path: root/editors/nvi
diff options
authorlukem <lukem>2009-08-07 16:39:20 +0000
committerlukem <lukem>2009-08-07 16:39:20 +0000
commit635857423b1c9858bd52fbc767557f1ceba1aeb1 (patch)
tree4077196f40a37b0d435079500d9730e02e96a1a0 /editors/nvi
parent58c4b55b427ed9ea52e93d5a9b65e86ffc221bb2 (diff)
Apply various features and fixes from NetBSD basesrc:
* Implement options: expandtab gtagsmode matchchars * Fix tty garbling when quitting from recovery mode. * Don't coredump during autoindent edge case. * Set internal version to "nvi-1.81.6nb4 (2009-08-07)" * Crank pkgrevision to nb4.
Diffstat (limited to 'editors/nvi')
29 files changed, 1277 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/editors/nvi/Makefile b/editors/nvi/Makefile
index ba5af830544..c493f86ed7e 100644
--- a/editors/nvi/Makefile
+++ b/editors/nvi/Makefile
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.36 2009/02/22 12:20:17 obache Exp $
+# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.37 2009/08/07 16:39:20 lukem Exp $
DISTNAME= nvi-1.81.6
EXTRACT_SUFX= .tar.bz2
diff --git a/editors/nvi/distinfo b/editors/nvi/distinfo
index 5c97877f0eb..74a7cff284a 100644
--- a/editors/nvi/distinfo
+++ b/editors/nvi/distinfo
@@ -1,6 +1,32 @@
-$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.10 2008/12/21 23:02:24 epg Exp $
+$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.11 2009/08/07 16:39:20 lukem Exp $
SHA1 (nvi-1.81.6.tar.bz2) = d3445ed69166102735335a2ff60d092d9a9143c6
RMD160 (nvi-1.81.6.tar.bz2) = 0db8568bea96392d9a027044177c60317c8ade36
Size (nvi-1.81.6.tar.bz2) = 1758309 bytes
-SHA1 (patch-aa) = 3dcd5033fd0d50a17dd3963640ae8f2aea2c8884
+SHA1 (patch-aa) = 05b8dedd194b09ed5af1fb62273e771ebd7f4326
+SHA1 (patch-ab) = 3687d1006015e84c1f9746b84e167602ae37b7fb
+SHA1 (patch-ac) = 3c345cb8871cb887a07ce83bbd43b1c49ebe4b33
+SHA1 (patch-ad) = d940a8c748c087aaf131817902d1f51d48b752c6
+SHA1 (patch-ae) = ad1f45c2feb26ab68626825cd5a1be1b33c30afb
+SHA1 (patch-af) = 69b9fff85c852df143eb1ff99a9d45aa7d83d2c4
+SHA1 (patch-ag) = 01df157bd10e03fe28dad7cbb06205c2cfc75691
+SHA1 (patch-ah) = c76390627309fecc852fd4fe7b73fc83aedeb060
+SHA1 (patch-ai) = 0a08e7f24adb0e6f2868e62cf6016d69ae728bb6
+SHA1 (patch-aj) = b81d2f3c320910b11dbb487fff8cd33aa2c23c04
+SHA1 (patch-ak) = 1e83a5f50fdb97c37e93536ac90e58513e81f77d
+SHA1 (patch-al) = 3d48b2af0f8651b100b82044e267b4d81b6c2772
+SHA1 (patch-am) = 65fb052102c91991af9326defeac7c729ba560b5
+SHA1 (patch-an) = a6535dfdaceb41209261d729d8b8c2da813149ea
+SHA1 (patch-ao) = 5dde6860125272f0687f5156485f3d1f43f6d93b
+SHA1 (patch-ap) = f7d23b584a9ea29cf62abf6a1a2e19e6ed120b34
+SHA1 (patch-aq) = 88b7c21c564fc817d615f3ae72fbc0dd517bc5f6
+SHA1 (patch-ar) = c2f139cc92e8a815345ae81e7cb57d2109ad4564
+SHA1 (patch-as) = ca88e0416999ad81098a41d041e51031092d2f4d
+SHA1 (patch-at) = 1fc5d51b90d282de9a8c2ed13ff85498167e98f3
+SHA1 (patch-au) = c34912b6d07acf95973426b352f55110c936a66f
+SHA1 (patch-av) = 218174e98f01ed8344aae44dcc28db77cc0fdc60
+SHA1 (patch-aw) = 678945c18fbbd9c5908aee4b1348ddfc2a3bda00
+SHA1 (patch-ax) = a93cc5271ff924d561b7d532dec280093637f42d
+SHA1 (patch-ay) = db7c5d05a28bb14fb351645de9426b34b659ed4b
+SHA1 (patch-az) = ba04f94a768c0c9d72f9810689c2f0c46e2e4e92
+SHA1 (patch-ba) = 3249565cb20d4b73acce2cc27945bddb0f9ab0da
diff --git a/editors/nvi/patches/patch-aa b/editors/nvi/patches/patch-aa
index 508be3cbd70..c3af045f01e 100644
--- a/editors/nvi/patches/patch-aa
+++ b/editors/nvi/patches/patch-aa
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
-$NetBSD: patch-aa,v 1.3 2008/12/21 23:02:24 epg Exp $
+$NetBSD: patch-aa,v 1.4 2009/08/07 16:39:20 lukem Exp $
BDB 4.4 and up requires DB_CREATE or it will spew "DB_CREATE must be
specified to create databases." when nvi edits a file.
