diff options
authorwiz <>2018-01-01 10:28:50 +0000
committerwiz <>2018-01-01 10:28:50 +0000
commit224d8cbc11f0602f1efcaed2c97cbec02c212548 (patch)
parentd030f120eb2a50f7faf5acc167f0f1a2573b5299 (diff)
apache22: remove package itself
23 files changed, 0 insertions, 3504 deletions
diff --git a/www/apache22/DESCR b/www/apache22/DESCR
deleted file mode 100644
index 529e64429cd..00000000000
--- a/www/apache22/DESCR
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-The Apache HTTP Server Project is an effort to develop and maintain an
-open-source HTTP server for various modern desktop and server operating
-systems, such as UNIX and Windows NT. The goal of this project is to
-provide a secure, efficient and extensible server which provides HTTP
-services in sync with the current HTTP standards.
diff --git a/www/apache22/Makefile b/www/apache22/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 2111520d40c..00000000000
--- a/www/apache22/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,245 +0,0 @@
-# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.114 2017/09/28 04:58:29 wiz Exp $
-DISTNAME= httpd-2.2.34
-PKGNAME= ${DISTNAME:S/httpd/apache/}
-EXTRACT_SUFX= .tar.bz2
-PATCHFILES= CVE-2017-9798-patch-2.2.patch
-COMMENT= Apache HTTP (Web) server, version 2.2
-LICENSE= apache-2.0
-USE_TOOLS+= pax perl perl:run pkg-config
-CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --enable-layout=NetBSD
-CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --with-port=80
-CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --enable-so
-CONFIGURE_ENV+= perlbin=${PERL5:Q}
-CONFIGURE_ENV+= ac_cv_path_RSYNC=/nonexistent
-# Apache Portable Runtime library configure options
-CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --with-apr-util=${BUILDLINK_PREFIX.apr-util}
-CHECK_INTERPRETER_SKIP+= lib/httpd/httpd.exp
-CHECK_PORTABILITY_SKIP+= srclib/pcre/* \
- srclib/apr-util/* \
- srclib/apr/*
-# the following must be set before in order to make += work
-# in mk.conf; however, it isn't expanded until referenced, so we can
-# define DFLT_APACHE_MODULES later
-.include "../../mk/"
-.include "../../devel/apr/"
-.include "../../devel/apr-util/"
-.include "../../textproc/expat/"
-.include "../../mk/"
-.include "../../mk/"
-CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --disable-include
-CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --disable-log-config
-CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --disable-env
-CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --disable-mime
-CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --disable-setenvif
-CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --disable-status
-CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --disable-autoindex
-CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --disable-asis
-CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --disable-cgi
-CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --disable-negotiation
-CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --disable-dir
-CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --disable-actions
-CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --disable-userdir
-CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --disable-alias
-DFLT_APACHE_MODULES+= proxy proxy_connect proxy_ftp proxy_http
-DFLT_APACHE_MODULES+= ssl deflate access auth authn_alias
-DFLT_APACHE_MODULES+= include log_config env mime setenvif
-DFLT_APACHE_MODULES+= status autoindex asis cgi negotiation dir imap
-DFLT_APACHE_MODULES+= actions userdir alias isapi file_cache
-DFLT_APACHE_MODULES+= cache disk_cache mem_cache bucketeer echo
-DFLT_APACHE_MODULES+= example case_filter case_filter_in
-DFLT_APACHE_MODULES+= charset_lite
-DFLT_APACHE_MODULES+= cgid dav_lock proxy_ajp proxy_balancer
-.include ""
-# LDAP support
-PLIST_VARS+= ldap
-.if !empty(PKG_BUILD_OPTIONS.apr-util:Mldap)
-DFLT_APACHE_MODULES+= ldap authnz_ldap
-. if !empty(PKG_OPTIONS:Mapache-shared-modules)
-PLIST.ldap= yes
-. endif
-EGDIR= ${PREFIX}/share/examples/httpd
-CONF_FILES+= ${EGDIR}/httpd.conf ${PKG_SYSCONFDIR}/httpd.conf
-.for f in autoindex dav default info languages manual mpm \
- multilang-errordoc ssl userdir vhosts
-CONF_FILES+= ${EGDIR}/extra/httpd-${f}.conf \
- ${PKG_SYSCONFDIR}/httpd-${f}.conf
-CONF_FILES+= ${EGDIR}/mime.types ${PKG_SYSCONFDIR}/mime.types
-RCD_SCRIPTS= apache
-REQD_DIRS= ${PREFIX}/share/httpd
-REQD_DIRS+= ${PREFIX}/share/httpd/htdocs
-OWN_DIRS= ${VARBASE}/log/httpd
-OWN_DIRS+= ${VARBASE}/db/httpd
-FIX_PERMS= apachectl apxs dbmmanage envvars-std mkcert
-FIX_MAN_PERMS= man1/htdbm.1 man1/htpasswd.1 man1/htdigest.1
-FIX_MAN_PERMS+= man1/dbmmanage.1 man8/httpd.8 man8/suexec.8
-FIX_MAN_PERMS+= man8/rotatelogs.8 man1/logresolve.1 man1/apxs.1
-FIX_MAN_PERMS+= man8/apachectl.8 man1/ab.1 man1/httxt2dbm.1
-# Fix paths in the apache manpages.
-SUBST_CLASSES+= man post-patch docs/man/*.1 docs/man/*.8 -e 's,/usr/local/etc/apache,${PKG_SYSCONFDIR},' -e 's,/path/to/apache/etc,${PKG_SYSCONFDIR},' -e 's,/usr/local/apache2,${PREFIX}/share/httpd/htdocs,' -e 's,/usr/web,${PREFIX}/share/httpd/htdocs,'
-SUBST_STAGE.paths= pre-configure
-SUBST_FILES.paths= config.layout support/
-SUBST_SED.paths= -e "s|@PREFIX@|${PREFIX}|g"
-SUBST_SED.paths+= -e "s|@VARBASE@|${VARBASE}|g"
-SUBST_SED.paths+= -e "s|@PAX@|${PAX}|g"
-SUBST_SED.paths+= -e "s|@LOCALBASE@|${LOCALBASE}|g"
-SUBST_MESSAGE.paths= Fixing paths.
-SUBST_STAGE.apr-lt= post-configure
-SUBST_FILES.apr-lt= build/
-SUBST_SED.apr-lt= -e 's|^\(LIBTOOL =\) [^ ]*|\1 $$(SHELL) $$(top_builddir)/build/libtool|g'
-SUBST_MESSAGE.apr-lt= Fixing libtool references.
-SUBST_STAGE.confs= post-configure
-SUBST_MESSAGE.confs= Fixing configuration files.
-SUBST_FILES.confs= docs/conf/httpd.conf
-SUBST_FILES.confs+= docs/conf/extra/httpd-ssl.conf
-SUBST_SED.confs= -e "s|${EGDIR}|${PKG_SYSCONFDIR}|g"
-SUBST_SED.confs+= -e "s|${PREFIX}/htdocs|${PREFIX}/share/httpd/htdocs|g"
-SUBST_SED.confs+= -e "s|${PREFIX}/conf|${PKG_SYSCONFDIR}|g"
-SUBST_SED.confs+= -e "s|logs/|${VARBASE}/log/httpd/|g"
-SUBST_SED.confs+= -e 's|/var/log/httpd/foo\.log|logs/foo.log/|g'
-SUBST_SED.confs+= -e 's|^\(User[ ]\).*|\1${APACHE_USER}|g'
-SUBST_SED.confs+= -e 's|^\(Group[ ]\).*|\1${APACHE_GROUP}|g'
-SUBST_SED.confs+= -e 's|^Listen \(.*\)|Listen\1|g'
-# abs_srcdir in is used during install so needs to reference
-# the work dir path, and by other packages such as ap2-fastcgi after install,
-# so we fix after install to reference the installed path
-SUBST_CLASSES+= abs_srcdir
-SUBST_STAGE.abs_srcdir= post-install
-SUBST_FILES.abs_srcdir= ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/share/httpd/build/
-SUBST_SED.abs_srcdir= -e 's|^\(abs_srcdir =\) .*|\1 ${PREFIX}/share/httpd|'
-SUBST_MESSAGE.abs_srcdir= Fixing abs_srcdir
-REPLACE_PERL= docs/cgi-examples/printenv
-# Add dependencies for the modules that will be built. For each module
-# ap_mod listed in ${APACHE_MODULES}, _AP_DEPENDS.ap_mod is a whitespace
-# separated list of dependencies or files needed to build
-# ap_mod, and _AP_CFG_ARGS.ap_mod is a whitespace separated list of
-# configure script options for ap_mod.
