path: root/devel/abseil
diff options
authoradam <>2022-09-29 19:36:06 +0000
committeradam <>2022-09-29 19:36:06 +0000
commite3aab14de4c26f70e9ef727419eb8e32c52b62bd (patch)
tree7536f3c3a3dbc28dd998c36e3e34fce3ba5bf37c /devel/abseil
parentd0eb252ce463142d84c696003a860e80831e787e (diff)
abseil: updated to 20220623.1
Abseil LTS 20220623.1 What's New: Added absl::AnyInvocable, a move-only function type. Added absl::CordBuffer, a type for buffering data for eventual inclusion an absl::Cord, which is useful for writing zero-copy code. Added support for command-line flags of type absl::optional<T>. Breaking Changes: CMake builds now use the flag ABSL_BUILD_TESTING (default: OFF) to control whether or not unit tests are built. The ABSL_DEPRECATED macro now works with the GCC compiler. GCC users that are experiencing new warnings can use -Wno-deprecated-declatations silence the warnings or use -Wno-error=deprecated-declarations to see warnings but not fail the build. ABSL_CONST_INIT uses the C++20 keyword constinit when available. Some compilers are more strict about where this keyword must appear compared to the pre-C++20 implementation. Bazel builds now depend on the bazelbuild/bazel-skylib repository. See Abseil's WORKSPACE file for an example of how to add this dependency. Other: This will be the last release to support C++11. Future releases will require at least C++14.
Diffstat (limited to 'devel/abseil')
2 files changed, 6 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/devel/abseil/Makefile b/devel/abseil/Makefile
index 25ae37e0a83..bacd77ffb87 100644
--- a/devel/abseil/Makefile
+++ b/devel/abseil/Makefile
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.11 2022/07/06 15:16:59 adam Exp $
+# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.12 2022/09/29 19:36:06 adam Exp $
-DISTNAME= abseil-20220623.0
+DISTNAME= abseil-20220623.1
GITHUB_PROJECT= abseil-cpp
diff --git a/devel/abseil/distinfo b/devel/abseil/distinfo
index 2e5e817bd41..cee0b9d3ca5 100644
--- a/devel/abseil/distinfo
+++ b/devel/abseil/distinfo
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.14 2022/07/06 15:27:01 wiz Exp $
+$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.15 2022/09/29 19:36:06 adam Exp $
-BLAKE2s (abseil-20220623.0-20220623.0.tar.gz) = 6d266cfbbdabc9047de29dcd6a164d35d2ea0139f43638a7a67d767d8ce4e996
-SHA512 (abseil-20220623.0-20220623.0.tar.gz) = 6a84254927cac285c77f6b2e77de23ce4f65c28acc0289228f3db552e247fb1dedf2c6e51a98da7df700c062612e27e6acd029122e8abc3fff12f3f5502c8c10
-Size (abseil-20220623.0-20220623.0.tar.gz) = 1957466 bytes
+BLAKE2s (abseil-20220623.1-20220623.1.tar.gz) = 0eb42c56e9c0136a14a48e74a820bd868384ce08cc13a92c1f42db6616a8313d
+SHA512 (abseil-20220623.1-20220623.1.tar.gz) = ab4fccd9a2bfa0c5ad4b56c8e8f8b7ec7a8eca8b6cc6959802acadd1da785e1feb078c6ac621808cd699c82717a9e637dc426d94b70a8db7f2a807059d41cbc2
+Size (abseil-20220623.1-20220623.1.tar.gz) = 1957483 bytes
SHA1 ( = 2292c5b0f2b41679039a1697508343ff5b6cc401
SHA1 ( = 501736490edc62afb8b82e16f9a88e7fab6f5552