path: root/archivers/star/PLIST
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authorbouyer <>2019-10-29 19:30:11 +0000
committerbouyer <>2019-10-29 19:30:11 +0000
commit1e4df94f186011435ac769c0a543efaf5807d8ad (patch)
tree2cec23462a1e43c51138b069172462a1717ab56a /archivers/star/PLIST
parentf01033ee95a3f8a06d9c69287ffeaf53b88b74ba (diff)
Update qgis to 3.8.3. Switch to qt5.
Changes since 2.18.28: This release has following new features: - 3D Features: Animation - 3D Features: Configuration of field of view angle of camera - 3D Features: Configuration of lights in 3D map scenes - 3D Features: Export all frames from QGIS 3d animations as images - 3D Features: Identification map tool for 3D views - 3D Features: Improved navigation - 3D Features: Rule-based 3D renderer - 3D Features: Simple rendering of 3D linestrings - 3D Features: Terrain generation from online source - 3D Features: Terrain shading - 3D Features: Wide lines and polygon edge highlighting - Analysis Tools: Hardware acceleration for raster calculator - Analysis Tools: New aggregate method: concatenate_unique - Analysis Tools: Raster unique values count for processing - Application and Project Options: Add support for user profiles - Application and Project Options: Delete settings from the Advanced tab in options - Application and Project Options: Mandatory layers in project - Application and Project Options: New zipped project file format .qgz - Application and Project Options: Saving and loading projects in Postgresql database - Browser: Add "export to file" options for raster and vector layers within the browser - Browser: Directly Create Geopackage and Shapefiles - Browser: Drag'n'drop layers from layer tree view to browser dock - Browser: Explore QGS/QGZ project files in the browser - Browser: Native file/folder properties - Browser: Open Terminal at Path - Browser: Preview layers and attributes - Browser: Project home path can be manually set - Browser: Save/Load connections for XYZ Tiles - Data Management: Append raster layer to an existing Geopackage - Data Management: Auxiliary Storage Support - Data Management: Comment option in db manager - Data Management: Map of CRS-extent in Project properties - Data Management: Metadata for QGIS projects - Data Management: Metadata overhaul - Data Management: New locator filter to search across all layers - Data Management: Non-removable (required) layers highlighted in layer tree - Data Management: Pan to current feature in attribute table - Data Management: Refresh a materialized view - Data Management: Switch Attribute Table dock mode on demand - Data Management: Translation of QGIS projects - Data Management: Unified data source manager dialog - Data Management: Z and M support for offline editing - Data Providers: Mesh layer: allow render vectors/arrows on the user-defined grid - Data Providers: Add auto-discovery of relations for PostgresQL - Data Providers: Add support for arrays - Data Providers: ArcGIS Feature Server labeling support - Data Providers: ArcGIS Feature Server picture marker and picture fill support - Data Providers: Automatically set default style for layers for ArcGIS Feature Server layers - Data Providers: Binary blob support for OGR providers - Data Providers: Boolean and binary field support for memory layers - Data Providers: Create attribute index support for spatialite provider - Data Providers: Data dependencies between layers - Data Providers: Detect literal default values for spatialite provider - Data Providers: ESRI Token Authentication support - Data Providers: Faster Oracle queries - Data Providers: GeoNode integration - Data Providers: GeoPackage - Data Providers: Improved handling of defaults - Data Providers: JSON Support for GeoPackage - Data Providers: JSON/JSONB Type support - Data Providers: Load/save style in database for GPKG and Spatialite - Data Providers: Mesh layer: New mesh layer format support - Data Providers: Mesh layer: add function to identify value on mesh layers - Data Providers: Mesh layer: allow to choose different vector and scalar dataset - Data Providers: New unified 'add layer' dialog - Data Providers: OAuth2 authentication method plugin - Data Providers: Open service info for ArcGIS Feature Server layers - Data Providers: Postgres provider: save primary key selection - Data Providers: Read only support for curved Oracle geometries - Data Providers: Restrict table list for a