path: root/python/libxml2class.txt
diff options
authorAron Xu <>2014-10-26 07:02:25 +0800
committerAron Xu <>2014-10-26 07:02:25 +0800
commit3871a83a5f0aebd8c00879eab14fe901c93dbfcf (patch)
treeb022967f880b7fb1e56c8cc4c3f200d6ffbc9efd /python/libxml2class.txt
parent7042e17490515a990a45aa7237d11bc49ab0eaf0 (diff)
Imported Upstream version 2.9.2+dfsg1
Diffstat (limited to 'python/libxml2class.txt')
1 files changed, 1177 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/python/libxml2class.txt b/python/libxml2class.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ca88544
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/libxml2class.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,1177 @@
+ Generated Classes for libxml2-python
+# Global functions of the module
+# functions from module HTMLparser
+# functions from module HTMLtree
+# functions from module SAX2
+# functions from module catalog
+# functions from module chvalid
+# functions from module debugXML
+# functions from module dict
+# functions from module encoding
+# functions from module entities
+# functions from module globals
+# functions from module nanoftp
+# functions from module nanohttp
+# functions from module parser
+# functions from module parserInternals
+# functions from module python
+# functions from module relaxng
+# functions from module tree
+# functions from module uri
+# functions from module valid
+# functions from module xmlIO
+# functions from module xmlerror
+# functions from module xmlreader
+# functions from module xmlregexp
+# functions from module xmlschemas
+# functions from module xmlschemastypes
+# functions from module xmlstring
+# functions from module xmlunicode
+# functions from module xmlversion
+# functions from module xpathInternals
+# Set of classes of the module
+Class xmlNode(xmlCore)
+ # accessors
+ ns()
+ nsDefs()
+ # functions from module debugXML
+ debugDumpNode()
+ debugDumpNodeList()
+ debugDumpOneNode()
+ lsCountNode()
+ lsOneNode()
+ shellPrintNode()
+ # functions from module tree
+ addChild()
+ addChildList()
+ addContent()
+ addContentLen()
+ addNextSibling()
+ addPrevSibling()
+ addSibling()
+ copyNode()
+ copyNodeList()
+ copyProp()
+ copyPropList()
+ docCopyNode()
+ docCopyNodeList()
+ docSetRootElement()
+ firstElementChild()
+ freeNode()
+ freeNodeList()
+ getBase()
+ getContent()
+ getLang()
+ getSpacePreserve()
+ hasNsProp()
+ hasProp()
+ isBlankNode()
+ isText()
+ lastChild()
+ lastElementChild()
+ lineNo()
+ listGetRawString()
+ listGetString()
+ newChild()
+ newNs()
+ newNsProp()
+ newNsPropEatName()
+ newProp()
+ newTextChild()
+ nextElementSibling()
+ noNsProp()
+ nodePath()
+ nsProp()
+ previousElementSibling()
+ prop()
+ reconciliateNs()
+ replaceNode()
+ searchNs()
+ searchNsByHref()
+ setBase()
+ setContent()
+ setContentLen()
+ setLang()
+ setListDoc()
+ setName()
+ setNs()
+ setNsProp()
+ setProp()
+ setSpacePreserve()
+ setTreeDoc()
+ textConcat()
+ textMerge()
+ unlinkNode()
+ unsetNsProp()
+ unsetProp()
+ # functions from module valid
+ isID()
+ isRef()
+ validNormalizeAttributeValue()
