path: root/src/runtime/rimage.r
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/runtime/rimage.r')
1 files changed, 930 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/runtime/rimage.r b/src/runtime/rimage.r
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..775b836
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/runtime/rimage.r
@@ -0,0 +1,930 @@
+ * File: rimage.c
+ * Functions and data for reading and writing GIF images
+ */
+#ifdef Graphics
+#define GifSeparator 0x2C /* (',') beginning of image */
+#define GifTerminator 0x3B /* (';') end of image */
+#define GifExtension 0x21 /* ('!') extension block */
+#define GifControlExt 0xF9 /* graphic control extension label */
+#define GifEmpty -1 /* internal flag indicating no prefix */
+#define GifTableSize 4096 /* maximum number of entries in table */
+#define GifBlockSize 255 /* size of output block */
+typedef struct lzwnode { /* structure of LZW encoding tree node */
+ unsigned short tcode; /* token code */
+ unsigned short child; /* first child node */
+ unsigned short sibling; /* next sibling */
+ } lzwnode;
+static int gfread (char *fn, int p);
+static int gfheader (FILE *f);
+static int gfskip (FILE *f);
+static void gfcontrol (FILE *f);
+static int gfimhdr (FILE *f);
+static int gfmap (FILE *f, int p);
+static int gfsetup (void);
+static int gfrdata (FILE *f);
+static int gfrcode (FILE *f);
+static void gfinsert (int prev, int c);
+static int gffirst (int c);
+static void gfgen (int c);
+static void gfput (int b);
+static int gfwrite (wbp w, char *filename,
+ int x, int y, int width, int height);
+static void gfmktree (lzwnode *tree);
+static void gfout (int tcode);
+static void gfdump (void);
+static int medcut (long hlist[], struct palentry plist[], int ncolors);
+static FILE *gf_f; /* input file */
+static int gf_gcmap, gf_lcmap; /* global color map? local color map? */
+static int gf_nbits; /* number of bits per pixel */
+static int gf_ilace; /* interlace flag */
+static int gf_width, gf_height; /* image size */
+static short *gf_prefix, *gf_suffix; /* prefix and suffix tables */
+static int gf_free; /* next free position */
+static struct palentry *gf_paltbl; /* palette table */
+static unsigned char *gf_string; /* incoming image data */
+static short *gf_pixels; /* outgoing image data */
+static unsigned char *gf_nxt, *gf_lim; /* store pointer and its limit */
+static int gf_row, gf_step; /* current row and step size */
+static int gf_cdsize; /* code size */
+static int gf_clear, gf_eoi; /* values of CLEAR and EOI codes */
+static int gf_lzwbits, gf_lzwmask; /* current bits per code */
+static unsigned char *gf_obuf; /* output buffer */
+static unsigned long gf_curr; /* current partial byte(s) */
+static int gf_valid; /* number of valid bits */
+static int gf_rem; /* remaining bytes in this block */
+ * readGIF(filename, p, imd) - read GIF file into image data structure
+ *
+ * p is a palette number to which the GIF colors are to be coerced;
+ * p=0 uses the colors exactly as given in the GIF file.
