path: root/src/divonne/Split.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/divonne/Split.c')
1 files changed, 311 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/divonne/Split.c b/src/divonne/Split.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e5883e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/divonne/Split.c
@@ -0,0 +1,311 @@
+ Split.c
+ determine optimal cuts for splitting a region
+ this file is part of Divonne
+ last modified 15 Nov 11 th
+#define BNDTOL .05
+#define FRACT .5
+#define BIG 1e10
+#define SINGTOL 1e-4
+#define LHSTOL .1
+#define GAMMATOL .1
+/* the next four macros must be in sync with the typedef of Bounds! */
+#define Lower(d) (2*d)
+#define Upper(d) (2*d + 1)
+#define Dim(i) ((i) >> 1)
+#define SignedDelta(i) (2*(i & 1) - 1)*delta[i]
+typedef struct {
+ count i;
+ real save, delta;
+ real f, df, fold;
+ real lhs, row, sol;
+} Cut;
+static inline real Div(creal a, creal b)
+ return (b != 0 && fabs(b) < BIG*fabs(a)) ? a/b : a;
+static void SomeCut(This *t, Cut *cut, Bounds *b)
+ count dim, maxdim;
+ static count nextdim = 0;
+ real xmid[NDIM], ymid, maxdev;
+ for( dim = 0; dim < t->ndim; ++dim )
+ xmid[dim] = .5*(b[dim].upper + b[dim].lower);
+ ymid = Sample(t, xmid);
+ maxdev = 0;
+ maxdim = 0;
+ for( dim = 0; dim < t->ndim; ++dim ) {
+ real ylower, yupper, dev;
+ creal x = xmid[dim];
+ xmid[dim] = b[dim].lower;
+ ylower = Sample(t, xmid);
+ xmid[dim] = b[dim].upper;
+ yupper = Sample(t, xmid);
+ xmid[dim] = x;
+ dev = fabs(ymid - .5*(ylower + yupper));
+ if( dev >= maxdev ) {
+ maxdev = dev;
+ maxdim = dim;
+ }
+ }
+ if( maxdev > 0 ) nextdim = 0;
+ else maxdim = nextdim++ % t->ndim;
+ cut->i = Upper(maxdim);
+ cut->save = b[maxdim].upper;
+ b[maxdim].upper = xmid[maxdim];
+static inline real Volume(cThis *t, creal *delta)
+ real vol = 1;
+ count dim;
+ for( dim = 0; dim < t->ndim; ++dim )
+ vol *= delta[Lower(dim)] + delta[Upper(dim)];
+ return vol;
+static inline real SetupEqs(Cut *cut, ccount ncuts, real f)
+ real sqsum = 0;
+ Cut *c = &cut[ncuts];
+ while( --c >= cut ) {
+ sqsum += Sq(c->lhs = f - c->f);
+ f = c->f;
+ }
+ return sqsum;
+static inline void SolveEqs(Cut *cut, count ncuts,
+ creal *delta, creal diff)
+ real last = 0;
+ real r = 1;
+ Cut *c;
+ for( c = cut; ; ++c ) {
+ ccount dim = Dim(c->i);
+ c->row = r -=
+ Div(diff, (delta[Lower(dim)] + delta[Upper(dim)])*c->df);
+ if( --ncuts == 0 ) break;
+ last += r*c->lhs;
+ }
+ last = Div(c->lhs - last, r);
+ for( ; c >= cut; last += (--c)->lhs ) {
+ creal delmin = -(c->delta = delta[c->i]);
+ creal delmax = FRACT*(delmin + c->save);
+ c->sol = Div(last, c->df);
+ if( c->sol > delmax ) c->sol = .75*delmax;
+ if( c->sol < delmin ) c->sol = .75*delmin;
+ }
+static count FindCuts(This *t, Cut *cut, Bounds *bounds, creal vol,
+ real *xmajor, creal fmajor, creal fdiff)
+ cint sign = (fdiff < 0) ? -1 : 1;
+ count ncuts = 0, icut;
+ real delta[2*NDIM];
+ real gamma, fgamma, lhssq;
+ count dim, div;
+ for( dim = 0; dim < t->ndim; ++dim ) {
+ cBounds *b = &bounds[dim];
+ creal xsave = xmajor[dim];
+ real dist = b->upper - xsave;
+ if( dist >= BNDTOL*(b->upper - b->lower) ) {
+ Cut *c = &cut[ncuts++];
+ c->i = Upper(dim);
+ c->save = dist;
+ xmajor[dim] += dist *= FRACT;
+ c->f = Sample(t, xmajor);
+ xmajor[dim] = xsave;
+ }
+ delta[Upper(dim)] = dist;
+ }
+ for( dim = 0; dim < t->ndim; ++dim ) {
+ cBounds *b = &bounds[dim];