Oracle database connection to a preset schema - Data Providers: SQL Server - Invalid geometry handling - Data Providers: Support all GDAL writable raster formats for 'Save as' dialog on raster layers - Data Providers: Support for HStore in PostGIS data provider - Data Providers: Support for Z/M geometries in spatialite provider - Data Providers: Support for mesh layer - Data Providers: Unique and not-null constraint handling - Data Providers: dxf export: support reprojection - Data Providers: hstore support to the postgres provider - Data Providers: support for Z/M geometries in memory provider - Diagrams: Data definable properties - Digitising: Add reverse line maptools - Digitising: Automatically remove duplicate nodes - Digitising: Chanied add vertex at endpoint - Digitising: Check for geometry validity - Digitising: Floating widget for advanced input next to cursor - Digitising: GPS tracking improvements - Digitising: Geometry Precision - Digitising: Georeferencer enhancements - Digitising: More angle choices in advanced digitizing dock - Digitising: New option to avoid minimizing georeferencer when adding points - Digitising: Topology checks while editing - Digitising: Vertex tool can work on the current layer only - Digitizing: Add default Z value option - Digitizing: Move feature now benefits from Advanced Digitizing - Digitizing: Range vertex selection in node tool - Digitizing: Tracing with offset - Digitizing: add functionality to copy/move feature to move feature map tool - Expressions: Add order by support to expression aggregate and concatenation functions - Expressions: Code completion for expression builder - Expressions: Expose @parent variable in aggregate functions - Expressions: File Information - Expressions: More helpful expression builder - Expressions: New Expression Functions - Expressions: New expression functions - Expressions: New expression functions and variables - Expressions: New expression variables - Expressions: New expression variables for map settings - Expressions: New map expression variables - Expressions: Square brackets to easily access map array elements - Expressions: Support aggregation of geometry in expressions - Expressions: item_variables expression function inside compositions - Expressions: new global expression variable @qgis_locale - Forms and Widgets: Add between/not between to numerical fields in select by form - Forms and Widgets: Add layer scoped actions - Forms and Widgets: Add zoom to features and flash features shortcuts in select by form dialog - Forms and Widgets: Allow browsing feature list - Forms and Widgets: Allow configuring link/unlink feature buttons on relation editor widget - Forms and Widgets: Allow controlling labels for individual edit widgets - Forms and Widgets: Allow using a URL for custom attribute forms (UI file) - Forms and Widgets: Drill-down (cascading) forms - Forms and Widgets: Field constraints can be enforced or not - Forms and Widgets: Multi-column layout for multiselect value relation widget - Forms and Widgets: New form widget for binary (blob) fields - Forms and Widgets: Show field values in autocompleter in form filter mode - Forms and Widgets: Smarter default edit widgets with plugins to pick them - Forms and Widgets: conditional visibility for tabs and groupboxes - General: Add a toggle action to vector layer legend items - General: FULL screen Map via Ctrl-Shift-Tab - General: Filtering for field values in Query Builder - General: Flatpak - General: Improved "missing layer" handling on project load - General: Migrate Photo, WebView and FileName widgets to Attachment - General: New zipped project file format .qgz is now the default format - General: OpenCL based acceleration - General: Optional setting for disabling version checks - General: Possibility to configure location of the QGIS help files - General: Remove dxf2shp converter plugin - General: Remove orphaned oracle raster plugin - General: Remove zonal stats plugin - General: SVG files can be embedded in projects and symbols - General: remove TauDEM provider from core Processing - General: removed otb and lidartools providers from processing - Labeling: Allow label font size in mm/pixels - Labeling: Custom labeling toolbar is now always enabled - Layer Legend: Change of ergonomy of the visibility of layers inside groups - Layer Legend: Copy&Paste Group/Layers from a QGIS project to another. - Layer Legend: Hide