path: root/src/vegas
diff options
authorIgor Pashev <>2013-02-11 14:59:17 +0400
committerIgor Pashev <>2013-02-11 14:59:17 +0400
commita232a950cc15b2c6e3427b59d4f90006a70e04f6 (patch)
tree903fe3c3d4258b04bd61ba8bda78dba5ad727efe /src/vegas
Imported Upstream version 3.0+20111124upstream/3.0+20111124upstream
Diffstat (limited to 'src/vegas')
6 files changed, 822 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/vegas/Grid.c b/src/vegas/Grid.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e99138f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/vegas/Grid.c
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+ Grid.c
+ utility functions for the Vegas grid
+ this file is part of Vegas
+ last modified 28 May 10 th
+static inline void GetGrid(cThis *t, Grid *grid)
+ count bin, dim;
+ unsigned const int slot = abs(t->gridno) - 1;
+ if( t->gridno < 0 && slot < MAXGRIDS ) griddim_[slot] = 0;
+ if( slot < MAXGRIDS && gridptr_[slot] ) {
+ if( griddim_[slot] == t->ndim ) {
+ VecCopy(grid, gridptr_[slot]);
+ return;
+ }
+ free(gridptr_[slot]);
+ gridptr_[slot] = NULL;
+ }
+ for( bin = 0; bin < NBINS; ++bin )
+ grid[0][bin] = (bin + 1)/(real)NBINS;
+ for( dim = 1; dim < t->ndim; ++dim )
+ Copy(&grid[dim], &grid[0], 1);
+static inline void PutGrid(cThis *t, Grid *grid)
+ unsigned const int slot = abs(t->gridno) - 1;
+ if( slot < MAXGRIDS ) {
+ if( gridptr_[slot] == NULL ) Alloc(gridptr_[slot], t->ndim);
+ griddim_[slot] = t->ndim;
+ VecCopy(gridptr_[slot], grid);
+ }
+static void RefineGrid(cThis *t, Grid grid, Grid margsum)
+ real avgperbin, thisbin, newcur, delta;
+ Grid imp, newgrid;
+ int bin, newbin;
+ /* smooth the f^2 value stored for each bin */
+ real prev = margsum[0];
+ real cur = margsum[1];
+ real norm = margsum[0] = .5*(prev + cur);
+ for( bin = 1; bin < NBINS - 1; ++bin ) {
+ creal s = prev + cur;
+ prev = cur;
+ cur = margsum[bin + 1];
+ norm += margsum[bin] = (s + cur)/3.;
+ }
+ norm += margsum[NBINS - 1] = .5*(prev + cur);
+ if( norm == 0 ) return;
+ norm = 1/norm;
+ /* compute the importance function for each bin */
+ avgperbin = 0;
+ for( bin = 0; bin < NBINS; ++bin ) {
+ real impfun = 0;
+ if( margsum[bin] > 0 ) {
+ creal r = margsum[bin]*norm;
+ avgperbin += impfun = pow((r - 1)/log(r), 1.5);
+ }
+ imp[bin] = impfun;
+ }
+ avgperbin /= NBINS;
+ /* redefine the size of each bin */
+ cur = newcur = 0;
+ thisbin = 0;
+ bin = -1;
+ for( newbin = 0; newbin < NBINS - 1; ++newbin ) {
+ while( thisbin < avgperbin ) {
+ thisbin += imp[++bin];
+ prev = cur;
+ cur = grid[bin];
+ }
+ thisbin -= avgperbin;
+ delta = (cur - prev)*thisbin;
+ newgrid[newbin] = SHARPEDGES ?