-AP_DEPENDS.ssl= ../../security/openssl/
-AP_DEPENDS.deflate= ../../devel/zlib/
-AP_CFG_ARGS.ssl= --with-ssl=${BUILDLINK_PREFIX.openssl}
-AP_CFG_ARGS.deflate= --with-z=${BUILDLINK_PREFIX.zlib}
-#.if ${APACHE_MODULES} == "all-shared"
-.if !empty(PKG_OPTIONS:Mapache-shared-modules)
-. include "${AP_DEPENDS.ssl}"
-. include "${AP_DEPENDS.deflate}"
-. for ap_mod in ${APACHE_MODULES}
-. if defined(AP_DEPENDS.${ap_mod}) && !empty(AP_DEPENDS.${ap_mod})
-. for ap_depend in ${AP_DEPENDS.${ap_mod}}
-. if exists(${ap_depend})
-. include "${ap_depend}"
-. else
-DEPENDS+= ${ap_depend}
-. endif
-. endfor
-. endif
-. if defined(AP_CFG_ARGS.${ap_mod}) && !empty(AP_CFG_ARGS.${ap_mod})
-. endif
-. endfor
- ${TOUCH} ${WRKSRC}/build/libtool
- ${ECHO} "" >> ${WRKSRC}/docs/conf/extra/
- < ${FILESDIR}/ > ${WRKDIR}/mkcert
-INSTALL_TARGET= install-conf install
-INSTALL_MAKE_FLAGS+= sysconfdir="${EGDIR}"
- ${LN} -sf ${LOCALBASE}/libexec/apr/libtool ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/share/httpd/build
- ${LN} -sf ${SBINDIR}/envvars-std ${DESTDIR}${SBINDIR}/envvars
- for file in ${FIX_PERMS}; do \
- ${CHOWN} ${BINOWN}:${BINGRP} ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/sbin/$$file && \
- ${CHMOD} ${BINMODE} ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/sbin/$$file; \
- done
- ${CHOWN} -RP ${BINOWN}:${BINGRP} ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/share/httpd
- ${CHOWN} -RP ${BINOWN}:${BINGRP} ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/include/httpd
- ${CHOWN} -RP ${BINOWN}:${BINGRP} ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/lib/httpd
- ${CHOWN} ${BINOWN}:${BINGRP} ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/libexec/cgi-bin/test-cgi
- ${CHOWN} ${BINOWN}:${BINGRP} ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/libexec/cgi-bin/printenv
- for file in ${FIX_MAN_PERMS}; do \
- done
- ${CHMOD} -x ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/sbin/envvars-std
- ${TEST} ! -f ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/sbin/suexec || ${CHMOD} -w ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/sbin/suexec
-.include "../../mk/"
-.include "../../mk/"
diff --git a/www/apache22/PLIST b/www/apache22/PLIST
deleted file mode 100644
index 0860810c3de..00000000000
--- a/www/apache22/PLIST
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1257 +0,0 @@
-@comment $NetBSD: PLIST,v 1.24 2014/03/28 11:25:43 adam Exp $
-@pkgdir share/httpd/manual/style/xsl/util
-@pkgdir share/httpd/manual/style/xsl
-@pkgdir share/httpd/manual/style/lang
diff --git a/www/apache22/ b/www/apache22/
deleted file mode 100644
index b823ea23eab..00000000000
--- a/www/apache22/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-# $NetBSD:,v 1.18 2016/03/05 11:27:57 jperkin Exp $
-.if !defined(APACHE_BUILDLINK3_MK)
-BUILDLINK_API_DEPENDS.apache+= apache>=2.2.3<2.3
-BUILDLINK_ABI_DEPENDS.apache+= apache>=2.2.31nb2
-BUILDLINK_PKGSRCDIR.apache?= ../../www/apache22
-.if defined(APACHE_MODULE)
-BUILDLINK_FILES.apache+= sbin/apxs
-${BUILDLINK_DIR}/bin/apxs: buildlink-directories
- ${MKDIR} ${BUILDLINK_DIR}/bin && ${LN} -fs ../sbin/apxs ${BUILDLINK_DIR}/bin/apxs
-buildlink-apache-cookie: ${BUILDLINK_DIR}/bin/apxs
-USE_TOOLS+= perl # for "apxs"
-CONFIGURE_ENV+= APR_LIBTOOL=${LIBTOOL:Q} # make apxs use the libtool we specify
-APXS?= ${BUILDLINK_PREFIX.apache}/sbin/apxs
-.if defined(GNU_CONFIGURE)
-CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --with-apxs2=${APXS:Q}
-.include "../../devel/apr/"
-.include "../../devel/apr-util/"
diff --git a/www/apache22/distinfo b/www/apache22/distinfo
deleted file mode 100644
index 55129cba18d..00000000000
--- a/www/apache22/distinfo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.68 2017/09/28 04:58:29 wiz Exp $
-SHA1 (CVE-2017-9798-patch-2.2.patch) = 5602d73298b1623c1aff6e2bceeec98ba0c0532e
-RMD160 (CVE-2017-9798-patch-2.2.patch) = 6dbcf86821fc69a334b537a8de1c8d610743b1b9
-SHA512 (CVE-2017-9798-patch-2.2.patch) = f4fda08d3c3f66cc6d1288ab986d63e9398de36fe82abff1f40f10a02f0ba570bd6c96795f8c00edaf865278373b467725a9e6031bd3c1eca60b622be17953d4
-Size (CVE-2017-9798-patch-2.2.patch) = 1145 bytes
-SHA1 (httpd-2.2.34.tar.bz2) = 829206394e238af0b800fc78d19c74ee466ecb23
-RMD160 (httpd-2.2.34.tar.bz2) = 7e913d60ac02c815edac6ab0614f5dc40618c073
-SHA512 (httpd-2.2.34.tar.bz2) = e6dac5865a48533c025fe17523ee74d68c3a23f9512c9441b78a140e33cfb6835573eb049b0ad424eb5c5ca78a1915778c54e8a409da95fbdd3890cb99e08240
-Size (httpd-2.2.34.tar.bz2) = 5779739 bytes
-SHA1 (patch-aa) = e0bfdf6bc9cb034bea46a390a12a5508e363c9a7
-SHA1 (patch-ab) = 365cc3b0ac2d9d68ccb94f5699fe168a1c9b0150
-SHA1 (patch-ac) = 515043b5c215d49fe8f6d3191b502c978e2a2dad
-SHA1 (patch-ad) = 088d6ff0e7a8acfe70b4f85a6ce58d42c935fd13
-SHA1 (patch-ae) = 86b307d6eefef232b6223afc3f69e64be40bd913
-SHA1 (patch-ag) = 78dcb023f524ef65928b529320932c9664ec0d01
-SHA1 (patch-ai) = 4ebc3bd580a298973928eb6d13d2ce745eac0312
-SHA1 (patch-al) = 56b9f5c2f6fd01fe5067f9210e328cbf674c68f1
-SHA1 (patch-am) = ab4a2f7e5a1a3064e908b61157e7fd349c0b0c08
-SHA1 (patch-aw) = ca53d67beeb2c2c4d9adb04d3d79e24a8c427fd4
-SHA1 (patch-docs_man_apxs.8) = 70797ea73ae6379492971bec1106a8427ae7fdaa
-SHA1 (patch-lock.c) = 770ca03f1cb4421879bd5baa5a7c30cc91acb6e1
-SHA1 (patch-modules_proxy_mod_proxy_connect.c) = b2b5d0242a92c7bf20b14c16d8cd3abae42f3746
-SHA1 (patch-repos.c) = 0e0361b91d4b0fe6c7c55a12fdfd2e6aacc710e1
diff --git a/www/apache22/files/ b/www/apache22/files/
deleted file mode 100644
index 2328b641673..00000000000
--- a/www/apache22/files/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-# $NetBSD:,v 1.4 2009/02/25 22:05:40 tron Exp $
-# PROVIDE: apache
-# KEYWORD: shutdown
-# You will need to set some variables in /etc/rc.conf to start Apache:
-# apache=YES
-if [ -f /etc/rc.subr ]
- . /etc/rc.subr
- rcvar=$name
- command="@PREFIX@/sbin/httpd"
- command_args="-k start"
- pidfile="@VARBASE@/run/"
- required_files="@PKG_SYSCONFDIR@/httpd.conf"
- extra_commands="reload"
- reload_cmd="$command -k graceful"
- load_rc_config $name
- run_rc_command "$1"
- ctl_command="@PREFIX@/sbin/apachectl"
- if [ ! -x ${ctl_command} ]; then
- return
- fi
- case "$1" in
- start)
- @ECHO@ "Starting ${name}."
- ${ctl_command} start
- ;;
- stop)
- @ECHO@ "Stopping ${name}."
- ${ctl_command} stop
- ;;
- reload)
- ${ctl_command} graceful
- ;;
- restart)
- "$0" stop
- sleep 10
- "$0" start
- ;;
- *)
- ${ctl_command} "$1"
- ;;
- esac
diff --git a/www/apache22/files/ b/www/apache22/files/
deleted file mode 100644
index 6be1c77bc7c..00000000000
--- a/www/apache22/files/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,914 +0,0 @@
-## -- SSL Certificate Generation Utility
-## Copyright (c) 1998-2000 Ralf S. Engelschall, All Rights Reserved.
-# parameters
-parameters=`getopt a:c:t:k:v $*`
-if [ $# = 0 ]; then
- cat << EOF
- [-t type] [-a algo] [-c crtfile ] [-k keyfile] [-v]
- -t type Type of certificates to generate. Valid types are:
- dummy self-signed Snake Oil cert
- test test cert signed by Snake Oil CA
- custom custom cert signed by own CA
- existing existing cert
- -a algo Signature algorithm for generated certificate. Valid
- algorithms are RSA or DSA.
- -c crtfile Path to an existing certificate
- -k keyfile Path to an existing key file
- -v Display the certificate and key, then exit.
- exit 2
-set -- $parameters
-for param
- case $param in
- -a) algo=$2 ;;
- -c) crt=$2 ;;
- -t) type=$2 ;;
- -k) key=$2 ;;
- -v) view=1 ;;
- --) break ;;
- esac
- shift
-# configuration
-if [ ! -d "${sslcrtdir}" ]; then
- echo "Creating ${sslcrtdir}"
- mkdir "${sslcrtdir}" || exit 1
-if [ ! -d "${sslcsrdir}" ]; then
- echo "Creating ${sslcsrdir}"
- mkdir "${sslcsrdir}" || exit 1
-if [ ! -d "${sslkeydir}" ]; then
- echo "Creating ${sslkeydir}"
- mkdir "${sslkeydir}" || exit 1
-if [ ! -d "${sslprmdir}" ]; then
- echo "Creating ${sslprmdir}"
- mkdir "${sslprmdir}" || exit 1
-if [ ! -d "${sslcrldir}" ]; then
- echo "Creating ${sslcrldir}"
- mkdir "${sslcrldir}" || exit 1
-# some optional terminal sequences
-case $TERM in
- xterm|xterm*|vt220|vt220*)
- T_MD=`echo dummy | awk '{ printf("%c%c%c%c", 27, 91, 49, 109); }'`
- T_ME=`echo dummy | awk '{ printf("%c%c%c", 27, 91, 109); }'`
- ;;
- vt100|vt100*)
- T_MD=`echo dummy | awk '{ printf("%c%c%c%c%c%c", 27, 91, 49, 109, 0, 0); }'`
- T_ME=`echo dummy | awk '{ printf("%c%c%c%c%c", 27, 91, 109, 0, 0); }'`
- ;;
- default)
- T_MD=''
- T_ME=''
- ;;
-# display header
-echo "${T_MD}SSL Certificate Generation Utility${T_ME} ("
-echo "Copyright (c) 1998-2000 Ralf S. Engelschall, All Rights Reserved."
-# on request view certificates only
-if [ ".$view" != . ]; then
- if [ -f "$sslcrtdir/ca.crt" -a -f "$sslkeydir/ca.key" ]; then
- echo ""
- echo "${T_MD}CA X.509 Certificate${T_ME} [ca.crt]"
- echo "______________________________________________________________________"
- $openssl x509 -noout -text -in $sslcrtdir/ca.crt
- echo ""
- if [ ".`$openssl x509 -noout -text -in $sslcrtdir/ca.crt | grep 'Signature Algorithm' | grep -i RSA`" != . ]; then
- echo "${T_MD}CA RSA Private Key${T_ME} [ca.key]"
- echo "______________________________________________________________________"
- $openssl rsa -noout -text -in $sslkeydir/ca.key
- else
- echo "${T_MD}CA DSA Private Key${T_ME} [ca.key]"
- echo "______________________________________________________________________"
- $openssl dsa -noout -text -in $sslkeydir/ca.key
- fi
- fi
- if [ -f "$sslcrtdir/server.crt" -a -f "$sslkeydir/server.key" ]; then
- echo ""
- echo "${T_MD}Server X.509 Certificate${T_ME} [server.crt]"
- echo "______________________________________________________________________"
- $openssl x509 -noout -text -in $sslcrtdir/server.crt
- echo ""
- if [ ".`$openssl x509 -noout -text -in $sslcrtdir/server.crt | grep 'Signature Algorithm' | grep -i RSA`" != . ]; then
- echo "${T_MD}Server RSA Private Key${T_ME} [server.key]"
- echo "______________________________________________________________________"
- $openssl rsa -noout -text -in $sslkeydir/server.key
- else
- echo "${T_MD}Server DSA Private Key${T_ME} [server.key]"
- echo "______________________________________________________________________"
- $openssl dsa -noout -text -in $sslkeydir/server.key
- fi
- fi
- exit 0
-# find some random files
-# We will always generate a /tmp/randfile using /dev/urandom
-# before passing $randfile to openssl.
-for file in /var/log/messages /var/adm/messages /var/log/system.log /var/wtmp \
- /kernel /kernel/genunix /vmunix /vmlinuz /mach /netbsd \
- /etc/hosts /etc/group /etc/resolv.conf /bin/ls; do
- if [ -r $file ]; then
- if [ ".$randfiles" = . ]; then
- randfiles="$file"
- else
- randfiles="${randfiles}:$file"
- fi
- fi
-# initialize random file
-if [ -f $HOME/.rnd ]; then
- RANDFILE="/tmp/.mkcert.rnd"
- (ps; date) >$RANDFILE
-export RANDFILE
-# canonicalize parameters
-case "x$type" in
- x ) type=test ;;
-case "x$algo" in
- xRSA|xrsa )
- algo=RSA
- ;;
- xDSA|xdsa )
- algo=DSA
- ;;
- x )
- algo=choose
- ;;
- * ) echo "Unknown algorithm \'$algo' (use RSA or DSA!)" 1>&2
- exit 1
- ;;
-# processing
-case $type in
- dummy)
- echo ""
- echo "${T_MD}Generating self-signed Snake Oil certificate [DUMMY]${T_ME}"
- echo "______________________________________________________________________"
- echo ""
- if [ ".$algo" = .choose ]; then
- algo=RSA
- fi
- if [ ".$algo" = .RSA ]; then
- cp $sslcrtdir/snakeoil-rsa.crt $sslcrtdir/server.crt
- (umask 077; cp $sslkeydir/snakeoil-rsa.key $sslkeydir/server.key)
- else
- cp $sslcrtdir/snakeoil-dsa.crt $sslcrtdir/server.crt
- (umask 077; cp $sslkeydir/snakeoil-dsa.key $sslkeydir/server.key)
- fi
- echo "${T_MD}RESULT: Server Certification Files${T_ME}"
- echo ""
- echo "o ${T_MD}$confdir/ssl.key/server.key${T_ME}"
- echo " The PEM-encoded $algo private key file which you configure"
- echo " with the 'SSLCertificateKeyFile' directive (automatically done"
- echo " when you install via APACI). ${T_MD}KEEP THIS FILE PRIVATE!${T_ME}"
- echo ""
- echo "o ${T_MD}$confdir/ssl.crt/server.crt${T_ME}"
- echo " The PEM-encoded X.509 certificate file which you configure"
- echo " with the 'SSLCertificateFile' directive (automatically done"
- echo " when you install via APACI)."