Deselected Layers action - Layer Legend: Optional text on top of symbols for vector layers - Map Composer: 3d map items - Map Composer: Allow choice of CRS for map items - Map Composer: Allow customization of line spacing for composer legend item labels - Map Composer: Better formatting for scalebar text - Map Composer: Control over drawing of composer table grid horizontal & vertical lines - Map Composer: Control over stacking position of map overview extents - Map Composer: Data definable controls - Map Composer: Data defined table source for attribute table items - Map Composer: Drag qpt to QGIS to create new composer from template - Map Composer: Expressions inside legend item text - Map Composer: Grid frame improvements - Map Composer: Holding shift while drawing polyline/polygon constrains line angles - Map Composer: Improved handling of text and label export - Map Composer: Layout items can "block" map labels - Map Composer: Map Composer Overhaul - Map Composer: Map labeling improvements - Map Composer: New expression variables for legend items - Map Composer: Project metadata embedded in layout exports - Map Composer: Rework of map item extent/scale shortcuts - Map Composer: Warnings on exports - Map Tools: Auto "Zoom to Selection" mode for new map views - Map Tools: Cartesian areas/lengths/perimeters in identify results - Map Tools: Choice of simplification method for simplify map tool - Map Tools: Identify Tool with extra options - Map Tools: Identify tool supports mesh layers - Map Tools: Simplify map tool can now also smooth features - Map Tools: Store also expanded/collapsed state of nodes in map Themes - Map Tools: Title label decoration - Map Tools: Top/bottom centering placement for decoration items - Map Tools: Vertex tool fixes and improvements - Map Tools: add zoom to related feature in forms - Notable Fixes: Support for curves in DXF export - Plugins: Adding query history in DB Manager - Plugins: DB Manager SQL execution in background - Plugins: GDALTools moved to Processing - Plugins: Offline Editing GeoPackage - Plugins: Offline editing: Add flag to only copy selected features - Plugins: Remove trusted status from Plugin Manager - Plugins: Support for encrypted zips in the Plugin Manager - Plugins: allow installing plugins from local ZIP packages - Processing: New algorithm for offsetting lines - Processing: resampling and format options in the gdaladdo algorithm - Processing: "Array of Translated Features" algorithm - Processing: "Array of offset (parallel) lines" algorithm - Processing: "Categorize a layer using a style XML file" algorithm - Processing: "Drape features to z/m" algorithms - Processing: "Interpolate point on line" algorithm - Processing: "Precalculated" values for model algorithm parameters - Processing: "Raster pixels to points" algorithm - Processing: 'Project points (Cartesian)' algorithm - Processing: Add "Save layer styles into GeoPackage" option for Package Layers algorithm - Processing: Add choice of simplification method to simplify - Processing: Algorithm log can be saved/cleared/copied - Processing: Allow rounding values in ExtentFromLayer - Processing: Angle threshold for smooth algorithm - Processing: Better support for Z/M dimensions and curved geometries - Processing: Choice of units for non degree/unknown distances - Processing: Create attribute index algorithm - Processing: Download a file from Processing - Processing: Dynamic parameter values for more algorithms - Processing: Edit in place - Processing: Explode HStore algorithm - Processing: Export processing models as PDF/SVG - Processing: Extract Binary Field algorithm - Processing: Extract Z values and Extract M values algorithms - Processing: Extract by attribute can extract for null/notnull values - Processing: Feature filter algorithm for processing models - Processing: Filter Vertices by M and Filter Vertices by Z algorithms - Processing: Force right-hand-rule - Processing: Generate raster XYZ tiles - Processing: Generic centroid algorithm - Processing: Geodesic line split at antimeridian algorithm - Processing: Geodesic mode for "Join by Lines (Hub lines)" algorithm - Processing: Import geotagged photos - Processing: Improved 'Join by attribute table' algorithm - Processing: Improved algorithms - Processing: Improved processing modeler window - Processing: Indicator for distance parameter units - Processing: Interpolation algorithms - Processing: