path: root/net
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authorjoerg <>2009-06-22 11:50:25 +0000
committerjoerg <>2009-06-22 11:50:25 +0000
commitfb317850cfc52a5fc8fb4723aff5112bd1c7525f (patch)
tree9cc77e4ba121169b882a526f60004ebc6742f4a5 /net
parentee46538100776e6176ae45a05e719818f2536cfd (diff)
Regen cat page. Helps Solaris.
Diffstat (limited to 'net')
1 files changed, 176 insertions, 484 deletions
diff --git a/net/libfetch/files/fetch.cat3 b/net/libfetch/files/fetch.cat3
index 8057a34e717..90556f69839 100644
--- a/net/libfetch/files/fetch.cat3
+++ b/net/libfetch/files/fetch.cat3
@@ -1,506 +1,198 @@
-FETCH(3) NetBSD Library Functions Manual FETCH(3)
+These functions implement a high-level library for retrieving and
+uploading files using Uniform Resource Locators (URLs). takes a
+URL in the form of a null-terminated string and splits it into
+its components function according to the Common Internet Scheme
+Syntax detailed in RFC 1738. A regular expression which produces
+this syntax is: scheme:(//(user(:pwd)?@)?host(:port)?)?/(docu-
+ment)? If the URL does not seem to begin with a scheme name, it
+is assumed to be a local path. Only absolute path names are ac-
+cepted. Note that some components of the URL are not necessarily
+relevant to all URL schemes. For instance, the file scheme only
+needs the and components. quotes any unsafe character in the URL
+automatically. This is not done by copies an existing structure.
+and return a pointer to a structure, which is defined as follows
+in #define URL_SCHEMELEN 16 #define URL_USERLEN 256 #define
+URL_PWDLEN 256 #define URL_HOSTLEN 255
+struct url {
+ char scheme[URL_SCHEMELEN + 1];
+ char user[URL_USERLEN + 1];
+ char pwd[URL_PWDLEN + 1];
+ char host[URL_HOSTLEN + 1];
+ int port;
+ char *doc;
+ off_t offset;
+ size_t length;
+ time_t last_modified; }; The pointer returned by and
+should be freed using The size of is not part of the ABI. and
+constitute the recommended interface to the library. They exam-
+ine the URL passed to them to determine the transfer method, and
+call the appropriate lower-level functions to perform the actual
+transfer. also returns the remote document's metadata in the
+structure pointed to by the argument. The argument is a string
+of characters which specify transfer options. The meaning of the
+individual flags is scheme-dependent, and is detailed in the ap-
+propriate section below. attempts to obtain the requested docu-
+ment's metadata and fill in the structure pointed to by its sec-
+ond argument. The structure is defined as follows in struct
+url_stat {
+ off_t size;
+ time_t atime;
+ time_t mtime; }; If the size could not be obtained from
+the server, the field is set to -1. If the modification time
+could not be obtained from the server, the field is set to the
+epoch. If the access time could not be obtained from the server,
+the field is set to the modification time. attempts to list the
+contents of the directory pointed to by the URL provided. The
+pattern can be a simple glob-like expression as hint. Callers
+should not depend on the server to filter names. If successful,
+it appends the list of entries to the structure. The structure
+is defined as follows in struct url_list {
+ size_t length;
+ size_t alloc_size;
+ struct url *urls; }; The list should be initialized by call-
+ing and the entries be freed by calling returns the URL as
+string. returns the path name part of the URL with any quoting
+undone. Query arguments and fragment identifiers are not includ-
+ed. returns the last component of the path name as returned by
+and return a string that should be deallocated with after use.
+and are similar to and except that they expect a pre-parsed URL
+in the form of a pointer to a rather than a string. All of the
+and functions return a pointer to a stream which can be used to
+read or write data from or to the requested document, respective-
+ly. Note that although the implementation details of the indi-
+vidual access methods vary, it can generally be assumed that a
+stream returned by one of the or functions is read-only, and that
+a stream returned by one of the functions is write-only. If the
+(if-modified-since) flag is specified, the library will try to
+fetch the content only if it is newer than For HTTP an HTTP head-
+er is sent. For FTP a command is sent first and compared local-
+ly. For FILE the source file is compared. and provide access to
+documents which are files in a locally mounted file system. Only
+the component of the URL is used. and do not accept any flags.
+accepts the (append to file) flag. If that flag is specified,
+the data written to the stream returned by will be appended to
+the previous contents of the file, instead of replacing them.