---- ../common/db.h.orig 2007-11-18 16:41:42.000000000 +0000
-+++ ../common/db.h 2008-12-21 00:18:11.000000000 +0000
+--- ../common/db.h.orig 2007-11-19 03:41:42.000000000 +1100
++++ ../common/db.h
@@ -16,7 +16,10 @@
(env)->remove(env, path, NULL, flags)
diff --git a/editors/nvi/patches/patch-ab b/editors/nvi/patches/patch-ab
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..34e6ac88598
--- /dev/null
+++ b/editors/nvi/patches/patch-ab
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+$NetBSD: patch-ab,v 1.3 2009/08/07 16:39:21 lukem Exp $
+--- ../common/exf.c.orig 2007-11-19 03:41:42.000000000 +1100
++++ ../common/exf.c
+@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ file_init(SCR *sp, FREF *frp, char *rcv_
+ CALLOC_RET(sp, ep, EXF *, 1, sizeof(EXF));
+ CIRCLEQ_INIT(&ep->scrq);
+ sp->c_lno = ep->c_nlines = OOBLNO;
+- ep->rcv_fd = ep->fcntl_fd = -1;
++ ep->fd = ep->rcv_fd = ep->fcntl_fd = -1;
+ /*
diff --git a/editors/nvi/patches/patch-ac b/editors/nvi/patches/patch-ac
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ec13931602b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/editors/nvi/patches/patch-ac
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+$NetBSD: patch-ac,v 1.3 2009/08/07 16:39:21 lukem Exp $
+--- ../catalog/dutch.base.orig 2007-11-19 03:41:42.000000000 +1100
++++ ../catalog/dutch.base
+@@ -43,8 +43,7 @@
+ 044 "De lisp optie is niet ondersteund"
+ 045 "messages niet uitgeschakeld: %s"
+ 046 "messages niet geactiveerd: %s"
+-048 "De paragraph optie moet karakter paren bevatten"
+-049 "De section optie moet karakter paren bevatten"
++047 "set: de %s optie moet karakter paren bevatten"
+ 053 "De standaard buffer is leeg"
+ 054 "Buffer %s is leeg"
+ 055 "Bestanden met newlines in de naam kunnen niet hersteld worden"
diff --git a/editors/nvi/patches/patch-ad b/editors/nvi/patches/patch-ad
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..a4a103fca7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/editors/nvi/patches/patch-ad
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+$NetBSD: patch-ad,v 1.3 2009/08/07 16:39:21 lukem Exp $
+--- ../catalog/french.base.orig 2007-11-19 03:41:42.000000000 +1100
++++ ../catalog/french.base
+@@ -43,8 +43,7 @@
+ 044 "L'option lisp n'est pas implémentée"
+ 045 "Les messages ne sont pas désactivés : %s"
+ 046 "Les messages ne sont pas activés : %s"
+-048 "L'option de paragraphe doit être en groupe de deux caractères"
+-049 "L'option de section doit être en groupe de deux caractères"
++047 "D‚finition : l'option de %s doit ˆtre en groupe de deux caractŠres"
+ 053 "Le tampon par défaut est vide"
+ 054 "Le tampon %s est vide"
+ 055 "Les fichiers dont le nom contient des caractères de saut de ligne sont irrécupérables"
diff --git a/editors/nvi/patches/patch-ae b/editors/nvi/patches/patch-ae
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..05fe280a22b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/editors/nvi/patches/patch-ae
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+$NetBSD: patch-ae,v 1.5 2009/08/07 16:39:21 lukem Exp $
+--- ../catalog/german.base.orig 2007-11-19 03:41:42.000000000 +1100
++++ ../catalog/german.base
+@@ -43,8 +43,7 @@
+ 044 "Die lisp-Option ist nicht implementiert"
+ 045 "Meldungen nicht abgeschaltet: %s"
+ 046 "Meldungen nicht eingeschaltet: %s"
+-048 "Die paragraph-Option muß Gruppen zu zwei Zeichen enthalten"
+-049 "Die section-Option muß Gruppen zu zwei Zeichen enthalten"
++047 "set: Die %s Option muss Gruppen zu zwei Zeichen enthalten"
+ 053 "Der Standardpuffer ist leer"
+ 054 "Puffer %s ist leer"
+ 055 "Dateien mit newlines im Namen sind nicht wiederherstellbar"
diff --git a/editors/nvi/patches/patch-af b/editors/nvi/patches/patch-af
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..b8593a6cc3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/editors/nvi/patches/patch-af
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+$NetBSD: patch-af,v 1.3 2009/08/07 16:39:21 lukem Exp $
+--- ../catalog/spanish.base.orig 2007-11-19 03:41:42.000000000 +1100
++++ ../catalog/spanish.base
+@@ -43,8 +43,7 @@
+ 044 "La opci¢n lisp no est  implementada"
+ 045 "mensajes no desconectados: %s"
+ 046 "mensajes no conectados: %s"
+-048 "La opci¢n de p rrafo debe estar en dos grupos de caracteres"
+-049 "La opci¢n de secci¢n debe estar en dos grupos de caracteres"
++047 "determinar: La opci¢n de %s debe estar en dos grupos de caracteres"
+ 053 "El buffer por omisi¢n est  vac¡o"
+ 054 "El buffer %s est  vac¡o"
+ 055 "Los archivos con nuevas l¡neas en el nombre son irrecuperables"
diff --git a/editors/nvi/patches/patch-ag b/editors/nvi/patches/patch-ag
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..24ba381100f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/editors/nvi/patches/patch-ag
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+$NetBSD: patch-ag,v 1.3 2009/08/07 16:39:21 lukem Exp $
+--- ../catalog/swedish.base.orig 2007-11-19 03:41:42.000000000 +1100
++++ ../catalog/swedish.base
+@@ -43,8 +43,7 @@
+ 044 "Lisp flaggan är inte implementerad"
+ 045 "meddelanden är inte avslagna: %s"
+ 046 "meddelanden är inte påslagna: %s"
+-048 "Paragraph flaggan måste ges i teckengrupper om två"
+-049 "Section flaggan måste ges i teckengrupper om två"
++047 "set: %s flaggan måste ges i teckengrupper om två"
+ 053 "Standardbufferten är tom"
+ 054 "Buffer %s är tom"
+ 055 "Filer med radmatning i namnet kan inte återskapas"
diff --git a/editors/nvi/patches/patch-ah b/editors/nvi/patches/patch-ah
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..40385b2916c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/editors/nvi/patches/patch-ah
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+$NetBSD: patch-ah,v 1.3 2009/08/07 16:39:21 lukem Exp $
+--- ../common/options.awk.orig 2007-11-19 03:41:42.000000000 +1100
++++ ../common/options.awk
+@@ -2,6 +2,18 @@
+ /^\/\* O_[0-9A-Z_]*/ {
+- printf("#define %s %d\n", $2, cnt++);
+- next;
++ opt = $2
++ printf("#define %s %d\n", opt, cnt++)
++ ofs = FS
++ FS="\""
++ do getline
++ while ($1 != " {L(")
++ FS=ofs
++ opt_name = $2
++ if (opt_name < prev_name) {
++ printf "missorted %s: \"%s\" < \"%s\"\n", opt, opt_name, prev_name >"/dev/stderr"
++ exit 1
++ }
++ prev_name = opt_name
++ next
+ }
+ END {
diff --git a/editors/nvi/patches/patch-ai b/editors/nvi/patches/patch-ai
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d2da35ddd56
--- /dev/null
+++ b/editors/nvi/patches/patch-ai
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+$NetBSD: patch-ai,v 1.3 2009/08/07 16:39:21 lukem Exp $
+--- ../common/options.c.orig 2007-11-19 03:41:42.000000000 +1100
++++ ../common/options.c
+@@ -48,6 +48,8 @@ static int opts_print __P((SCR *, OPT
+ *
+ * HPUX noted options and abbreviations are from "The Ultimate Guide to the
+ * VI and EX Text Editors", 1990.
++ *
++ * This list must be sorted...
