path: root/src/divonne/Explore.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/divonne/Explore.c')
1 files changed, 160 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/divonne/Explore.c b/src/divonne/Explore.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d6fba19
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/divonne/Explore.c
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+ Explore.c
+ sample region, determine min and max, split if necessary
+ this file is part of Divonne
+ last modified 15 Nov 11 th
+typedef struct {
+ real fmin, fmax;
+ creal *xmin, *xmax;
+} Extrema;
+static int Explore(This *t, ccount iregion)
+ Region *region = RegionPtr(iregion);
+ cBounds *bounds = region->bounds;
+ Result *result = region->result;
+ count n, dim, comp, maxcomp;
+ Extrema extrema[NCOMP];
+ Result *r;
+ creal *x;
+ real *f;
+ real halfvol, maxerr;
+ cSamples *samples = &t->samples[region->isamples];
+ /* needed as of gcc 3.3 to make gcc correctly address region #@$&! */
+ sizeof(*region);
+ for( comp = 0; comp < t->ncomp; ++comp ) {
+ Extrema *e = &extrema[comp];
+ e->fmin = INFTY;
+ e->fmax = -INFTY;
+ e->xmin = e->xmax = NULL;
+ }
+ if( region->isamples == 0 ) { /* others already sampled */
+ real vol = 1;
+ for( dim = 0; dim < t->ndim; ++dim ) {
+ cBounds *b = &bounds[dim];
+ vol *= b->upper - b->lower;
+ }
+ region->vol = vol;
+ for( comp = 0; comp < t->ncomp; ++comp ) {
+ Result *r = &result[comp];
+ r->fmin = INFTY;
+ r->fmax = -INFTY;
+ }
+ x = t->xgiven;
+ f = t->fgiven;
+ n = t->ngiven;
+ if( t->nextra ) n += SampleExtra(t, bounds);
+ for( ; n; --n ) {
+ for( dim = 0; dim < t->ndim; ++dim ) {
+ cBounds *b = &bounds[dim];
+ if( x[dim] < b->lower || x[dim] > b->upper ) goto skip;
+ }
+ for( comp = 0; comp < t->ncomp; ++comp ) {
+ Extrema *e = &extrema[comp];
+ creal y = f[comp];
+ if( y < e->fmin ) e->fmin = y, e->xmin = x;
+ if( y > e->fmax ) e->fmax = y, e->xmax = x;
+ }
+ x += t->ldxgiven;
+ f += t->ncomp;
+ }
+ samples->sampler(t, iregion);
+ }
+ x = samples->x;
+ f = samples->f;
+ for( n = samples->n; n; --n ) {
+ for( comp = 0; comp < t->ncomp; ++comp ) {
+ Extrema *e = &extrema[comp];
+ creal y = *f++;
+ if( y < e->fmin ) e->fmin = y, e->xmin = x;
+ if( y > e->fmax ) e->fmax = y, e->xmax = x;
+ }
+ x += t->ndim;
+ }
+ t->neval_opt -= t->neval;
+ halfvol = .5*region->vol;
+ maxerr = -INFTY;
+ maxcomp = -1;
+ for( comp = 0; comp < t->ncomp; ++comp ) {
+ Extrema *e = &extrema[comp];
+ Result *r = &result[comp];
+ real xtmp[NDIM], ftmp, err;
+ if( e->xmin ) { /* not all NaNs */
+ t->selectedcomp = comp;
+ VecCopy(xtmp, e->xmin);
+ ftmp = FindMinimum(t, bounds, xtmp, e->fmin);
+ if( ftmp < r->fmin ) {
+ r->fmin = ftmp;
+ VecCopy(r->xmin, xtmp);
+ }
+ t->selectedcomp = Tag(comp);
+ VecCopy(xtmp, e->xmax);
+ ftmp = -FindMinimum(t, bounds, xtmp, -e->fmax);
+ if( ftmp > r->fmax ) {
+ r->fmax = ftmp;
+ VecCopy(r->xmax, xtmp);
+ }
+ }
+ r->spread = halfvol*(r->fmax - r->fmin);
+ err = r->spread/Max(fabs(r->avg), NOTZERO);
+ if( err > maxerr ) {
+ maxerr = err;
+ maxcomp = comp;
+ }
+ }
+ t->neval_opt += t->neval;
+ if( maxcomp == -1 ) { /* all NaNs */
+ region->depth = 0;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ region->cutcomp = maxcomp;
+ r = &region->result[maxcomp];
+ if( halfvol*(r->fmin + r->fmax) > r->avg ) {
+ region->fminor = r->fmin;
+ region->fmajor = r->fmax;
+ region->xmajor = r->xmax - (real *)region->result;
+ }
+ else {
+ region->fminor = r->fmax;
+ region->fmajor = r->fmin;
+ region->xmajor = r->xmin - (real *)region->result;
+ }
+ if( region->isamples == 0 ) {
+ if( r->spread < samples->neff*r->err ||
+ r->spread < t->totals[maxcomp].secondspread ) region->depth = 0;
+ if( region->depth == 0 )
+ for( comp = 0; comp < t->ncomp; ++comp )
+ t->totals[comp].secondspread =
+ Max(t->totals[comp].secondspread, result[comp].spread);
+ }
+ if( region->depth ) Split(t, iregion);
+ return iregion;