+and implement the FTP protocol as described in RFC 959. By de-
+fault will attempt to use passive mode first and only fallback to
+active mode if the server reports a syntax error. If the (ac-
+tive) flag is specified, a passive connection is not tried and
+active mode is used directly. If the (low) flag is specified,
+data sockets will be allocated in the low (or default) port range
+instead of the high port range (see If the (direct) flag is spec-
+ified, and will use a direct connection even if a proxy server is
+defined. If no user name or password is given, the library will
+attempt an anonymous login, with user name "anonymous" and pass-
+word "anonymous@hostname". The and functions implement the
+HTTP/1.1 protocol. With a little luck, there is even a chance
+that they comply with RFC 2616 and RFC 2617. If the (direct)
+flag is specified, and will use a direct connection even if a
+proxy server is defined. Since there seems to be no good way of
+implementing the HTTP PUT method in a manner consistent with the
+rest of the library, is currently unimplemented. Apart from set-
+ting the appropriate environment variables and specifying the us-
+er name and password in the URL or the the calling program has
+the option of defining an authentication function with the fol-
+lowing prototype: The callback function should fill in the and
+fields in the provided and return 0 on success, or any other val-
+ue to indicate failure. To register the authentication callback,
+simply set to point at it. The callback will be used whenever a
+site requires authentication and the appropriate environment
+variables are not set. This interface is experimental and may be
+subject to change. returns a pointer to a containing the indi-
+vidual components of the URL. If it is unable to allocate memo-
+ry, or the URL is syntactically incorrect, returns a pointer.
+The functions return 0 on success and -1 on failure. All other
+functions return a stream pointer which may be used to access the
+requested document, or if an error occurred. The following error
+codes are defined in Operation aborted Authentication failed Ser-
+vice unavailable File exists File system full Informational re-
+sponse Insufficient memory File has moved Network error No error
+Protocol error Resolver error Server error Temporary error Opera-
+tion timed out File is not available Unknown error Invalid URL
+The accompanying error message includes a protocol-specific error
+code and message, e.g. "File is not available (404 Not Found)"
+Specifies a host name or IP address to which sockets used for
+outgoing connections will be bound. Default FTP login if none
+was provided in the URL. If set to anything but forces the FTP
+code to use passive mode. Default FTP password if the remote
+server requests one and none was provided in the URL. URL of the
+proxy to use for FTP requests. The document part is ignored.
+FTP and HTTP proxies are supported; if no scheme is specified,
+FTP is assumed. If the proxy is an FTP proxy, will send as user
+name to the proxy, where is the real user name, and is the name
+of the FTP server. If this variable is set to an empty string,
+no proxy will be used for FTP requests, even if the variable is
+set. Same as for compatibility. Specifies HTTP authorization
+parameters as a colon-separated list of items. The first and
+second item are the authorization scheme and realm respectively;
+further items are scheme-dependent. Currently, only basic autho-
+rization is supported. Basic authorization requires two parame-
+ters: the user name and password, in that order. This variable
+is only used if the server requires authorization and no user
+name or password was specified in the URL. URL of the proxy to
+use for HTTP requests. The document part is ignored. Only HTTP
+proxies are supported for HTTP requests. If no port number is
+specified, the default is 3128. Note that this proxy will also
+be used for FTP documents, unless the variable is set. Same as
+for compatibility. Specifies authorization parameters for the
+HTTP proxy in the same format as the variable. This variable is
+used if and only if connected to an HTTP proxy, and is ignored if
+a user and/or a password were specified in the proxy URL. Speci-
+fies the referrer URL to use for HTTP requests. If set to the
+document URL will be used as referrer URL. Specifies the User-
+Agent string to use for HTTP requests. This can be useful when
+working with HTTP origin or proxy servers that differentiate be-
+tween user agents. Specifies a file to use instead of to look up
+login names and passwords for FTP sites. See for a description
+of the file format. This feature is experimental. Either a sin-
+gle asterisk, which disables the use of proxies altogether, or a
+comma- or whitespace-separated list of hosts for which proxies
+should not be used. Same as for compatibility. To access a
+proxy server on port 8080, set the environment variable in a man-
+ner similar to this: If the proxy server requires authentication,
+there are two options available for passing the authentication
+data. The first method is by using the proxy URL: The second
+method is by using the environment variable:
+sic:*:user:pwd To disable the use of a proxy for an HTTP server
+running on the local host, define as follows: NO_PROXY=local-
+host, The library first appeared in The library was
+mostly written by with numerous suggestions from and other devel-
+opers. It replaces the older library written by and This manual
+page was written by Some parts of the library are not yet imple-
+mented. The most notable examples of this are and FTP proxy sup-
+port. There is no way to select a proxy at run-time other than
+setting the or environment variables as appropriate. does not
+understand or obey 305 (Use Proxy) replies. Error numbers are
+unique only within a certain context; the error codes used for
+FTP and HTTP overlap, as do those used for resolver and system
+errors. For instance, error code 202 means "Command not imple-
+mented, superfluous at this site" in an FTP context and "Accept-
+ed" in an HTTP context. does not check that the result of an
+MDTM command is a valid date. The man page is incomplete, poorly
+written and produces badly formatted text. The error reporting
+mechanism is unsatisfactory. Some parts of the code are not ful-
+ly reentrant.