+ cur - delta/imp[bin] :
+ (newcur = Max(newcur,
+ cur - 2*delta/(imp[bin] + imp[IDim(bin - 1)])));
+ }
+ Copy(grid, newgrid, NBINS - 1);
+ grid[NBINS - 1] = 1;
diff --git a/src/vegas/Integrate.c b/src/vegas/Integrate.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..efa582e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/vegas/Integrate.c
@@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
+ Integrate.c
+ integrate over the unit hypercube
+ this file is part of Vegas
+ last modified 19 Aug 11 th
+static int Integrate(This *t, real *integral, real *error, real *prob)
+ real *sample;
+ count dim, comp;
+ int fail;
+ struct {
+ count niter;
+ number nsamples, neval;
+ Cumulants cumul[NCOMP];
+ Grid grid[NDIM];
+ } state;
+ int statemsg = VERBOSE;
+ struct stat st;
+ if( VERBOSE > 1 ) {
+ char s[512];
+ sprintf(s, "Vegas input parameters:\n"
+ " ndim " COUNT "\n ncomp " COUNT "\n"
+ " epsrel " REAL "\n epsabs " REAL "\n"
+ " flags %d\n seed %d\n"
+ " mineval " NUMBER "\n maxeval " NUMBER "\n"
+ " nstart " NUMBER "\n nincrease " NUMBER "\n"
+ " nbatch " NUMBER "\n gridno %d\n"
+ " statefile \"%s\"",
+ t->ndim, t->ncomp,
+ t->epsrel, t->epsabs,
+ t->flags, t->seed,
+ t->mineval, t->maxeval,
+ t->nstart, t->nincrease, t->nbatch,
+ t->gridno, t->statefile);
+ Print(s);
+ }
+ if( BadComponent(t) ) return -2;
+ if( BadDimension(t) ) return -1;
+ SamplesAlloc(sample);
+ if( (fail = setjmp(t->abort)) ) goto abort;
+ IniRandom(t);
+ if( t->statefile && *t->statefile == 0 ) t->statefile = NULL;
+ if( t->statefile &&
+ stat(t->statefile, &st) == 0 &&
+ st.st_size == sizeof state && (st.st_mode & 0400) ) {
+ cint h = open(t->statefile, O_RDONLY);
+ read(h, &state, sizeof state);
+ close(h);
+ t->rng.skiprandom(t, t->neval = state.neval);
+ if( VERBOSE ) {
+ char s[256];
+ sprintf(s, "\nRestoring state from %s.", t->statefile);
+ Print(s);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ state.niter = 0;
+ state.nsamples = t->nstart;
+ Zap(state.cumul);
+ GetGrid(t, state.grid);
+ }
+ /* main iteration loop */
+ for( ; ; ) {
+ number nsamples = state.nsamples;
+ creal jacobian = 1./nsamples;
+ Grid margsum[NCOMP][NDIM];
+ Zap(margsum);
+ for( ; nsamples > 0; nsamples -= t->nbatch ) {
+ cnumber n = IMin(t->nbatch, nsamples);
+ real *w = sample;
+ real *x = w + n;
+ real *f = x + n*t->ndim;
+ real *lastf = f + n*t->ncomp;
+ bin_t *bin = (bin_t *)lastf;
+ while( x < f ) {
+ real weight = jacobian;
+ t->rng.getrandom(t, x);
+ for( dim = 0; dim < t->ndim; ++dim ) {
+ creal pos = *x*NBINS;
+ ccount ipos = (count)pos;
+ creal prev = (ipos == 0) ? 0 : state.grid[dim][ipos - 1];
+ creal diff = state.grid[dim][ipos] - prev;
+ *x++ = prev + (pos - ipos)*diff;
+ *bin++ = ipos;
+ weight *= diff*NBINS;
+ }
+ *w++ = weight;
+ }
+ DoSample(t, n, w, f, sample, state.niter + 1);
+ w = sample;
+ bin = (bin_t *)lastf;
+ while( f < lastf ) {
+ creal weight = *w++;
+ for( comp = 0; comp < t->ncomp; ++comp ) {
+ real wfun = weight*(*f++);
+ if( wfun ) {
+ Cumulants *c = &state.cumul[comp];
+ Grid *m = margsum[comp];
+ c->sum += wfun;
+ c->sqsum += wfun *= wfun;
+ for( dim = 0; dim < t->ndim; ++dim )
