diff options
authormef <>2014-09-09 00:44:56 +0000
committermef <>2014-09-09 00:44:56 +0000
commit1ffc776f8a059fc5de487680289d20ac2bd6ebba (patch)
parent37cc85a2e530518f97b75ad3c0e55d6d6357331e (diff)
(Upstream update 1.8.7 to 1.8.8)
------------------------------------- Release 1.8.8 (release date 21-08-2014) New features Bug 731947 - Support for PlantUML [view] Add BREAD_CRUMB_TRAIL. [view] Bug fixes Bug 172072 $title doesn't work in LateX header [view] Bug 583958 Class diagrams and class hierarchy don't work for java generic classes [view] Bug 589707 Flex .rule file for Visual Studio build can't cope with spaces in filenames [view] Bug 623299 Fortran: quotation after define causes error [view] Bug 625601 FORTRAN: recognition free versus fixed formatted code [view] Bug 700510 Bibliography duplicate filenames fails [view] and [view] Bug 702584 \cite rejects valid BibTeX keys [view] and [view] Bug 705503 TCL: Documentation of oo::define is not working [view] Bug 727732 Nested C structures/unions does not work with groups [view] Bug 728654 configuration stops with settings.h missing [view] Bug 728740 XML Output: Doxygen doesn't escape & characters (included in a hyperlink) in <detaileddescription> [view] Bug 729017 function object in member initializer causes documentation loss [view] Bug 729427 [PATCH] Propagate configure's perl to makefiles [view] Bug 730418 man page extension is incorrect [view] Bug 730520 No documentation generated for method-less C++ struct [view] Bug 730887 [PATCH] Fix potential copy and paste error in inputstring.cpp [view] Bug 730888 [PATCH] Fix missing '&' in Boolean operation in qstring.cpp [view] Bug 731238 Dead links in html documentation when using tabs for indentation in c++ [view] Bug 731363 Callgraphs for C# only generated for methods inside the same class [view] Bug 731985 Variadic macros failing to expand if trailing ... is empty [view] Bug 732594 Two entries for a single member in Doxygen XML [view] Bug 732768 nested html tables cause pdflatex to hang (1.8.4 and 1.8.6) [view] Bug 733451 volatile declaration on member functions is not handled as xml attribute [view] Bug 733605 Incorrect LaTeX generation for private union member in C++ [view] Bug 733722 XML Output invalid: XML_PROGRAMLISTING=YES copies Unicode form feed character (U+000C) to XML files [view] Bug 733856 segfault in QGListIterator while parsing fortran code [view] Bug 733938 Explicit links using operator()() not generated. [view] Bug 734077 no uniquely matching class member found for inline function definition where parameter argument names don't match [view] Bug 734099 Add support for non-parsed language [view] Bug 734245 Q_PROPERTY switches the member access from private to public [view] Bug 734331 Strong enum members listed in containing namespace [view] Bug 734704 Sigsegv while generating XML output [view] Bug 734727 GENERATE_TAGFILE no longer includes any @*section links [view] and [view] Bug 734828 Request: disable building documentation if Python 2.6 or newer not available [view] Bug 735001 No output for markdown pages with duplicate label title (different anchor) [view] Bug 735037 QGDict::hashAsciiKey: Invalid null key [view] Add FORTRAN 2003 keywords and commands [view] Add type option to FORTRAN select statements [view] Added build support for Python3+ and Python2.6+ [view] Added class/procedure vardefs to FORTRAN code highlighting [view] Added documentation for some missing HTML commands [view] Added flatten, listsort and paginate filters [view] Added get filter, unified index properties [view] Added groupby filter and some more context info [view] Added import keyword to FORTRAN code highlighting [view] Added lists for indices to template context [view] Added mainpage to context and improved page tree [view] Added member indexes to template context [view] Added missing links in changelog when multiple bug ids were on one line [view] Added more missing links to the changelog [view] Added namespace info to the context [view] Addition of module data to context and alphaIndex filter [view] Coded coloring of flow statements corrected (regression) [view] Corrected copyright year [view] Correction of typing error [view] Disabled/fixed segments that produced