- ffeettcchhMMaakkeeUURRLL, ffeettcchhPPaarrsseeUURRLL, ffeettcchhCCooppyyUURRLL, ffeettcchhFFrreeeeUURRLL, ffeettcchhXXGGeettUURRLL,
- ffeettcchhGGeettUURRLL, ffeettcchhPPuuttUURRLL, ffeettcchhSSttaattUURRLL, ffeettcchhLLiissttUURRLL, ffeettcchhXXGGeett,
- ffeettcchhGGeett, ffeettcchhPPuutt, ffeettcchhSSttaatt, ffeettcchhLLiisstt, ffeettcchhXXGGeettFFiillee, ffeettcchhGGeettFFiillee,
- ffeettcchhPPuuttFFiillee, ffeettcchhSSttaattFFiillee, ffeettcchhLLiissttFFiillee, ffeettcchhXXGGeettHHTTTTPP, ffeettcchhGGeettHHTTTTPP,
- ffeettcchhPPuuttHHTTTTPP, ffeettcchhSSttaattHHTTTTPP, ffeettcchhLLiissttHHTTTTPP, ffeettcchhXXGGeettFFTTPP, ffeettcchhGGeettFFTTPP,
- ffeettcchhPPuuttFFTTPP, ffeettcchhSSttaattFFTTPP, ffeettcchhLLiissttFFTTPP ffeettcchhIInniittUURRLLLLiisstt,
- ffeettcchhFFrreeeeUURRLLLLiisstt, ffeettcchhUUnnqquuootteePPaatthh, ffeettcchhUUnnqquuootteeFFiilleennaammee,
- ffeettcchhSSttrriinnggiiffyyUURRLL, ffeettcchh -- file transfer functions
- library ``libfetch''
- ##iinncclluuddee <<ssttddiioo..hh>>
- ##iinncclluuddee <<ffeettcchh..hh>>
- _s_t_r_u_c_t _u_r_l _*
- ffeettcchhMMaakkeeUURRLL(_c_o_n_s_t _c_h_a_r _*_s_c_h_e_m_e, _c_o_n_s_t _c_h_a_r _*_h_o_s_t, _i_n_t _p_o_r_t,
- _c_o_n_s_t _c_h_a_r _*_d_o_c, _c_o_n_s_t _c_h_a_r _*_u_s_e_r, _c_o_n_s_t _c_h_a_r _*_p_w_d);
- _s_t_r_u_c_t _u_r_l _*
- ffeettcchhPPaarrsseeUURRLL(_c_o_n_s_t _c_h_a_r _*_U_R_L);
- _s_t_r_u_c_t _u_r_l _*
- ffeettcchhCCooppyyUURRLL(_c_o_n_s_t _s_t_r_u_c_t _u_r_l _*_u);
- _v_o_i_d
- ffeettcchhFFrreeeeUURRLL(_s_t_r_u_c_t _u_r_l _*_u);
- _f_e_t_c_h_I_O _*
- ffeettcchhXXGGeettUURRLL(_c_o_n_s_t _c_h_a_r _*_U_R_L, _s_t_r_u_c_t _u_r_l___s_t_a_t _*_u_s, _c_o_n_s_t _c_h_a_r _*_f_l_a_g_s);
- _f_e_t_c_h_I_O _*
- ffeettcchhGGeettUURRLL(_c_o_n_s_t _c_h_a_r _*_U_R_L, _c_o_n_s_t _c_h_a_r _*_f_l_a_g_s);
- _f_e_t_c_h_I_O _*
- ffeettcchhPPuuttUURRLL(_c_o_n_s_t _c_h_a_r _*_U_R_L, _c_o_n_s_t _c_h_a_r _*_f_l_a_g_s);
- _i_n_t
- ffeettcchhSSttaattUURRLL(_c_o_n_s_t _c_h_a_r _*_U_R_L, _s_t_r_u_c_t _u_r_l___s_t_a_t _*_u_s, _c_o_n_s_t _c_h_a_r _*_f_l_a_g_s);
- _i_n_t
- ffeettcchhLLiissttUURRLL(_s_t_r_u_c_t _u_r_l___l_i_s_t _*_l_i_s_t, _c_o_n_s_t _c_h_a_r _*_U_R_L, _c_o_n_s_t _c_h_a_r _*_f_l_a_g_s);
- _f_e_t_c_h_I_O _*
- ffeettcchhXXGGeett(_s_t_r_u_c_t _u_r_l _*_u, _s_t_r_u_c_t _u_r_l___s_t_a_t _*_u_s, _c_o_n_s_t _c_h_a_r _*_f_l_a_g_s);
- _f_e_t_c_h_I_O _*
- ffeettcchhGGeett(_s_t_r_u_c_t _u_r_l _*_u, _c_o_n_s_t _c_h_a_r _*_f_l_a_g_s);
- _f_e_t_c_h_I_O _*
- ffeettcchhPPuutt(_s_t_r_u_c_t _u_r_l _*_u, _c_o_n_s_t _c_h_a_r _*_f_l_a_g_s);