- echo ""
- echo "WARNING: Do not use this for real-life/production systems"
- echo ""
- ;;
- test)
- echo ""
- echo "${T_MD}Generating test certificate signed by Snake Oil CA [TEST]${T_ME}"
- echo "WARNING: Do not use this for real-life/production systems"
- if [ ".$algo" = .choose ]; then
- echo "______________________________________________________________________"
- echo ""
- echo "${T_MD}STEP 0: Decide the signature algorithm used for certificate${T_ME}"
- echo "The generated X.509 CA certificate can contain either"
- echo "RSA or DSA based ingredients. Select the one you want to use."
- def1=R def2=r def=RSA
- prompt="Signature Algorithm ((R)SA or (D)SA) [$def1]:"
- while [ 1 ]; do
- echo dummy | awk '{ printf("%s", prompt); }' "prompt=$prompt"
- read algo
- if [ ".$algo" = ".$def1" -o ".$algo" = ".$def2" -o ".$algo" = . ]; then
- algo=$def
- break
- elif [ ".$algo" = ".R" -o ".$algo" = ".r" ]; then
- algo=RSA
- break
- elif [ ".$algo" = ".D" -o ".$algo" = ".d" ]; then
- algo=DSA
- break
- else
- echo " Invalid selection" 1>&2
- fi
- done
- fi
- if [ ".$algo" = ".DSA" ]; then
- echo ""
- echo "${T_MD}WARNING!${T_ME} You're generating a DSA based certificate/key pair."
- echo " This implies that RSA based ciphers won't be available later,"
- echo " which for your web server currently still means that mostly all"
- echo " popular web browsers cannot connect to it. At least not until"
- echo " you also generate an additional RSA based certificate/key pair"
- echo " and configure them in parallel."
- fi
- echo "______________________________________________________________________"
- echo ""
- echo "${T_MD}STEP 1: Generating $algo private key (1024 bit) [server.key]${T_ME}"
- (umask 077; head -500 /dev/urandom > randfile)
- if [ ".$algo" = .RSA ]; then
- if [ ".$randfiles" != . ]; then
- $openssl genrsa -rand $randfiles -out $sslkeydir/server.key 1024
- else
- $openssl genrsa -out $sslkeydir/server.key 1024
- fi
- if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
- echo " Failed to generate RSA private key" 1>&2
- exit 1
- fi
- else
- echo "Generating DSA private key via SnakeOil CA DSA parameters"
- if [ ".$randfiles" != . ]; then
- (umask 077
- $openssl gendsa -rand $randfiles \
- -out $sslkeydir/server.key \
- $sslprmdir/snakeoil-ca-dsa.prm)
- else
- (umask 077
- $openssl gendsa -out $sslkeydir/server.key \
- $sslprmdir/snakeoil-ca-dsa.prm)
- fi
- if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
- echo " Failed to generate DSA private key" 1>&2
- exit 1
- fi
- fi
- rm -f randfile
- echo "______________________________________________________________________"
- echo ""
- echo "${T_MD}STEP 2: Generating X.509 certificate signing request [server.csr]${T_ME}"
- cat >/tmp/.mkcert.cfg <<EOT
-[ req ]
-default_bits = 1024
-distinguished_name = req_DN
-[ req_DN ]
-countryName = "1. Country Name (2 letter code)"
-countryName_default = XY
-countryName_min = 2
-countryName_max = 2
-stateOrProvinceName = "2. State or Province Name (full name) "
-stateOrProvinceName_default = Snake Desert
-localityName = "3. Locality Name (eg, city) "
-localityName_default = Snake Town
-0.organizationName = "4. Organization Name (eg, company) "
-0.organizationName_default = Snake Oil, Ltd
-organizationalUnitName = "5. Organizational Unit Name (eg, section) "
-organizationalUnitName_default = Webserver Team
-commonName = "6. Common Name (eg, FQDN) "
-commonName_max = 64
-commonName_default = www.snakeoil.dom
-emailAddress = "7. Email Address (eg, name@FQDN)"
-emailAddress_max = 40
-emailAddress_default = www@snakeoil.dom
- $openssl req -config /tmp/.mkcert.cfg \
- -new \
- -key $sslkeydir/server.key \
- -out $sslcsrdir/server.csr
- if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
- echo " Failed to generate certificate signing request" 1>&2
- exit 1
- fi
- rm -f /tmp/.mkcert.cfg
- prompt="8. Certificate Validity (days) [365]:"
- echo dummy | awk '{ printf("%s", prompt); }' "prompt=$prompt"
- read days
- if [ ".$days" = . ]; then
- days=365
- fi
- echo "______________________________________________________________________"
- echo ""
- echo "${T_MD}STEP 3: Generating X.509 certificate signed by Snake Oil CA [server.crt]${T_ME}"
- echo dummy | awk '{ printf("%s", prompt); }' "prompt=Certificate Version (1 or 3) [3]:"
- read certversion
- extfile=""
- if [ ".$certversion" = .3 -o ".$certversion" = . ]; then
- extfile="-extfile /tmp/.mkcert.cfg"
- cat >/tmp/.mkcert.cfg <<EOT
-extensions = x509v3
-[ x509v3 ]
-subjectAltName = email:copy
-nsComment = "mod_ssl generated test server certificate"
-nsCertType = server
- fi
- if [ ! -f /tmp/.mkcert.serial ]; then
- echo '01' >/tmp/.mkcert.serial
- fi
- if [ ".$algo" = .RSA ]; then
- $openssl x509 $extfile \
- -days $days \
- -CAserial /tmp/.mkcert.serial \
- -CA $sslcrtdir/snakeoil-ca-rsa.crt \
- -CAkey $sslkeydir/snakeoil-ca-rsa.key \
- -in $sslcsrdir/server.csr -req \
- -out $sslcrtdir/server.crt
- else
- $openssl x509 $extfile \
- -days $days \
- -CAserial /tmp/.mkcert.serial \
- -CA $sslcrtdir/snakeoil-ca-dsa.crt \
- -CAkey $sslkeydir/snakeoil-ca-dsa.key \
- -in $sslcsrdir/server.csr -req \
- -out $sslcrtdir/server.crt
- fi
- if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
- echo " Failed to generate X.509 certificate" 1>&2
- exit 1
- fi
- rm -f /tmp/.mkcert.cfg
- echo "Verify: matching certificate & key modulus"
- modcrt=`$openssl x509 -noout -modulus -in $sslcrtdir/server.crt | sed -e 's;.*Modulus=;;'`
- if [ ".$algo" = .RSA ]; then
- modkey=`$openssl rsa -noout -modulus -in $sslkeydir/server.key | sed -e 's;.*Modulus=;;'`
- else
- modkey=`$openssl dsa -noout -modulus -in $sslkeydir/server.key | sed -e 's;.*Key=;;'`
- fi
- if [ ".$modcrt" != ".$modkey" ]; then
- echo " Failed to verify modulus on resulting X.509 certificate" 1>&2
- exit 1
- fi
- echo "Verify: matching certificate signature"
- if [ ".$algo" = .RSA ]; then
- $openssl verify -CAfile $sslcrtdir/snakeoil-ca-rsa.crt $sslcrtdir/server.crt
- else
- $openssl verify -CAfile $sslcrtdir/snakeoil-ca-dsa.crt $sslcrtdir/server.crt
- fi
- if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
- echo " Failed to verify signature on resulting X.509 certificate" 1>&2
- exit 1
- fi
- echo "______________________________________________________________________"
- echo ""
- echo "${T_MD}STEP 4: Enrypting $algo private key with a pass phrase for security [server.key]${T_ME}"
- echo "The contents of the server.key file (the generated private key) has to be"
- echo "kept secret. So we strongly recommend you to encrypt the server.key file"
- echo "with a Triple-DES cipher and a Pass Phrase."
- while [ 1 ]; do
- echo dummy | awk '{ printf("Encrypt the private key now? [Y/n]: "); }'
- read rc
- if [ ".$rc" = .n -o ".$rc" = .N ]; then
- rc="n"
- break
- fi
- if [ ".$rc" = .y -o ".$rc" = .Y -o ".$rc" = . ]; then
- rc="y"
- break
- fi
- done
- if [ ".$rc" = .y ]; then
- if [ ".$algo" = .RSA ]; then
- (umask 077
- $openssl rsa -des3 \
- -in $sslkeydir/server.key \
- -out $sslkeydir/server.key.crypt)
- else
- (umask 077
- $openssl dsa -des3 \
- -in $sslkeydir/server.key \
- -out $sslkeydir/server.key.crypt)
- fi
- if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
- echo " Failed to encrypt $algo private key" 1>&2
- exit 1
- fi
- (umask 077; cp $sslkeydir/server.key.crypt $sslkeydir/server.key)
- rm -f $sslkeydir/server.key.crypt
- echo "Fine, you're using an encrypted $algo private key."
- else
- echo "Warning, you're using an unencrypted $algo private key."
- echo "Please notice this fact and do this on your own risk."
- fi
- echo "______________________________________________________________________"
- echo ""
- echo "${T_MD}RESULT: Server Certification Files${T_ME}"
- echo ""
- echo "o ${T_MD}$confdir/ssl.key/server.key${T_ME}"
- echo " The PEM-encoded $algo private key file which you configure"
- echo " with the 'SSLCertificateKeyFile' directive (automatically done"
- echo " when you install via APACI). ${T_MD}KEEP THIS FILE PRIVATE!${T_ME}"
- echo ""
- echo "o ${T_MD}$confdir/ssl.crt/server.crt${T_ME}"
- echo " The PEM-encoded X.509 certificate file which you configure"
- echo " with the 'SSLCertificateFile' directive (automatically done"
- echo " when you install via APACI)."
- echo ""
- echo "o ${T_MD}$confdir/ssl.csr/server.csr${T_ME}"
- echo " The PEM-encoded X.509 certificate signing request file which"
- echo " you can send to an official Certificate Authority (CA) in order"
- echo " to request a real server certificate (signed by this CA instead"
- echo " of our demonstration-only Snake Oil CA) which later can replace"
- echo " the $confdir/ssl.crt/server.crt file."
- echo ""
- echo "WARNING: Do not use this for real-life/production systems"
- echo ""
- ;;
- custom)
- echo ""
- echo "${T_MD}Generating custom certificate signed by own CA [CUSTOM]${T_ME}"
- if [ ".$algo" = .choose ]; then
- echo "______________________________________________________________________"
- echo ""
- echo "${T_MD}STEP 0: Decide the signature algorithm used for certificates${T_ME}"
- echo "The generated X.509 certificates can contain either"
- echo "RSA or DSA based ingredients. Select the one you want to use."
- def1=R def2=r def=RSA
- prompt="Signature Algorithm ((R)SA or (D)SA) [$def1]:"
- while [ 1 ]; do
- echo dummy | awk '{ printf("%s", prompt); }' "prompt=$prompt"
- read algo
- if [ ".$algo" = ".$def1" -o ".$algo" = ".$def2" -o ".$algo" = . ]; then
- algo=$def
- break
- elif [ ".$algo" = ".R" -o ".$algo" = ".r" ]; then
- algo=RSA
- break
- elif [ ".$algo" = ".D" -o ".$algo" = ".d" ]; then
- algo=DSA
- break
- else
- echo " Invalid selection" 1>&2
- fi
- done
- fi
- if [ ".$algo" = ".DSA" ]; then
- echo ""
- echo "${T_MD}WARNING!${T_ME} You're generating DSA based certificate/key pairs."
- echo " This implies that RSA based ciphers won't be available later,"
- echo " which for your web server currently still means that mostly all"
- echo " popular web browsers cannot connect to it. At least not until"
- echo " you also generate an additional RSA based certificate/key pair"
- echo " and configure them in parallel."
