- }
- }
- * deref_il - dummy routine to pass to a code walk.
- */
-static int defer_il(il)
-struct il_code *il;
- {
- /*
- * Called for each case in a type_case statement that might be selected.
- * However, the actual analysis of the case, if it is needed,
- * is done elsewhere, so just return.
- */
- return 0;
- }
- * findcases - determine how many cases of an type_case statement may
- * be true. If there are two or less, determine the "if" statement
- * that can be used (if there are more than two, the code is not
- * in-lined).
- */
-void findcases(il, has_dflt, case_anlz)
-struct il_code *il;
-int has_dflt;
-struct case_anlz *case_anlz;
- {
- int i;
- case_anlz->n_cases = 0;
- case_anlz->typcd = -1;
- case_anlz->il_then = NULL;
- case_anlz->il_else = NULL;
- i = type_case(il, defer_il, case_anlz);
- /*
- * See if the explicit cases have accounted for all possible
- * types that might be present.
- */
- if (i == -1) { /* all types accounted for */
- if (case_anlz->il_else == NULL && case_anlz->il_then != NULL) {
- /*
- * We don't need to actually check the type.
- */
- case_anlz->il_else = case_anlz->il_then;
- case_anlz->il_then = NULL;
- case_anlz->typcd = -1;
- }
- }
- else { /* not all types accounted for */
- if (case_anlz->il_else != NULL)
- case_anlz->n_cases = 3; /* force no inlining */
- else if (has_dflt)
- case_anlz->il_else = il->u[i].fld; /* default */
- }
- if (case_anlz->n_cases > 2)
- n_branches = 2; /* no in-lining */
- else if (case_anlz->il_then != NULL)
- ++n_branches;
- }
- * tc_anlz - analyze a type_case statement. It is only of interest for
- * in-lining if it can be reduced to an "if" statement or an
- * unconditional statement.
- */
-static int tc_anlz(il, has_dflt)
-struct il_code *il;
-int has_dflt;
- {
- struct case_anlz case_anlz;
- int fall_thru;
- int indx;
- findcases(il, has_dflt, &case_anlz);
- if (case_anlz.il_else == NULL)
- fall_thru = 1; /* either no code at all or condition with no "else" */
- else
- fall_thru = 0; /* either unconditional or if-then-else: check code */
- if (case_anlz.il_then != NULL) {
- fall_thru |= il_anlz(case_anlz.il_then);
- indx = il->u[0].fld->u[0].n; /* symbol table index of variable */
- if (indx < cur_symtyps->nsyms)
- ++cur_symtab[indx].n_refs;
- }
- if (case_anlz.il_else != NULL)
- fall_thru |= il_anlz(case_anlz.il_else);
- return fall_thru;
- }
- * arth_anlz - analyze the type checking of an arith_case statement.
- */
-void arth_anlz(var1, var2, maybe_int, maybe_dbl, chk1, conv1p, chk2, conv2p)
-struct il_code *var1;
-struct il_code *var2;
-int *maybe_int;
-int *maybe_dbl;
-int *chk1;
-struct code **conv1p;
-int *chk2;
-struct code **conv2p;
- {
- int cond;
- int cnv_typ;
- /*
- * First do an analysis to find out which cases are needed. This is
- * more accurate than analysing the conversions separately, but does
- * not get all the information we need.
- */
- eval_arith(var1->u[0].n, var2->u[0].n, maybe_int, maybe_dbl);
- if (*maybe_int & (largeints | *maybe_dbl)) {
- /*
- * Too much type checking; don't bother with these cases. Force no
- * in-lining.
- */
- n_branches += 2;
- }
- else {
- if (*maybe_int)
- cnv_typ = TypCInt;
- else
- cnv_typ = TypCDbl;
- /*
- * See exactly what kinds of conversions/type checks are needed and,
- * if requested, generate code for them.
- */
- *chk1 = 0;
- *chk2 = 0;
- cond = cnv_anlz(cnv_typ, var1, NULL, NULL, conv1p);
- if (cond & MaybeFalse) {
- ++n_branches; /* run-time decision */
- *chk1 = 1;
- if (var1->u[0].n < cur_symtyps->nsyms)
- ++cur_symtab[var1->u[0].n].n_refs; /* used in runerr2() */
- }
- cond = cnv_anlz(cnv_typ, var2, NULL, NULL, conv2p);
- if (cond & MaybeFalse) {
- ++n_branches; /* run-time decision */
- *chk2 = 1;
- if (var2->u[0].n < cur_symtyps->nsyms)
- ++cur_symtab[var2->u[0].n].n_refs; /* used in runerr2() */
- }
- }
- }
diff --git a/src/iconc/inline.c b/src/iconc/inline.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 234229c..0000000
--- a/src/iconc/inline.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2007 +0,0 @@
- * inline.c - routines to put run-time routines in-line.
- */
-#include "../h/gsupport.h"
-#include "ctrans.h"
-#include "ccode.h"
-#include "csym.h"
-#include "ctree.h"
-#include "cproto.h"
-#include "cglobals.h"
- * Prototypes for static functions.
- */
-static void arth_arg ( struct il_code *var,
- struct val_loc *v_orig, int chk,
- struct code *cnv);
-static int body_fnc (struct il_code *il);
-static void chkforblk (void);
-static void cnv_dest (int loc, int is_cstr,
- struct il_code *src, int sym_indx,
- struct il_c *dest, struct code *cd, int i);
-static void dwrd_asgn (struct val_loc *vloc, char *typ);
-static struct il_c *line_ilc (struct il_c *ilc);
-static int gen_if (struct code *cond_cd,
- struct il_code *il_then,
- struct il_code *il_else,
- struct val_loc **locs);
-static int gen_il (struct il_code *il);
-static void gen_ilc (struct il_c *il);
-static void gen_ilret (struct il_c *ilc);
-static int gen_tcase (struct il_code *il, int has_dflt);
-static void il_var (struct il_code *il, struct code *cd,
- int indx);
-static void mrg_locs (struct val_loc **locs);
-static struct code *oper_lbl (char *s);
-static void part_asgn (struct val_loc *vloc, char *asgn,
- struct il_c *value);
-static void rstr_locs (struct val_loc **locs);
-static struct val_loc **sav_locs (void);
-static void sub_ilc (struct il_c *ilc, struct code *cd, int indx);
- * There are many parameters that are shared by multiple routines. There
- * are copied into statics.
- */
-static struct val_loc *rslt; /* result location */
-static struct code **scont_strt; /* label following operation code */
-static struct code **scont_fail; /* resumption label for in-line suspend */
-static struct c_fnc *cont; /* success continuation */
-static struct implement *impl; /* data base entry for operation */
-static int nsyms; /* number symbols in operation symbol table */
-static int n_vararg; /* size of variable part of arg list */
-static nodeptr intrnl_lftm; /* lifetime of internal variables */
-static struct val_loc **tended; /* array of tended locals */
- * gen_inlin - generate in-line code for an operation.
- */
-void gen_inlin(il, r, strt, fail, c, ip, ns, st, n, dcl_var, n_va)
-struct il_code *il;
-struct val_loc *r;
-struct code **strt;
-struct code **fail;
-struct c_fnc *c;
-struct implement *ip;
-int ns;
-struct op_symentry *st;
-nodeptr n;
-int dcl_var;
-int n_va;
- {
- struct code *cd;
- struct val_loc *tnd;
- int i;
- /*
- * Copy arguments in to globals.
- */
- rslt = r;
- scont_strt = strt;
- scont_fail = fail;
- cont = c;
- impl = ip;
- nsyms = ns;
- cur_symtab = st;
- intrnl_lftm = n->intrnl_lftm;
- cur_symtyps = n->symtyps;
- n_vararg = n_va;
- /*
- * Generate code to initialize local tended descriptors and determine
- * how to access the descriptors.
- */
- for (i = 0; i < impl->ntnds; ++i) {
- if (cur_symtab[dcl_var].n_refs + cur_symtab[dcl_var].n_mods > 0) {
- tnd = chk_alc(NULL, n->intrnl_lftm);
- switch (impl->tnds[i].var_type) {
- case TndDesc:
- cur_symtab[dcl_var].loc = tnd;
- break;
- case TndStr:
- cd = alc_ary(2);
- cd->ElemTyp(0) = A_ValLoc;
- cd->ValLoc(0) = tnd;
- cd->ElemTyp(1) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(1) = " = emptystr;";
- cd_add(cd);
- cur_symtab[dcl_var].loc = loc_cpy(tnd, M_CharPtr);
- break;
- case TndBlk:
- cd = alc_ary(2);
- cd->ElemTyp(0) = A_ValLoc;
- cd->ValLoc(0) = tnd;
- cd->ElemTyp(1) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(1) = " = nullptr;";
- cd_add(cd);
- cur_symtab[dcl_var].loc = loc_cpy(tnd, M_BlkPtr);
- cur_symtab[dcl_var].loc->blk_name = impl->tnds[i].blk_name;
- break;
- }
- if (impl->tnds[i].init != NULL) {
- cd = alc_ary(4);
- cd->ElemTyp(0) = A_ValLoc;
- cd->ValLoc(0) = cur_symtab[dcl_var].loc;
- cd->ElemTyp(1) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(1) = " = ";
- sub_ilc(impl->tnds[i].init, cd, 2);
- cd->ElemTyp(3) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(3) = ";";
- cd_add(cd);
- }
- }
- ++dcl_var;
- }
- /*
- * If there are local non-tended variables, generate code for the
- * declarations, placing everything in braces.
- */
- if (impl->nvars > 0) {
- cd = NewCode(0);
- cd->cd_id = C_LBrack; /* { */
- cd_add(cd);
- for (i = 0; i < impl->nvars; ++i) {
- if (cur_symtab[dcl_var].n_refs + cur_symtab[dcl_var].n_mods > 0) {
- gen_ilc(impl->vars[i].dcl);
- cur_symtab[dcl_var].loc = cvar_loc(impl->vars[i].name);
- }
- ++dcl_var;
- }
- }
- gen_il(il); /* generate executable code */
- if (impl->nvars > 0) {
- cd = NewCode(0);
- cd->cd_id = C_RBrack; /* } */
- cd_add(cd);
- }
- }
- * gen_il - generate code from a sub-tree of in-line code from the data
- * base. Determine if execution can continue past this code.
- *
- */
-static int gen_il(il)
-struct il_code *il;
- {
- struct code *cd;
- struct code *cd1;
- struct il_code *il_cond;
- struct il_code *il_then;
- struct il_code *il_else;
- struct il_code *il_t;
- struct val_loc **locs;
- struct val_loc **locs1;
- struct val_loc *tnd;
- int fall_thru;
- int cond;
- int ncases;
- int indx;
- int ntended;
- int i;
- if (il == NULL)
- return 1;
- switch (il->il_type) {
- case IL_Const: /* should have been replaced by literal node */
- return 1;
- case IL_If1:
- case IL_If2:
- /*
- * if-then or if-then-else statement.
- */
- il_then = il->u[1].fld;
- if (il->il_type == IL_If2)
- il_else = il->u[2].fld;
- else
- il_else = NULL;
- il_cond = il->u[0].fld;
- if (il->u[0].fld->il_type == IL_Bang) {
- il_cond = il_cond->u[0].fld;
- il_t = il_then;
- il_then = il_else;
- il_else = il_t;
- }
- locs = sav_locs();
- cond = cond_anlz(il_cond, &cd1);
- if (cond == (MaybeTrue | MaybeFalse))
- fall_thru = gen_if(cd1, il_then, il_else, locs);
- else {
- if (cd1 != NULL) {
- cd_add(cd1); /* condition contains needed conversions */
- cd = alc_ary(1);
- cd->ElemTyp(0) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(0) = ";";
- cd_add(cd);
- }
- if (cond == MaybeTrue)
- fall_thru = gen_il(il_then);
- else if (cond == MaybeFalse) {
- locs1 = sav_locs();
- rstr_locs(locs);
- locs = locs1;
- fall_thru = gen_il(il_else);
- }
- mrg_locs(locs);
- }
- return fall_thru;
- case IL_Tcase1:
- /*
- * type_case statement with no default clause.
- */
- return gen_tcase(il, 0);
- case IL_Tcase2:
- /*
- * type_case statement with a default clause.
- */
- return gen_tcase(il, 1);
- case IL_Lcase:
- /*
- * len_case statement. Determine which case matches the number
- * of arguments.
- */
- ncases = il->u[0].n;
- indx = 1;
- for (i = 0; i < ncases; ++i) {
- if (il->u[indx++].n == n_vararg) /* selection number */
- return gen_il(il->u[indx].fld); /* action */
- ++indx;
- }
- return gen_il(il->u[indx].fld); /* default */
- case IL_Acase: {
- /*
- * arith_case statement.
- */
- struct il_code *var1;
- struct il_code *var2;
- struct val_loc *v_orig1;
- struct val_loc *v_orig2;
- struct code *cnv1;
- struct code *cnv2;
- int maybe_int;
- int maybe_dbl;
- int chk1;
- int chk2;
- var1 = il->u[0].fld;
- var2 = il->u[1].fld;
- v_orig1 = cur_symtab[var1->u[0].n].loc; /* remember for error msgs */
- v_orig2 = cur_symtab[var2->u[0].n].loc; /* remember for error msgs */
- arth_anlz(var1, var2, &maybe_int, &maybe_dbl, &chk1, &cnv1,
- &chk2, &cnv2);
- /*
- * This statement is in-lined if there is only C integer
- * arithmetic, only C double arithmetic, or only a run-time
- * error.
- */
- arth_arg(var1, v_orig1, chk1, cnv1);
- arth_arg(var2, v_orig2, chk2, cnv2);
- if (maybe_int)
- return gen_il(il->u[2].fld); /* C_integer action */
- else if (maybe_dbl)
- return gen_il(il->u[4].fld); /* C_double action */
- else
- return 0;
- }
- case IL_Err1:
- /*
- * runerr() with no offending value.
- */
- cd = alc_ary(3);
- cd->ElemTyp(0) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(0) = "err_msg(";
- cd->ElemTyp(1) = A_Intgr;
- cd->Intgr(1) = il->u[0].n;
- cd->ElemTyp(2) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(2) = ", NULL);";
- cd_add(cd);
- if (err_conv)
- cd_add(sig_cd(on_failure, cur_fnc));
- for (i = 0; i < nsyms; ++i)
- cur_symtab[i].loc = NULL;
- return 0;
- case IL_Err2:
- /*
- * runerr() with an offending value. Note the reference to
- * the offending value descriptor.
- */
- cd = alc_ary(5);
- cd->ElemTyp(0) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(0) = "err_msg(";
- cd->ElemTyp(1) = A_Intgr;
- cd->Intgr(1) = il->u[0].n;
- cd->ElemTyp(2) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(2) = ", &(";
- il_var(il->u[1].fld, cd, 3);
- cd->ElemTyp(4) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(4) = "));";
- cd_add(cd);
- if (err_conv)
- cd_add(sig_cd(on_failure, cur_fnc));
- for (i = 0; i < nsyms; ++i)
- cur_symtab[i].loc = NULL;
- return 0;
- case IL_Lst:
- /*
- * Two consecutive pieces of RTL code.
- */
- fall_thru = gen_il(il->u[0].fld);
- if (fall_thru)
- fall_thru = gen_il(il->u[1].fld);
- return fall_thru;
- case IL_Block:
- /*
- * inline {...} statement.
- *
- * Allocate and initialize any tended locals.
- */
- ntended = il->u[1].n;
- if (ntended > 0)
- tended = (struct val_loc **)alloc((unsigned int)
- sizeof(struct val_loc *) * ntended);
- for (i = 2; i - 2 < ntended; ++i) {
- tnd = chk_alc(NULL, intrnl_lftm);
- tended[i - 2] = tnd;
- switch (il->u[i].n) {
- case TndDesc:
- break;
- case TndStr:
- cd = alc_ary(2);
- cd->ElemTyp(0) = A_ValLoc;
- cd->ValLoc(0) = tnd;
- cd->ElemTyp(1) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(1) = " = emptystr;";
- cd_add(cd);
- break;
- case TndBlk:
- cd = alc_ary(2);
- cd->ElemTyp(0) = A_ValLoc;
- cd->ValLoc(0) = tnd;
- cd->ElemTyp(1) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(1) = " = nullptr;";
- cd_add(cd);
- break;
- }
- }
- gen_ilc(il->u[i].c_cd); /* body of block */
- /*
- * See if execution can fall through this code.
- */
- if (il->u[0].n)
- return 1;
- else {
- for (i = 0; i < nsyms; ++i)
- cur_symtab[i].loc = NULL;
- return 0;
- }
- case IL_Call:
- /*
- * call to body function.
- */
- return body_fnc(il);
- case IL_Abstr:
- /*
- * abstract type computation. Only used by type inference.
- */
- return 1;
- default:
- fprintf(stderr, "compiler error: unknown info in data base\n");
- exit(1);
- }
- }
- * arth_arg - in-line code to check a conversion for an arith_case statement.
- */
-static void arth_arg(var, v_orig, chk, cnv)
-struct il_code *var;
-struct val_loc *v_orig;
-int chk;
-struct code *cnv;
- {
- struct code *lbl;
- struct code *cd;
- if (chk) {
- /*
- * Must check the conversion.
- */
- lbl = oper_lbl("converted");
- cd_add(lbl);
- cur_fnc->cursor = lbl->prev; /* code goes before label */
- if (cnv != NULL) {
- cd = NewCode(2);
- cd->cd_id = C_If;
- cd->Cond = cnv;
- cd->ThenStmt = mk_goto(lbl);
- cd_add(cd);
- }
- cd = alc_ary(3);
- cd->ElemTyp(0) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(0) = "err_msg(102, &(";
- cd->ElemTyp(1) = A_ValLoc;
- cd->ValLoc(1) = v_orig; /* var location before conversion */
- cd->ElemTyp(2) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(2) = "));";
- cd_add(cd);
- if (err_conv)
- cd_add(sig_cd(on_failure, cur_fnc));
- cur_fnc->cursor = lbl;
- }
- else if (cnv != NULL) {
- cd_add(cnv); /* conversion cannot fail */
- cd = alc_ary(1);
- cd->ElemTyp(0) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(0) = ";";
- cd_add(cd);
- }
- }
- * body_fnc - generate code to call a body function.
- */
-static int body_fnc(il)
-struct il_code *il;
- {
- struct code *arg_lst;
- struct code *cd;
- struct c_fnc *cont1;
- char *oper_nm;
- int ret_val;
- int ret_flag;
- int need_rslt;
- int num_sbuf;
- int num_cbuf;
- int expl_args;
- int arglst_sz; /* size of arg list in number of code pieces */
- int il_indx;
- int cd_indx;
- int proto_prt;
- int i;
- /*
- * Determine if a function prototype has been printed yet for this
- * body function.
- */
- proto_prt = il->u[0].n;
- il->u[0].n = 1;
- /*
- * Construct the name of the body function.
- */
- oper_nm = (char *)alloc((unsigned int)(strlen(impl->name) + 6));
- sprintf(oper_nm, "%c%c%c%c_%s", impl->oper_typ, impl->prefix[0],
- impl->prefix[1], (char)il->u[1].n, impl->name);
- /*
- * Extract from the call the flags and other information describing
- * the function, then use this information to deduce the arguments
- * needed by the function.
- */
- ret_val = il->u[2].n;
- ret_flag = il->u[3].n;
- need_rslt = il->u[4].n;
- num_sbuf = il->u[5].n;
- num_cbuf = il->u[6].n;
- expl_args = il->u[7].n;
- /*
- * determine how large the argument list is.
- */
- arglst_sz = 2 * expl_args - 1;
- if (num_sbuf > 0)
- arglst_sz += 3;
- if (num_cbuf > 0)
- arglst_sz += 2;
- if (need_rslt)
- arglst_sz += 3;
- if (arglst_sz > 0)
- arg_lst = alc_ary(arglst_sz);
- else
- arg_lst = alc_ary(0);
- if (!proto_prt) {
- /*
- * Determine whether the body function returns a C integer, double,
- * no value, or a signal.
- */
- switch (ret_val) {
- case RetInt:
- fprintf(inclfile, "C_integer %s (", oper_nm);
- break;
- case RetDbl:
- fprintf(inclfile, "double %s (", oper_nm);
- break;
- case RetNoVal:
- fprintf(inclfile, "void %s (", oper_nm);
- break;
- case RetSig:
- fprintf(inclfile, "int %s (", oper_nm);
- break;
- }
- }
- /*
- * Produce prototype and code for the explicit arguments in the
- * function call. Note that the call entry contains C code for both.
- */
- il_indx = 8;
- cd_indx = 0;
- while (expl_args--) {
- if (cd_indx > 0) {
- /*
- * Not first entry, precede by ','.
- */
- arg_lst->ElemTyp(cd_indx) = A_Str; /* , */
- arg_lst->Str(cd_indx) = ", ";
- if (!proto_prt)
- fprintf(inclfile, ", ");
- ++cd_indx;
- }
- if (!proto_prt)
- fprintf(inclfile, "%s", il->u[il_indx].c_cd->s); /* parameter dcl */
- ++il_indx;
- sub_ilc(il->u[il_indx++].c_cd, arg_lst, cd_indx++);
- }
- /*
- * If string buffers are needed, allocate them and pass pointer to
- * function.
- */
- if (num_sbuf > 0) {
- if (cd_indx > 0) {
- /*
- * Not first entry, precede by ','.
- */
- arg_lst->ElemTyp(cd_indx) = A_Str; /* , */
- arg_lst->Str(cd_indx) = ", ";
- if (!proto_prt)
- fprintf(inclfile, ", ");
- ++cd_indx;
- }
- arg_lst->ElemTyp(cd_indx) = A_Str;
- arg_lst->Str(cd_indx) = "(char (*)[MaxCvtLen])";
- ++cd_indx;
- arg_lst->ElemTyp(cd_indx) = A_SBuf;
- arg_lst->Intgr(cd_indx) = alc_sbufs(num_sbuf, intrnl_lftm);
- if (!proto_prt)
- fprintf(inclfile, "char (*r_sbuf)[MaxCvtLen]");
- ++cd_indx;
- }
- /*
- * If cset buffers are needed, allocate them and pass pointer to
- * function.
- */
- if (num_cbuf > 0) {
- if (cd_indx > 0) {
- /*
- * Not first entry, precede by ','.
- */
- arg_lst->ElemTyp(cd_indx) = A_Str; /* , */
- arg_lst->Str(cd_indx) = ", ";
- if (!proto_prt)
- fprintf(inclfile, ", ");
- ++cd_indx;
- }
- arg_lst->ElemTyp(cd_indx) = A_CBuf;
- arg_lst->Intgr(cd_indx) = alc_cbufs(num_cbuf, intrnl_lftm);
- if (!proto_prt)
- fprintf(inclfile, "struct b_cset *r_cbuf");
- ++cd_indx;
- }
- /*
- * See if the function needs a pointer to the result location
- * of the operation.
- */
- if (need_rslt) {
- if (cd_indx > 0) {
- /*
- * Not first entry, precede by ','.
- */
- arg_lst->ElemTyp(cd_indx) = A_Str; /* , */
- arg_lst->Str(cd_indx) = ", ";
- if (!proto_prt)
- fprintf(inclfile, ", ");
- ++cd_indx;
- }
- arg_lst->ElemTyp(cd_indx) = A_Str; /* location of result */
- arg_lst->Str(cd_indx) = "&";
- ++cd_indx;
- arg_lst->ElemTyp(cd_indx) = A_ValLoc;
- arg_lst->ValLoc(cd_indx) = rslt;
- if (!proto_prt)
- fprintf(inclfile, "dptr rslt");
- ++cd_indx;
- }
- if (!proto_prt) {
- /*
- * The last possible argument is the success continuation.
- * If there are no arguments, indicate this in the prototype.
- */
- if (ret_flag & DoesSusp) {
- if (cd_indx > 0)
- fprintf(inclfile, ", ");
- fprintf(inclfile, "continuation succ_cont");
- }
- else if (cd_indx == 0)
- fprintf(inclfile, "void");
- fprintf(inclfile, ");\n");
- }
- /*
- * Does this call need the success continuation for the operation.
- */
- if (ret_flag & DoesSusp)
- cont1 = cont;
- else
- cont1 = NULL;
- switch (ret_val) {
- case RetInt:
- /*
- * The body function returns a C integer.
- */
- cd = alc_ary(6);
- cd->ElemTyp(0) = A_ValLoc;
- cd->ValLoc(0) = rslt;
- cd->ElemTyp(1) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(1) = ".vword.integr = ";
- cd->ElemTyp(2) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(2) = oper_nm;
- cd->ElemTyp(3) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(3) = "(";
- cd->ElemTyp(4) = A_Ary;
- cd->Array(4) = arg_lst;
- cd->ElemTyp(5) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(5) = ");";
- cd_add(cd);
- dwrd_asgn(rslt, "Integer");
- cd_add(mk_goto(*scont_strt));
- break;
- case RetDbl:
- /*
- * The body function returns a C double.
- */
- cd = alc_ary(6);
- cd->ElemTyp(0) = A_ValLoc;
- cd->ValLoc(0) = rslt;
- cd->ElemTyp(1) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(1) = ".vword.bptr = (union block *)alcreal(";
- cd->ElemTyp(2) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(2) = oper_nm;
- cd->ElemTyp(3) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(3) = "(";
- cd->ElemTyp(4) = A_Ary;
- cd->Array(4) = arg_lst;
- cd->ElemTyp(5) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(5) = "));";
- cd_add(cd);
- dwrd_asgn(rslt, "Real");
- chkforblk(); /* make sure the block allocation succeeded */
- cd_add(mk_goto(*scont_strt));
- break;
- case RetNoVal:
- /*
- * The body function does not directly return a value.
- */
- cd = alc_ary(4);
- cd->ElemTyp(0) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(0) = oper_nm;
- cd->ElemTyp(1) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(1) = "(";
- cd->ElemTyp(2) = A_Ary;
- cd->Array(2) = arg_lst;
- cd->ElemTyp(3) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(3) = ");";
- cd_add(cd);
- if (ret_flag & DoesFail | (err_conv && (ret_flag & DoesEFail)))
- cd_add(sig_cd(on_failure, cur_fnc));
- else if (ret_flag & DoesRet)
- cd_add(mk_goto(*scont_strt));
- break;
- case RetSig:
- /*
- * The body function returns a signal.
- */
- callo_add(oper_nm, ret_flag, cont1, 0, arg_lst, mk_goto(*scont_strt));
- break;
- }
- /*
- * See if execution can fall through this call.
- */
- if (ret_flag & DoesFThru)
- return 1;
- else {
- for (i = 0; i < nsyms; ++i)
- cur_symtab[i].loc = NULL;
- return 0;
- }
- }
- * il_var - generate code for a possibly subscripted variable into
- * an element of a code array.
- */
-static void il_var(il, cd, indx)
-struct il_code *il;
-struct code *cd;
-int indx;
- {
- struct code *cd1;
- if (il->il_type == IL_Subscr) {
- /*
- * Subscripted variable.
- */
- cd1 = cd;
- cd = alc_ary(4);
- cd1->ElemTyp(indx) = A_Ary;
- cd1->Array(indx) = cd;
- indx = 0;
- cd->ElemTyp(1) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(1) = "[";
- cd->ElemTyp(2) = A_Intgr;
- cd->Intgr(2) = il->u[1].n;
- cd->ElemTyp(3) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(3) = "]";
- }
- /*
- * See if this is the result location of the operation or an ordinary
- * variable.
- */
- cd->ElemTyp(indx) = A_ValLoc;
- if (il->u[0].n == RsltIndx)
- cd->ValLoc(indx) = rslt;
- else
- cd->ValLoc(indx) = cur_symtab[il->u[0].n].loc;
- }
- * part_asgn - generate code for an assignment to (part of) a descriptor.
- */
-static void part_asgn(vloc, asgn, value)
-struct val_loc *vloc;
-char *asgn;
-struct il_c *value;
- {
- struct code *cd;
- cd = alc_ary(4);
- cd->ElemTyp(0) = A_ValLoc;
- cd->ValLoc(0) = vloc;
- cd->ElemTyp(1) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(1) = asgn;
- sub_ilc(value, cd, 2); /* value */
- cd->ElemTyp(3) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(3) = ";";
- cd_add(cd);
- }
- * dwrd_asgn - generate code to assign a type code to the dword of a descriptor.
- */
-static void dwrd_asgn(vloc, typ)
-struct val_loc *vloc;
-char *typ;
- {
- struct code *cd;
- cd = alc_ary(4);
- cd->ElemTyp(0) = A_ValLoc;
- cd->ValLoc(0) = vloc;
- cd->ElemTyp(1) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(1) = ".dword = D_";
- cd->ElemTyp(2) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(2) = typ;
- cd->ElemTyp(3) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(3) = ";";
- cd_add(cd);
- }
- * sub_ilc - generate code from a sequence of C code and place it
- * in a slot in a code array.
- */
-static void sub_ilc(ilc, cd, indx)
-struct il_c *ilc;
-struct code *cd;
-int indx;
- {
- struct il_c *ilc1;
- struct code *cd1;
- int n;
- /*
- * Count the number of pieces of C code to process.
- */
- n = 0;
- for (ilc1 = ilc; ilc1 != NULL; ilc1 = ilc1->next)
- ++n;
- /*
- * If there is only one piece of code, place it directly in the
- * slot of the array. Otherwise allocate a sub-array and place it
- * in the slot.
- */
- if (n > 1) {
- cd1 = cd;
- cd = alc_ary(n);
- cd1->ElemTyp(indx) = A_Ary;
- cd1->Array(indx) = cd;
- indx = 0;
- }
- while (ilc != NULL) {
- switch (ilc->il_c_type) {
- case ILC_Ref:
- case ILC_Mod:
- /*
- * Reference to variable in symbol table.
- */
- cd->ElemTyp(indx) = A_ValLoc;
- if (ilc->n == RsltIndx)
- cd->ValLoc(indx) = rslt;
- else {
- if (ilc->s == NULL)
- cd->ValLoc(indx) = cur_symtab[ilc->n].loc;
- else {
- /*
- * Access the entire descriptor.
- */
- cd->ValLoc(indx) = loc_cpy(cur_symtab[ilc->n].loc, M_None);
- }
- }
- break;
- case ILC_Tend:
- /*
- * Reference to a tended variable.
- */
- cd->ElemTyp(indx) = A_ValLoc;
- cd->ValLoc(indx) = tended[ilc->n];
- break;
- case ILC_Str:
- /*
- * String representing C code.
- */
- cd->ElemTyp(indx) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(indx) = ilc->s;
- break;
- case ILC_SBuf:
- /*
- * String buffer for a conversion.
- */
- cd->ElemTyp(indx) = A_SBuf;
- cd->Intgr(indx) = alc_sbufs(1, intrnl_lftm);
- break;
- case ILC_CBuf:
- /*
- * Cset buffer for a conversion.
- */
- cd->ElemTyp(indx) = A_CBuf;
- cd->Intgr(indx) = alc_cbufs(1, intrnl_lftm);
- break;
- default:
- fprintf(stderr, "compiler error: unknown info in data base\n");
- exit(1);
- }
- ilc = ilc->next;
- ++indx;
- }
- }
- * gen_ilret - generate code to set the result value from a suspend or
- * return.
- */
-static void gen_ilret(ilc)
-struct il_c *ilc;
- {
- struct il_c *ilc0;
- struct code *cd;
- char *cap_id;
- int typcd;
- if (rslt == &ignore)
- return; /* Don't bother computing the result; it's never used */
- ilc0 = ilc->code[0];
- typcd = ilc->n;
- if (typcd < 0) {
- /*
- * RTL returns that do not look like function calls to standard Icon
- * type name.
