diff options
authorhe <he>2000-03-21 10:06:42 +0000
committerhe <he>2000-03-21 10:06:42 +0000
commitc24286bfeae87f86d9cc2162e70a26604cc0ec38 (patch)
parent62ee70391f45efa1dc7bdb32ade808c63c704908 (diff)
Pull in patch from scotty 2.1.9 to make the straps program not deadlock
due to leftover client file descriptors where the parent has gone away. Scotty really ought to be upgraded to 2.1.10.
2 files changed, 27 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/net/scotty/files/patch-sum b/net/scotty/files/patch-sum
index 5b41a3fa8d0..c454f856cb8 100644
--- a/net/scotty/files/patch-sum
+++ b/net/scotty/files/patch-sum
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-$NetBSD: patch-sum,v 1.1 1999/07/09 14:12:28 agc Exp $
+$NetBSD: patch-sum,v 1.2 2000/03/21 10:06:44 he Exp $
MD5 (patch-aa) = 0baefbb39b16e6176858303acafdde49
MD5 (patch-ab) = 5e9b51c76855f68f6445f04fbe42353f
@@ -7,3 +7,4 @@ MD5 (patch-ae) = 163fce75c5bbcbc1102f1bf6dd40f684
MD5 (patch-af) = 0267717e8d713ac1aada5594bd291068
MD5 (patch-ag) = f4565979f3df9c807fc7907dff5de0e2
MD5 (patch-ah) = 000d76b7376de796fdef3183bbfb1be7
+MD5 (patch-ai) = 2a78f1f5d0f24cc1fe23a762af55eb9c
diff --git a/net/scotty/patches/patch-ai b/net/scotty/patches/patch-ai
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..fb597550ef5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net/scotty/patches/patch-ai
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+$NetBSD: patch-ai,v 1.1 2000/03/21 10:06:42 he Exp $
+--- ../tnm/snmp/straps.c.dist Fri Sep 13 19:57:46 1996
++++ ../tnm/snmp/straps.c Tue Mar 21 10:49:20 2000
+@@ -126,6 +126,20 @@
+ }
+ /*
++ * Close any "leftover" FDs from the parent. There is a relatively
++ * high probability that the parent will be scotty, and that the client
++ * side of the scotty-straps connection is among the open FDs. This
++ * is bad news if the parent scotty goes away, since this will eventually
++ * cause straps to "block against itself" in the "forward data to client"
++ * write() calls below, since straps itself is not consuming data from
++ * the client side of the leftover open socket.
++ */
++ for (i = 3; i < FD_SETSIZE; i++) {
++ (void) close(i);
++ }
++ /*
+ * Open and bind the normal trap socket:
+ */