path: root/chat
diff options
authorhubertf <hubertf>2001-12-28 21:29:16 +0000
committerhubertf <hubertf>2001-12-28 21:29:16 +0000
commite17398e842d38629016947e8dbefdf9dced95e8e (patch)
tree58390d5e04da6a227e9e10ad6eeddfe260f1905f /chat
parent044ce6a4c80acc23f467f37c766e371007f7c3c7 (diff)
Update silc-server to 0.7.3.
Patches sent by Lubomir Sedlacik <> in PR 15079. Changes in the silc-server package: - update to the silc-server package version 0.7.3 - patch-ab is no longer needed--it has been integratedinto distribution, patch-ac moved into its place - complete release notes can be found at: - complete changelog can be found at:
Diffstat (limited to 'chat')
4 files changed, 239 insertions, 270 deletions
diff --git a/chat/silc-server/Makefile b/chat/silc-server/Makefile
index e6f14491474..40707991eee 100644
--- a/chat/silc-server/Makefile
+++ b/chat/silc-server/Makefile
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.3 2001/12/21 09:07:09 hubertf Exp $
+# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.4 2001/12/28 21:29:16 hubertf Exp $
-DISTNAME= silc-server-0.7.2
+DISTNAME= silc-server-0.7.3
diff --git a/chat/silc-server/distinfo b/chat/silc-server/distinfo
index 3b4d34a8e54..51dde92f252 100644
--- a/chat/silc-server/distinfo
+++ b/chat/silc-server/distinfo
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
-$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.3 2001/12/21 09:07:09 hubertf Exp $
+$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.4 2001/12/28 21:29:16 hubertf Exp $
-SHA1 (silc-server-0.7.2.tar.bz2) = 29a8b429809166f9201278e5d587a96287e0f2cf
-Size (silc-server-0.7.2.tar.bz2) = 1093756 bytes
+SHA1 (silc-server-0.7.3.tar.bz2) = 4974c0cc1a14498b4cbc9861b9b96337768ea281
+Size (silc-server-0.7.3.tar.bz2) = 945075 bytes
SHA1 (patch-aa) = b0d1100685af0e429a4405abf601d53bd8550fff
-SHA1 (patch-ab) = cd7902383fa1ede7677955bfa402c1fb7dc03c8e
-SHA1 (patch-ac) = 84e7e136d32b76a05654ddb07f65ab9c3a70efe2
+SHA1 (patch-ab) = 84e7e136d32b76a05654ddb07f65ab9c3a70efe2
diff --git a/chat/silc-server/patches/patch-ab b/chat/silc-server/patches/patch-ab
index 06fa323a52d..93d7d2262b5 100644
--- a/chat/silc-server/patches/patch-ab
+++ b/chat/silc-server/patches/patch-ab
@@ -1,30 +1,234 @@
-$NetBSD: patch-ab,v 2001/11/30 23:33:34 hubertf Exp $
+$NetBSD: patch-ab,v 1.2 2001/12/28 21:29:17 hubertf Exp $
---- lib/ Wed Nov 7 20:16:45 2001
-+++ lib/ Sun Nov 11 20:23:05 2001
-@@ -116,13 +116,12 @@
- silcutil \
- silcclient \
- silcsftp \
-- dotconf \
- trq
- # zlib
--SUBDIRS = contrib silccore silccrypt silcsim silcmath silcske silcutil trq dotconf silcsftp
--DIST_SUBDIRS = contrib silccore silccrypt silcsim silcmath silcske silcutil trq dotconf silcsftp
-+SUBDIRS = contrib silccore silccrypt silcsim silcmath silcske silcutil trq silcsftp
-+DIST_SUBDIRS = contrib silccore silccrypt silcsim silcmath silcske silcutil trq silcsftp
- # SILC Library dirs
-@@ -134,8 +133,7 @@
- silcske \
- silcutil \
- silcsftp \
-- trq \
-- dotconf
-+ trq
- # SILC Client Library dirs
+--- doc/ Thu Nov 29 21:23:19 2001
++++ doc/ Sun Dec 9 23:47:33 2001
+@@ -8,25 +8,27 @@
+ # Configured ciphers.
+ #
+ # Format: <name>:<module path>:<key length>:<block length>
++# Example: aes-256-cbc:/usr/local/lib/silc/
+ #
+ # If the cipher is builtin the <module path> maybe omitted.
+ #
+ [Cipher]
+ #
+ # Configured hash functions.
+ #
+ # Format: <name>:<module path>:<block length>:<digest length>
++# Example: sha1::64:20
+ #
+ # If the hash function is builtin the <module path> maybe omitted.
+ #
+@@ -39,6 +41,7 @@
+ # configured to the [hash] section.
+ #
+ # Format: <name>:<hash name>:<mac length>
++# Example: hmac-sha1-96:sha1:12
+ #
+ [hmac]
+ hmac-sha1-96:sha1:12
+@@ -50,6 +53,7 @@
+ # Configured PKCS.
+ #
+ # Format: <name>
++# Example: rsa
+ #
+ [PKCS]
+ rsa
+@@ -59,6 +63,7 @@
+ # run as root.