- fi
- echo "______________________________________________________________________"
- echo ""
- echo "${T_MD}STEP 1: Generating $algo private key for CA (1024 bit) [ca.key]${T_ME}"
- (umask 077; head -500 /dev/urandom > randfile)
- if [ ".$algo" = .RSA ]; then
- if [ ".$randfiles" != . ]; then
- $openssl genrsa -rand $randfiles -out $sslkeydir/ca.key 1024
- else
- $openssl genrsa -out $sslkeydir/ca.key 1024
- fi
- if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
- echo " Failed to generate RSA private key" 1>&2
- exit 1
- fi
- else
- if [ ".$randfiles" != . ]; then
- $openssl dsaparam -rand $randfiles -out $sslprmdir/ca.prm 1024
- echo "Generating DSA private key:"
- (umask 077
- $openssl gendsa -rand $randfiles -out $sslkeydir/ca.key $sslprmdir/ca.prm)
- else
- $openssl dsaparam -out $sslprmdir/ca.prm 1024
- echo "Generating DSA private key:"
- (umask 077
- $openssl gendsa -out $sslkeydir/ca.key $sslprmdir/ca.prm)
- fi
- if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
- echo " Failed to generate DSA private key" 1>&2
- exit 1
- fi
- fi
- rm -f randfile
- echo "______________________________________________________________________"
- echo ""
- echo "${T_MD}STEP 2: Generating X.509 certificate signing request for CA [ca.csr]${T_ME}"
- cat >/tmp/.mkcert.cfg <<EOT
-[ req ]
-default_bits = 1024
-distinguished_name = req_DN
-[ req_DN ]
-countryName = "1. Country Name (2 letter code)"
-countryName_default = XY
-countryName_min = 2
-countryName_max = 2
-stateOrProvinceName = "2. State or Province Name (full name) "
-stateOrProvinceName_default = Snake Desert
-localityName = "3. Locality Name (eg, city) "
-localityName_default = Snake Town
-0.organizationName = "4. Organization Name (eg, company) "
-0.organizationName_default = Snake Oil, Ltd
-organizationalUnitName = "5. Organizational Unit Name (eg, section) "
-organizationalUnitName_default = Certificate Authority
-commonName = "6. Common Name (eg, CA name) "
-commonName_max = 64
-commonName_default = Snake Oil CA
-emailAddress = "7. Email Address (eg, name@FQDN)"
-emailAddress_max = 40
-emailAddress_default = ca@snakeoil.dom
- $openssl req -config /tmp/.mkcert.cfg \
- -new \
- -key $sslkeydir/ca.key \
- -out $sslcsrdir/ca.csr
- if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
- echo " Failed to generate certificate signing request" 1>&2
- exit 1
- fi
- rm -f /tmp/.mkcert.cfg
- prompt="8. Certificate Validity (days) [365]:"
- echo dummy | awk '{ printf("%s", prompt); }' "prompt=$prompt"
- read days
- if [ ".$days" = . ]; then
- days=365
- fi
- echo "______________________________________________________________________"
- echo ""
- echo "${T_MD}STEP 3: Generating X.509 certificate for CA signed by itself [ca.crt]${T_ME}"
- echo dummy | awk '{ printf("%s", prompt); }' "prompt=Certificate Version (1 or 3) [3]:"
- read certversion
- extfile=""
- if [ ".$certversion" = .3 -o ".$certversion" = . ]; then
- extfile="-extfile /tmp/.mkcert.cfg"
- cat >/tmp/.mkcert.cfg <<EOT
-extensions = x509v3
-[ x509v3 ]
-subjectAltName = email:copy
-basicConstraints = CA:true,pathlen:0
-nsComment = "mod_ssl generated custom CA certificate"
-nsCertType = sslCA
- fi
- $openssl x509 $extfile \
- -days $days \
- -signkey $sslkeydir/ca.key \
- -in $sslcsrdir/ca.csr -req \
- -out $sslcrtdir/ca.crt
- if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
- echo " Failed to generate self-signed CA certificate" 1>&2
- exit 1
- fi
- rm -f /tmp/.mkcert.cfg
- echo "Verify: matching certificate & key modulus"
- modcrt=`$openssl x509 -noout -modulus -in $sslcrtdir/ca.crt | sed -e 's;.*Modulus=;;'`
- if [ ".$algo" = .RSA ]; then
- modkey=`$openssl rsa -noout -modulus -in $sslkeydir/ca.key | sed -e 's;.*Modulus=;;'`
- else
- modkey=`$openssl dsa -noout -modulus -in $sslkeydir/ca.key | sed -e 's;.*Key=;;'`
- fi
- if [ ".$modcrt" != ".$modkey" ]; then
- echo " Failed to verify modulus on resulting X.509 certificate" 1>&2
- exit 1
- fi
- echo "Verify: matching certificate signature"
- $openssl verify $sslcrtdir/ca.crt
- if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
- echo " Failed to verify signature on resulting X.509 certificate" 1>&2
- exit 1
- fi
- echo "______________________________________________________________________"
- echo ""
- echo "${T_MD}STEP 4: Generating $algo private key for SERVER (1024 bit) [server.key]${T_ME}"
- (umask 077; head -500 /dev/urandom > randfile)
- if [ ".$algo" = .RSA ]; then
- if [ ".$randfiles" != . ]; then
- $openssl genrsa -rand $randfiles -out $sslkeydir/server.key 1024
- else
- $openssl genrsa -out $sslkeydir/server.key 1024
- fi
- if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
- echo " Failed to generate RSA private key" 1>&2
- exit 1
- fi
- else
- if [ ".$randfiles" != . ]; then
- (umask 077
- $openssl gendsa -rand $randfiles \
- -out $sslkeydir/server.key $sslprmdir/ca.prm)
- else
- (umask 077
- $openssl gendsa -out $sslkeydir/server.key $sslprmdir/ca.prm)
- fi
- if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
- echo " Failed to generate DSA private key" 1>&2
- exit 1
- fi
- fi
- rm -f randfile
- echo "______________________________________________________________________"
- echo ""
- echo "${T_MD}STEP 5: Generating X.509 certificate signing request for SERVER [server.csr]${T_ME}"
- cat >/tmp/.mkcert.cfg <<EOT
-[ req ]
-default_bits = 1024
-distinguished_name = req_DN
-[ req_DN ]
-countryName = "1. Country Name (2 letter code)"
-countryName_default = XY
-countryName_min = 2
-countryName_max = 2
-stateOrProvinceName = "2. State or Province Name (full name) "
-stateOrProvinceName_default = Snake Desert
-localityName = "3. Locality Name (eg, city) "
-localityName_default = Snake Town
-0.organizationName = "4. Organization Name (eg, company) "
-0.organizationName_default = Snake Oil, Ltd
-organizationalUnitName = "5. Organizational Unit Name (eg, section) "
-organizationalUnitName_default = Webserver Team
-commonName = "6. Common Name (eg, FQDN) "
-commonName_max = 64
-commonName_default = www.snakeoil.dom
-emailAddress = "7. Email Address (eg, name@fqdn)"
-emailAddress_max = 40
-emailAddress_default = www@snakeoil.dom
- $openssl req -config /tmp/.mkcert.cfg \
- -new \
- -key $sslkeydir/server.key \
- -out $sslcsrdir/server.csr
- if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
- echo " Failed to generate certificate signing request" 1>&2
- exit 1
- fi
- rm -f /tmp/.mkcert.cfg
- prompt="8. Certificate Validity (days) [365]:"
- echo dummy | awk '{ printf("%s", prompt); }' "prompt=$prompt"
- read days
- if [ ".$days" = . ]; then
- days=365
- fi
- echo "______________________________________________________________________"
- echo ""
- echo "${T_MD}STEP 6: Generating X.509 certificate signed by own CA [server.crt]${T_ME}"
- echo dummy | awk '{ printf("%s", prompt); }' "prompt=Certificate Version (1 or 3) [3]:"
- read certversion
- extfile=""
- if [ ".$certversion" = .3 -o ".$certversion" = . ]; then
- extfile="-extfile /tmp/.mkcert.cfg"
- cat >/tmp/.mkcert.cfg <<EOT
-extensions = x509v3
-[ x509v3 ]
-subjectAltName = email:copy
-nsComment = "mod_ssl generated custom server certificate"
-nsCertType = server
- fi
- if [ ! -f /tmp/.mkcert.serial ]; then
- echo '01' >/tmp/.mkcert.serial
- fi
- $openssl x509 $extfile \
- -days $days \
- -CAserial /tmp/.mkcert.serial \
- -CA $sslcrtdir/ca.crt \
- -CAkey $sslkeydir/ca.key \
- -in $sslcsrdir/server.csr -req \
- -out $sslcrtdir/server.crt
- if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
- echo " Failed to generate X.509 certificate" 1>&2
- exit 1
- fi
- rm -f /tmp/.mkcert.cfg
- echo "Verify: matching certificate & key modulus"
- modcrt=`$openssl x509 -noout -modulus -in $sslcrtdir/server.crt | sed -e 's;.*Modulus=;;'`
- if [ ".$algo" = .RSA ]; then
- modkey=`$openssl rsa -noout -modulus -in $sslkeydir/server.key | sed -e 's;.*Modulus=;;'`
- else
- modkey=`$openssl dsa -noout -modulus -in $sslkeydir/server.key | sed -e 's;.*Key=;;'`
- fi
- if [ ".$modcrt" != ".$modkey" ]; then
- echo " Failed to verify modulus on resulting X.509 certificate" 1>&2
- exit 1
- fi
- echo "Verify: matching certificate signature"
- $openssl verify -CAfile $sslcrtdir/ca.crt $sslcrtdir/server.crt
- if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
- echo " Failed to verify signature on resulting X.509 certificate" 1>&2
- exit 1
- fi
- echo "______________________________________________________________________"
- echo ""
- echo "${T_MD}STEP 7: Enrypting $algo private key of CA with a pass phrase for security [ca.key]${T_ME}"
- echo "The contents of the ca.key file (the generated private key) has to be"
- echo "kept secret. So we strongly recommend you to encrypt the server.key file"
- echo "with a Triple-DES cipher and a Pass Phrase."
- while [ 1 ]; do
- echo dummy | awk '{ printf("Encrypt the private key now? [Y/n]: "); }'
- read rc
- if [ ".$rc" = .n -o ".$rc" = .N ]; then
- rc="n"
- break
- fi
- if [ ".$rc" = .y -o ".$rc" = .Y -o ".$rc" = . ]; then
- rc="y"
- break
- fi
- done
- if [ ".$rc" = .y ]; then
- if [ ".$algo" = .RSA ]; then
- (umask 077
- $openssl rsa -des3 \
- -in $sslkeydir/ca.key \
- -out $sslkeydir/ca.key.crypt)
- else
- (umask 077
- $openssl dsa -des3 \
- -in $sslkeydir/ca.key \
- -out $sslkeydir/ca.key.crypt)
- fi
- if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
- echo " Failed to encrypt $algo private key" 1>&2
- exit 1
- fi
- (umask 077; cp $sslkeydir/ca.key.crypt $sslkeydir/ca.key)
- rm -f $sslkeydir/ca.key.crypt
- echo "Fine, you're using an encrypted private key."
- else
- echo "Warning, you're using an unencrypted private key."
- echo "Please notice this fact and do this on your own risk."
- fi
- echo "______________________________________________________________________"
- echo ""
- echo "${T_MD}STEP 8: Enrypting $algo private key of SERVER with a pass phrase for security [server.key]${T_ME}"
- echo "The contents of the server.key file (the generated private key) has to be"
- echo "kept secret. So we strongly recommend you to encrypt the server.key file"
- echo "with a Triple-DES cipher and a Pass Phrase."
- while [ 1 ]; do
- echo dummy | awk '{ printf("Encrypt the private key now? [Y/n]: "); }'
- read rc
- if [ ".$rc" = .n -o ".$rc" = .N ]; then
- rc="n"
- break
- fi
- if [ ".$rc" = .y -o ".$rc" = .Y -o ".$rc" = . ]; then
- rc="y"
- break
- fi
- done
- if [ ".$rc" = .y ]; then
- if [ ".$algo" = .RSA ]; then
- (umask 077
- $openssl rsa -des3 \
- -in $sslkeydir/server.key \
- -out $sslkeydir/server.key.crypt)
- else
- (umask 077
- $openssl dsa -des3 \
- -in $sslkeydir/server.key \
- -out $sslkeydir/server.key.crypt)
- fi
- if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
- echo " Failed to encrypt $algo private key" 1>&2
- exit 1
- fi
- (umask 077; cp $sslkeydir/server.key.crypt $sslkeydir/server.key)
- rm -f $sslkeydir/server.key.crypt
- echo "Fine, you're using an encrypted $algo private key."