- */
- switch (typcd) {
- case TypCInt:
- /*
- * return/suspend C_integer <expr>;
- */
- part_asgn(rslt, ".vword.integr = ", ilc0);
- dwrd_asgn(rslt, "Integer");
- break;
- case TypCDbl:
- /*
- * return/suspend C_double <expr>;
- */
- cd = alc_ary(4);
- cd->ElemTyp(0) = A_ValLoc;
- cd->ValLoc(0) = rslt;
- cd->ElemTyp(1) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(1) = ".vword.bptr = (union block *)alcreal(";
- sub_ilc(ilc0, cd, 2); /* value */
- cd->ElemTyp(3) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(3) = ");";
- cd_add(cd);
- dwrd_asgn(rslt, "Real");
- chkforblk(); /* make sure the block allocation succeeded */
- break;
- case TypCStr:
- /*
- * return/suspend C_string <expr>;
- */
- cd = alc_ary(5);
- cd->ElemTyp(0) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(0) = "AsgnCStr(";
- cd->ElemTyp(1) = A_ValLoc;
- cd->ValLoc(1) = rslt;
- cd->ElemTyp(2) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(2) = ", ";
- sub_ilc(ilc0, cd, 3); /* <expr> */
- cd->ElemTyp(4) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(4) = ");";
- cd_add(cd);
- break;
- case RetDesc:
- /*
- * return/suspend <expr>;
- */
- part_asgn(rslt, " = ", ilc0);
- break;
- case RetNVar:
- /*
- * return/suspend named_var(<desc-pntr>);
- */
- part_asgn(rslt, ".vword.descptr = ", ilc0);
- dwrd_asgn(rslt, "Var");
- break;
- case RetSVar:
- /*
- * return/suspend struct_var(<desc-pntr>, <block_pntr>);
- */
- part_asgn(rslt, ".vword.descptr = (dptr)", ilc->code[1]);
- cd = alc_ary(6);
- cd->ElemTyp(0) = A_ValLoc;
- cd->ValLoc(0) = rslt;
- cd->ElemTyp(1) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(1) = ".dword = D_Var + ((word *)";
- sub_ilc(ilc0, cd, 2); /* value */
- cd->ElemTyp(3) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(3) = " - (word *)";
- cd->ElemTyp(4) = A_ValLoc;
- cd->ValLoc(4) = rslt;
- cd->ElemTyp(5) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(5) = ".vword.descptr);";
- cd_add(cd);
- break;
- case RetNone:
- /*
- * return/suspend result;
- *
- * Result already set, do nothing.
- */
- break;
- default:
- fprintf(stderr,
- "compiler error: unknown RLT return in data base\n");
- exit(1);
- }
- }
- else {
- /*
- * RTL returns that look like function calls to standard Icon type
- * names.
- */
- cap_id = icontypes[typcd].cap_id;
- switch (icontypes[typcd].rtl_ret) {
- case TRetBlkP:
- /*
- * return/suspend <type>(<block-pntr>);
- */
- part_asgn(rslt, ".vword.bptr = (union block *)", ilc0);
- dwrd_asgn(rslt, cap_id);
- break;
- case TRetDescP:
- /*
- * return/suspend <type>(<descriptor-pntr>);
- */
- part_asgn(rslt, ".vword.descptr = (dptr)", ilc0);
- dwrd_asgn(rslt, cap_id);
- break;
- case TRetCharP:
- /*
- * return/suspend <type>(<char-pntr>);
- */
- part_asgn(rslt, ".vword.sptr = (char *)", ilc0);
- dwrd_asgn(rslt, cap_id);
- break;
- case TRetCInt:
- /*
- * return/suspend <type>(<integer>);
- */
- part_asgn(rslt, ".vword.integr = (word)", ilc0);
- dwrd_asgn(rslt, cap_id);
- break;
- case TRetSpcl:
- /*
- * RTL returns that look like function calls to standard type
- * names but take more than one argument.
- */
- if (typcd == str_typ) {
- /*
- * return/suspend string(<len>, <char-pntr>);
- */
- part_asgn(rslt, ".vword.sptr = ", ilc->code[1]);
- part_asgn(rslt, ".dword = ", ilc0);
- }
- else if (typcd == stv_typ) {
- /*
- * return/suspend substr(<desc-pntr>, <start>, <len>);
- */
- cd = alc_ary(9);
- cd->ElemTyp(0) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(0) = "SubStr(&";
- cd->ElemTyp(1) = A_ValLoc;
- cd->ValLoc(1) = rslt;
- cd->ElemTyp(2) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(2) = ", ";
- sub_ilc(ilc0, cd, 3);
- cd->ElemTyp(4) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(4) = ", ";
- sub_ilc(ilc->code[2], cd, 5);
- cd->ElemTyp(6) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(6) = ", ";
- sub_ilc(ilc->code[1], cd, 7);
- cd->ElemTyp(8) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(8) = ");";
- cd_add(cd);
- chkforblk(); /* make sure the block allocation succeeded */
- }
- else {
- fprintf(stderr,
- "compiler error: unknown RLT return in data base\n");
- exit(1);
- }
- break;
- default:
- fprintf(stderr,
- "compiler error: unknown RLT return in data base\n");
- exit(1);
- }
- }
- }
- * chkforblk - generate code to make sure the allocation of a block
- * for the result descriptor was successful.
- */
-static void chkforblk()
- {
- struct code *cd;
- struct code *cd1;
- struct code *lbl;
- lbl = alc_lbl("got allocation", 0);
- cd_add(lbl);
- cur_fnc->cursor = lbl->prev; /* code goes before label */
- cd = NewCode(2);
- cd->cd_id = C_If;
- cd1 = alc_ary(3);
- cd1->ElemTyp(0) = A_Str;
- cd1->Str(0) = "(";
- cd1->ElemTyp(1) = A_ValLoc;
- cd1->ValLoc(1) = rslt;
- cd1->ElemTyp(2) = A_Str;
- cd1->Str(2) = ").vword.bptr != NULL";
- cd->Cond = cd1;
- cd->ThenStmt = mk_goto(lbl);
- cd_add(cd);
- cd = alc_ary(1);
- cd->ElemTyp(0) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(0) = "err_msg(307, NULL);";
- cd_add(cd);
- if (err_conv)
- cd_add(sig_cd(on_failure, cur_fnc));
- cur_fnc->cursor = lbl;
- }
- * gen_ilc - generate code for an sequence of in-line C code.
- */
-static void gen_ilc(ilc)
-struct il_c *ilc;
- {
- struct il_c *ilc1;
- struct code *cd;
- struct code *cd1;
- struct code *lbl1;
- struct code *fail_sav;
- struct code **lbls;
- int max_lbl;
- int i;
- /*
- * Determine how many labels there are in the code and allocate an
- * array to map from label numbers to labels in the code.
- */
- max_lbl = -1;
- for (ilc1 = ilc; ilc1 != NULL; ilc1 = ilc1->next) {
- switch(ilc1->il_c_type) {
- case ILC_CGto:
- case ILC_Goto:
- case ILC_Lbl:
- if (ilc1->n > max_lbl)
- max_lbl = ilc1->n;
- }
- }
- ++max_lbl; /* adjust for 0 indexing */
- if (max_lbl > 0) {
- lbls = (struct code **)alloc((unsigned int) sizeof(struct code *) *
- max_lbl);
- for (i = 0; i < max_lbl; ++i)
- lbls[i] = NULL;
- }
- while (ilc != NULL) {
- switch(ilc->il_c_type) {
- case ILC_Ref:
- case ILC_Mod:
- case ILC_Tend:
- case ILC_SBuf:
- case ILC_CBuf:
- case ILC_Str:
- /*
- * The beginning of a sequence of code fragments that can be
- * place on one line.
- */
- ilc = line_ilc(ilc);
- break;
- case ILC_Fail:
- /*
- * fail - perform failure action.
- */
- cd_add(sig_cd(on_failure, cur_fnc));
- break;
- case ILC_EFail:
- /*
- * errorfail - same as fail if error conversion is supported.
- */
- if (err_conv)
- cd_add(sig_cd(on_failure, cur_fnc));
- break;
- case ILC_Ret:
- /*
- * return - set result location and jump out of operation.
- */
- gen_ilret(ilc);
- cd_add(mk_goto(*scont_strt));
- break;
- case ILC_Susp:
- /*
- * suspend - set result location. If there is a success
- * continuation, call it. Otherwise the "continuation"
- * will be generated in-line, so set up a resumption label.
- */
- gen_ilret(ilc);
- if (cont == NULL)
- *scont_strt = cur_fnc->cursor;
- lbl1 = oper_lbl("end suspend");
- cd_add(lbl1);
- if (cont == NULL)
- *scont_fail = lbl1;
- else {
- cur_fnc->cursor = lbl1->prev;
- fail_sav = on_failure;
- on_failure = lbl1;
- callc_add(cont);
- on_failure = fail_sav;
- cur_fnc->cursor = lbl1;
- }
- break;
- case ILC_LBrc:
- /*
- * non-deletable '{'
- */
- cd = NewCode(0);
- cd->cd_id = C_LBrack;
- cd_add(cd);
- break;
- case ILC_RBrc:
- /*
- * non-deletable '}'
- */
- cd = NewCode(0);
- cd->cd_id = C_RBrack;
- cd_add(cd);
- break;
- case ILC_CGto:
- /*
- * Conditional goto.
- */
- i = ilc->n;
- if (lbls[i] == NULL)
- lbls[i] = oper_lbl("within");
- cd = NewCode(2);
- cd->cd_id = C_If;
- cd1 = alc_ary(1);
- sub_ilc(ilc->code[0], cd1, 0);
- cd->Cond = cd1;
- cd->ThenStmt = mk_goto(lbls[i]);
- cd_add(cd);
- break;
- case ILC_Goto:
- /*
- * Goto.
- */
- i = ilc->n;
- if (lbls[i] == NULL)
- lbls[i] = oper_lbl("within");
- cd_add(mk_goto(lbls[i]));
- break;
- case ILC_Lbl:
- /*
- * Label.
- */
- i = ilc->n;
- if (lbls[i] == NULL)
- lbls[i] = oper_lbl("within");
- cd_add(lbls[i]);
- break;
- default:
- fprintf(stderr, "compiler error: unknown info in data base\n");
- exit(1);
- }
- ilc = ilc->next;
- }
- if (max_lbl > 0)
- free((char *)lbls);
- }
- * line_ilc - gather a line of in-line code.
- */
-static struct il_c *line_ilc(ilc)
-struct il_c *ilc;
- {
- struct il_c *ilc1;
- struct il_c *last;
- struct code *cd;
- int n;
- int i;
- /*
- * Count the number of pieces in the line. Determine the last
- * piece in the sequence; this is returned to the caller.
- */
- n = 0;
- ilc1 = ilc;
- while (ilc1 != NULL) {
- switch(ilc1->il_c_type) {
- case ILC_Ref:
- case ILC_Mod:
- case ILC_Tend:
- case ILC_SBuf:
- case ILC_CBuf:
- case ILC_Str:
- ++n;
- last = ilc1;
- ilc1 = ilc1->next;
- break;
- default:
- ilc1 = NULL;
- }
- }
- /*
- * Construct the line.
- */
- cd = alc_ary(n);
- for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
- switch(ilc->il_c_type) {
- case ILC_Ref:
- case ILC_Mod:
- /*
- * Reference to variable in symbol table.
- */
- cd->ElemTyp(i) = A_ValLoc;
- if (ilc->n == RsltIndx)
- cd->ValLoc(i) = rslt;
- else
- cd->ValLoc(i) = cur_symtab[ilc->n].loc;
- break;
- case ILC_Tend:
- /*
- * Reference to a tended variable.
- */
- cd->ElemTyp(i) = A_ValLoc;
- cd->ValLoc(i) = tended[ilc->n];
- break;
- case ILC_SBuf:
- /*
- * String buffer for a conversion.
- */
- cd->ElemTyp(i) = A_SBuf;
- cd->Intgr(i) = alc_sbufs(1, intrnl_lftm);
- break;
- case ILC_CBuf:
- /*
- * Cset buffer for a conversion.
- */
- cd->ElemTyp(i) = A_CBuf;
- cd->Intgr(i) = alc_cbufs(1, intrnl_lftm);
- break;
- case ILC_Str:
- /*
- * String representing C code.
- */
- cd->ElemTyp(i) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(i) = ilc->s;
- break;
- default:
- ilc = NULL;
- }
- ilc = ilc->next;
- }
- cd_add(cd);
- return last;
- }
- * generate code to perform simple type checking.
- */
-struct code *typ_chk(var, typcd)
-struct il_code *var;
-int typcd;
- {
- struct code *cd;
- if (typcd == int_typ && largeints) {
- /*
- * Handle large integer support specially.
- */
- cd = alc_ary(5);
- cd->ElemTyp(0) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(0) = "((";
- il_var(var, cd, 1); /* value */
- cd->ElemTyp(2) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(2) = ").dword == D_Integer || (";
- il_var(var, cd, 3); /* value */
- cd->ElemTyp(4) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(4) = ").dword == D_Lrgint)";
- return cd;
- }
- else if (typcd < 0) {
- /*
- * Not a standard Icon type name.
- */
- cd = alc_ary(3);
- cd->ElemTyp(0) = A_Str;
- switch (typcd) {
- case TypVar:
- cd->Str(0) = "(((";
- il_var(var, cd, 1); /* value */
- cd->ElemTyp(2) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(2) = ").dword & D_Var) == D_Var)";
- break;
- case TypCInt:
- cd->Str(0) = "((";
- il_var(var, cd, 1); /* value */
- cd->ElemTyp(2) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(2) = ").dword == D_Integer)";
- break;
- }
- }
- else if (typcd == str_typ) {
- cd = alc_ary(3);
- cd->ElemTyp(0) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(0) = "(!((";
- il_var(var, cd, 1); /* value */
- cd->ElemTyp(2) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(2) = ").dword & F_Nqual))";
- }
- else {
- cd = alc_ary(5);
- cd->ElemTyp(0) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(0) = "((";
- il_var(var, cd, 1); /* value */
- cd->ElemTyp(2) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(2) = ").dword == D_";
- cd->ElemTyp(3) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(3) = icontypes[typcd].cap_id; /* type name */
- cd->ElemTyp(4) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(4) = ")";
- }
- return cd;
- }
- * oper_lbl - generate a label with an associated comment that includes
- * the operation name.
- */
-static struct code *oper_lbl(s)
-char *s;
- {
- char *sbuf;
- sbuf = (char *)alloc((unsigned int)(strlen(s) + strlen(impl->name) + 3));
- sprintf(sbuf, "%s: %s", s, impl->name);
- return alc_lbl(sbuf, 0);
- }
- * sav_locs - save the current interpretation of symbols that may
- * be affected by conversions.
- */
-static struct val_loc **sav_locs()
- {
- struct val_loc **locs;
- int i;
- if (nsyms == 0)
- return NULL;
- locs = (struct val_loc **)alloc((unsigned int)(nsyms *
- sizeof(struct val_loc *)));
- for (i = 0; i < nsyms; ++i)
- locs[i] = cur_symtab[i].loc;
- return locs;
- }
- * rstr_locs - restore the interpretation of symbols that may
- * have been affected by conversions.
- */
-static void rstr_locs(locs)
-struct val_loc **locs;
- {
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < nsyms; ++i)
- cur_symtab[i].loc = locs[i];
- free((char *)locs);
- }
- * mrg_locs - merge the interpretations of symbols along two execution
- * paths. Any ambiguity is caught by rtt, so differences only occur
- * if one path involves program termination so that the symbols
- * no longer have an interpretation along that path.
- */
-static void mrg_locs(locs)
-struct val_loc **locs;
- {
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < nsyms; ++i)
- if (cur_symtab[i].loc == NULL)
- cur_symtab[i].loc = locs[i];
- free((char *)locs);
- }
- * il_cnv - generate code for an in-line conversion.
- */
-struct code *il_cnv(typcd, src, dflt, dest)
-int typcd;
-struct il_code *src;
-struct il_c *dflt;
-struct il_c *dest;
- {
- struct code *cd;
- struct code *cd1;
- int dflt_to_ptr;
- int loc;
- int is_cstr;
- int sym_indx;
- int n;
- int i;
- sym_indx = src->u[0].n;
- /*
- * Determine whether the address must be taken of a default value and
- * whether the interpretation of the symbol in an in-place conversion
- * changes.
- */
- dflt_to_ptr = 0;
- loc = PrmTend;
- is_cstr = 0;
- switch (typcd) {
- case TypCInt:
- case TypECInt:
- loc = PrmInt;
- break;
- case TypCDbl:
- loc = PrmDbl;
- break;
- case TypCStr:
- is_cstr = 1;
- break;
- case TypEInt:
- break;
- case TypTStr:
- case TypTCset:
- dflt_to_ptr = 1;
- break;
- default:
- /*
- * Cset, real, integer, or string
- */
- if (typcd == cset_typ || typcd == str_typ)
- dflt_to_ptr = 1;
- break;
- }
- if (typcd == TypCDbl && !(eval_is(real_typ, sym_indx) & MaybeFalse)) {
- /*
- * Conversion from Icon real to C double. Just copy the C value
- * from the block.
- */
- cd = alc_ary(5);
- cd->ElemTyp(0) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(0) = "(GetReal(&(";
- il_var(src, cd, 1);
- cd->ElemTyp(2) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(2) = "), ";
- cnv_dest(loc, is_cstr, src, sym_indx, dest, cd, 3);
- cd->ElemTyp(4) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(4) = "), 1)";
- }
- else if (typcd == TypCDbl && !largeints &&
- !(eval_is(int_typ, sym_indx) & MaybeFalse)) {
- /*
- * Conversion from Icon integer (not large integer) to C double.
- * Do as a C conversion by an assigment.
- */
- cd = alc_ary(5);
- cd->ElemTyp(0) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(0) = "(";
- cd->ElemTyp(2) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(2) = " = IntVal( ";
- cd->ElemTyp(4) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(4) = "), 1)";
- /*
- * Note that cnv_dest() must be called after the source is output
- * in case it changes the location of the parameter.
- */
- il_var(src, cd, 3);
- cnv_dest(loc, is_cstr, src, sym_indx, dest, cd, 1);
- }
- else {
- /*
- * Compute the number of code fragments required to construct the
- * call to the conversion routine.
- */
- n = 7;
- if (dflt != NULL)
- n += 2;
- cd = alc_ary(n);
- /*
- * The names of simple conversions are distinguished from defaulting
- * conversions by a prefix of "cnv_" or "def_".
- */
- cd->ElemTyp(0) = A_Str;
- if (dflt == NULL)
- cd->Str(0) = "cnv_";
- else
- cd->Str(0) = "def_";
- /*
- * Determine the name of the conversion routine.
- */
- cd->ElemTyp(1) = A_Str; /* may be overridden */
- switch (typcd) {
- case TypCInt:
- cd->Str(1) = "c_int(&(";
- break;
- case TypCDbl:
- cd->Str(1) = "c_dbl(&(";
- break;
- case TypCStr:
- cd->Str(1) = "c_str(&(";
- break;
- case TypEInt:
- cd->Str(1) = "eint(&(";
- break;
- case TypECInt:
- cd->Str(1) = "ec_int(&(";
- break;
- case TypTStr:
- /*
- * Allocate a string buffer.
- */
- cd1 = alc_ary(3);
- cd1->ElemTyp(0) = A_Str;
- cd1->Str(0) = "tstr(";
- cd1->ElemTyp(1) = A_SBuf;
- cd1->Intgr(1) = alc_sbufs(1, intrnl_lftm);
- cd1->ElemTyp(2) = A_Str;
- cd1->Str(2) = ", (&";
- cd->ElemTyp(1) = A_Ary;
- cd->Array(1) = cd1;
- break;
- case TypTCset:
- /*
- * Allocate a cset buffer.
- */
- cd1 = alc_ary(3);
- cd1->ElemTyp(0) = A_Str;
- cd1->Str(0) = "tcset(";
- cd1->ElemTyp(1) = A_CBuf;
- cd1->Intgr(1) = alc_cbufs(1, intrnl_lftm);
- cd1->ElemTyp(2) = A_Str;
- cd1->Str(2) = ", &(";
- cd->ElemTyp(1) = A_Ary;
- cd->Array(1) = cd1;
- break;
- default:
- /*
- * Cset, real, integer, or string
- */
- if (typcd == cset_typ)
- cd->Str(1) = "cset(&(";
- else if (typcd == real_typ)
- cd->Str(1) = "real(&(";
- else if (typcd == int_typ)
- cd->Str(1) = "int(&(";
- else if (typcd == str_typ)
- cd->Str(1) = "str(&(";
- break;
- }
- il_var(src, cd, 2);
- cd->ElemTyp(3) = A_Str;
- if (dflt != NULL && dflt_to_ptr)
- cd->Str(3) = "), &(";
- else
- cd->Str(3) = "), ";
- /*
- * Determine if this conversion has a default value.
- */
- i = 4;
- if (dflt != NULL) {
- sub_ilc(dflt, cd, i);
- ++i;
- cd->ElemTyp(i) = A_Str;
- if (dflt_to_ptr)
- cd->Str(i) = "), ";
- else
- cd->Str(i) = ", ";
- ++i;
- }
- cd->ElemTyp(i) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(i) = "&(";
- ++i;
- cnv_dest(loc, is_cstr, src, sym_indx, dest, cd, i);
- ++i;
- cd->ElemTyp(i) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(i) = "))";
- }
- return cd;
- }
- * il_dflt - generate code for a defaulting conversion that always defaults.
- */
-struct code *il_dflt(typcd, src, dflt, dest)
-int typcd;
-struct il_code *src;
-struct il_c *dflt;
-struct il_c *dest;
- {
- struct code *cd;
- int sym_indx;
- sym_indx = src->u[0].n;
- if (typcd == TypCDbl) {
- cd = alc_ary(5);
- cd->ElemTyp(0) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(0) = "(";
- cnv_dest(PrmDbl, 0, src, sym_indx, dest, cd, 1); /* variable */
- cd->ElemTyp(2) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(2) = " = ";
- sub_ilc(dflt, cd, 3); /* default */
- cd->ElemTyp(4) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(4) = ", 1)";
- }
- else if (typcd == TypCInt || typcd == TypECInt) {
- cd = alc_ary(5);
- cd->ElemTyp(0) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(0) = "(";
- cnv_dest(PrmInt, 0, src, sym_indx, dest, cd, 1); /* variable */
- cd->ElemTyp(2) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(2) = " = ";
- sub_ilc(dflt, cd, 3); /* default */
- cd->ElemTyp(4) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(4) = ", 1)";
- }
- else if (typcd == TypTStr || typcd == str_typ) {
- cd = alc_ary(5);
- cd->ElemTyp(0) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(0) = "(";
- cnv_dest(0, 0, src, sym_indx, dest, cd, 1); /* variable */
- cd->ElemTyp(2) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(2) = " = ";
- sub_ilc(dflt, cd, 3); /* default */
- cd->ElemTyp(4) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(4) = ", 1)";
- }
- else if (typcd == TypCStr) {
- cd = alc_ary(5);
- cd->ElemTyp(0) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(0) = "(AsgnCStr(";
- cnv_dest(0, 1, src, sym_indx, dest, cd, 1); /* variable */
- cd->ElemTyp(2) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(2) = ", ";
- sub_ilc(dflt, cd, 3); /* default */
- cd->ElemTyp(4) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(4) = "), 1)";
- }
- else if (typcd == TypTCset || typcd == cset_typ) {
- cd = alc_ary(7);
- cd->ElemTyp(0) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(0) = "(BlkLoc(";
- cnv_dest(0, 0, src, sym_indx, dest, cd, 1); /* variable */
- cd->ElemTyp(2) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(2) = ") = (union block *)&";
- sub_ilc(dflt, cd, 3); /* default */
- cd->ElemTyp(4) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(4) = ", ";
- cnv_dest(0, 0, src, sym_indx, dest, cd, 5); /* variable */
- cd->ElemTyp(6) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(6) = ".dword = D_Cset, 1)";
- }
- else if (typcd == TypEInt || typcd == int_typ) {
- cd = alc_ary(7);
- cd->ElemTyp(0) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(0) = "(IntVal(";
- cnv_dest(0, 0, src, sym_indx, dest, cd, 1); /* variable */
- cd->ElemTyp(2) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(2) = ") = ";
- sub_ilc(dflt, cd, 3); /* default */
- cd->ElemTyp(4) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(4) = ", ";
- cnv_dest(0, 0, src, sym_indx, dest, cd, 5); /* variable */
- cd->ElemTyp(6) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(6) = ".dword = D_Integer, 1)";
- }
- else if (typcd == real_typ) {
- cd = alc_ary(7);
- cd->ElemTyp(0) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(0) = "((BlkLoc(";
- cnv_dest(0, 0, src, sym_indx, dest, cd, 1); /* variable */
- cd->ElemTyp(2) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(2) = ") = (union block *)alcreal(";
- sub_ilc(dflt, cd, 3); /* default */
- cd->ElemTyp(4) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(4) = ")) == NULL ? (fatalerr(0,NULL), 0) : (";
- cnv_dest(0, 0, src, sym_indx, dest, cd, 5); /* variable */
- cd->ElemTyp(6) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(6) = ".dword = D_Real, 1))";
- }
- return cd;
- }
- * cnv_dest - output the destination of a conversion.
- */
-static void cnv_dest(loc, is_cstr, src, sym_indx, dest, cd, i)
-int loc;
-int is_cstr;
-struct il_code *src;
-int sym_indx;
-struct il_c *dest;
-struct code *cd;
-int i;
- {
- if (dest == NULL) {
- /*
- * Convert "in place", changing the location of a parameter if needed.
- */
- switch (loc) {
- case PrmInt:
- if (cur_symtab[sym_indx].itmp_indx < 0)
- cur_symtab[sym_indx].itmp_indx = alc_itmp(intrnl_lftm);
- cur_symtab[sym_indx].loc = itmp_loc(cur_symtab[sym_indx].itmp_indx);
- break;
- case PrmDbl:
- if (cur_symtab[sym_indx].dtmp_indx < 0)
- cur_symtab[sym_indx].dtmp_indx = alc_dtmp(intrnl_lftm);
- cur_symtab[sym_indx].loc = dtmp_loc(cur_symtab[sym_indx].dtmp_indx);
- break;
- }
- il_var(src, cd, i);
- if (is_cstr)
- cur_symtab[sym_indx].loc = loc_cpy(cur_symtab[sym_indx].loc,M_CharPtr);
- }
- else {
- if (is_cstr && dest->il_c_type == ILC_Mod && dest->next == NULL &&
- dest->n != RsltIndx && cur_symtab[dest->n].loc->mod_access != M_None) {
- /*
- * We are converting to a C string. The destination variable
- * is not defined as a simple descriptor, but must be accessed
- * as such for this conversion.
- */
- cd->ElemTyp(i) = A_ValLoc;
- cd->ValLoc(i) = loc_cpy(cur_symtab[dest->n].loc, M_None);
- }
- else
- sub_ilc(dest, cd, i);
- }
- }
- * il_copy - produce code for an optimized "conversion" that always succeeds
- * and just copies a value from one place to another.
- */
-struct code *il_copy(dest, src)
-struct il_c *dest;
-struct val_loc *src;
- {
- struct code *cd;
- cd = alc_ary(5);
- cd->ElemTyp(0) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(0) = "(";
- sub_ilc(dest, cd, 1);
- cd->ElemTyp(2) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(2) = " = ";
- cd->ElemTyp(3) = A_ValLoc;
- cd->ValLoc(3) = src;
- cd->ElemTyp(4) = A_Str;
- cd->Str(4) = ", 1)";
- return cd;
- }
- * loc_cpy - make a copy of a reference to a value location, but change
- * the way the location is accessed.
- */
-struct val_loc *loc_cpy(loc, mod_access)
-struct val_loc *loc;
-int mod_access;
- {
- struct val_loc *new_loc;
- if (loc == NULL)
- return NULL;
- new_loc = NewStruct(val_loc);
- *new_loc = *loc;
- new_loc->mod_access = mod_access;
- return new_loc;
- }
- * gen_tcase - generate in-line code for a type_case statement.
- */
-static int gen_tcase(il, has_dflt)
-struct il_code *il;
-int has_dflt;
- {
- struct case_anlz case_anlz;
- /*
- * We can only get here if the type_case statement can be implemented
- * with a no more than one type check. Determine how simple the
- * code can be.
- */
- findcases(il, has_dflt, &case_anlz);
- if (case_anlz.il_then == NULL) {
- if (case_anlz.il_else == NULL)
- return 1;
- else
- return gen_il(case_anlz.il_else);
- }
- else
- return gen_if(typ_chk(il->u[0].fld, case_anlz.typcd), case_anlz.il_then,
- case_anlz.il_else, sav_locs());
- }
- * gen_if - generate code to test a condition that might be true
- * of false. Determine if execution can continue past this if statement.
- */
-static int gen_if(cond_cd, il_then, il_else, locs)
-struct code *cond_cd;
-struct il_code *il_then;
-struct il_code *il_else;
-struct val_loc **locs;
- {
- struct val_loc **locs1;
- struct code *lbl_then;
- struct code *lbl_end;
- struct code *else_loc;
- struct code *cd;
- int fall_thru;
- lbl_then = oper_lbl("then");
- lbl_end = oper_lbl("end if");
- cd = NewCode(2);
- cd->cd_id = C_If;
- cd->Cond = cond_cd;
- cd->ThenStmt = mk_goto(lbl_then);
- cd_add(cd);
- else_loc = cur_fnc->cursor;
- cd_add(lbl_then);
- fall_thru = gen_il(il_then);
- cd_add(lbl_end);
- locs1 = sav_locs();
- rstr_locs(locs);
- cur_fnc->cursor = else_loc; /* go back for the else clause */
- fall_thru |= gen_il(il_else);
- cd_add(mk_goto(lbl_end));
- cur_fnc->cursor = lbl_end;
- mrg_locs(locs1);
- return fall_thru;
- }
diff --git a/src/iconc/ivalues.c b/src/iconc/ivalues.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 4fbb288..0000000
--- a/src/iconc/ivalues.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
- * ivalues.c - routines for manipulating Icon values.
- */
-#include "../h/gsupport.h"
-#include "ctrans.h"
-#include "csym.h"
-#include "ctree.h"
-#include "ccode.h"
-#include "cproto.h"
-#include "cglobals.h"
- * iconint - convert the string representation of an Icon integer to a C long.
- * Return -1 if the number is too big and large integers are supported.
- */
-long iconint(image)
-char *image;
- {
- register int c;
- register int r;
- register char *s;
- long n, n1;
- int overflow;
- s = image;
- overflow = 0;
- n = 0L;
- while ((c = *s++) >= '0' && c <= '9') {
- n1 = n * 10 + (c - '0');
- if (n != n1 / 10)
- overflow = 1;
- n = n1;
- }
- if (c == 'r' || c == 'R') {
- r = n;
- n = 0L;
- while ((c = *s++) != '\0') {
- n1 = n * r + tonum(c);
- if (n != n1 / r)
- overflow = 1;
- n = n1;
- }
- }
- if (overflow)
- if (largeints)
- n = -1;
- else
- tfatal("large integer option required", image);
- return n;
- }
diff --git a/src/iconc/lifetime.c b/src/iconc/lifetime.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 9a4a7b5..0000000
--- a/src/iconc/lifetime.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,496 +0,0 @@
- * lifetime.c - perform liveness analysis to determine lifetime of intermediate
- * results.
- */
-#include "../h/gsupport.h"
-#include "../h/lexdef.h"
-#include "ctrans.h"
-#include "cglobals.h"
-#include "ctree.h"
-#include "ctoken.h"
-#include "csym.h"
-#include "ccode.h"
-#include "cproto.h"
- * Prototypes for static functions.
- */
-static void arg_life (nodeptr n, long min_result, long max_result,
- int resume, int frst_arg, int nargs, nodeptr resumer,
- nodeptr *failer, int *gen);
-static int postn = -1; /* relative position in execution order (all neg) */
- * liveness - compute lifetimes of intermediate results.
- */
-void liveness(n, resumer, failer, gen)
-nodeptr n;
-nodeptr resumer;
-nodeptr *failer;
-int *gen;
- {
- struct loop {
- nodeptr resumer;
- int gen;
- nodeptr lifetime;
- int every_cntrl;
- struct loop *prev;
- } loop_info;
- struct loop *loop_sav;
- static struct loop *cur_loop = NULL;
- nodeptr failer1;
- nodeptr failer2;
- int gen1 = 0;
- int gen2 = 0;
- struct node *cases;
- struct node *clause;
- long min_result; /* minimum result sequence length */
- long max_result; /* maximum result sequence length */
- int resume; /* flag - resumption possible after last result */
- n->postn = postn--;
- switch (n->n_type) {
- case N_Activat:
- /*
- * Activation can fail or succeed.