+ #
+ # Format: <user>:<group>
++# Example: silcd:silcd
+ #
+ [Identity]
+ nobody:nobody
+@@ -67,22 +72,25 @@
+ # Server's administrative information.
+ #
+ # Format: <location>:<server type>:<admin's name>:<admin's email address>
++# Example: Kuopio, Finland:Test Server:Pekka
+ #
+ [AdminInfo]
+-Kuopio, Finland:Test Server:Pekka
++Default Location:NetBSD Test Server:Root of All Evil:root@localhost
+ #
+ # Server information.
+ #
+-# Format: +<server FQDN>:<server IP>:<geographic location>:<port>
++# Format: <server FQDN>:<server IP>:<geographic location>:<port>
++# Example:, Finland:706
+ #
+ [ServerInfo], Finland:706
++localhost: Location:706
+ #
+ # Server keys
+ #
+-# Format: +<public key>:<private key>
++# Format: <public key>:<private key>
++# Example: /usr/local/silc/etc/
+ #
+ [ServerKeys]
+@@ -91,9 +99,10 @@
+ # Listenning ports.
+ #
+ # Format: <local IP>:<Listener IP>:<port>
++# Example:
+ #
+ [ListenPort]
+ #
+ # Log files.
+@@ -107,12 +116,13 @@
+ # warninglogile:<path>:<max byte size>
+ # errorlogile:<path>:<max byte size>
+ # fatallogile:<path>:<max byte size>
++# Example: infologfile:/usr/local/silc/logs/silcd.log:10000
+ #
+ [Logging]
+ infologfile:@LOGSDIR@/silcd.log:10000
+ #
+ # Connection classes.
+@@ -121,6 +131,7 @@
+ # used to optimize the server and the connections.#
+ #
+ # Format: <class number>:<ping freq>:<connect freq>:<max links>
++# Example: 1:100:100:100
+ #
+ [ConnectionClass]
+ 1:100:100:100
+@@ -130,6 +141,7 @@
+ # Configured client connections.
+ #
+ # Format: <remote host>:<auth method>:<auth data>:<port>:<class>
++# Example: :::706:1
+ #
+ # The <auth data> is either passphrase or file path to the public key
+ # file.
+@@ -141,12 +153,13 @@
+ # Configured server administrator connections
+ #
+ # Format: <host>:<username>:<nickname>:<auth method>:<auth data>
++# Example:
+ #
+ # The <auth data> is either passphrase or file path to the public key
+ # file.
+ #
+ [AdminConnection]
+ #
+ # Configured server connections.
+@@ -158,6 +171,10 @@
+ #
+ # Format: <remote host>:<auth method>:<auth data>:<port>:
+ # <version ID>:<class>:<backup connection>
++# Example:
++# backup connection, that
++# host will use this server
++# as backup router.
+ #
+ # The <auth data> is either passphrase or file path to the public key
+ # file. If the connection is backup connection then set the <backup
+@@ -165,10 +182,6 @@
+ # set to value 1 then this server will be backup router.
+ #
+ [ServerConnection]
+- # backup connection, that host
+- # will use this server as backup
+- # router.
+ #
+ # Configured router connections.
+@@ -181,6 +194,9 @@
+ # Format: <remote host>:<auth method>:<auth data>:<port>:<version ID>:
+ # <class>:<initiator>:<backup replace IP>:<backup replace port>:
+ # <local backup>
++# Example:
+ #
+ # The <auth data> is either passphrase or file path to the public key
+ # file. If you are the initiator of the connection then set the <initiator>
+@@ -195,9 +211,6 @@
+ # If the backup router is in other cell then set it to value 0.
+ #
+ [RouterConnection]
+ #
+ # Denied connections.
+@@ -205,22 +218,28 @@
+ # These connections are denied to connect our server.
+ #
+ # Format: <remote host>:<port>:<comment>
++# Example: connection has been denied
+ #
+ [DenyConnection]
+-# connection has been denied
+ #
+ # Message Of The Day
+ #
+-# specify the text file containing the motd:
++# Specify the text file containing the motd.
+ #
++# Format: <filename>
++# Example: /usr/local/silc/etc/motd.txt
+ #
+-# Pid File
++# Pidfile
++# Specify the pidfile where it will be written.
+ #
+-# specify the pidfile where it will be written:
++# Format: <filename>
++# Example: /var/run/
+ #
+ [pid]
diff --git a/chat/silc-server/patches/patch-ac b/chat/silc-server/patches/patch-ac
deleted file mode 100644
index 04abbbbbb0d..00000000000
--- a/chat/silc-server/patches/patch-ac
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,234 +0,0 @@
-$NetBSD: patch-ac,v 1.2 2001/12/17 00:43:11 hubertf Exp $
---- doc/ Thu Nov 29 21:23:19 2001
-+++ doc/ Sun Dec 9 23:47:33 2001
-@@ -8,25 +8,27 @@
- # Configured ciphers.
