path: root/editors/Sigil
diff options
authorryoon <ryoon>2012-11-19 10:57:44 +0000
committerryoon <ryoon>2012-11-19 10:57:44 +0000
commiteeb725106d12ee19ef24a3044ba9c89bf13ca604 (patch)
treed04339f8267d563ab2ac88edcb798c5009dbdb51 /editors/Sigil
parent861593c87b49bbd9d1136d7da4f2f9f97d71b25a (diff)
Update 0.6.0
* Remove obsolete SUBST_* Changelog: Sigil 0.6.0 2012.10.27 - Implement issue 1664: Improve performance of opening and changing tabs. - Implement issue 1665: Attempt to recover EPUB if it is missing an ncx file. - Implement issue 1643: Change Clean Source default to Pretty Print instead of Tidy. - Implement issue 1636: Add shift-click Replace for Replace Current - replace but not find next match. - Implement issue 1638: Improve performance of Generate TOC. - Implement issue 1637: Provide more friendly handling of bad EPUBs by not crashing after showing warning. - Implement issue 1629: Localization of title in contentx.opf semantics. - Implement issue 1622: Allow Font Obfuscation to work for multiple font files. - Implement issue 1620: Well-formed check option should be removed and replaced with more appropriate automatic checking. - Implement issue 1617: Split should split at cursor position not at end of paragraph. - Implement issue 1619: Generate TOC should show tooltip details for the heading in case title and text is blank. - Implement issue 1618: Generate TOC should allow changing heading levels in document and TOC. - Implement issue 1615: Generate TOC should number sigil_toc_id's across all files and delete unused id's before generating. - Implement issue 1612: Improve performance of merging files. - Implement issue 1611: Improve performance of switching and closing tabs. - Implement issue 1610: Use html instead of xhtml as the default extension for new blank HTML files. - Implement issue 1606: Allow rename of titles in Generate Table Of Contents and show filenames in tooltip. - Implement issue 1601: Delete unused Images. - Implement issue 1602: Delete unused Styles. - Implement issue 1603: Allow formatting buttons to work in Code View. - Implement issue 1600: Option to delete one line in Code View without selecting text. - Implement issue 1597: Show HTML tag information for current location in text while in Book View. - Implement issue 1594: Allow miscellaneous text files to be edited and others to be opened externally. - Implement issue 1590: Insert image should allow insert from disk. - Implement issue 1557: Sigil requires Qt 4.8 or above. - Implement issue 1586: Spellcheck should allow setting a keyboard shortcut for Ignore Word to speed editing. - Implement issue 1585: Spellcheck should have a menu entry to clear all ignored words. - Implement issue 1584: Sigil should allow CSS file to be edited while viewing HTML. - Implement issue 1583: Sigil should remember the current view state when it restarts. - Implement issue 1573: Improve performance of bulk rename. - Implement issue 1468: Allow images to be opened externally. - Implement issue 1571: Display whether classes are used in the HTML or CSS files in a new Reports dialog. - Implement issue 1572: Add feature to re-format CSS files - Implement issue 1567: Remove XPGT support. - Implement issue 755: Support 'code view' for svg images that are loaded as separate files. - Implement issue 1561: Add Save A Copy option to save file under a different name without renaming current file. - Implement issue 1559: Add option to insert special characters into document. - Implement issue 1333: Add Hyperlink editor buttons to select target from existing ids and set id anchor. - Implement issue 401: Add edit buttons for Uppercase, Lowercase, Propercase, Capitization. - Implement issue 985: Sigil fonts should be configurable in Preferences. - Implement issue 1248: Code View/CSS should allow colors to be configurable in Preferences. - Implement issue 1153: Highlighted Text in Code view Difficult/Impossible to see. - Implement issue 1511: Prompt to replace an image when adding an image that already exists in the book. - Implement issue 1542: Add a Go to Style option to jump to the CSS class used by a tag. - Implement issue 1541: Heading styles should optionally remove/keep attributes in tags. - Implement issue 1540: Add option to tokenise spaces and numbers in F&R find text. - Implement issue 1539: Regex should support options for minimal matching, dot includes newlines. - Implement issue 