Join attributes by nearest - Processing: K Means clustering algorithm - Processing: Line sinuosity in "Add Geometry Attributes" - Processing: Line substring algorithm - Processing: Load script from template - Processing: Multi-ring buffer (constant distance) algorithm - Processing: Network analysis algorithms - Processing: New "segmentize" algorithms - Processing: New 'Raster pixels to polygons' algorithm - Processing: New 'drop geometries' algorithm - Processing: New GDAL's rearrange band algorithm - Processing: New algorithm "Remove duplicates by attribute" - Processing: New algorithm for single sided buffers - Processing: New algorithm for translating (moving) points - Processing: New algorithm to compute geometry by expression - Processing: New algorithm to extend lines - Processing: New algorithm to extract specific nodes - Processing: New algorithm to orthogonalize geometries - Processing: New algorithm to truncate tables - Processing: New extract by expression algorithm - Processing: New input type for expressions - Processing: New options to autofill batch processing dialog - Processing: New parameter type for authentication config - Processing: New raster unique values report algorithm - Processing: New universal 'basic stats for field' algorithm - Processing: Optimised points along geometry algorithm - Processing: Option to create points on all polygon parts - Processing: Overlap Analysis - Processing: Port Union, Difference and Intersection algorithms to C++ - Processing: Port heatmap plugin to processing algorithm - Processing: Python scripts which implement algorithms now execute the algorithm on drag and drop and browser double click - Processing: Raster Surface Volume algorithm - Processing: Raster analysis algorithms added to Processing - Processing: Raster zonal stats algorithm - Processing: Reclassify raster algorithms - Processing: Resurrected model to Python script functionality - Processing: Rotate Features algorithm - Processing: Sample Raster Values - Processing: Snap geometries to layer algorithm - Processing: Sort order option for "Add Incremental Field" - Processing: Split Lines by Maximum Length algorithm - Processing: SplitWithLines - Processing: Store models inside project - Processing: Swap x/y coordinate values algorithm - Processing: Variable width buffers - Processing: Wedge buffer algorithm - Processing: Zonal histogram - Processing: add a spatialite execute SQL algorithm - Processing: add import into spatialite algorithm - Processing: add search to Get Scripts and Models dialog - Processing: added ‘invalid feature handling’ option - Processing: algorithm to fix invalid geometries using native makeValid() implementation - Processing: dbscan spatial clustering algorithm - Processing: expose zonal statistics from Zonal statistics plugin in toolbox - Processing: improved Extract nodes algorithm - Processing: k-neighbour concave hull - Processing: pole of inaccessibility algorithm - Processing: remove TauDEM provider from core Processing - Processing: support for output geometry types in models - Programmability: API for calculating Geodesic lines - Programmability: API to allow drag'n'drop of custom browser items - Programmability: Add REGEXP SQL syntax support to spatialite provider and python connections - Programmability: Blocking (non-async) network requests - Programmability: Custom validity checks on layout exports - Programmability: Easier Processing algorithm creation via @alg decorator - Programmability: Geometry class updates - Programmability: Improved QgsLineString PyQGIS API - Programmability: Iterate over parts of a QgsGeometry - Programmability: New class QgsExifTools - Programmability: New geometry API call to return a curve substring - Programmability: PyQGIS Geometry Collection API improvements - Programmability: QgsRasterDataProvider::sample method for efficient sampling of rasters at a given point - Programmability: QgsSpatialIndexKDBush - Programmability: Task manager - Programmability: sip Module API Changes - QGIS Server: Support QGIS Server logs to stderr - QGIS Server: Add ability to define min. scale for WMTS - QGIS Server: Allow configuring size for GetLegendGraphics - QGIS Server: Possibility to segmentize feature info geometry in server - QGIS Server: Possibility to set ATLAS_PK in GetPrint request to print atlas sheet(s) - QGIS Server: QGIS Server overhaul - QGIS Server: Server Cache can be