- */
- arg_life(n, 0L, 1L, 0, 1, 2, resumer, failer, gen);
- break;
- case N_Alt:
- Tree1(n)->lifetime = n->lifetime;
- Tree0(n)->lifetime = n->lifetime;
- liveness(Tree1(n), resumer, &failer2, &gen2);
- liveness(Tree0(n), resumer, &failer1, &gen1);
- *failer = failer2;
- *gen = 1;
- break;
- case N_Apply:
- /*
- * Assume operation can suspend or fail.
- */
- arg_life(n, 0L, UnbndSeq, 1, 0, 2, resumer, failer, gen);
- break;
- case N_Augop:
- /*
- * Impl0(n) is assignment. Impl1(n) is the augmented operation.
- */
- min_result = Impl0(n)->min_result * Impl1(n)->min_result;
- max_result = Impl0(n)->max_result * Impl1(n)->max_result;
- resume = Impl0(n)->resume | Impl1(n)->resume;
- arg_life(n, min_result, max_result, resume, 2, 2, resumer, failer,
- gen);
- break;
- case N_Bar:
- if (resumer == NULL)
- n->intrnl_lftm = n;
- else
- n->intrnl_lftm = resumer;
- Tree0(n)->lifetime = n->lifetime;
- liveness(Tree0(n), resumer, failer, &gen1);
- *gen = 1;
- break;
- case N_Break:
- if (cur_loop == NULL) {
- nfatal(n, "invalid context for break", NULL);
- return;
- }
- Tree0(n)->lifetime = cur_loop->lifetime;
- loop_sav = cur_loop;
- cur_loop = cur_loop->prev;
- liveness(Tree0(n), loop_sav->resumer, &failer1, &gen1);
- cur_loop = loop_sav;
- cur_loop->gen |= gen1;
- *failer = NULL;
- *gen = 0;
- break;
- case N_Case:
- *failer = resumer;
- *gen = 0;
- cases = Tree1(n);
- while (cases != NULL) {
- if (cases->n_type == N_Ccls) {
- clause = cases;
- cases = NULL;
- }
- else {
- clause = Tree1(cases);
- cases = Tree0(cases);
- }
- /*
- * Body.
- */
- Tree1(clause)->lifetime = n->lifetime;
- liveness(Tree1(clause), resumer, &failer2, &gen2);
- if (resumer == NULL && failer2 != NULL)
- *failer = n;
- *gen |= gen2;
- /*
- * The expression being compared can be resumed.
- */
- Tree0(clause)->lifetime = clause;
- liveness(Tree0(clause), clause, &failer1, &gen1);
- }
- if (Tree2(n) == NULL) {
- if (resumer == NULL)
- *failer = n;
- }
- else {
- Tree2(n)->lifetime = n->lifetime;
- liveness(Tree2(n), resumer, &failer2, &gen2); /* default */
- if (resumer == NULL && failer2 != NULL)
- *failer = n;
- *gen |= gen2;
- }
- /*
- * control clause is bounded
- */
- Tree0(n)->lifetime = n;
- liveness(Tree0(n), NULL, &failer1, &gen1);
- if (failer1 != NULL && *failer == NULL)
- *failer = failer1;
- break;
- case N_Create:
- Tree0(n)->lifetime = n;
- loop_sav = cur_loop;
- cur_loop = NULL; /* check for invalid break and next */
- liveness(Tree0(n), n, &failer1, &gen1);
- cur_loop = loop_sav;
- *failer = NULL;
- *gen = 0;
- break;
- case N_Cset:
- case N_Empty:
- case N_Id:
- case N_Int:
- case N_Real:
- case N_Str:
- *failer = resumer;
- *gen = 0;
- break;
- case N_Field:
- Tree0(n)->lifetime = n;
- liveness(Tree0(n), resumer, failer, gen);
- break;
- case N_If:
- Tree1(n)->lifetime = n->lifetime;
- liveness(Tree1(n), resumer, failer, gen);
- if (Tree2(n)->n_type != N_Empty) {
- Tree2(n)->lifetime = n->lifetime;
- liveness(Tree2(n), resumer, &failer2, &gen2);
- if (failer2 != NULL) {
- if (*failer == NULL)
- *failer = failer2;
- else {
- if ((*failer)->postn < failer2->postn)
- *failer = failer2;
- if ((*failer)->postn < n->postn)
- *failer = n;
- }
- }
- *gen |= gen2;
- }
- /*
- * control clause is bounded
- */
- Tree0(n)->lifetime = NULL;
- liveness(Tree0(n), NULL, &failer1, &gen1);
- if (Tree2(n)->n_type == N_Empty && failer1 != NULL && *failer == NULL)
- *failer = failer1;
- break;
- case N_Invok:
- /*
- * Assume operation can suspend and fail.
- */
- arg_life(n, 0L, UnbndSeq, 1, 1, Val0(n) + 1, resumer, failer, gen);
- break;
- case N_InvOp:
- arg_life(n, Impl1(n)->min_result, Impl1(n)->max_result,
- Impl1(n)->resume, 2, Val0(n), resumer, failer, gen);
- break;
- case N_InvProc:
- if (Proc1(n)->ret_flag & DoesFail)
- min_result = 0L;
- else
- min_result = 1L;
- if (Proc1(n)->ret_flag & DoesSusp) {
- max_result = UnbndSeq;
- resume = 1;
- }
- else {
- max_result = 1L;
- resume = 0;
- }
- arg_life(n, min_result, max_result, resume, 2, Val0(n), resumer,
- failer, gen);
- break;
- case N_InvRec:
- arg_life(n, err_conv ? 0L : 1L, 1L, 1, 2, Val0(n), resumer, failer,
- gen);
- break;
- case N_Limit:
- if (resumer == NULL)
- n->intrnl_lftm = n;
- else
- n->intrnl_lftm = resumer;
- Tree0(n)->lifetime = n->lifetime;
- liveness(Tree0(n), resumer, &failer1, &gen1);
- Tree1(n)->lifetime = n;
- liveness(Tree1(n), failer1 == NULL ? n : failer1, &failer2, &gen2);
- *failer = failer2;
- *gen = gen1 | gen2;
- break;
- case N_Loop: {
- loop_info.prev = cur_loop;
- loop_info.resumer = resumer;
- loop_info.gen = 0;
- loop_info.every_cntrl = 0;
- loop_info.lifetime = n->lifetime;
- cur_loop = &loop_info;
- switch ((int)Val0(Tree0(n))) {
- case EVERY:
- /*
- * The body is bounded. The control clause is resumed
- * by the control structure.
- */
- Tree2(n)->lifetime = NULL;
- liveness(Tree2(n), NULL, &failer2, &gen2);
- loop_info.every_cntrl = 1;
- Tree1(n)->lifetime = NULL;
- liveness(Tree1(n), n, &failer1, &gen1);
- break;
- case REPEAT:
- /*
- * The body is bounded.
- */
- Tree1(n)->lifetime = NULL;
- liveness(Tree1(n), NULL, &failer1, &gen1);
- break;
- case SUSPEND:
- /*
- * The body is bounded. The control clause is resumed
- * by the control structure.
- */
- Tree2(n)->lifetime = NULL;
- liveness(Tree2(n), NULL, &failer2, &gen2);
- loop_info.every_cntrl = 1;
- Tree1(n)->lifetime = n;
- liveness(Tree1(n), n, &failer1, &gen1);
- break;
- case WHILE:
- case UNTIL:
- /*
- * The body and the control clause are each bounded.
- */
- Tree2(n)->lifetime = NULL;
- liveness(Tree2(n), NULL, &failer1, &gen1);
- Tree1(n)->lifetime = NULL;
- liveness(Tree1(n), NULL, &failer1, &gen1);
- break;
- }
- *failer = (resumer == NULL ? n : resumer); /* assume a loop can fail */
- *gen = cur_loop->gen;
- cur_loop = cur_loop->prev;
- }
- break;
- case N_Next:
- if (cur_loop == NULL) {
- nfatal(n, "invalid context for next", NULL);
- return;
- }
- if (cur_loop->every_cntrl)
- *failer = n;
- else
- *failer = NULL;
- *gen = 0;
- break;
- case N_Not:
- /*
- * The expression is bounded.
- */
- Tree0(n)->lifetime = NULL;
- liveness(Tree0(n), NULL, &failer1, &gen1);
- *failer = (resumer == NULL ? n : resumer);
- *gen = 0;
- break;
- case N_Ret:
- if (Val0(Tree0(n)) == RETURN) {
- /*
- * The expression is bounded.
- */
- Tree1(n)->lifetime = n;
- liveness(Tree1(n), NULL, &failer1, &gen1);
- }
- *failer = NULL;
- *gen = 0;
- break;
- case N_Scan: {
- struct implement *asgn_impl;
- if (resumer == NULL)
- n->intrnl_lftm = n;
- else
- n->intrnl_lftm = resumer;
- if (optab[Val0(Tree0(n))].tok.t_type == AUGQMARK) {
- asgn_impl = optab[asgn_loc].binary;
- arg_life(n, asgn_impl->min_result, asgn_impl->max_result,
- asgn_impl->resume, 1, 2, resumer, failer, gen);
- }
- else {
- Tree2(n)->lifetime = n->lifetime;
- liveness(Tree2(n), resumer, &failer2, &gen2); /* body */
- Tree1(n)->lifetime = n;
- liveness(Tree1(n), failer2, &failer1, &gen1); /* subject */
- *failer = failer1;
- *gen = gen1 | gen2;
- }
- }
- break;
- case N_Sect:
- /*
- * Impl0(n) is sectioning.
- */
- min_result = Impl0(n)->min_result;
- max_result = Impl0(n)->max_result;
- resume = Impl0(n)->resume;
- if (Impl1(n) != NULL) {
- /*
- * Impl1(n) is plus or minus.
- */
- min_result *= Impl1(n)->min_result;
- max_result *= Impl1(n)->max_result;
- resume |= Impl1(n)->resume;
- }
- arg_life(n, min_result, max_result, resume, 2, 3, resumer, failer,
- gen);
- break;
- case N_Slist:
- /*
- * expr1 is not bounded, expr0 is bounded.
- */
- Tree1(n)->lifetime = n->lifetime;
- liveness(Tree1(n), resumer, failer, gen);
- Tree0(n)->lifetime = NULL;
- liveness(Tree0(n), NULL, &failer1, &gen1);
- break;
- case N_SmplAsgn:
- Tree3(n)->lifetime = n;
- liveness(Tree3(n), resumer, failer, gen); /* 2nd operand */
- Tree2(n)->lifetime = n->lifetime; /* may be result of := */
- liveness(Tree2(n), *failer, &failer1, &gen1); /* 1st operand */
- break;
- case N_SmplAug:
- /*
- * Impl1(n) is the augmented operation.
- */
- arg_life(n, Impl1(n)->min_result, Impl1(n)->max_result,
- Impl1(n)->resume, 2, 2, resumer, failer, gen);
- break;
- default:
- fprintf(stderr, "compiler error: node type %d unknown\n", n->n_type);
- }
- }
- * arg_life - compute the lifetimes of an argument list.
- */
-static void arg_life(n, min_result, max_result, resume, frst_arg, nargs,
- resumer, failer, gen)
-nodeptr n;
-long min_result; /* minimum result sequence length */
-long max_result; /* maximum result sequence length */
-int resume; /* flag - resumption possible after last result */
-int frst_arg;
-int nargs;
-nodeptr resumer;
-nodeptr *failer;
-int *gen;
- {
- nodeptr failer1;
- nodeptr failer2;
- nodeptr lifetime;
- int inv_fail; /* failure after operation in invoked */
- int reuse;
- int gen2;
- int i;
- /*
- * Determine what, if anything, can resume the rightmost argument.
- */
- if (resumer == NULL && min_result == 0)
- failer1 = n;
- else
- failer1 = resumer;
- if (failer1 == NULL)
- inv_fail = 0;
- else
- inv_fail = 1;
- /*
- * If the operation can be resumed, variables internal to the operation
- * have and extended lifetime.
- */
- if (resumer != NULL && (max_result > 1 || max_result == UnbndSeq || resume))
- n->intrnl_lftm = resumer;
- else
- n->intrnl_lftm = n;
- /*
- * Go through the parameter list right to left, propagating resumption
- * information, computing lifetimes, and determining whether anything
- * can generate.
- */
- lifetime = n;
- reuse = 0;
- *gen = 0;
- for (i = frst_arg + nargs - 1; i >= frst_arg; --i) {
- n->n_field[i].n_ptr->lifetime = lifetime;
- n->n_field[i].n_ptr->reuse = reuse;
- liveness(n->n_field[i].n_ptr, failer1, &failer2, &gen2);
- if (resumer != NULL && gen2)
- lifetime = resumer;
- if (inv_fail && gen2)
- reuse = 1;
- failer1 = failer2;
- *gen |= gen2;
- }
- *failer = failer1;
- if (max_result > 1 || max_result == UnbndSeq)
- *gen = 1;
- }
diff --git a/src/iconc/types.c b/src/iconc/types.c
deleted file mode 100644
index cd3a3ef..0000000
--- a/src/iconc/types.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,893 +0,0 @@
- * typinfer.c - routines to perform type inference.
- */
-#include "../h/gsupport.h"
-#include "../h/lexdef.h"
-#include "ctrans.h"
-#include "csym.h"
-#include "ctree.h"
-#include "ctoken.h"
-#include "cglobals.h"
-#include "ccode.h"
-#include "cproto.h"
-#ifdef TypTrc
-#ifdef HighResTime
-#include <sys/time.h>
-#include <sys/resource.h>
-#endif /* HighResTime */
-#endif /* TypTrc */
-extern unsigned int null_bit; /* bit for null type */
-extern unsigned int str_bit; /* bit for string type */
-extern unsigned int cset_bit; /* bit for cset type */
-extern unsigned int int_bit; /* bit for integer type */
-extern unsigned int real_bit; /* bit for real type */
-extern unsigned int n_icntyp; /* number of non-variable types */
-extern unsigned int n_intrtyp; /* number of types in intermediate values */
-extern unsigned int val_mask; /* mask for non-var types in last int of type*/
-extern struct typ_info *type_array;
- * free_struct_typinfo - frees a struct typinfo structure by placing
- * it one a list of free structures
- */
-#ifdef OptimizeType
-extern struct typinfo *start_typinfo;
-extern struct typinfo *high_typinfo;
-extern struct typinfo *low_typinfo;
-extern struct typinfo *free_typinfo;
-void free_struct_typinfo(struct typinfo *typ) {
- typ->bits = (unsigned int *)free_typinfo;
- free_typinfo = typ;
-#endif /* OptimizeType */
- * alloc_typ - allocate a compressed type structure and initializes
- * the members to zero or NULL.
- */
-#ifdef OptimizeType
-struct typinfo *alloc_typ(n_types)
-#else /* OptimizeType */
-unsigned int *alloc_typ(n_types)
-#endif /* OptimizeType */
-int n_types;
-#ifdef OptimizeType
- struct typinfo *typ;
- int i;
- unsigned int init = 0;
- if ((free_typinfo == NULL) && (high_typinfo == low_typinfo)) {
- /*
- * allocate a large block of memory used to parcel out struct typinfo
- * structures from
- */
- start_typinfo = (struct typinfo *)alloc(sizeof(struct typinfo) * TYPINFO_BLOCK);
- high_typinfo = start_typinfo;
- low_typinfo = start_typinfo + TYPINFO_BLOCK;
- free_typinfo = NULL;
- typ = start_typinfo;
- high_typinfo++;
- }
- else if (free_typinfo != NULL) {
- /*
- * get a typinfo stucture from the list of free structures
- */
- typ = free_typinfo;
- free_typinfo = (struct typinfo *)free_typinfo->bits;
- }
- else {
- /*
- * get a typinfo structure from the chunk of memory allocated
- * previously
- */
- typ = high_typinfo;
- high_typinfo++;
- }
- typ->packed = n_types;
- if (!do_typinfer)
- typ->bits = alloc_mem_typ(n_types);
- else
- typ->bits= NULL;
- return typ;
-#else /* OptimizeType */
- int n_ints;
- unsigned int *typ;
- int i;
- unsigned int init = 0;
- n_ints = NumInts(n_types);
- typ = (unsigned int *)alloc((unsigned int)((n_ints)*sizeof(unsigned int)));
- /*
- * Initialization: if we are doing inference, start out assuming no types.
- * If we are not doing inference, assume any type.
- */
- if (!do_typinfer)
- init = ~init;
- for (i = 0; i < n_ints; ++i)
- typ[i] = init;
- return typ;
-#endif /* OptimizeType */
- * alloc_mem_typ - actually allocates a full sized bit vector.
- */
-#ifdef OptimizeType
-unsigned int *alloc_mem_typ(n_types)
-unsigned int n_types;
- int n_ints;
- unsigned int *typ;
- int i;
- unsigned int init = 0;
- n_ints = NumInts(n_types);
- typ = (unsigned int *)alloc((unsigned int)((n_ints)*sizeof(unsigned int)));
- if (!do_typinfer)
- init = ~init;
- for(i=0; i < n_ints ;++i)
- typ[i] = init;
- return typ;
-#endif /* OptimizeType */
- * set_typ - set a particular type bit in a type bit vector.
- */
-void set_typ(type, bit)
-#ifdef OptimizeType
-struct typinfo *type;
-#else /* OptimizeType */
-unsigned int *type;
-#endif /* OptimizeType */
-unsigned int bit;
- unsigned int indx;
- unsigned int mask;
-#ifdef OptimizeType
- if (type->bits == NULL) {
- if (bit == null_bit)
- type->packed |= NULL_T;
- else if (bit == real_bit)
- type->packed |= REAL_T;
- else if (bit == int_bit)
- type->packed |= INT_T;
- else if (bit == cset_bit)
- type->packed |= CSET_T;
- else if (bit == str_bit)
- type->packed |= STR_T;
- else {
- /*
- * if the bit to set is not one of the five builtin types
- * then allocate a whole bit vector, copy the packed
- * bits over, and set the requested bit
- */
- type->bits = alloc_mem_typ(DecodeSize(type->packed));
- xfer_packed_types(type);
- indx = bit / IntBits;
- mask = 1;
- mask <<= bit % IntBits;
- type->bits[indx] |= mask;
- }
- }
- else {
- indx = bit / IntBits;
- mask = 1;
- mask <<= bit % IntBits;
- type->bits[indx] |= mask;
- }
-#else /* OptimizeType */
- indx = bit / IntBits;
- mask = 1;
- mask <<= bit % IntBits;
- type[indx] |= mask;
-#endif /* OptimizeType */
- * clr_type - clear a particular type bit in a type bit vector.
- */
-void clr_typ(type, bit)
-#ifdef OptimizeType
-struct typinfo *type;
-#else /* OptimizeType */
-unsigned int *type;
-#endif /* OptimizeType */
-unsigned int bit;
- unsigned int indx;
- unsigned int mask;
-#ifdef OptimizeType
- if (type->bits == NULL) {
- /*
- * can only clear one of five builtin types
- */
- if (bit == null_bit)
- type->packed &= ~NULL_T;
- else if (bit == real_bit)
- type->packed &= ~REAL_T;
- else if (bit == int_bit)
- type->packed &= ~INT_T;
- else if (bit == cset_bit)
- type->packed &= ~CSET_T;
- else if (bit == str_bit)
- type->packed &= ~STR_T;
- }
- else {
- /*
- * build bit mask to clear requested type in full bit vector
- */
- indx = bit / IntBits;
- mask = 1;
- mask <<= bit % IntBits;
- type->bits[indx] &= ~mask;
- }
-#else /* OptimizeType */
- indx = bit / IntBits;
- mask = 1;
- mask <<= bit % IntBits;
- type[indx] &= ~mask;
-#endif /* OptimizeType */
- * has_type - determine if a bit vector representing types has any bits
- * set that correspond to a specific type code from the data base. Also,
- * if requested, clear any such bits.
- */
-int has_type(typ, typcd, clear)
-#ifdef OptimizeType
-struct typinfo *typ;
-#else /* OptimizeType */
-unsigned int *typ;
-#endif /* OptimizeType */
-int typcd;
-int clear;
- int frst_bit, last_bit;
- int i;
- int found;
- found = 0;
- bitrange(typcd, &frst_bit, &last_bit);
- for (i = frst_bit; i < last_bit; ++i) {
- if (bitset(typ, i)) {
- found = 1;
- if (clear)
- clr_typ(typ, i);
- }
- }
- return found;
- * other_type - determine if a bit vector representing types has any bits
- * set that correspond to a type *other* than specific type code from the
- * data base.
- */
-int other_type(typ, typcd)
-#ifdef OptimizeType
-struct typinfo *typ;
-#else /* OptimizeType */
-unsigned int *typ;
-#endif /* OptimizeType */
-int typcd;
- {
- int frst_bit, last_bit;
- int i;
- bitrange(typcd, &frst_bit, &last_bit);
- for (i = 0; i < frst_bit; ++i)
- if (bitset(typ, i))
- return 1;
- for (i = last_bit; i < n_intrtyp; ++i)
- if (bitset(typ, i))
- return 1;
- return 0;
- }
- * bitrange - determine the range of bit positions in a type bit vector
- * that correspond to a type code from the data base.
- */
-void bitrange(typcd, frst_bit, last_bit)
-int typcd;
-int *frst_bit;
-int *last_bit;
- {
- if (typcd == TypVar) {
- /*
- * All variable types.
- */
- *frst_bit = n_icntyp;
- *last_bit = n_intrtyp;
- }
- else {
- *frst_bit = type_array[typcd].frst_bit;
- *last_bit = *frst_bit + type_array[typcd].num_bits;
- }
- }
- * typcd_bits - set the bits of a bit vector corresponding to a type
- * code from the data base.
- */
-void typcd_bits(typcd, typ)
-int typcd;
-struct type *typ;
- {
- int frst_bit;
- int last_bit;
- int i;
- if (typcd == TypEmpty)
- return; /* Do nothing. */
- if (typcd == TypAny) {
- /*
- * Set bits corresponding to first-class types.
- */
-#ifdef OptimizeType
- /*
- * allocate a full bit vector and copy over packed types first
- */
- if (typ->bits->bits == NULL) {
- typ->bits->bits = alloc_mem_typ(DecodeSize(typ->bits->packed));
- xfer_packed_types(typ->bits);
- }
- for (i = 0; i < NumInts(n_icntyp) - 1; ++i)
- typ->bits->bits[i] |= ~(unsigned int)0;
- typ->bits->bits[i] |= val_mask;
-#else /* OptimizeType */
- for (i = 0; i < NumInts(n_icntyp) - 1; ++i)
- typ->bits[i] |= ~(unsigned int)0;
- typ->bits[i] |= val_mask;
-#endif /* OptimizeType */
- return;
- }
- bitrange(typcd, &frst_bit, &last_bit);
-#ifdef OptimizeType
- if (last_bit > DecodeSize(typ->bits->packed)) /* bad abstract type computation */
- return;
-#endif /* OptimizeType */
- for (i = frst_bit; i < last_bit; ++i)
- set_typ(typ->bits, i);
- }
- * bitset - determine if a specific bit in a bit vector is set.
- */
-int bitset(typ, bit)
-#ifdef OptimizeType
-struct typinfo *typ;
-#else /* OptimizeType */
-unsigned int *typ;
-#endif /* OptimizeType */
-int bit;
- int mask;
- int indx;
-#ifdef OptimizeType
- if (typ->bits == NULL) {
- /*
- * check to see if the requested bit is set in the packed representation
- * if the requested bit is not one of the five builtins then the
- * lookup fails no matter what
- */
- if (bit == null_bit)
- return (typ->packed & NULL_T);
- else if (bit == real_bit)
- return (typ->packed & REAL_T);
- else if (bit == int_bit)
- return (typ->packed & INT_T);
- else if (bit == cset_bit)
- return (typ->packed & CSET_T);
- else if (bit == str_bit)
- return (typ->packed & STR_T);
- else
- return 0;
- }
- else {
- /*
- * create a mask to check to see if the requested type bit is
- * set on
- */
- indx = bit / IntBits;
- mask = 1;
- mask <<= bit % IntBits;
- return typ->bits[indx] & mask;
- }
-#else /* OptimizeType */
- indx = bit / IntBits;
- mask = 1;
- mask <<= bit % IntBits;
- return typ[indx] & mask;
-#endif /* OptimizeType */
- * is_empty - determine if a type bit vector is empty.
- */
-int is_empty(typ)
-#ifdef OptimizeType
-struct typinfo *typ;
-#else /* OptimizeType */
-unsigned int *typ;
-#endif /* OptimizeType */
- int i;
-#ifdef OptimizeType
- if (typ->bits == NULL) {
- /*
- * if any bits are set on then the vector is not empty
- */
- if (DecodePacked(typ->packed))
- return 0;
- else
- return 1;
- }
- else {
- for (i = 0; i < NumInts(n_intrtyp); ++i) {
- if (typ->bits[i] != 0)
- return 0;
- }
- return 1;
- }
-#else /* OptimizeType */
- for (i = 0; i < NumInts(n_intrtyp); ++i) {
- if (typ[i] != 0)
- return 0;
- }
- return 1;
-#endif /* OptimizeType */
- * xfer_packed_types - transfers the packed type representation
- * to a full length bit vector representation in the same
- * struct typinfo structure.
- */
-#ifdef OptimizeType
-void xfer_packed_types(type)
-struct typinfo *type;
- unsigned int indx, mask;
- /*
- * for each IF statement built a mask to set each of the five builtins
- * if they are present in the packed representation
- */
- if (type->packed & NULL_T) {
- indx = null_bit / IntBits;
- mask = 1;
- mask <<= null_bit % IntBits;
- type->bits[indx] |= mask;
- }
- if (type->packed & REAL_T) {
- indx = real_bit / IntBits;
- mask = 1;
- mask <<= real_bit % IntBits;
- type->bits[indx] |= mask;
- }
- if (type->packed & INT_T) {
- indx = int_bit / IntBits;
- mask = 1;
- mask <<= int_bit % IntBits;
- type->bits[indx] |= mask;
- }
- if (type->packed & CSET_T) {
- indx = cset_bit / IntBits;
- mask = 1;
- mask <<= cset_bit % IntBits;
- type->bits[indx] |= mask;
- }
- if (type->packed & STR_T) {
- indx = str_bit / IntBits;
- mask = 1;
- mask <<= str_bit % IntBits;
- type->bits[indx] |= mask;
- }
- * xfer_packed_to_bits - sets those type bits from the src typinfo structure
- * to the dest typinfo structure AND the src is a packed representation
- * while the dest is a bit vector. Returns the number of new bits that
- * were set in the destination.
- */
-int xfer_packed_to_bits(src, dest, nsize)
-struct typinfo *src;
-struct typinfo *dest;
-int nsize;
- unsigned int indx, mask, old, rnsize;
- int changes[5] = {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1};
- int ix, membr = 0, i;
- ix = 0;
- rnsize = NumInts(nsize);
- /*
- * for each possible type set in the packed vector, create a mask
- * and apply it to the dest. check to see if there was actually
- * a change in the dest vector.
- */
- if (src->packed & NULL_T) {
- indx = null_bit / IntBits;
- if (indx < rnsize) {
- mask = 1;
- mask <<= null_bit % IntBits;
- old = dest->bits[indx];
- dest->bits[indx] |= mask;
- if (old != dest->bits[indx]) {
- membr = 0;
- for (i=0; i < 5 ;i++)
- /*
- * checks to see if the bit just set happens to be in the
- * same word as any other of the five builtins. if they
- * are then we only want to count this as one change
- */
- if (indx == changes[i]) {
- membr = 1; break;
- }
- if (!membr)
- changes[ix++] = indx;
- }
- }
- }
- if (src->packed & REAL_T) {
- indx = real_bit / IntBits;
- if (indx < rnsize) {
- mask = 1;
- mask <<= real_bit % IntBits;
- old = dest->bits[indx];
- dest->bits[indx] |= mask;
- if (old != dest->bits[indx]) {
- membr = 0;
- for (i=0; i < 5 ;i++)
- if (indx == changes[i]) {
- membr = 1; break;
- }
- if (!membr)
- changes[ix++] = indx;
- }
- }
- }
- if (src->packed & INT_T) {
- indx = int_bit / IntBits;
- if (indx < rnsize) {
- mask = 1;
- mask <<= int_bit % IntBits;
- old = dest->bits[indx];
- dest->bits[indx] |= mask;
- if (old != dest->bits[indx]) {
- membr = 0;
- for (i=0; i < 5 ;i++)
- if (indx == changes[i]) {
- membr = 1; break;
- }
- if (!membr)
- changes[ix++] = indx;
- }
- }
- }
- if (src->packed & CSET_T) {
- indx = cset_bit / IntBits;
- if (indx < rnsize) {
- mask = 1;
- mask <<= cset_bit % IntBits;
- old = dest->bits[indx];
- dest->bits[indx] |= mask;
- if (old != dest->bits[indx]) {
- membr = 0;
- for (i=0; i < 5 ;i++)
- if (indx == changes[i]) {
- membr = 1; break;
- }
- if (!membr)
- changes[ix++] = indx;
- }
- }
- }
- if (src->packed & STR_T) {
- indx = str_bit / IntBits;
- if (indx < rnsize) {
- mask = 1;
- mask <<= str_bit % IntBits;
- old = dest->bits[indx];
- dest->bits[indx] |= mask;
- if (old != dest->bits[indx]) {
- membr = 0;
- for (i=0; i < 5 ;i++)
- if (indx == changes[i]) {
- membr = 1; break;
- }
- if (!membr)
- changes[ix++] = indx;
- }
- }
- }
- return ix;
- * and_bits_to_packed - performs a bitwise AND of two typinfo structures
- * taking into account of packed or full bit representation.
- */
-void and_bits_to_packed(src, dest, size)
-struct typinfo *src;
-struct typinfo *dest;
-int size;
- unsigned int indx, mask, val, destsz;
- int i;
- if ((src->bits == NULL) && (dest->bits == NULL))
- /* Both are packed */
- dest->packed &= (0xFF000000 | src->packed);
- else if ((src->bits == NULL) && (dest->bits != NULL)) {
- /*
- * built a bit mask for each type in the src and AND it too
- * the bit vector in dest
- */
- for (i=0; i < NumInts(size) ;i++) {
- val = get_bit_vector(src,i);
- dest->bits[i] &= val;
- }
- }
- else if ((src->bits != NULL) && (dest->bits == NULL)) {
- /*
- * because an AND is being performed only those bits in the dest
- * have the possibility of remaining set (i.e. five builtins)
- * therefore if the bit is set in the packed check to see if
- * it is also set in the full vector, if so then set it in the
- * resulting vector, otherwise don't
- */
- destsz = DecodeSize(dest->packed);
- mask = 1; val = 0;
- if (dest->packed & NULL_T) {
- mask <<= (null_bit % IntBits);
- if (src->bits[(null_bit/IntBits)] & mask)
- val |= NULL_T;
- }
- mask = 1;
- if (dest->packed & REAL_T) {
- mask <<= (real_bit % IntBits);
- if (src->bits[(real_bit/IntBits)] & mask)
- val |= REAL_T;
- }
- mask = 1;
- if (dest->packed & INT_T) {
- mask <<= (int_bit % IntBits);
- if (src->bits[(int_bit/IntBits)] & mask)
- val |= INT_T;
- }
- mask = 1;
- if (dest->packed & CSET_T) {
- mask <<= (cset_bit % IntBits);
- if (src->bits[(cset_bit/IntBits)] & mask)
- val |= CSET_T;
- }
- mask = 1;
- if (dest->packed & STR_T) {
- mask <<= (str_bit % IntBits);
- if (src->bits[(str_bit/IntBits)] & mask)
- val |= STR_T;
- }
- dest->packed = val | destsz;
- }
- else
- for (i=0; i < NumInts(size) ;i++)
- dest->bits[i] &= src->bits[i];
- * get_bit_vector - returns a bit mask from the selected word of a bit
- * vector. e.g. if pos == 2, then check to see if any of the five
- * builtins fall in the second word of a normal bit vector, if so
- * create a bit mask with those types that fall in that word.