+ */
+int readGIF(filename, p, imd)
+char *filename;
+int p;
+struct imgdata *imd;
+ {
+ int r;
+ r = gfread(filename, p); /* read image */
+ if (gf_prefix) free((pointer)gf_prefix); /* deallocate temp memory */
+ if (gf_suffix) free((pointer)gf_suffix);
+ if (gf_f) fclose(gf_f);
+ if (r != Succeeded) { /* if no success, free mem */
+ if (gf_paltbl) free((pointer) gf_paltbl);
+ if (gf_string) free((pointer) gf_string);
+ return r; /* return Failed or Error */
+ }
+ imd->width = gf_width; /* set return variables */
+ imd->height = gf_height;
+ imd->paltbl = gf_paltbl;
+ imd->data = gf_string;
+ return Succeeded; /* return success */
+ }
+ * gfread(filename, p) - read GIF file, setting gf_ globals
+ */
+static int gfread(filename, p)
+char *filename;
+int p;
+ {
+ int i;
+ gf_f = NULL;
+ gf_prefix = NULL;
+ gf_suffix = NULL;
+ gf_string = NULL;
+ if (!(gf_paltbl = (struct palentry *)malloc(256 * sizeof(struct palentry))))
+ return Failed;
+ if ((gf_f = fopen(filename, "rb")) == NULL)
+ return Failed;
+ for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) /* init palette table */
+ gf_paltbl[i].used = gf_paltbl[i].valid = gf_paltbl[i].transpt = 0;
+ if (!gfheader(gf_f)) /* read file header */
+ return Failed;
+ if (gf_gcmap) /* read global color map, if any */
+ if (!gfmap(gf_f, p))
+ return Failed;
+ if (!gfskip(gf_f)) /* skip to start of image */
+ return Failed;
+ if (!gfimhdr(gf_f)) /* read image header */
+ return Failed;
+ if (gf_lcmap) /* read local color map, if any */
+ if (!gfmap(gf_f, p))
+ return Failed;
+ if (!gfsetup()) /* prepare to read image */
+ return Error;
+ if (!gfrdata(gf_f)) /* read image data */
+ return Failed;
+ while (gf_row < gf_height) /* pad if too short */
+ gfput(0);
+ return Succeeded;
+ }
+ * gfheader(f) - read GIF file header; return nonzero if successful
+ */
+static int gfheader(f)
+FILE *f;
+ {
+ unsigned char hdr[13]; /* size of a GIF header */
+ int b;
+ if (fread((char *)hdr, sizeof(char), sizeof(hdr), f) != sizeof(hdr))
+ return 0; /* header short or missing */
+ if (strncmp((char *)hdr, "GIF", 3) != 0 ||
+ !isdigit(hdr[3]) || !isdigit(hdr[4]))
+ return 0; /* not GIFnn */
+ b = hdr[10]; /* flag byte */
+ gf_gcmap = b & 0x80; /* global color map flag */
+ gf_nbits = (b & 7) + 1; /* number of bits per pixel */
+ return 1;
+ }
+ * gfskip(f) - skip intermediate blocks and locate image
+ */
+static int gfskip(f)
+FILE *f;
+ {
+ int c, n;
+ while ((c = getc(f)) != GifSeparator) { /* look for start-of-image flag */
+ if (c == EOF)
+ return 0;
+ if (c == GifExtension) { /* if extension block is present */
+ c = getc(f); /* get label */
+ if ((c & 0xFF) == GifControlExt)
+ gfcontrol(f); /* process control subblock */
+ while ((n = getc(f)) != 0) { /* read blks until empty one */
+ if (n == EOF)
+ return 0;
+ n &= 0xFF; /* ensure positive count */
+ while (n--) /* skip block contents */
+ getc(f);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return 1;
+ }
+ * gfcontrol(f) - process control extension subblock
+ */
+static void gfcontrol(f)