+ creal xsave = xmajor[dim];
+ real dist = xsave - b->lower;
+ if( dist >= BNDTOL*(b->upper - b->lower) ) {
+ Cut *c = &cut[ncuts++];
+ c->i = Lower(dim);
+ c->save = dist;
+ xmajor[dim] -= dist *= FRACT;
+ c->f = Sample(t, xmajor);
+ xmajor[dim] = xsave;
+ }
+ delta[Lower(dim)] = dist;
+ }
+ if( ncuts == 0 ) {
+ SomeCut(t, cut, bounds);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ for( ; ; ) {
+ real mindiff = INFTY;
+ Cut *mincut = cut;
+ for( icut = 0; icut < ncuts; ++icut ) {
+ Cut *c = &cut[icut];
+ creal diff = fabs(fmajor - c->f);
+ if( diff <= mindiff ) {
+ mindiff = diff;
+ mincut = c;
+ }
+ }
+ gamma = Volume(t, delta)/vol;
+ fgamma = fmajor + (gamma - 1)*fdiff;
+ if( sign*(mincut->f - fgamma) < 0 ) break;
+ if( --ncuts == 0 ) {
+ SomeCut(t, cut, bounds);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ delta[mincut->i] = mincut->save;
+ memcpy(mincut, mincut + 1, (char *)&cut[ncuts] - (char *)mincut);
+ }
+ for( icut = 0; icut < ncuts; ++icut ) {
+ Cut *c = &cut[icut];
+ c->fold = c->f;
+ c->df = (c->f - fmajor)/delta[c->i];
+ }
+ lhssq = SetupEqs(cut, ncuts, fgamma);
+ SolveEqs(cut, ncuts, delta, gamma*fdiff);
+ for( div = 1; div <= 16; div *= 4 ) {
+ real gammanew, lhssqnew;
+ for( icut = 0; icut < ncuts; ++icut ) {
+ Cut *c = &cut[icut];
+ real *x = &xmajor[Dim(c->i)];
+ creal xsave = *x;
+ delta[c->i] = c->delta + c->sol/div;
+ *x += SignedDelta(c->i);
+ c->f = Sample(t, xmajor);
+ *x = xsave;
+ }
+ gammanew = Volume(t, delta)/vol;
+ fgamma = fmajor + (gammanew - 1)*fdiff;
+ lhssqnew = SetupEqs(cut, ncuts, fgamma);
+ if( lhssqnew <= lhssq ) {
+ real fmax;
+ if( fabs(gammanew - gamma) < GAMMATOL*gamma ) break;
+ gamma = gammanew;
+ fmax = fabs(fgamma);
+ for( icut = 0; icut < ncuts; ++icut ) {
+ Cut *c = &cut[icut];
+ creal dfmin = SINGTOL*c->df;
+ creal sol = c->sol/div;
+ real df = c->f - c->fold;
+ df = (fabs(sol) < BIG*fabs(df)) ? df/sol : 1;
+ c->df = (fabs(df) < fabs(dfmin)) ? dfmin : df;
+ fmax = Max(fmax, fabs(c->f));
+ c->fold = c->f;
+ }
+ if( lhssqnew < Sq((1 + fmax)*LHSTOL) ) break;
+ lhssq = lhssqnew;
+ goto repeat;
+ }
+ }
+ for( icut = 0; icut < ncuts; ++icut ) {
+ Cut *c = &cut[icut];
+ real *b = (real *)bounds + c->i;
+ c->save = *b;
+ *b = xmajor[Dim(c->i)] + SignedDelta(c->i);
+ }
+ return ncuts;
+static void Split(This *t, ccount iregion)
+ Region *region = RegionPtr(iregion);
+ Cut cut[2*NDIM], *c;
+ Errors errors[NCOMP];
+ count ncuts, succ;
+ int depth;
+ real *b, tmp;
+ t->selectedcomp = region->cutcomp;
+ t->neval_cut -= t->neval;
+ ncuts = FindCuts(t, cut, region->bounds, region->vol,
+ (real *)region->result + region->xmajor, region->fmajor,
+ region->fmajor - region->fminor);
+ t->neval_cut += t->neval;
+ depth = region->depth - ncuts;
+ EnlargeRegions(t, ++ncuts);
+ region = RegionPtr(iregion);
+ region->depth = -ncuts;
+ succ = iregion + region->next;
+ region->next = t->nregions - iregion;
+ b = (real *)region->bounds;
+ region = RegionPtr(t->nregions);
+ VecCopy(region->bounds, b);
+ region->depth = IDim(depth) + 1;
+ region->next = 1;
+ region->isamples = 0;
+ for( c = cut; --ncuts; ++c ) {
+ ccount ci = c->i;
+ creal tmp = b[ci ^ 1];
+ b[ci ^ 1] = b[ci];
+ b[ci] = c->save;
+ region = RegionPtr(++t->nregions);
+ VecCopy(region->bounds, b);
+ region->depth = IDim(depth) + 1;
+ region->next = 1;
+ region->isamples = 0;
+ ++depth;
+ b[ci ^ 1] = tmp;
+ }
+ region->next = succ - t->nregions++;