path: root/devel/p5-Moose
diff options
authorseb <seb>2008-09-08 23:14:00 +0000
committerseb <seb>2008-09-08 23:14:00 +0000
commit45a642e786033ded61ef19d684c937fc84bd17e1 (patch)
tree3290cfc93b4103566d0382d4ac657b1fb2b463e8 /devel/p5-Moose
parent74ee551af2f3aca691506c35c987e9bb84f41859 (diff)
Update from version 0.55 to version 0.57.
Package changes: add all required Perl modules for test target as build dependencies Changes: 0.57 Wed September 3, 2008 * Moose::Intro - A new bit of doc intended to introduce folks familiar with "standard" Perl 5 OO to Moose concepts. (Dave Rolsky) * Moose::Unsweetened - Shows examples of two classes, each done first with and then without Moose. This makes a nice parallel to Moose::Intro. (Dave Rolsky) * Moose::Util::TypeConstraints - Fixed a bug in find_or_parse_type_constraint so that it accepts a Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint object as the parent type, not just a name (jnapiorkowski) - added tests (jnapiorkowski) * Moose::Exporter - If Sub::Name was not present, unimporting failed to actually remove some sugar subs, causing test failures (Dave Rolsky) 0.56 Mon September 1, 2008 For those not following the series of dev releases, there are several major changes in this release of Moose. ! Moose::init_meta should now be called as a method. See the docs for details. - Major performance improvements by nothingmuch. - New modules for extension writers, Moose::Exporter and Moose::Util::MetaRole by Dave Rolsky. - Lots of doc improvements and additions, especially in the cookbook sections. - Various bug fixes. * Removed all references to the experimental-but-no-longer-needed Moose::Meta::Role::Application::ToMetaclassInstance. * Require Class::MOP 0.65. 0.55_04 Sat August 30, 2008 * Moose::Util::MetaRole * Moose::Cookbook::Extending::Recipe2 - This simplifies the application of roles to any meta class, as well as the base object class. Reimplemented metaclass traits using this module. (Dave Rolsky) * Moose::Cookbook::Extending::Recipe1 - This a new recipe, an overview of various ways to write Moose extensions (Dave Rolsky) * Moose::Cookbook::Extending::Recipe3 * Moose::Cookbook::Extending::Recipe4 - These used to be Extending::Recipe1 and Extending::Recipe2, respectively. 0.55_03 Fri August 29, 2008 * No changes from 0.55_02 except increasing the Class::MOP dependency to 0.64_07. 0.55_02 Fri August 29, 2008 * Makefile.PL and - explicitly require Perl 5.8.0+ (Dave Rolsky) * Moose::Util::TypeConstraints - Fix warnings from find_type_constraint if the type is not found (t0m). * Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint - Predicate methods (equals/is_a_type_of/is_subtype_of) now return false if the type you specify cannot be found in the type registry, rather than throwing an unhelpful and coincidental exception. (t0m). - added docs & test for this (t0m) * Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint::Registry - add_type_constraint now throws an exception if a parameter is not supplied (t0m). - added docs & test for this (t0m) * Moose::Cookbook::FAQ - Added a faq entry on the difference between "role" and "trait" (t0m) * Moose::Meta::Role - Fixed a bug that caused role composition to not see a required method when that method was provided by another role being composed at the same time. (Dave Rolsky) - test and bug finding (tokuhirom) 0.55_01 Wed August 20, 2008 !! Calling Moose::init_meta as a function is now !! !! deprecated. Please see the docs for details. !! * Moose::Meta::Method::Constructor - Fix inlined constructor so that values produced by default or builder methods are coerced as required. (t0m) - added test for this (t0m) * Moose::Meta::Attribute - A lazy attribute with a default or builder did not attempt to coerce the default value. The immutable code _did_ coerce. (t0m) - added test for this (t0m) * Moose::Exporter - This is a new helper module for writing "Moose-alike" modules. This should make the lives of MooseX