+FILE *f;
+ {
+ int i, n, c, t;
+ n = getc(f) & 0xFF; /* subblock length (s/b 4) */
+ for (i = t = 0; i < n; i++) {
+ c = getc(f) & 0xFF;
+ if (i == 0)
+ t = c & 1; /* transparency flag */
+ else if (i == 3 && t != 0) {
+ gf_paltbl[c].transpt = 1; /* set flag for transpt color */
+ gf_paltbl[c].valid = 0; /* color is no longer "valid" */
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ * gfimhdr(f) - read image header
+ */
+static int gfimhdr(f)
+FILE *f;
+ {
+ unsigned char hdr[9]; /* size of image hdr excl separator */
+ int b;
+ if (fread((char *)hdr, sizeof(char), sizeof(hdr), f) != sizeof(hdr))
+ return 0; /* header short or missing */
+ gf_width = hdr[4] + 256 * hdr[5];
+ gf_height = hdr[6] + 256 * hdr[7];
+ b = hdr[8]; /* flag byte */
+ gf_lcmap = b & 0x80; /* local color map flag */
+ gf_ilace = b & 0x40; /* interlace flag */
+ if (gf_lcmap)
+ gf_nbits = (b & 7) + 1; /* if local map, reset nbits also */
+ return 1;
+ }
+ * gfmap(f, p) - read GIF color map into paltbl under control of palette p
+ */
+static int gfmap(f, p)
+FILE *f;
+int p;
+ {
+ int ncolors, i, r, g, b, c;
+ struct palentry *stdpal = 0;
+ if (p)
+ stdpal = palsetup(p);
+ ncolors = 1 << gf_nbits;
+ for (i = 0; i < ncolors; i++) {
+ r = getc(f);
+ g = getc(f);
+ b = getc(f);
+ if (r == EOF || g == EOF || b == EOF)
+ return 0;
+ if (p) {
+ c = *(unsigned char *)(rgbkey(p, r / 255.0, g / 255.0, b / 255.0));
+ gf_paltbl[i].clr = stdpal[c].clr;
+ }
+ else {
+ gf_paltbl[i] = 257 * r; /* 257 * 255 -> 65535 */
+ gf_paltbl[i] = 257 * g;
+ gf_paltbl[i] = 257 * b;
+ }
+ if (!gf_paltbl[i].transpt) /* if not transparent color */
+ gf_paltbl[i].valid = 1; /* mark as valid/opaque */
+ }
+ return 1;
+ }
+ * gfsetup() - prepare to read GIF data
+ */
+static int gfsetup()
+ {
+ int i;
+ word len;
+ len = (word)gf_width * (word)gf_height;
+ gf_string = (unsigned char *)malloc(len);
+ gf_prefix = (short *)malloc(GifTableSize * sizeof(short));
+ gf_suffix = (short *)malloc(GifTableSize * sizeof(short));
+ if (!gf_string || !gf_prefix || !gf_suffix)
+ return 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < GifTableSize; i++) {
+ gf_prefix[i] = GifEmpty;
+ gf_suffix[i] = i;
+ }
+ gf_row = 0; /* current row is 0 */
+ gf_nxt = gf_string; /* set store pointer */
+ if (gf_ilace) { /* if interlaced */
+ gf_step = 8; /* step rows by 8 */
+ gf_lim = gf_string + gf_width; /* stop at end of one row */
+ }
+ else {
+ gf_lim = gf_string + len; /* do whole image at once */
+ gf_step = gf_height; /* step to end when full */
+ }
+ return 1;
+ }
+ * gfrdata(f) - read GIF data
+ */
+static int gfrdata(f)
+FILE *f;
+ {
+ int curr, prev, c;
+ if ((gf_cdsize = getc(f)) == EOF)
+ return 0;
+ gf_clear = 1 << gf_cdsize;
+ gf_eoi = gf_clear + 1;
+ gf_free = gf_eoi + 1;
+ gf_lzwbits = gf_cdsize + 1;
+ gf_lzwmask = (1 << gf_lzwbits) - 1;
+ gf_curr = 0;
+ gf_valid = 0;
+ gf_rem = 0;
+ prev = curr = gfrcode(f);
+ while (curr != gf_eoi) {
+ if (curr == gf_clear) { /* if reset code */
+ gf_lzwbits = gf_cdsize + 1;
+ gf_lzwmask = (1 << gf_lzwbits) - 1;