doxygen warnings while running the test [view] Docbook output improvements [view] Documentation generator: added support for C# property accessors visibility modifiers. [view] Doxywizard: make the Next button on the last page of the expert tab switch to the run tab [view] Doxywizard: make the Next button on the last page of the wizard switch to the run tab [view] Error linking 32-bit windows [view] Fix FORTRAN code function scope test [view] Fix after rebase from master [view] Fix description of USE_PDFLATEX [view] Fix highlighting issues [view] Fix typo [view] Fix unnecessary rules for FORTRAN types [view] Fix warning about unused functions in qstring.cpp [view] Fixed keyword type [view] Fixed missing include for Linux [view] Fixed test 021 [view] Fixed typo [view] Fixed typo and used QString for directory [view] Fixed windows compile issue for is_neutral [view] Fixes for ./configure script on Solaris [view] Fixes regression due to PR 169 [view] Language parser: added support for C# property accessors visibility modifiers. [view] Made INSTALL file version and date independent [view] Made bread crumb trails enabled unconditionally [view] Made setName() virtual so overloading works [view] Make index for faq [view] Messages truncated in warnings file [view] Minor fixes [view] Minor fixes to the template context [view] Missing word after \n command in Doxygen rtf output, version 1.8.5 & up [view] More robust extraction of scope information from tag files [view] No warning in case cite definition is missing [view] Preparations for release 1.8.8 [view] Removed not implemented HTML commands from documentation [view] Removed unsupported HTML commands from the docs [view] Set deployment targets for MacOSX 10.5+ versions [view] Support multiple extra HTML stylesheets. [view] Tcl: add missing file that breaks test 057 [view] Tcl: add test code for Bug 729092 [view] Tcl: collect XRefs also if INLINE_SOURCES = no [view] Tcl: correct namespace resolution in case of INLINE_SOURCES = YES [view] Tcl: recurse for [] [view] Tcl: refactor similar code into tcl_codify_token function [view] Tcl: support eval/catch commands [view] Tcl: support switch command [view] Tcl: test 057 additionally tests mutual Xrefs for two files [view] Template context support for CREATE_SUBDIRS [view] Update dot.cpp [view] Update latexgen.cpp [view] Update test 058 because commit 9d315a9 fixes also Bug 729135 [view] Replaced the VHDL parser with the VHDL scanner from 1.7.5 to avoid potential licensing issues [view] New VHDL parser implementation [view] Vhdl fixes [view] \usepackage{fixltx2e} must come before use \usepackage{float} [view] cache anonymous into ClassDefImpl::isAnonymous [view] changed append filter and added index and path attributes to node [view] doc/ -- unification for Python 2.6+ and 3.3+ (not finished) [view] doc/ unified for Python 2.6+ and Python 3.0+ [view] make.bat: change current directory [view] and [view] removeRedundantWhiteSpace micro-optimization [view] resolves the error of unbalanced tags opened/closed in docbook output: parser error : Opening and ending tag mismatch: para line 358 and tbody [view] winbuild/ minor updates [view]
3 files changed, 13 insertions, 14 deletions
diff --git a/devel/doxygen/Makefile b/devel/doxygen/Makefile
index edcf8f957a5..1a13936644a 100644
--- a/devel/doxygen/Makefile
+++ b/devel/doxygen/Makefile
@@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
-# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.115 2014/05/29 23:35:35 wiz Exp $
+# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.116 2014/09/09 00:44:56 mef Exp $
-DISTNAME= doxygen-1.8.7.src
+DISTNAME= doxygen-1.8.8.src
@@ -42,7 +41,7 @@ PLIST_VARS+= pangocairo nopangocairo
SUBST_STAGE.path= pre-configure
SUBST_FILES.path= doc/
-SUBST_SED.path= -e "s|@EPSTOPDF@|${LOCALBASE}/bin/epstopdf|g"
+SUBST_SED.path= -e "s|@EPSTOPDF@|${PREFIX}/bin/epstopdf|g"
SUBST_STAGE.perlbin= pre-configure
@@ -55,7 +54,7 @@ SUBST_STAGE.epstopdf= pre-configure
SUBST_MESSAGE.epstopdf= Fixing path to epstopdf
SUBST_FILES.epstopdf= src/diagram.cpp src/docparser.cpp src/dot.cpp \
-SUBST_SED.epstopdf= -e 's,"epstopdf","${LOCALBASE}/bin/epstopdf",g'
+SUBST_SED.epstopdf= -e 's,"epstopdf","${PREFIX}/bin/epstopdf",g'
