path: root/math
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authorasau <asau>2012-05-29 13:23:49 +0000
committerasau <asau>2012-05-29 13:23:49 +0000
commit2adc12f872447e43b71b96ac337a200e217d77ff (patch)
tree7f7d4d3ed5639b436beadfd07b6b8d2507166cf9 /math
parentf699057f0c52c3fe612bd233d174f52d81dedfd3 (diff)
Update to Mathomatic 15.8.5
CHANGES MADE TO MATHOMATIC 15.8.4 TO BRING IT UP TO THE NEXT VERSION: General cleanup. 05/11/12 - Renamed fact(x) function to factorial(x), because Maxima uses the function "factorial(x)" and no one uses "fact(x)". Added factorial(x) as a standard function in rmath. Removed binary operator name "mod" from rmath, due to having a different meaning in conventional mathematics. It previously meant the % operator, which is a programming language construct and not math. 05/14/12 - Improved user interface of divide command. 05/16/12 - Improved introduction to Mathomatic in "doc/manual.html". 05/17/12 - Made more use of C function !isfinite(double) for better reliability. Checks for infinity and NaN on user input. 05/18/12 - Solve verify now quick simplifies the solve result, so you don't have to. This will result in better verification and less chance of oversized expressions. 05/20/12 - Fixed solving bug where it was throwing away absolute values. Improved the way Mathomatic looks. 05/21/12 - examples/limits.c is now a highly polished program, LGPL licensed. Compile with "./compile.limits". Tells the integer and float C data types, with sizes, characteristics, and verification for the current C compiler (cc). Display total number of unique solutions stored with "simplify sign". Fixed several errors in the simplify command documentation in the Mathomatic Command Reference. 05/22/12 - Fixed simplify command to simplify (x^2 - 1)^4/(x + 1)^2 properly, by factoring repeated factor polynomials at the very end. Fixed bug in divide command, wasn't calculating the polynomial GCD sometimes, etc, because input was not being expanded. Broken on 12/14/11, fixed today. 05/23/12 - Fixed limit command to return the original expression when the limit variable is not found or the expression contains no variables. A warning is given, telling that this is the case. Thanks to Parag Magunia for indicating that this was a bug. Previously these cases only returned with an error message. "tests/" limit command regression tests checked and re-added to the main tests. All still works the same as when these limit command regression tests were removed long ago. 05/24/12 - Cleanup, and remove "examples/c", replaced with "examples/compile.limits" and "examples/compile.roots". Mathomatic version 15.8.5 released Friday 05/25/12. CHANGES MADE TO MATHOMATIC 15.8.3 TO BRING IT UP TO THE NEXT VERSION: The version command now displays the last main prompt return value, and the number of allocated equation spaces. 04/29/12 - Added simplifying trig identities to the tests. Discovered "solve 0" doesn't work anymore, use "solve for 0" instead. "solve 0" will be fixed and enhanced shortly. 04/30/12 - "solve 0" and "solve verify 0" work now. "solve verify 0" will solve for zero and tell you if the equation is an identity or not, while "solve 0" simply solves the current equation for zero. "solve all verify 0" will verify that all entered equations are identities. With the roots command, the "Inverse check" value is not displayed unless debugging is enabled now. The iterative calculate command mode now always tells the number of completed feedback iterations. It was not apparent before. Documented and ignore pause command with demo mode now, instead of html mode. Demo mode is specified with -d, html mode with -x. 05/02/12 - Mathomatic now proudly displays when verifying a solve operation. Too many UI improvements to mention, all relatively minor. 05/03/12 - Added "copy select" option to the copy command, which selects the first created copy, making it the current equation, rather than not updating the current equation. 05/04/12 - Ran valgrind on the symbolic math library executable testmain, after running all the tests, no memory leaks were found at all! I was surprised! Now I get to pat myself on the back! I will make another release soon. 05/05/12 - "display simple" is now allowed, in addition to "display mixed", to display simple or mixed fractions as desired, regardless of the default. "set finance" option removed, replace with "set fixed" option. Works similarly, except now you can do "set fixed_point=0" to have integer-only output. "set no fixed" or "set fixed -1" turns off fixed-point mode, returning you to true floating-point mode. 05/06/12 - Added more integer factoring debugging code. It's a shame that Mathomatic only does double precision floating point arithmetic. Made "set no autodelete" the default. Numeric expressions will not be deleted. "set auto" leaves "autodelete" alone now. 05/07/12 - real and imaginary commands now append "_real" or "_imag" to the solved for variable name now, if a solved equation. This is for clarification and ease of use. 05/08/12 - Improved "misc/limits.c" and added GNU LGPL license preamble. Later moved to directory examples. -d demo mode now allows using the calculate command without prompting for the values of any of the variables. This is so the calculate command can be used with the online versions of Mathomatic. 