- */
-unsigned int get_bit_vector(src, pos)
-struct typinfo *src;
-int pos;
- unsigned int val = 0, mask;
- val = 0;
- if ((src->packed & NULL_T) && ((null_bit / IntBits) == pos)) {
- mask = 1;
- mask <<= null_bit % IntBits;
- val |= mask;
- }
- if ((src->packed & REAL_T) && ((real_bit / IntBits) == pos)) {
- mask = 1;
- mask <<= real_bit % IntBits;
- val |= mask;
- }
- if ((src->packed & INT_T) && ((int_bit / IntBits) == pos)) {
- mask = 1;
- mask <<= int_bit % IntBits;
- val |= mask;
- }
- if ((src->packed & CSET_T) && ((cset_bit / IntBits) == pos)) {
- mask = 1;
- mask <<= cset_bit % IntBits;
- val |= mask;
- }
- if ((src->packed & STR_T) && ((str_bit / IntBits) == pos)) {
- mask = 1;
- mask <<= str_bit % IntBits;
- val |= mask;
- }
- return val;
- * clr_packed - clears all bits within the nsize-th word for a packed
- * representation.
- */
-void clr_packed(src, nsize)
-struct typinfo *src;
-int nsize;
- unsigned int rnsize;
- rnsize = NumInts(nsize);
- if ((null_bit / IntBits) < rnsize)
- src->packed &= ~NULL_T;
- if ((real_bit / IntBits) < rnsize)
- src->packed &= ~REAL_T;
- if ((int_bit / IntBits) < rnsize)
- src->packed &= ~INT_T;
- if ((cset_bit / IntBits) < rnsize)
- src->packed &= ~CSET_T;
- if ((str_bit / IntBits) < rnsize)
- src->packed &= ~STR_T;
- * cpy_packed_to_packed - copies the packed bits from one bit vector
- * to another.
- */
-void cpy_packed_to_packed(src, dest, nsize)
-struct typinfo *src;
-struct typinfo *dest;
-int nsize;
- unsigned int indx, rnsize;
- rnsize = NumInts(nsize);
- /*
- * for each of the possible builtin types, check to see if the bit is
- * set in the src and if present set it in the dest.
- */
- dest->packed = DecodeSize(dest->packed);
- if (src->packed & NULL_T) {
- indx = null_bit / IntBits;
- if (indx < rnsize)
- dest->packed |= NULL_T;
- }
- if (src->packed & REAL_T) {
- indx = real_bit / IntBits;
- if (indx < rnsize)
- dest->packed |= REAL_T;
- }
- if (src->packed & INT_T) {
- indx = int_bit / IntBits;
- if (indx < rnsize)
- dest->packed |= INT_T;
- }
- if (src->packed & CSET_T) {
- indx = cset_bit / IntBits;
- if (indx < rnsize)
- dest->packed |= CSET_T;
- }
- if (src->packed & STR_T) {
- indx = str_bit / IntBits;
- if (indx < rnsize)
- dest->packed |= STR_T;
- }
- * mrg_packed_to_packed - merges the packed type bits of a src and dest
- * bit vector.
- */
-int mrg_packed_to_packed(src, dest, nsize)
-struct typinfo *src;
-struct typinfo *dest;
-int nsize;
- unsigned int indx, rnsize;
- int changes[5] = {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1};
- int ix = 0, membr = 0, i;
- rnsize = NumInts(nsize);
- /*
- * for each of the five possible types in the src, check to see if it
- * is set in the src and not set in the dest. if so then set it in
- * the dest vector.
- */
- if ((src->packed & NULL_T) && !(dest->packed & NULL_T)) {
- indx = null_bit / IntBits;
- if (indx < rnsize) {
- dest->packed |= NULL_T;
- for(i=0; i<5 ;i++) {
- if (indx == changes[i]) {
- membr = 1; break;
- }
- }
- if (!membr)
- changes[ix++] = indx;
- }
- }
- if ((src->packed & REAL_T) && !(dest->packed & REAL_T)) {
- indx = real_bit / IntBits;
- if (indx < rnsize) {
- dest->packed |= REAL_T;
- for(i=0; i<5 ;i++) {
- if (indx == changes[i]) {
- membr = 1; break;
- }
- }
- if (!membr)
- changes[ix++] = indx;
- }
- }
- if ((src->packed & INT_T) && !(dest->packed & INT_T)){
- indx = int_bit / IntBits;
- if (indx < rnsize) {
- dest->packed |= INT_T;
- for(i=0; i<5 ;i++) {
- if (indx == changes[i]) {
- membr = 1; break;
- }
- }
- if (!membr)
- changes[ix++] = indx;
- }
- }
- if ((src->packed & CSET_T) && !(dest->packed & CSET_T)) {
- indx = cset_bit / IntBits;
- if (indx < rnsize) {
- dest->packed |= CSET_T;
- for(i=0; i<5 ;i++) {
- if (indx == changes[i]) {
- membr = 1; break;
- }
- }
- if (!membr)
- changes[ix++] = indx;
- }
- }
- if ((src->packed & STR_T) && !(dest->packed & STR_T)) {
- indx = str_bit / IntBits;
- if (indx < rnsize) {
- dest->packed |= STR_T;
- for(i=0; i<5 ;i++) {
- if (indx == changes[i]) {
- membr = 1; break;
- }
- }
- if (!membr)
- changes[ix++] = indx;
- }
- }
- return ix;
-#endif /* OptimizeType */
diff --git a/src/iconc/typinfer.c b/src/iconc/typinfer.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 8a96e23..0000000
--- a/src/iconc/typinfer.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5189 +0,0 @@
- * typinfer.c - routines to perform type inference.
- */
-#include "../h/gsupport.h"
-#include "../h/lexdef.h"
-#include "ctrans.h"
-#include "csym.h"
-#include "ctree.h"
-#include "ctoken.h"
-#include "cglobals.h"
-#include "ccode.h"
-#include "cproto.h"
-#ifdef TypTrc
-#ifdef HighResTime
-#include <sys/time.h>
-#include <sys/resource.h>
-#endif /* HighResTime */
-#endif /* TypTrc */
- * Information about co-expressions is keep on a list.
- */
-struct t_coexpr {
- nodeptr n; /* code for co-expression */
- int typ_indx; /* relative type number (index) */
- struct store *in_store; /* store entry into co-expression via activation */
- struct store *out_store; /* store at end of co-expression */
-#ifdef OptimizeType
- struct typinfo *act_typ; /* types passed via co-expression activation */
- struct typinfo *rslt_typ; /* types resulting from "co-expression return" */
-#else /* OptimizeType */
- unsigned int *act_typ; /* types passed via co-expression activation */
- unsigned int *rslt_typ; /* types resulting from "co-expression return" */
-#endif /* OptimizeType */
- int iteration;
- struct t_coexpr *next;
- };
-struct t_coexpr *coexp_lst;
-#ifdef TypTrc
-extern int typealloc; /* flag to account for allocation */
-extern long typespace; /* amount of space for type inference */
-#endif /* TypTrc */
-struct symtyps *cur_symtyps; /* maps run-time routine symbols to types */
- * argtyps is the an array of types large enough to accommodate the argument
- * list of any operation.
- */
-struct argtyps {
- struct argtyps *next;
-#ifdef OptimizeType
- struct typinfo *types[1]; /* actual size is max_prm */
-#else /* OptimizeType */
- unsigned int *types[1]; /* actual size is max_prm */
-#endif /* OptimizeType */
- };
- * prototypes for static functions.
- */
-#ifdef OptimizeType
-void and_bits_to_packed (struct typinfo *src,
- struct typinfo *dest, int size);
-struct typinfo *alloc_typ (int n_types);
-unsigned int *alloc_mem_typ (unsigned int n_types);
-int bitset (struct typinfo *typ, int bit);
-void clr_typ (struct typinfo *type, unsigned int bit);
-void clr_packed (struct typinfo *src, int nsize);
-void cpy_packed_to_packed (struct typinfo *src,
- struct typinfo *dest, int nsize);
-static void deref_lcl (struct typinfo *src,
- struct typinfo *dest);
-static int findloops ( struct node *n, int resume,
- struct typinfo *rslt_type);
-static void gen_inv (struct typinfo *prc_typ, nodeptr n);
-int has_type (struct typinfo *typ, int typcd, int clear);
-static void infer_impl (struct implement *impl,
- nodeptr n, struct symtyps *symtyps,
- struct typinfo *rslt_typ);
-int is_empty (struct typinfo *typ);
-int mrg_packed_to_packed (struct typinfo *src,
- struct typinfo *dest, int nsize);
-int other_type (struct typinfo *typ, int typcd);
-static void set_ret (struct typinfo *typ);
-void set_typ (struct typinfo *type, unsigned int bit);
-void typcd_bits (int typcd, struct type *typ);
-static void typ_deref (struct typinfo *src,
- struct typinfo *dest, int chk);
-int xfer_packed_to_bits (struct typinfo *src,
- struct typinfo *dest, int nsize);
-#else /* OptimizeType */
-unsigned int *alloc_typ (int n_types);
-int bitset (unsigned int *typ, int bit);
-void clr_typ (unsigned int *type, unsigned int bit);
-static void deref_lcl (unsigned int *src, unsigned int *dest);
-static int findloops ( struct node *n, int resume,
- unsigned int *rslt_type);
-static void gen_inv (unsigned int *prc_typ, nodeptr n);
-int has_type (unsigned int *typ, int typcd, int clear);
-static void infer_impl (struct implement *impl,
- nodeptr n, struct symtyps *symtyps,
- unsigned int *rslt_typ);
-int is_empty (unsigned int *typ);
-int other_type (unsigned int *typ, int typcd);
-static void set_ret (unsigned int *typ);
-void set_typ (unsigned int *type, unsigned int bit);
-void typcd_bits (int typcd, struct type *typ);
-static void typ_deref (unsigned int *src, unsigned int *dest, int chk);
-#endif /* OptimizeType */
-static void abstr_new (struct node *n, struct il_code *il);
-static void abstr_typ (struct il_code *il, struct type *typ);
-static struct store *alloc_stor (int stor_sz, int n_types);
-static void chk_succ (int ret_flag, struct store *susp_stor);
-static struct store *cpy_store (struct store *source);
-static int eval_cond (struct il_code *il);
-static void free_argtyp (struct argtyps *argtyps);
-static void free_store (struct store *store);
-static void free_wktyp (struct type *typ);
-static void find_new (struct node *n);
-static struct argtyps *get_argtyp (void);
-static struct store *get_store (int clear);
-static struct type *get_wktyp (void);
-static void infer_act (nodeptr n);
-static void infer_con (struct rentry *rec, nodeptr n);
-static int infer_il (struct il_code *il);
-static void infer_nd (nodeptr n);
-static void infer_prc (struct pentry *proc, nodeptr n);
-static void mrg_act (struct t_coexpr *coexp,
- struct store *e_store,
- struct type *rslt_typ);
-static void mrg_store (struct store *source, struct store *dest);
-static void side_effect (struct il_code *il);
-static struct symtyps *symtyps (int nsyms);
-#ifdef TypTrc
-static void prt_d_typ (FILE *file, struct typinfo *typ);
-static void prt_typ (FILE *file, struct typinfo *typ);
-#endif /* TypTrc */
-#define CanFail 1
- * cur_coexp is non-null while performing type inference on code from a
- * create expression. If it is null, the possible current co-expressions
- * must be found from cur_proc.
- */
-struct t_coexpr *cur_coexp = NULL;
-struct gentry **proc_map; /* map procedure types to symbol table entries */
-struct rentry **rec_map; /* map record types to record information */
-struct t_coexpr **coexp_map; /* map co-expression types to information */
-struct typ_info *type_array;
-static int num_new; /* number of types supporting "new" abstract type comp */
- * Data base component codes are mapped to type inferencing information
- * using an array.
- */
-struct compnt_info {
- int frst_bit; /* first bit in bit vector allocated to component */
- int num_bits; /* number of bits allocated to this component */
- struct store *store; /* maps component "reference" to the type it holds */
- };
-static struct compnt_info *compnt_array;
-static unsigned int frst_fld; /* bit number of 1st record field */
-static unsigned int n_fld; /* number of record fields */
-static unsigned int frst_gbl; /* bit number of 1st global reference type */
-static unsigned int n_gbl; /* number of global variables */
-static unsigned int n_nmgbl; /* number of named global variables */
-static unsigned int frst_loc; /* bit number of 1st local reference type */
-static unsigned int n_loc; /* maximum number of locals in any procedure */
-static unsigned int nxt_bit; /* next unassigned bit in bit vector */
-unsigned int n_icntyp; /* number of non-variable types */
-unsigned int n_intrtyp; /* number of types in intermediate values */
-static unsigned int n_rttyp; /* number of types in runtime computations */
-unsigned int val_mask; /* mask for non-var types in last int of type */
-unsigned int null_bit; /* bit for null type */
-unsigned int str_bit; /* bit for string type */
-unsigned int cset_bit; /* bit for cset type */
-unsigned int int_bit; /* bit for integer type */
-unsigned int real_bit; /* bit for real type */
-static struct store *fld_stor; /* record fields */
-static int *cur_new; /* allocated types for current operation */
-static struct store *succ_store = NULL; /* current success store */
-static struct store *fail_store = NULL; /* current failure store */
-static struct store *dummy_stor;
-static struct store *store_pool = NULL; /* free list of store structs */
-static struct type *type_pool = NULL; /* free list of type structs */
-static struct type cur_rslt = {0, NULL, NULL}; /* result type of operation */
-static struct argtyps *argtyp_pool = NULL; /* free list of arg type arrays */
-static struct argtyps *arg_typs = NULL; /* current arg type array */
-static int num_args; /* number of arguments for current operation */
-static int n_vararg; /* size of variable part of arg list to run-time routine */
-#ifdef OptimizeType
-static struct typinfo *any_typ; /* type bit vector with all bits on */
-struct typinfo *free_typinfo = NULL;
-struct typinfo *start_typinfo = NULL;
-struct typinfo *high_typinfo = NULL;
-struct typinfo *low_typinfo = NULL;
-#else /* OptimizeType */
-static unsigned int *any_typ; /* type bit vector with all bits on */
-#endif /* OptimizeType */
-long changed; /* number of changes to type information in this iteration */
-int iteration; /* iteration number for type inferencing */
-#ifdef TypTrc
-static FILE *trcfile = NULL; /* output file pointer for tracing */
-static char *trcname = NULL; /* output file name for tracing */
-static char *trc_indent = "";
-#endif /* TypTrc */
- * typeinfer - infer types of operands. If "do_typinfer" is set, actually
- * do abstract interpretation, otherwise assume any type for all operands.
- */
-void typeinfer()
- {
- struct gentry *gptr;
- struct lentry *lptr;
- nodeptr call_main;
- struct pentry *p;
- struct rentry *rec;
- struct t_coexpr *coexp;
- struct store *init_store;
- struct store *f_store;
-#ifdef OptimizeType
- struct typinfo *type;
-#else /* OptimizeType */
- unsigned int *type;
-#endif /* OptimizeType */
- struct implement *ip;
- struct lentry **lhash;
- struct lentry **vartypmap;
- int i, j, k;
- int size;
- int flag;
-#ifdef TypTrc
- /*
- * Set up for type tracing.
- */
- long start_infer, end_infer;
-#ifdef HighResTime
- struct rusage rusage;
- getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &rusage);
- start_infer = rusage.ru_utime.tv_sec*1000 + rusage.ru_utime.tv_usec/1000;
-#else /* HighResTime */
- start_infer = millisec();
-#endif /* HighResTime */
- typealloc = 1; /* note allocation in this phase */
- trcname = getenv("TYPTRC");
- if (trcname != NULL && strlen(trcname) != 0) {
- if (trcname[0] == '|') {
- FILE *popen();
- trcfile = popen(trcname+1, "w");
- }
- else
- trcfile = fopen(trcname, "w");
- if (trcfile == NULL) {
- fprintf(stderr, "TYPTRC: cannot open %s\n", trcname);
- fflush(stderr);
- }
- }
-#endif /* TypTrc */
- /*
- * Make sure max_prm is large enough for any run-time routine.
- */
- for (i = 0; i < IHSize; ++i)
- for (ip = bhash[i]; ip != NULL; ip = ip->blink)
- if (ip->nargs > max_prm)
- max_prm = ip->nargs;
- for (i = 0; i < IHSize; ++i)
- for (ip = ohash[i]; ip != NULL; ip = ip->blink)
- if (ip->nargs > max_prm)
- max_prm = ip->nargs;
- /*
- * Allocate an arrays to map data base type codes and component codes
- * to type inferencing information.
- */
- type_array = (struct typ_info *)alloc((unsigned int)(num_typs *
- sizeof(struct typ_info)));
- compnt_array = (struct compnt_info *)alloc((unsigned int)(num_cmpnts *
- sizeof(struct compnt_info)));
- /*
- * Find those types that support the "new" abstract type computation
- * assign to them locations in the arrays of allocated types associated
- * with operation invocations. Also initialize the number of type bits.
- * Types with no subtypes have one bit. Types allocated with the the "new"
- * abstract have a default sub-type that is allocated here. Procedures
- * have a subtype to for string invocable operators. Co-expressions
- * have a subtype for &main. Records are handled below.
- */
- num_new = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < num_typs; ++i) {
- if (icontypes[i].support_new)
- type_array[i].new_indx = num_new++;
- type_array[i].num_bits = 1; /* reserve one type bit */
- }
- type_array[list_typ].num_bits = 2; /* default & list for arg to main() */
- cur_coexp = NewStruct(t_coexpr);
- cur_coexp->n = NULL;
- cur_coexp->next = NULL;
- coexp_lst = cur_coexp;
- if (do_typinfer) {
- /*
- * Go through the syntax tree for each procedure locating program
- * points that may create structures at run time. Allocate the
- * appropriate structure type(s) to each such point.
- */
- for (p = proc_lst; p != NULL; p = p->next) {
- if (p->nargs < 0)
- p->arg_lst = type_array[list_typ].num_bits++; /* list for varargs */
- find_new(Tree1(p->tree)); /* initial clause */
- find_new(Tree2(p->tree)); /* body of procedure */
- }
- }
- /*
- * Allocate a type number for each record type (use record number for
- * offset) and a variable type number for each field.
- */
- n_fld = 0;
- if (rec_lst == NULL) {
- type_array[rec_typ].num_bits = 0;
- rec_map = NULL;
- }
- else {
- type_array[rec_typ].num_bits = rec_lst->rec_num + 1;
- rec_map = (struct rentry **)alloc(
- (unsigned int)((rec_lst->rec_num + 1)*sizeof(struct rentry *)));
- for (rec = rec_lst; rec != NULL; rec = rec->next) {
- rec->frst_fld = n_fld;
- n_fld += rec->nfields;
- rec_map[rec->rec_num] = rec;
- }
- }
- /*
- * Allocate type numbers to global variables. Don't count those procedure
- * variables that are no longer referenced in the syntax tree. Do count
- * static variables. Also allocate types to procedures, built-in functions,
- * record constructors.
- */
- n_gbl = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < GHSize; i++)
- for (gptr = ghash[i]; gptr != NULL; gptr = gptr->blink) {
- flag = gptr->flag;
- if (flag & F_SmplInv)
- gptr->index = -1; /* unused: set to something not a valid type */
- else {
- gptr->index = n_gbl++;
- if (flag & (F_Proc | F_Record | F_Builtin))
- gptr->init_type = type_array[proc_typ].num_bits++;
- }
- if (flag & F_Proc) {
- for (lptr = gptr->val.proc->statics; lptr != NULL;lptr = lptr->next)
- lptr->val.index = n_gbl++;
- }
- }
- n_nmgbl = n_gbl;
- /*
- * Determine relative bit numbers for predefined variable types that
- * are treated as sets of global variables.
- */
- for (i = 0; i < num_typs; ++i)
- if (icontypes[i].deref == DrfGlbl)
- type_array[i].frst_bit = n_gbl++; /* converted to absolute later */
- proc_map = (struct gentry **)alloc(
- (unsigned int)((type_array[proc_typ].num_bits)*sizeof(struct gentry *)));
- proc_map[0] = NULL; /* proc type for string invocable operators */
- for (i = 0; i < GHSize; i++)
- for (gptr = ghash[i]; gptr != NULL; gptr = gptr->blink) {
- flag = gptr->flag;
- if (!(flag & F_SmplInv) && (flag & (F_Proc | F_Record | F_Builtin)))
- proc_map[gptr->init_type] = gptr;
- }
- /*
- * Allocate type numbers to local variables. The same numbers are reused
- * in different procedures.
- */
- n_loc = 0;
- for (p = proc_lst; p != NULL; p = p->next) {
- i = Abs(p->nargs);
- for (lptr = p->args; lptr != NULL; lptr = lptr->next)
- lptr->val.index = --i;
- i = Abs(p->nargs);
- for (lptr = p->dynams; lptr != NULL; lptr = lptr->next)
- lptr->val.index = i++;
- n_loc = Max(n_loc, i);
- /*
- * produce a mapping from the variable types used in this procedure
- * to the corresponding symbol table entries.
- */
- if (n_gbl + n_loc == 0)
- vartypmap = NULL;
- else
- vartypmap = (struct lentry **)alloc(
- (unsigned int)((n_gbl + n_loc)*sizeof(struct lentry *)));
- for (i = 0; i < n_gbl + n_loc; ++i)
- vartypmap[i] = NULL; /* no entries for foreign statics */
- p->vartypmap = vartypmap;
- lhash = p->lhash;
- for (i = 0; i < LHSize; ++i) {
- for (lptr = lhash[i]; lptr != NULL; lptr = lptr->blink) {
- switch (lptr->flag) {
- case F_Global:
- gptr = lptr->;
- if (!(gptr->flag & F_SmplInv))
- vartypmap[gptr->index] = lptr;
- break;
- case F_Static:
- vartypmap[lptr->val.index] = lptr;
- break;
- case F_Dynamic:
- case F_Argument:
- vartypmap[n_gbl + lptr->val.index] = lptr;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- * There is a component reference subtype for every subtype of the
- * associated aggregate type.
- */
- for (i = 0; i < num_cmpnts; ++i)
- compnt_array[i].num_bits = type_array[typecompnt[i].aggregate].num_bits;
- /*
- * Assign bits for non-variable (first-class) types.
- */
- nxt_bit = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < num_typs; ++i)
- if (icontypes[i].deref == DrfNone) {
- type_array[i].frst_bit = nxt_bit;
- nxt_bit += type_array[i].num_bits;
- }
- n_icntyp = nxt_bit; /* number of first-class types */
- /*
- * Load some commonly needed bit numbers into global variable.
- */
- null_bit = type_array[null_typ].frst_bit;
- str_bit = type_array[str_typ].frst_bit;
- cset_bit = type_array[cset_typ].frst_bit;
- int_bit = type_array[int_typ].frst_bit;
- real_bit = type_array[real_typ].frst_bit;
- /*
- * Assign bits for predefined variable types that are not treated as
- * sets of globals.
- */
- for (i = 0; i < num_typs; ++i)
- if (icontypes[i].deref == DrfCnst || icontypes[i].deref == DrfSpcl) {
- type_array[i].frst_bit = nxt_bit;
- nxt_bit += type_array[i].num_bits;
- }
- /*
- * Assign bits to aggregate compontents that are variables.
- */
- for (i = 0; i < num_cmpnts; ++i)
- if (typecompnt[i].var) {
- compnt_array[i].frst_bit = nxt_bit;
- nxt_bit += compnt_array[i].num_bits;
- }
- /*
- * Assign bits to record fields and named variables.
- */
- frst_fld = nxt_bit;
- nxt_bit += n_fld;
- frst_gbl = nxt_bit;
- nxt_bit += n_gbl;
- frst_loc = nxt_bit;
- nxt_bit += n_loc;
- /*
- * Convert from relative to ablsolute bit numbers for predefined variable
- * types that are treated as sets of global variables.
- */
- for (i = 0; i < num_typs; ++i)
- if (icontypes[i].deref == DrfGlbl)
- type_array[i].frst_bit += frst_gbl;
- n_intrtyp = nxt_bit; /* number of types for intermediate values */
- /*
- * Assign bits to aggregate compontents that are not variables. These
- * are the runtime system's internal descriptor reference types.
- */
- for (i = 0; i < num_cmpnts; ++i)
- if (!typecompnt[i].var) {
- compnt_array[i].frst_bit = nxt_bit;
- nxt_bit += compnt_array[i].num_bits;
- }
- n_rttyp = nxt_bit; /* total size of type system */
-#ifdef TypTrc
- if (trcfile != NULL) {
- /*
- * Output a summary of the type system.
- */
- for (i = 0; i < num_typs; ++i) {
- fprintf(trcfile, "%s", icontypes[i].id);
- if (strcmp(icontypes[i].id, icontypes[i].abrv) != 0)
- fprintf(trcfile, "(%s)", icontypes[i].abrv);
- fprintf(trcfile, " sub-types: %d\n", type_array[i].num_bits);
- }
- }
-#endif /* TypTrc */
- /*
- * The division between bits for first-class types and variables types
- * generally occurs in the middle of a word. Set up a mask for extracting
- * the first-class types from this word.
- */
- val_mask = 0;
- i = n_icntyp - (NumInts(n_icntyp) - 1) * IntBits;
- while (i--)
- val_mask = (val_mask << 1) | 1;
- if (do_typinfer) {
- /*
- * Create stores large enough for the component references. These
- * are global to the entire program, rather than being propagated
- * from node to node in the syntax tree.
- */
- for (i = 0; i < num_cmpnts; ++i) {
- if (i == str_var)
- size = n_intrtyp;
- else
- size = n_icntyp;
- compnt_array[i].store = alloc_stor(compnt_array[i].num_bits, size);
- }
- fld_stor = alloc_stor(n_fld, n_icntyp);
- dummy_stor = get_store(0);
- /*
- * First list is arg to main: a list of strings.
- */
- set_typ(compnt_array[lst_elem].store->types[1], str_typ);
- }
- /*
- * Set up a type bit vector with all bits on.
- */
-#ifdef OptimizeType
- any_typ = alloc_typ(n_rttyp);
- any_typ->bits = alloc_mem_typ(DecodeSize(any_typ->packed));
- for (i = 0; i < NumInts(n_rttyp); ++i)
- any_typ->bits[i] = ~(unsigned int)0;
-#else /* OptimizeType */
- any_typ = alloc_typ(n_rttyp);
- for (i = 0; i < NumInts(n_rttyp); ++i)
- any_typ[i] = ~(unsigned int)0;
-#endif /* OptimizeType */
- /*
- * Initialize stores and return values for procedures. Also initialize
- * flag indicating whether the procedure can be executed.
- */
- call_main = NULL;
- for (p = proc_lst; p != NULL; p = p->next) {
- if (do_typinfer) {
- p->iteration = 0;
- p->ret_typ = alloc_typ(n_intrtyp);
- p->coexprs = alloc_typ(n_icntyp);
- p->in_store = alloc_stor(n_gbl + n_loc, n_icntyp);
- if (p->ret_flag & DoesSusp)
- p->susp_store = alloc_stor(n_gbl, n_icntyp);
- else
- p->susp_store = NULL;
- for (i = Abs(p->nargs); i < n_loc; ++i)
- set_typ(p->in_store->types[n_gbl + i], null_bit);
- if (p->nargs < 0)
- set_typ(p->in_store->types[n_gbl + Abs(p->nargs) - 1],
- type_array[list_typ].frst_bit + p->arg_lst);
- if (strcmp(p->name, "main") == 0) {
- /*
- * create a the initial call to main with one list argument.
- */
- call_main = invk_main(p);
- call_main->type = alloc_typ(n_intrtyp);
- Tree2(call_main)->type = alloc_typ(n_intrtyp);
- set_typ(Tree2(call_main)->type, type_array[list_typ].frst_bit + 1);
- call_main->store = alloc_stor(n_gbl + n_loc, n_icntyp);
- }
- p->out_store = alloc_stor(n_gbl, n_icntyp);
- p->reachable = 0;
- }
- else
- p->reachable = 1;
- /*
- * Analyze the code of the procedure to determine where to place stores
- * that survive iterations of type inferencing. Note, both the initial
- * clause and the body of the procedure are bounded.
- */
- findloops(Tree1(p->tree), 0, NULL);
- findloops(Tree2(p->tree), 0, NULL);
- }
- /*
- * If type inferencing is suppressed, we have set up very conservative
- * type information and will do no inferencing.
- */
- if (!do_typinfer)
- return;
- if (call_main == NULL)
- return; /* no main procedure, cannot continue */
- if (tfatals > 0)
- return; /* don't do inference if there are fatal errors */
- /*
- * Construct mapping from co-expression types to information
- * about the co-expressions and finish initializing the information.
- */
- i = type_array[coexp_typ].num_bits;
- coexp_map = (struct t_coexpr **)alloc(
- (unsigned int)(i * sizeof(struct t_coexpr *)));
- for (coexp = coexp_lst; coexp != NULL; coexp = coexp->next) {
- coexp_map[--i] = coexp;
- coexp->typ_indx = i;
- coexp->in_store = alloc_stor(n_gbl + n_loc, n_icntyp);
- coexp->out_store = alloc_stor(n_gbl + n_loc, n_icntyp);
- coexp->act_typ = alloc_typ(n_intrtyp);
- coexp->rslt_typ = alloc_typ(n_intrtyp);
- coexp->iteration = 0;
- }
- /*
- * initialize globals
- */
- init_store = get_store(1);
- for (i = 0; i < GHSize; i++)
- for (gptr = ghash[i]; gptr != NULL; gptr = gptr->blink) {
- flag = gptr->flag;
- if (!(flag & F_SmplInv)) {
- type = init_store->types[gptr->index];
- if (flag & (F_Proc | F_Record | F_Builtin))
- set_typ(type, type_array[proc_typ].frst_bit + gptr->init_type);
- else
- set_typ(type, null_bit);
- }
- }
- /*
- * Initialize types for predefined variable types.
- */
- for (i = 0; i < num_typs; ++i) {
- type = NULL;
- switch (icontypes[i].deref) {
- case DrfGlbl:
- /*
- * Treated as a global variable.
- */
- type = init_store->types[type_array[i].frst_bit - frst_gbl];
- break;
- case DrfCnst:
- /*
- * Type doesn't change so keep one copy.
- */
- type = alloc_typ(n_intrtyp);
- type_array[i].typ = type;
- break;
- }
- if (type != NULL) {
- /*
- * Determine which types are in the initial type for this variable.
- */
- for (j = 0; j < num_typs; ++j) {
- if (icontypes[i].typ[j] != '.') {
- for (k = 0; k < type_array[j].num_bits; ++k)
- set_typ(type, type_array[j].frst_bit + k);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- f_store = get_store(1);
- /*
- * Type inferencing iterates over the program until a fixed point is
- * reached.
- */
- changed = 1L; /* force first iteration */
- iteration = 0;
- if (verbose > 1)
- fprintf(stderr, "type inferencing: ");
- while (changed > 0L) {
- changed = 0L;
- ++iteration;
-#ifdef TypTrc
- if (trcfile != NULL)
- fprintf(trcfile, "**** iteration %d ****\n", iteration);
-#endif /* TypTrc */
- /*
- * Start at the implicit initial call to the main procedure. Inferencing
- * walks the call graph from here.
- */
- succ_store = cpy_store(init_store);
- fail_store = f_store;
- infer_nd(call_main);
- /*
- * If requested, monitor the progress of inferencing.
- */
- switch (verbose) {
- case 0:
- case 1:
- break;
- case 2:
- fprintf(stderr, ".");
- break;
- default: /* > 2 */
- if (iteration != 1)
- fprintf(stderr, ", ");
- fprintf(stderr, "%ld", changed);
- }
- }
- /*
- * Type inferencing is finished, complete any diagnostic output.
- */
- if (verbose > 1)
- fprintf(stderr, "\n");
-#ifdef TypTrc
- if (trcfile != NULL) {
-#ifdef HighResTime
- getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &rusage);
- end_infer = rusage.ru_utime.tv_sec*1000 + rusage.ru_utime.tv_usec/1000;
-#else /* HighResTime */
- end_infer = millisec();
-#endif /* HighResTime */
- fprintf(trcfile, "\n**** inferencing time: %ld milliseconds\n",
- end_infer - start_infer);
- fprintf(trcfile, "\n**** inferencing space: %ld bytes\n",typespace);
- fclose(trcfile);
- }
- typealloc = 0;
-#endif /* TypTrc */
- }
- * find_new - walk the syntax tree allocating structure types where
- * operations create new structures.