- #
- # Format: <name>:<module path>:<key length>:<block length>
-+# Example: aes-256-cbc:/usr/local/lib/silc/
- #
- # If the cipher is builtin the <module path> maybe omitted.
- #
- [Cipher]
- #
- # Configured hash functions.
- #
- # Format: <name>:<module path>:<block length>:<digest length>
-+# Example: sha1::64:20
- #
- # If the hash function is builtin the <module path> maybe omitted.
- #
-@@ -39,6 +41,7 @@
- # configured to the [hash] section.
- #
- # Format: <name>:<hash name>:<mac length>
-+# Example: hmac-sha1-96:sha1:12
- #
- [hmac]
- hmac-sha1-96:sha1:12
-@@ -50,6 +53,7 @@
- # Configured PKCS.
- #
- # Format: <name>
-+# Example: rsa
- #
- [PKCS]
- rsa
-@@ -59,6 +63,7 @@
- # run as root.
- #
- # Format: <user>:<group>
-+# Example: silcd:silcd
- #
- [Identity]
- nobody:nobody
-@@ -67,22 +72,25 @@
- # Server's administrative information.
- #
- # Format: <location>:<server type>:<admin's name>:<admin's email address>
-+# Example: Kuopio, Finland:Test Server:Pekka
- #
- [AdminInfo]
--Kuopio, Finland:Test Server:Pekka
-+Default Location:NetBSD Test Server:Root of All Evil:root@localhost
- #
- # Server information.
- #
--# Format: +<server FQDN>:<server IP>:<geographic location>:<port>
-+# Format: <server FQDN>:<server IP>:<geographic location>:<port>
-+# Example:, Finland:706
- #
- [ServerInfo], Finland:706
-+localhost: Location:706
- #
- # Server keys
- #
--# Format: +<public key>:<private key>
-+# Format: <public key>:<private key>
-+# Example: /usr/local/silc/etc/
- #
- [ServerKeys]
-@@ -91,9 +99,10 @@
- # Listenning ports.
- #
- # Format: <local IP>:<Listener IP>:<port>
-+# Example:
- #
- [ListenPort]
- #
- # Log files.
-@@ -107,12 +116,13 @@
- # warninglogile:<path>:<max byte size>
- # errorlogile:<path>:<max byte size>
- # fatallogile:<path>:<max byte size>
-+# Example: infologfile:/usr/local/silc/logs/silcd.log:10000
- #
- [Logging]
- infologfile:@LOGSDIR@/silcd.log:10000
- #
- # Connection classes.
-@@ -121,6 +131,7 @@
- # used to optimize the server and the connections.#
- #
- # Format: <class number>:<ping freq>:<connect freq>:<max links>
-+# Example: 1:100:100:100
- #
- [ConnectionClass]
- 1:100:100:100
-@@ -130,6 +141,7 @@
- # Configured client connections.
- #
- # Format: <remote host>:<auth method>:<auth data>:<port>:<class>
-+# Example: :::706:1
- #
- # The <auth data> is either passphrase or file path to the public key
- # file.
-@@ -141,12 +153,13 @@
- # Configured server administrator connections
- #
- # Format: <host>:<username>:<nickname>:<auth method>:<auth data>
-+# Example:
- #
- # The <auth data> is either passphrase or file path to the public key
- # file.
- #
- [AdminConnection]
- #
- # Configured server connections.
-@@ -158,6 +171,10 @@
- #
- # Format: <remote host>:<auth method>:<auth data>:<port>:
- # <version ID>:<class>:<backup connection>
-+# Example:
-+# backup connection, that
-+# host will use this server
-+# as backup router.
- #
- # The <auth data> is either passphrase or file path to the public key
- # file. If the connection is backup connection then set the <backup
-@@ -165,10 +182,6 @@
- # set to value 1 then this server will be backup router.
- #
- [ServerConnection]
-- # backup connection, that host
-- # will use this server as backup
-- # router.
- #
- # Configured router connections.
-@@ -181,6 +194,9 @@
- # Format: <remote host>:<auth method>:<auth data>:<port>:<version ID>:
- # <class>:<initiator>:<backup replace IP>:<backup replace port>:
- # <local backup>
-+# Example:
- #
- # The <auth data> is either passphrase or file path to the public key
- # file. If you are the initiator of the connection then set the <initiator>
-@@ -195,9 +211,6 @@
- # If the backup router is in other cell then set it to value 0.
- #
- [RouterConnection]
- #
- # Denied connections.
-@@ -205,22 +218,28 @@
- # These connections are denied to connect our server.
- #
- # Format: <remote host>:<port>:<comment>
-+# Example: connection has been denied
- #
- [DenyConnection]
--# connection has been denied
- #
- # Message Of The Day
- #
--# specify the text file containing the motd:
-+# Specify the text file containing the motd.
- #
-+# Format: <filename>
-+# Example: /usr/local/silc/etc/motd.txt
- #
--# Pid File
-+# Pidfile
-+# Specify the pidfile where it will be written.
- #
--# specify the pidfile where it will be written:
-+# Format: <filename>
-+# Example: /var/run/
- #
- [pid]