+ gf_free = gf_eoi + 1;
+ prev = curr = gfrcode(f);
+ gfgen(curr);
+ }
+ else if (curr < gf_free) { /* if code is in table */
+ gfgen(curr);
+ gfinsert(prev, gffirst(curr));
+ prev = curr;
+ }
+ else if (curr == gf_free) { /* not yet in table */
+ c = gffirst(prev);
+ gfgen(prev);
+ gfput(c);
+ gfinsert(prev, c);
+ prev = curr;
+ }
+ else { /* illegal code */
+ if (gf_nxt == gf_lim)
+ return 1; /* assume just extra stuff after end */
+ else
+ return 0; /* more badly confused */
+ }
+ curr = gfrcode(f);
+ }
+ return 1;
+ }
+ * gfrcode(f) - read next LZW code
+ */
+static int gfrcode(f)
+FILE *f;
+ {
+ int c, r;
+ while (gf_valid < gf_lzwbits) {
+ if (--gf_rem <= 0) {
+ if ((gf_rem = getc(f)) == EOF)
+ return gf_eoi;
+ }
+ if ((c = getc(f)) == EOF)
+ return gf_eoi;
+ gf_curr |= ((c & 0xFF) << gf_valid);
+ gf_valid += 8;
+ }
+ r = gf_curr & gf_lzwmask;
+ gf_curr >>= gf_lzwbits;
+ gf_valid -= gf_lzwbits;
+ return r;
+ }
+ * gfinsert(prev, c) - insert into table
+ */
+static void gfinsert(prev, c)
+int prev, c;
+ {
+ if (gf_free >= GifTableSize) /* sanity check */
+ return;
+ gf_prefix[gf_free] = prev;
+ gf_suffix[gf_free] = c;
+ /* increase code size if code bits are exhausted, up to max of 12 bits */
+ if (++gf_free > gf_lzwmask && gf_lzwbits < 12) {
+ gf_lzwmask = gf_lzwmask * 2 + 1;
+ gf_lzwbits++;
+ }
+ }
+ * gffirst(c) - return the first pixel in a map structure
+ */
+static int gffirst(c)
+int c;
+ {
+ int d;
+ if (c >= gf_free)
+ return 0; /* not in table (error) */
+ while ((d = gf_prefix[c]) != GifEmpty)
+ c = d;
+ return gf_suffix[c];
+ }
+ * gfgen(c) - generate and output prefix
+ */
+static void gfgen(c)
+int c;
+ {
+ int d;
+ if ((d = gf_prefix[c]) != GifEmpty)
+ gfgen(d);
+ gfput(gf_suffix[c]);
+ }
+ * gfput(b) - add a byte to the output string
+ */
+static void gfput(b)
+int b;
+ {
+ if (gf_nxt >= gf_lim) { /* if current row is full */
+ gf_row += gf_step;
+ while (gf_row >= gf_height && gf_ilace && gf_step > 2) {
+ if (gf_step == 4) {
+ gf_row = 1;
+ gf_step = 2;
+ }
+ else if ((gf_row % 8) != 0) {
+ gf_row = 2;
+ gf_step = 4;
+ }
+ else {
+ gf_row = 4;
+ /* gf_step remains 8 */
+ }
+ }
+ if (gf_row >= gf_height) {
+ gf_step = 0;
+ return; /* too much data; ignore it */
+ }
+ gf_nxt = gf_string + ((word)gf_row * (word)gf_width);
+ gf_lim = gf_nxt + gf_width;
+ }
+ *gf_nxt++ = b; /* store byte */
+ gf_paltbl[b].used = 1; /* mark color entry as used */
+ }
+ * writeGIF(w, filename, x, y, width, height) - write GIF image
+ *
+ * Returns Succeeded, Failed, or Error.
+ * We assume that the area specified is within the window.
+ */
+int writeGIF(w, filename, x, y, width, height)
+wbp w;
+char *filename;
+int x, y, width, height;
+ {
+ int r;
+ r = gfwrite(w, filename, x, y, width, height);
+ if (gf_f) fclose(gf_f);
+ if (gf_pixels) free((pointer)gf_pixels);
+ return r;
+ }
+ * gfwrite(w, filename, x, y, width, height) - write GIF file
+ *
+ * We write GIF87a format (not 89a) for maximum acceptability and because
+ * we don't need any of the extensions of GIF89.