- */
-static void find_new(n)
-struct node *n;
- {
- struct t_coexpr *coexp;
- struct node *cases;
- struct node *clause;
- int nargs;
- int i;
- n->new_types = NULL;
- switch (n->n_type) {
- case N_Cset:
- case N_Empty:
- case N_Id:
- case N_Int:
- case N_Next:
- case N_Real:
- case N_Str:
- break;
- case N_Bar:
- case N_Break:
- case N_Field:
- case N_Not:
- find_new(Tree0(n));
- break;
- case N_Alt:
- case N_Apply:
- case N_Limit:
- case N_Slist:
- find_new(Tree0(n));
- find_new(Tree1(n));
- break;
- case N_Activat:
- find_new(Tree1(n));
- find_new(Tree2(n));
- break;
- case N_If:
- find_new(Tree0(n)); /* control clause */
- find_new(Tree1(n)); /* then clause */
- find_new(Tree2(n)); /* else clause, may be N_Empty */
- break;
- case N_Create:
- /*
- * Allocate a sub-type for the co-expressions created here.
- */
- n->new_types = (int *)alloc((unsigned int)(sizeof(int)));
- n->new_types[0] = type_array[coexp_typ].num_bits++;
- coexp = NewStruct(t_coexpr);
- coexp->n = Tree0(n);
- coexp->next = coexp_lst;
- coexp_lst = coexp;
- find_new(Tree0(n));
- break;
- case N_Augop:
- abstr_new(n, Impl0(n)->in_line); /* assignment */
- abstr_new(n, Impl1(n)->in_line); /* the operation */
- find_new(Tree2(n)); /* 1st operand */
- find_new(Tree3(n)); /* 2nd operand */
- break;
- case N_Case:
- find_new(Tree0(n)); /* control clause */
- cases = Tree1(n);
- while (cases != NULL) {
- if (cases->n_type == N_Ccls) {
- clause = cases;
- cases = NULL;
- }
- else {
- clause = Tree1(cases);
- cases = Tree0(cases);
- }
- find_new(Tree0(clause)); /* value of clause */
- find_new(Tree1(clause)); /* body of clause */
- }
- if (Tree2(n) != NULL)
- find_new(Tree2(n)); /* deflt */
- break;
- case N_Invok:
- nargs = Val0(n); /* number of arguments */
- find_new(Tree1(n)); /* thing being invoked */
- for (i = 1; i <= nargs; ++i)
- find_new(n->n_field[i+1].n_ptr); /* arg i */
- break;
- case N_InvOp:
- /*
- * This is a call to an operation, this is what we must
- * check for "new" abstract type computation.
- */
- nargs = Val0(n); /* number of arguments */
- abstr_new(n, Impl1(n)->in_line); /* operation */
- for (i = 1; i <= nargs; ++i)
- find_new(n->n_field[i+1].n_ptr); /* arg i */
- break;
- case N_InvProc:
- case N_InvRec:
- nargs = Val0(n); /* number of arguments */
- for (i = 1; i <= nargs; ++i)
- find_new(n->n_field[i+1].n_ptr); /* arg i */
- break;
- case N_Loop:
- switch ((int)Val0(Tree0(n))) {
- case EVERY:
- case SUSPEND:
- case WHILE:
- case UNTIL:
- find_new(Tree1(n)); /* control clause */
- find_new(Tree2(n)); /* do clause - may be N_Empty*/
- break;
- case REPEAT:
- find_new(Tree1(n)); /* clause */
- break;
- }
- case N_Ret:
- if (Val0(Tree0(n)) == RETURN)
- find_new(Tree1(n)); /* value - may be N_Empty */
- break;
- case N_Scan:
- if (optab[Val0(Tree0(n))].tok.t_type == AUGQMARK)
- abstr_new(n, optab[asgn_loc].binary->in_line);
- find_new(Tree1(n)); /* subject */
- find_new(Tree2(n)); /* body */
- break;
- case N_Sect:
- abstr_new(n, Impl0(n)->in_line); /* sectioning */
- if (Impl1(n) != NULL)
- abstr_new(n, Impl1(n)->in_line); /* plus, minus, or nothing */
- find_new(Tree2(n)); /* 1st operand */
- find_new(Tree3(n)); /* 2nd operand */
- find_new(Tree4(n)); /* 3rd operand */
- break;
- case N_SmplAsgn:
- case N_SmplAug:
- find_new(Tree3(n));
- break;
- default:
- fprintf(stderr, "compiler error: node type %d unknown\n", n->n_type);
- }
- }
- * abstr_new - find the abstract clauses in the implementation of an operation.
- * If they indicate that the operations creates structures, allocate a
- * type for the structures and associate it with the node in the syntax tree.
- */
-static void abstr_new(n, il)
-struct node *n;
-struct il_code *il;
- {
- int i;
- int num_cases, indx;
- struct typ_info *t_info;
- if (il == NULL)
- return;
- switch (il->il_type) {
- case IL_New:
- /*
- * We have found a "new" construct in an abstract type computation.
- * Make sure an array has been created to hold the types allocated
- * to this call, then allocate the indicated type if one has not
- * already been allocated.
- */
- if (n->new_types == NULL) {
- n->new_types = (int *)alloc((unsigned int)(num_new * sizeof(int)));
- for (i = 0; i < num_new; ++i)
- n->new_types[i] = -1;
- }
- t_info = &type_array[il->u[0].n]; /* index by type code */
- if (n->new_types[t_info->new_indx] < 0) {
- n->new_types[t_info->new_indx] = t_info->num_bits++;
-#ifdef TypTrc
- if (trcfile != NULL)
- fprintf(trcfile, "%s (%d,%d) %s\n", n->n_file, n->n_line,
- n->n_col, icontypes[il->u[0].n].id);
-#endif /* TypTrc */
- }
- i = il->u[1].n; /* num args */
- indx = 2;
- while (i--)
- abstr_new(n, il->u[indx++].fld);
- break;
- case IL_If1:
- abstr_new(n, il->u[1].fld);
- break;
- case IL_If2:
- abstr_new(n, il->u[1].fld);
- abstr_new(n, il->u[2].fld);
- break;
- case IL_Tcase1:
- num_cases = il->u[1].n;
- indx = 2;
- for (i = 0; i < num_cases; ++i) {
- indx += 2; /* skip type info */
- abstr_new(n, il->u[indx++].fld); /* action */
- }
- break;
- case IL_Tcase2:
- num_cases = il->u[1].n;
- indx = 2;
- for (i = 0; i < num_cases; ++i) {
- indx += 2; /* skip type info */
- abstr_new(n, il->u[indx++].fld); /* action */
- }
- abstr_new(n, il->u[indx].fld); /* default */
- break;
- case IL_Lcase:
- num_cases = il->u[0].n;
- indx = 1;
- for (i = 0; i < num_cases; ++i) {
- ++indx; /* skip selection num */
- abstr_new(n, il->u[indx++].fld); /* action */
- }
- abstr_new(n, il->u[indx].fld); /* default */
- break;
- case IL_Acase:
- abstr_new(n, il->u[2].fld); /* C_integer action */
- if (largeints)
- abstr_new(n, il->u[3].fld); /* integer action */
- abstr_new(n, il->u[4].fld); /* C_double action */
- break;
- case IL_Abstr:
- case IL_Inter:
- case IL_Lst:
- case IL_TpAsgn:
- case IL_Union:
- abstr_new(n, il->u[0].fld);
- abstr_new(n, il->u[1].fld);
- break;
- case IL_Compnt:
- case IL_Store:
- case IL_VarTyp:
- abstr_new(n, il->u[0].fld);
- break;
- case IL_Block:
- case IL_Call:
- case IL_Const: /* should have been replaced by literal node */
- case IL_Err1:
- case IL_Err2:
- case IL_IcnTyp:
- case IL_Subscr:
- case IL_Var:
- break;
- default:
- fprintf(stderr, "compiler error: unknown info in data base\n");
- }
- }
- * alloc_stor - allocate a store with empty types.
- */
-static struct store *alloc_stor(stor_sz, n_types)
-int stor_sz;
-int n_types;
- {
- struct store *stor;
- int i;
- /*
- * If type inferencing is disabled, we don't actually make use of
- * any stores, but the initialization code asks for them anyway.
- */
- if (!do_typinfer)
- return NULL;
-#ifdef OptimizeType
- stor = (struct store *)alloc((unsigned int)(sizeof(struct store) +
- ((stor_sz - 1) * sizeof(struct typinfo *))));
- stor->next = NULL;
- stor->perm = 1;
- for (i = 0; i < stor_sz; ++i) {
- stor->types[i] = (struct typinfo *)alloc_typ(n_types);
- }
-#else /* OptimizeType */
- stor = (struct store *)alloc((unsigned int)(sizeof(struct store) +
- ((stor_sz - 1) * sizeof(unsigned int *))));
- stor->next = NULL;
- stor->perm = 1;
- for (i = 0; i < stor_sz; ++i) {
- stor->types[i] = (unsigned int *)alloc_typ(n_types);
- }
-#endif /* OptimizeType */
- return stor;
- }
- * findloops - find both explicit loops and implicit loops caused by
- * goal-directed evaluation. Allocate stores for them. Determine which
- * expressions cannot fail (used to eliminate dynamic store allocation
- * for some bounded expressions). Allocate stores for 'if' and 'case'
- * expressions that can be resumed. Initialize expression types.
- * The syntax tree is walked in reverse execution order looking for
- * failure and for generators.
- */
-static int findloops(n, resume, rslt_type)
-struct node *n;
-int resume;
-#ifdef OptimizeType
-struct typinfo *rslt_type;
-#else /* OptimizeType */
-unsigned int *rslt_type;
-#endif /* OptimizeType */
- {
- struct loop {
- int resume;
- int can_fail;
- int every_cntrl;
-#ifdef OptimizeType
- struct typinfo *type;
-#else /* OptimizeType */
- unsigned int *type;
-#endif /* OptimizeType */
- struct loop *prev;
- } loop_info;
- struct loop *loop_sav;
- static struct loop *cur_loop = NULL;
- struct node *cases;
- struct node *clause;
- int can_fail;
- int nargs, i;
- n->store = NULL;
- if (!do_typinfer)
- rslt_type = any_typ;
- switch (n->n_type) {
- case N_Activat:
- if (rslt_type == NULL)
- rslt_type = alloc_typ(n_intrtyp);
- n->type = rslt_type;
- /*
- * Assume activation can fail.
- */
- can_fail = findloops(Tree2(n), 1, NULL);
- can_fail = findloops(Tree1(n), can_fail, NULL);
- n->symtyps = symtyps(2);
- if (optab[Val0(Tree0(n))].tok.t_type == AUGAT)
- n->symtyps->next = symtyps(2);
- break;
- case N_Alt:
- if (rslt_type == NULL)
- rslt_type = alloc_typ(n_intrtyp);
- n->type = rslt_type;
-#ifdef TypTrc
- rslt_type = NULL; /* don't share result loc with subexpressions*/
-#endif /* TypTrc */
- if (resume)
- n->store = alloc_stor(n_gbl + n_loc, n_icntyp);
- can_fail = findloops(Tree0(n), resume, rslt_type) |
- findloops(Tree1(n), resume, rslt_type);
- break;
- case N_Apply:
- if (rslt_type == NULL)
- n->type = alloc_typ(n_intrtyp);
- else
- n->type = rslt_type;
- /*
- * Assume operation can suspend or fail.
- */
- n->store = alloc_stor(n_gbl + n_loc, n_icntyp);
- can_fail = findloops(Tree1(n), 1, NULL);
- can_fail = findloops(Tree0(n), can_fail, NULL);
- n->symtyps = symtyps(max_sym);
- break;
- case N_Augop:
- if (rslt_type == NULL)
- rslt_type = alloc_typ(n_intrtyp);
- n->type = rslt_type;
- can_fail = resume;
- /*
- * Impl0(n) is assignment.
- */
- if (resume && Impl0(n)->ret_flag & DoesSusp)
- n->store = alloc_stor(n_gbl + n_loc, n_icntyp);
- if (MightFail(Impl0(n)->ret_flag))
- can_fail = 1;
- /*
- * Impl1(n) is the augmented operation.
- */
- if (can_fail && Impl1(n)->ret_flag & DoesSusp && n->store == NULL)
- n->store = alloc_stor(n_gbl + n_loc, n_icntyp);
- if (MightFail(Impl1(n)->ret_flag))
- can_fail = 1;
- can_fail = findloops(Tree3(n), can_fail, NULL); /* operand 2 */
- can_fail = findloops(Tree2(n), can_fail, NULL); /* operand 1 */
- n->type = Tree2(n)->type;
- Typ4(n) = alloc_typ(n_intrtyp);
- n->symtyps = symtyps(n_arg_sym(Impl1(n)));
- n->symtyps->next = symtyps(n_arg_sym(Impl0(n)));
- break;
- case N_Bar:
- can_fail = findloops(Tree0(n), resume, rslt_type);
- n->type = Tree0(n)->type;
- n->store = alloc_stor(n_gbl + n_loc, n_icntyp);
- break;
- case N_Break:
- if (cur_loop == NULL) {
- nfatal(n, "invalid context for break", NULL);
- return 0;
- }
- if (rslt_type == NULL)
- n->type = alloc_typ(n_intrtyp);
- else
- n->type = rslt_type;
- loop_sav = cur_loop;
- cur_loop = cur_loop->prev;
- loop_sav->can_fail |= findloops(Tree0(n), loop_sav->resume,
- loop_sav->type);
- cur_loop = loop_sav;
- can_fail = 0;
- break;
- case N_Case:
- if (rslt_type == NULL)
- rslt_type = alloc_typ(n_intrtyp);
- n->type = rslt_type;
-#ifdef TypTrc
- rslt_type = NULL; /* don't share result loc with subexpressions*/
-#endif /* TypTrc */
- if (resume)
- n->store = alloc_stor(n_gbl + n_loc, n_icntyp);
- /*
- * control clause is bounded
- */
- can_fail = findloops(Tree0(n), 0, NULL);
- cases = Tree1(n);
- while (cases != NULL) {
- if (cases->n_type == N_Ccls) {
- clause = cases;
- cases = NULL;
- }
- else {
- clause = Tree1(cases);
- cases = Tree0(cases);
- }
- /*
- * The expression being compared can be resumed.
- */
- findloops(Tree0(clause), 1, NULL);
- /*
- * Body.
- */
- can_fail |= findloops(Tree1(clause), resume, rslt_type);
- }
- if (Tree2(n) == NULL)
- can_fail = 1;
- else
- can_fail |= findloops(Tree2(n), resume, rslt_type); /* default */
- break;
- case N_Create:
- if (rslt_type == NULL)
- n->type = alloc_typ(n_intrtyp);
- else
- n->type = rslt_type;
- findloops(Tree0(n), 1, NULL); /* co-expression code */
- /*
- * precompute type
- */
- i= type_array[coexp_typ].frst_bit;
- if (do_typinfer)
- i += n->new_types[0];
- set_typ(n->type, i);
- can_fail = resume;
- break;
- case N_Cset:
- if (rslt_type == NULL)
- n->type = alloc_typ(n_intrtyp);
- else
- n->type = rslt_type;
- set_typ(n->type, type_array[cset_typ].frst_bit); /* precompute type */
- can_fail = resume;
- break;
- case N_Empty:
- if (rslt_type == NULL)
- n->type = alloc_typ(n_intrtyp);
- else
- n->type = rslt_type;
- set_typ(n->type, null_bit); /* precompute type */
- can_fail = resume;
- break;
- case N_Id: {
- struct lentry *var;
- if (rslt_type == NULL)
- n->type = alloc_typ(n_intrtyp);
- else
- n->type = rslt_type;
- /*
- * Precompute type
- */
- var = LSym0(n);
- if (var->flag & F_Global)
- set_typ(n->type, frst_gbl + var->>index);
- else if (var->flag & F_Static)
- set_typ(n->type, frst_gbl + var->val.index);
- else
- set_typ(n->type, frst_loc + var->val.index);
- can_fail = resume;
- }
- break;
- case N_Field:
- if (rslt_type == NULL)
- n->type = alloc_typ(n_intrtyp);
- else
- n->type = rslt_type;
- can_fail = findloops(Tree0(n), resume, NULL);
- n->symtyps = symtyps(1);
- break;
- case N_If:
- if (rslt_type == NULL)
- rslt_type = alloc_typ(n_intrtyp);
- n->type = rslt_type;
-#ifdef TypTrc
- rslt_type = NULL; /* don't share result loc with subexpressions*/
-#endif /* TypTrc */
- /*
- * control clause is bounded
- */
- findloops(Tree0(n), 0, NULL);
- can_fail = findloops(Tree1(n), resume, rslt_type);
- if (Tree2(n)->n_type == N_Empty)
- can_fail = 1;
- else {
- if (resume)
- n->store = alloc_stor(n_gbl + n_loc, n_icntyp);
- can_fail |= findloops(Tree2(n), resume, rslt_type);
- }
- break;
- case N_Int:
- if (rslt_type == NULL)
- n->type = alloc_typ(n_intrtyp);
- else
- n->type = rslt_type;
- set_typ(n->type, int_bit); /* precompute type */
- can_fail = resume;
- break;
- case N_Invok:
- if (rslt_type == NULL)
- n->type = alloc_typ(n_intrtyp);
- else
- n->type = rslt_type;
- nargs = Val0(n); /* number of arguments */
- /*
- * Assume operation can suspend and fail.
- */
- if (resume)
- n->store = alloc_stor(n_gbl + n_loc, n_icntyp);
- can_fail = 1;
- for (i = nargs; i >= 0; --i)
- can_fail = findloops(n->n_field[i+1].n_ptr, can_fail, NULL);
- n->symtyps = symtyps(max_sym);
- break;
- case N_InvOp:
- if (rslt_type == NULL)
- n->type = alloc_typ(n_intrtyp);
- else
- n->type = rslt_type;
- nargs = Val0(n); /* number of arguments */
- if (resume && Impl1(n)->ret_flag & DoesSusp)
- n->store = alloc_stor(n_gbl + n_loc, n_icntyp);
- if (MightFail(Impl1(n)->ret_flag))
- can_fail = 1;
- else
- can_fail = resume;
- for (i = nargs; i >= 1; --i)
- can_fail = findloops(n->n_field[i+1].n_ptr, can_fail, NULL);
- n->symtyps = symtyps(n_arg_sym(Impl1(n)));
- break;
- case N_InvProc:
- if (rslt_type == NULL)
- n->type = alloc_typ(n_intrtyp);
- else
- n->type = rslt_type;
- nargs = Val0(n); /* number of arguments */
- if (resume && Proc1(n)->ret_flag & DoesSusp)
- n->store = alloc_stor(n_gbl + n_loc, n_icntyp);
- if (Proc1(n)->ret_flag & DoesFail)
- can_fail = 1;
- else
- can_fail = resume;
- for (i = nargs; i >= 1; --i)
- can_fail = findloops(n->n_field[i+1].n_ptr, can_fail, NULL);
- break;
- case N_InvRec:
- if (rslt_type == NULL)
- n->type = alloc_typ(n_intrtyp);
- else
- n->type = rslt_type;
- nargs = Val0(n); /* number of args */
- if (err_conv)
- can_fail = 1;
- else
- can_fail = resume;
- for (i = nargs; i >= 1; --i)
- can_fail = findloops(n->n_field[i+1].n_ptr, can_fail, NULL);
- break;
- case N_Limit:
- findloops(Tree0(n), resume, rslt_type);
- can_fail = findloops(Tree1(n), 1, NULL);
- n->type = Tree0(n)->type;
- n->store = alloc_stor(n_gbl + n_loc, n_icntyp);
- n->symtyps = symtyps(1);
- break;
- case N_Loop: {
- if (rslt_type == NULL)
- n->type = alloc_typ(n_intrtyp);
- else
- n->type = rslt_type;
- loop_info.prev = cur_loop;
- loop_info.resume = resume;
- loop_info.can_fail = 0;
- loop_info.every_cntrl = 0;
- loop_info.type = n->type;
- cur_loop = &loop_info;
- switch ((int)Val0(Tree0(n))) {
- case EVERY:
- case SUSPEND:
- /*
- * The control clause can be resumed. The body is bounded.
- */
- loop_info.every_cntrl = 1;
- can_fail = findloops(Tree1(n), 1, NULL);
- loop_info.every_cntrl = 0;
- findloops(Tree2(n), 0, NULL);
- break;
- case REPEAT:
- /*
- * The loop needs a saved store. The body is bounded.
- */
- findloops(Tree1(n), 0, NULL);
- can_fail = 0;
- break;
- case WHILE:
- /*
- * The loop needs a saved store. The control
- * clause and the body are each bounded.
- */
- can_fail = findloops(Tree1(n), 0, NULL);
- findloops(Tree2(n), 0, NULL);
- break;
- case UNTIL:
- /*
- * The loop needs a saved store. The control
- * clause and the body are each bounded.
- */
- findloops(Tree1(n), 0, NULL);
- findloops(Tree2(n), 0, NULL);
- can_fail = 1;
- break;
- }
- n->store = alloc_stor(n_gbl + n_loc, n_icntyp);
- if (do_typinfer && resume)
- n->store->next = alloc_stor(n_gbl + n_loc, n_icntyp);
- can_fail |= cur_loop->can_fail;
- cur_loop = cur_loop->prev;
- }
- break;
- case N_Next:
- if (cur_loop == NULL) {
- nfatal(n, "invalid context for next", NULL);
- return 1;
- }
- if (rslt_type == NULL)
- n->type = alloc_typ(n_intrtyp);
- else
- n->type = rslt_type;
- can_fail = cur_loop->every_cntrl;
- break;
- case N_Not:
- if (rslt_type == NULL)
- n->type = alloc_typ(n_intrtyp);
- else
- n->type = rslt_type;
- set_typ(n->type, null_bit); /* precompute type */
- /*
- * The expression is bounded.
- */
- findloops(Tree0(n), 0, NULL);
- can_fail = 1;
- break;
- case N_Real:
- if (rslt_type == NULL)
- n->type = alloc_typ(n_intrtyp);
- else
- n->type = rslt_type;
- set_typ(n->type, real_bit); /* precompute type */
- can_fail = resume;
- break;
- case N_Ret:
- if (rslt_type == NULL)
- n->type = alloc_typ(n_intrtyp);
- else
- n->type = rslt_type;
- if (Val0(Tree0(n)) == RETURN) {
- /*
- * The expression is bounded.
- */
- findloops(Tree1(n), 0, NULL);
- }
- can_fail = 0;
- break;
- case N_Scan: {
- struct implement *asgn_impl;
- if (rslt_type == NULL)
- n->type = alloc_typ(n_intrtyp);
- else
- n->type = rslt_type;
- n->symtyps = symtyps(1);
- can_fail = resume;
- if (optab[Val0(Tree0(n))].tok.t_type == AUGQMARK) {
- asgn_impl = optab[asgn_loc].binary;
- if (resume && asgn_impl->ret_flag & DoesSusp)
- n->store = alloc_stor(n_gbl + n_loc, n_icntyp);
- if (MightFail(asgn_impl->ret_flag))
- can_fail = 1;
- n->symtyps->next = symtyps(n_arg_sym(asgn_impl));
- }
- can_fail = findloops(Tree2(n), can_fail, NULL); /* body */
- can_fail = findloops(Tree1(n), can_fail, NULL); /* subject */
- }
- break;
- case N_Sect:
- if (rslt_type == NULL)
- n->type = alloc_typ(n_intrtyp);
- else
- n->type = rslt_type;
- can_fail = resume;
- /*
- * Impl0(n) is sectioning.
- */
- if (resume && Impl0(n)->ret_flag & DoesSusp)
- n->store = alloc_stor(n_gbl + n_loc, n_icntyp);
- if (MightFail(Impl0(n)->ret_flag))
- can_fail = 1;
- n->symtyps = symtyps(n_arg_sym(Impl0(n)));
- if (Impl1(n) != NULL) {
- /*
- * Impl1(n) is plus or minus
- */
- if (can_fail && Impl1(n)->ret_flag & DoesSusp && n->store == NULL)
- n->store = alloc_stor(n_gbl + n_loc, n_icntyp);
- if (MightFail(Impl1(n)->ret_flag))
- can_fail = 1;
- n->symtyps->next = symtyps(n_arg_sym(Impl1(n)));
- }
- can_fail = findloops(Tree4(n), can_fail, NULL); /* operand 3 */
- can_fail = findloops(Tree3(n), can_fail, NULL); /* operand 2 */
- can_fail = findloops(Tree2(n), can_fail, NULL); /* operand 1 */
- break;
- case N_Slist:
- /*
- * 1st expression is bounded.
- */
- findloops(Tree0(n), 0, NULL);
- can_fail = findloops(Tree1(n), resume, rslt_type);
- n->type = Tree1(n)->type;
- break;
- case N_SmplAsgn:
- can_fail = findloops(Tree3(n), resume, NULL); /* 2nd operand */
- findloops(Tree2(n), can_fail, rslt_type); /* variable */
- n->type = Tree2(n)->type;
- break;
- case N_SmplAug:
- can_fail = resume;
- /*
- * Impl1(n) is the augmented operation.
- */
- if (resume && Impl1(n)->ret_flag & DoesSusp)
- n->store = alloc_stor(n_gbl + n_loc, n_icntyp);
- if (MightFail(Impl1(n)->ret_flag))
- can_fail = 1;
- can_fail = findloops(Tree3(n), can_fail, NULL); /* 2nd operand */
- findloops(Tree2(n), can_fail, rslt_type); /* variable */
- n->symtyps = symtyps(n_arg_sym(Impl1(n)));
- n->type = Tree2(n)->type;
- Typ4(n) = alloc_typ(n_intrtyp);
- break;
- case N_Str:
- if (rslt_type == NULL)
- n->type = alloc_typ(n_intrtyp);
- else
- n->type = rslt_type;
- set_typ(n->type, str_bit); /* precompute type */
- can_fail = resume;
- break;
- default:
- fprintf(stderr, "compiler error: node type %d unknown\n", n->n_type);
- }
- if (can_fail)
- n->flag = CanFail;
- else
- n->flag = 0;
- return can_fail;
- }
- * symtyps - determine the number of entries needed for a symbol table
- * that maps argument indexes to types for an operation in the
- * data base. Allocate the symbol table.
- */
-static struct symtyps *symtyps(nsyms)
-int nsyms;
- {
- struct symtyps *tab;
- if (nsyms == 0)
- return NULL;
-#ifdef OptimizeType
- tab = (struct symtyps *)alloc((unsigned int)(sizeof(struct symtyps) +
- (nsyms - 1) * sizeof(struct typinfo *)));
-#else /* OptimizeType */
- tab = (struct symtyps *)alloc((unsigned int)(sizeof(struct symtyps) +
- (nsyms - 1) * sizeof(int *)));
-#endif /* OptimizeType */
- tab->nsyms = nsyms;
- tab->next = NULL;
- while (nsyms)
- tab->types[--nsyms] = alloc_typ(n_intrtyp);
- return tab;
- }
- * infer_proc - perform type inference on a call to an Icon procedure.
- */
-static void infer_prc(proc, n)
-struct pentry *proc;
-nodeptr n;
- {
- struct store *s_store;
- struct store *f_store;
- struct store *store;
- struct pentry *sv_proc;
- struct t_coexpr *sv_coexp;
- struct lentry *lptr;
- nodeptr n1;
- int i;
- int nparams;
- int coexp_bit;
- /*
- * Determine what co-expressions the procedure might be called from.
- */
- if (cur_coexp == NULL)
- ChkMrgTyp(n_icntyp, cur_proc->coexprs, proc->coexprs)
- else {
- coexp_bit = type_array[coexp_typ].frst_bit + cur_coexp->typ_indx;
- if (!bitset(proc->coexprs, coexp_bit)) {
- ++changed;
- set_typ(proc->coexprs, coexp_bit);
- }
- }
- proc->reachable = 1; /* this procedure can be called */
- /*
- * If this procedure can suspend, there may be backtracking paths
- * to this invocation. If so, propagate types of globals from the
- * backtracking paths to the suspends of the procedure and propagate
- * types of locals to the success store of the call.
- */
- if (proc->ret_flag & DoesSusp && n->store != NULL) {
- for (i = 0; i < n_gbl; ++i)
- ChkMrgTyp(n_icntyp, n->store->types[i], proc->susp_store->types[i])
- for (i = 0; i < n_loc; ++i)
- MrgTyp(n_icntyp, n->store->types[n_gbl + i], succ_store->types[n_gbl +
- i])
- }
- /*
- * Merge the types of global variables into the "in store" of the
- * procedure. Because the body of the procedure may already have
- * been processed for this pass, the "changed" flag must be set if
- * there is a change of type in the store. This will insure that
- * there will be another iteration in which to propagate the change
- * into the body.
- */
- store = proc->in_store;
- for (i = 0; i < n_gbl; ++i)
- ChkMrgTyp(n_icntyp, succ_store->types[i], store->types[i])
-#ifdef TypTrc
- /*
- * Trace the call.
- */
- if (trcfile != NULL)
- fprintf(trcfile, "%s (%d,%d) %s%s(", n->n_file, n->n_line, n->n_col,
- trc_indent, proc->name);
-#endif /* TypTrc */
- /*
- * Get the types of the arguments, starting with the non-varargs part.
- */
- nparams = proc->nargs; /* number of parameters */
- if (nparams < 0)
- nparams = -nparams - 1;
- for (i = 0; i < num_args && i < nparams; ++i) {
- typ_deref(arg_typs->types[i], store->types[n_gbl + i], 1);
-#ifdef TypTrc
- if (trcfile != NULL) {
- /*
- * Trace the argument type to the call.
- */
- if (i > 0)
- fprintf(trcfile, ", ");
- prt_d_typ(trcfile, arg_typs->types[i]);
- }
-#endif /* TypTrc */
- }
- /*
- * Get the type of the varargs part of the argument list.
- */
- if (proc->nargs < 0)
- while (i < num_args) {
- typ_deref(arg_typs->types[i],
- compnt_array[lst_elem].store->types[proc->arg_lst], 1);
-#ifdef TypTrc
- if (trcfile != NULL) {
- /*
- * Trace the argument type to the call.
- */
- if (i > 0)
- fprintf(trcfile, ", ");
- prt_d_typ(trcfile, arg_typs->types[i]);
- }
-#endif /* TypTrc */
- ++i;
- }
- /*
- * Missing arguments have the null type.
- */
- while (i < nparams) {
- set_typ(store->types[n_gbl + i], null_bit);
- ++i;
- }
-#ifdef TypTrc
- if (trcfile != NULL)
- fprintf(trcfile, ")\n");
- {
- char *trc_ind_sav = trc_indent;
- trc_indent = ""; /* staring a new procedure, don't indent tracing */
-#endif /* TypTrc */
- /*
- * only perform type inference on the body of a procedure
- * once per iteration
- */
- if (proc->iteration < iteration) {
- proc->iteration = iteration;
- s_store = succ_store;
- f_store = fail_store;
- sv_proc = cur_proc;
- succ_store = cpy_store(proc->in_store);
- cur_proc = proc;
- sv_coexp = cur_coexp;
- cur_coexp = NULL; /* we are not in a create expression */
- /*
- * Perform type inference on the initial clause. Static variables
- * are initialized to null on this path.
- */
- for (lptr = proc->statics; lptr != NULL; lptr = lptr->next)
- set_typ(succ_store->types[lptr->val.index], null_bit);
- n1 = Tree1(proc->tree);
- if (n1->flag & CanFail) {
- /*
- * The initial clause can fail. Because it is bounded, we need
- * a new failure store that we can merge into the success store
- * at the end of the clause.
- */
- store = get_store(1);
- fail_store = store;
- infer_nd(n1);
- mrg_store(store, succ_store);
- free_store(store);
- }
- else
- infer_nd(n1);
- /*
- * Perform type inference on the body of procedure. Execution may
- * pass directly to it without executing initial clause.
- */
- mrg_store(proc->in_store, succ_store);
- n1 = Tree2(proc->tree);
- if (n1->flag & CanFail) {
- /*
- * The body can fail. Because it is bounded, we need a new failure
- * store that we can merge into the success store at the end of
- * the procedure.