manage by plugins - QGIS Server: WMTS 1.0.0 support - QGIS Server: WMTS tile matrices configuration - Rendering: Cache labeling result to avoid unnecessary redraws when refreshing canvas - Rendering: Custom SVG path and size for the north arrow decoration - Rendering: Grid renderer for points displacement - Rendering: Improved map Copyright decoration - Rendering: Live layer support - Rendering: Main window scale bar font size and family can be customized - Symbology: New "preset" colors color ramp option - Symbology: Add Points and Inches to available symbol units - Symbology: Allow strings for font markers - Symbology: Allow symbol layers to be temporarily disabled - Symbology: Annotations can be styled using fill symbol styles - Symbology: Average line angles for marker and hashed line - Symbology: Better handling of .XML style libraries - Symbology: Classify symmetric in graduated renderer - Symbology: Control over annotation contents margins - Symbology: Data defined symbol layer visibility - Symbology: Mesh layer styling - Symbology: NEW MAP COLORING ALGORITHMS IN QGIS 3.0 - Symbology: New color ramp button widget - Symbology: Nicer colors for new layers - Symbology: Offset setting for point pattern fill symbol layer - Symbology: Option for simple lines and marker lines to only render exterior ring or interior rings - Symbology: Option to merge categories in categorized renderer - Symbology: Optionally force right-hand-rule during polygon symbol rendering - Symbology: Point cluster renderer - Symbology: Raster fill can have images set to remote URLs or embedded images - Symbology: Raster image marker - Symbology: Raster stretch toolbar actions support for pseudocolor renderer - Symbology: Show Project Colors in color bound data defined buttons - Symbology: Show an alpha slider in color button drop-down menu - Symbology: Style management re-work and upgrade - Symbology: Style manager dialog improvements - Symbology: Support setting of color and transparency on multiple items for raster renderers - Symbology: Transparency support for paletted renderer - Symbology: Use represention values for classified renderers - Symbology: raster auto-stretching when updating canvas - Symbology: save and restore color ramp used for singleband pseudocolor rendering - User Interface: A new grayscale theme, "blend of gray" - User Interface: Add an option to show user color schemes menus - User Interface: Add support for fine-resolution mouse wheel zooming - User Interface: Allow customizing prefix of locator filters - User Interface: Auto selection of exported files in file manager - User Interface: Bookmark searching in locator - User Interface: Close and Revert Project actions - User Interface: Color setting for map canvas north arrow decoration - User Interface: Configurable map tips delay - User Interface: Copy statistics panel content to clipboard button - User Interface: Enable tabbed floating docks - User Interface: Hyperlinks to local vector & raster datasets in the information panel - User Interface: Improved consistency to the user interface - User Interface: Improved map canvas' save as image - User Interface: Indicators for embedded layers and groups - User Interface: Layers panel: indicators for filtered map layers - User Interface: Locator bar - User Interface: More non-blocking, inline editing - User Interface: Move layer or group to top of layer panel - User Interface: Multiline selections and editing in code/expression editors - User Interface: New "Open Directory" option for disabled welcome page projects - User Interface: Opening of vector and raster stored on HTTP(S), FTP, or cloud services - User Interface: Polished browser panel interface and experience - User Interface: QML chart and drawings widget - User Interface: Quick calculator in locator search bar - User Interface: Save to Template Button - User Interface: Search Settings, Options, and Project Properties pages from locator - User Interface: Shortcuts for toggling panels - User Interface: Style manager improvements - User Interface: Task manager improvements - User Interface: Toggle visibility of opened panels in main window - User Interface: UX Improvements for Temporary Scratch Layers - User Interface: Unsaved changes indicator in title bar - User Interface: add search bar to the Configure Shortcuts dialog
Diffstat (limited to 'archivers/star/PLIST')
0 files changed, 0 insertions, 0 deletions