+ */
+static int gfwrite(w, filename, x, y, width, height)
+wbp w;
+char *filename;
+int x, y, width, height;
+ {
+ unsigned char obuf[GifBlockSize];
+ short *p, *q;
+ int i, c, cur, nc;
+ long h, npixels, hlist[1<<15];
+ LinearColor *cp;
+ struct palentry paltbl[GIFMAX];
+ lzwnode tree[GifTableSize + 1];
+ npixels = (long)width * (long)height; /* total length of data */
+ if (!(gf_f = fopen(filename, "wb")))
+ return Failed;
+ if (!(gf_pixels = malloc(npixels * sizeof(short))))
+ return Error;
+ if (!capture(w, x, y, width, height, gf_pixels)) /* get data (rgb15) */
+ return Error;
+ memset(hlist, 0, sizeof(hlist));
+ for (h = 0; h < npixels; h++) /* make histogram */
+ hlist[gf_pixels[h]]++;
+ nc = medcut(hlist, paltbl, GIFMAX); /* make palette using median cut alg */
+ if (nc == 0)
+ return Error;
+ gf_nbits = 1; /* figure out gif bits for nc colors */
+ while ((1 << gf_nbits) < nc)
+ gf_nbits++;
+ if (gf_nbits < 2)
+ gf_cdsize = 2;
+ else
+ gf_cdsize = gf_nbits;
+ gf_clear = 1 << gf_cdsize; /* set encoding variables */
+ gf_eoi = gf_clear + 1;
+ gf_free = gf_eoi + 1;
+ gf_lzwbits = gf_cdsize + 1;
+ /*
+ * Write the header, global color table, and image descriptor.
+ */
+ fprintf(gf_f, "GIF87a%c%c%c%c%c%c%c", width, width >> 8, height, height >> 8,
+ 0x80 | ((gf_nbits - 1) << 4) | (gf_nbits - 1), 0, 0);
+ for (i = 0; i < (1 << gf_nbits); i++) { /* output color table */
+ if (i < GIFMAX && i < nc) {
+ cp = &paltbl[i].clr;
+ putc(cp->red >> 8, gf_f);
+ putc(cp->green >> 8, gf_f);
+ putc(cp->blue >> 8, gf_f);
+ }
+ else {
+ putc(0, gf_f);
+ putc(0, gf_f);
+ putc(0, gf_f);
+ }
+ }
+ fprintf(gf_f, "%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c", GifSeparator, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ width, width >> 8, height, height >> 8, gf_nbits - 1, gf_cdsize);
+ /*
+ * Encode and write the image.
+ */
+ gf_obuf = obuf; /* initialize output state */
+ gf_curr = 0;
+ gf_valid = 0;
+ gf_rem = GifBlockSize;
+ gfmktree(tree); /* initialize encoding tree */
+ gfout(gf_clear); /* start with CLEAR code */
+ p = gf_pixels;
+ q = p + npixels;
+ cur = hlist[*p++]; /* first pixel is special */
+ while (p < q) {
+ c = hlist[*p++]; /* get code */
+ for (i = tree[cur].child; i != 0; i = tree[i].sibling)
+ if (tree[i].tcode == c) /* find as suffix of previous string */
+ break;
+ if (i != 0) { /* if found in encoding tree */
+ cur = i; /* note where */
+ continue; /* and accumulate more */
+ }
+ gfout(cur); /* new combination -- output prefix */
+ tree[gf_free].tcode = c; /* make node for new combination */
+ tree[gf_free].child = 0;
+ tree[gf_free].sibling = tree[cur].child;
+ tree[cur].child = gf_free;
+ cur = c; /* restart string from single pixel */
+ ++gf_free; /* grow tree to account for new node */
+ if (gf_free > (1 << gf_lzwbits)) {
+ if (gf_free > GifTableSize) {
+ gfout(gf_clear); /* table is full; reset to empty */
+ gf_lzwbits = gf_cdsize + 1;
+ gfmktree(tree);
+ }
+ else
+ gf_lzwbits++; /* time to make output one bit wider */
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * Finish up.