- */
- store = get_store(1);
- fail_store = store;
- infer_nd(n1);
- mrg_store(store, succ_store);
- free_store(store);
- }
- else
- infer_nd(n1);
- set_ret(NULL); /* implicit fail */
- free_store(succ_store);
- succ_store = s_store;
- fail_store = f_store;
- cur_proc = sv_proc;
- cur_coexp = sv_coexp;
- }
-#ifdef TypTrc
- trc_indent = trc_ind_sav;
- }
-#endif /* TypTrc */
- /*
- * Get updated types for global variables at the end of the call.
- */
- store = proc->out_store;
- for (i = 0; i < n_gbl; ++i)
- CpyTyp(n_icntyp, store->types[i], succ_store->types[i]);
- /*
- * If the procedure can fail, merge variable types into the failure
- * store.
- */
- if (proc->ret_flag & DoesFail)
- mrg_store(succ_store, fail_store);
- /*
- * The return type of the procedure is the result type of the call.
- */
- MrgTyp(n_intrtyp, proc->ret_typ, n->type);
- }
- * cpy_store - make a copy of a store.
- */
-static struct store *cpy_store(source)
-struct store *source;
- {
- struct store *dest;
- int stor_sz;
- int i;
- if (source == NULL)
- dest = get_store(1);
- else {
- stor_sz = n_gbl + n_loc;
- dest = get_store(0);
- for (i = 0; i < stor_sz; ++i)
- CpyTyp(n_icntyp, source->types[i], dest->types[i])
- }
- return dest;
- }
- * mrg_store - merge the source store into the destination store.
- */
-static void mrg_store(source, dest)
-struct store *source;
-struct store *dest;
- {
- int i;
- if (source == NULL)
- return;
- /*
- * Is this store included in the state that must be checked for a fixed
- * point?
- */
- if (dest->perm) {
- for (i = 0; i < n_gbl + n_loc; ++i)
- ChkMrgTyp(n_icntyp, source->types[i], dest->types[i])
- }
- else {
- for (i = 0; i < n_gbl + n_loc; ++i)
- MrgTyp(n_icntyp, source->types[i], dest->types[i])
- }
- }
- * set_ret - Save return type and the store for global variables.
- */
-static void set_ret(typ)
-#ifdef OptimizeType
-struct typinfo *typ;
-#else /* OptimizeType */
-unsigned int *typ;
-#endif /* OptimizeType */
- {
- int i;
- /*
- * Merge the return type into the type of the procedure, dereferencing
- * locals in the process.
- */
- if (typ != NULL)
- deref_lcl(typ, cur_proc->ret_typ);
- /*
- * Update the types that variables may have upon exit of the procedure.
- */
- for (i = 0; i < n_gbl; ++i)
- MrgTyp(n_icntyp, succ_store->types[i], cur_proc->out_store->types[i]);
- }
- * deref_lcl - dereference local variable sub-types.
- */
-static void deref_lcl(src, dest)
-#ifdef OptimizeType
-struct typinfo *src;
-struct typinfo *dest;
-#else /* OptimizeType */
-unsigned int *src;
-unsigned int *dest;
-#endif /* OptimizeType */
- {
- int i, j;
- int ref_gbl;
- int frst_stv;
- int num_stv;
- struct store *stv_stor;
- struct type *wktyp;
- /*
- * Make a copy of the type to be dereferenced.
- */
- wktyp = get_wktyp();
- CpyTyp(n_intrtyp, src, wktyp->bits);
- /*
- * Determine which variable types must be dereferenced. Merge the
- * dereferenced type into the return type and delete the variable
- * type. Start with simple local variables.
- */
- for (i = 0; i < n_loc; ++i)
- if (bitset(wktyp->bits, frst_loc + i)) {
- MrgTyp(n_icntyp, succ_store->types[n_gbl + i], wktyp->bits)
- clr_typ(wktyp->bits, frst_loc + i);
- }
- /*
- * Check for substring trapped variables. If a sub-string trapped
- * variable references a local, add "string" to the return type.
- * If a sub-string trapped variable references a global, leave the
- * trapped variable in the return type.
- * It is theoretically possible for a sub-string trapped variable type to
- * reference both a local and a global. When the trapped variable type
- * is returned to the calling procedure, the local is re-interpreted
- * as a local of that procedure. This is a "valid" overestimate of
- * of the semantics of the return. Because this is unlikely to occur
- * in real programs, the overestimate is of no practical consequence.
- */
- num_stv = type_array[stv_typ].num_bits;
- frst_stv = type_array[stv_typ].frst_bit;
- stv_stor = compnt_array[str_var].store;
- for (i = 0; i < num_stv; ++i) {
- if (bitset(wktyp->bits, frst_stv + i)) {
- /*
- * We have found substring trapped variable i, see whether it
- * references locals or globals. Globals include structure
- * element references.
- */
- for (j = 0; j < n_loc; ++j)
- if (bitset(stv_stor->types[i], frst_loc + j)) {
- set_typ(wktyp->bits, str_bit);
- break;
- }
- ref_gbl = 0;
- for (j = n_icntyp; j < frst_loc; ++j)
- if (bitset(stv_stor->types[i], j)) {
- ref_gbl = 1;
- break;
- }
- /*
- * Keep the trapped variable only if it references globals.
- */
- if (!ref_gbl)
- clr_typ(wktyp->bits, frst_stv + i);
- }
- }
- /*
- * Merge the types into the destination.
- */
- MrgTyp(n_intrtyp, wktyp->bits, dest);
-#ifdef TypTrc
- if (trcfile != NULL) {
- prt_typ(trcfile, wktyp->bits);
- fprintf(trcfile, "\n");
- }
-#endif /* TypTrc */
- free_wktyp(wktyp);
- }
- * get_store - get a store large enough to hold globals and locals.
- */
-static struct store *get_store(clear)
-int clear;
- {
- struct store *store;
- int store_sz;
- int i;
- /*
- * Warning, stores for all procedures must be the same size. In some
- * situations involving sub-string trapped variables (for example
- * when using the "default" trapped variable) a referenced local variable
- * type may be interpreted in a procedure to which it does not belong.
- * This represents an impossible execution and type inference may
- * "legally" produce any results for this part of the abstract
- * interpretation. As long as the store is large enough to include any
- * such "impossible" variables, type inference will do something legal.
- * Note that n_loc is the maximum number of locals in any procedure,
- * so store_sz is large enough.
- */
- store_sz = n_gbl + n_loc;
- if ((store = store_pool) == NULL) {
- store = alloc_stor(store_sz, n_icntyp);
- store->perm = 0;
- }
- else {
- store_pool = store_pool->next;
- /*
- * See if the variables in the store should be initialized to the
- * empty type.
- */
- if (clear)
- for (i = 0; i < store_sz; ++i)
- ClrTyp(n_icntyp, store->types[i]);
- }
- return store;
- }
-static void free_store(store)
-struct store *store;
- {
- store->next = store_pool;
- store_pool = store;
- }
- * infer_nd - perform type inference on a subtree of the syntax tree.
- */
-static void infer_nd(n)
-nodeptr n;
- {
- struct node *cases;
- struct node *clause;
- struct store *s_store;
- struct store *f_store;
- struct store *store;
- struct loop {
- struct store *succ_store;
- struct store *fail_store;
- struct store *next_store;
- struct store *susp_store;
- struct loop *prev;
- } loop_info;
- struct loop *loop_sav;
- static struct loop *cur_loop;
- struct argtyps *sav_argtyp;
- int sav_nargs;
- struct type *wktyp;
- int i;
- switch (n->n_type) {
- case N_Activat:
- infer_act(n);
- break;
- case N_Alt:
- f_store = fail_store;
- store = get_store(1);
- fail_store = store;
- infer_nd(Tree0(n)); /* 1st alternative */
- /*
- * "Correct" type inferencing of alternation has a performance
- * problem. Propagating stores through nested alternation
- * requires as many iterations as the depth of the nesting.
- * This is solved by adding two edges to the flow graph. These
- * represent impossible execution paths but this does not
- * affect the soundness of type inferencing and, in "real"
- * programs, does not affect the preciseness of its inference.
- * One edge is directly from the 1st alternative to the 2nd.
- * The other is a backtracking edge immediately back into
- * the alternation from the 1st alternative.
- */
- mrg_store(succ_store, store); /* imaginary edge to 2nd alternative */
- if (n->store != NULL) {
- mrg_store(succ_store, n->store); /* imaginary backtracking edge */
- mrg_store(n->store, fail_store);
- }
- s_store = succ_store;
- succ_store = store;
- fail_store = f_store;
- infer_nd(Tree1(n)); /* 2nd alternative */
- mrg_store(s_store, succ_store);
- free_store(s_store);
- if (n->store != NULL)
- mrg_store(n->store, fail_store);
- fail_store = n->store;
-#ifdef TypTrc
- MrgTyp(n_intrtyp, Tree0(n)->type, n->type);
- MrgTyp(n_intrtyp, Tree1(n)->type, n->type);
-#else /* TypTrc */
- /*
- * Type is computed by sub-expressions directly into n->type.
- */
-#endif /* TypTrc */
- break;
- case N_Apply: {
- struct type *lst_types;
- int frst_lst;
- int num_lst;
- struct store *lstel_stor;
- infer_nd(Tree0(n)); /* thing being invoked */
- infer_nd(Tree1(n)); /* list */
- frst_lst = type_array[list_typ].frst_bit;
- num_lst = type_array[list_typ].num_bits;
- lstel_stor = compnt_array[lst_elem].store;
- /*
- * All that is available is a "summary" of the types of the
- * elements of the list. Each argument to the invocation
- * could be any type in the summary. Set up a maximum length
- * argument list.
- */
- lst_types = get_wktyp();
- typ_deref(Tree1(n)->type, lst_types->bits, 0);
- wktyp = get_wktyp();
- for (i = 0; i < num_lst; ++i)
- if (bitset(lst_types->bits, frst_lst + i))
- MrgTyp(n_icntyp, lstel_stor->types[i], wktyp->bits);
- bitset(wktyp->bits, null_bit); /* arg list extension might be done */
- sav_nargs = num_args;
- sav_argtyp = arg_typs;
- num_args = max_prm;
- arg_typs = get_argtyp();
- for (i = 0; i < max_prm; ++i)
- arg_typs->types[i] = wktyp->bits;
- gen_inv(Tree0(n)->type, n); /* inference on general invocation */
- free_wktyp(wktyp);
- free_wktyp(lst_types);
- free_argtyp(arg_typs);
- arg_typs = sav_argtyp;
- num_args = sav_nargs;
- }
- break;
- case N_Augop:
- infer_nd(Tree2(n)); /* 1st operand */
- infer_nd(Tree3(n)); /* 2nd operand */
- /*
- * Perform type inference on the operation.
- */
- sav_argtyp = arg_typs;
- sav_nargs = num_args;
- arg_typs = get_argtyp();
- num_args = 2;
- arg_typs->types[0] = Tree2(n)->type;
- arg_typs->types[1] = Tree3(n)->type;
- infer_impl(Impl1(n), n, n->symtyps, Typ4(n));
- chk_succ(Impl1(n)->ret_flag, n->store);
- /*
- * Perform type inference on the assignment.
- */
- arg_typs->types[1] = Typ4(n);
- infer_impl(Impl0(n), n, n->symtyps->next, n->type);
- chk_succ(Impl0(n)->ret_flag, n->store);
- free_argtyp(arg_typs);
- arg_typs = sav_argtyp;
- num_args = sav_nargs;
- break;
- case N_Bar:
- /*
- * This operation intercepts failure and has an associated
- * resumption store. If backtracking reaches this operation
- * execution may either continue backward or proceed forward
- * again.
- */
- mrg_store(n->store, fail_store);
- mrg_store(n->store, succ_store);
- fail_store = n->store;
- infer_nd(Tree0(n));
- /*
- * Type is computed by operand.
- */
- break;
- case N_Break:
- /*
- * The success and failure stores for the operand of break are
- * those associated with the enclosing loop.
- */
- fail_store = cur_loop->fail_store;
- loop_sav = cur_loop;
- cur_loop = cur_loop->prev;
- infer_nd(Tree0(n));
- cur_loop = loop_sav;
- mrg_store(succ_store, cur_loop->succ_store);
- if (cur_loop->susp_store != NULL)
- mrg_store(cur_loop->susp_store, fail_store);
- free_store(succ_store);
- succ_store = get_store(1); /* empty store says: can't get past here */
- fail_store = dummy_stor; /* shouldn't be used */
- /*
- * Result of break is empty type. Result type of expression
- * is computed directly into result type of loop.
- */
- break;
- case N_Case:
- f_store = fail_store;
- s_store = get_store(1);
- infer_nd(Tree0(n)); /* control clause */
- cases = Tree1(n);
- while (cases != NULL) {
- if (cases->n_type == N_Ccls) {
- clause = cases;
- cases = NULL;
- }
- else {
- clause = Tree1(cases);
- cases = Tree0(cases);
- }
- /*
- * Set up a failure store to capture the effects of failure
- * of the selection clause.
- */
- store = get_store(1);
- fail_store = store;
- infer_nd(Tree0(clause)); /* value of clause */
- /*
- * Create the effect of the possible failure of the comparison
- * of the selection value to the control value.
- */
- mrg_store(succ_store, fail_store);
- /*
- * The success and failure stores and the result of the body
- * of the clause are those of the whole case expression.
- */
- fail_store = f_store;
- infer_nd(Tree1(clause)); /* body of clause */
- mrg_store(succ_store, s_store);
- free_store(succ_store);
- succ_store = store;
- if (n->store != NULL)
- mrg_store(n->store, fail_store); /* 'case' can be resumed */
-#ifdef TypTrc
- MrgTyp(n_intrtyp, Tree1(clause)->type, n->type);
-#else /* TypTrc */
- /*
- * Type is computed by case clause directly into n->type.
- */
-#endif /* TypTrc */
- }
- /*
- * Check for default clause.
- */
- if (Tree2(n) == NULL)
- mrg_store(succ_store, f_store);
- else {
- fail_store = f_store;
- infer_nd(Tree2(n)); /* default */
- mrg_store(succ_store, s_store);
- if (n->store != NULL)
- mrg_store(n->store, fail_store); /* 'case' can be resumed */
-#ifdef TypTrc
- MrgTyp(n_intrtyp, Tree2(n)->type, n->type);
-#else /* TypTrc */
- /*
- * Type is computed by default clause directly into n->type.
- */
-#endif /* TypTrc */
- }
- free_store(succ_store);
- succ_store = s_store;
- if (n->store != NULL)
- fail_store = n->store;
- break;
- case N_Create:
- /*
- * Record initial values of local variables for coexpression.
- */
- store = coexp_map[n->new_types[0]]->in_store;
- for (i = 0; i < n_loc; ++i)
- ChkMrgTyp(n_icntyp, succ_store->types[n_gbl + i],
- store->types[n_gbl + i])
- /*
- * Type is precomputed.
- */
- break;
- case N_Cset:
- case N_Empty:
- case N_Id:
- case N_Int:
- case N_Real:
- case N_Str:
- /*
- * Type is precomputed.
- */
- break;
- case N_Field: {
- struct fentry *fp;
- struct par_rec *rp;
- int frst_rec;
- if ((fp = flookup(Str0(Tree1(n)))) == NULL) {
- break; /* error message printed elsewhere */
- }
- /*
- * Determine the record types.
- */
- infer_nd(Tree0(n));
- typ_deref(Tree0(n)->type, n->symtyps->types[0], 0);
- /*
- * For each record containing this field, get the tupe of
- * the field in that record.
- */
- frst_rec = type_array[rec_typ].frst_bit;
- for (rp = fp->rlist; rp != NULL; rp = rp->next) {
- if (bitset(n->symtyps->types[0], frst_rec + rp->rec->rec_num))
- set_typ(n->type, frst_fld + rp->rec->frst_fld + rp->offset);
- }
- }
- break;
- case N_If:
- f_store = fail_store;
- if (Tree2(n)->n_type != N_Empty) {
- /*
- * If there is an else clause, we must set up a failure store
- * to capture the effects of failure of the control clause.
- */
- store = get_store(1);
- fail_store = store;
- }
- infer_nd(Tree0(n)); /* control clause */
- /*
- * If the control clause succeeds, execution passes into the
- * then clause with the failure store for the entire if expression.
- */
- fail_store = f_store;
- infer_nd(Tree1(n)); /* then clause */
- if (Tree2(n)->n_type != N_Empty) {
- if (n->store != NULL)
- mrg_store(n->store, fail_store); /* 'if' expr can be resumed */
- s_store = succ_store;
- /*
- * The entering success store of the else clause is the failure
- * store of the control clause. The failure store is that of
- * the entire if expression.
- */
- succ_store = store;
- fail_store = f_store;
- infer_nd(Tree2(n)); /* else clause */
- if (n->store != NULL) {
- mrg_store(n->store, fail_store); /* 'if' expr can be resumed */
- fail_store = n->store;
- }
- /*
- * Join the exiting success stores of the then and else clauses.
- */
- mrg_store(s_store, succ_store);
- free_store(s_store);
- }
-#ifdef TypTrc
- MrgTyp(n_intrtyp, Tree1(n)->type, n->type);
- if (Tree2(n)->n_type != N_Empty)
- MrgTyp(n_intrtyp, Tree2(n)->type, n->type);
-#else /* TypTrc */
- /*
- * Type computed by 'then' and 'else' clauses directly into n->type.
- */
-#endif /* TypTrc */
- break;
- case N_Invok:
- /*
- * General invocation.
- */
- infer_nd(Tree1(n)); /* thing being invoked */
- /*
- * Perform type inference on all the arguments and copy the
- * results into the argument type array.
- */
- sav_argtyp = arg_typs;
- sav_nargs = num_args;
- arg_typs = get_argtyp();
- num_args = Val0(n); /* number of arguments */
- for (i = 0; i < num_args; ++i) {
- infer_nd(n->n_field[i+2].n_ptr); /* arg i */
- arg_typs->types[i] = n->n_field[i+2].n_ptr->type;
- }
- /*
- * If this is mutual evaluation, get the type of the last argument,
- * otherwise do inference on general invocation.
- */
- if (Tree1(n)->n_type == N_Empty) {
- MrgTyp(n_intrtyp, arg_typs->types[num_args - 1], n->type);
- }
- else
- gen_inv(Tree1(n)->type, n);
- free_argtyp(arg_typs);
- arg_typs = sav_argtyp;
- num_args = sav_nargs;
- break;
- case N_InvOp:
- /*
- * Invocation of a run-time operation. Perform inference on all
- * the arguments, copying the results into the argument type
- * array.
- */
- sav_argtyp = arg_typs;
- sav_nargs = num_args;
- arg_typs = get_argtyp();
- num_args = Val0(n); /* number of arguments */
- for (i = 0; i < num_args; ++i) {
- infer_nd(n->n_field[i+2].n_ptr); /* arg i */
- arg_typs->types[i] = n->n_field[i+2].n_ptr->type;
- }
- /*
- * Perform inference on operation invocation.
- */
- infer_impl(Impl1(n), n, n->symtyps, n->type);
- chk_succ(Impl1(n)->ret_flag, n->store);
- free_argtyp(arg_typs);
- arg_typs = sav_argtyp;
- num_args = sav_nargs;
- break;
- case N_InvProc:
- /*
- * Invocation of a procedure. Perform inference on all
- * the arguments, copying the results into the argument type
- * array.
- */
- sav_argtyp = arg_typs;
- sav_nargs = num_args;
- arg_typs = get_argtyp();
- num_args = Val0(n); /* number of arguments */
- for (i = 0; i < num_args; ++i) {
- infer_nd(n->n_field[i+2].n_ptr); /* arg i */
- arg_typs->types[i] = n->n_field[i+2].n_ptr->type;
- }
- /*
- * Perform inference on the procedure invocation.
- */
- infer_prc(Proc1(n), n);
- chk_succ(Proc1(n)->ret_flag, n->store);
- free_argtyp(arg_typs);
- arg_typs = sav_argtyp;
- num_args = sav_nargs;
- break;
- case N_InvRec:
- /*
- * Invocation of a record constructor. Perform inference on all
- * the arguments, copying the results into the argument type
- * array.
- */
- sav_argtyp = arg_typs;
- sav_nargs = num_args;
- arg_typs = get_argtyp();
- num_args = Val0(n); /* number of arguments */
- for (i = 0; i < num_args; ++i) {
- infer_nd(n->n_field[i+2].n_ptr); /* arg i */
- arg_typs->types[i] = n->n_field[i+2].n_ptr->type;
- }
- infer_con(Rec1(n), n); /* inference on constructor invocation */
- free_argtyp(arg_typs);
- arg_typs = sav_argtyp;
- num_args = sav_nargs;
- break;
- case N_Limit:
- infer_nd(Tree1(n)); /* limit */
- typ_deref(Tree1(n)->type, n->symtyps->types[0], 0);
- mrg_store(succ_store, fail_store); /* limit might be 0 */
- mrg_store(n->store, fail_store); /* resumption may bypass expr */
- infer_nd(Tree0(n)); /* expression */
- if (fail_store != NULL)
- mrg_store(n->store, fail_store); /* expression may be resumed */
- fail_store = n->store;
- /*
- * Type is computed by expression being limited.
- */
- break;
- case N_Loop: {
- /*
- * Establish stores used by break and next.
- */
- loop_info.prev = cur_loop;
- loop_info.succ_store = get_store(1);
- loop_info.fail_store = fail_store;
- loop_info.next_store = NULL;
- loop_info.susp_store = n->store->next;
- cur_loop = &loop_info;
- switch ((int)Val0(Tree0(n))) {
- case EVERY:
- infer_nd(Tree1(n)); /* control clause */
- f_store = fail_store;
- /*
- * Next in the do clause resumes the control clause as
- * does success of the do clause.
- */
- loop_info.next_store = fail_store;
- infer_nd(Tree2(n)); /* do clause */
- mrg_store(succ_store, f_store);
- break;
- case REPEAT:
- /*
- * The body of the loop can be entered by entering the
- * loop, by executing a next in the body, or by having
- * the loop succeed or fail. n->store captures all but
- * the first case, which is covered by the initial success
- * store.
- */
- fail_store = n->store;
- mrg_store(n->store, succ_store);
- loop_info.next_store = n->store;
- infer_nd(Tree1(n));
- mrg_store(succ_store, n->store);
- break;
- case SUSPEND:
- infer_nd(Tree1(n)); /* value */
-#ifdef TypTrc
- if (trcfile != NULL)
- fprintf(trcfile, "%s (%d,%d) suspend ", n->n_file, n->n_line,
- n->n_col);
-#endif /* TypTrc */
- set_ret(Tree1(n)->type); /* set return type of procedure */
- /*
- * Get changes to types of global variables from
- * resumption.
- */
- store = cur_proc->susp_store;
- for (i = 0; i < n_gbl; ++i)
- CpyTyp(n_icntyp, store->types[i], succ_store->types[i]);
- /*
- * Next in the do clause resumes the control clause as
- * does success of the do clause.
- */
- f_store = fail_store;
- loop_info.next_store = fail_store;
- infer_nd(Tree2(n)); /* do clause */
- mrg_store(succ_store, f_store);
- break;
- case WHILE:
- /*
- * The control clause can be entered by entering the loop,
- * executing a next expression, or by having the do clause
- * succeed or fail. n->store captures all but the first case,
- * which is covered by the initial success store.
- */
- mrg_store(n->store, succ_store);
- loop_info.next_store = n->store;
- infer_nd(Tree1(n)); /* control clause */
- fail_store = n->store;
- infer_nd(Tree2(n)); /* do clause */
- mrg_store(succ_store, n->store);
- break;
- case UNTIL:
- /*
- * The control clause can be entered by entering the loop,
- * executing a next expression, or by having the do clause
- * succeed or fail. n->store captures all but the first case,
- * which is covered by the initial success store.
- */
- mrg_store(n->store, succ_store);
- loop_info.next_store = n->store;
- f_store = fail_store;
- /*
- * Set up a failure store to capture the effects of failure
- * of the control clause.
- */
- store = get_store(1);
- fail_store = store;
- infer_nd(Tree1(n)); /* control clause */
- mrg_store(succ_store, f_store);
- free_store(succ_store);
- succ_store = store;
- fail_store = n->store;
- infer_nd(Tree2(n)); /* do clause */
- mrg_store(succ_store, n->store);
- break;
- }
- free_store(succ_store);
- succ_store = loop_info.succ_store;
- if (n->store->next != NULL)
- fail_store = n->store->next;
- cur_loop = cur_loop->prev;
- /*
- * Type is computed by break expressions.
- */
- }
- break;
- case N_Next:
- if (cur_loop->next_store == NULL)
- mrg_store(succ_store, fail_store); /* control clause of every */
- else
- mrg_store(succ_store, cur_loop->next_store);
- free_store(succ_store);
- succ_store = get_store(1); /* empty store says: can't get past here */
- fail_store = dummy_stor; /* shouldn't be used */
- /*
- * Result is empty type.
- */
- break;
- case N_Not:
- /*
- * Set up a failure store to capture the effects of failure
- * of the negated expression, it becomes the success store
- * of the entire expression.
- */
- f_store = fail_store;
- store = get_store(1);
- fail_store = store;
- infer_nd(Tree0(n));
- mrg_store(succ_store, f_store); /* if success, then fail */
- free_store(succ_store);
- succ_store = store;
- fail_store = f_store;
- /*
- * Type is precomputed.
- */
- break;
- case N_Ret:
- if (Val0(Tree0(n)) == RETURN) {
- if (Tree1(n)->flag & CanFail) {
- /*
- * Set up a failure store to capture the effects of failure
- * of the returned expression and the corresponding procedure
- * failure.
- */
- store = get_store(1);
- fail_store = store;
- infer_nd(Tree1(n)); /* return value */
- mrg_store(store, succ_store);
- free_store(store);
- }
- else
- infer_nd(Tree1(n)); /* return value */
-#ifdef TypTrc
- if (trcfile != NULL)
- fprintf(trcfile, "%s (%d,%d) return ", n->n_file, n->n_line,
- n->n_col);
-#endif /* TypTrc */
- set_ret(Tree1(n)->type);
- }
- else { /* fail */
- set_ret(NULL);
-#ifdef TypTrc
- if (trcfile != NULL)
- fprintf(trcfile, "%s (%d,%d) fail\n", n->n_file, n->n_line,
- n->n_col);
-#endif /* TypTrc */
- }
- free_store(succ_store);
- succ_store = get_store(1); /* empty store says: can't get past here */
- fail_store = dummy_stor; /* shouldn't be used */
- /*
- * Empty type.
- */
- break;
- case N_Scan: {
- struct implement *asgn_impl;
- infer_nd(Tree1(n)); /* subject */
- typ_deref(Tree1(n)->type, n->symtyps->types[0], 0);
- infer_nd(Tree2(n)); /* body */
- if (optab[Val0(Tree0(n))].tok.t_type == AUGQMARK) {
- /*
- * Perform type inference on the assignment.
- */
- asgn_impl = optab[asgn_loc].binary;
- sav_argtyp = arg_typs;
- sav_nargs = num_args;
- arg_typs = get_argtyp();
- num_args = 2;
- arg_typs->types[0] = Tree1(n)->type;
- arg_typs->types[1] = Tree2(n)->type;
- infer_impl(asgn_impl, n, n->symtyps->next, n->type);
- chk_succ(asgn_impl->ret_flag, n->store);
- free_argtyp(arg_typs);
- arg_typs = sav_argtyp;
- num_args = sav_nargs;
- }
- else
- MrgTyp(n_intrtyp, Tree2(n)->type, n->type);
- }
- break;
- case N_Sect:
- infer_nd(Tree2(n)); /* 1st operand */
- infer_nd(Tree3(n)); /* 2nd operand */
- infer_nd(Tree4(n)); /* 3rd operand */
- sav_argtyp = arg_typs;
- sav_nargs = num_args;
- arg_typs = get_argtyp();
- if (Impl1(n) != NULL) {
- /*
- * plus or minus.
- */
- num_args = 2;
- arg_typs->types[0] = Tree3(n)->type;
- arg_typs->types[1] = Tree4(n)->type;
- wktyp = get_wktyp();
- infer_impl(Impl1(n), n, n->symtyps->next, wktyp->bits);
- chk_succ(Impl1(n)->ret_flag, n->store);
- arg_typs->types[2] = wktyp->bits;
- }
- else
- arg_typs->types[2] = Tree4(n)->type;
- num_args = 3;
- arg_typs->types[0] = Tree2(n)->type;
- arg_typs->types[1] = Tree3(n)->type;
- /*
- * sectioning
- */
- infer_impl(Impl0(n), n, n->symtyps, n->type);
- chk_succ(Impl0(n)->ret_flag, n->store);
- if (Impl1(n) != NULL)
- free_wktyp(wktyp);
- free_argtyp(arg_typs);
- arg_typs = sav_argtyp;
- num_args = sav_nargs;
- break;
- case N_Slist:
- f_store = fail_store;
- if (Tree0(n)->flag & CanFail) {
- /*
- * Set up a failure store to capture the effects of failure
- * of the first operand; this is merged into the
- * incoming success store of the second operand.
- */
- store = get_store(1);
- fail_store = store;
- infer_nd(Tree0(n));
- mrg_store(store, succ_store);
- free_store(store);
- }
- else
- infer_nd(Tree0(n));
- fail_store = f_store;
- infer_nd(Tree1(n));
- /*
- * Type is computed by second operand.
- */
- break;
- case N_SmplAsgn: {
- /*
- * Optimized assignment to a named variable.
- */
- struct lentry *var;
- int indx;
- infer_nd(Tree3(n));
- var = LSym0(Tree2(n));
- if (var->flag & F_Global)
- indx = var->>index;
- else if (var->flag & F_Static)
- indx = var->val.index;
- else
- indx = n_gbl + var->val.index;
- ClrTyp(n_icntyp, succ_store->types[indx]);
- typ_deref(Tree3(n)->type, succ_store->types[indx], 0);
-#ifdef TypTrc
- /*
- * Trace assignment.
- */
- if (trcfile != NULL) {
- fprintf(trcfile, "%s (%d,%d) %s%s := ", n->n_file, n->n_line,
- n->n_col, trc_indent, var->name);
- prt_d_typ(trcfile, Tree3(n)->type);
- fprintf(trcfile, "\n");
- }
-#endif /* TypTrc */
- /*
- * Type is precomputed.
- */
- }
- break;
- case N_SmplAug: {
- /*
- * Optimized augmented assignment to a named variable.
- */
- struct lentry *var;
- int indx;
- /*
- * Perform type inference on the operation.
- */
- infer_nd(Tree3(n)); /* 2nd operand */
- /*
- * Set up type array for arguments of operation.
- */
- sav_argtyp = arg_typs;
- sav_nargs = num_args;
- arg_typs = get_argtyp();
- num_args = 2;
- arg_typs->types[0] = Tree2(n)->type; /* type was precomputed */
- arg_typs->types[1] = Tree3(n)->type;
- /*
- * Perform inference on the operation.
- */
- infer_impl(Impl1(n), n, n->symtyps, Typ4(n));
- chk_succ(Impl1(n)->ret_flag, n->store);
- /*
- * Perform assignment to the variable.
- */
- var = LSym0(Tree2(n));
- if (var->flag & F_Global)
- indx = var->>index;
- else if (var->flag & F_Static)
- indx = var->val.index;
- else
- indx = n_gbl + var->val.index;
- ClrTyp(n_icntyp, succ_store->types[indx]);
- typ_deref(Typ4(n), succ_store->types[indx], 0);
-#ifdef TypTrc
- /*
- * Trace assignment.
- */
- if (trcfile != NULL) {
- fprintf(trcfile, "%s (%d,%d) %s%s := ", n->n_file, n->n_line,
- n->n_col, trc_indent, var->name);
- prt_d_typ(trcfile, Typ4(n));
- fprintf(trcfile, "\n");
- }
-#endif /* TypTrc */
- free_argtyp(arg_typs);
- arg_typs = sav_argtyp;
- num_args = sav_nargs;
- /*
- * Type is precomputed.
- */
- }
- break;
- default:
- fprintf(stderr, "compiler error: node type %d unknown\n", n->n_type);
- }
- }
- * infer_con - perform type inference for the invocation of a record
- * constructor.