- _i_n_t
- ffeettcchhSSttaatt(_s_t_r_u_c_t _u_r_l _*_u, _s_t_r_u_c_t _u_r_l___s_t_a_t _*_u_s, _c_o_n_s_t _c_h_a_r _*_f_l_a_g_s);
- _i_n_t
- ffeettcchhLLiisstt(_s_t_r_u_c_t _u_r_l___l_i_s_t _*_l_i_s_t, _s_t_r_u_c_t _u_r_l _*_u, _c_o_n_s_t _c_h_a_r _*_f_l_a_g_s);
- _f_e_t_c_h_I_O _*
- ffeettcchhXXGGeettFFiillee(_s_t_r_u_c_t _u_r_l _*_u, _s_t_r_u_c_t _u_r_l___s_t_a_t _*_u_s, _c_o_n_s_t _c_h_a_r _*_f_l_a_g_s);
- _f_e_t_c_h_I_O _*
- ffeettcchhGGeettFFiillee(_s_t_r_u_c_t _u_r_l _*_u, _c_o_n_s_t _c_h_a_r _*_f_l_a_g_s);
- _f_e_t_c_h_I_O _*
- ffeettcchhPPuuttFFiillee(_s_t_r_u_c_t _u_r_l _*_u, _c_o_n_s_t _c_h_a_r _*_f_l_a_g_s);
- _i_n_t
- ffeettcchhSSttaattFFiillee(_s_t_r_u_c_t _u_r_l _*_u, _s_t_r_u_c_t _u_r_l___s_t_a_t _*_u_s, _c_o_n_s_t _c_h_a_r _*_f_l_a_g_s);
- _i_n_t
- ffeettcchhLLiissttFFiillee(_s_t_r_u_c_t _u_r_l___l_i_s_t _*_l_i_s_t, _s_t_r_u_c_t _u_r_l _*_u, _c_o_n_s_t _c_h_a_r _*_f_l_a_g_s);
- _f_e_t_c_h_I_O _*
- ffeettcchhXXGGeettHHTTTTPP(_s_t_r_u_c_t _u_r_l _*_u, _s_t_r_u_c_t _u_r_l___s_t_a_t _*_u_s, _c_o_n_s_t _c_h_a_r _*_f_l_a_g_s);
- _f_e_t_c_h_I_O _*
- ffeettcchhGGeettHHTTTTPP(_s_t_r_u_c_t _u_r_l _*_u, _c_o_n_s_t _c_h_a_r _*_f_l_a_g_s);
- _f_e_t_c_h_I_O _*
- ffeettcchhPPuuttHHTTTTPP(_s_t_r_u_c_t _u_r_l _*_u, _c_o_n_s_t _c_h_a_r _*_f_l_a_g_s);
- _i_n_t
- ffeettcchhSSttaattHHTTTTPP(_s_t_r_u_c_t _u_r_l _*_u, _s_t_r_u_c_t _u_r_l___s_t_a_t _*_u_s, _c_o_n_s_t _c_h_a_r _*_f_l_a_g_s);
- _i_n_t
- ffeettcchhLLiissttHHTTTTPP(_s_t_r_u_c_t _u_r_l___l_i_s_t _*_l_i_s_t, _s_t_r_u_c_t _u_r_l _*_u, _c_o_n_s_t _c_h_a_r _*_f_l_a_g_s);
- _f_e_t_c_h_I_O _*
- ffeettcchhXXGGeettFFTTPP(_s_t_r_u_c_t _u_r_l _*_u, _s_t_r_u_c_t _u_r_l___s_t_a_t _*_u_s, _c_o_n_s_t _c_h_a_r _*_f_l_a_g_s);
- _f_e_t_c_h_I_O _*
- ffeettcchhGGeettFFTTPP(_s_t_r_u_c_t _u_r_l _*_u, _c_o_n_s_t _c_h_a_r _*_f_l_a_g_s);
- _f_e_t_c_h_I_O _*
- ffeettcchhPPuuttFFTTPP(_s_t_r_u_c_t _u_r_l _*_u, _c_o_n_s_t _c_h_a_r _*_f_l_a_g_s);
- _i_n_t
- ffeettcchhSSttaattFFTTPP(_s_t_r_u_c_t _u_r_l _*_u, _s_t_r_u_c_t _u_r_l___s_t_a_t _*_u_s, _c_o_n_s_t _c_h_a_r _*_f_l_a_g_s);
- _i_n_t
- ffeettcchhLLiissttFFTTPP(_s_t_r_u_c_t _u_r_l___l_i_s_t _*_l_i_s_t, _s_t_r_u_c_t _u_r_l _*_u, _c_o_n_s_t _c_h_a_r _*_f_l_a_g_s);
- _v_o_i_d
- ffeettcchhIInniittUURRLLLLiisstt(_s_t_r_u_c_t _u_r_l___l_i_s_t _*_u_l);
- _v_o_i_d
- ffeettcchhFFrreeeeUURRLLLLiisstt(_s_t_r_u_c_t _u_r_l___l_i_s_t _*_u_l);
- _c_h_a_r _*
- ffeettcchhUUnnqquuootteePPaatthh(_s_t_r_u_c_t _u_r_l _*_u);
- _c_h_a_r _*