module authors much easier. (Dave Rolsky) * Moose * Moose::Cookbook::Meta::Recipe5 - Implemented metaclass traits (and wrote a recipe for it): use Moose -traits => 'Foo' This should make writing small Moose extensions a little easier (Dave Rolsky) * Moose::Cookbook::Basics::Recipe1 - Removed any examples of direct hashref access, and applied an editorial axe to reduce verbosity. (Dave Rolsky) * Moose::Cookbook::Basics::Recipe1 - Also applied an editorial axe here. (Dave Rolsky) * Moose * Moose::Cookbook::Extending::Recipe1 * Moose::Cookbook::Extending::Recipe2 - Rewrote extending and embedding moose documentation and recipes to use Moose::Exporter (Dave Rolsky) * Moose * Moose::Role - These two modules now warn when you load them from the main package "main" package, because we will not export sugar to main. Previously it just did nothing. (Dave Rolsky) * Moose::Role - Now provide an init_meta method just like, and you can call this to provide an alternate role metaclass. (Dave Rolsky and nothingmuch) - get_method_map now respects the package cache flag (nothingmuch) * Moose::Meta::Role - Two new methods - add_method and wrap_method_body (nothingmuch) * many modules - Optimizations including allowing constructors to accept hash refs, making many more classes immutable, and making constructors immutable. (nothingmuch)
Diffstat (limited to 'devel/p5-Moose')
2 files changed, 24 insertions, 8 deletions
diff --git a/devel/p5-Moose/Makefile b/devel/p5-Moose/Makefile
index dd11e68a5a6..daa6707115b 100644
--- a/devel/p5-Moose/Makefile
+++ b/devel/p5-Moose/Makefile
@@ -1,20 +1,36 @@
-# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.3 2008/08/04 15:23:30 seb Exp $
+# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.4 2008/09/08 23:14:00 seb Exp $
-DISTNAME= Moose-0.55
+DISTNAME= Moose-0.57
CATEGORIES= devel perl5
COMMENT= Postmodern object system for Perl 5
-DEPENDS+= p5-Class-MOP>=0.59:../../devel/p5-Class-MOP
+DEPENDS+= p5-Class-MOP>=0.65:../../devel/p5-Class-MOP
+DEPENDS+= p5-List-MoreUtils-[0-9]*:../../devel/p5-List-MoreUtils
DEPENDS+= p5-Sub-Exporter>=0.972:../../devel/p5-Sub-Exporter
+BUILD_DEPENDS+= p5-DBM-Deep-[0-9]*:../../databases/p5-DBM-Deep
+BUILD_DEPENDS+= p5-DateTime-Format-MySQL-[0-9]*:../../time/p5-DateTime-Format-MySQL
+BUILD_DEPENDS+= p5-Declare-Constraints-Simple-[0-9]*:../../devel/p5-Declare-Constraints-Simple
+BUILD_DEPENDS+= p5-IO-String-[0-9]*:../../devel/p5-IO-String
+BUILD_DEPENDS+= p5-Locale-US-[0-9]*:../../misc/p5-Locale-US
+BUILD_DEPENDS+= p5-Module-Refresh-[0-9]*:../../devel/p5-Module-Refresh
+BUILD_DEPENDS+= p5-Params-Coerce-[0-9]*:../../devel/p5-Params-Coerce
+BUILD_DEPENDS+= p5-Regexp-Common-[0-9]*:../../textproc/p5-Regexp-Common
+BUILD_DEPENDS+= p5-Test-Deep-[0-9]*:../../devel/p5-Test-Deep
BUILD_DEPENDS+= p5-Test-Exception>=0.21:../../devel/p5-Test-Exception
BUILD_DEPENDS+= p5-Test-LongString-[0-9]*:../../devel/p5-Test-LongString
+BUILD_DEPENDS+= p5-Test-Output-[0-9]*:../../devel/p5-Test-Output
+BUILD_DEPENDS+= p5-Test-Pod-Coverage-[0-9]*:../../devel/p5-Test-Pod-Coverage
+BUILD_DEPENDS+= p5-Test-Pod-[0-9]*:../../devel/p5-Test-Pod
+BUILD_DEPENDS+= p5-Test-Warn-[0-9]*:../../devel/p5-Test-Warn
+BUILD_DEPENDS+= p5-URI-[0-9]*:../../www/p5-URI
+BUILD_DEPENDS+= p5-libwww-[0-9]*:../../www/p5-libwww
diff --git a/devel/p5-Moose/distinfo b/devel/p5-Moose/distinfo
index 68dea6f8324..690aa220c2f 100644
--- a/devel/p5-Moose/distinfo
+++ b/devel/p5-Moose/distinfo
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.2 2008/08/04 15:23:30 seb Exp $
+$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.3 2008/09/08 23:14:00 seb Exp $
-SHA1 (Moose-0.55.tar.gz) = 0ac5ba4ea5b8605b5533d5f7c496711051602806
-RMD160 (Moose-0.55.tar.gz) = 3395a3ce417192c34fe92502026a078e85762dee
-Size (Moose-0.55.tar.gz) = 216333 bytes
+SHA1 (Moose-0.57.tar.gz) = 7c6efae833bd2867da06817d31b6403ce4732432
+RMD160 (Moose-0.57.tar.gz) = becbe069ad19b887d640a60ec2588ce8a3dbd6e6
+Size (Moose-0.57.tar.gz) = 236888 bytes