path: root/misc/openoffice2/patches/patch-ak
diff options
authorhira <hira>2008-04-07 16:24:51 +0000
committerhira <hira>2008-04-07 16:24:51 +0000
commit3216e56a7a76d17db700d815f8632b35a28dd316 (patch)
tree01479c6421207a3a18fe686f750453ed02e8e184 /misc/openoffice2/patches/patch-ak
parente46f967542dc4891c733314509c3f1ae66df281f (diff)
Update to 2.4.0.
New features: General * Connect to WebDAV servers via HTTPS * Custom icons for toolbars are imported * Control password-storing with a master password * Warning if document is from a newer ODF * PDF documents: relative links, document references, PDF/A-1 (ISO 19005-1) supported, and cross-document link behavior options * Mac OS X: Quicktime support for movies and sound / use the built in spell checker * Print dialog improvements in usability * Edit boxes: warning at limit of characters * DejaVu font is now default instead of BitStream Vera Localisation * Entries for 10 languages added Base / DBA * Improved rendering of numeric(n) data from JDBC and Oracle * Easier choice of table name in "Copy table" * Editing of views in HSQLDB * Query designer for all properties which allow SQL command * Query designer in SQL view * Relation design accessible for MySQL databases * Setting to check for required fields on forms * Support for Access 2007 (.accdb files) Calc * Convert text to columns: with this feature CSV data inside cells can be transformed into columns directly * Columns and rows in spreadsheet can be moved with drag and drop * Enter key returns to the column where the input started, one row below * Formula input: "+" and "-" can also be used to start * Individual zoom level per sheet * AutoFilter: choices clearer grouped and based on result of filtering in other columns * DataPilot: Manual Sorting / Double-click in DataPilot cell provides calculation data of that cell * Performance improvement with functions VLOOKUP and MATCH * Print dialog for Calc easier to use * PageUp and PageDown keys work in print preview * Sheet names in cell-hyperlinks: renamed properly Chart * Regression curves: The equation of trend lines and the R^2 value now can be displayed * Reverse axes possible * Bars on different axes displayed next to each other * Data labels: Number format * Data point label: display both value and percentage * Data label: display each part in a separate line * Data labels: more flexible placement of labels * Labels on pie segments: avoiding overlapping * Data point label: can be removed with delete key Draw * Navigation (tab) order of page objects * PDF export: page names as bookmark * Reduce complexity: no longer necessary display options removed Impress * Navigation (tab) order of page objects * Thrilling 3D effects in slide transitions * Export slide names as PDF bookmarks * Easier to insert background picture Writer * Selecting rectangular region of text * Find and Replace: backward references in regular expressions * Spell checking: easier selecting of the language * Insert&Insert Object toolbar redesign - Writer * Printing of hidden text can be turned on * Printing text place holders can be turned off * Shortcuts added for paragraph style Heading 4, Heading 5 and Textbody * Ctrl-click behaviour for hyperlinks can be changed * Custom document properties: Text fields and UI support Extensions/ programmability / API * Extensible Help System for extensions * Extensions can have a separate display name * Extensions: support of web based update * Extensions: additional information about the publisher and release notes * Extensions: check for updates * Dialogs can have a wallpaper set * Transparent background for controls * Remote control presentations via API * API: get selected table(s) or query(s) in the main Base window Please see the following URL for more information.
Diffstat (limited to 'misc/openoffice2/patches/patch-ak')
1 files changed, 34 insertions, 36 deletions
diff --git a/misc/openoffice2/patches/patch-ak b/misc/openoffice2/patches/patch-ak
index b03e965a5b2..e86ee4787b5 100644
--- a/misc/openoffice2/patches/patch-ak
+++ b/misc/openoffice2/patches/patch-ak
@@ -1,40 +1,40 @@
-$NetBSD: patch-ak,v 1.6 2007/10/12 15:41:43 hira Exp $
+$NetBSD: patch-ak,v 1.7 2008/04/07 16:24:51 hira Exp $
---- config_office/ 2007-08-03 13:09:48.000000000 +0000
-+++ config_office/ 2007-10-12 01:59:21.000000000 +0000
-@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
- #--------------------------------------------------------
+--- config_office/ 2008-01-24 02:07:28.000000000 +0900
++++ config_office/ 2008-04-07 17:46:40.000000000 +0900
+@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
- my ( $outfile, $outfile_sh, $outfile_bat, $bootfile, $newline, $comment, $comment4nt, $compiler, $unsetenv, $setenv, $unset, $set, $ds, $ps, $cur_dir,
-- $par_dir, $I, $L, $D, $buildenv, $answer, $tmp, $MINGW, $USE_MINGW, $platform,
-+ $par_dir, $I, $L, $R, $D, $buildenv, $answer, $tmp, $MINGW, $USE_MINGW, $platform,
+ my ( $outfile, $outfile_sh, $outfile_bat, $bootfile, $newline, $comment,
+ $comment4nt, $compiler, $unsetenv, $setenv, $unset, $set, $ds, $ps,
+- $wps, $wps2, $cur_dir, $par_dir, $I, $L, $D, $buildenv, $answer, $tmp, $MINGW,
++ $wps, $wps2, $cur_dir, $par_dir, $I, $L, $R, $D, $buildenv, $answer, $tmp, $MINGW,
+ $USE_MINGW, $platform, $NOWRAPCMD,
$cygwinver, $empty, $no_ant, $no_stl, $no_gcc_include,
$no_gxx_include, $warnfile, $Warning, $result, $unsetvars, $unsetvarssh, $unsetvarsbat, $exportvars, $win_format_var, $perl_os, @mingw_lib_include_paths, $mingw_lib_include_path);
