path: root/mail/imp/distinfo
diff options
authoradrianp <adrianp>2008-10-12 12:03:11 +0000
committeradrianp <adrianp>2008-10-12 12:03:11 +0000
commit51291aecaf70dd1ad93f71ec1e9d885df7f58995 (patch)
treeb2e618513a286349ba77f73f1303a44d2a0c94b5 /mail/imp/distinfo
parent18038b47243fe0840c6f174e793144758e0be87b (diff)
Update to 4.3
---- v4.3 ---- [jan] Add compose token to redirect view (bug 7383). [jan] Don't resize window if not composing messages in a popup. -------- v4.3-RC2 -------- [mms] Fix loading of print stylesheets when printing a message (bug 7310). [mjr] Fix redirect loop when conf[server][change_server] is true (bug 6978). [mms] Fix message caching and optimize storage. [mms] Fix autocomplete address positioning on IE (bug 7074). [cjh] When the selected view doesn't match the type of browser's default view (IMP or DIMP for a mobile browser, MIMP or DIMP for a desktop browser), explicitly redirect to that view and disable the frameset (bug 6332). [jan] Add support for updating exsting events and cancelled recurring event instances to iTip viewer (bug 6636). [mms] Fix uploaded compose attachment names if magic quoting is on (bug 7215). [mms] Cache results of address formatting. [jan] Show name and email address in the address book popup (Request 6937). [mms] Messages from lists can now have large quotes automatically hidden. --------------------------------- v4.3-RC1 (released as v4.2.1-RC1) --------------------------------- [mms] Fix incorrect autocomplete replacement in certain cases (bug 6819). [mms] Use optimized autocomplete javascript library. [mms] Handle ';' to delimit addresses when composing. [jan] Don't allow adding private PGP keys as public keys (bug 7080). [jan] Add Basque translation (Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea EHU/UPV <>). [mms] Search by size now displayed in KB (Request 6921). [jan] Add option to attach personal vCard to message (requires Turba 2.2.2). [jan] Fix maildir quota driver (bug 7014). [jan] Add configuration for quota message format. [mms] Maintain original header encoding on redirect (bug 7006). [cjh] Add CSRF tokens to the Compose screen (Kris Steinhoff <>). [jan] Fix adding vhost specific trailer.txt. [jan] Add more flexible placeholders to SQL quota driver. [jan] Fix passing passwords to quota drivers. [mms] Improved folder list generation (bug 6972). [cjh] Allow hiding quota messages when quota is unlimited (Thomas Jarosch <>, Request 6934). [jan] Add mailto: handler for Firefox 3+. [mms] Fix address MIME encoding issues when saving a draft (bug 6986). [cjh] Include a hint about fixing invalid From addresses in the error message (, bug 6941). [cjh] Fix overwriting $params in _imp_adminDo API call (bug 6955). [mms] Never wrap flowed lines in text/plain messages. [mms] Fix broken spellcheck when using fckeditor on Safari 3 (bug 6909). [mms] Fix unescaping URL parameters passed to popup windows (bug 6834). [jan] Fix logging of forwarded messages. [mms] Fix creation of subfolders in certain namespaces (, bug 6827). [mms] Improve search page by moving flags into search criteria section (Request 6825). [mms] If using imagemagick, allow creation of PDF thumbnails. [mms] Strip quotation marks and backslashes from displayed addresses. [mms] Fix spellcheck in HTML mode when using Xinha on IE (bug 6799). [mms] Fix rare case when spellchecking HTML input could result in the HTML tags being recognized as misspelled words. [jan] Fix parsing for Token System configuration parameters. [mms] Add ability to search by size.
Diffstat (limited to 'mail/imp/distinfo')
1 files changed, 4 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/mail/imp/distinfo b/mail/imp/distinfo
index 046cbd697e7..eef5250fb91 100644
--- a/mail/imp/distinfo
+++ b/mail/imp/distinfo
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.20 2008/05/26 12:55:02 adrianp Exp $
+$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.21 2008/10/12 12:03:12 adrianp Exp $
-SHA1 (imp-h3-4.2.tar.gz) = 7bb149100600e3638a96d4d1992149d39b9c8ab2
-RMD160 (imp-h3-4.2.tar.gz) = c3bb05f5780b6fda1db171ddb3da3e461e546cb8
-Size (imp-h3-4.2.tar.gz) = 5042955 bytes
+SHA1 (imp-h3-4.3.tar.gz) = 6790b0fbba81d59453b64fd330d83e002fc17196
+RMD160 (imp-h3-4.3.tar.gz) = b2c5d949747ebda4d2607ea0c370211d66c90df3
+Size (imp-h3-4.3.tar.gz) = 5237421 bytes