- ffeettcchhUUnnqquuootteeFFiilleennaammee(_s_t_r_u_c_t _u_r_l _*_u);
- _c_h_a_r _*
- ffeettcchhSSttrriinnggiiffyyUURRLL(_c_o_n_s_t _s_t_r_u_c_t _u_r_l _*_u);
- These functions implement a high-level library for retrieving and upload-
- ing files using Uniform Resource Locators (URLs).
- ffeettcchhPPaarrsseeUURRLL() takes a URL in the form of a null-terminated string and
- splits it into its components function according to the Common Internet
- Scheme Syntax detailed in RFC 1738. A regular expression which produces
- this syntax is:
- <scheme>:(//(<user>(:<pwd>)?@)?<host>(:<port>)?)?/(<document>)?
- If the URL does not seem to begin with a scheme name, it is assumed to be
- a local path. Only absolute path names are accepted.
- Note that some components of the URL are not necessarily relevant to all
- URL schemes. For instance, the file scheme only needs the <scheme> and
- <document> components. ffeettcchhPPaarrsseeUURRLL() quotes any unsafe character in
- the URL automatically. This is not done by ffeettcchhMMaakkeeUURRLL().
- ffeettcchhCCooppyyUURRLL() copies an existing _u_r_l structure.
- ffeettcchhMMaakkeeUURRLL(), ffeettcchhPPaarrsseeUURRLL(), and ffeettcchhCCooppyyUURRLL() return a pointer to a
- _u_r_l structure, which is defined as follows in <_f_e_t_c_h_._h>:
- #define URL_SCHEMELEN 16
- #define URL_USERLEN 256
- #define URL_PWDLEN 256
- #define URL_HOSTLEN 255
- struct url {
- char scheme[URL_SCHEMELEN + 1];
- char user[URL_USERLEN + 1];
- char pwd[URL_PWDLEN + 1];
- char host[URL_HOSTLEN + 1];
- int port;
- char *doc;
- off_t offset;
- size_t length;
- time_t last_modified;
- };
- The pointer returned by ffeettcchhMMaakkeeUURRLL(), ffeettcchhCCooppyyUURRLL(), and
- ffeettcchhPPaarrsseeUURRLL() should be freed using ffeettcchhFFrreeeeUURRLL(). The size of _s_t_r_u_c_t
- _U_R_L is not part of the ABI.
- ffeettcchhXXGGeettUURRLL(), ffeettcchhGGeettUURRLL(), and ffeettcchhPPuuttUURRLL() constitute the recom-
- mended interface to the ffeettcchh library. They examine the URL passed to
- them to determine the transfer method, and call the appropriate lower-
- level functions to perform the actual transfer. ffeettcchhXXGGeettUURRLL() also
- returns the remote document's metadata in the _u_r_l___s_t_a_t structure pointed
- to by the _u_s argument.
- The _f_l_a_g_s argument is a string of characters which specify transfer
- options. The meaning of the individual flags is scheme-dependent, and is
- detailed in the appropriate section below.