+ # functions from module xinclude
+ xincludeProcessTree()
+ xincludeProcessTreeFlags()
+ # functions from module xmlschemas
+ schemaValidateOneElement()
+ # functions from module xpath
+ xpathCastNodeToNumber()
+ xpathCastNodeToString()
+ xpathCmpNodes()
+ xpathNodeEval()
+ # functions from module xpathInternals
+ xpathNewNodeSet()
+ xpathNewValueTree()
+ xpathNextAncestor()
+ xpathNextAncestorOrSelf()
+ xpathNextAttribute()
+ xpathNextChild()
+ xpathNextDescendant()
+ xpathNextDescendantOrSelf()
+ xpathNextFollowing()
+ xpathNextFollowingSibling()
+ xpathNextNamespace()
+ xpathNextParent()
+ xpathNextPreceding()
+ xpathNextPrecedingSibling()
+ xpathNextSelf()
+ # functions from module xpointer
+ xpointerNewCollapsedRange()
+ xpointerNewContext()
+ xpointerNewLocationSetNodes()
+ xpointerNewRange()
+ xpointerNewRangeNodes()
+Class xmlDoc(xmlNode)
+ # functions from module HTMLparser
+ htmlAutoCloseTag()
+ htmlIsAutoClosed()
+ # functions from module HTMLtree
+ htmlDocContentDumpFormatOutput()
+ htmlDocContentDumpOutput()
+ htmlDocDump()
+ htmlGetMetaEncoding()
+ htmlNodeDumpFile()
+ htmlNodeDumpFileFormat()
+ htmlNodeDumpFormatOutput()
+ htmlNodeDumpOutput()
+ htmlSaveFile()
+ htmlSaveFileEnc()
+ htmlSaveFileFormat()
+ htmlSetMetaEncoding()
+ # functions from module debugXML
+ debugCheckDocument()
+ debugDumpDocument()
+ debugDumpDocumentHead()
+ debugDumpEntities()
+ # functions from module entities
+ addDocEntity()
+ addDtdEntity()
+ docEntity()
+ dtdEntity()
+ encodeEntities()
+ encodeEntitiesReentrant()
+ encodeSpecialChars()
+ newEntity()
+ parameterEntity()
+ # functions from module relaxng
+ relaxNGNewDocParserCtxt()
+ relaxNGValidateDoc()
+ relaxNGValidateFullElement()
+ relaxNGValidatePopElement()
+ relaxNGValidatePushElement()
+ # functions from module tree
+ copyDoc()
+ copyNode()
+ copyNodeList()
+ createIntSubset()
+ docCompressMode()
+ dump()
+ elemDump()
+ formatDump()
+ freeDoc()
+ getRootElement()
+ intSubset()
+ newCDataBlock()
+ newCharRef()
+ newDocComment()
+ newDocFragment()
+ newDocNode()
+ newDocNodeEatName()
+ newDocPI()
+ newDocProp()
+ newDocRawNode()
+ newDocText()
+ newDocTextLen()
+ newDtd()
+ newGlobalNs()
+ newReference()
+ nodeDumpOutput()
+ nodeGetBase()
+ nodeListGetRawString()
+ nodeListGetString()
+ reconciliateNs()
+ saveFile()
+ saveFileEnc()
+ saveFileTo()
+ saveFormatFile()
+ saveFormatFileEnc()
+ saveFormatFileTo()
+ searchNs()
+ searchNsByHref()
+ setDocCompressMode()
+ setListDoc()
+ setRootElement()
+ setTreeDoc()
+ stringGetNodeList()
+ stringLenGetNodeList()
+ # functions from module valid
+ ID()
+ isID()
+ isMixedElement()
+ isRef()
+ removeID()
+ removeRef()
+ validCtxtNormalizeAttributeValue()
+ validNormalizeAttributeValue()
+ validateDocument()
+ validateDocumentFinal()
+ validateDtd()
+ validateDtdFinal()
+ validateElement()
+ validateNotationUse()
+ validateOneAttribute()
+ validateOneElement()
+ validateOneNamespace()
+ validatePopElement()
+ validatePushElement()
+ validateRoot()
+ # functions from module xinclude
+ xincludeProcess()
+ xincludeProcessFlags()