1535: Add Clipboard History to automatically saved recent cut or copied text. - Implement issue 1534: Option to toggle Book View or Preview View to Code View and vice versa. - Implement issue 1528: Shortcut preferences should be simplified. - Implement issue 1536: Split at Chapter Markers should split all files. - Implement issue 1530: The heading dropdown should be changed to buttons for quicker selection. - Implement issue 1529: Code View should support heading/formatting buttons as used in Book View. - Implement issue 73: External HTML links should be usable but evoke warning dialog. - Implement issue 1521: Tab headers right click to close other tabs, toggle view state. - Implement issue 715: Search Editor for saving and executing Find & Replaces searches. - Implement issue 588: Clip Editor for saving and inserting text. - Implement issue 1519: Open and go back to links in Code View and Book View. - Implement issue 167: Index Editor to create a book index. - Implement issue 1450: View classes used in HTML files. - Implement issue 102: View details of all HTML files. - Implement issue 839: Word Count (in View HTML details). - Implement issue 1392: View details of all images. - Implement issue 1513: Add progress indicators to various functions. - Implement issue 1510: Add Existg Files should only open last file not all files. - Implement issue 1428: Find&Replace should allow Ctrl/Shift key modifiers to set what to search. - Implement issue 1325: Insert Images support for multiple images, resizing, thumbnails. - Implode tags from selected text. - Implement issue 761: Shortcut key to close last open tag (Code View). - Implement issue 1507: Metadata dialogs should allow double click to select. - Implement issue 1457: Save should not add heading ids - alreade should save state on restart. - Implement issue 1416: Don't add selected text to F&R history and increase selected text limit for being auto loaded into F&R. - Implement issue 1414: Cover semantic should not be added automatically. - Ilow more fine-grained control. - Implement issue 1393: Add Semantics Text should only apply to one file. - Implement issue 1369: Add support for \xDD as Regex replacement in F&R. - Implement issue 1285: Display image properties. - Implement issue 534: Link to Stylesheets option for HTML files. - Implement issue 1385: Metadata editor should always display fields - Implement issue 1311: Metadata support for all RfC 639-2 languages. - Implement issue 1335: Run Save As automatically if saving new html file. - Implement issue 1366: TOC window tree support for collapse/expand all. - Implement issue 759: Auto generate inline TOC HTML file. - Implement issue 32: Metadata custom "date" options. - Implement issue 33: Metadata options for creators and contributors. - Implement issue 1374: Split View is now Preview View with code inspector. - Implement issue 184: Superscript/subscript buttons. - Implement issue 443: Book View RTL languages support (right to left rtl tag). - Implement issue 504: Book View button for normal paragraph. - Implement issue 1265: Preference to manually set UI language. - Implement issue 1295: Metadata Editor support for translating descriptions. - Implement issue 77: Metadata support for multiple language elements. - Implement issue 1180: Spell Check button/menu to find next misspelled word. - Implement issue 1045: Better highlighting of misspelled words. - Implement issue 1301: Preferences for User and Additional Dictionary locations. - Implement issue 1058: Use ini format for settings on all platforms. - Implement issue 1376: Change organization name and location of settings to sigil-ebook. - Implement issue 1381: Switch to using Minizip for 1.1 for ZIP support. - Remove ZipArchive and Zipios++. - Implement issue 1380: Update zlib to 1.2.7. - Implement issue 1383: Remove the use of a precompiled header. - Implement issue 1377: Update PCRE to 8.31. - Make PCRE 8.31 with UTF-16 support the minimum required version. - Bundled PCRE uses PCRE's JIT for faster searching. - Modify Regex search code to use UTF-16 instead of UTF-8 for all searches. This brings search in line with the view components being able to display UTF-16 characters. - Implement issue 1378: Update Hunspell to 1.3.2. - Implement issue 1379: Update Boost to Boost 1.49.0. - Implement issue 1283: Spell check should have an ignore option. - Fix issue 1694: User dictionary shows