+ */
+ OPTLIST const optlist[] = {
+ /* O_ALTWERASE 4.4BSD */
+@@ -76,10 +78,12 @@ OPTLIST const optlist[] = {
+ {L("directory"), NULL, OPT_STR, 0},
+ {L("edcompatible"),NULL, OPT_0BOOL, 0},
+- {L("escapetime"), NULL, OPT_NUM, 0},
+ {L("errorbells"), NULL, OPT_0BOOL, 0},
++ {L("escapetime"), NULL, OPT_NUM, 0},
++/* O_EXPANDTAB NetBSD 5.0 */
++ {L("expandtab"), NULL, OPT_0BOOL, 0},
+ /* O_EXRC System V (undocumented) */
+ {L("exrc"), NULL, OPT_0BOOL, 0},
+ /* O_EXTENDED 4.4BSD */
+@@ -90,6 +94,8 @@ OPTLIST const optlist[] = {
+ {L("fileencoding"),f_encoding, OPT_STR, OPT_WC},
+ /* O_FLASH HPUX */
+ {L("flash"), NULL, OPT_1BOOL, 0},
++ {L("gtagsmode"),NULL, OPT_1BOOL, 0},
+ {L("hardtabs"), NULL, OPT_NUM, 0},
+ /* O_ICLOWER 4.4BSD */
+@@ -120,6 +126,8 @@ OPTLIST const optlist[] = {
+ {L("lock"), NULL, OPT_1BOOL, 0},
+ /* O_MAGIC 4BSD */
+ {L("magic"), NULL, OPT_1BOOL, 0},
++/* O_MATCHCHARS netbsd 2.0 */
++ {L("matchchars"), NULL, OPT_STR, OPT_PAIRS},
+ /* O_MATCHTIME 4.4BSD */
+ {L("matchtime"), NULL, OPT_NUM, 0},
+ /* O_MESG 4BSD */
+@@ -146,7 +154,7 @@ OPTLIST const optlist[] = {
+ {L("optimize"), NULL, OPT_1BOOL, 0},
+- {L("paragraphs"), f_paragraph, OPT_STR, 0},
++ {L("paragraphs"), NULL, OPT_STR, OPT_PAIRS},
+ /* O_PATH 4.4BSD */
+ {L("path"), NULL, OPT_STR, 0},
+ /* O_PRINT 4.4BSD */
+@@ -170,7 +178,7 @@ OPTLIST const optlist[] = {
+ {L("searchincr"), NULL, OPT_0BOOL, 0},
+- {L("sections"), f_section, OPT_STR, 0},
++ {L("sections"), NULL, OPT_STR, OPT_PAIRS},
+ /* O_SECURE 4.4BSD */
+ {L("secure"), NULL, OPT_0BOOL, OPT_NOUNSET},
+ /* O_SHELL 4BSD */
+@@ -255,7 +263,9 @@ static OABBREV const abbrev[] = {
+ {L("dir"), O_TMP_DIRECTORY}, /* 4BSD */
+ {L("eb"), O_ERRORBELLS}, /* 4BSD */
+ {L("ed"), O_EDCOMPATIBLE}, /* 4BSD */
++ {L("et"), O_EXPANDTAB}, /* NetBSD 5.0 */
+ {L("ex"), O_EXRC}, /* System V (undocumented) */
++ {L("gt"), O_GTAGSMODE}, /* FreeBSD, NetBSD */
+ {L("fe"), O_FILEENCODING},
+ {L("ht"), O_HARDTABS}, /* 4BSD */
+ {L("ic"), O_IGNORECASE}, /* 4BSD */
+@@ -307,6 +317,13 @@ opts_init(SCR *sp, int *oargs)
+ CHAR_T *wp;
+ size_t wlen;
++ if (sizeof optlist / sizeof optlist[0] - 1 != O_OPTIONCOUNT) {
++ fprintf(stderr, "vi: option table size error (%d != %d)\n",
++ (int)(sizeof optlist / sizeof optlist[0] - 1),
++ exit(1);
++ }
+ a.bp = b2;
+ b.bp = NULL;
+ a.len = b.len = 0;
+@@ -358,6 +375,7 @@ opts_init(SCR *sp, int *oargs)
+ OI(O_ESCAPETIME, L("escapetime=1"));
+ OI(O_KEYTIME, L("keytime=6"));
++ OI(O_MATCHCHARS, L("matchchars=()[]{}<>"));
+ OI(O_MATCHTIME, L("matchtime=7"));
+ (void)SPRINTF(b2, SIZE(b2), L("msgcat=%s"), _PATH_MSGCAT);
+ OI(O_MSGCAT, b2);
+@@ -708,6 +726,14 @@ badnum: INT2CHAR(sp, name, STRLEN(nam
+ break;
+ }
++ /* Check for strings that must have even length */
++ if (F_ISSET(op, OPT_PAIRS) && STRLEN(sep) & 1) {
++ msgq_wstr(sp, M_ERR, name,
++ "047|set: the %s option must be in two character groups");
++ rval = 1;
++ break;
++ }
+ /*
+ * Do nothing if the value is unchanged, the underlying
+ * functions can be expensive.
diff --git a/editors/nvi/patches/patch-aj b/editors/nvi/patches/patch-aj
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ccff4b1ec9f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/editors/nvi/patches/patch-aj
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+$NetBSD: patch-aj,v 1.3 2009/08/07 16:39:21 lukem Exp $
+--- ../common/options.h.orig 2007-11-19 03:41:42.000000000 +1100
++++ ../common/options.h
+@@ -89,6 +89,7 @@ struct _optlist {
+ #define OPT_NOSET 0x010 /* Option may not be set. */
+ #define OPT_NOUNSET 0x020 /* Option may not be unset. */
+ #define OPT_NOZERO 0x040 /* Option may not be set to 0. */
++#define OPT_PAIRS 0x080 /* String with even length */
+ u_int8_t flags;
+ };
diff --git a/editors/nvi/patches/patch-ak b/editors/nvi/patches/patch-ak
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..988cae610f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/editors/nvi/patches/patch-ak
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+$NetBSD: patch-ak,v 1.3 2009/08/07 16:39:21 lukem Exp $
+--- ../common/options_def.h.orig 2007-11-19 03:43:54.000000000 +1100
++++ ../common/options_def.h
+@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
+-/* Do not edit: automatically built by build/distrib. */
+ #define O_ALTWERASE 0
+ #define O_AUTOINDENT 1
+ #define O_AUTOPRINT 2
+@@ -12,72 +11,75 @@
+ #define O_COMMENT 10
+ #define O_TMP_DIRECTORY 11
+ #define O_EDCOMPATIBLE 12
+-#define O_ESCAPETIME 13
+-#define O_ERRORBELLS 14
+-#define O_EXRC 15
+-#define O_EXTENDED 16
+-#define O_FILEC 17
+-#define O_FILEENCODING 18
+-#define O_FLASH 19
+-#define O_HARDTABS 20
+-#define O_ICLOWER 21
+-#define O_IGNORECASE 22
+-#define O_INPUTENCODING 23
+-#define O_KEYTIME 24
+-#define O_LEFTRIGHT 25
+-#define O_LINES 26
+-#define O_LISP 27
+-#define O_LIST 28
+-#define O_LOCKFILES 29
+-#define O_MAGIC 30
+-#define O_MATCHTIME 31
+-#define O_MESG 32
+-#define O_MODELINE 33
+-#define O_MSGCAT 34
+-#define O_NOPRINT 35
+-#define O_NUMBER 36
+-#define O_OCTAL 37
+-#define O_OPEN 38
+-#define O_OPTIMIZE 39
+-#define O_PARAGRAPHS 40
+-#define O_PATH 41
+-#define O_PRINT 42
+-#define O_PROMPT 43
+-#define O_READONLY 44
+-#define O_RECDIR 45
+-#define O_REDRAW 46
+-#define O_REMAP 47
+-#define O_REPORT 48
+-#define O_RULER 49
+-#define O_SCROLL 50
+-#define O_SEARCHINCR 51
+-#define O_SECTIONS 52
+-#define O_SECURE 53
+-#define O_SHELL 54
+-#define O_SHELLMETA 55
+-#define O_SHIFTWIDTH 56
+-#define O_SHOWMATCH 57
+-#define O_SHOWMODE 58
+-#define O_SIDESCROLL 59
+-#define O_SLOWOPEN 60
+-#define O_SOURCEANY 61
+-#define O_TABSTOP 62
+-#define O_TAGLENGTH 63
+-#define O_TAGS 64
+-#define O_TERM 65
+-#define O_TERSE 66
+-#define O_TILDEOP 67
+-#define O_TIMEOUT 68
+-#define O_TTYWERASE 69
+-#define O_VERBOSE 70
+-#define O_W1200 71
+-#define O_W300 72
+-#define O_W9600 73
+-#define O_WARN 74
+-#define O_WINDOW 75
