path: root/misc
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authorasau <>2010-05-18 09:24:43 +0000
committerasau <>2010-05-18 09:24:43 +0000
commite045b82e51bbfd12c09c9bb46285495de751f092 (patch)
treec9afffb78fbbb19941ad4df18fb616d41e25330b /misc
parent5ccf7781140893885b4832604012033b97b60ecb (diff)
Update to YAP-6.0.5
Changes in Yap-6.0.5: - Very large programs: indexing very large DBs requires very large intermediate data-structures. malloc is changed to avoid memory fragmentation. - Heap data-structures: there was some confusion about what should be going through save/restore and atom-gc, and what is local to a run. Fixed that by two files describing the two types: global variables and code-space data structures. - SWI emulation cleanup: some builti-ins (like predsort/3, plus/3) are now in YAP proper, the file was cleaned up and made to rely more on Changes in Yap-6.0.4: Overhaul/cleanup of the attributed variable and coroutining code: - attributed variables now don't have a separate stack; instead, they are allocated as global variables. - Prolog code for attributed variables cleaned up: layers now are engine, hprolog/SWI attvars, freeze and SICStus emulation libraries Changes in Yap-6.0.3: 6.0.3 is another bug fix release: - a bug in indexing large integers - a choice-point left over in consulting - fix error handling in comparisons - garbage collection of functor/3 could sometimes break - fixes to chr port - exec_prefix - bad error reporting in some arithmetic conditions - erf function - win32 install fixes - operators need to be exported in module list, some weren't. - tabling stuff Changes in Yap-6.0.2: This is a bug fix release: - fix current_op/3 in WIN32 (P Moura) - fix nb_current/2 (J Santos) and add SWI user:exception/3 (Bernd and Jose), add fix to nb_ in distributed ProbLog. - fix goal_expansion - fix clp(fd) all_distinct/1 and circuit/1 (M Triska) - fix seekable file detection in WIN32 - add yap.pdf and yap.html to win32 bundle (M Ferreira). - check for badly typed calls to load_files and friends. - threads: fix bad locking while spying (P Moura). Changes in Yap-6.0.1: - engine improvements; - many bug fixes; - new implementation of arithmetic; - better ISO compatibility; - improvements in tabling; - SWI-compatibility, YAP now includes support for most of the SWI foreign interface, and many built-ins, ports of SWI packages include jpl, chr, clpfd, clpr, sgml, prolog_xref, swi-minisat interface, and plunit; - yap-6 also includes a really cool new language called ProbLog. Changes in Yap-5.1.4: - FIXED: bad locking in p_signal (obs from Paulo Moura). - FIXED: DESTDIR and chr. - FIXED: make term_variables a builtin. (SWI compatibility). - NEW: X is random(Int) (SWI compatibility). - NEW: seletchk/3. - FIXED: do meta-expansion from undefp. - FIXED: handle correctly flatten([_,[_]],L). - FIXED: bad syntax in config.h (patch from Keri Harris). - NEW: format over atom/1. - FIXED: clean up apply_macros in swi mode. - FIXED: clean up meta-expansion. - FIXED: do meta-expansion from undefined call. - NEW: selectchk/3, nth1/3 and nth1/4. - FIXED: YapOpcodes has wrong formats (obs from Bart Demoen). - FIXED: improve format message (obs from Bart Demoen). - NEW: more versions of maplist (obs from Bart Demoen). - FIXED: use import mechanism for SWI's flatten/2 (obs from Bart Demoen). - FIXED: steps towards typed rbtrees plus some cases where one should not copy the null node (Tom Schrijvers and Bart Demoen). - FIXED: map_tree in trees library (Bart Demoen). - FIXED: bad call to splay_tree (Bart Demoen). - FIXED: bad type for write_x_var in add_info (Bart Demoen). - FIXED: exec/3 should flush streams. - FIXED: load_files/2 compilation_mode to allow :- source and replace compile by compact. - FIXED: list_concat/2 (fix from Bart Demoen). - NEW: dgraph_reachable/3 and friends.
Diffstat (limited to 'misc')
0 files changed, 0 insertions, 0 deletions