duplicate entries and doesn't scroll to new entry when adding. - Fix issue 1693: Words in user dictionary could be lost if blank entries are saved. - Fix issue 1692: Code View highlighting incorrectly hides spelling issues if an & is used. - Fix issue 1674: Batch rename changes filename extension. - Fix issue 1663: Generate TOC gives heading ids for items not in the TOC. - Fix issue 1642: Replace sometimes leaves a \1 in the text. - Fix issue 1635: Replace can replace too much text if manual selection includes extra text. - Fix issue 1639: Ensure Spellcheck treats single quotes as word boundary appropriately. - Fix issue 1624: Do not close Sigil if an invalid HTML file was added. - Fix issue 1623: Do not leave Sigil in an invalid state if an invalid book was opened. - Fix issue 1605: Sigil cannot read epubs missing mimetypes as first file since container.xml might not be found. - Fix issue 1621: Change sigilNotInTOC to sigil_not_in_toc for consistency but still recognize legacy value in old files. - Fix issue 1477: Sigil may crash when loading ePubs containing empty (zero-sized) files. - Fix issue 1589: Clicking on TOC entry the first time does not scroll to a heading at the top of the page. - Fix issue 1582: Replace All should be single-threaded to avoid certain crashes. - Fix issue 1581: Caret position in Book View - Code View syncing is not always correct. - Fix issue 1580: Chapter split starts new files with suffix _002 instead of 001. - Fix issue 1579: Generate Headings in TOC should select next item after unchecking an item. - Fix issue 1563: Split Chapter break can create empty page. - Fix issue 1284: Image and Stylesheet paths not updated for duplicate references when importing. - Fix issue 1155: Filename removed from href in anchor tag when importing HTML. - Fix issue 1553: Rename of one html file should keep file selected, allow rename shortcut, link stylesheets. - Fix issue 1551: Generate TOC include column scrolls offscreen when headings are long. - Fix issue 1550: Table of Contents window is not emptied if all TOC entries deleted manually. - Fix issue 1549: Sigil should not modify source by converting shy/ndash/mdash to entities automatically. - Fix issue 1345: Adding accented words dictionary doesn't work. - Fix issue 1546: Find&Replace loses focus when changing tabs or going from Book to Code View. - Fix issue 425: Shift+ PgUp/PgDn does not work in text editor. - Fix issue 1390: Image is not updated until restart if deleted and re-added. - Fix issue 1413: Crashes when opening a particular epub. - Fix issue 1543: Tabs should only do updates when finished loading to improve performance. - Fix issue 1395: A type of hyphen, when pasted in code view, crashes Sigil. - Fix issue 1429: Changes to stylesheets are not seen in book and preview views. - Fix issue 1406: Typing spaces on a word highlighted by spelling crashes Sigil. - Fix issue 1524: Replace \s does not always match newlines. - Fix issue 1538: Sigil can save a corrupted epub file if zip fails. - Fix issue 1517: Delete selected file should not open another file unnecessarily. - Fix issue 1474: New lines added in every xhtml file after saving. - Fix issue 1486: Replace replaces even if text doesn't match if manually changed. - Fix issue 1483: Add Existing Files adds HTML files in reverse order. - Fix issue 1479: F&R auto-completer preventing searching for same word different case. - Fix issue 1424: Spell check does not allow paste next to misspelled word. - Fix issue 1422: Delete file should not update tab if opened file is not deleted. - Fix issue 1417: OPF meta tags not updated if Cover image renamed or deleted. - Fix issue 1408: Book Browser should not translate folder names. - Fix issue 1308: Allow renaming file extensions. - Fix issue 1363: Open and Save file directory inconsistent. - Fix issue 1130: Content.opf edits overwritten by save. - Fix issue 1354: Chapter Split breaks links in second half of document. - Fix issue 999: Split does not update file references in TOC. - Fix issue 1277: Meta-editor will not open. - Fix issue 1281: Semantics information retained for deleted files. - Fix issue 1338: F&R Replace All can crash using current file with large replaces. - Fix issue 1296: F&R Search All crashes if HTML file doesn't have focus. - Fix issue 1382: Settings not saving to disk. - Fix issue 1272: Tabs should always use the View state set by the View buttons.