+ */
+ gfout(cur); /* flush accumulated prefix */
+ gfout(gf_eoi); /* send EOI code */
+ gf_lzwbits = 7;
+ gfout(0); /* force out last partial byte */
+ gfdump(); /* dump final block */
+ putc(0, gf_f); /* terminate image (block of size 0) */
+ putc(GifTerminator, gf_f); /* terminate file */
+ fflush(gf_f);
+ if (ferror(gf_f))
+ return Failed;
+ else
+ return Succeeded; /* caller will close file */
+ }
+ * gfmktree() - initialize or reinitialize encoding tree
+ */
+static void gfmktree(tree)
+lzwnode *tree;
+ {
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < gf_clear; i++) { /* for each basic entry */
+ tree[i].tcode = i; /* code is pixel value */
+ tree[i].child = 0; /* no suffixes yet */
+ tree[i].sibling = i + 1; /* next code is sibling */
+ }
+ tree[gf_clear - 1].sibling = 0; /* last entry has no sibling */
+ gf_free = gf_eoi + 1; /* reset next free entry */
+ }
+ * gfout(code) - output one LZW token
+ */
+static void gfout(tcode)
+int tcode;
+ {
+ gf_curr |= tcode << gf_valid; /* add to current word */
+ gf_valid += gf_lzwbits; /* count the bits */
+ while (gf_valid >= 8) { /* while we have a byte to output */
+ gf_obuf[GifBlockSize - gf_rem] = gf_curr; /* put in buffer */
+ gf_curr >>= 8; /* remove from word */
+ gf_valid -= 8;
+ if (--gf_rem == 0) /* flush buffer when full */
+ gfdump();
+ }
+ }
+ * gfdump() - dump output buffer
+ */
+static void gfdump()
+ {
+ int n;
+ n = GifBlockSize - gf_rem;
+ putc(n, gf_f); /* write block size */
+ fwrite((pointer)gf_obuf, 1, n, gf_f); /*write block */
+ gf_rem = GifBlockSize; /* reset buffer to empty */
+ }
+ * Median cut quantization code, based on the classic algorithm from
+ * Color Image Quantization for Frame Buffer Display
+ * Paul Heckbert
+ * SIGGRAPH '82, July 1982 (vol 16 no 3), pp297-307
+ */
+typedef struct box { /* 3-D RGB region for median cut algorithm */
+ struct box *next; /* next box in chain */
+ long count; /* number of occurrences in this region */
+ char maxaxis; /* indication of longest axis */
+ char maxdim; /* length along longest axis */
+ char cutpt; /* cut point along that axis */
+ char rmin, gmin, bmin; /* minimum r, g, b values (5-bit color) */
+ char rmax, gmax, bmax; /* maximum r, g, b values (5-bit color) */
+ } box;
+#define MC_QUANT 5 /* quantize colors to 5 bits for median cut */
+#define MC_MAXC ((1 << MC_QUANT) - 1) /* so the maximum color value is 31 */
+#define MC_RED (2 * MC_QUANT) /* red shift */
+#define MC_GRN (1 * MC_QUANT) /* green shift */
+#define MC_BLU (0 * MC_QUANT) /* blue shift */
+static void mc_shrink(box *bx);
+static void mc_cut(box *bx);
+static void mc_setcolor(box *bx, struct palentry *pe, int i);
+static void mc_median(box *bx, int axis, long counts[], int min, int max);
+static void mc_remove(box *bx);
+static void mc_insert(box *bx);
+static long *mc_hlist; /* current histogram list */
+static box *mc_blist; /* current box list */
+static int mc_nboxes = 0; /* number of boxes allocated so far */
+static box *mc_bfirst; /* first box on linked list */
+ * medcut(hlist, plist, n) -- perform median-cut color quantization.
+ *
+ * On entry, hlist is a histogram of 32768 entries (5-bit color),
+ * plist is an array of n palentry structs to be filled in,
+ * and n is the number of colors desired in the result.
