path: root/print/tex-jsclasses
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authorobache <>2013-06-16 10:04:08 +0000
committerobache <>2013-06-16 10:04:08 +0000
commit38451c65506a22153a69965826d7eb90727b0e29 (patch)
tree762179422f64bae41342f43bf2e6e0168248fdac /print/tex-jsclasses
parent715a8ed4f1d2dabded98e49b7913b7afb8aac989 (diff)
Update ruby-padrino framework to 0.11.2.
= CHANGES == 0.11.2 (May 20th 2013) * FIX #1232 Padrino::Server - call expand_path on PID file option (@sshaw) * FIX #1234 Create table migration should be also timestamped if configured (@udzura) * FIX #1228 Allow for block arg to StandardFormBuilder.label (@sshaw) * FIX #1235 error of routing when using provides :any and Accept contains */* (@tyabe) * FIX #1196 Remove Ohm monkey patch and include Padrino::Ohm::Validator (@lastcanal) * FIX #1236 Pass our logger to rack-protection for csrf (@dariocravero) * FIX #1246 missing translation for Russian (@silentvick) * NEW #1062 add configurable #app method for rack-test closes (@achiu) * FIX #1252 translations for japanese (@tyabe, @namusyaka) * FIX Specify full class name for migrations to fix failing migrations (@Ortuna) * FIX #1279 Datamapper rake task to pass arguments (@Ortuna) * FIX #1281 Documentation fixes to various areas (@matthias-guenther) * FIX #1269 issue with tilt version (@ujifgc) * FIX #1283 issue with html_safe and form builder (@ujifgc) * NEW #1285 Add :file option for delivering mail docs (@matthias-guenther) * FIX #1287 Lock minitest version from going to 5 (@QOrtuna) * FIX #1288 Http router fix unicode (@Ortuna) * FIX #698 Sqlite adding an extra "/" to the connection string for windows (@dariocravero) == 0.11.1 (April 7th 2013) * NEW Ability to set migration file format to use incrementing numbers or timestamps (@jacob-s-son, @hooopo) * FIX #1174 slim 2.0 Backward incompatible syntax change (@WaYdotNET) * FIX #1086 Refactor reloader for cleaner structure (@Ortuna) * FIX #1178 Indent controller actions properly (@skade) * FIX #1180 Fix valid http verbs in http_router (@kenkeiter, @dariocravero) * FIX #1182 Format ar migrate better (@chiastolite) * FIX #1179 Accidental appended extensions for js urls (@nesquena) * FIX #1183 Mark escaped text as html_safe (@nesquena) * FIX #1184 Use count instead of size for errors (@nesquena) * FIX #1185 Adds lib as a load_path for rake tasks (@nesquena) * FIX #1177 Fix very strange bug with form_for and capture_html (@ujifgc, @nesquena) * FIX have plugin generator respect root option (@achiu) * FIX #1194 simple_format should be marked as html_safe (@nesquena) * FIX Escape text before simple_format (@nesquena) * FIX #1197 "bootstrap.min" path of production environment (@tyabe) * FIX #1201 Only add database tasks to Rakefile if ORM is anything other than :none (@dariocravero) * NEW #1209 Added layout option for controllers (@Ortuna) * FIX #1212 fix generators for projects using shoulda and rr with Test::Unit (@sshaw) * FIX #1213 fix flash_tag() with multiple attributes (@tmtm) * FIX #1215 Update zh_cn.yml (@wayshall, hfl) * FIX #1216 Improved german translations (@skade) * FIX #1221 fixes an issue with a gemified apps name being capitalized (@21purple) * FIX #1205 Allow Regexp routes to use :provides option (@shipstar) * FIX #1224 mark html_safe content safe after being escaped (@nesquena) * FIX #1211 load I18n tasks all the time (@nesquena) == 0.11.0 (March 21st 2013) * NEW #923 Total redesign of admin panel with bootstrap and jquery, custom error pages Big thanks to the huge effort from (@WaYdotNET, @DAddYE, @dariocravero, @ujifgc, @tyabe)! * FIX #1135 Fix namespaced generators for app (@tyabe) * FIX #1139 Escape ampersands in mail_to helpers (@nybblr) * FIX #821 Added a cache parser with a default now to Plain. (@daddye) * FIX #1129 use Padrino.root