- ffeettcchhSSttaattUURRLL() attempts to obtain the requested document's metadata and
- fill in the structure pointed to by its second argument. The _u_r_l___s_t_a_t
- structure is defined as follows in <_f_e_t_c_h_._h>:
- struct url_stat {
- off_t size;
- time_t atime;
- time_t mtime;
- };
- If the size could not be obtained from the server, the _s_i_z_e field is set
- to -1. If the modification time could not be obtained from the server,
- the _m_t_i_m_e field is set to the epoch. If the access time could not be
- obtained from the server, the _a_t_i_m_e field is set to the modification
- time.
- ffeettcchhLLiissttUURRLL() attempts to list the contents of the directory pointed to
- by the URL provided. The pattern can be a simple glob-like expression as
- hint. Callers should not depend on the server to filter names. If suc-
- cessful, it appends the list of entries to the _u_r_l___l_i_s_t structure. The
- _u_r_l___l_i_s_t structure is defined as follows in <_f_e_t_c_h_._h>:
- struct url_list {
- size_t length;
- size_t alloc_size;
- struct url *urls;
- };
- The list should be initialized by calling ffeettcchhIInniittUURRLLLLiisstt() and the
- entries be freed by calling ffeettcchhFFrreeeeUURRLLLLiisstt().
- ffeettcchhSSttrriinnggiiffyyUURRLL() returns the URL as string. ffeettcchhUUnnqquuootteePPaatthh()
- returns the path name part of the URL with any quoting undone. Query
- arguments and fragment identifiers are not included.
- ffeettcchhUUnnqquuootteeFFiilleennaammee() returns the last component of the path name as
- returned by ffeettcchhUUnnqquuootteePPaatthh(). ffeettcchhSSttrriinnggiiffyyUURRLL(), ffeettcchhUUnnqquuootteePPaatthh(),
- and ffeettcchhUUnnqquuootteeFFiilleennaammee() return a string that should be deallocated
- with ffrreeee() after use.
- ffeettcchhXXGGeett(), ffeettcchhGGeett(), ffeettcchhPPuutt(), and ffeettcchhSSttaatt() are similar to
- ffeettcchhXXGGeettUURRLL(), ffeettcchhGGeettUURRLL(), ffeettcchhPPuuttUURRLL(), and ffeettcchhSSttaattUURRLL(), except
- that they expect a pre-parsed URL in the form of a pointer to a _s_t_r_u_c_t
- _u_r_l rather than a string.
- All of the ffeettcchhXXGGeettXXXXXX(), ffeettcchhGGeettXXXXXX(), and ffeettcchhPPuuttXXXXXX() functions
- return a pointer to a stream which can be used to read or write data from
- or to the requested document, respectively. Note that although the
- implementation details of the individual access methods vary, it can gen-
- erally be assumed that a stream returned by one of the ffeettcchhXXGGeettXXXXXX() or
- ffeettcchhGGeettXXXXXX() functions is read-only, and that a stream returned by one
- of the ffeettcchhPPuuttXXXXXX() functions is write-only.
- If the `i' (if-modified-since) flag is specified, the library will try to
- fetch the content only if it is newer than _l_a_s_t___m_o_d_i_f_i_e_d. For HTTP an
- If-Modified-Since HTTP header is sent. For FTP a MTDM command is sent
- first and compared locally. For FILE the source file is compared.
- ffeettcchhXXGGeettFFiillee(), ffeettcchhGGeettFFiillee(), and ffeettcchhPPuuttFFiillee() provide access to
- documents which are files in a locally mounted file system. Only the
- <document> component of the URL is used.
- ffeettcchhXXGGeettFFiillee() and ffeettcchhGGeettFFiillee() do not accept any flags.
- ffeettcchhPPuuttFFiillee() accepts the `a' (append to file) flag. If that flag is
- specified, the data written to the stream returned by ffeettcchhPPuuttFFiillee() will
- be appended to the previous contents of the file, instead of replacing
- them.
- ffeettcchhXXGGeettFFTTPP(), ffeettcchhGGeettFFTTPP(), and ffeettcchhPPuuttFFTTPP() implement the FTP proto-
- col as described in RFC 959.
- By default lliibbffeettcchh will attempt to use passive mode first and only fall-
- back to active mode if the server reports a syntax error. If the `a'
- (active) flag is specified, a passive connection is not tried and active
- mode is used directly.
- If the `l' (low) flag is specified, data sockets will be allocated in the
- low (or default) port range instead of the high port range (see ip(4)).
- If the `d' (direct) flag is specified, ffeettcchhXXGGeettFFTTPP(), ffeettcchhGGeettFFTTPP(), and
- ffeettcchhPPuuttFFTTPP() will use a direct connection even if a proxy server is
- defined.
- If no user name or password is given, the ffeettcchh library will attempt an
- anonymous login, with user name "anonymous" and password "anony-
- mous@<hostname>".