+ *
+ * On exit, up to n entries in plist have been filled in, and each
+ * hlist entry is an index into plist for the corresponding color.
+ *
+ * medcut returns the number of entries actually used.
+ * This is usually n if the histogram has that many nonzero entries.
+ * A return code of 0 indicates an allocation failure.
+ */
+int medcut(long hlist[], struct palentry plist[], int ncolors) {
+ box *bx;
+ int i;
+ if ((mc_blist = malloc(ncolors * sizeof(box))) == NULL)
+ return 0;
+ mc_nboxes = 0;
+ mc_hlist = hlist;
+ bx = &mc_blist[mc_nboxes++]; /* create initial box */
+ bx->next = NULL;
+ bx->rmin = bx->gmin = bx->bmin = 0;
+ bx->rmax = bx->gmax = bx->bmax = 31;
+ mc_shrink(bx); /* set box statistics */
+ mc_bfirst = bx; /* put as first and only box on chain */
+ while (mc_nboxes < ncolors && mc_bfirst->maxdim > 1)
+ mc_cut(mc_bfirst); /* split box with longest dimension */
+ for (i = 0; i < mc_nboxes; i++) /* for every box created */
+ mc_setcolor(&mc_blist[i], &plist[i], i); /* set palette entry */
+ free(mc_blist);
+ return mc_nboxes;
+ }
+ * mc_shrink(bx) -- shrink a box to tightly enclose its contents.
+ *
+ * Adjusts rmin, gmin, bmin, rmax, gmax, bmax.
+ * Calculates count, maxaxis, maxdim, and cutpt
+ * (while the necessary statistics are handy).
+ */
+static void mc_shrink(box *bx) {
+ int i, n, r, g, b, t, dr, dg, db;
+ long rcounts[MC_MAXC+1], gcounts[MC_MAXC+1], bcounts[MC_MAXC+1];
+ memset(rcounts, 0, (MC_MAXC + 1) * sizeof(long));
+ memset(gcounts, 0, (MC_MAXC + 1) * sizeof(long));
+ memset(bcounts, 0, (MC_MAXC + 1) * sizeof(long));
+ /*
+ * Simultaneously count cross-sections along r, g, and b axes.
+ */
+ t = n = 0;
+ for (r = bx->rmin; r <= bx->rmax; r++) {
+ for (g = bx->gmin; g <= bx->gmax; g++) {
+ for (b = bx->bmin; b <= bx->bmax; b++) {
+ i = (r << MC_RED) + (g << MC_GRN) + (b << MC_BLU);
+ n = mc_hlist[i];
+ t += n;
+ rcounts[r] += n;
+ gcounts[g] += n;
+ bcounts[b] += n;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ bx->count = t;
+ /*
+ * Adjust min/mas bounds to tightly enclose the data we found.
+ */
+ while (rcounts[bx->rmin] == 0) bx->rmin++;
+ while (rcounts[bx->rmax] == 0) bx->rmax--;
+ while (gcounts[bx->gmin] == 0) bx->gmin++;
+ while (gcounts[bx->gmax] == 0) bx->gmax--;
+ while (bcounts[bx->bmin] == 0) bx->bmin++;
+ while (bcounts[bx->bmax] == 0) bx->bmax--;
+ /*
+ * Find and record the axis of longest dimension.
+ */
+ dr = bx->rmax - bx->rmin;
+ dg = bx->gmax - bx->gmin;
+ db = bx->bmax - bx->bmin;
+ if (db > dg && db > dr)
+ mc_median(bx, MC_BLU, bcounts, bx->bmin, bx->bmax);
+ else if (dr > dg)
+ mc_median(bx, MC_RED, rcounts, bx->rmin, bx->rmax);
+ else
+ mc_median(bx, MC_GRN, gcounts, bx->gmin, bx->gmax);
+ }
+ * mc_median(bx, axis, counts, cmin, cmax) -- find median and set box values.