+ m[dim][bin[dim]] += wfun;
+ }
+ }
+ bin += t->ndim;
+ }
+ }
+ fail = 0;
+ /* compute the integral and error values */
+ for( comp = 0; comp < t->ncomp; ++comp ) {
+ Cumulants *c = &state.cumul[comp];
+ real avg, sigsq;
+ real w = Weight(c->sum, c->sqsum, state.nsamples);
+ sigsq = 1/(c->weightsum += w);
+ avg = sigsq*(c->avgsum += w*c->sum);
+ c->avg = LAST ? (sigsq = 1/w, c->sum) : avg;
+ c->err = sqrt(sigsq);
+ fail |= (c->err > MaxErr(c->avg));
+ if( state.niter == 0 ) c->guess = c->sum;
+ else {
+ c->chisum += w *= c->sum - c->guess;
+ c->chisqsum += w*c->sum;
+ }
+ c->chisq = c->chisqsum - avg*c->chisum;
+ c->sum = c->sqsum = 0;
+ }
+ if( VERBOSE ) {
+ char s[128 + 128*NCOMP], *p = s;
+ p += sprintf(p, "\n"
+ "Iteration " COUNT ": " NUMBER " integrand evaluations so far",
+ state.niter + 1, t->neval);
+ for( comp = 0; comp < t->ncomp; ++comp ) {
+ cCumulants *c = &state.cumul[comp];
+ p += sprintf(p, "\n[" COUNT "] "
+ REAL " +- " REAL " \tchisq " REAL " (" COUNT " df)",
+ comp + 1, c->avg, c->err, c->chisq, state.niter);
+ }
+ Print(s);
+ }
+ if( fail == 0 && t->neval >= t->mineval ) {
+ if( t->statefile ) unlink(t->statefile);
+ break;
+ }
+ if( t->neval >= t->maxeval && t->statefile == NULL ) break;
+ if( t->ncomp == 1 )
+ for( dim = 0; dim < t->ndim; ++dim )
+ RefineGrid(t, state.grid[dim], margsum[0][dim]);
+ else {
+ for( dim = 0; dim < t->ndim; ++dim ) {
+ Grid wmargsum;
+ Zap(wmargsum);
+ for( comp = 0; comp < t->ncomp; ++comp ) {
+ real w = state.cumul[comp].avg;
+ if( w != 0 ) {
+ creal *m = margsum[comp][dim];
+ count bin;
+ w = 1/Sq(w);
+ for( bin = 0; bin < NBINS; ++bin )
+ wmargsum[bin] += w*m[bin];
+ }
+ }
+ RefineGrid(t, state.grid[dim], wmargsum);
+ }
+ }
+ ++state.niter;
+ state.nsamples += t->nincrease;
+ if( t->statefile ) {
+ cint h = creat(t->statefile, 0666);
+ if( h != -1 ) {
+ state.neval = t->neval;
+ write(h, &state, sizeof state);
+ close(h);
+ if( statemsg ) {
+ char s[256];
+ sprintf(s, "\nSaving state to %s.", t->statefile);
+ Print(s);
+ statemsg = false;
+ }
+ }
+ if( t->neval >= t->maxeval ) break;
+ }
+ }
+ for( comp = 0; comp < t->ncomp; ++comp ) {
+ cCumulants *c = &state.cumul[comp];
+ integral[comp] = c->avg;
+ error[comp] = c->err;
+ prob[comp] = ChiSquare(c->chisq, state.niter);
+ }
+ free(sample);
+ PutGrid(t, state.grid);
+ return fail;
diff --git a/src/vegas/Vegas.c b/src/vegas/Vegas.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..08c331f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/vegas/Vegas.c
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+ Vegas.c
+ Vegas Monte-Carlo integration
+ by Thomas Hahn
+ last modified 27 Sep 11 th
+#include "decl.h"
+#define Print(s) puts(s); fflush(stdout)
+#define VEGAS
+#include "DoSample.c"
+#include "common.c"
+Extern void EXPORT(Vegas)(ccount ndim, ccount ncomp,
+ Integrand integrand, void *userdata,
+ creal epsrel, creal epsabs, cint flags, cint seed,
+ cnumber mineval, cnumber maxeval,
+ cnumber nstart, cnumber nincrease, cnumber nbatch,
+ cint gridno, cchar *statefile,
+ number *pneval, int *pfail,
+ real *integral, real *error, real *prob)
+ This t;
+ t.ndim = ndim;
+ t.ncomp = ncomp;