- The ffeettcchhXXGGeettHHTTTTPP(), ffeettcchhGGeettHHTTTTPP(), and ffeettcchhPPuuttHHTTTTPP() functions imple-
- ment the HTTP/1.1 protocol. With a little luck, there is even a chance
- that they comply with RFC 2616 and RFC 2617.
- If the `d' (direct) flag is specified, ffeettcchhXXGGeettHHTTTTPP(), ffeettcchhGGeettHHTTTTPP(),
- and ffeettcchhPPuuttHHTTTTPP() will use a direct connection even if a proxy server is
- defined.
- Since there seems to be no good way of implementing the HTTP PUT method
- in a manner consistent with the rest of the ffeettcchh library, ffeettcchhPPuuttHHTTTTPP()
- is currently unimplemented.
- Apart from setting the appropriate environment variables and specifying
- the user name and password in the URL or the _s_t_r_u_c_t _u_r_l, the calling pro-
- gram has the option of defining an authentication function with the fol-
- lowing prototype:
- _i_n_t mmyyAAuutthhMMeetthhoodd(_s_t_r_u_c_t _u_r_l _*_u)
- The callback function should fill in the _u_s_e_r and _p_w_d fields in the pro-
- vided _s_t_r_u_c_t _u_r_l and return 0 on success, or any other value to indicate
- failure.
- To register the authentication callback, simply set _f_e_t_c_h_A_u_t_h_M_e_t_h_o_d to
- point at it. The callback will be used whenever a site requires authen-
- tication and the appropriate environment variables are not set.
- This interface is experimental and may be subject to change.
- ffeettcchhPPaarrsseeUURRLL() returns a pointer to a _s_t_r_u_c_t _u_r_l containing the individ-
- ual components of the URL. If it is unable to allocate memory, or the
- URL is syntactically incorrect, ffeettcchhPPaarrsseeUURRLL() returns a NULL pointer.
- The ffeettcchhSSttaatt() functions return 0 on success and -1 on failure.
- All other functions return a stream pointer which may be used to access
- the requested document, or NULL if an error occurred.
- The following error codes are defined in <_f_e_t_c_h_._h>:
- [FETCH_ABORT] Operation aborted
- [FETCH_AUTH] Authentication failed
- [FETCH_DOWN] Service unavailable
- [FETCH_EXISTS] File exists
- [FETCH_FULL] File system full
- [FETCH_INFO] Informational response
- [FETCH_MEMORY] Insufficient memory
- [FETCH_MOVED] File has moved
- [FETCH_NETWORK] Network error
- [FETCH_OK] No error
- [FETCH_PROTO] Protocol error
- [FETCH_RESOLV] Resolver error
- [FETCH_SERVER] Server error
- [FETCH_TEMP] Temporary error
- [FETCH_TIMEOUT] Operation timed out
- [FETCH_UNAVAIL] File is not available
- [FETCH_UNKNOWN] Unknown error
- [FETCH_URL] Invalid URL
- The accompanying error message includes a protocol-specific error code
- and message, e.g. "File is not available (404 Not Found)"
- FETCH_BIND_ADDRESS Specifies a host name or IP address to which sockets
- used for outgoing connections will be bound.
- FTP_LOGIN Default FTP login if none was provided in the URL.
- FTP_PASSIVE_MODE If set to anything but `no', forces the FTP code to
- use passive mode.
- FTP_PASSWORD Default FTP password if the remote server requests
- one and none was provided in the URL.
- FTP_PROXY URL of the proxy to use for FTP requests. The docu-
- ment part is ignored. FTP and HTTP proxies are sup-
- ported; if no scheme is specified, FTP is assumed.
- If the proxy is an FTP proxy, lliibbffeettcchh will send
- `user@host' as user name to the proxy, where `user'
- is the real user name, and `host' is the name of the
- FTP server.
- If this variable is set to an empty string, no proxy
- will be used for FTP requests, even if the HTTP_PROXY
- variable is set.
- ftp_proxy Same as FTP_PROXY, for compatibility.
- HTTP_AUTH Specifies HTTP authorization parameters as a colon-
- separated list of items. The first and second item
- are the authorization scheme and realm respectively;
- further items are scheme-dependent. Currently, only
- basic authorization is supported.
- Basic authorization requires two parameters: the user
- name and password, in that order.
- This variable is only used if the server requires
- authorization and no user name or password was speci-
- fied in the URL.
- HTTP_PROXY URL of the proxy to use for HTTP requests. The docu-
- ment part is ignored. Only HTTP proxies are sup-
- ported for HTTP requests. If no port number is spec-
- ified, the default is 3128.
- Note that this proxy will also be used for FTP docu-
- ments, unless the FTP_PROXY variable is set.