+-#define O_WINDOWNAME 76
+-#define O_WRAPLEN 77
+-#define O_WRAPMARGIN 78
+-#define O_WRAPSCAN 79
+-#define O_WRITEANY 80
+-#define O_OPTIONCOUNT 81
++#define O_ERRORBELLS 13
++#define O_ESCAPETIME 14
++#define O_EXPANDTAB 15
++#define O_EXRC 16
++#define O_EXTENDED 17
++#define O_FILEC 18
++#define O_FILEENCODING 19
++#define O_FLASH 20
++#define O_GTAGSMODE 21
++#define O_HARDTABS 22
++#define O_ICLOWER 23
++#define O_IGNORECASE 24
++#define O_INPUTENCODING 25
++#define O_KEYTIME 26
++#define O_LEFTRIGHT 27
++#define O_LINES 28
++#define O_LISP 29
++#define O_LIST 30
++#define O_LOCKFILES 31
++#define O_MAGIC 32
++#define O_MATCHCHARS 33
++#define O_MATCHTIME 34
++#define O_MESG 35
++#define O_MODELINE 36
++#define O_MSGCAT 37
++#define O_NOPRINT 38
++#define O_NUMBER 39
++#define O_OCTAL 40
++#define O_OPEN 41
++#define O_OPTIMIZE 42
++#define O_PARAGRAPHS 43
++#define O_PATH 44
++#define O_PRINT 45
++#define O_PROMPT 46
++#define O_READONLY 47
++#define O_RECDIR 48
++#define O_REDRAW 49
++#define O_REMAP 50
++#define O_REPORT 51
++#define O_RULER 52
++#define O_SCROLL 53
++#define O_SEARCHINCR 54
++#define O_SECTIONS 55
++#define O_SECURE 56
++#define O_SHELL 57
++#define O_SHELLMETA 58
++#define O_SHIFTWIDTH 59
++#define O_SHOWMATCH 60
++#define O_SHOWMODE 61
++#define O_SIDESCROLL 62
++#define O_SLOWOPEN 63
++#define O_SOURCEANY 64
++#define O_TABSTOP 65
++#define O_TAGLENGTH 66
++#define O_TAGS 67
++#define O_TERM 68
++#define O_TERSE 69
++#define O_TILDEOP 70
++#define O_TIMEOUT 71
++#define O_TTYWERASE 72
++#define O_VERBOSE 73
++#define O_W1200 74
++#define O_W300 75
++#define O_W9600 76
++#define O_WARN 77
++#define O_WINDOW 78
++#define O_WINDOWNAME 79
++#define O_WRAPLEN 80
++#define O_WRAPMARGIN 81
++#define O_WRAPSCAN 82
++#define O_WRITEANY 83
++#define O_OPTIONCOUNT 84
diff --git a/editors/nvi/patches/patch-al b/editors/nvi/patches/patch-al
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e7fcaad25ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/editors/nvi/patches/patch-al
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+$NetBSD: patch-al,v 1.1 2009/08/07 16:39:21 lukem Exp $
+--- ../common/options_f.c.orig 2007-11-19 03:41:42.000000000 +1100
++++ ../common/options_f.c
+@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ f_columns(SCR *sp, OPTION *op, char *str
+ * number of lines/columns for the screen, but at least we don't drop
+ * core.
+ */
++#define MAXIMUM_SCREEN_COLS 4000
+ if (*valp > MAXIMUM_SCREEN_COLS) {
+ msgq(sp, M_ERR, "041|Screen columns too large, greater than %d",
+@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ f_lines(SCR *sp, OPTION *op, char *str,
+ * number of lines/columns for the screen, but at least we don't drop
+ * core.
+ */
++#define MAXIMUM_SCREEN_ROWS 4000
+ if (*valp > MAXIMUM_SCREEN_ROWS) {
+ msgq(sp, M_ERR, "043|Screen lines too large, greater than %d",
+@@ -143,20 +143,6 @@ f_msgcat(SCR *sp, OPTION *op, char *str,
+ }
+ /*
+- * PUBLIC: int f_paragraph __P((SCR *, OPTION *, char *, u_long *));
+- */
+-f_paragraph(SCR *sp, OPTION *op, char *str, u_long *valp)
+- if (strlen(str) & 1) {
+- msgq(sp, M_ERR,
+- "048|The paragraph option must be in two character groups");
+- return (1);
+- }
+- return (0);
+ * PUBLIC: int f_print __P((SCR *, OPTION *, char *, u_long *));
+ */
+ int
+@@ -226,20 +212,6 @@ f_reformat(SCR *sp, OPTION *op, char *st
+ }
+ /*
+- * PUBLIC: int f_section __P((SCR *, OPTION *, char *, u_long *));
+- */
+-f_section(SCR *sp, OPTION *op, char *str, u_long *valp)
+- if (strlen(str) & 1) {
+- msgq(sp, M_ERR,
+- "049|The section option must be in two character groups");
+- return (1);
+- }
+- return (0);
+ * PUBLIC: int f_ttywerase __P((SCR *, OPTION *, char *, u_long *));
+ */
+ int
diff --git a/editors/nvi/patches/patch-am b/editors/nvi/patches/patch-am
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..0f2751cbb06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/editors/nvi/patches/patch-am
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+$NetBSD: patch-am,v 1.1 2009/08/07 16:39:21 lukem Exp $
+--- ../docs/ 2007-11-19 03:41:42.000000000 +1100
++++ ../docs/
+@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ ex, vi, view \- text editors
+ .B ex
+ [\c
+-.B -eFRrSsv\c
++.B -eFGRrSsv\c
+ ] [\c
+ .BI -c " cmd"\c
+ ] [\c
+@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ ex, vi, view \- text editors
+ .br
+ .B view
+ [\c
+-.B -eFRrSv\c
++.B -eFGRrSv\c
+ ] [\c
+ .BI -c " cmd"\c
+ ] [\c
+@@ -118,6 +118,9 @@ Don't copy the entire file when first st
+ (The default is to make a copy in case someone else modifies
+ the file during your edit session.)
+ .TP
++.B \-G
++Start editing in gtags mode, as if the gtagsmode option was set.
+ .B \-l
+ Start editing with the lisp and showmatch options set.
+ .TP
+@@ -429,6 +432,8 @@ commands or cancel partial commands.
+ .TP
+ .B "<control-]>"
+ Push a tag reference onto the tag stack.
++In gtagsmode, if at the first column of line,
++locate function references otherwise function definitions.
+ .TP
+ .B "<control-^>"
+ Switch to the most recently edited file.
+@@ -774,6 +779,11 @@ and
+ characters to move forward to the next
+ .B shiftwidth
+ column boundary.
++.B expandtab
++is set, only insert
++.I <space>
+ .TP
+ .B "<erase>
+ .TP
+@@ -940,6 +950,9 @@ Grow or shrink the current screen.
+ .B "rew[ind][!]"
+ Rewind the argument list.
+ .TP
++.B "rta[g][!] tagstring"
++Edit the file refering the specified tag. (Only in gtagsmode)
+ .B "se[t] [option[=[value]] ...] [nooption ...] [option? ...] [all]"
+ Display or set editor options.
+ .TP
+@@ -1095,6 +1108,15 @@ command.
+ only.
+ Announce error messages with a bell.
+ .TP
++.B "expandtab, et [off]"
++Prevent the use of
++.I <tab>
++characters in leading whitespace when shifting text, autoindenting,
++indenting with
++.BR "<control-T>" ,
++or outdenting with
++.BR "<control-D>" .
