path: root/graphics/gnuplot/Makefile
diff options
authoradam <adam>2011-02-08 13:13:41 +0000
committeradam <adam>2011-02-08 13:13:41 +0000
commitb37bed4caf901a32106a975173aaef9b4188410d (patch)
treea1945534e1b1a342cea9e1435d185f4be2ae363d /graphics/gnuplot/Makefile
parent32ec77ebc6acb27dc91ff4a9fc8c9e11fb916a79 (diff)
Changes 4.4.2:
* FIX color specification "lc N" * FIX clipping error in filled curves * FIX segfault if "refresh" command follows an interrupted replot Changes 4.4.1: * NEW Support the "%s" format specifier in strftime() * NEW Optional 6th data column in candlesticks style to specific box width * NEW If integer arithmetic i*j or i**j would overflow, return value as a real * NEW "set style circle radius <default-radius>" * FIX autoconfiguration of readline support in OSX * FIX font problems in win terminal * FIX Protect against runaway recursion by limiting depth of nested functions * FIX metapost terminal: Fix inheritance of line thickness by text strings * FIX cairo terminals could segfault on certain enhanced text strings * FIX pdfcairo output to stdout now works * FIX font ",size" in non-enhanced mode postscript terminals * FIX Do a better job of estimating the width of UTF-8 encoded strings * FIX baseline bug in canvas terminal rotation of enhanced text * FIX Allow "with labels" to work for binary input data * FIX update user GPVAL variables after plot in table mode * CHANGE depth-sorting of pm3d surfaces now applies jointly to all in the plot * CHANGE 3D impulses are now always drawn from z=0 * CHANGE Enable HIDDEN_QUADTREE by default * CHANGE Enable "set fit errorvariables" by default * CHANGE Regardless of current timefmt, read time from binary files as a binary * CHANGE do not limit 3D rotation to 0<rotx<180
Diffstat (limited to 'graphics/gnuplot/Makefile')
1 files changed, 44 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/graphics/gnuplot/Makefile b/graphics/gnuplot/Makefile
index 0c0c39eb16f..259356800a9 100644
--- a/graphics/gnuplot/Makefile
+++ b/graphics/gnuplot/Makefile
@@ -1,13 +1,51 @@
-# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.52 2011/01/13 13:38:05 wiz Exp $
+# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.53 2011/02/08 13:13:41 adam Exp $
+DISTNAME= gnuplot-4.4.2
+CATEGORIES+= graphics
+COMMENT= Portable interactive, function plotting utility
CONFLICTS+= gnuplot-nox11-[0-9]*
-.include "../../graphics/gnuplot/Makefile.common"
-.include "../../graphics/gnuplot/"
+PATCHDIR= ${.CURDIR}/../../graphics/gnuplot/patches
+DISTINFO_FILE= ${.CURDIR}/../../graphics/gnuplot/distinfo
+PKG_INSTALLATION_TYPES= overwrite pkgviews
+PKG_DESTDIR_SUPPORT= user-destdir
+USE_TOOLS+= makeinfo pkg-config
+#CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --enable-history-file
+CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --with-plot=${PREFIX}
+CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --without-latex
+CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --without-lisp-files
+CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --without-tutorial
+# Use BSD editline wherever possible:
+.include "../../mk/"
+.if !empty(OPSYS:M*BSD) || ${OPSYS} == "DragonFly" || ${OPSYS} == "Darwin"
+CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --with-readline=bsd
+.include "../../mk/"
+CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --with-readline=${BUILDLINK_PREFIX.readline}
+.include "../../devel/readline/"
+# Make this available to patch-ah so the font path can include pkgsrc fonts.
+SUBST_CLASSES+= fontpath
+SUBST_STAGE.fontpath= pre-configure
+SUBST_MESSAGE.fontpath= Fixing font path.
+SUBST_FILES.fontpath= src/variable.c
+SUBST_SED.fontpath= -e 's,@PKGSRC_PREFIX@,"${PREFIX}",'
+.include ""
+.include "../../devel/pango/"
+.include "../../graphics/cairo/"
.include "../../graphics/plotutils/"
-.include "../../x11/libXaw/"
.include "../../mk/"