Diffstat (limited to 'editors/Sigil')
7 files changed, 50 insertions, 89 deletions
diff --git a/editors/Sigil/Makefile b/editors/Sigil/Makefile
index c6061f93cf1..b382aaaae5e 100644
--- a/editors/Sigil/Makefile
+++ b/editors/Sigil/Makefile
@@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
-# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.38 2012/10/08 23:01:25 adam Exp $
+# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.39 2012/11/19 10:57:44 ryoon Exp $
-DISTNAME= Sigil-0.5.3-Code
+DISTNAME= Sigil-0.6.0-Code
@@ -25,14 +24,6 @@ BUILDLINK_TRANSFORM+= l:BoostParts:boost_date_time:boost_filesystem:boost_regex:
BUILDLINK_TRANSFORM+= l:Xerces:xerces-c
-SUBST_STAGE.d2u= post-extract
-SUBST_MESSAGE.d2u= Removing CR end-of-line markers.
-SUBST_FILES.d2u= src/ZipArchive/DirEnumerator.cpp
-SUBST_FILES.d2u+= src/ZipArchive/ZipFile_stl.cpp
-SUBST_FILES.d2u+= src/ZipArchive/ZipPlatform_lnx.cpp
-SUBST_FILTER_CMD.d2u= ${TR} -d '\r'
.include "../../mk/"
# GCC 4.4 and above needs this
.if !empty(PKGSRC_COMPILER:Mgcc) && !empty(CC_VERSION:Mgcc-4.[4-9]*)
diff --git a/editors/Sigil/PLIST b/editors/Sigil/PLIST
index 7824f8f1958..a6fa22d4e78 100644
--- a/editors/Sigil/PLIST
+++ b/editors/Sigil/PLIST
@@ -1,36 +1,45 @@
-@comment $NetBSD: PLIST,v 1.5 2012/02/15 08:00:03 ryoon Exp $
+@comment $NetBSD: PLIST,v 1.6 2012/11/19 10:57:44 ryoon Exp $
diff --git a/editors/Sigil/distinfo b/editors/Sigil/distinfo
index 7b205622262..4f1ad21aee1 100644
--- a/editors/Sigil/distinfo
+++ b/editors/Sigil/distinfo
@@ -1,8 +1,6 @@
-$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.19 2012/08/12 02:12:51 marino Exp $
+$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.20 2012/11/19 10:57:44 ryoon Exp $
-SHA1 ( = e43861b2979f11e2abefedad454623e2685c781f
-RMD160 ( = cb400fec5b2453a2cd076c1821e2962df7d011c8
-Size ( = 12843490 bytes
-SHA1 (patch-src_ZipArchive_DirEnumerator.cpp) = 1430a73cb771c77bd15fc32768a3accfd70ee28b
-SHA1 (patch-src_ZipArchive_ZipFile__stl.cpp) = d7db211cfd373a3d4ead90da67d0b9d445baa26f
-SHA1 (patch-src_ZipArchive_ZipPlatform__lnx.cpp) = 9d552417e86c77584b952bc07b06e75eaa02a68d
+SHA1 ( = 541bc65c86158433adb2c5926e3ae43e46ed4fb6
+RMD160 ( = 5c41cf2025c696c2cb77a4d266f749aa1856775d
+Size ( = 12907949 bytes
+SHA1 (patch-src_minizip_ioapi.c) = 1530d95061aad350888a37ab3215ddbf9aee72ca
diff --git a/editors/Sigil/patches/patch-src_ZipArchive_DirEnumerator.cpp b/editors/Sigil/patches/patch-src_ZipArchive_DirEnumerator.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index ae722f3e315..00000000000
--- a/editors/Sigil/patches/patch-src_ZipArchive_DirEnumerator.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-$NetBSD: patch-src_ZipArchive_DirEnumerator.cpp,v 1.4 2012/08/12 02:12:51 marino Exp $
-Add DragonFly support.