+ .B "exrc, ex [off]"
+ Read the startup files in the local directory.
+ .TP
+@@ -1110,6 +1132,9 @@ command line.
+ .B "flash [on]"
+ Flash the screen instead of beeping the keyboard on error.
+ .TP
++.B "gtagsmode, gt [off]"
++Use GTAGS and GRTAGS instead of tags.
+ .B "hardtabs, ht [8]"
+ Set the spacing between hardware tab settings.
+ .TP
+@@ -1151,6 +1176,9 @@ read or written.
+ .B "magic [on]"
+ Treat certain characters specially in regular expressions.
+ .TP
++.B "matchchars [[]{}()<>]"
++Character pairs looked for by the % command.
+ .B "matchtime [7]"
+ .I \&Vi
+ only.
diff --git a/editors/nvi/patches/patch-an b/editors/nvi/patches/patch-an
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d325441868a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/editors/nvi/patches/patch-an
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+$NetBSD: patch-an,v 1.1 2009/08/07 16:39:21 lukem Exp $
+--- ../docs/vi.ref/set.opt.texi.orig 2007-11-19 03:41:42.000000000 +1100
++++ ../docs/vi.ref/set.opt.texi
+@@ -97,7 +97,10 @@ the first nonblank character of the line
+ Lines are indented using tab characters to the extent possible (based on
+ the value of the
+ @OP{tabstop}
+-option) and then using space characters as necessary.
++and if
++is not set) and then using space characters as necessary.
+ For commands inserting text into the middle of a line, any blank characters
+ to the right of the cursor are discarded, and the first nonblank character
+ to the right of the cursor is aligned as described above.
+@@ -407,6 +410,16 @@ only.
+ error messages are normally presented in inverse video.
+ If that is not possible for the terminal, setting this option causes
+ error messages to be announced by ringing the terminal bell.
++@cindex expandtab
++@IP{expandtab, et [off]}
++Prevent the use of
++characters in leading whitespace when shifting text, autoindenting,
++indenting with
++or outdenting with
+ @cindex exrc
+ @IP{exrc, ex [off]}
+@@ -593,6 +606,15 @@ character.
+ See the section entitled
+ @QB{Regular Expressions and Replacement Strings}
+ for more information.
++@cindex matchchars
++@IP{matchchars [[]{}()<>]}
++This option defines the character pairs used by the
+ @cindex matchtime
+ @IP{matchtime [7]}
diff --git a/editors/nvi/patches/patch-ao b/editors/nvi/patches/patch-ao
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..33a95e94bab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/editors/nvi/patches/patch-ao
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+$NetBSD: patch-ao,v 1.1 2009/08/07 16:39:21 lukem Exp $
+--- ../docs/vi.ref/vi.cmd.texi.orig 2007-11-19 03:41:42.000000000 +1100
++++ ../docs/vi.ref/vi.cmd.texi
+@@ -1044,13 +1044,23 @@ None.
+ @deftypefn Command {} {%}
+ Move to the matching character.
+-The cursor moves to the parenthesis or curly brace which
++The cursor moves to the bracket character which
+ @emph{matches}
+-the parenthesis or curly brace found at the current cursor position
++the bracket found at the current cursor position
+ or which is the closest one to the right of the cursor on the line.
+-It is an error to execute the
++The bracket characters are defined by the
++An error will be reported if none of the
++characters is found, or if no matching character is found.
++If the open and close brackes are identical (e.g.: if they are
++then repeating a
+ @CO{%}
+-command on a line without a parenthesis or curly brace.
++command will perform a backwards search from the original opening bracket.
+ Historically, any
+ @LI{count}specified to the
+ @CO{%}
diff --git a/editors/nvi/patches/patch-ap b/editors/nvi/patches/patch-ap
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..26e1b8ab72e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/editors/nvi/patches/patch-ap
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+$NetBSD: patch-ap,v 1.1 2009/08/07 16:39:21 lukem Exp $
+--- ../vi/v_match.c.orig 2007-11-19 03:41:42.000000000 +1100
++++ ../vi/v_match.c
+@@ -39,6 +39,19 @@ v_match(SCR *sp, VICMD *vp)
+ size_t cno, len, off;
+ int cnt, isempty, matchc, startc, (*gc)__P((SCR *, VCS *));
+ CHAR_T *p;
++ char *cp;
++ char *match_chars;
++ static int match_lno, match_col, match_dir;
++ /*
++ * Historically vi would match (), {} and [] however
++ * an update included <>. This is ok for editing HTML
++ * but a pain in the butt for C source.
++ * Making it an option lets the user decide what is 'right'.
++ * Also fixed to do something sensible with "".
++ */
++ match_chars = O_STR(sp, O_MATCHCHARS);
+ /*
+ * !!!
+@@ -58,44 +71,27 @@ v_match(SCR *sp, VICMD *vp)
+ nomatch: msgq(sp, M_BERR, "184|No match character on this line");
+ return (1);
+ }
+- switch (startc = p[off]) {
+- case '(':
+- matchc = ')';
+- gc = cs_next;
+- break;
+- case ')':
+- matchc = '(';
+- gc = cs_prev;
+- break;
+- case '[':
+- matchc = ']';
+- gc = cs_next;
+- break;
+- case ']':
+- matchc = '[';
+- gc = cs_prev;
+- break;
+- case '{':
+- matchc = '}';
+- gc = cs_next;
+- break;
+- case '}':
+- matchc = '{';
+- gc = cs_prev;
++ startc = p[off];
++ cp = strchr(match_chars, startc);
++ if (cp != NULL)
+ break;
+- case '<':
+- matchc = '>';
+- gc = cs_next;
+- break;
+- case '>':
+- matchc = '<';
+- gc = cs_prev;
+- break;
+- default:
+- continue;
+- }
+- break;
+ }
++ cnt = cp - match_chars;
++ matchc = match_chars[cnt ^ 1];
++ /* Alternate back-forward search if startc and matchc the same */
++ if (startc == matchc) {
++ /* are we continuing from where last match finished? */
++ if (match_lno == vp->m_start.lno && match_col ==vp->m_start.cno)
++ /* yes - continue in sequence */
++ match_dir++;
++ else
++ /* no - go forward, back, back, forward */
++ match_dir = 1;
++ if (match_dir & 2)
++ cnt++;
++ }
++ gc = cnt & 1 ? cs_prev : cs_next;
+ cs.cs_lno = vp->m_start.lno;
+ cs.cs_cno = off;
+@@ -109,10 +105,10 @@ nomatch: msgq(sp, M_BERR, "184|No match
+ break;
+ continue;
+ }
++ if (cs.cs_ch == matchc && --cnt == 0)
++ break;
+ if (cs.cs_ch == startc)
+ ++cnt;
+- else if (cs.cs_ch == matchc && --cnt == 0)
+- break;
+ }
+ if (cnt) {
+ msgq(sp, M_BERR, "185|Matching character not found");
+@@ -139,6 +135,9 @@ nomatch: msgq(sp, M_BERR, "184|No match
+ else
+ vp->m_final = vp->m_stop;
++ match_lno = vp->m_final.lno;
++ match_col = vp->m_final.cno;
+ /*
+ * !!!