# Just install the binary and the man page. (If the latex option
# is enabled, this target will be augmented.)
diff --git a/devel/doxygen/distinfo b/devel/doxygen/distinfo
index 13837543167..0a7e165bdcb 100644
--- a/devel/doxygen/distinfo
+++ b/devel/doxygen/distinfo
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
-$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.53 2014/04/25 08:32:22 wiz Exp $
+$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.54 2014/09/09 00:44:56 mef Exp $
-SHA1 (doxygen-1.8.7.src.tar.gz) = 3728f183f390f96b4ec39d02782a7c2d91f7bfca
-RMD160 (doxygen-1.8.7.src.tar.gz) = bef0f6dcd4fac3e0bc6126cae23374e960ab9163
-Size (doxygen-1.8.7.src.tar.gz) = 4796875 bytes
+SHA1 (doxygen-1.8.8.src.tar.gz) = cd511c73e7669dde5ac3e14a5d1abae093aaf1d9
+RMD160 (doxygen-1.8.8.src.tar.gz) = d701eb47631aa5e47d8a0fa245b58238276105f3
+Size (doxygen-1.8.8.src.tar.gz) = 4955485 bytes
SHA1 (patch-aa) = 74aa6e068c150d2e40c5a73723afd24d510f4538
SHA1 (patch-ab) = d66d077fe05f26ecdb3c292d2e563e54ef7ab81a
SHA1 (patch-ac) = 87c68a2ce598c10d90d775764f4c05739eb51435
SHA1 (patch-af) = 2af16b257b49c7917aff5f919da43e20bedec376
SHA1 (patch-ah) = db6f117bf1faa3a1ed0b2ca9af81fc4f8d0913f9
-SHA1 (patch-aj) = d771e76cfc659442b2d41d5e3364b3c3189b42c8
+SHA1 (patch-aj) = 504dfce5474e017e7872208b15a436be669c293c
diff --git a/devel/doxygen/patches/patch-aj b/devel/doxygen/patches/patch-aj
index 6e068fc2687..cb87850a9fa 100644
--- a/devel/doxygen/patches/patch-aj
+++ b/devel/doxygen/patches/patch-aj
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-$NetBSD: patch-aj,v 1.4 2013/09/02 16:38:56 wiz Exp $
+$NetBSD: patch-aj,v 1.5 2014/09/09 00:44:56 mef Exp $
make build honor LDFLAGS
@@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ make build honor LDFLAGS
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ CONFIG = console warn_on $extraopt
HEADERS = doxygen.h
SOURCES = main.cpp
- unix:LIBS += -L../lib -ldoxygen -ldoxycfg -lqtools -lmd5 -lpthread %%SQLITE3_LIBS%% %%LIBCLANG_LIBS%%
+ unix:LIBS += -L../lib -ldoxygen -lvhdlparser -ldoxycfg -lqtools -lmd5 -lpthread %%SQLITE3_LIBS%% %%LIBCLANG_LIBS%%
win32:INCLUDEPATH += .
- win32-mingw:LIBS += -L../lib -ldoxygen -ldoxycfg -lqtools -lmd5 -lpthread -llibiconv -lole32 %%SQLITE3_LIBS%% %%LIBCLANG_LIBS%%
- win32-msvc:LIBS += qtools.lib md5.lib doxygen.lib doxycfg.lib shell32.lib iconv.lib
+ win32-mingw:LIBS += -L../lib -ldoxygen -ldoxycfg -lvhdlparser -lqtools -lmd5 -lpthread -llibiconv -lole32 %%SQLITE3_LIBS%% %%LIBCLANG_LIBS%%
+ win32-msvc:LIBS += qtools.lib md5.lib doxygen.lib doxycfg.lib vhdlparser.lib shell32.lib iconv.lib