- http_proxy Same as HTTP_PROXY, for compatibility.
- HTTP_PROXY_AUTH Specifies authorization parameters for the HTTP proxy
- in the same format as the HTTP_AUTH variable.
- This variable is used if and only if connected to an
- HTTP proxy, and is ignored if a user and/or a pass-
- word were specified in the proxy URL.
- HTTP_REFERER Specifies the referrer URL to use for HTTP requests.
- If set to ``auto'', the document URL will be used as
- referrer URL.
- HTTP_USER_AGENT Specifies the User-Agent string to use for HTTP
- requests. This can be useful when working with HTTP
- origin or proxy servers that differentiate between
- user agents.
- NETRC Specifies a file to use instead of _~_/_._n_e_t_r_c to look
- up login names and passwords for FTP sites. See
- ftp(1) for a description of the file format. This
- feature is experimental.
- NO_PROXY Either a single asterisk, which disables the use of
- proxies altogether, or a comma- or whitespace-sepa-
- rated list of hosts for which proxies should not be
- used.
- no_proxy Same as NO_PROXY, for compatibility.
- To access a proxy server on _p_r_o_x_y_._e_x_a_m_p_l_e_._c_o_m port 8080, set the
- HTTP_PROXY environment variable in a manner similar to this:
- If the proxy server requires authentication, there are two options avail-
- able for passing the authentication data. The first method is by using
- the proxy URL:
- HTTP_PROXY=http://<user>:<pwd>
- The second method is by using the HTTP_PROXY_AUTH environment variable:
- HTTP_PROXY_AUTH=basic:*:<user>:<pwd>
- To disable the use of a proxy for an HTTP server running on the local
- host, define NO_PROXY as follows:
- NO_PROXY=localhost,
- ftp(1), ip(4)
- J. Postel and J. K. Reynolds, _F_i_l_e _T_r_a_n_s_f_e_r _P_r_o_t_o_c_o_l, October 1985, RFC
- 959.
- P. Deutsch, A. Emtage, and A. Marine, _H_o_w _t_o _U_s_e _A_n_o_n_y_m_o_u_s _F_T_P, May 1994,
- RFC 1635.
- T. Berners-Lee, L. Masinter, and M. McCahill, _U_n_i_f_o_r_m _R_e_s_o_u_r_c_e _L_o_c_a_t_o_r_s
- _(_U_R_L_), December 1994, RFC 1738.
- R. Fielding, J. Gettys, J. Mogul, H. Frystyk, L. Masinter, P. Leach, and
- T. Berners-Lee, _H_y_p_e_r_t_e_x_t _T_r_a_n_s_f_e_r _P_r_o_t_o_c_o_l _-_- _H_T_T_P_/_1_._1, January 1999,
- RFC 2616.
- J. Franks, P. Hallam-Baker, J. Hostetler, S. Lawrence, P. Leach, A.
- Luotonen, and L. Stewart, _H_T_T_P _A_u_t_h_e_n_t_i_c_a_t_i_o_n_: _B_a_s_i_c _a_n_d _D_i_g_e_s_t _A_c_c_e_s_s
- _A_u_t_h_e_n_t_i_c_a_t_i_o_n, June 1999, RFC 2617.
- The ffeettcchh library first appeared in FreeBSD 3.0.
- The ffeettcchh library was mostly written by Dag-Erling Sm/orgrav
- <> with numerous suggestions from Jordan K. Hubbard
- <>, Eugene Skepner <> and other FreeBSD develop-
- ers. It replaces the older ffttppiioo library written by Poul-Henning Kamp
- <> and Jordan K. Hubbard <>.
- This manual page was written by Dag-Erling Sm/orgrav <>.
- Some parts of the library are not yet implemented. The most notable
- examples of this are ffeettcchhPPuuttHHTTTTPP() and FTP proxy support.
- There is no way to select a proxy at run-time other than setting the
- HTTP_PROXY or FTP_PROXY environment variables as appropriate.
- lliibbffeettcchh does not understand or obey 305 (Use Proxy) replies.
- Error numbers are unique only within a certain context; the error codes
- used for FTP and HTTP overlap, as do those used for resolver and system
- errors. For instance, error code 202 means "Command not implemented,
- superfluous at this site" in an FTP context and "Accepted" in an HTTP
- context.
- ffeettcchhSSttaattFFTTPP() does not check that the result of an MDTM command is a
- valid date.
- The man page is incomplete, poorly written and produces badly formatted
- text.
- The error reporting mechanism is unsatisfactory.
- Some parts of the code are not fully reentrant.
-NetBSD 5.0 February 4, 2009 NetBSD 5.0