+ * If the motion is across lines, and the earliest cursor position
diff --git a/editors/nvi/patches/patch-aq b/editors/nvi/patches/patch-aq
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..60da9e2179b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/editors/nvi/patches/patch-aq
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+$NetBSD: patch-aq,v 1.1 2009/08/07 16:39:21 lukem Exp $
+--- ../common/main.c.orig 2007-11-19 03:41:42.000000000 +1100
++++ ../common/main.c
+@@ -62,6 +62,7 @@ editor(WIN *wp, int argc, char **argv)
+ size_t len;
+ u_int flags;
+ int ch, flagchk, lflag, secure, startup, readonly, rval, silent;
++ int gtags = 0;
+ char *tag_f, *wsizearg, path[256];
+ CHAR_T *w;
+ size_t wlen;
+@@ -102,11 +103,13 @@ editor(WIN *wp, int argc, char **argv)
+ /* Set the file snapshot flag. */
++ while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "c:"
+ #ifdef DEBUG
+- while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "c:D:eFlRrSsT:t:vw:")) != EOF)
+- while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "c:eFlRrSst:vw:")) != EOF)
++ "D:"
+ #endif
++ "eF"
++ "G"
++ "lRrSsT:t:vw:")) != EOF)
+ switch (ch) {
+ case 'c': /* Run the command. */
+ /*
+@@ -147,6 +150,9 @@ editor(WIN *wp, int argc, char **argv)
+ case 'l': /* Set lisp, showmatch options. */
+ lflag = 1;
+ break;
++ case 'G': /* gtags mode. */
++ gtags = 1;
++ break;
+ case 'R': /* Readonly. */
+ readonly = 1;
+ break;
+@@ -240,6 +246,8 @@ editor(WIN *wp, int argc, char **argv)
+ }
+ if (readonly)
+ *oargp++ = O_READONLY;
++ if (gtags)
++ *oargp++ = O_GTAGSMODE;
+ if (secure)
+ *oargp++ = O_SECURE;
+ *oargp = -1; /* Options initialization. */
diff --git a/editors/nvi/patches/patch-ar b/editors/nvi/patches/patch-ar
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..1e6749e029f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/editors/nvi/patches/patch-ar
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+$NetBSD: patch-ar,v 1.1 2009/08/07 16:39:21 lukem Exp $
+--- ../ex/ex.h.orig 2007-11-19 03:41:42.000000000 +1100
++++ ../ex/ex.h
+@@ -152,6 +152,7 @@ struct _excmd {
+ #define E_SEARCH_WMSG 0x01000000 /* Display search-wrapped message. */
+ #define E_USELASTCMD 0x02000000 /* Use the last command. */
+ #define E_VISEARCH 0x04000000 /* It's really a vi search command. */
++#define E_REFERENCE 0x08000000 /* locate function references */
+ u_int32_t flags; /* Current flags. */
+ };
diff --git a/editors/nvi/patches/patch-as b/editors/nvi/patches/patch-as
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d748863c0de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/editors/nvi/patches/patch-as
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+$NetBSD: patch-as,v 1.1 2009/08/07 16:39:21 lukem Exp $
+--- ../ex/ex_cmd.c.orig 2007-11-19 03:41:42.000000000 +1100
++++ ../ex/ex_cmd.c
+@@ -302,6 +302,11 @@ EXCMDLIST const cmds[] = {
+ "!",
+ "rew[ind][!]",
+ "re-edit all the files in the file argument list"},
++/* C_RTAG */
++ {L("rtag"), ex_rtag_push, E_NEWSCREEN,
++ "!w1o",
++ "rta[g][!] [string]",
++ "edit the file containing the tag"},
+ /*
+ * !!!
+ * Adding new commands starting with 's' may break the substitute command code
diff --git a/editors/nvi/patches/patch-at b/editors/nvi/patches/patch-at
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e7a011e60e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/editors/nvi/patches/patch-at
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+$NetBSD: patch-at,v 1.1 2009/08/07 16:39:21 lukem Exp $
+--- ../ex/ex_def.h.orig 2007-11-19 03:43:54.000000000 +1100
++++ ../ex/ex_def.h
+@@ -48,33 +48,34 @@
+ #define C_RECOVER 46
+ #define C_RESIZE 47
+ #define C_REWIND 48
+-#define C_SUBSTITUTE 49
+-#define C_SCRIPT 50
+-#define C_SET 51
+-#define C_SHELL 52
+-#define C_SOURCE 53
+-#define C_STOP 54
+-#define C_SUSPEND 55
+-#define C_T 56
+-#define C_TAG 57
+-#define C_TAGNEXT 58
+-#define C_TAGPOP 59
+-#define C_TAGPREV 60
+-#define C_TAGTOP 61
+-#define C_TCLCMD 62
+-#define C_UNDO 63
+-#define C_UNABBREVIATE 64
+-#define C_UNMAP 65
+-#define C_V 66
+-#define C_VERSION 67
+-#define C_VISUAL_EX 68
+-#define C_VISUAL_VI 69
+-#define C_VIUSAGE 70
+-#define C_VSPLIT 71
+-#define C_WRITE 72
+-#define C_WN 73
+-#define C_WQ 74
+-#define C_XIT 75
+-#define C_YANK 76
+-#define C_Z 77
+-#define C_SUBTILDE 78
++#define C_RTAG 49
++#define C_SUBSTITUTE 50
++#define C_SCRIPT 51
++#define C_SET 52
++#define C_SHELL 53
++#define C_SOURCE 54
++#define C_STOP 55
++#define C_SUSPEND 56
++#define C_T 57
++#define C_TAG 58
++#define C_TAGNEXT 59
++#define C_TAGPOP 60
++#define C_TAGPREV 61
++#define C_TAGTOP 62
++#define C_TCLCMD 63
++#define C_UNDO 64
++#define C_UNABBREVIATE 65
++#define C_UNMAP 66
++#define C_V 67
++#define C_VERSION 68
++#define C_VISUAL_EX 69
++#define C_VISUAL_VI 70
++#define C_VIUSAGE 71
++#define C_VSPLIT 72
++#define C_WRITE 73
++#define C_WN 74
++#define C_WQ 75
++#define C_XIT 76
++#define C_YANK 77
++#define C_Z 78
++#define C_SUBTILDE 79
diff --git a/editors/nvi/patches/patch-au b/editors/nvi/patches/patch-au
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..18491a35cc7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/editors/nvi/patches/patch-au
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+$NetBSD: patch-au,v 1.1 2009/08/07 16:39:21 lukem Exp $
+--- ../ex/ex_tag.c.orig 2007-11-19 03:41:42.000000000 +1100
++++ ../ex/ex_tag.c
+@@ -46,6 +46,8 @@ static char *binary_search __P((char *,
+ static int compare __P((char *, char *, char *));
+ static void ctag_file __P((SCR *, TAGF *, char *, char **, size_t *));
+ static int ctag_search __P((SCR *, CHAR_T *, size_t, char *));
++static int getentry __P((char *, char **, char **, char **));
++static TAGQ *gtag_slist __P((SCR *, CHAR_T *, int));
+ static int ctag_sfile __P((SCR *, TAGF *, TAGQ *, char *));
+ static TAGQ *ctag_slist __P((SCR *, CHAR_T *));
+ static char *linear_search __P((char *, char *, char *, long));
+@@ -87,6 +89,21 @@ ex_tag_first(SCR *sp, CHAR_T *tagarg)
+ }
+ /*
++ * ex_rtag_push -- ^]
++ * :rtag[!] [string]
++ *
++ * Enter a new TAGQ context based on a ctag string.