- #
-@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@
+@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@
# IId. Declaring the aliases.
-@@ -111,6 +111,7 @@
+@@ -132,6 +132,7 @@
$par_dir = ".."; # parrent directory
$I = " -I"; # include search path
$L = " -L"; # library search path
-+$R = " -R"; # library runtime path
++$R = " -R"; # library search path
$D = " -D"; # define search path
$empty = ""; # used as argument
$no_stl = "NO_STLPORT4"; # possible argument
-@@ -271,6 +272,16 @@
+@@ -284,6 +285,16 @@
$JRETOOLKITDIR = '$JAVA_HOME'.$ds."jre".$ds."lib".$ds."i386".$ds."client";
$JRETHREADDIR = '$JAVA_HOME'.$ds."jre".$ds."lib".$ds."i386".$ds."native_threads";
+ elsif ($platform =~ m/^x86_64/)
+ { print "Setting NetBSD x86-64 specific values... ";
-+ $outfile = "NetBSDX86-64Env.Set";
++ $outfile = "NetBSDX86-64Env.Set";
+ $CPU = "X";
+ $CPUNAME = "X86_64";
+ $OUTPATH = "unxbsdx";
@@ -45,13 +45,12 @@ $NetBSD: patch-ak,v 1.6 2007/10/12 15:41:43 hira Exp $
elsif ($platform =~ m/^sparc/)
{ print "Setting NetBSD Sparc specific values... ";
$outfile = "NetBSDSparcEnv.Set";
-@@ -296,8 +307,14 @@
- exit 1;
+@@ -310,7 +321,14 @@
#Conditional setting depending on gcc3:
-- $CVER = "C300";
+ $CVER = "C300";
-+ if( @GCCVER@ >= 30401 ) {
++ if (@GCCVER@ >= 30401) {
+ $CVER = "C341";
+ }
@@ -62,7 +61,7 @@ $NetBSD: patch-ak,v 1.6 2007/10/12 15:41:43 hira Exp $
# General NetBSD settings:
$COM = "GCC";
-@@ -1243,7 +1260,8 @@
+@@ -1387,7 +1405,8 @@
@@ -72,28 +71,27 @@ $NetBSD: patch-ak,v 1.6 2007/10/12 15:41:43 hira Exp $
elsif ($platform =~ m/linux-gnu|netbasd|osf1|irix|aix|freebsd/)
{ $SOLARLIB = $L.$par_dir.$LIB.
-@@ -1400,6 +1418,7 @@
- if ($SYSTEM_PYTHON eq "NO")
- {
-+ $PYTHON = python
- $PYTHONPATH = '.'.$ps.'$SOLARVER'.$ds.'$INPATH'.$ds.'lib'.$ps.'$SOLARVER'.$ds.'$INPATH'.$ds.'lib'.$ds.'python'.$ps.'$SOLARVER'.$ds.'$INPATH'.$ds.'lib'.$ds.'python'.$ds.'lib-dynload'.$ps.'$SOLARVER'.$ds.'$INPATH'.$ds.'lib'.$ds.'pyuno'.$ps.'$SOLARVER'.$ds.'$INPATH'.$ds.'bin'.$ds.'pyuno';
+@@ -1548,6 +1567,7 @@
-@@ -1539,6 +1558,8 @@
+ if ($SYSTEM_PYTHON eq "NO") {
++ $PYTHON = python
+ $PYTHONPATH = '.'.$wps.$SOLARVER.$ds.$INPATH.$ds.'lib'.$wps.$SOLARVER.$ds.$INPATH.$ds.'lib'.$ds.'python'.$wps.$SOLARVER.$ds.$INPATH.$ds.'lib'.$ds.'python'.$ds.'lib-dynload'.$wps.$SOLARVER.$ds.$INPATH.$ds.'lib'.$ds.'pyuno'.$wps.$SOLARVER.$ds.$INPATH.$ds.'bin'.$ds.'pyuno';
+ if ($GUIBASE eq "WIN") {
+@@ -1693,6 +1713,7 @@
ToFile( "JITC_PROCESSOR_TYPE","6", "e" );
-+# Should be renamed?
+ToFile( "X11_LDFLAGS", "@X_LIBS@", "e" );
ToFile( "ENABLE_GTK", "@ENABLE_GTK@", "e" );
ToFile( "GTK_CFLAGS", "@GTK_CFLAGS@", "e" );
ToFile( "GTK_LIBS", "@GTK_LIBS@", "e" );
-@@ -1785,6 +1806,7 @@
- ToFile( "PKGFORMAT", "@PKGFORMAT@", "e" );
- ToFile( "SYSTEM_ZLIB", "@SYSTEM_ZLIB@", "e" );
-+ToFile( "PYTHON", "@PYTHON@", "e" );
+@@ -1967,6 +1988,7 @@
+ ToFile( "OPENSSL_LIBS", "@OPENSSL_LIBS@", "e" );
++ToFile( "PYTHON", "@PYTHON@", "e" );
ToFile( "PYTHON_LIBS", "@PYTHON_LIBS@", "e" );
+ if ($SYSTEM_PYTHON eq "NO") {