path: root/graphics/x11rec
diff options
authorjperkin <>2015-11-25 12:50:43 +0000
committerjperkin <>2015-11-25 12:50:43 +0000
commit9f026fc529baa5b8b73fd2c6a8f42ba48af73ded (patch)
tree86eb059496354ccd274b3fd95c2821669fe397fd /graphics/x11rec
parent81aa9fa39bed3e3d857ba0c0d2a9c2060c16a212 (diff)
Remove mk/ usage from the graphics category.
The find-prefix infrastructure was required in a pkgviews world where packages installed from pkgsrc could have different installation prefixes, and this was a way for a dependency prefix to be determined. Now that pkgviews has been removed there is no longer any need for the overhead of this infrastructure. Instead we use BUILDLINK_PREFIX.pkg for dependencies pulled in via buildlink, or LOCALBASE/PREFIX where the dependency is coming from pkgsrc. Provides a reasonable performance win due to the reduction of `pkg_info -qp` calls, some of which were redundant anyway as they were duplicating the same information provided by BUILDLINK_PREFIX.pkg.
Diffstat (limited to 'graphics/x11rec')
1 files changed, 3 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/graphics/x11rec/Makefile b/graphics/x11rec/Makefile
index 0092e719c96..67611d0a579 100644
--- a/graphics/x11rec/Makefile
+++ b/graphics/x11rec/Makefile
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.21 2015/03/15 19:51:08 hiramatsu Exp $
+# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.22 2015/11/25 12:50:44 jperkin Exp $
DISTNAME= x11rec-0.3
@@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ COMMENT= Very ad hoc X11 recorder which create a movie
LICENSE= gnu-gpl-v2
DEPENDS+= gifsicle-[0-9]*:../../graphics/gifsicle
-DEPENDS+= ImageMagick-[0-9]*:../../graphics/ImageMagick
.include "../../mk/"
.if ${X11_TYPE} == "modular"
@@ -38,10 +37,6 @@ do-install:
.include "../../lang/ruby/"
- BUILDLINK_PREFIX.gifsicle=gifsicle
-.include "../../mk/"
SUBST_CLASSES+= toolpath
SUBST_STAGE.toolpath= pre-configure
SUBST_MESSAGE.toolpath= Fixing paths.
@@ -49,6 +44,7 @@ SUBST_FILES.toolpath= x11rec
SUBST_SED.toolpath= -e "s|@xwininfo@|${X11BASE}/bin/xwininfo|"
SUBST_SED.toolpath+= -e "s|@xwd@|${X11BASE}/bin/xwd|"
SUBST_SED.toolpath+= -e "s|@convert@|${BUILDLINK_PREFIX.ImageMagick}/bin/convert|"
-SUBST_SED.toolpath+= -e "s|@gifsicle@|${BUILDLINK_PREFIX.gifsicle}/bin/gifsicle|"
+SUBST_SED.toolpath+= -e "s|@gifsicle@|${LOCALBASE}/bin/gifsicle|"
+.include "../../graphics/ImageMagick/"
.include "../../mk/"