++ *
++ * PUBLIC: int ex_rtag_push __P((SCR *, EXCMD *));
++ */
++ex_rtag_push(SCR *sp, EXCMD *cmdp)
++ F_SET(cmdp, E_REFERENCE);
++ return ex_tag_push(sp, cmdp);
+ * ex_tag_push -- ^]
+ * :tag[!] [string]
+ *
+@@ -129,6 +146,11 @@ ex_tag_push(SCR *sp, EXCMD *cmdp)
+ }
+ /* Get the tag information. */
++ if (O_ISSET(sp, O_GTAGSMODE)) {
++ if ((tqp = gtag_slist(sp, exp->tag_last,
++ F_ISSET(cmdp, E_REFERENCE))) == NULL)
++ return (1);
++ } else
+ if ((tqp = ctag_slist(sp, exp->tag_last)) == NULL)
+ return (1);
+@@ -980,6 +1002,131 @@ notfound: tag_msg(sp, TAG_SEARCH, tag)
+ }
+ /*
++ * getentry --
++ * get tag information from current line.
++ *
++ * gtags temporary file format.
++ * <tag> <lineno> <file> <image>
++ *
++ * sample.
++ * +------------------------------------------------
++ * |main 30 main.c main(argc, argv)
++ * |func 21 subr.c func(arg)
++ */
++static int
++getentry(char *buf, char **tag, char **file, char **line)
++ char *p = buf;
++ for (*tag = p; *p && !isspace(*p); p++) /* tag name */
++ ;
++ if (*p == 0)
++ goto err;
++ *p++ = 0;
++ for (; *p && isspace(*p); p++) /* (skip blanks) */
++ ;
++ if (*p == 0)
++ goto err;
++ *line = p; /* line no */
++ for (*line = p; *p && !isspace(*p); p++)
++ ;
++ if (*p == 0)
++ goto err;
++ *p++ = 0;
++ for (; *p && isspace(*p); p++) /* (skip blanks) */
++ ;
++ if (*p == 0)
++ goto err;
++ *file = p; /* file name */
++ for (*file = p; *p && !isspace(*p); p++)
++ ;
++ if (*p == 0)
++ goto err;
++ *p = 0;
++ /* value check */
++ if (strlen(*tag) && strlen(*line) && strlen(*file) && atoi(*line) > 0)
++ return 1; /* OK */
++ return 0; /* ERROR */
++ * gtag_slist --
++ * Search the list of tags files for a tag, and return tag queue.
++ */
++static TAGQ *
++gtag_slist(SCR *sp, CHAR_T *tag, int ref)
++ EX_PRIVATE *exp;
++ TAGF *tfp;
++ TAGQ *tqp;
++ size_t len, nlen, slen, wlen;
++ int echk;
++ TAG *tp;
++ char *np;
++ char *name, *file, *search;
++ char command[BUFSIZ];
++ char buf[BUFSIZ];
++ CHAR_T *wp;
++ FILE *fp;
++ /* Allocate and initialize the tag queue structure. */
++ INT2CHAR(sp, tag, STRLEN(tag) + 1, np, nlen);
++ len = nlen - 1;
++ CALLOC_GOTO(sp, tqp, TAGQ *, 1, sizeof(TAGQ) + len + 1);
++ CIRCLEQ_INIT(&tqp->tagq);
++ tqp->tag = tqp->buf;
++ memcpy(tqp->tag, np, (tqp->tlen = len) + 1);
++ /*
++ * Find the tag, only display missing file messages once, and
++ * then only if we didn't find the tag.
++ */
++ snprintf(command, sizeof(command), "global -%s '%s'", ref ? "rx" : "x",
++ np);
++ if (fp = popen(command, "r")) {
++ while (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fp)) {
++ if (buf[strlen(buf)-1] == '\n') /* chop(buf) */
++ buf[strlen(buf)-1] = 0;
++ else
++ while (fgetc(fp) != '\n')
++ ;
++ if (getentry(buf, &name, &file, &search) == 0) {
++ echk = 1;
++ F_SET(tfp, TAGF_ERR);
++ break;
++ }
++ slen = strlen(search);
++ CALLOC_GOTO(sp, tp,
++ TAG *, 1, sizeof(TAG) + strlen(file) + 1 +
++ (slen + 1) * sizeof(CHAR_T));
++ tp->fname = (char *)tp->buf;
++ strcpy(tp->fname, file);
++ tp->fnlen = strlen(file);
++ tp->search = (CHAR_T *)(tp->fname + tp->fnlen + 1);
++ CHAR2INT(sp, search, slen + 1, wp, wlen);
++ MEMCPYW(tp->search, wp, (tp->slen = slen) + 1);
++ CIRCLEQ_INSERT_TAIL(&tqp->tagq, tp, q);
++ }
++ pclose(fp);
++ }
++ /* Check to see if we found anything. */
++ if (tqp->tagq.cqh_first == (void *)&tqp->tagq) {
++ msgq_str(sp, M_ERR, np, "162|%s: tag not found");
++ free(tqp);
++ return (NULL);
++ }
++ tqp->current = tqp->tagq.cqh_first;
++ return (tqp);
++ return (NULL);
+ * ctag_slist --
+ * Search the list of tags files for a tag, and return tag queue.
+ */
diff --git a/editors/nvi/patches/patch-av b/editors/nvi/patches/patch-av
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..057f1349a21
--- /dev/null
+++ b/editors/nvi/patches/patch-av
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+$NetBSD: patch-av,v 1.1 2009/08/07 16:39:21 lukem Exp $
+--- ../ex/extern.h.orig 2007-11-19 03:43:54.000000000 +1100
++++ ../ex/extern.h
+@@ -91,6 +91,7 @@ int re_compile __P((SCR *,
+ CHAR_T *, size_t, CHAR_T **, size_t *, regex_t *, u_int));
+ void re_error __P((SCR *, int, regex_t *));
+ int ex_tag_first __P((SCR *, CHAR_T *));
++int ex_rtag_push __P((SCR *, EXCMD *));
+ int ex_tag_push __P((SCR *, EXCMD *));
+ int ex_tag_next __P((SCR *, EXCMD *));
+ int ex_tag_prev __P((SCR *, EXCMD *));
diff --git a/editors/nvi/patches/patch-aw b/editors/nvi/patches/patch-aw
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..9e2fdd934a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/editors/nvi/patches/patch-aw
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+$NetBSD: patch-aw,v 1.1 2009/08/07 16:39:21 lukem Exp $
+--- ../vi/v_ex.c.orig 2007-11-19 03:41:42.000000000 +1100
++++ ../vi/v_ex.c
+@@ -209,6 +209,9 @@ v_tagpush(SCR *sp, VICMD *vp)
+ {
+ EXCMD cmd;
++ if (O_ISSET(sp, O_GTAGSMODE) && vp->m_start.cno == 0)
++ ex_cinit(sp, &cmd, C_RTAG, 0, OOBLNO, 0, 0);
++ else
+ ex_cinit(sp, &cmd, C_TAG, 0, OOBLNO, 0, 0);
+ argv_exp0(sp, &cmd, VIP(sp)->keyw, STRLEN(VIP(sp)->keyw) + 1);
+ return (v_exec_ex(sp, vp, &cmd));
diff --git a/editors/nvi/patches/patch-ax b/editors/nvi/patches/patch-ax
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..52f219dde9e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/editors/nvi/patches/patch-ax
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+$NetBSD: patch-ax,v 1.1 2009/08/07 16:39:21 lukem Exp $
+--- ../ex/ex_shift.c.orig 2007-11-19 03:41:42.000000000 +1100
++++ ../ex/ex_shift.c
+@@ -131,10 +131,13 @@ shift(SCR *sp, EXCMD *cmdp, enum which r
+ * Build a new indent string and count the number of
+ * characters it uses.