- else
- echo "Warning, you're using an unencrypted $algo private key."
- echo "Please notice this fact and do this on your own risk."
- fi
- echo "______________________________________________________________________"
- echo ""
- echo "${T_MD}RESULT: CA and Server Certification Files${T_ME}"
- echo ""
- echo "o ${T_MD}$confdir/ssl.key/ca.key${T_ME}"
- echo " The PEM-encoded $algo private key file of the CA which you can"
- echo " use to sign other servers or clients. ${T_MD}KEEP THIS FILE PRIVATE!${T_ME}"
- echo ""
- echo "o ${T_MD}$confdir/ssl.crt/ca.crt${T_ME}"
- echo " The PEM-encoded X.509 certificate file of the CA which you use to"
- echo " sign other servers or clients. When you sign clients with it (for"
- echo " SSL client authentication) you can configure this file with the"
- echo " 'SSLCACertificateFile' directive."
- echo ""
- echo "o ${T_MD}$confdir/ssl.key/server.key${T_ME}"
- echo " The PEM-encoded $algo private key file of the server which you configure"
- echo " with the 'SSLCertificateKeyFile' directive (automatically done"
- echo " when you install via APACI). ${T_MD}KEEP THIS FILE PRIVATE!${T_ME}"
- echo ""
- echo "o ${T_MD}$confdir/ssl.crt/server.crt${T_ME}"
- echo " The PEM-encoded X.509 certificate file of the server which you configure"
- echo " with the 'SSLCertificateFile' directive (automatically done"
- echo " when you install via APACI)."
- echo ""
- echo "o ${T_MD}$confdir/ssl.csr/server.csr${T_ME}"
- echo " The PEM-encoded X.509 certificate signing request of the server file which"
- echo " you can send to an official Certificate Authority (CA) in order"
- echo " to request a real server certificate (signed by this CA instead"
- echo " of our own CA) which later can replace the $confdir/ssl.crt/server.crt"
- echo " file."
- echo ""
- echo "Congratulations that you establish your server with real certificates."
- echo ""
- ;;
- existing)
- echo ""
- echo "${T_MD}Using existing custom certificate [EXISTING]${T_ME}"
- echo "______________________________________________________________________"
- echo ""
- if [ ".$crt" = . ]; then
- echo " No certificate file given" 1>&2
- exit 1
- fi
- if [ ! -f "$crt" ]; then
- echo " Cannot find certificate file: $crt" 1>&2
- exit 1
- fi
- if [ $crt -ef $sslcrtdir/server.crt ]; then
- mv -f $crt $crt.backup
- crt="$crt.backup"
- fi
- if [ ".$key" != . ]; then
- if [ ! -f "$key" ]; then
- echo " Cannot find private key file: $key" 1>&2
- exit 1
- fi
- if [ $key -ef $sslkeydir/server.key ]; then
- mv -f $key $key.backup
- key="$key.backup"
- fi
- cp $crt $sslcrtdir/server.crt
- (umask 077; cp $key $sslkeydir/server.key)
- else
- if [ $crt -ef $sslcrtdir/server.crt ]; then
- mv -f $crt $crt.backup
- crt="$crt.backup"
- fi
- key=$crt
- umask 077
- touch $sslkeydir/server.key
- sed -e '/-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE/,/-----END CERTIFICATE/p' -e '/.*/d' \
- <$crt >$sslcrtdir/server.crt
- sed -e '/-----BEGIN ... PRIVATE KEY/,/-----END ... PRIVATE KEY/p' -e '/.*/d' \
- <$key >$sslkeydir/server.key
- fi
- $openssl x509 -noout -in $sslcrtdir/server.crt
- if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
- echo " Failed to check certificate contents: $crt" 1>&2
- exit 1
- fi
- if [ ".`grep 'PRIVATE KEY' $sslkeydir/server.key | grep RSA`" != . ]; then
- algo=RSA
- else
- algo=DSA
- fi
- echo "${T_MD}RESULT: Server Certification Files${T_ME}"
- echo ""
- echo "o ${T_MD}$confdir/ssl.key/server.key${T_ME}"
- echo " The PEM-encoded $algo private key file which you configure"
- echo " with the 'SSLCertificateKeyFile' directive (automatically done"
- echo " when you install via APACI). ${T_MD}KEEP THIS FILE PRIVATE!${T_ME}"
- echo ""
- echo "o ${T_MD}$confdir/ssl.crt/server.crt${T_ME}"
- echo " The PEM-encoded X.509 certificate file which you configure"
- echo " with the 'SSLCertificateFile' directive (automatically done"
- echo " when you install via APACI)."
- echo ""
- echo "Congratulations that you establish your server with real certificates."
- echo ""
- ;;
diff --git a/www/apache22/files/smf/manifest.xml b/www/apache22/files/smf/manifest.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 005efc0964f..00000000000
--- a/www/apache22/files/smf/manifest.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version='1.0'?>
-<!DOCTYPE service_bundle SYSTEM '/usr/share/lib/xml/dtd/service_bundle.dtd.1'>
-<service_bundle type='manifest' name='export'>
- <service name='@SMF_PREFIX@/@SMF_NAME@' type='service' version='0'>
- <create_default_instance enabled="false" />
- <single_instance />
- <dependency name='network' grouping='require_all' restart_on='error' type='service'>
- <service_fmri value='svc:/milestone/network:default' />
- </dependency>
- <dependency name='filesystem-local' grouping='require_all' restart_on='none' type='service'>
- <service_fmri value='svc:/system/filesystem/local:default' />
- </dependency>
- <dependency name='config-file' grouping='require_all' restart_on='refresh' type='path'>
- <service_fmri value='file://localhost@PKG_SYSCONFDIR@/httpd.conf'/>
- </dependency>
- <method_context>
- <method_environment>
- <envvar name="LD_PRELOAD_32" value="/usr/lib/" />
- </method_environment>
- </method_context>
- <exec_method name='start' type='method' exec='@PREFIX@/sbin/httpd -k start' timeout_seconds='300' />
- <exec_method name='stop' type='method' exec='@PREFIX@/sbin/httpd -k stop' timeout_seconds='300' />
- <exec_method name='refresh' type='method' exec='@PREFIX@/sbin/httpd -k graceful' timeout_seconds='300' />
- <property_group name='startd' type='framework'>
- <propval name='ignore_error' type='astring' value='core,signal' />
- </property_group>
- <template>
- <common_name>
- <loctext xml:lang='C'>Apache 2 HTTP server</loctext>
- </common_name>
- <documentation>
- <manpage title='httpd' section='8' manpath='@PREFIX@/apache2/man' />
- <doc_link name='' uri='' />
- </documentation>
- </template>
- </service>
diff --git a/www/apache22/ b/www/apache22/
deleted file mode 100644
index 6b4457b4bbb..00000000000
--- a/www/apache22/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-# $NetBSD:,v 1.12 2014/02/17 17:32:55 adam Exp $
-PKG_OPTIONS_GROUP.mpm= apache-mpm-event apache-mpm-prefork apache-mpm-worker
-PKG_SUPPORTED_OPTIONS= apache-shared-modules suexec
-PKG_SUGGESTED_OPTIONS= apache-shared-modules apache-mpm-prefork
-.include "../../mk/"
-# Set the "Multi-Processing Model" used by Apache to handle requests.
-# Valid values are:
-# event multi-threaded based in worker, designed
-# to allow more requests to be served
-# simultaneously by passing off some processing
-# work to supporting threads.
-# BEWARE: does not work with SSL or input filters.
-# prefork non-threaded, pre-forking web server
-# worker hybrid multi-threaded multi-process web server
-PLIST_VARS+= worker
-.if !empty(PKG_OPTIONS:Mapache-mpm-event)
-CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --with-mpm=event
-PLIST.worker= yes
-.elif !empty(PKG_OPTIONS:Mapache-mpm-worker)
-CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --with-mpm=worker
-PLIST.worker= yes
-CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --with-mpm=prefork
-# APACHE_MODULES are the modules that are linked statically into the
-# apache httpd executable.
-PLIST_VARS+= all-shared
-.if !empty(PKG_OPTIONS:Mapache-shared-modules)
-CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --enable-mods-shared=${DFLT_APACHE_MODULES:Q}
-PLIST.all-shared= yes
-CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --enable-modules=${APACHE_MODULES:Q}
-PLIST_VARS+= suexec
-.if !empty(PKG_OPTIONS:Msuexec)
-APACHE_SUEXEC_DOCROOT?= ${PREFIX}/share/httpd/htdocs
-APACHE_SUEXEC_PATH= /bin:/usr/bin:${PREFIX}/bin:/usr/local/bin
-APACHE_SUEXEC_LOGFILE?= ${VARBASE}/log/httpd/suexec.log
- --with-suexec-bin=${PREFIX}/sbin/suexec \
- --with-suexec-caller=${APACHE_USER} \
- --with-suexec-safepath='${APACHE_SUEXEC_PATH:Q}' \
- --with-suexec-docroot=${APACHE_SUEXEC_DOCROOT:Q} \
- --with-suexec-logfile=${APACHE_SUEXEC_LOGFILE}
-. if !empty(PKG_OPTIONS:Mapache-shared-modules)
-CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --enable-modules="all suexec"
-. else
-. endif
-BUILD_TARGET= all suexec
-PLIST.suexec= yes
diff --git a/www/apache22/patches/patch-aa b/www/apache22/patches/patch-aa
deleted file mode 100644
index 6de07f3c094..00000000000
--- a/www/apache22/patches/patch-aa
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,146 +0,0 @@