- */
-static void infer_con(rec, n)
-struct rentry *rec;
-nodeptr n;
- {
- int fld_indx;
- int nfields;
- int i;
-#ifdef TypTrc
- if (trcfile != NULL)
- fprintf(trcfile, "%s (%d,%d) %s%s(", n->n_file, n->n_line, n->n_col,
- trc_indent, rec->name);
-#endif /* TypTrc */
- /*
- * Dereference argument types into appropriate entries of field store.
- */
- fld_indx = rec->frst_fld;
- nfields = rec->nfields;
- for (i = 0; i < num_args && i < nfields; ++i) {
- typ_deref(arg_typs->types[i], fld_stor->types[fld_indx++], 1);
-#ifdef TypTrc
- if (trcfile != NULL) {
- if (i > 0)
- fprintf(trcfile, ", ");
- prt_d_typ(trcfile, arg_typs->types[i]);
- }
-#endif /* TypTrc */
- }
- /*
- * If there are too few arguments, add null type to appropriate entries
- * of field store.
- */
- while (i < nfields) {
- if (!bitset(fld_stor->types[fld_indx], null_bit)) {
- ++changed;
- set_typ(fld_stor->types[fld_indx], null_bit);
- }
- ++fld_indx;
- ++i;
- }
- /*
- * return record type
- */
- set_typ(n->type, type_array[rec_typ].frst_bit + rec->rec_num);
-#ifdef TypTrc
- if (trcfile != NULL) {
- fprintf(trcfile, ") =>> ");
- prt_typ(trcfile, n->type);
- fprintf(trcfile, "\n");
- }
-#endif /* TypTrc */
- }
- * infer_act - perform type inference on coexpression activation.
- */
-static void infer_act(n)
-nodeptr n;
- {
- struct implement *asgn_impl;
- struct store *s_store;
- struct store *f_store;
- struct store *e_store;
- struct store *store;
- struct t_coexpr *sv_coexp;
- struct t_coexpr *coexp;
- struct type *rslt_typ;
- struct argtyps *sav_argtyp;
- int frst_coexp;
- int num_coexp;
- int sav_nargs;
- int i;
- int j;
-#ifdef TypTrc
- FILE *trc_save;
-#endif /* TypTrc */
- num_coexp = type_array[coexp_typ].num_bits;
- frst_coexp = type_array[coexp_typ].frst_bit;
- infer_nd(Tree1(n)); /* value to transmit */
- infer_nd(Tree2(n)); /* coexpression */
- /*
- * Dereference the two arguments. Note that only locals in the
- * transmitted value are dereferenced.
- */
-#ifdef TypTrc
- trc_save = trcfile;
- trcfile = NULL; /* don't trace value during dereferencing */
-#endif /* TypTrc */
- deref_lcl(Tree1(n)->type, n->symtyps->types[0]);
-#ifdef TypTrc
- trcfile = trc_save;
-#endif /* TypTrc */
- typ_deref(Tree2(n)->type, n->symtyps->types[1], 0);
- rslt_typ = get_wktyp();
- /*
- * Set up a store for the end of the activation and propagate local
- * variables across the activation; the activation may succeed or
- * fail.
- */
- e_store = get_store(1);
- for (i = 0; i < n_loc; ++i)
- CpyTyp(n_icntyp, succ_store->types[n_gbl + i], e_store->types[n_gbl + i])
- if (fail_store->perm) {
- for (i = 0; i < n_loc; ++i)
- ChkMrgTyp(n_icntyp, succ_store->types[n_gbl + i],
- fail_store->types[n_gbl + i])
- }
- else {
- for (i = 0; i < n_loc; ++i)
- MrgTyp(n_icntyp, succ_store->types[n_gbl + i],
- fail_store->types[n_gbl + i])
- }
- /*
- * Go through all the co-expressions that might be activated,
- * perform type inference on them, and transmit stores along
- * the execution paths induced by the activation.
- */
- s_store = succ_store;
- f_store = fail_store;
- for (j = 0; j < num_coexp; ++j) {
- if (bitset(n->symtyps->types[1], frst_coexp + j)) {
- coexp = coexp_map[j];
- /*
- * Merge the types of global variables into the "in store" of the
- * co-expression. Because the body of the co-expression may already
- * have been processed for this pass, the "changed" flag must be
- * set if there is a change of type in the store. This will insure
- * that there will be another iteration in which to propagate the
- * change into the body.
- */
- store = coexp->in_store;
- for (i = 0; i < n_gbl; ++i)
- ChkMrgTyp(n_icntyp, s_store->types[i], store->types[i])
- ChkMrgTyp(n_intrtyp, n->symtyps->types[0], coexp->act_typ)
- /*
- * Only perform type inference on the body of a co-expression
- * once per iteration. The main co-expression has no body.
- */
- if (coexp->iteration < iteration & coexp->n != NULL) {
- coexp->iteration = iteration;
- succ_store = cpy_store(coexp->in_store);
- fail_store = coexp->out_store;
- sv_coexp = cur_coexp;
- cur_coexp = coexp;
- infer_nd(coexp->n);
- /*
- * Dereference the locals in the value resulting from
- * the execution of the co-expression body.
- */
-#ifdef TypTrc
- if (trcfile != NULL)
- fprintf(trcfile, "%s (%d,%d) %sC%d =>> ", coexp->n->n_file,
- coexp->n->n_line, coexp->n->n_col, trc_indent, j);
-#endif /* TypTrc */
- deref_lcl(coexp->n->type, coexp->rslt_typ);
- mrg_store(succ_store, coexp->out_store);
- free_store(succ_store);
- cur_coexp = sv_coexp;
- }
- /*
- * Get updated types for global variables, assuming the co-expression
- * fails or returns by completing.
- */
- store = coexp->out_store;
- for (i = 0; i < n_gbl; ++i)
- MrgTyp(n_icntyp, store->types[i], e_store->types[i]);
- if (f_store->perm) {
- for (i = 0; i < n_gbl; ++i)
- ChkMrgTyp(n_icntyp, store->types[i], f_store->types[i]);
- }
- else {
- for (i = 0; i < n_gbl; ++i)
- MrgTyp(n_icntyp, store->types[i], f_store->types[i]);
- }
- MrgTyp(n_intrtyp, coexp->rslt_typ, rslt_typ->bits)
- }
- }
- /*
- * Control may return from the activation if another co-expression
- * activates the current one. If we are in a create expression,
- * cur_coexp is the current co-expression, otherwise the current
- * procedure may be called within several co-expressions.
- */
- if (cur_coexp == NULL) {
- for (j = 0; j < num_coexp; ++j)
- if (bitset(cur_proc->coexprs, frst_coexp + j))
- mrg_act(coexp_map[j], e_store, rslt_typ);
- }
- else
- mrg_act(cur_coexp, e_store, rslt_typ);
- free_store(s_store);
- succ_store = e_store;
- fail_store = f_store;
-#ifdef TypTrc
- if (trcfile != NULL) {
- fprintf(trcfile, "%s (%d,%d) %s", n->n_file, n->n_line, n->n_col,
- trc_indent);
- prt_typ(trcfile, n->symtyps->types[0]);
- fprintf(trcfile, " @ ");
- prt_typ(trcfile, n->symtyps->types[1]);
- fprintf(trcfile, " =>> ");
- prt_typ(trcfile, rslt_typ->bits);
- fprintf(trcfile, "\n");
- }
-#endif /* TypTrc */
- if (optab[Val0(Tree0(n))].tok.t_type == AUGAT) {
- /*
- * Perform type inference on the assignment.
- */
- asgn_impl = optab[asgn_loc].binary;
- sav_argtyp = arg_typs;
- sav_nargs = num_args;
- arg_typs = get_argtyp();
- num_args = 2;
- arg_typs->types[0] = Tree1(n)->type;
- arg_typs->types[1] = rslt_typ->bits;
- infer_impl(asgn_impl, n, n->symtyps->next, n->type);
- chk_succ(asgn_impl->ret_flag, n->store);
- free_argtyp(arg_typs);
- arg_typs = sav_argtyp;
- num_args = sav_nargs;
- }
- else
- ChkMrgTyp(n_intrtyp, rslt_typ->bits, n->type)
- free_wktyp(rslt_typ);
- }
- * mrg_act - merge entry information for the co-expression to the
- * the ending store and result type for the activation being
- * analyzed.
- */
-static void mrg_act(coexp, e_store, rslt_typ)
-struct t_coexpr *coexp;
-struct store *e_store;
-struct type *rslt_typ;
- {
- struct store *store;
- int i;
- store = coexp->in_store;
- for (i = 0; i < n_gbl; ++i)
- MrgTyp(n_icntyp, store->types[i], e_store->types[i]);
- MrgTyp(n_intrtyp, coexp->act_typ, rslt_typ->bits)
- }
- * typ_deref - perform dereferencing in the abstract type realm.
- */
-static void typ_deref(src, dest, chk)
-#ifdef OptimizeType
-struct typinfo *src;
-struct typinfo *dest;
-#else /* OptimizeType */
-unsigned int *src;
-unsigned int *dest;
-#endif /* OptimizeType */
-int chk;
- {
- struct store *tblel_stor;
- struct store *tbldf_stor;
- struct store *ttv_stor;
- struct store *store;
- unsigned int old;
- int num_tbl;
- int frst_tbl;
- int num_bits;
- int frst_bit;
- int i;
- int j;
- int ret;
- if (src->bits == NULL) {
- src->bits = alloc_mem_typ(src->size);
- xfer_packed_types(src);
- }
- if (dest->bits == NULL) {
- dest->bits = alloc_mem_typ(dest->size);
- xfer_packed_types(dest);
- }
- /*
- * copy values to destination
- */
-#ifdef OptimizeType
- if ((src->bits != NULL) && (dest->bits != NULL)) {
- for (i = 0; i < NumInts(n_icntyp) - 1; ++i) {
- old = dest->bits[i];
- dest->bits[i] |= src->bits[i];
- if (chk && (old != dest->bits[i]))
- ++changed;
- }
- old = dest->bits[i];
- dest->bits[i] |= src->bits[i] & val_mask; /* mask out variables */
- if (chk && (old != dest->bits[i]))
- ++changed;
- }
- else if ((src->bits != NULL) && (dest->bits == NULL)) {
- dest->bits = alloc_mem_typ(DecodeSize(dest->packed));
- xfer_packed_types(dest);
- for (i = 0; i < NumInts(n_icntyp) - 1; ++i) {
- old = dest->bits[i];
- dest->bits[i] |= src->bits[i];
- if (chk && (old != dest->bits[i]))
- ++changed;
- }
- old = dest->bits[i];
- dest->bits[i] |= src->bits[i] & val_mask; /* mask out variables */
- if (chk && (old != dest->bits[i]))
- ++changed;
- }
- else if ((src->bits == NULL) && (dest->bits != NULL)) {
- ret = xfer_packed_to_bits(src, dest, n_icntyp);
- if (chk)
- changed += ret;
- }
- else {
- ret = mrg_packed_to_packed(src, dest, n_icntyp);
- if (chk)
- changed += ret;
- }
-#else /* OptimizeType */
- for (i = 0; i < NumInts(n_icntyp) - 1; ++i) {
- old = dest[i];
- dest[i] |= src[i];
- if (chk && (old != dest[i]))
- ++changed;
- }
- old = dest[i];
- dest[i] |= src[i] & val_mask; /* mask out variables */
- if (chk && (old != dest[i]))
- ++changed;
-#endif /* OptimizeType */
- /*
- * predefined variables whose types do not change.
- */
- for (i = 0; i < num_typs; ++i) {
- if (icontypes[i].deref == DrfCnst) {
- if (bitset(src, type_array[i].frst_bit))
- if (chk)
- ChkMrgTyp(n_icntyp, type_array[i].typ, dest)
- else
- MrgTyp(n_icntyp, type_array[i].typ, dest)
- }
- }
- /*
- * substring trapped variables
- */
- num_bits = type_array[stv_typ].num_bits;
- frst_bit = type_array[stv_typ].frst_bit;
- for (i = 0; i < num_bits; ++i)
- if (bitset(src, frst_bit + i))
- if (!bitset(dest, str_bit)) {
- if (chk)
- ++changed;
- set_typ(dest, str_bit);
- }
- /*
- * table element trapped variables
- */
- num_bits = type_array[ttv_typ].num_bits;
- frst_bit = type_array[ttv_typ].frst_bit;
- num_tbl = type_array[tbl_typ].num_bits;
- frst_tbl = type_array[tbl_typ].frst_bit;
- tblel_stor = compnt_array[tbl_val].store;
- tbldf_stor = compnt_array[tbl_dflt].store;
- ttv_stor = compnt_array[trpd_tbl].store;
- for (i = 0; i < num_bits; ++i)
- if (bitset(src, frst_bit + i))
- for (j = 0; j < num_tbl; ++j)
- if (bitset(ttv_stor->types[i], frst_tbl + j)) {
- if (chk) {
- ChkMrgTyp(n_icntyp, tblel_stor->types[j], dest)
- ChkMrgTyp(n_icntyp, tbldf_stor->types[j], dest)
- }
- else {
- MrgTyp(n_icntyp, tblel_stor->types[j], dest)
- MrgTyp(n_icntyp, tbldf_stor->types[j], dest)
- }
- }
- /*
- * Aggregate compontents that are variables.
- */
- for (i = 0; i < num_cmpnts; ++i) {
- if (typecompnt[i].var) {
- frst_bit = compnt_array[i].frst_bit;
- num_bits = compnt_array[i].num_bits;
- store = compnt_array[i].store;
- for (j = 0; j < num_bits; ++j) {
- if (bitset(src, frst_bit + j))
- if (chk)
- ChkMrgTyp(n_icntyp, store->types[j], dest)
- else
- MrgTyp(n_icntyp, store->types[j], dest)
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- * record fields
- */
- for (i = 0; i < n_fld; ++i)
- if (bitset(src, frst_fld + i)) {
- if (chk)
- ChkMrgTyp(n_icntyp, fld_stor->types[i], dest)
- else
- MrgTyp(n_icntyp, fld_stor->types[i], dest)
- }
- /*
- * global variables
- */
- for (i = 0; i < n_gbl; ++i)
- if (bitset(src, frst_gbl + i)) {
- if (chk)
- ChkMrgTyp(n_icntyp, succ_store->types[i], dest)
- else
- MrgTyp(n_icntyp, succ_store->types[i], dest)
- }
- /*
- * local variables
- */
- for (i = 0; i < n_loc; ++i)
- if (bitset(src, frst_loc + i)) {
- if (chk)
- ChkMrgTyp(n_icntyp, succ_store->types[n_gbl + i], dest)
- else
- MrgTyp(n_icntyp, succ_store->types[n_gbl + i], dest)
- }
- * infer_impl - perform type inference on a call to built-in operation
- * using the implementation entry from the data base.
- */
-static void infer_impl(impl, n, symtyps, rslt_typ)
-struct implement *impl;
-nodeptr n;
-struct symtyps *symtyps;
-#ifdef OptimizeType
-struct typinfo *rslt_typ;
-#else /* OptimizeType */
-unsigned int *rslt_typ;
-#endif /* OptimizeType */
- {
-#ifdef OptimizeType
- struct typinfo *typ;
-#else /* OptimizeType */
- unsigned int *typ;
-#endif /* OptimizeType */
- int flag;
- int nparms;
- int i;
- int j;
-#ifdef TypTrc
- if (trcfile != NULL) {
- fprintf(trcfile, "%s (%d,%d) %s", n->n_file, n->n_line, n->n_col,
- trc_indent);
- if (impl->oper_typ == 'K')
- fprintf(trcfile, "&%s", impl->name);
- else
- fprintf(trcfile, "%s(", impl->name);
- }
-#endif /* TypTrc */
- /*
- * Set up the "symbol table" of dereferenced and undereferenced
- * argument types as needed by the operation.
- */
- nparms = impl->nargs;
- j = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < num_args && i < nparms; ++i) {
- if (impl->arg_flgs[i] & RtParm) {
- CpyTyp(n_intrtyp, arg_typs->types[i], symtyps->types[j]);
-#ifdef TypTrc
- if (trcfile != NULL) {
- if (i > 0)
- fprintf(trcfile, ", ");
- prt_typ(trcfile, arg_typs->types[i]);
- }
-#endif /* TypTrc */
- ++j;
- }
- if (impl->arg_flgs[i] & DrfPrm) {
- typ_deref(arg_typs->types[i], symtyps->types[j], 0);
-#ifdef TypTrc
- if (trcfile != NULL) {
- if (impl->arg_flgs[i] & RtParm)
- fprintf(trcfile, "->");
- else if (i > 0)
- fprintf(trcfile, ", ");
- prt_d_typ(trcfile, arg_typs->types[i]);
- }
-#endif /* TypTrc */
- ++j;
- }
- }
- if (nparms > 0) {
- /*
- * Check for varargs. Merge remaining arguments into the
- * type of the variable part of the parameter list.
- */
- flag = impl->arg_flgs[nparms - 1];
- if (flag & VarPrm) {
- n_vararg = num_args - nparms + 1;
- if (n_vararg < 0)
- n_vararg = 0;
- typ = symtyps->types[j - 1];
- while (i < num_args) {
- if (flag & RtParm) {
- MrgTyp(n_intrtyp, arg_typs->types[i], typ)
-#ifdef TypTrc
- if (trcfile != NULL) {
- if (i > 0)
- fprintf(trcfile, ", ");
- prt_typ(trcfile, arg_typs->types[i]);
- }
-#endif /* TypTrc */
- }
- else {
- typ_deref(arg_typs->types[i], typ, 0);
-#ifdef TypTrc
- if (trcfile != NULL) {
- if (i > 0)
- fprintf(trcfile, ", ");
- prt_d_typ(trcfile, arg_typs->types[i]);
- }
-#endif /* TypTrc */
- }
- ++i;
- }
- nparms -= 1; /* Don't extend with nulls into variable part */
- }
- }
- while (i < nparms) {
- if (impl->arg_flgs[i] & RtParm)
- set_typ(symtyps->types[j++], null_bit); /* Extend args with nulls */
- if (impl->arg_flgs[i] & DrfPrm)
- set_typ(symtyps->types[j++], null_bit); /* Extend args with nulls */
- ++i;
- }
- /*
- * If this operation can suspend, there may be backtracking paths
- * to this invocation. Merge type information from those paths
- * into the current store.
- */
- if (impl->ret_flag & DoesSusp)
- mrg_store(n->store, succ_store);
- cur_symtyps = symtyps;
- cur_rslt.bits = rslt_typ;
- cur_rslt.size = n_intrtyp;
- cur_new = n->new_types;
- infer_il(impl->in_line); /* perform inference on operation */
- if (MightFail(impl->ret_flag))
- mrg_store(succ_store, fail_store);
-#ifdef TypTrc
- if (trcfile != NULL) {
- if (impl->oper_typ != 'K')
- fprintf(trcfile, ")");
- fprintf(trcfile, " =>> ");
- prt_typ(trcfile, rslt_typ);
- fprintf(trcfile, "\n");
- }
-#endif /* TypTrc */
- }
- * chk_succ - check to see if the operation can succeed. In particular,
- * see if it can suspend. Change the succ_store and failure store
- * appropriately.
- */
-static void chk_succ(ret_flag, susp_stor)
-int ret_flag;
-struct store *susp_stor;
- {
- if (ret_flag & DoesSusp) {
- if (susp_stor != NULL && (ret_flag & DoesRet))
- mrg_store(susp_stor, fail_store); /* "pass along" failure */
- fail_store = susp_stor;
- }
- else if (!(ret_flag & DoesRet)) {
- free_store(succ_store);
- succ_store = get_store(1);
- fail_store = dummy_stor; /* shouldn't be used */
- }
- }
- * infer_il - perform type inference on a piece of code within built-in
- * operation and determine whether execution can get past it.
- */
-static int infer_il(il)
-struct il_code *il;
- {
- struct il_code *il1;
- int condition;
- int case_fnd;
- int ncases;
- int may_fallthru;
- int indx;
- int i;
- if (il == NULL)
- return 1;
- switch (il->il_type) {
- case IL_Const: /* should have been replaced by literal node */
- return 0;
- case IL_If1:
- condition = eval_cond(il->u[0].fld);
- may_fallthru = (condition & MaybeFalse);
- if (condition & MaybeTrue)
- may_fallthru |= infer_il(il->u[1].fld);
- return may_fallthru;
- case IL_If2:
- condition = eval_cond(il->u[0].fld);
- may_fallthru = 0;
- if (condition & MaybeTrue)
- may_fallthru |= infer_il(il->u[1].fld);
- if (condition & MaybeFalse)
- may_fallthru |= infer_il(il->u[2].fld);
- return may_fallthru;
- case IL_Tcase1:
- type_case(il, infer_il, NULL);
- return 1; /* no point in trying very hard here */
- case IL_Tcase2:
- indx = type_case(il, infer_il, NULL);
- if (indx != -1)
- infer_il(il->u[indx].fld); /* default */
- return 1; /* no point in trying very hard here */
- case IL_Lcase:
- ncases = il->u[0].n;
- indx = 1;
- case_fnd = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < ncases && !case_fnd; ++i) {
- if (il->u[indx++].n == n_vararg) { /* selection number */
- infer_il(il->u[indx].fld); /* action */
- case_fnd = 1;
- }
- ++indx;
- }
- if (!case_fnd)
- infer_il(il->u[indx].fld); /* default */
- return 1; /* no point in trying very hard here */
- case IL_Acase: {
- int maybe_int;
- int maybe_dbl;
- eval_arith((int)il->u[0].fld->u[0].n, (int)il->u[1].fld->u[0].n,
- &maybe_int, &maybe_dbl);
- if (maybe_int) {
- infer_il(il->u[2].fld); /* C_integer action */
- if (largeints)
- infer_il(il->u[3].fld); /* integer action */
- }
- if (maybe_dbl)
- infer_il(il->u[4].fld); /* C_double action */
- return 1; /* no point in trying very hard here */
- }
- case IL_Err1:
- case IL_Err2:
- return 0;
- case IL_Block:
- return il->u[0].n;
- case IL_Call:
- return ((il->u[3].n & DoesFThru) != 0);
- case IL_Lst:
- if (infer_il(il->u[0].fld))
- return infer_il(il->u[1].fld);
- else
- return 0;
- case IL_Abstr:
- /*
- * Handle side effects.
- */
- il1 = il->u[0].fld;
- if (il1 != NULL) {
- while (il1->il_type == IL_Lst) {
- side_effect(il1->u[1].fld);
- il1 = il1->u[0].fld;
- }
- side_effect(il1);
- }
- /*
- * Set return type.
- */
- abstr_typ(il->u[1].fld, &cur_rslt);
- return 1;
- default:
- fprintf(stderr, "compiler error: unknown info in data base\n");
- }
- }
- * side_effect - perform a side effect from an abstract clause of a
- * built-in operation.
- */
-static void side_effect(il)
-struct il_code *il;
- {
- struct type *var_typ;
- struct type *val_typ;
- struct store *store;
- int num_bits;
- int frst_bit;
- int i, j;
- /*
- * il is IL_TpAsgn, get the variable type and value type, and perform
- * the side effect.
- */
- var_typ = get_wktyp();
- val_typ = get_wktyp();
- abstr_typ(il->u[0].fld, var_typ); /* variable type */
- abstr_typ(il->u[1].fld, val_typ); /* value type */
- /*
- * Determine which types that can be assigned to are in the variable
- * type.
- *
- * Aggregate compontents.
- */
- for (i = 0; i < num_cmpnts; ++i) {
- frst_bit = compnt_array[i].frst_bit;
- num_bits = compnt_array[i].num_bits;
- store = compnt_array[i].store;
- for (j = 0; j < num_bits; ++j) {
- if (bitset(var_typ->bits, frst_bit + j))
- ChkMrgTyp(n_icntyp, val_typ->bits, store->types[j])
- }
- }
- /*
- * record fields
- */
- for (i = 0; i < n_fld; ++i)
- if (bitset(var_typ->bits, frst_fld + i))
- ChkMrgTyp(n_icntyp, val_typ->bits, fld_stor->types[i]);
- /*
- * global variables
- */
- for (i = 0; i < n_gbl; ++i)
- if (bitset(var_typ->bits, frst_gbl + i))
- MrgTyp(n_icntyp, val_typ->bits, succ_store->types[i]);
- /*
- * local variables
- */
- for (i = 0; i < n_loc; ++i)
- if (bitset(var_typ->bits, frst_loc + i))
- MrgTyp(n_icntyp, val_typ->bits, succ_store->types[n_gbl + i]);
- free_wktyp(var_typ);
- free_wktyp(val_typ);
- }
- * abstr_typ - compute the type bits corresponding to an abstract type
- * from an abstract clause of a built-in operation.
- */
-static void abstr_typ(il, typ)
-struct il_code *il;
-struct type *typ;
- {
- struct type *typ1;
- struct type *typ2;
- struct rentry *rec;
- struct store *store;
- struct compnt_info *compnts;
- int num_bits;
- int frst_bit;
- int frst_cmpnt;
- int num_comps;
- int typcd;
- int new_indx;
- int i;
- int j;
- int indx;
- int size;
- int t_indx;
-#ifdef OptimizeType
- struct typinfo *prmtyp;
-#else /* OptimizeType */
- unsigned int *prmtyp;
-#endif /* OptimizeType */
- if (il == NULL)
- return;
- switch (il->il_type) {
- case IL_VarTyp:
- /*
- * type(<parameter>)
- */
- indx = il->u[0].fld->u[0].n; /* symbol table index of variable */
- if (indx >= cur_symtyps->nsyms) {
- prmtyp = any_typ;
- size = n_rttyp;
- }
- else {
- prmtyp = cur_symtyps->types[indx];
- size = n_intrtyp;
- }
- if (typ->size < size)
- size = typ->size;
- MrgTyp(size, prmtyp, typ->bits);
- break;
- case IL_Store:
- /*
- * store[<type>]
- */
- typ1 = get_wktyp();
- abstr_typ(il->u[0].fld, typ1); /* type to be "dereferenced" */
- /*
- * Dereference types that are Icon varaibles.
- */
- typ_deref(typ1->bits, typ->bits, 0);
- /*
- * "Dereference" aggregate compontents that are not Icon variables.
- */
- for (i = 0; i < num_cmpnts; ++i) {
- if (!typecompnt[i].var) {
- if (i == stv_typ) {
- /*
- * Substring trapped variable stores contain variable
- * references, so the types are larger, but we cannot
- * copy more than the destination holds.
- */
- size = n_intrtyp;
- if (typ->size < size)
- size = typ->size;
- }
- else
- size = n_icntyp;
- frst_bit = compnt_array[i].frst_bit;
- num_bits = compnt_array[i].num_bits;
- store = compnt_array[i].store;
- for (j = 0; j < num_bits; ++j) {
- if (bitset(typ1->bits, frst_bit + j))
- MrgTyp(size, store->types[j], typ->bits);
- }
- }
- }
- free_wktyp(typ1);
- break;
- case IL_Compnt:
- /*
- * <type>.<component>
- */
- typ1 = get_wktyp();
- abstr_typ(il->u[0].fld, typ1); /* type */
- i = il->u[1].n;
- if (i == CM_Fields) {
- /*
- * The all_fields component must be handled differently
- * from the others.
- */
- frst_bit = type_array[rec_typ].frst_bit;
- num_bits = type_array[rec_typ].num_bits;
- for (i = 0; i < num_bits; ++i)
- if (bitset(typ1->bits, frst_bit + i)) {
- rec = rec_map[i];
- for (j = 0; j < rec->nfields; ++j)
- set_typ(typ->bits, frst_fld + rec->frst_fld + j);
- }
- }
- else {
- /*
- * Use component information arrays to transform type bits to
- * the corresponding component bits.
- */
- frst_bit = type_array[typecompnt[i].aggregate].frst_bit;
- num_bits = type_array[typecompnt[i].aggregate].num_bits;
- frst_cmpnt = compnt_array[i].frst_bit;
- if (!typecompnt[i].var && typ->size < n_rttyp)
- break; /* bad abstract type computation */
- for (i = 0; i < num_bits; ++i)
- if (bitset(typ1->bits, frst_bit + i))
- set_typ(typ->bits, frst_cmpnt + i);
- free_wktyp(typ1);
- }
- break;
- case IL_Union:
- /*
- * <type 1> ++ <type 2>
- */
- abstr_typ(il->u[0].fld, typ);
- abstr_typ(il->u[1].fld, typ);
- break;
- case IL_Inter:
- /*
- * <type 1> ** <type 2>
- */
- typ1 = get_wktyp();
- typ2 = get_wktyp();
- abstr_typ(il->u[0].fld, typ1);
- abstr_typ(il->u[1].fld, typ2);
- size = n_rttyp;
-#ifdef OptimizeType
- and_bits_to_packed(typ2->bits, typ1->bits, size);
-#else /* OptimizeType */
- for (i = 0; i < NumInts(size); ++i)
- typ1->bits[i] &= typ2->bits[i];
-#endif /* OptimizeType */
- if (typ->size < size)
- size = typ->size;
- MrgTyp(size, typ1->bits, typ->bits);
- free_wktyp(typ1);
- free_wktyp(typ2);
- break;
- case IL_New:
- /*
- * new <type-name>(<type 1> , ...)
- *
- * If a type was not allocated for this node, use the default
- * one.
- */
- typ1 = get_wktyp();
- typcd = il->u[0].n; /* type code */
- new_indx = type_array[typcd].new_indx;
- t_indx = 0; /* default is first index of type */
- if (cur_new != NULL && cur_new[new_indx] > 0)
- t_indx = cur_new[new_indx];
- /*
- * This RTL expression evaluates to the "new" sub-type.
- */
- set_typ(typ->bits, type_array[typcd].frst_bit + t_indx);
- /*
- * Update stores for components based on argument types in the
- * "new" expression.
- */
- num_comps = icontypes[typcd].num_comps;
- j = icontypes[typcd].compnts;
- compnts = &compnt_array[j];
- if (typcd == stv_typ) {
- size = n_intrtyp;
- }
- else
- size = n_icntyp;
- for (i = 0; i < num_comps; ++i) {
- ClrTyp(n_rttyp, typ1->bits);
- abstr_typ(il->u[2 + i].fld, typ1);
- ChkMrgTyp(size, typ1->bits, compnts[i].store->types[t_indx]);
- }
- free_wktyp(typ1);
- break;
- case IL_IcnTyp:
- typcd_bits((int)il->u[0].n, typ); /* type code */
- break;
- }
- }
- * eval_cond - evaluate the condition of in 'if' statement from a
- * built-in operation. The result can be both true and false because
- * of uncertainty and because more than one execution path may be
- * involved.
- */
-static int eval_cond(il)
-struct il_code *il;
- {
- int cond1;
- int cond2;
- switch (il->il_type) {
- case IL_Bang:
- cond1 = eval_cond(il->u[0].fld);
- cond2 = 0;
- if (cond1 & MaybeTrue)
- cond2 = MaybeFalse;
- if (cond1 & MaybeFalse)
- cond2 |= MaybeTrue;
- return cond2;
- case IL_And:
- cond1 = eval_cond(il->u[0].fld);
- cond2 = eval_cond(il->u[1].fld);
- return (cond1 & cond2 & MaybeTrue) | ((cond1 | cond2) & MaybeFalse);
- case IL_Cnv1:
- case IL_Cnv2:
- return eval_cnv((int)il->u[0].n, (int)il->u[1].fld->u[0].n,
- 0, NULL);
- case IL_Def1:
- case IL_Def2:
- return eval_cnv((int)il->u[0].n, (int)il->u[1].fld->u[0].n,
- 1, NULL);
- case IL_Is:
- return eval_is((int)il->u[0].n, il->u[1].fld->u[0].n);
- default:
- fprintf(stderr, "compiler error: unknown info in data base\n");
- }
- }
- * eval_cnv - evaluate the conversion of a variable to a specific type
- * to see if it may succeed or fail.
- */
-int eval_cnv(typcd, indx, def, cnv_flags)
-int typcd; /* type to convert to */
-int indx; /* index into symbol table of variable */
-int def; /* flag: conversion has a default value */
-int *cnv_flags; /* return flag for detailed conversion information */
- {
- struct type *may_succeed; /* types where conversion sometimes succeed */
- struct type *must_succeed; /* types where conversion always succeeds */
- struct type *must_cnv; /* types where actual conversion is performed */
- struct type *as_is; /* types where value already has correct type */
-#ifdef OptimizeType
- struct typinfo *typ; /* possible types of the variable */
-#else /* OptimizeType */
- unsigned int *typ;
-#endif /* OptimizeType */
- int cond;
- int i;
-#ifdef OptimizeType
- unsigned int val1, val2;
-#endif /* OptimizeType */
- /*
- * Conversions may succeed for strings, integers, csets, and reals.
