path: root/biology
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authoradam <>2017-05-18 20:09:05 +0000
committeradam <>2017-05-18 20:09:05 +0000
commitc09cf1058f08b427c0362e2d4709062b54fb840f (patch)
tree37f4256e5a5823f9828ca1a8f7659b84b51804f8 /biology
parent41a0dee381dc48776678e61b5b7a35d067227c27 (diff)
Release 1.6.1 (released May 16, 2017)
===================================== Dependencies ------------ 1.6b1 * (updated) latex output is tested with Ubuntu trusty's texlive packages (Feb. 2014) and earlier tex installations may not be fully compliant, particularly regarding Unicode engines xelatex and lualatex * (added) latexmk is required for ``make latexpdf`` on Unix-like platforms Incompatible changes -------------------- 1.6b1 * 1061, 2336, 3235: Now generation of autosummary doesn't contain imported members by default. Thanks to Luc Saffre. * LaTeX ``\includegraphics`` command isn't overloaded: only ``\sphinxincludegraphics`` has the custom code to fit image to available width if oversized. * The subclasses of ```` should override ``generate()`` method. The default implementation raises NotImplementedError * LaTeX positioned long tables horizontally centered, and short ones flushed left (no text flow around table.) The position now defaults to center in both cases, and it will obey Docutils 0.13 ``:align:`` option (refs 3415, 3377) * option directive also allows all punctuations for the option name (refs: 3366) * 3413: if :rst:dir:`literalinclude`'s ``:start-after:`` is used, make ``:lines:`` relative (refs 3412) * ``literalinclude`` directive does not allow the combination of ``:diff:`` option and other options (refs: 3416) * LuaLaTeX engine uses ``fontspec`` like XeLaTeX. It is advised ``latex_engine = 'lualatex'`` be used only on up-to-date TeX installs (refs 3070, 3466) * :confval:`latex_keep_old_macro_names` default value has been changed from ``True`` to ``False``. This means that some LaTeX macros for styling are by default defined only with ``\sphinx..`` prefixed names. (refs: 3429) * Footer "Continued on next page" of LaTeX longtable's now not framed (refs: 3497) * 3529: The arguments of ``BuildEnvironment.__init__`` is changed * 3082: Use latexmk for pdf (and dvi) targets (Unix-like platforms only) * 3558: Emit warnings if footnotes and citations are not referenced. The warnings can be suppressed by ``suppress_warnings``. * latex made available (non documented) colour macros from a file distributed with pdftex engine for Plain TeX. This is removed in order to provide better support for multiple TeX engines. Only interface from ``color`` or ``xcolor`` packages should be used by extensions of Sphinx latex writer.
Diffstat (limited to 'biology')
0 files changed, 0 insertions, 0 deletions