+ t.integrand = integrand;
+ t.userdata = userdata;
+ t.epsrel = epsrel;
+ t.epsabs = epsabs;
+ t.flags = flags;
+ t.seed = seed;
+ t.mineval = mineval;
+ t.maxeval = maxeval;
+ t.nstart = nstart;
+ t.nincrease = nincrease;
+ t.nbatch = nbatch;
+ t.gridno = gridno;
+ t.statefile = statefile;
+ t.neval = 0;
+ ForkCores(&t);
+ *pfail = Integrate(&t, integral, error, prob);
+ *pneval = t.neval;
+ WaitCores(&t);
+Extern void EXPORT(vegas)(ccount *pndim, ccount *pncomp,
+ Integrand integrand, void *userdata,
+ creal *pepsrel, creal *pepsabs, cint *pflags, cint *pseed,
+ cnumber *pmineval, cnumber *pmaxeval,
+ cnumber *pnstart, cnumber *pnincrease,
+ cnumber *pnbatch, cint *pgridno, cchar *statefile,
+ number *pneval, int *pfail,
+ real *integral, real *error, real *prob, int statefilelen)
+ char *s = NULL;
+ This t;
+ t.ndim = *pndim;
+ t.ncomp = *pncomp;
+ t.integrand = integrand;
+ t.userdata = userdata;
+ t.epsrel = *pepsrel;
+ t.epsabs = *pepsabs;
+ t.flags = *pflags;
+ t.seed = *pseed;
+ t.mineval = *pmineval;
+ t.maxeval = *pmaxeval;
+ t.nstart = *pnstart;
+ t.nincrease = *pnincrease;
+ t.nbatch = *pnbatch;
+ t.gridno = *pgridno;
+ t.neval = 0;
+ if( statefile ) {
+ /* strip trailing spaces */
+ while( statefilelen > 0 && statefile[statefilelen - 1] == ' ' )
+ --statefilelen;
+ if( statefilelen > 0 && (s = malloc(statefilelen + 1)) ) {
+ memcpy(s, statefile, statefilelen);
+ s[statefilelen] = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ t.statefile = s;
+ ForkCores(&t);
+ *pfail = Integrate(&t, integral, error, prob);
+ *pneval = t.neval;
+ free(s);
+ WaitCores(&t);
diff --git a/src/vegas/ b/src/vegas/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..039beed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/vegas/
@@ -0,0 +1,292 @@
+:Evaluate: BeginPackage["Cuba`"]
+:Evaluate: Vegas::usage = "Vegas[f, {x, xmin, xmax}..] computes a numerical approximation to the integral of the real scalar or vector function f.
+ The output is a list with entries of the form {integral, error, chi-square probability} for each component of the integrand."
+:Evaluate: NStart::usage = "NStart is an option of Vegas.
+ It specifies the number of integrand evaluations per iteration to start with."
+:Evaluate: NIncrease::usage = "NIncrease is an option of Vegas.
+ It specifies the increase in the number of integrand evaluations per iteration."
+:Evaluate: NBatch::usage = "NBatch is an option of Vegas.
+ It specifies how many points are sent in one MathLink packet to be sampled by Mathematica."
+:Evaluate: GridNo::usage = "GridNo is an option of Vegas.
+ Vegas maintains an internal table in which it can memorize up to 10 grids, to be used on subsequent integrations.
+ A GridNo between 1 and 10 selects the slot in this internal table.
+ For other values the grid is initialized from scratch and discarded at the end of the integration."
+:Evaluate: StateFile::usage = "StateFile is an option of Vegas.
+ It specifies a file in which the internal state is stored after each iteration and from which it can be restored on a subsequent run.
+ The state file is removed once the prescribed accuracy has been reached."