+ # functions from module xmlreader
+ NewWalker()
+ readerWalker()
+ # functions from module xmlschemas
+ schemaNewDocParserCtxt()
+ schemaValidateDoc()
+ # functions from module xpath
+ xpathNewContext()
+ xpathOrderDocElems()
+ # functions from module xpointer
+ xpointerNewContext()
+Class parserCtxt(parserCtxtCore)
+ # accessors
+ doc()
+ isValid()
+ lineNumbers()
+ loadSubset()
+ pedantic()
+ replaceEntities()
+ validate()
+ wellFormed()
+ # functions from module HTMLparser
+ htmlCtxtReadDoc()
+ htmlCtxtReadFd()
+ htmlCtxtReadFile()
+ htmlCtxtReadMemory()
+ htmlCtxtReset()
+ htmlCtxtUseOptions()
+ htmlFreeParserCtxt()
+ htmlParseCharRef()
+ htmlParseChunk()
+ htmlParseDocument()
+ htmlParseElement()
+ # functions from module parser
+ byteConsumed()
+ clearParserCtxt()
+ ctxtReadDoc()
+ ctxtReadFd()
+ ctxtReadFile()
+ ctxtReadMemory()
+ ctxtReset()
+ ctxtResetPush()
+ ctxtUseOptions()
+ initParserCtxt()
+ parseChunk()
+ parseDocument()
+ parseExtParsedEnt()
+ setupParserForBuffer()
+ stopParser()
+ # functions from module parserInternals
+ decodeEntities()
+ handleEntity()
+ namespaceParseNCName()
+ namespaceParseNSDef()
+ nextChar()
+ parseAttValue()
+ parseAttributeListDecl()
+ parseCDSect()
+ parseCharData()
+ parseCharRef()
+ parseComment()
+ parseContent()
+ parseDocTypeDecl()
+ parseElement()
+ parseElementDecl()
+ parseEncName()
+ parseEncodingDecl()
+ parseEndTag()
+ parseEntityDecl()
+ parseEntityRef()
+ parseExternalSubset()
+ parseMarkupDecl()
+ parseMisc()
+ parseName()
+ parseNamespace()
+ parseNmtoken()
+ parseNotationDecl()
+ parsePEReference()
+ parsePI()
+ parsePITarget()
+ parsePubidLiteral()
+ parseQuotedString()
+ parseReference()
+ parseSDDecl()
+ parseStartTag()
+ parseSystemLiteral()
+ parseTextDecl()
+ parseVersionInfo()
+ parseVersionNum()
+ parseXMLDecl()
+ parserHandlePEReference()
+ parserHandleReference()
+ popInput()
+ scanName()
+ skipBlankChars()
+ stringDecodeEntities()
+ stringLenDecodeEntities()
+Class xmlAttr(xmlNode)
+ # functions from module debugXML
+ debugDumpAttr()
+ debugDumpAttrList()
+ # functions from module tree
+ copyProp()
+ copyPropList()
+ freeProp()
+ freePropList()
+ removeProp()
+ # functions from module valid
+ removeID()
+ removeRef()
+Class xmlAttribute(xmlNode)
+Class catalog()
+ # functions from module catalog
+ add()
+ catalogIsEmpty()
+ convertSGMLCatalog()
+ dump()
+ remove()
+ resolve()
+ resolvePublic()
+ resolveSystem()
+ resolveURI()
+Class xmlDtd(xmlNode)
+ # functions from module debugXML
+ debugDumpDTD()
+ # functions from module tree
+ copyDtd()
+ freeDtd()
+ # functions from module valid
+ dtdAttrDesc()
+ dtdElementDesc()
+ dtdQAttrDesc()
+ dtdQElementDesc()
+Class xmlElement(xmlNode)
+Class xmlEntity(xmlNode)
+ # functions from module parserInternals
+ handleEntity()
+Class Error()
+ # accessors
+ code()
+ domain()
+ file()
+ level()
+ line()
+ message()
+ # functions from module xmlerror
+ copyError()
+ resetError()
+Class xmlNs(xmlNode)
+ # functions from module tree
+ copyNamespace()
+ copyNamespaceList()
+ freeNs()
+ freeNsList()