-$NetBSD: patch-aa,v 1.4 2010/04/28 07:43:56 obache Exp $
---- 2008-11-25 20:24:49.000000000 +0000
-@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ CLEAN_SUBDIRS = test
- PROGRAM_NAME = $(progname)
- PROGRAM_SOURCES = modules.c
- PROGRAM_PRELINK = $(COMPILE) -c $(top_srcdir)/server/buildmark.c
- server/ \
-@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ PROGRAM_DEPENDENCIES = \
- TARGETS = $(PROGRAMS) $(shared_build) $(other_targets)
--INSTALL_TARGETS = install-conf install-htdocs install-error install-icons \
-+INSTALL_TARGETS = install-htdocs install-error install-icons \
- install-other install-cgi install-include install-suexec install-build \
- install-man
-@@ -30,8 +30,8 @@ include $(top_srcdir)/build/
- install-conf:
- @echo Installing configuration files
-- @$(MKINSTALLDIRS) $(DESTDIR)$(sysconfdir) $(DESTDIR)$(sysconfdir)/extra
-- @$(MKINSTALLDIRS) $(DESTDIR)$(sysconfdir)/original/extra
-+ @$(MKINSTALLDIRS) $(DESTDIR)$(sysconfdir)
-+ @$(MKINSTALLDIRS) $(DESTDIR)$(sysconfdir)/extra
- @cd $(top_srcdir)/docs/conf; \
- for i in mime.types magic; do \
- if test ! -f $(DESTDIR)$(sysconfdir)/$$i; then \
-@@ -69,7 +69,8 @@ install-conf:
- -e 's#@@SSLPort@@#$(SSLPORT)#g' \
- < $$i; \
- fi \
-- ) > $(DESTDIR)$(sysconfdir)/original/$$i; \
-+ ) > $(DESTDIR)$(sysconfdir)/$$i; \
-+ if false; then \
- chmod 0644 $(DESTDIR)$(sysconfdir)/original/$$i; \
- file=$$i; \
- if [ "$$i" = "httpd.conf" ]; then \
-@@ -79,13 +80,16 @@ install-conf:
- $(INSTALL_DATA) $(DESTDIR)$(sysconfdir)/original/$$i $(DESTDIR)$(sysconfdir)/$$file; \
- fi; \
- fi; \
-+ fi; \
- done ; \
- done ; \
- if test -f "$(builddir)/envvars-std"; then \
- cp -p envvars-std $(DESTDIR)$(sbindir); \
-+ if false; then \
- if test ! -f $(DESTDIR)$(sbindir)/envvars; then \
- cp -p envvars-std $(DESTDIR)$(sbindir)/envvars ; \
- fi ; \
-+ fi ; \
- fi
- # Create a sanitized
-@@ -103,7 +107,7 @@ install-build: build/config_vars.out
- $(top_srcdir)/build/; do \
- $(INSTALL_PROGRAM) $$f $(DESTDIR)$(installbuilddir); \
- done
-- @$(INSTALL_DATA) build/config_vars.out $(DESTDIR)$(installbuilddir)/
-+ #@$(INSTALL_DATA) build/config_vars.out $(DESTDIR)$(installbuilddir)/
- @rm build/config_vars.out
- htdocs-srcdir = $(top_srcdir)/docs/docroot
-@@ -120,48 +124,28 @@ dox:
- doxygen $(top_srcdir)/docs/doxygen.conf
- install-htdocs:
-- -@if [ -d $(DESTDIR)$(htdocsdir) ]; then \
-- else \
- echo Installing HTML documents ; \
-- $(MKINSTALLDIRS) $(DESTDIR)$(htdocsdir) ; \
-- if test -d $(htdocs-srcdir) && test "x$(RSYNC)" != "x" && test -x $(RSYNC) ; then \
-- $(RSYNC) --exclude .svn -rlpt --numeric-ids $(htdocs-srcdir)/ $(DESTDIR)$(htdocsdir)/; \
-- else \
-- test -d $(htdocs-srcdir) && (cd $(htdocs-srcdir) && cp -rp * $(DESTDIR)$(htdocsdir)) ; \
-- cd $(DESTDIR)$(htdocsdir) && find . -name ".svn" -type d -print | xargs rm -rf 2>/dev/null || true; \
-- fi; \
-- fi
-+ $(MKINSTALLDIRS) $(DESTDIR)$(htdocsdir) ; \
-+ test -d $(htdocs-srcdir) && (cd $(htdocs-srcdir) && \
-+ @PAX@ -rwppm . $(DESTDIR)$(htdocsdir))
- install-error:
-- -@if [ -d $(DESTDIR)$(errordir) ]; then \
-- else \
- echo Installing error documents ; \
- $(MKINSTALLDIRS) $(DESTDIR)$(errordir) ; \
-- cd $(top_srcdir)/docs/error && cp -rp * $(DESTDIR)$(errordir) ; \
-- test "x$(errordir)" != "x" && cd $(DESTDIR)$(errordir) && find . -name ".svn" -type d -print | xargs rm -rf 2>/dev/null || true; \
-- fi
-+ cd $(top_srcdir)/docs/error && \
-+ @PAX@ -rwppm . $(DESTDIR)$(errordir)
- install-icons:
-- -@if [ -d $(DESTDIR)$(iconsdir) ]; then \
-- else \
- echo Installing icons ; \
- $(MKINSTALLDIRS) $(DESTDIR)$(iconsdir) ; \
-- cd $(top_srcdir)/docs/icons && cp -rp * $(DESTDIR)$(iconsdir) ; \
-- test "x$(iconsdir)" != "x" && cd $(DESTDIR)$(iconsdir) && find . -name ".svn" -type d -print | xargs rm -rf 2>/dev/null || true; \
-- fi
-+ cd $(top_srcdir)/docs/icons && \
-+ @PAX@ -rwppm . $(DESTDIR)$(iconsdir)
- install-cgi:
-- -@if [ -d $(DESTDIR)$(cgidir) ];then \
-- else \
- echo Installing CGIs ; \
- $(MKINSTALLDIRS) $(DESTDIR)$(cgidir) ; \
-- cd $(top_srcdir)/docs/cgi-examples && cp -rp * $(DESTDIR)$(cgidir) ; \
-- test "x$(cgidir)" != "x" && cd $(DESTDIR)$(cgidir) && find . -name ".svn" -type d -print | xargs rm -rf 2>/dev/null || true; \
-- fi
-+ cd $(top_srcdir)/docs/cgi-examples && \
-+ @PAX@ -rwppm . $(DESTDIR)$(cgidir)
- install-other:
- @test -d $(DESTDIR)$(logfiledir) || $(MKINSTALLDIRS) $(DESTDIR)$(logfiledir)
-@@ -208,14 +192,10 @@ install-man:
- @test -d $(DESTDIR)$(mandir)/man1 || $(MKINSTALLDIRS) $(DESTDIR)$(mandir)/man1
- @test -d $(DESTDIR)$(mandir)/man8 || $(MKINSTALLDIRS) $(DESTDIR)$(mandir)/man8
- @test -d $(DESTDIR)$(manualdir) || $(MKINSTALLDIRS) $(DESTDIR)$(manualdir)
-- @cp -p $(top_srcdir)/docs/man/*.1 $(DESTDIR)$(mandir)/man1
-- @cp -p $(top_srcdir)/docs/man/*.8 $(DESTDIR)$(mandir)/man8
-- @if test "x$(RSYNC)" != "x" && test -x $(RSYNC) ; then \
-- $(RSYNC) --exclude .svn -rlpt --numeric-ids $(top_srcdir)/docs/manual/ $(DESTDIR)$(manualdir)/; \
-- else \
-- cd $(top_srcdir)/docs/manual && cp -rp * $(DESTDIR)$(manualdir); \
-- cd $(DESTDIR)$(manualdir) && find . -name ".svn" -type d -print | xargs rm -rf 2>/dev/null || true; \
-- fi
-+ $(BSD_INSTALL_MAN) $(top_srcdir)/docs/man/*.1 $(DESTDIR)$(mandir)/man1
-+ $(BSD_INSTALL_MAN) $(top_srcdir)/docs/man/*.8 $(DESTDIR)$(mandir)/man8
-+ cd $(top_srcdir)/docs/manual && \
-+ @PAX@ -rwppm . $(DESTDIR)$(manualdir)
- install-suexec:
- @if test -f $(builddir)/support/suexec; then \
diff --git a/www/apache22/patches/patch-ab b/www/apache22/patches/patch-ab
deleted file mode 100644
index 61a960d7956..00000000000
--- a/www/apache22/patches/patch-ab
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-$NetBSD: patch-ab,v 1.16 2009/12/26 04:51:02 obache Exp $
---- server/mpm_common.c.orig 2007-10-09 13:17:52.000000000 +0000
-+++ server/mpm_common.c
-@@ -533,7 +533,7 @@ AP_DECLARE(gid_t) ap_gname2id(const char
- int initgroups(const char *name, gid_t basegid)
- {
--#if defined(QNX) || defined(MPE) || defined(BEOS) || defined(_OSD_POSIX) || defined(TPF) || defined(__TANDEM) || defined(OS2) || defined(WIN32) || defined(NETWARE)
-+#if defined(QNX) || defined(MPE) || defined(BEOS) || defined(_OSD_POSIX) || defined(TPF) || defined(__TANDEM) || defined(OS2) || defined(WIN32) || defined(NETWARE) || defined(__INTERIX)
- /* QNX, MPE and BeOS do not appear to support supplementary groups. */
- return 0;
- #else /* ndef QNX */
diff --git a/www/apache22/patches/patch-ac b/www/apache22/patches/patch-ac
deleted file mode 100644
index a1d721dffea..00000000000
--- a/www/apache22/patches/patch-ac
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-$NetBSD: patch-ac,v 2006/12/08 23:31:52 xtraeme Exp $
---- configure.orig 2005-10-09 18:34:38.000000000 -0700
-+++ configure
-@@ -17086,7 +17086,6 @@ cat >>confdefs.h <<_ACEOF
--perlbin=`$ac_aux_dir/PrintPath perl`
- if test "x$perlbin" = "x"; then
- perlbin="/replace/with/path/to/perl/interpreter"
- fi
diff --git a/www/apache22/patches/patch-ad b/www/apache22/patches/patch-ad
deleted file mode 100644
index f573dd271b9..00000000000
--- a/www/apache22/patches/patch-ad
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-$NetBSD: patch-ad,v 2006/12/08 23:31:52 xtraeme Exp $
---- config.layout.orig 2004-11-24 19:31:09.000000000 +0000
-+++ config.layout
-@@ -322,3 +322,26 @@
- installbuilddir: ${prefix}/etc/apache2/build
- errordir: ${datadir}/error
- </Layout>
-+# NetBSD (pkgsrc) layout
-+<Layout NetBSD>
-+ prefix: @PREFIX@
-+ exec_prefix: ${prefix}
-+ bindir: ${exec_prefix}/bin
-+ sbindir: ${exec_prefix}/sbin
-+ libexecdir: ${exec_prefix}/lib/httpd
-+ mandir: ${prefix}/man
-+ sysconfdir: @SYSCONFDIR@
-+ datadir: ${prefix}/share/httpd
-+ installbuilddir: ${datadir}/build
-+ errordir: ${datadir}/error
-+ iconsdir: ${datadir}/icons
-+ htdocsdir: ${datadir}/htdocs
-+ manualdir: ${datadir}/manual
-+ cgidir: ${exec_prefix}/libexec/cgi-bin
-+ includedir: ${prefix}/include/httpd
-+ localstatedir: @VARBASE@
-+ runtimedir: ${localstatedir}/run
-+ logfiledir: ${localstatedir}/log/httpd
-+ proxycachedir: ${localstatedir}/db/httpd/proxy
diff --git a/www/apache22/patches/patch-ae b/www/apache22/patches/patch-ae
deleted file mode 100644
index 21ead882512..00000000000
--- a/www/apache22/patches/patch-ae
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-$NetBSD: patch-ae,v 2006/12/08 23:31:52 xtraeme Exp $
---- docs/conf/ 2006-12-08 21:49:32.000000000 +0100
-+++ docs/conf/ 2006-12-08 22:18:42.000000000 +0100
-@@ -365,37 +365,37 @@
- # necessary.