+ */
+- for (tbp = bp, newidx = 0;
+- newcol >= O_VAL(sp, O_TABSTOP); ++newidx) {
+- *tbp++ = '\t';
+- newcol -= O_VAL(sp, O_TABSTOP);
++ tbp = bp;
++ newidx = 0;
++ if (!O_ISSET(sp, O_EXPANDTAB)) {
++ for (; newcol >= O_VAL(sp, O_TABSTOP); ++newidx) {
++ *tbp++ = '\t';
++ newcol -= O_VAL(sp, O_TABSTOP);
++ }
+ }
+ for (; newcol > 0; --newcol, ++newidx)
+ *tbp++ = ' ';
diff --git a/editors/nvi/patches/patch-ay b/editors/nvi/patches/patch-ay
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..bf1b6bd6e3b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/editors/nvi/patches/patch-ay
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+$NetBSD: patch-ay,v 1.1 2009/08/07 16:39:21 lukem Exp $
+--- ../ex/ex_txt.c.orig 2007-11-19 03:41:42.000000000 +1100
++++ ../ex/ex_txt.c
+@@ -403,8 +403,12 @@ txt_dent(SCR *sp, TEXT *tp)
+ *
+ * Count up spaces/tabs needed to get to the target.
+ */
+- for (cno = 0, tabs = 0; cno + COL_OFF(cno, ts) <= scno; ++tabs)
+- cno += COL_OFF(cno, ts);
++ cno = 0;
++ tabs = 0;
++ if (!O_ISSET(sp, O_EXPANDTAB)) {
++ for (; cno + COL_OFF(cno, ts) <= scno; ++tabs)
++ cno += COL_OFF(cno, ts);
++ }
+ spaces = scno - cno;
+ /* Make sure there's enough room. */
diff --git a/editors/nvi/patches/patch-az b/editors/nvi/patches/patch-az
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..00b01cfa370
--- /dev/null
+++ b/editors/nvi/patches/patch-az
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+$NetBSD: patch-az,v 1.1 2009/08/07 16:39:21 lukem Exp $
+--- ../vi/v_txt.c.orig 2007-11-19 03:41:42.000000000 +1100
++++ ../vi/v_txt.c
+@@ -948,7 +948,7 @@ k_escape: LINE_RESOLVE;
+ switch (carat) {
+ case C_CARATSET: /* ^^D */
+- if (tp->ai == 0 || tp->cno > tp->ai + tp->offset + 1)
++ if (tp->ai == 0 || tp->cno != tp->ai + tp->offset + 1)
+ goto ins_ch;
+ /* Save the ai string for later. */
+@@ -961,17 +961,18 @@ k_escape: LINE_RESOLVE;
+ carat = C_NOCHANGE;
+ goto leftmargin;
+ case C_ZEROSET: /* 0^D */
+- if (tp->ai == 0 || tp->cno > tp->ai + tp->offset + 1)
++ if (tp->ai == 0 || tp->cno != tp->ai + tp->offset + 1)
+ goto ins_ch;
+ carat = C_NOTSET;
+ leftmargin: tp->lb[tp->cno - 1] = ' ';
+ tp->owrite += tp->cno - tp->offset;
+- tp->ai = 0;
+ tp->cno = tp->offset;
+ break;
++ case C_NOCHANGE: /* ^D after reset with ^^D */
+ case C_NOTSET: /* ^D */
+- if (tp->ai == 0 || tp->cno > tp->ai + tp->offset)
++ if (tp->ai == 0 || tp->cno != tp->ai + tp->offset)
+ goto ins_ch;
+ (void)txt_dent(sp, tp, 0);
+@@ -1719,13 +1720,19 @@ txt_ai_resolve(SCR *sp, TEXT *tp, int *c
+ /*
+ * If there are no spaces, or no tabs after spaces and less than
+ * ts spaces, it's already minimal.
++ * Keep analysing if expandtab is set.
+ */
+- if (!spaces || !tab_after_sp && spaces < ts)
++ if ((!spaces || (!tab_after_sp && spaces < ts)) &&
+ return;
+ /* Count up spaces/tabs needed to get to the target. */
+- for (cno = 0, tabs = 0; cno + COL_OFF(cno, ts) <= scno; ++tabs)
+- cno += COL_OFF(cno, ts);
++ cno = 0;
++ tabs = 0;
++ if (!O_ISSET(sp, O_EXPANDTAB)) {
++ for (; cno + COL_OFF(cno, ts) <= scno; ++tabs)
++ cno += COL_OFF(cno, ts);
++ }
+ spaces = scno - cno;
+ /*
+@@ -1889,7 +1896,6 @@ txt_dent(SCR *sp, TEXT *tp, int isindent
+ CHAR_T ch;
+ u_long sw, ts;
+ size_t cno, current, spaces, target, tabs, off;
+- int ai_reset;
+ ts = O_VAL(sp, O_TABSTOP);
+ sw = O_VAL(sp, O_SHIFTWIDTH);
+@@ -1921,16 +1927,6 @@ txt_dent(SCR *sp, TEXT *tp, int isindent
+ target -= --target % sw;
+ /*
+- * The AI characters will be turned into overwrite characters if the
+- * cursor immediately follows them. We test both the cursor position
+- * and the indent flag because there's no single test. (^T can only
+- * be detected by the cursor position, and while we know that the test
+- * is always true for ^D, the cursor can be in more than one place, as
+- * "0^D" and "^D" are different.)
+- */
+- ai_reset = !isindent || tp->cno == tp->ai + tp->offset;
+- /*
+ * Back up over any previous <blank> characters, changing them into
+ * overwrite characters (including any ai characters). Then figure
+ * out the current screen column.
+@@ -1957,15 +1953,16 @@ txt_dent(SCR *sp, TEXT *tp, int isindent
+ if (current >= target)
+ spaces = tabs = 0;
+ else {
+- for (cno = current,
+- tabs = 0; cno + COL_OFF(cno, ts) <= target; ++tabs)
+- cno += COL_OFF(cno, ts);
++ cno = current;
++ tabs = 0;
++ if (!O_ISSET(sp, O_EXPANDTAB)) {
++ for (; cno + COL_OFF(cno, ts) <= target; ++tabs)
++ cno += COL_OFF(cno, ts);
++ }
+ spaces = target - cno;
+ }
+- /* If we overwrote ai characters, reset the ai count. */
+- if (ai_reset)
+- tp->ai = tabs + spaces;
++ tp->ai = tabs + spaces;
+ /*
+ * Call txt_insch() to insert each character, so that we get the
diff --git a/editors/nvi/patches/patch-ba b/editors/nvi/patches/patch-ba
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..596109dd703
--- /dev/null
+++ b/editors/nvi/patches/patch-ba
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+$NetBSD: patch-ba,v 1.1 2009/08/07 16:39:21 lukem Exp $
+--- ../ex/version.h.orig 2007-11-19 03:43:55.000000000 +1100
++++ ../ex/version.h
+@@ -1 +1 @@
+-#define VI_VERSION "nvi-1.81.6 (2007-11-18)"
++#define VI_VERSION "nvi-1.81.6nb4 (2009-08-07)"