+ newChild()
+ newDocNode()
+ newDocNodeEatName()
+ newDocRawNode()
+ newNodeEatName()
+ newNsProp()
+ newNsPropEatName()
+ newTextChild()
+ setNs()
+ setNsProp()
+ unsetNsProp()
+ # functions from module xpathInternals
+ xpathNodeSetFreeNs()
+Class outputBuffer(ioWriteWrapper)
+ # functions from module HTMLtree
+ htmlDocContentDumpFormatOutput()
+ htmlDocContentDumpOutput()
+ htmlNodeDumpFormatOutput()
+ htmlNodeDumpOutput()
+ # functions from module tree
+ nodeDumpOutput()
+ saveFileTo()
+ saveFormatFileTo()
+ # functions from module xmlIO
+ getContent()
+ write()
+ writeString()
+Class inputBuffer(ioReadWrapper)
+ # functions from module xmlIO
+ grow()
+ push()
+ read()
+ # functions from module xmlreader
+ Setup()
+ newTextReader()
+Class xmlReg()
+ # functions from module xmlregexp
+ regexpExec()
+ regexpIsDeterminist()
+ regexpPrint()
+Class relaxNgParserCtxt()
+ # functions from module relaxng
+ relaxNGParse()
+ relaxParserSetFlag()
+Class relaxNgSchema()
+ # functions from module relaxng
+ relaxNGDump()
+ relaxNGDumpTree()
+ relaxNGNewValidCtxt()
+ # functions from module xmlreader
+ RelaxNGSetSchema()
+Class relaxNgValidCtxt(relaxNgValidCtxtCore)
+ # functions from module relaxng
+ relaxNGValidateDoc()
+ relaxNGValidateFullElement()
+ relaxNGValidatePopElement()
+ relaxNGValidatePushCData()
+ relaxNGValidatePushElement()
+ # functions from module xmlreader
+ RelaxNGValidateCtxt()
+Class SchemaParserCtxt()
+ # functions from module xmlschemas
+ schemaParse()
+Class Schema()
+ # functions from module xmlreader
+ SetSchema()
+ # functions from module xmlschemas
+ schemaDump()
+ schemaNewValidCtxt()
+Class SchemaValidCtxt(SchemaValidCtxtCore)
+ # functions from module xmlreader
+ SchemaValidateCtxt()
+ # functions from module xmlschemas
+ schemaIsValid()
+ schemaSetValidOptions()
+ schemaValidCtxtGetOptions()
+ schemaValidCtxtGetParserCtxt()
+ schemaValidateDoc()
+ schemaValidateFile()
+ schemaValidateOneElement()
+ schemaValidateSetFilename()
+Class xmlTextReaderLocator()
+ # functions from module xmlreader
+ BaseURI()
+ LineNumber()
+Class xmlTextReader(xmlTextReaderCore)
+ # functions from module xmlreader
+ AttributeCount()
+ BaseUri()
+ ByteConsumed()
+ Close()
+ CurrentDoc()
+ CurrentNode()
+ Depth()
+ Encoding()
+ Expand()
+ GetAttribute()
+ GetAttributeNo()
+ GetAttributeNs()
+ GetParserColumnNumber()
+ GetParserLineNumber()
+ GetParserProp()
+ GetRemainder()
+ HasAttributes()
+ HasValue()
+ IsDefault()
+ IsEmptyElement()
+ IsNamespaceDecl()
+ IsValid()
+ LocalName()
+ LookupNamespace()
+ MoveToAttribute()
+ MoveToAttributeNo()
+ MoveToAttributeNs()
+ MoveToElement()
+ MoveToFirstAttribute()
+ MoveToNextAttribute()
+ Name()
+ NamespaceUri()
+ NewDoc()
+ NewFd()
+ NewFile()
+ NewMemory()
+ NewWalker()
+ Next()
+ NextSibling()
+ NodeType()
+ Normalization()
+ Prefix()
+ Preserve()
+ QuoteChar()
+ Read()
+ ReadAttributeValue()
+ ReadInnerXml()
+ ReadOuterXml()
+ ReadState()
+ ReadString()
+ RelaxNGSetSchema()
+ RelaxNGValidate()
+ RelaxNGValidateCtxt()
+ SchemaValidate()
+ SchemaValidateCtxt()