05/09/12 - Moved all worthy example source code from directory misc to directory examples, so they can be included in the binary distributions. Moved and now available are limits.c, roots.c, and testprimes. Improved/shortened the eliminate command messages and made the "using" syntax consistent. Need "set debug -2" to suppress everything now, including warnings. "set debug -1" only suppresses helpful messages now, warnings will get through. Warnings are usually rather important. Mathomatic version 15.8.4 released Thursday 05/10/12. CHANGES MADE TO MATHOMATIC 15.8.2 TO BRING IT UP TO THE NEXT VERSION: Code cleanup. 03/27/12 - Added simplification of "tests/" and "tests/" to the regression tests. 04/02/12 - Added ability to create all non-re-entrant code, so that the Apple app store won't complain. The line containing "_REENTRANT" in "includes.h" has been commented out, so nothing special needs to be done, when compiling for iOS. 04/07/12 - Added ability to make help command text paragraphs all one long line, instead of always expecting an 80 column or higher display. Useful for 40 column displays for example, as long as the display wraps at 40 columns, the output should look OK. Better than it did, anyways. Tables and such are preserved. See the beginning of "help.c". 04/10/12 - Fixed bug failing to run gnuplot with Mathomatic compiled with MINGW. This only affects the MS-Windows version. So if you have downloaded gnuplot under MS-Windows, the plot command should work the same as in all other operating systems, now. Be sure and name it gnuplot.exe and have it in an executable directory in your PATH. This fixed bug is thanks to Tom Sturgeon for bringing this error to my attention. This gnuplot fix will be included in the next release, version 15.8.3, and is now in the development version. The problem was caused by differences between the Unix echo command and the Windows echo command. 04/12/12 - Comparing expressions with the compare command will now tell if one expression is the negation (times -1) of the other. 04/22/12 - Added the HTML tidy command after rman, so that the HTML errors created by rman are all fixed. Added and documented matho_clear(3) to Symbolic Math Library, replaces clear_all(). Simply rename all occurrences of clear_all() in your code that uses the library with matho_clear(). 04/23/12 - Improved debugging code and error messages. 04/25/12 - The previous autocalc result is erased every time autocalc is used, unless "set no autodelete" was done. This is done in case you would like to keep every calculation you made stored in an equation space. The default is the previous behavior: "set autodelete", which only keeps one numerical calculation in memory. "autodelete" only means something when "autocalc" is on, and since the library has no calculate command, this is not available in the symbolic math library. 04/27/12 - Cleanup of equation space selecting, shelling out with !, etc. In the Mathomatic application, everything is now flushed before user input (with fflush(NULL)). fflush(NULL) is not used at all anymore in the symbolic math library. Mathomatic version 15.8.3 released Saturday 04/28/12. CHANGES MADE TO MATHOMATIC 15.8.1 TO BRING IT UP TO THE NEXT VERSION: Change of 12/18/11 partially undone. Preventing power collecting of absolute values doesn't seem necessary anymore, some other change done recently must have fixed it. Now power collecting is always done when requested, fixing a substantial simplification regression that began on 12/18/11. 03/13/12 - Small fix to main makefile. "mandir" and "docdir" no longer depend on "datadir". 03/14/12 - Small fix to simplification. Any absolute value (such as |x*y| = ((x*y)^2)^.5) is now not ever power expanded (to (x^2)^.5*(y^2)^.5 or (x*x*y*y)^.5), so some results are simpler, like simplifying |x^2-x|. 03/23/12 - A change to the matho script makes GNU m4 no longer quiet about any warnings or errors, when running m4 Mathomatic. Mathomatic version 15.8.2 released Saturday 03/24/12.
Diffstat (limited to 'math')
3 files changed, 14 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/math/mathomatic/Makefile b/math/mathomatic/Makefile
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--- a/math/mathomatic/Makefile
+++ b/math/mathomatic/Makefile
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.95 2012/03/18 17:34:16 asau Exp $
+# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.96 2012/05/29 13:23:49 asau Exp $
-DISTNAME= mathomatic-15.8.1
+DISTNAME= mathomatic-15.8.5
EXTRACT_SUFX= .tar.bz2
diff --git a/math/mathomatic/PLIST b/math/mathomatic/PLIST
index babade48a3c..fef9d40d100 100644
--- a/math/mathomatic/PLIST
+++ b/math/mathomatic/PLIST
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-@comment $NetBSD: PLIST,v 1.16 2012/02/23 07:57:55 asau Exp $
+@comment $NetBSD: PLIST,v 1.17 2012/05/29 13:23:49 asau Exp $
@@ -7,10 +7,15 @@ share/doc/mathomatic/NEWS
@@ -59,6 +64,7 @@ share/doc/mathomatic/tests/
@@ -76,5 +82,6 @@ share/doc/mathomatic/tests/
diff --git a/math/mathomatic/distinfo b/math/mathomatic/distinfo
index 4dd1b3e6460..97b32b932c4 100644
--- a/math/mathomatic/distinfo
+++ b/math/mathomatic/distinfo
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.84 2012/03/18 17:34:16 asau Exp $
+$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.85 2012/05/29 13:23:49 asau Exp $
-SHA1 (mathomatic-15.8.1.tar.bz2) = f992b10d982bad14d6b3e8befa0c457a2eaf7e9a
-RMD160 (mathomatic-15.8.1.tar.bz2) = cc4f883e7fed4f9d49730efab2a488d867ed22a4
-Size (mathomatic-15.8.1.tar.bz2) = 259076 bytes
+SHA1 (mathomatic-15.8.5.tar.bz2) = 6329e0f84381ccf3c93e0bd4ba3cd49e26b784d1
+RMD160 (mathomatic-15.8.5.tar.bz2) = 003c6748e39636ceb4be1a6523f3d8f506feae02
+Size (mathomatic-15.8.5.tar.bz2) = 270607 bytes