- * Conversions may fail for any other types. In addition,
- * conversions to integer or real may fail for specific values.
- */
- if (indx >= cur_symtyps->nsyms)
- return MaybeTrue | MaybeFalse;
- typ = cur_symtyps->types[indx];
- may_succeed = get_wktyp();
- must_succeed = get_wktyp();
- must_cnv = get_wktyp();
- as_is = get_wktyp();
- if (typcd == cset_typ || typcd == TypTCset) {
- set_typ(as_is->bits, cset_bit);
- set_typ(must_cnv->bits, str_bit);
- set_typ(must_cnv->bits, int_bit);
- set_typ(must_cnv->bits, real_bit);
- set_typ(must_succeed->bits, str_bit);
- set_typ(must_succeed->bits, cset_bit);
- set_typ(must_succeed->bits, int_bit);
- set_typ(must_succeed->bits, real_bit);
- }
- else if (typcd == str_typ || typcd == TypTStr) {
- set_typ(as_is->bits, str_bit);
- set_typ(must_cnv->bits, cset_bit);
- set_typ(must_cnv->bits, int_bit);
- set_typ(must_cnv->bits, real_bit);
- set_typ(must_succeed->bits, str_bit);
- set_typ(must_succeed->bits, cset_bit);
- set_typ(must_succeed->bits, int_bit);
- set_typ(must_succeed->bits, real_bit);
- }
- else if (typcd == TypCStr) {
- /*
- * as_is is empty.
- */
- set_typ(must_cnv->bits, str_bit);
- set_typ(must_cnv->bits, cset_bit);
- set_typ(must_cnv->bits, int_bit);
- set_typ(must_cnv->bits, real_bit);
- set_typ(must_succeed->bits, str_bit);
- set_typ(must_succeed->bits, cset_bit);
- set_typ(must_succeed->bits, int_bit);
- set_typ(must_succeed->bits, real_bit);
- }
- else if (typcd == real_typ) {
- set_typ(as_is->bits, real_bit);
- set_typ(must_cnv->bits, str_bit);
- set_typ(must_cnv->bits, cset_bit);
- set_typ(must_cnv->bits, int_bit);
- set_typ(must_succeed->bits, int_bit);
- set_typ(must_succeed->bits, real_bit);
- }
- else if (typcd == TypCDbl) {
- /*
- * as_is is empty.
- */
- set_typ(must_cnv->bits, str_bit);
- set_typ(must_cnv->bits, cset_bit);
- set_typ(must_cnv->bits, int_bit);
- set_typ(must_cnv->bits, real_bit);
- set_typ(must_succeed->bits, int_bit);
- set_typ(must_succeed->bits, real_bit);
- }
- else if (typcd == int_typ) {
- set_typ(as_is->bits, int_bit);
- set_typ(must_cnv->bits, str_bit);
- set_typ(must_cnv->bits, cset_bit);
- set_typ(must_cnv->bits, real_bit);
- set_typ(must_succeed->bits, int_bit);
- }
- else if (typcd == TypCInt) {
- /*
- * Note that conversion from an integer to a C integer can be
- * done by changing the way the descriptor is accessed. It
- * is not considered a real conversion. Conversion may fail
- * even for integers if large integers are supported.
- */
- set_typ(as_is->bits, int_bit);
- set_typ(must_cnv->bits, str_bit);
- set_typ(must_cnv->bits, cset_bit);
- set_typ(must_cnv->bits, real_bit);
- if (!largeints)
- set_typ(must_succeed->bits, int_bit);
- }
- else if (typcd == TypEInt) {
- set_typ(as_is->bits, int_bit);
- set_typ(must_cnv->bits, str_bit);
- set_typ(must_cnv->bits, cset_bit);
- set_typ(must_succeed->bits, int_bit);
- }
- else if (typcd == TypECInt) {
- set_typ(as_is->bits, int_bit);
- set_typ(must_cnv->bits, str_bit);
- set_typ(must_cnv->bits, cset_bit);
- if (!largeints)
- set_typ(must_succeed->bits, int_bit);
- }
- MrgTyp(n_icntyp, as_is->bits, may_succeed->bits);
- MrgTyp(n_icntyp, must_cnv->bits, may_succeed->bits);
- if (def) {
- set_typ(may_succeed->bits, null_bit);
- set_typ(must_succeed->bits, null_bit);
- }
- /*
- * Determine if the conversion expression may evaluate to true or false.
- */
- cond = 0;
- if (typ->bits == NULL) {
- typ->bits = alloc_mem_typ(typ->size);
- xfer_packed_types(typ);
- }
- if (may_succeed->bits->bits == NULL) {
- may_succeed->bits->bits = alloc_mem_typ(may_succeed->bits->size);
- xfer_packed_types(may_succeed->bits);
- }
- if (must_succeed->bits->bits == NULL) {
- must_succeed->bits->bits = alloc_mem_typ(must_succeed->bits->size);
- xfer_packed_types(must_succeed->bits);
- }
- for (i = 0; i < NumInts(n_intrtyp); ++i) {
-#ifdef OptimizeType
- if ((typ->bits != NULL) && (may_succeed->bits->bits != NULL)) {
- if (typ->bits[i] & may_succeed->bits->bits[i])
- cond = MaybeTrue;
- }
- else if ((typ->bits == NULL) && (may_succeed->bits->bits != NULL)) {
- val1 = get_bit_vector(typ, i);
- if (val1 & may_succeed->bits->bits[i])
- cond = MaybeTrue;
- }
- else if ((typ->bits != NULL) && (may_succeed->bits->bits == NULL)) {
- val2 = get_bit_vector(may_succeed->bits, i);
- if (typ->bits[i] & val2)
- cond = MaybeTrue;
- }
- else {
- val1 = get_bit_vector(typ, i);
- val2 = get_bit_vector(may_succeed->bits, i);
- if (val1 & val2)
- cond = MaybeTrue;
- }
- if ((typ->bits != NULL) && (must_succeed->bits->bits != NULL)) {
- if (typ->bits[i] & ~must_succeed->bits->bits[i])
- cond |= MaybeFalse;
- }
- else if ((typ->bits == NULL) && (must_succeed->bits->bits != NULL)) {
- val1 = get_bit_vector(typ, i);
- if (val1 & ~must_succeed->bits->bits[i])
- cond |= MaybeFalse;
- }
- else if ((typ->bits != NULL) && (must_succeed->bits->bits == NULL)) {
- val2 = get_bit_vector(must_succeed->bits, i);
- if (typ->bits[i] & ~val2)
- cond |= MaybeFalse;
- }
- else {
- val1 = get_bit_vector(typ, i);
- val2 = get_bit_vector(must_succeed->bits, i);
- if (val1 & ~val2)
- cond |= MaybeFalse;
- }
-#else /* OptimizeType */
- if (typ[i] & may_succeed->bits[i])
- cond = MaybeTrue;
- if (typ[i] & ~must_succeed->bits[i])
- cond |= MaybeFalse;
-#endif /* OptimizeType */
- }
- /*
- * See if more detailed information about the conversion is needed.
- */
- if (cnv_flags != NULL) {
- *cnv_flags = 0;
- if (as_is->bits == NULL) {
- as_is->bits->bits = alloc_mem_typ(as_is->bits->size);
- xfer_packed_types(as_is->bits);
- }
- if (must_cnv->bits->bits == NULL) {
- must_cnv->bits->bits = alloc_mem_typ(must_cnv->bits->size);
- xfer_packed_types(must_cnv->bits);
- }
- for (i = 0; i < NumInts(n_intrtyp); ++i) {
-#ifdef OptimizeType
- if ((typ->bits != NULL) && (as_is->bits->bits != NULL)) {
- if (typ->bits[i] & as_is->bits->bits[i])
- *cnv_flags |= MayKeep;
- }
- else if ((typ->bits == NULL) && (as_is->bits->bits != NULL)) {
- val1 = get_bit_vector(typ, i);
- if (val1 & as_is->bits->bits[i])
- *cnv_flags |= MayKeep;
- }
- else if ((typ->bits != NULL) && (as_is->bits->bits == NULL)) {
- val2 = get_bit_vector(as_is->bits, i);
- if (typ->bits[i] & val2)
- *cnv_flags |= MayKeep;
- }
- else {
- val1 = get_bit_vector(typ, i);
- val2 = get_bit_vector(as_is->bits, i);
- if (val1 & val2)
- *cnv_flags |= MayKeep;
- }
- if ((typ->bits != NULL) && (must_cnv->bits->bits != NULL)) {
- if (typ->bits[i] & must_cnv->bits->bits[i])
- *cnv_flags |= MayConvert;
- }
- else if ((typ->bits == NULL) && (must_cnv->bits->bits != NULL)) {
- val1 = get_bit_vector(typ, i);
- if (val1 & must_cnv->bits->bits[i])
- *cnv_flags |= MayConvert;
- }
- else if ((typ->bits != NULL) && (must_cnv->bits->bits == NULL)) {
- val2 = get_bit_vector(must_cnv->bits, i);
- if (typ->bits[i] & val2)
- *cnv_flags |= MayConvert;
- }
- else {
- val1 = get_bit_vector(typ, i);
- val2 = get_bit_vector(must_cnv->bits, i);
- if (val1 & val2)
- *cnv_flags |= MayConvert;
- }
-#else /* OptimizeType */
- if (typ[i] & as_is->bits[i])
- *cnv_flags |= MayKeep;
- if (typ[i] & must_cnv->bits[i])
- *cnv_flags |= MayConvert;
-#endif /* OptimizeType */
- }
- if (def && bitset(typ, null_bit))
- *cnv_flags |= MayDefault;
- }
- free_wktyp(may_succeed);
- free_wktyp(must_succeed);
- free_wktyp(must_cnv);
- free_wktyp(as_is);
- return cond;
- }
- * eval_is - evaluate the result of an 'is' expression within a built-in
- * operation.
- */
-int eval_is(typcd, indx)
-int typcd;
-int indx;
- {
- int cond;
-#ifdef OptimizeType
- struct typinfo *typ;
-#else /* OptimizeType */
- unsigned int *typ;
-#endif /* OptimizeType */
- if (indx >= cur_symtyps->nsyms)
- return MaybeTrue | MaybeFalse;
- typ = cur_symtyps->types[indx];
- if (has_type(typ, typcd, 0))
- cond = MaybeTrue;
- else
- cond = 0;
- if (other_type(typ, typcd))
- cond |= MaybeFalse;
- return cond;
- }
- * eval_arith - determine which cases of an arith_case may be taken based
- * on the types of its arguments.
- */
-void eval_arith(indx1, indx2, maybe_int, maybe_dbl)
-int indx1;
-int indx2;
-int *maybe_int;
-int *maybe_dbl;
- {
-#ifdef OptimizeType
- struct typinfo *typ1; /* possible types of first variable */
- struct typinfo *typ2; /* possible types of second variable */
-#else /* OptimizeType */
- unsigned int *typ1; /* possible types of first variable */
- unsigned int *typ2; /* possible types of second variable */
-#endif /* OptimizeType */
- int int1 = 0;
- int int2 = 0;
- int dbl1 = 0;
- int dbl2 = 0;
- typ1 = cur_symtyps->types[indx1];
- typ2 = cur_symtyps->types[indx2];
- /*
- * First see what might result if you do a convert to numeric on each
- * variable.
- */
- if (bitset(typ1, int_bit))
- int1 = 1;
- if (bitset(typ1, real_bit))
- dbl1 = 1;
- if (bitset(typ1, str_bit) || bitset(typ1, cset_bit)) {
- int1 = 1;
- dbl1 = 1;
- }
- if (bitset(typ2, int_bit))
- int2 = 1;
- if (bitset(typ2, real_bit))
- dbl2 = 1;
- if (bitset(typ2, str_bit) || bitset(typ2, cset_bit)) {
- int2 = 1;
- dbl2 = 1;
- }
- /*
- * Use the conversion information to figure out what type of arithmetic
- * might be done.
- */
- if (int1 && int2)
- *maybe_int = 1;
- else
- *maybe_int = 0;
- *maybe_dbl = 0;
- if (dbl1 && dbl2)
- *maybe_dbl = 1;
- else if (dbl1 && int2)
- *maybe_dbl = 1;
- else if (int1 && dbl2)
- *maybe_dbl = 1;
- }
- * type_case - Determine which cases are selected in a type_case
- * statement. This routine is used by both type inference and
- * the code generator: a different fnc is passed in each case.
- * In addition, the code generator passes a case_anlz structure.
- */
-int type_case(il, fnc, case_anlz)
-struct il_code *il;
-int (*fnc)();
-struct case_anlz *case_anlz;
- {
- int *typ_vect;
- int i, j;
- int num_cases;
- int num_types;
- int indx;
- int sym_indx;
- int typcd;
- int use_dflt;
-#ifdef OptimizeType
- struct typinfo *typ;
-#else /* OptimizeType */
- unsigned int *typ;
-#endif /* OptimizeType */
- int select;
- struct type *wktyp;
- /*
- * Make a copy of the type of the variable the type case is
- * working on.
- */
- sym_indx = il->u[0].fld->u[0].n; /* symbol table index */
- if (sym_indx >= cur_symtyps->nsyms)
- typ = any_typ; /* variable is not a parameter, don't know type */
- else
- typ = cur_symtyps->types[sym_indx];
- wktyp = get_wktyp();
- CpyTyp(n_intrtyp, typ, wktyp->bits);
- typ = wktyp->bits;
- /*
- * Loop through all the case clauses.
- */
- num_cases = il->u[1].n;
- indx = 2;
- for (i = 0; i < num_cases; ++i) {
- /*
- * For each of the types selected by this clause, see if the variable's
- * type bit vector contains that type and delete the type from the
- * bit vector (so we know if we need the default when we are done).
- */
- num_types = il->u[indx++].n;
- typ_vect = il->u[indx++].vect;
- select = 0;
- for (j = 0; j < num_types; ++j)
- if (has_type(typ, typ_vect[j], 1)) {
- typcd = typ_vect[j];
- select += 1;
- }
- if (select > 0) {
- fnc(il->u[indx].fld); /* action */
- /*
- * If this routine was called by the code generator, we need to
- * return extra information.
- */
- if (case_anlz != NULL) {
- ++case_anlz->n_cases;
- if (select == 1) {
- if (case_anlz->il_then == NULL) {
- case_anlz->typcd = typcd;
- case_anlz->il_then = il->u[indx].fld;
- }
- else if (case_anlz->il_else == NULL)
- case_anlz->il_else = il->u[indx].fld;
- }
- else {
- /*
- * There is more than one possible type that will cause
- * us to select this case. It can only be used in the "else".
- */
- if (case_anlz->il_else == NULL)
- case_anlz->il_else = il->u[indx].fld;
- else
- case_anlz->n_cases = 3; /* force no inlining. */
- }
- }
- }
- ++indx;
- }
- /*
- * If there are types that have not been handled, indicate this by
- * returning the index of the default clause.
- */
- use_dflt = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < n_intrtyp; ++i)
- if (bitset(typ, i)) {
- use_dflt = 1;
- break;
- }
- free_wktyp(wktyp);
- if (use_dflt)
- return indx;
- else
- return -1;
- }
- * gen_inv - general invocation. The argument list is set up, perform
- * abstract interpretation on each possible things being invoked.
- */
-static void gen_inv(typ, n)
-#ifdef OptimizeType
-struct typinfo *typ;
-#else /* OptimizeType */
-unsigned int *typ;
-#endif /* OptimizeType */
-nodeptr n;
- {
- int ret_flag = 0;
- struct store *s_store;
- struct store *store;
- struct gentry *gptr;
- struct implement *ip;
- struct type *prc_typ;
- int frst_prc;
- int num_prcs;
- int i;
-#ifdef TypTrc
- if (trcfile != NULL) {
- fprintf(trcfile, "%s (%d,%d) {\n", n->n_file, n->n_line, n->n_col);
- trc_indent = " ";
- }
-#endif /* TypTrc */
- frst_prc = type_array[proc_typ].frst_bit;
- num_prcs = type_array[proc_typ].num_bits;
- /*
- * Dereference the type of the thing being invoked.
- */
- prc_typ = get_wktyp();
- typ_deref(typ, prc_typ->bits, 0);
- s_store = succ_store;
- store = get_store(1);
- if (bitset(prc_typ->bits, str_bit) ||
- bitset(prc_typ->bits, cset_bit) ||
- bitset(prc_typ->bits, int_bit) ||
- bitset(prc_typ->bits, real_bit)) {
- /*
- * Assume integer invocation; any argument may be the result type.
- */
-#ifdef TypTrc
- if (trcfile != NULL) {
- fprintf(trcfile, "%s (%d,%d) %s{i}(", n->n_file, n->n_line, n->n_col,
- trc_indent);
- }
-#endif /* TypTrc */
- for (i = 0; i < num_args; ++i) {
- MrgTyp(n_intrtyp, arg_typs->types[i], n->type);
-#ifdef TypTrc
- if (trcfile != NULL) {
- if (i > 0)
- fprintf(trcfile, ", ");
- prt_typ(trcfile, arg_typs->types[i]);
- }
-#endif /* TypTrc */
- }
- /*
- * Integer invocation may succeed or fail.
- */
- ret_flag |= DoesRet | DoesFail;
- mrg_store(s_store, store);
- mrg_store(s_store, fail_store);
-#ifdef TypTrc
- if (trcfile != NULL) {
- fprintf(trcfile, ") =>> ");
- prt_typ(trcfile, n->type);
- fprintf(trcfile, "\n");
- }
-#endif /* TypTrc */
- }
- if (bitset(prc_typ->bits, str_bit) ||
- bitset(prc_typ->bits, cset_bit)) {
- /*
- * Assume string invocation; add all procedure types to the thing
- * being invoked.
- */
- for (i = 0; i < num_prcs; ++i)
- set_typ(prc_typ->bits, frst_prc + i);
- }
- if (bitset(prc_typ->bits, frst_prc)) {
- /*
- * First procedure type represents all operators that are
- * available via string invocation. Scan the operator table
- * looking for those that are in the string invocation table.
- * Note, this is not particularly efficient or precise.
- */
- for (i = 0; i < IHSize; ++i)
- for (ip = ohash[i]; ip != NULL; ip = ip->blink)
- if (ip->iconc_flgs & InStrTbl) {
- succ_store = cpy_store(s_store);
- infer_impl(ip, n, n->symtyps, n->type);
- ret_flag |= ip->ret_flag;
- mrg_store(succ_store, store);
- free_store(succ_store);
- }
- }
- /*
- * Check for procedure, built-in, and record constructor types
- * and perform type inference on invocations of them.
- */
- for (i = 1; i < num_prcs; ++i)
- if (bitset(prc_typ->bits, frst_prc + i)) {
- succ_store = cpy_store(s_store);
- gptr = proc_map[i];
- switch (gptr->flag & (F_Proc | F_Builtin | F_Record)) {
- case F_Proc:
- infer_prc(gptr->val.proc, n);
- ret_flag |= gptr->val.proc->ret_flag;
- break;
- case F_Builtin:
- infer_impl(gptr->val.builtin, n, n->symtyps, n->type);
- ret_flag |= gptr->val.builtin->ret_flag;
- break;
- case F_Record:
- infer_con(gptr->val.rec, n);
- ret_flag |= DoesRet | (err_conv ? DoesFail : 0);
- break;
- }
- mrg_store(succ_store, store);
- free_store(succ_store);
- }
- /*
- * If error conversion is supported and a non-procedure value
- * might be invoked, assume the invocation can fail.
- */
- if (err_conv && other_type(prc_typ->bits, proc_typ))
- mrg_store(s_store, fail_store);
- free_store(s_store);
- succ_store = store;
- chk_succ(ret_flag, n->store);
- free_wktyp(prc_typ);
-#ifdef TypTrc
- if (trcfile != NULL) {
- fprintf(trcfile, "%s (%d,%d) }\n", n->n_file, n->n_line, n->n_col);
- trc_indent = "";
- }
-#endif /* TypTrc */
- }
- * get_wktyp - get a dynamically allocated bit vector to use as a
- * work area for doing type computations.
- */
-static struct type *get_wktyp()
- {
- struct type *typ;
- if ((typ = type_pool) == NULL) {
- typ = NewStruct(type);
- typ->size = n_rttyp;
- typ->bits = alloc_typ(n_rttyp);
- }
- else {
- type_pool = type_pool->next;
- ClrTyp(n_rttyp, typ->bits);
- }
- return typ;
- }
- * free_wktyp - free a dynamically allocated type bit vector.
- */
-static void free_wktyp(typ)
-struct type *typ;
- {
- typ->next = type_pool;
- type_pool = typ;
- }
-#ifdef TypTrc
- * ChkSep - supply a separating space if this is not the first item.
- */
-#define ChkSep(n) (++n > 1 ? " " : "")
- * prt_typ - print a type that can include variable references.
- */
-static void prt_typ(file, typ)
-FILE *file;
-#ifdef OptimizeType
-struct typinfo *typ;
-#else /* OptimizeType */
-unsigned int *typ;
-#endif /* OptimizeType */
- {
- struct gentry *gptr;
- struct lentry *lptr;
- char *name;
- int i, j, k;
- int n;
- int frst_bit;
- int num_bits;
- char *abrv;
- fprintf(trcfile, "{");
- n = 0;
- /*
- * Go through the types and see any sub-types are present.
- */
- for (k = 0; k < num_typs; ++k) {
- frst_bit = type_array[k].frst_bit;
- num_bits = type_array[k].num_bits;
- abrv = icontypes[k].abrv;
- if (k == proc_typ) {
- /*
- * procedures, record constructors, and built-in functions.
- */
- for (i = 0; i < num_bits; ++i)
- if (bitset(typ, frst_bit + i)) {
- if (i == 0)
- fprintf(file, "%sops", ChkSep(n));
- else {
- gptr = proc_map[i];
- switch (gptr->flag & (F_Proc | F_Builtin | F_Record)) {
- case F_Proc:
- fprintf(file, "%s%s:%s", ChkSep(n), abrv, gptr->name);
- break;
- case F_Builtin:
- fprintf(file, "%sfnc:%s", ChkSep(n), gptr->name);
- break;
- case F_Record:
- fprintf(file, "%sconstr:%s", ChkSep(n), gptr->name);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else if (k == rec_typ) {
- /*
- * records - include record name.
- */
- for (i = 0; i < num_bits; ++i)
- if (bitset(typ, frst_bit + i))
- fprintf(file, "%s%s:%s", ChkSep(n), abrv, rec_map[i]->name);
- }
- else if (icontypes[k].support_new | k == coexp_typ) {
- /*
- * A type with sub-types.
- */
- for (i = 0; i < num_bits; ++i)
- if (bitset(typ, frst_bit + i))
- fprintf(file, "%s%s%d", ChkSep(n), abrv, i);
- }
- else {
- /*
- * A type with no subtypes.
- */
- if (bitset(typ, frst_bit))
- fprintf(file, "%s%s", ChkSep(n), abrv);
- }
- }
- for (k = 0; k < num_cmpnts; ++k) {
- if (typecompnt[k].var) {
- /*
- * Structure component that is a variable.
- */
- frst_bit = compnt_array[k].frst_bit;
- num_bits = compnt_array[k].num_bits;
- abrv = typecompnt[k].abrv;
- for (i = 0; i < num_bits; ++i)
- if (bitset(typ, frst_bit + i))
- fprintf(file, "%s%s%d", ChkSep(n), abrv, i);
- }
- }
- /*
- * record fields
- */
- for (i = 0; i < n_fld; ++i)
- if (bitset(typ, frst_fld + i))
- fprintf(file, "%sfld%d", ChkSep(n), i);
- /*
- * global variables
- */
- for (i = 0; i < n_nmgbl; ++i)
- if (bitset(typ, frst_gbl + i)) {
- name = NULL;
- for (j = 0; j < GHSize && name == NULL; j++)
- for (gptr = ghash[j]; gptr != NULL && name == NULL;
- gptr = gptr->blink)
- if (gptr->index == i)
- name = gptr->name;
- for (lptr = cur_proc->statics; lptr != NULL && name == NULL;
- lptr = lptr->next)
- if (lptr->val.index == i)
- name = lptr->name;
- /*
- * Static variables may be returned and dereferenced in a procedure
- * they don't belong to.
- */
- if (name == NULL)
- name = "?static?";
- fprintf(file, "%svar:%s", ChkSep(n), name);
- }
- /*
- * local variables
- */
- for (i = 0; i < n_loc; ++i)
- if (bitset(typ, frst_loc + i)) {
- name = NULL;
- for (lptr = cur_proc->args; lptr != NULL && name == NULL;
- lptr = lptr->next)
- if (lptr->val.index == i)
- name = lptr->name;
- for (lptr = cur_proc->dynams; lptr != NULL && name == NULL;
- lptr = lptr->next)
- if (lptr->val.index == i)
- name = lptr->name;
- /*
- * Local variables types may appear in the wrong procedure due to
- * substring trapped variables and the inference of impossible
- * execution paths. Make sure we don't end up with a NULL name.
- */
- if (name == NULL)
- name = "?";
- fprintf(file, "%svar:%s", ChkSep(n), name);
- }
- fprintf(trcfile, "}");
- }
- * prt_d_typ - dereference a type and print it.
- */
-static void prt_d_typ(file, typ)
-FILE *file;
-#ifdef OptimizeType
-struct typinfo *typ;
-#else /* OptimizeType */
-unsigned int *typ;
-#endif /* OptimizeType */
- struct type *wktyp;
- wktyp = get_wktyp();
- typ_deref(typ, wktyp->bits, 0);
- prt_typ(file, wktyp->bits);
- free_wktyp(wktyp);
-#endif /* TypTrc */
- * get_argtyp - get an array of pointers to type bit vectors for use
- * in constructing an argument list. The array is large enough for the
- * largest argument list.
- */
-static struct argtyps *get_argtyp()
- {
- struct argtyps *argtyps;
- if ((argtyps = argtyp_pool) == NULL)
-#ifdef OptimizeType
- argtyps = (struct argtyps *)alloc((unsigned int)(sizeof(struct argtyps) +
- ((max_prm - 1) * sizeof(struct typinfo *))));
-#else /* OptimizeType */
- argtyps = (struct argtyps *)alloc((unsigned int)(sizeof(struct argtyps) +
- ((max_prm - 1) * sizeof(unsigned int *))));
-#endif /* OptimizeType */
- else
- argtyp_pool = argtyp_pool->next;
- return argtyps;
- }
- * free_argtyp - free array of pointers to type bitvectors.
- */
-static void free_argtyp(argtyps)
-struct argtyps *argtyps;
- {
- argtyps->next = argtyp_pool;
- argtyp_pool = argtyps;
- }
- * varsubtyp - examine a type and determine what kinds of variable
- * subtypes it has and whether it has any non-variable subtypes.
- * If the type consists of a single named variable, return its symbol
- * table entry through the parameter "singl".
- */
-int varsubtyp(typ, singl)
-#ifdef OptimizeType
-struct typinfo *typ;
-#else /* OptimizeType */
-unsigned int *typ;
-#endif /* OptimizeType */
-struct lentry **singl;
- {
- struct store *stv_stor;
- int subtypes;
- int n_types;
- int var_indx;
- int frst_bit;
- int num_bits;
- int i, j;
- subtypes = 0;
- n_types = 0;
- var_indx = -1;
- /*
- * check for non-variables.
- */
- for (i = 0; i < n_icntyp; ++i)
- if (bitset(typ, i)) {
- subtypes |= HasVal;
- ++n_types;
- }
- /*
- * Predefined variable types.
- */
- for (i = 0; i < num_typs; ++i) {
- if (icontypes[i].deref != DrfNone) {
- frst_bit = type_array[i].frst_bit;
- num_bits = type_array[i].num_bits;
- for (j = 0; j < num_bits; ++j) {
- if (bitset(typ, frst_bit + j)) {
- if (i == stv_typ) {
- /*
- * We have found substring trapped variable j, see whether it
- * references locals or globals.
- */
- if (do_typinfer) {
- stv_stor = compnt_array[str_var].store;
- subtypes |= varsubtyp(stv_stor->types[j], NULL);
- }
- else
- subtypes |= HasLcl | HasPrm | HasGlb;
- }
- else
- subtypes |= HasGlb;
- ++n_types;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- * Aggregate compontents that are variables.
- */
- for (i = 0; i < num_cmpnts; ++i) {
- if (typecompnt[i].var) {
- frst_bit = compnt_array[i].frst_bit;
- num_bits = compnt_array[i].num_bits;
- for (j = 0; j < num_bits; ++j) {
- if (bitset(typ, frst_bit + j)) {
- subtypes |= HasGlb;
- ++n_types;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- * record fields
- */
- for (i = 0; i < n_fld; ++i)
- if (bitset(typ, frst_fld + i)) {
- subtypes |= HasGlb;
- ++n_types;
- }
- /*
- * global variables, including statics
- */
- for (i = 0; i < n_gbl; ++i) {
- if (bitset(typ, frst_gbl + i)) {
- subtypes |= HasGlb;
- var_indx = i;
- ++n_types;
- }
- }
- /*
- * local variables
- */
- for (i = 0; i < n_loc; ++i) {
- if (bitset(typ, frst_loc + i)) {
- if (i < Abs(cur_proc->nargs))
- subtypes |= HasPrm;
- else
- subtypes |= HasLcl;
- var_indx = n_gbl + i;
- ++n_types;
- }
- }
- if (singl != NULL) {
- /*
- * See if the type consists of a single named variable.
- */
- if (n_types == 1 && var_indx != -1)
- *singl = cur_proc->vartypmap[var_indx];
- else
- *singl = NULL;
- }
- return subtypes;
- }
- * mark_recs - go through the list of parent records for this field
- * and mark those that are in the type. Also gather information
- * to help generate better code.
- */
-void mark_recs(fp, typ, num_offsets, offset, bad_recs)
-struct fentry *fp;
-#ifdef OptimizeType
-struct typinfo *typ;
-#else /* OptimizeType */
-unsigned int *typ;
-#endif /* OptimizeType */
-int *num_offsets;
-int *offset;
-int *bad_recs;
- {
- struct par_rec *rp;
- struct type *wktyp;
- int frst_rec;
- *num_offsets = 0;
- *offset = -1;
- *bad_recs = 0;
- wktyp = get_wktyp();
- CpyTyp(n_icntyp, typ, wktyp->bits);
- /*
- * For each record containing this field, see if the record is
- * in the type.
- */
- frst_rec = type_array[rec_typ].frst_bit;
- for (rp = fp->rlist; rp != NULL; rp = rp->next) {
- if (bitset(wktyp->bits, frst_rec + rp->rec->rec_num)) {
- /*
- * This record is in the type.
- */
- rp->mark = 1;
- clr_typ(wktyp->bits, frst_rec + rp->rec->rec_num);
- if (*offset != rp->offset) {
- *offset = rp->offset;
- *num_offsets += 1;
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- * Are there any records that do not contain this field?
- */
- *bad_recs = has_type(wktyp->bits, rec_typ, 0);
- free_wktyp(wktyp);
- }
- * past_prms - return true if execution might continue past the parameter
- * evaluation. If a parameter has no type, this will not happen.
- */
-int past_prms(n)
-nodeptr n;
- {
- struct implement *impl;
- struct symtyps *symtyps;
- int nparms;
- int nargs;
- int flag;
- int i, j;
- nargs = Val0(n);
- impl = Impl1(n);
- symtyps = n->symtyps;
- nparms = impl->nargs;
- if (symtyps == NULL)
- return 1;
- j = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < nparms; ++i) {
- flag = impl->arg_flgs[i];
- if (flag & VarPrm && i >= nargs)
- break; /* no parameters for variable part of arg list */
- if (flag & RtParm) {
- if (is_empty(symtyps->types[j]))
- return 0;
- ++j;
- }
- if (flag & DrfPrm) {
- if (is_empty(symtyps->types[j]))
- return 0;
- ++j;
- }
- }
- return 1;
- }