+ SetParserProp()
+ SetSchema()
+ Setup()
+ Standalone()
+ String()
+ Value()
+ XmlLang()
+ XmlVersion()
+Class URI()
+ # accessors
+ authority()
+ fragment()
+ opaque()
+ path()
+ port()
+ query()
+ queryRaw()
+ scheme()
+ server()
+ setAuthority()
+ setFragment()
+ setOpaque()
+ setPath()
+ setPort()
+ setQuery()
+ setQueryRaw()
+ setScheme()
+ setServer()
+ setUser()
+ user()
+ # functions from module uri
+ parseURIReference()
+ printURI()
+ saveUri()
+Class ValidCtxt(ValidCtxtCore)
+ # functions from module valid
+ validCtxtNormalizeAttributeValue()
+ validateDocument()
+ validateDocumentFinal()
+ validateDtd()
+ validateDtdFinal()
+ validateElement()
+ validateNotationUse()
+ validateOneAttribute()
+ validateOneElement()
+ validateOneNamespace()
+ validatePopElement()
+ validatePushCData()
+ validatePushElement()
+ validateRoot()
+Class xpathContext()
+ # accessors
+ contextDoc()
+ contextNode()
+ contextPosition()
+ contextSize()
+ function()
+ functionURI()
+ setContextDoc()
+ setContextNode()
+ # functions from module python
+ registerXPathFunction()
+ xpathRegisterVariable()
+ # functions from module xpath
+ xpathContextSetCache()
+ xpathEval()
+ xpathEvalExpression()
+ xpathFreeContext()
+ # functions from module xpathInternals
+ xpathNewParserContext()
+ xpathNsLookup()
+ xpathRegisterAllFunctions()
+ xpathRegisterNs()
+ xpathRegisteredFuncsCleanup()
+ xpathRegisteredNsCleanup()
+ xpathRegisteredVariablesCleanup()
+ xpathVariableLookup()
+ xpathVariableLookupNS()
+ # functions from module xpointer
+ xpointerEval()
+Class xpathParserContext()
+ # accessors
+ context()
+ # functions from module xpathInternals
+ xpathAddValues()
+ xpathBooleanFunction()
+ xpathCeilingFunction()
+ xpathCompareValues()
+ xpathConcatFunction()
+ xpathContainsFunction()
+ xpathCountFunction()
+ xpathDivValues()
+ xpathEqualValues()
+ xpathErr()
+ xpathEvalExpr()
+ xpathFalseFunction()
+ xpathFloorFunction()
+ xpathFreeParserContext()
+ xpathIdFunction()
+ xpathLangFunction()
+ xpathLastFunction()
+ xpathLocalNameFunction()
+ xpathModValues()
+ xpathMultValues()
+ xpathNamespaceURIFunction()
+ xpathNextAncestor()
+ xpathNextAncestorOrSelf()
+ xpathNextAttribute()
+ xpathNextChild()
+ xpathNextDescendant()
+ xpathNextDescendantOrSelf()
+ xpathNextFollowing()
+ xpathNextFollowingSibling()
+ xpathNextNamespace()
+ xpathNextParent()
+ xpathNextPreceding()
+ xpathNextPrecedingSibling()
+ xpathNextSelf()
+ xpathNormalizeFunction()
+ xpathNotEqualValues()
+ xpathNotFunction()
+ xpathNumberFunction()
+ xpathParseNCName()
+ xpathParseName()
+ xpathPopBoolean()
+ xpathPopNumber()
+ xpathPopString()
+ xpathPositionFunction()
+ xpathRoot()
+ xpathRoundFunction()
+ xpathStartsWithFunction()
+ xpathStringFunction()
+ xpathStringLengthFunction()
+ xpathSubValues()
+ xpathSubstringAfterFunction()
+ xpathSubstringBeforeFunction()
+ xpathSubstringFunction()
+ xpathSumFunction()
+ xpathTranslateFunction()
+ xpathTrueFunction()
+ xpathValueFlipSign()
+ xpatherror()
+ # functions from module xpointer
+ xpointerEvalRangePredicate()
+ xpointerRangeToFunction()