+:Evaluate: MinPoints::usage = "MinPoints is an option of Vegas.
+ It specifies the minimum number of points to sample."
+:Evaluate: Final::usage = "Final is an option of Vegas.
+ It can take the values Last or All which determine whether only the last (largest) or all of the samples collected on a subregion over the iterations contribute to the final result."
+:Evaluate: PseudoRandom::usage = "PseudoRandom is an option of Vegas.
+ It can take the following values:
+ False for Sobol quasi-random numbers (default),
+ True or 0 for Mersenne Twister pseudo-random numbers,
+ any other integer value n for Ranlux pseudo-random numbers of luxury level n."
+:Evaluate: PseudoRandomSeed::usage = "PseudoRandomSeed is an option of Vegas.
+ It specifies the seed for the pseudo-random number generator."
+:Evaluate: SharpEdges::usage = "SharpEdges is an option of Vegas.
+ It turns off smoothing of the importance function for integrands with sharp edges."
+:Evaluate: $Weight::usage = "$Weight is a global variable set by Vegas during the evaluation of the integrand to the weight of the point being sampled."
+:Evaluate: $Iteration::usage = "$Iteration is a global variable set by Suave during the evaluation of the integrand to the present iteration number."
+:Evaluate: MapSample::usage = "MapSample is a function used to map the integrand over the points to be sampled."
+:Evaluate: Begin["`Vegas`"]
+:Function: Vegas
+:Pattern: MLVegas[ndim_, ncomp_,
+ epsrel_, epsabs_, flags_, seed_,
+ mineval_, maxeval_,
+ nstart_, nincrease_, nbatch_,
+ gridno_, statefile_]
+:Arguments: {ndim, ncomp,
+ epsrel, epsabs, flags, seed,
+ mineval, maxeval,
+ nstart, nincrease, nbatch,
+ gridno, statefile}
+:ArgumentTypes: {Integer, Integer,
+ Real, Real, Integer, Integer,
+ Integer, Integer,
+ Integer, Integer, Integer,
+ Integer, String}
+:ReturnType: Manual
+:Evaluate: Attributes[Vegas] = {HoldFirst}
+:Evaluate: Options[Vegas] = {PrecisionGoal -> 3, AccuracyGoal -> 12,
+ MinPoints -> 0, MaxPoints -> 50000,
+ NStart -> 1000, NIncrease -> 500,
+ NBatch -> 1000, GridNo -> 0, StateFile -> "",
+ Verbose -> 1, Final -> All,
+ PseudoRandom -> False, PseudoRandomSeed -> 5489,
+ SharpEdges -> False, Compiled -> True}
+:Evaluate: Vegas[f_, v:{_, _, _}.., opt___Rule] :=
+ Block[ {ff = HoldForm[f], ndim = Length[{v}], ncomp,
+ tags, vars, lower, range, jac, tmp, defs, intT,
+ rel, abs, mineval, maxeval, nstart, nincrease, nbatch,
+ gridno, verbose, final, level, seed, edges, compiled,
+ $Weight, $Iteration},
+ Message[Vegas::optx, #, Vegas]&/@
+ Complement[First/@ {opt}, tags = First/@ Options[Vegas]];
+ {rel, abs, mineval, maxeval, nstart, nincrease, nbatch,
+ gridno, state, verbose, final, level, seed, edges, compiled} =
+ tags /. {opt} /. Options[Vegas];
+ {vars, lower, range} = Transpose[{v}];
+ jac = Simplify[Times@@ (range -= lower)];
+ tmp = Array[tmpvar, ndim];
+ defs = Simplify[lower + range tmp];
+ Block[{Set}, define[compiled, tmp, Thread[vars = defs], jac]];
+ intT = integrandT[f];
+ Block[#,