- # Server-pool management (MPM specific)
--#Include @rel_sysconfdir@/extra/httpd-mpm.conf
-+#Include @rel_sysconfdir@/httpd-mpm.conf
- # Multi-language error messages
--#Include @rel_sysconfdir@/extra/httpd-multilang-errordoc.conf
-+#Include @rel_sysconfdir@/httpd-multilang-errordoc.conf
- # Fancy directory listings
--#Include @rel_sysconfdir@/extra/httpd-autoindex.conf
-+#Include @rel_sysconfdir@/httpd-autoindex.conf
- # Language settings
--#Include @rel_sysconfdir@/extra/httpd-languages.conf
-+#Include @rel_sysconfdir@/httpd-languages.conf
- # User home directories
--#Include @rel_sysconfdir@/extra/httpd-userdir.conf
-+#Include @rel_sysconfdir@/httpd-userdir.conf
- # Real-time info on requests and configuration
--#Include @rel_sysconfdir@/extra/httpd-info.conf
-+#Include @rel_sysconfdir@/httpd-info.conf
- # Virtual hosts
--#Include @rel_sysconfdir@/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf
-+#Include @rel_sysconfdir@/httpd-vhosts.conf
- # Local access to the Apache HTTP Server Manual
--#Include @rel_sysconfdir@/extra/httpd-manual.conf
-+#Include @rel_sysconfdir@/httpd-manual.conf
- # Distributed authoring and versioning (WebDAV)
--#Include @rel_sysconfdir@/extra/httpd-dav.conf
-+#Include @rel_sysconfdir@/httpd-dav.conf
- # Various default settings
--#Include @rel_sysconfdir@/extra/httpd-default.conf
-+#Include @rel_sysconfdir@/httpd-default.conf
- # Secure (SSL/TLS) connections
--#Include @rel_sysconfdir@/extra/httpd-ssl.conf
-+#Include @rel_sysconfdir@/httpd-ssl.conf
- #
- # Note: The following must must be present to support
- # starting without SSL on platforms with no /dev/random equivalent
diff --git a/www/apache22/patches/patch-ag b/www/apache22/patches/patch-ag
deleted file mode 100644
index ed842d30630..00000000000
--- a/www/apache22/patches/patch-ag
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-$NetBSD: patch-ag,v 2006/12/08 23:31:52 xtraeme Exp $
---- support/ 2002-08-29 22:25:40.000000000 +0300
-+++ support/ 2003-01-28 16:09:07.000000000 +0200
-@@ -24,9 +24,11 @@
- done
- @if test -f "$(builddir)/envvars-std"; then \
- cp -p envvars-std $(DESTDIR)$(sbindir); \
-+ if false; then \
- if test ! -f $(DESTDIR)$(sbindir)/envvars; then \
- cp -p envvars-std $(DESTDIR)$(sbindir)/envvars ; \
- fi ; \
-+ fi ; \
- fi
- htpasswd_OBJECTS = htpasswd.lo
diff --git a/www/apache22/patches/patch-ai b/www/apache22/patches/patch-ai
deleted file mode 100644
index 9260dba3181..00000000000
--- a/www/apache22/patches/patch-ai
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-$NetBSD: patch-ai,v 1.3 2007/02/25 00:02:35 sborrill Exp $
---- support/ 2006-12-08 18:41:57.000000000 +0100
-+++ support/ 2006-12-08 18:43:44.000000000 +0100
-@@ -338,8 +338,12 @@
- exit(1);
- }
--my $libtool = `$apr_config --apr-libtool`;
-+my $libtool = $ENV{'APR_LIBTOOL'};
-+unless ($libtool) {
-+ $libtool = `@LOCALBASE@/bin/apr-1-config --installbuilddir`;
-+ chomp($libtool);
-+ $libtool = "$libtool/libtool";
- my $apr_includedir = `$apr_config --includes`;
- chomp($apr_includedir);
diff --git a/www/apache22/patches/patch-al b/www/apache22/patches/patch-al
deleted file mode 100644
index e51fcd074cd..00000000000
--- a/www/apache22/patches/patch-al
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-$NetBSD: patch-al,v 2006/12/08 23:31:52 xtraeme Exp $
---- include/httpd.h.orig 2006-12-08 18:47:07.000000000 +0100
-+++ include/httpd.h 2006-12-08 18:48:21.000000000 +0100
-@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@
- #if defined(OS2) || defined(WIN32)
- #define DEFAULT_ERRORLOG "logs/error.log"
- #else
--#define DEFAULT_ERRORLOG "logs/error_log"
- #endif
- #endif /* DEFAULT_ERRORLOG */
-@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@
- /** The name of the server config file */
--#define SERVER_CONFIG_FILE "conf/httpd.conf"
- #endif
- /** The default path for CGI scripts if none is currently set */
-@@ -235,7 +235,7 @@
- /** The name of the MIME types file */
--#define AP_TYPES_CONFIG_FILE "conf/mime.types"
- #endif
- /*
diff --git a/www/apache22/patches/patch-am b/www/apache22/patches/patch-am
deleted file mode 100644
index 27bac00fae0..00000000000
--- a/www/apache22/patches/patch-am
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-$NetBSD: patch-am,v 2006/12/08 23:31:52 xtraeme Exp $
---- include/scoreboard.h.orig 2005-02-04 20:21:18.000000000 +0000
-+++ include/scoreboard.h
-@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ extern "C" {
- /* Scoreboard file, if there is one */
--#define DEFAULT_SCOREBOARD "logs/apache_runtime_status"
-+#define DEFAULT_SCOREBOARD DEFAULT_REL_RUNTIMEDIR "/apache_runtime_status"
- #endif
- /* Scoreboard info on a process is, for now, kept very brief ---
diff --git a/www/apache22/patches/patch-aw b/www/apache22/patches/patch-aw
deleted file mode 100644
index cf6884f729b..00000000000
--- a/www/apache22/patches/patch-aw
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-$NetBSD: patch-aw,v 1.1 2009/02/15 23:14:40 rillig Exp $
---- modules/metadata/mod_mime_magic.c.orig 2006-10-03 14:47:35.000000000 +0200
-+++ modules/metadata/mod_mime_magic.c 2009-02-14 09:23:40.000000000 +0100
-@@ -106,6 +106,10 @@
- #include <utime.h>
- #endif
-+#ifdef __QNX__ /* naming conflict with <malloc.h> */
-+#define mcheck mod_mime_magic_mcheck
- /*
- * data structures and related constants
- */
diff --git a/www/apache22/patches/patch-docs_man_apxs.8 b/www/apache22/patches/patch-docs_man_apxs.8
deleted file mode 100644
index 6e764bf7c26..00000000000
--- a/www/apache22/patches/patch-docs_man_apxs.8
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-$NetBSD: patch-docs_man_apxs.8,v 1.1 2012/09/16 03:33:10 taca Exp $
-Fix document for pkgsrc.
---- docs/man/apxs.8.orig 2012-03-21 09:33:55.000000000 +0000
-+++ docs/man/apxs.8
-@@ -96,7 +96,11 @@ This explicitly sets the module name for
- .TP
- -q
--Performs a query for apxs's knowledge about certain settings\&. The \fIquery\fR parameters can be one or more of the following strings: CC, CFLAGS, CFLAGS_SHLIB, INCLUDEDIR, LD_SHLIB, LDFLAGS_SHLIB, LIBEXECDIR, LIBS_SHLIB, SBINDIR, SYSCONFDIR, TARGET\&. .PP Use this for manually determining settings\&. For instance use INC=-I`apxs -q INCLUDEDIR` .PP inside your own Makefiles if you need manual access to Apache's C header files\&.
-+Performs a query for apxs's knowledge about certain settings\&. The \fIquery\fR parameters can be one or more of the following strings: CC, CFLAGS, CFLAGS_SHLIB, INCLUDEDIR, LD_SHLIB, LDFLAGS_SHLIB, LIBEXECDIR, LIBS_SHLIB, SBINDIR, SYSCONFDIR, TARGET\&.
-+Use this for manually determining settings\&. For instance use INC=-I`apxs -q INCLUDEDIR`
-+inside your own Makefiles if you need manual access to Apache's C header files\&.
- .SS "Configuration Options"
diff --git a/www/apache22/patches/patch-lock.c b/www/apache22/patches/patch-lock.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 16e920fd749..00000000000
--- a/www/apache22/patches/patch-lock.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-$NetBSD: patch-lock.c,v 1.1 2011/09/12 17:18:46 sborrill Exp $
-Atomically create files when using DAV to stop files being deleted on error
---- modules/dav/fs/lock.c.orig 2007-11-29 21:21:10.000000000 +0100
-+++ modules/dav/fs/lock.c 2009-07-10 13:42:43.000000000 +0200
-@@ -398,46 +398,48 @@
- ** to look up lock information for this file.
- **
- ** (inode/dev not supported or file is lock-null):
- ** apr_datum_t->dvalue = full path
- **
- ** (inode/dev supported and file exists ):
- ** apr_datum_t->dvalue = inode, dev
- */
- static apr_datum_t dav_fs_build_key(apr_pool_t *p,
- const dav_resource *resource)
- {
- const char *file = dav_fs_pathname(resource);
-+#if 0
- apr_datum_t key;
- apr_finfo_t finfo;
- apr_status_t rv;
- /* ### use lstat() ?? */
- /*
- * XXX: What for platforms with no IDENT (dev/inode)?
- */
- rv = apr_stat(&finfo, file, APR_FINFO_IDENT, p);
- if ((rv == APR_SUCCESS || rv == APR_INCOMPLETE)
- && ((finfo.valid & APR_FINFO_IDENT) == APR_FINFO_IDENT))
- {
- /* ### can we use a buffer for this? */
- key.dsize = 1 + sizeof(finfo.inode) + sizeof(finfo.device);
- key.dptr = apr_palloc(p, key.dsize);
- *key.dptr = DAV_TYPE_INODE;
- memcpy(key.dptr + 1, &finfo.inode, sizeof(finfo.inode));
- memcpy(key.dptr + 1 + sizeof(finfo.inode), &finfo.device,
- sizeof(finfo.device));
- return key;
- }
- return dav_fs_build_fname_key(p, file);
- }
- /*
- ** dav_fs_lock_expired: return 1 (true) if the given timeout is in the past
- ** or present (the lock has expired), or 0 (false) if in the future
- ** (the lock has not yet expired).
- */
- static int dav_fs_lock_expired(time_t expires)
- {
- return expires != DAV_TIMEOUT_INFINITE && time(NULL) >= expires;
diff --git a/www/apache22/patches/patch-modules_proxy_mod_proxy_connect.c b/www/apache22/patches/patch-modules_proxy_mod_proxy_connect.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 38714dac692..00000000000
--- a/www/apache22/patches/patch-modules_proxy_mod_proxy_connect.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,335 +0,0 @@
-$NetBSD: patch-modules_proxy_mod_proxy_connect.c,v 1.2 2014/02/17 17:32:56 adam Exp $
---- modules/proxy/mod_proxy_connect.c
-+++ modules/proxy/mod_proxy_connect.c
-@@ -21,6 +21,8 @@
- #include "mod_proxy.h"
- #include "apr_poll.h"
- module AP_MODULE_DECLARE_DATA proxy_connect_module;
- /*
-@@ -71,6 +73,50 @@
- return OK;
- }
-+/* read available data (in blocks of CONN_BLKSZ) from c_i and copy to c_o */
-+static int proxy_connect_transfer(request_rec *r, conn_rec *c_i, conn_rec *c_o,
-+ apr_bucket_brigade *bb, char *name)
-+ int rv;
-+#ifdef DEBUGGING
-+ apr_off_t len;
-+ do {
-+ apr_brigade_cleanup(bb);
-+ rv = ap_get_brigade(c_i->input_filters, bb, AP_MODE_READBYTES,
-+ if (rv == APR_SUCCESS) {
-+ break;
-+#ifdef DEBUGGING
-+ len = -1;
-+ apr_brigade_length(bb, 0, &len);
-+ ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_DEBUG, 0, r,
-+ "proxy: CONNECT: read %" APR_OFF_T_FMT
-+ " bytes from %s", len, name);
-+ rv = ap_pass_brigade(c_o->output_filters, bb);
-+ if (rv == APR_SUCCESS) {
-+ ap_fflush(c_o->output_filters, bb);
-+ } else {
-+ ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, rv, r,
-+ "proxy: CONNECT: error on %s - ap_pass_brigade",
-+ name);
-+ }
-+ } else if (!APR_STATUS_IS_EAGAIN(rv)) {
-+ ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_DEBUG, rv, r,
-+ "proxy: CONNECT: error on %s - ap_get_brigade",
-+ name);
-+ }
-+ } while (rv == APR_SUCCESS);
-+ if (APR_STATUS_IS_EAGAIN(rv)) {
-+ rv = APR_SUCCESS;
-+ }
-+ return rv;
- /* CONNECT handler */
- static int proxy_connect_handler(request_rec *r, proxy_worker *worker,
- proxy_server_conf *conf,
-@@ -79,11 +125,15 @@
- {
- apr_pool_t *p = r->pool;
- apr_socket_t *sock;
-+ conn_rec *c = r->connection;
-+ conn_rec *backconn;
-+ apr_bucket_brigade *bb = apr_brigade_create(p, c->bucket_alloc);
- apr_status_t err, rv;
- apr_size_t i, o, nbytes;
- char buffer[HUGE_STRING_LEN];
-- apr_socket_t *client_socket = ap_get_module_config(r->connection->conn_config, &core_module);
-- int failed;
-+ apr_socket_t *client_socket = ap_get_module_config(c->conn_config, &core_module);
-+ int failed, rc;
- apr_pollset_t *pollset;
- apr_pollfd_t pollfd;
- const apr_pollfd_t *signalled;
-@@ -158,12 +208,10 @@
- break;
- default:
-- /* XXX can we call ap_proxyerror() here to get a nice log message? */
-+ return ap_proxyerror(r, HTTP_FORBIDDEN, "Connect to remote machine blocked");
- }
- } else if(!allowed_port(conf, uri.port)) {
-- /* XXX can we call ap_proxyerror() here to get a nice log message? */
-+ return ap_proxyerror(r, HTTP_FORBIDDEN, "Connect to remote machine blocked");
- }
- /*
-@@ -205,18 +253,57 @@
- }
- }
-+ /* setup polling for connection */
-+ ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_DEBUG, 0, r,
-+ "proxy: CONNECT: setting up poll()");
-+ if ((rv = apr_pollset_create(&pollset, 2, r->pool, 0)) != APR_SUCCESS) {
-+ apr_socket_close(sock);
-+ ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, rv, r,
-+ "proxy: CONNECT: error apr_pollset_create()");
-+ }
-+ /* Add client side to the poll */
-+ pollfd.p = r->pool;
-+ pollfd.desc_type = APR_POLL_SOCKET;
-+ pollfd.reqevents = APR_POLLIN;
-+ pollfd.desc.s = client_socket;
-+ pollfd.client_data = NULL;
-+ apr_pollset_add(pollset, &pollfd);
-+ /* Add the server side to the poll */
-+ pollfd.desc.s = sock;
-+ apr_pollset_add(pollset, &pollfd);
- /*
- * Step Three: Send the Request
- *
- * Send the HTTP/1.1 CONNECT request to the remote server
- */
-- /* we are acting as a tunnel - the output filter stack should
-- * be completely empty, because when we are done here we are done completely.