+ */
+static void mc_median(box *bx, int axis, long counts[], int cmin, int cmax) {
+ int lower, upper;
+ bx->maxaxis = axis;
+ bx->maxdim = cmax - cmin + 1;
+ lower = counts[cmin];
+ upper = counts[cmax];
+ /*
+ * Approach from both ends to find the median bin.
+ */
+ while (cmin < cmax) {
+ if (lower < upper)
+ lower += counts[++cmin];
+ else
+ upper += counts[--cmax];
+ }
+ /*
+ * Have counted the median bin in both upper and lower halves.
+ * Remove it from the larger of those two.
+ */
+ if (lower < upper)
+ upper -= counts[cmax++];
+ else
+ lower -= counts[cmin--];
+ bx->cutpt = cmax;
+ bx->count = lower + upper;
+ }
+ * mc_cut(bx) -- split box at previously recorded cutpoint.
+ */
+static void mc_cut(box *b1) {
+ box *b2;
+ mc_remove(b1); /* unlink box */
+ b2 = &mc_blist[mc_nboxes++]; /* allocate new box */
+ *b2 = *b1; /* duplicate the contents */
+ switch (b1->maxaxis) {
+ case MC_RED: b1->rmax = b1->cutpt - 1; b2->rmin = b2->cutpt; break;
+ case MC_GRN: b1->gmax = b1->cutpt - 1; b2->gmin = b2->cutpt; break;
+ case MC_BLU: b1->bmax = b1->cutpt - 1; b2->bmin = b2->cutpt; break;
+ }
+ mc_shrink(b1); /* recomputes box statistics */
+ mc_shrink(b2);
+ mc_insert(b1); /* put both boxes back on list */
+ mc_insert(b2);
+ }
+ * mc_remove(bx) -- remove box from global linked list.
+ *
+ * This is fast in practice because we always remove the first entry.
+ */
+static void mc_remove(box *bx) {
+ box **bp;
+ for (bp = &mc_bfirst; *bp != NULL; bp = &(*bp)->next) {
+ if (*bp == bx) {
+ *bp = bx->next;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ * mc_insert(bx) -- insert box in list, preserving decreasing maxdim ordering.
+ */
+static void mc_insert(box *bx) {
+ box **bp;
+ for (bp = &mc_bfirst; *bp != NULL; bp = &(*bp)->next) {
+ if (bx->maxdim > (*bp)->maxdim
+ || (bx->maxdim == (*bp)->maxdim && bx->count >= (*bp)->count))
+ break;
+ }
+ bx->next = *bp;
+ *bp = bx;
+ }
+ * mc_setcolor(bx, pe, i) -- set palette entry to box color.
+ *
+ * Also sets the associated hlist entries to i, the palette index.
+ */
+static void mc_setcolor(box *bx, struct palentry *pe, int i) {
+ int j, r, g, b;
+ long n, t = 0, rtotal = 0, gtotal = 0, btotal = 0;
+ /*
+ * Calculate a weighted sum of the colors in the box.
+ */
+ for (r = bx->rmin; r <= bx->rmax; r++) {
+ for (g = bx->gmin; g <= bx->gmax; g++) {
+ for (b = bx->bmin; b <= bx->bmax; b++) {
+ j = (r << MC_RED) + (g << MC_GRN) + (b << MC_BLU);
+ n = mc_hlist[j];
+ t += n;
+ rtotal += n * r;
+ gtotal += n * g;
+ btotal += n * b;
+ mc_hlist[j] = i;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * Scale colors using floating arithmetic to avoid overflow.
+ */
+ pe-> = (65535. / MC_MAXC) * rtotal / t + 0.5;
+ pe-> = (65535. / MC_MAXC) * gtotal / t + 0.5;
+ pe-> = (65535. / MC_MAXC) * btotal / t + 0.5;
+ pe->used = 1;
+ pe->valid = 1;
+ pe->transpt = 0;
+ }
+#endif /* Graphics */