diff options
authorwiz <>2017-09-17 08:13:27 +0000
committerwiz <>2017-09-17 08:13:27 +0000
commit5ba1a72d4892538e74f7aababff8e7b3f527f819 (patch)
parent85b249345d664e7f3415d7a1707a603f57a64912 (diff)
p5-JSON-PP: update to 2.94.
2.94 2017-05-29 - fix a test to support perl 5.6 2.93 2017-05-15 - fix packaging issue 2.92 2017-05-15 - production release 2.91_04 2017-01-10 - fixed isa tests for bignum 2.91_03 2017-01-09 - reworked documentation, based on the one for JSON::XS - let json_pp utility to show the version of JSON::PP - applied a patch to fix loading order of B module (pali++) 2.91_02 2016-12-04 - fixed not to fail tests under Perl 5.25.* (srezic++) 2.91_01 2016-12-03 - changed the number detection logic, patched by haarg (experimental) - merged PR from dagolden to correct 0 handling - removed dependency (dolmen) - fixed wrong character offset spotted by ilmari - applied patches from Jarkko Hietaniemi to address VAX issues - small doc fixes from bessarabov, gregoa, Chris Anderson - applied a patch to remove . in @INC in json_pp (Tony Cook) - removed $VAR1 from json_pp output, spotted by tokuhirom - fixed an issue to ignore trailing 0 - added Scalar::Util dependency for Perl 5.8+ - fixed issues spotted by Nicolas Seriot's JSON Test Suite including experimental UTF-16/32 support and backward incompatible change of C style comment handling (now disabled by default) - moved the guts of JSON::PP::Boolean into lib/JSON/PP/ and gave it a proper version - refactored incremental parser to let it handle incomplete JSON text properly - imported and tweaked tests from - minor code clean up
2 files changed, 7 insertions, 8 deletions
diff --git a/converters/p5-JSON-PP/Makefile b/converters/p5-JSON-PP/Makefile
index 8c3f068a9ba..d62a53081f2 100644
--- a/converters/p5-JSON-PP/Makefile
+++ b/converters/p5-JSON-PP/Makefile
@@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
-# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.12 2017/06/05 14:22:21 ryoon Exp $
+# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.13 2017/09/17 08:13:27 wiz Exp $
CATEGORIES= www perl5 converters
diff --git a/converters/p5-JSON-PP/distinfo b/converters/p5-JSON-PP/distinfo
index ee742cd66a2..0b7dbb9ce8c 100644
--- a/converters/p5-JSON-PP/distinfo
+++ b/converters/p5-JSON-PP/distinfo
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.6 2016/07/25 04:19:53 wen Exp $
+$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.7 2017/09/17 08:13:27 wiz Exp $
-SHA1 (JSON-PP-2.27400.tar.gz) = fcf7306cff75491ebde972d69094595deaf0890d
-RMD160 (JSON-PP-2.27400.tar.gz) = eb29f8888c989ec2cf99d4721d45fc3d285da884
-SHA512 (JSON-PP-2.27400.tar.gz) = b872ea18bebd369824319dce2186de5d6f85a0a5576e814e9dd74647df510d1b3cde9f4facacdd238458733b51b2651cd2c4f52bca39528097e3500aac2f704d
-Size (JSON-PP-2.27400.tar.gz) = 41780 bytes
+SHA1 (JSON-PP-2.94.tar.gz) = aec9fea13e2e5ab60b73e4cbd38eaacbf8c42007
+RMD160 (JSON-PP-2.94.tar.gz) = 207a24e24637e6b26d8446beb552a474662d14d2
+SHA512 (JSON-PP-2.94.tar.gz) = 7873b52b5509dbd2d7c559718fd8be068ad3f65cafd10e46ac54c577c6331fba3c3ab908ec95f9e3bbcebd057429906a70ff7ebabe3a871ce5e094ba39769d37
+Size (JSON-PP-2.94.tar.gz) = 46646 bytes