-- * We add the NULL filter to the stack to do this...
-- */
-- r->output_filters = NULL;
-- r->connection->output_filters = NULL;
-+ backconn = ap_run_create_connection(c->pool, r->server, sock,
-+ c->id, c->sbh, c->bucket_alloc);
-+ if (!backconn) {
-+ /* peer reset */
-+ ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_INFO, 0, r,
-+ "proxy: an error occurred creating a new connection "
-+ "to %pI (%s)", connect_addr, connectname);
-+ apr_socket_close(sock);
-+ }
-+ ap_proxy_ssl_disable(backconn);
-+ rc = ap_run_pre_connection(backconn, sock);
-+ if (rc != OK && rc != DONE) {
-+ backconn->aborted = 1;
-+ ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_DEBUG, 0, r,
-+ "proxy: CONNECT: pre_connection setup failed (%d)", rc);
-+ }
-+ ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_DEBUG, 0, r,
-+ "proxy: CONNECT: connection complete to %pI (%s)",
-+ connect_addr, connectname);
- /* If we are connecting through a remote proxy, we need to pass
-@@ -227,12 +314,11 @@
- */
- ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_DEBUG, 0, r->server,
- "proxy: CONNECT: sending the CONNECT request to the remote proxy");
-- nbytes = apr_snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer),
-+ ap_fprintf(backconn->output_filters, bb,
- "CONNECT %s HTTP/1.0" CRLF, r->uri);
-- apr_socket_send(sock, buffer, &nbytes);
-- nbytes = apr_snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer),
-- "Proxy-agent: %s" CRLF CRLF, ap_get_server_banner());
-- apr_socket_send(sock, buffer, &nbytes);
-+ ap_fprintf(backconn->output_filters, bb,
-+ "Proxy-agent: %s" CRLF CRLF, ap_get_server_version());
-+ ap_fflush(backconn->output_filters, bb);
- }
- else {
- ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_DEBUG, 0, r->server,
-@@ -240,11 +326,12 @@
- nbytes = apr_snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer),
- "HTTP/1.0 200 Connection Established" CRLF);
- ap_xlate_proto_to_ascii(buffer, nbytes);
-- apr_socket_send(client_socket, buffer, &nbytes);
-+ ap_fwrite(c->output_filters, bb, buffer, nbytes);
- nbytes = apr_snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer),
- "Proxy-agent: %s" CRLF CRLF, ap_get_server_banner());
- ap_xlate_proto_to_ascii(buffer, nbytes);
-- apr_socket_send(client_socket, buffer, &nbytes);
-+ ap_fwrite(c->output_filters, bb, buffer, nbytes);
-+ ap_fflush(c->output_filters, bb);
- #if 0
- /* This is safer code, but it doesn't work yet. I'm leaving it
- * here so that I can fix it later.
-@@ -265,27 +352,15 @@
- * Handle two way transfer of data over the socket (this is a tunnel).
- */
-+ /* we are now acting as a tunnel - the input/output filter stacks should
-+ * not contain any non-connection filters.
-+ */
-+ r->output_filters = c->output_filters;
-+ r->proto_output_filters = c->output_filters;
-+ r->input_filters = c->input_filters;
-+ r->proto_input_filters = c->input_filters;
- /* r->sent_bodyct = 1;*/
-- if ((rv = apr_pollset_create(&pollset, 2, r->pool, 0)) != APR_SUCCESS) {
-- apr_socket_close(sock);
-- ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, rv, r,
-- "proxy: CONNECT: error apr_pollset_create()");
-- }
-- /* Add client side to the poll */
-- pollfd.p = r->pool;
-- pollfd.desc_type = APR_POLL_SOCKET;
-- pollfd.reqevents = APR_POLLIN;
-- pollfd.desc.s = client_socket;
-- pollfd.client_data = NULL;
-- apr_pollset_add(pollset, &pollfd);
-- /* Add the server side to the poll */
-- pollfd.desc.s = sock;
-- apr_pollset_add(pollset, &pollfd);
- while (1) { /* Infinite loop until error (one side closes the connection) */
- if ((rv = apr_pollset_poll(pollset, -1, &pollcnt, &signalled)) != APR_SUCCESS) {
- if (APR_STATUS_IS_EINTR(rv)) {
-@@ -297,7 +372,7 @@
- }
- #ifdef DEBUGGING
- ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_DEBUG, 0, r->server,
-- "proxy: CONNECT: woke from select(), i=%d", pollcnt);
-+ "proxy: CONNECT: woke from poll(), i=%d", pollcnt);
- #endif
- for (pi = 0; pi < pollcnt; pi++) {
-@@ -307,72 +382,32 @@
- pollevent = cur->rtnevents;
- if (pollevent & APR_POLLIN) {
- #ifdef DEBUGGING
-- ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_DEBUG, 0, r->server,
-- "proxy: CONNECT: sock was set");
-+ ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_DEBUG, 0, r,
-+ "proxy: CONNECT: sock was readable");
- #endif
-- nbytes = sizeof(buffer);
-- rv = apr_socket_recv(sock, buffer, &nbytes);
-- if (rv == APR_SUCCESS) {
-- o = 0;
-- i = nbytes;
-- while(i > 0)
-- {
-- nbytes = i;
-- /* This is just plain wrong. No module should ever write directly
-- * to the client. For now, this works, but this is high on my list of
-- * things to fix. The correct line is:
-- * if ((nbytes = ap_rwrite(buffer + o, nbytes, r)) < 0)
-- * rbb
-- */
-- rv = apr_socket_send(client_socket, buffer + o, &nbytes);
-- if (rv != APR_SUCCESS)
-- break;
-- o += nbytes;
-- i -= nbytes;
-- }
-+ rv = proxy_connect_transfer(r, backconn, c, bb, "sock");
- }
-- else
-- break;
-+ else if ((pollevent & APR_POLLERR) || (pollevent & APR_POLLHUP)) {
-+ rv = APR_EPIPE;
-+ ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_NOTICE, 0, r, "proxy: CONNECT: err/hup on backconn");
- }
-- else if ((pollevent & APR_POLLERR) || (pollevent & APR_POLLHUP))
-- break;
- }
- else if (cur->desc.s == client_socket) {
- pollevent = cur->rtnevents;
- if (pollevent & APR_POLLIN) {
- #ifdef DEBUGGING
-- ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_DEBUG, 0, r->server,
-- "proxy: CONNECT: client was set");
-- nbytes = sizeof(buffer);
-- rv = apr_socket_recv(client_socket, buffer, &nbytes);
-- if (rv == APR_SUCCESS) {
-- o = 0;
-- i = nbytes;
--#ifdef DEBUGGING
-- ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_DEBUG, 0, r->server,
-- "proxy: CONNECT: read %d from client", i);
-+ ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_DEBUG, 0, r,
-+ "proxy: CONNECT: client was readable");
- #endif
-- while(i > 0)
-- {
-- nbytes = i;
-- rv = apr_socket_send(sock, buffer + o, &nbytes);
-- if (rv != APR_SUCCESS)
-- break;
-- o += nbytes;
-- i -= nbytes;
-- }
-- }
-- else
-- break;
-+ rv = proxy_connect_transfer(r, c, backconn, bb, "client");
- }
-- else if ((pollevent & APR_POLLERR) || (pollevent & APR_POLLHUP)) {
-- rv = APR_EOF;
-- break;
- }
-+ else {
-+ rv = APR_EBADF;
-+ ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_INFO, 0, r,
-+ "proxy: CONNECT: unknown socket in pollset");
- }
-- else
-- break;
- }
- if (rv != APR_SUCCESS) {
- break;
-@@ -388,7 +423,9 @@
- * Close the socket and clean up
- */
-- apr_socket_close(sock);
-+ ap_lingering_close(backconn);
-+ c->aborted = 1;
- return OK;
- }
diff --git a/www/apache22/patches/patch-repos.c b/www/apache22/patches/patch-repos.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 2242b39e48a..00000000000
--- a/www/apache22/patches/patch-repos.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
-$NetBSD: patch-repos.c,v 1.1 2011/09/12 17:18:46 sborrill Exp $
-Atomically create files when using DAV to stop files being deleted on error
---- modules/dav/fs/repos.c.orig 2008-08-16 00:12:47.000000000 +0200
-+++ modules/dav/fs/repos.c 2009-07-10 19:01:24.000000000 +0200
-@@ -191,6 +191,7 @@
- apr_pool_t *p;
- apr_file_t *f;
- const char *pathname; /* we may need to remove it at close time */
-+ const char *temppath;
- };
- /* returns an appropriate HTTP status code given an APR status code for a
-@@ -841,6 +842,14 @@
- && ctx2->pathname[len1] == '/');
- }
-+static apr_status_t tmpfile_cleanup(void *data) {
-+ dav_stream *ds = data;
-+ if (ds->temppath) {
-+ apr_file_remove(ds->temppath, ds->p);
-+ }
-+ return APR_SUCCESS;
- static dav_error * dav_fs_open_stream(const dav_resource *resource,
- dav_stream_mode mode,
- dav_stream **stream)
-@@ -849,6 +858,7 @@
- dav_stream *ds = apr_pcalloc(p, sizeof(*ds));
- apr_int32_t flags;
- apr_status_t rv;
-+ char* fpath;
- switch (mode) {
- default:
-@@ -865,7 +875,18 @@
- ds->p = p;
- ds->pathname = resource->info->pathname;
-- rv = apr_file_open(&ds->f, ds->pathname, flags, APR_OS_DEFAULT, ds->p);
-+ ds->temppath = NULL;
-+ if (mode == DAV_MODE_WRITE_TRUNC) {
-+ fpath = apr_pstrcat(p, ds->pathname, ".tmp.XXXXXX", NULL);
-+ rv = apr_file_mktemp(&ds->f, fpath, flags, ds->p);
-+ ds->temppath = fpath;
-+ apr_pool_cleanup_register(p, ds, tmpfile_cleanup, apr_pool_cleanup_null);
-+ }
-+ else {
-+ rv = apr_file_open(&ds->f, ds->pathname, flags, APR_OS_DEFAULT, ds->p);
-+ }
- if (rv != APR_SUCCESS) {
- return dav_new_error(p, MAP_IO2HTTP(rv), 0,
- "An error occurred while opening a resource.");
-@@ -879,16 +900,32 @@
- static dav_error * dav_fs_close_stream(dav_stream *stream, int commit)
- {
-+ apr_status_t rv;
- apr_file_close(stream->f);
- if (!commit) {
-- if (apr_file_remove(stream->pathname, stream->p) != APR_SUCCESS) {
-- /* ### use a better description? */
-- return dav_new_error(stream->p, HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, 0,
-- "There was a problem removing (rolling "
-- "back) the resource "
-- "when it was being closed.");
-+ if (stream->temppath) {
-+ apr_pool_cleanup_run(stream->p, stream, tmpfile_cleanup);
-+ }
-+ else {
-+ if (apr_file_remove(stream->pathname, stream->p) != APR_SUCCESS) {
-+ /* ### use a better description? */
-+ return dav_new_error(stream->p, HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, 0,
-+ "There was a problem removing (rolling "
-+ "back) the resource "
-+ "when it was being closed.");
-+ }
-+ }
-+ }
-+ else if (stream->temppath) {
-+ rv = apr_file_rename(stream->temppath, stream->pathname, stream->p);
-+ if (rv) {
-+ return dav_new_error(stream->p, HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, rv,
-+ "There was a problem writing the file "
-+ "atomically after writes.");
- }
-+ apr_pool_cleanup_kill(stream->p, stream, tmpfile_cleanup);
- }
- return NULL;