+ ncomp = Length[intT@@ RandomReal[1, ndim]];
+ MLVegas[ndim, ncomp, 10.^-rel, 10.^-abs,
+ Min[Max[verbose, 0], 3] +
+ If[final === Last, 4, 0] +
+ If[TrueQ[edges], 8, 0]
+ If[IntegerQ[level], 256 level, 0],
+ If[level =!= False && IntegerQ[seed], seed, 0],
+ mineval, maxeval,
+ nstart, nincrease, nbatch,
+ gridno, state]
+ ]& @ vars
+ ]
+:Evaluate: tmpvar[n_] := ToExpression["Cuba`Vegas`t" <> ToString[n]]
+:Evaluate: Attributes[foo] = {HoldAll}
+:Evaluate: define[True, tmp_, defs_, jac_] :=
+ integrandT[f_] := Compile[tmp, eval[defs, Chop[f jac]//N],
+ {{_eval, _Real, 1}}]
+:Evaluate: define[_, tmp_, defs_, jac_] :=
+ integrandT[f_] := Function[tmp, eval[defs, Chop[f jac]//N]]
+:Evaluate: eval[_, f_Real] = {f}
+:Evaluate: eval[_, f:{__Real}] = f
+:Evaluate: eval[x_, _] := (Message[Vegas::badsample, ff, x]; {})
+:Evaluate: sample[x_, w_, iter_] := (
+ $Iteration = iter;
+ Check[Flatten @ MapSample[
+ ($Weight = #[[1]]; intT@@ #[[2]])&,
+ Transpose[{w, Partition[x, ndim]}] ], {}] )
+:Evaluate: MapSample = Map
+:Evaluate: Vegas::badsample = "`` is not a real-valued function at ``."
+:Evaluate: Vegas::baddim = "Cannot integrate in `` dimensions."
+:Evaluate: Vegas::badcomp = "Cannot integrate `` components."
+:Evaluate: Vegas::accuracy =
+ "Desired accuracy was not reached within `` function evaluations."
+:Evaluate: Vegas::success = "Needed `` function evaluations."
+:Evaluate: End[]
+:Evaluate: EndPackage[]
+ Vegas Monte Carlo integration
+ by Thomas Hahn
+ last modified 12 Aug 11 th
+#include "mathlink.h"
+#include "decl.h"
+static void Status(MLCONST char *msg, cint n)
+ MLPutFunction(stdlink, "CompoundExpression", 2);
+ MLPutFunction(stdlink, "Message", 2);
+ MLPutFunction(stdlink, "MessageName", 2);
+ MLPutSymbol(stdlink, "Vegas");
+ MLPutString(stdlink, msg);
+ MLPutInteger(stdlink, n);
+static void Print(MLCONST char *s)
+ MLPutFunction(stdlink, "EvaluatePacket", 1);
+ MLPutFunction(stdlink, "Print", 1);
+ MLPutString(stdlink, s);
+ MLEndPacket(stdlink);
+ MLNextPacket(stdlink);
+ MLNewPacket(stdlink);
+static void DoSample(This *t, cnumber n, real *x, real *f,
+ real *w, cint iter)
+ real *mma_f;
+ long mma_n;
+ if( MLAbort ) longjmp(t->abort, -99);
+ MLPutFunction(stdlink, "EvaluatePacket", 1);
+ MLPutFunction(stdlink, "Cuba`Vegas`sample", 3);
+ MLPutRealList(stdlink, x, n*t->ndim);
+ MLPutRealList(stdlink, w, n);
+ MLPutInteger(stdlink, iter);
+ MLEndPacket(stdlink);
+ MLNextPacket(stdlink);
+ if( !MLGetRealList(stdlink, &mma_f, &mma_n) ) {
+ MLClearError(stdlink);
+ MLNewPacket(stdlink);
+ longjmp(t->abort, -99);
+ }
+ if( mma_n != n*t->ncomp ) {
+ MLDisownRealList(stdlink, mma_f, mma_n);
+ longjmp(t->abort, -3);
+ }
+ Copy(f, mma_f, n*t->ncomp);
+ MLDisownRealList(stdlink, mma_f, mma_n);
+ t->neval += n;
+#include "common.c"
+static inline void DoIntegrate(This *t)
+ real integral[NCOMP], error[NCOMP], prob[NCOMP];
+ cint fail = Integrate(t, integral, error, prob);
+ if( fail < 0 ) {
+ switch( fail ) {
+ case -99:
+ MLPutFunction(stdlink, "Abort", 0);
+ return;
+ case -1:
+ Status("baddim", t->ndim);
+ break;
+ case -2:
+ Status("badcomp", t->ncomp);
+ break;
+ }
+ MLPutSymbol(stdlink, "$Failed");
+ }
+ else {
+ Status(fail ? "accuracy" : "success", t->neval);
+ MLPutFunction(stdlink, "Thread", 1);
+ MLPutFunction(stdlink, "List", 3);
+ MLPutRealList(stdlink, integral, t->ncomp);
+ MLPutRealList(stdlink, error, t->ncomp);
+ MLPutRealList(stdlink, prob, t->ncomp);
+ }
+void Vegas(cint ndim, cint ncomp,
+ creal epsrel, creal epsabs,
+ cint flags, cint seed,
+ cnumber mineval, cnumber maxeval,
+ cnumber nstart, cnumber nincrease, cint nbatch,
+ cint gridno, cchar *statefile)
+ This t;
+ t.ndim = ndim;
+ t.ncomp = ncomp;
+ t.epsrel = epsrel;
+ t.epsabs = epsabs;
+ t.flags = flags;
+ t.seed = seed;
+ t.mineval = mineval;
+ t.maxeval = maxeval;
+ t.nstart = nstart;
+ t.nincrease = nincrease;
+ t.nbatch = nbatch;
+ t.gridno = gridno;
+ t.statefile = statefile;
+ t.neval = 0;
+ DoIntegrate(&t);
+ MLEndPacket(stdlink);
+int main(int argc, char **argv)
+ return MLMain(argc, argv);
diff --git a/src/vegas/common.c b/src/vegas/common.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fe6a0d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/vegas/common.c
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+ common.c
+ Code common to Vegas.c and
+ this file is part of Vegas
+ last modified 6 Jun 10 th
+#include "Random.c"
+#include "ChiSquare.c"
+#include "Grid.c"
+#define SamplesAlloc(p) MemAlloc(p, \
+ t->nbatch*((t->ndim + t->ncomp + 1)*sizeof(real) + \
+ t->ndim*sizeof(bin_t)))
+static inline bool BadDimension(cThis *t)
+ if( t->ndim > NDIM ) return true;
+ return t->ndim < SOBOL_MINDIM ||
+ (t->seed == 0 && t->ndim > SOBOL_MAXDIM);
+static inline bool BadComponent(cThis *t)
+ if( t->ncomp > NCOMP ) return true;
+ return t->ncomp < 1;
+#include "Integrate.c"
diff --git a/src/vegas/decl.h b/src/vegas/decl.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1162ff2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/vegas/decl.h
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+ decl.h
+ Type declarations
+ this file is part of Vegas
+ last modified 4 Oct 11 th
+#include "stddecl.h"
+#define MAXGRIDS 10
+#define NBINS 128
+typedef unsigned char bin_t;
+/* Note: bin_t must be wide enough to hold the numbers 0..NBINS */
+typedef const bin_t cbin_t;
+typedef real Grid[NBINS];
+typedef struct {
+ real sum, sqsum;
+ real weightsum, avgsum;
+ real chisum, chisqsum, guess;
+ real avg, err, chisq;
+} Cumulants;
+typedef const Cumulants cCumulants;
+typedef int (*Integrand)(ccount *, creal *, ccount *, real *,
+ void *, creal *, cint *);
+typedef struct _this {
+ count ndim, ncomp;
+#ifndef MLVERSION
+ Integrand integrand;
+ void *userdata;
+ int ncores, *child;
+ real epsrel, epsabs;
+ int flags, seed;
+ number mineval, maxeval;
+ number nstart, nincrease, nbatch;
+ int gridno;
+ cchar *statefile;
+ number neval;
+ RNGState rng;
+ jmp_buf abort;
+} This;
+typedef const This cThis;
+static Grid *gridptr_[MAXGRIDS];
+static count griddim_[MAXGRIDS];