---- src/ZipArchive/DirEnumerator.cpp.orig 2011-10-14 18:30:31 +0000
-+++ src/ZipArchive/DirEnumerator.cpp
-@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ bool CDirEnumerator::Start(CFileFilter&
- if (!entry)
- break;
- CZipString path(m_szCurrentDirectory + entry->d_name);
-- #if !defined __APPLE__ && !defined __CYGWIN__ && !defined __NetBSD__
-+ #if !defined __APPLE__ && !defined __CYGWIN__ && !defined __NetBSD__ && !defined __DragonFly__
- struct stat64 sStats;
- if (stat64(path, &sStats) == -1)
- #else
diff --git a/editors/Sigil/patches/patch-src_ZipArchive_ZipFile__stl.cpp b/editors/Sigil/patches/patch-src_ZipArchive_ZipFile__stl.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 2de5721a535..00000000000
--- a/editors/Sigil/patches/patch-src_ZipArchive_ZipFile__stl.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-$NetBSD: patch-src_ZipArchive_ZipFile__stl.cpp,v 1.3 2012/08/12 02:12:51 marino Exp $
-Add DragonFly support.
---- src/ZipArchive/ZipFile_stl.cpp.orig 2011-10-14 18:30:33 +0000
-+++ src/ZipArchive/ZipFile_stl.cpp
-@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
--#if defined __APPLE__ || defined __CYGWIN__ || defined __NetBSD__
-+#if defined __APPLE__ || defined __CYGWIN__ || defined __NetBSD__ || defined __DragonFly__
- #else
diff --git a/editors/Sigil/patches/patch-src_ZipArchive_ZipPlatform__lnx.cpp b/editors/Sigil/patches/patch-src_ZipArchive_ZipPlatform__lnx.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 4b12e38192a..00000000000
--- a/editors/Sigil/patches/patch-src_ZipArchive_ZipPlatform__lnx.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-$NetBSD: patch-src_ZipArchive_ZipPlatform__lnx.cpp,v 1.3 2012/08/12 02:12:51 marino Exp $
-Add DragonFly support.
---- src/ZipArchive/ZipPlatform_lnx.cpp.orig 2011-10-14 18:30:33 +0000
-+++ src/ZipArchive/ZipPlatform_lnx.cpp
-@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
--#if defined __APPLE__ || defined __CYGWIN__ || defined __NetBSD__
-+#if defined __APPLE__ || defined __CYGWIN__ || defined __NetBSD__ || defined __DragonFly__
- #else
-@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
- #include <sys/types.h>
--#if defined (__FreeBSD__) || defined (__APPLE__) || defined (__NetBSD__)
-+#if defined (__FreeBSD__) || defined (__APPLE__) || defined (__NetBSD__) || defined (__DragonFly__)
- #include <sys/param.h>
- #include <sys/mount.h>
- #else
diff --git a/editors/Sigil/patches/patch-src_minizip_ioapi.c b/editors/Sigil/patches/patch-src_minizip_ioapi.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..c2bc45cdaf1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/editors/Sigil/patches/patch-src_minizip_ioapi.c
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+$NetBSD: patch-src_minizip_ioapi.c,v 1.1 2012/11/19 10:57:45 ryoon Exp $
+--- src/minizip/ioapi.c.orig 2012-10-27 11:24:40.000000000 +0000
++++ src/minizip/ioapi.c
+@@ -14,6 +14,12 @@
+ #endif
++#if defined(__NetBSD__) || defined(__DragonFly__)
++#define fopen64 fopen
++#define fseeko64 fseek
++#define ftello64 ftello
+ #include "ioapi.h"
+ voidpf call_zopen64 (const zlib_filefunc64_32_def* pfilefunc,const void*filename,int mode)