for apps.rb * FIX #1125 Eagerly load libs if needed for tasks * FIX #1111 route arity (@daddye) * FIX #1090 Don't calculate asset timestamp using uri_root_path (@nesquena) * NEW Upgrades Sinatra support to 1.4.1 (@nesquena, @daddye) * NEW Upgrade to latest http_router 0.11 (@daddye) * NEW Load rake tasks manually but fallback to automatic for now (@skade) * FIX cleanup and refactoring of documentation (@matthias-guenther, @fnordfish) * FIX Run 'bundle' rather than 'bundle install' on generate (@matthias-guenther) * FIX Cleanup admin documentation (@danieltahara) * FIX padrino cache tests to not execute when cache server is not available (@bash0C7) * SEC #1083 Bump mail version dependency to CVE-2012-2139 and CVE-2012-2140. (@nesquena) * NEW Alias orm tasks to db namespace (@postmodern) * FIX #1090 Patch asset_timestamp to respect public_folder setting (@AtoxIO) * FIX #1045 Load the environment only when needed in rake-Tasks (@skade) * NEW #1031 Render using SafeBuffer for XSS protection (@skade) * NEW #1007 Apps can now be shipped as gems (@skade) * FIX #966 Padrino:Reload.lock! tries to split java packages (@daddye) * REM #1063 Remove core JSON rendering in favor of sinatra-contrib (@Ortuna) * NEW #1027 Padrino Performance for memory profiling and benchmarking (@skade, @dariocravero) * NEW #1011 Nest apps within the project module (@achiu, @tyabe) * NEW #904 Adds padrino-flash as core library (@lenzcom) * FIX #912 Use default layout when layout is set to true (@dcu) * NEW #927 Add CLI runner for executing code (@tyabe) * FIX #934 Rake routes when routes have regexes (@tyabe) * FIX #949 404 handling in later sinatra versions (@dayflower) * FIX #818 Filter and exceptions was running twice on error (@ujifgc) * FIX #812 Patch exception handling within filters (@ujifgc) * FIX #771 Padrino.configure_apps now supports multiple blocks (@ujifgc) * NEW #843 Request route now has access to the associated action (@ujifgc) * NEW #1097 Request route now has access to the parent (@dariocravero) * FIX French translation typos (@Fiaxhs) * FIX Optimize the reloader and objectspace traversal (@dcu) * FIX Failing jruby compatibility issue with reloading (@udzura) * NEW #881 Component support for Mongoid 3 (@WaYdotNET) * NEW #967 Mongoid 3 compatible rake tasks (@dayflower) * NEW #907 Puma server support (@dariocravero) * FIX Loads dm-types when enabling datamapper component (@postmodern) * FIX #911 Enable haml ugly syntax by default in production (@dcu) * FIX Adds support for later versions of ActiveRecord (@DAddYE) * FIX Less requires therubyracer gem (@dariocravero) * FIX Lock mysql gem to 2.8.1 since 2.9 fails (@udzura, @dariocravero) * FIX Lazy load mailer for 20% padrino bootup performance increase (@ujifgc) * FIX #1071 Refactor mailer codebase to DRY up (@Ortuna) * FIX Padrino.logger thread-safety issues (@sgonyea) * NEW Add colorize_logging option for logger (@tyabe) * FIX #918 Display seconds instead of ms in logger (@muxcmux) * FIX #910 Write file data as binary in cache (@ejholmes) * NEW #947 Support symbols as keys when expiring cache (@dariocravero) * FIX #973 Refuse to cache integers, convert to a string (@ujifgc) * NEW Adds breadcrumb view helpers (@WaYdotNET) * NEW support for ohm persistence in admin (@ujifgc) * FIX #873 Get the first key passed for expire for admin (@gugat) * FIX #876 Model output in erb templates for admin (@sleepingstu) * FIX #871 Halt on 404 when no record found for admin (kot-begemot) * FIX #1013 Admin generator can now be destroyed with flag * NEW #988 Support for HTML5 multiple file uploads (@hooktstudios) * NEW #27 Adds check_box_group and radio_button_group (@ujifgc) * FIX #1046 Broken js_escape_html helper to properly escape (@hooopo) * FIX #1077 Refactor nested form code in helpers (@Ortuna) * FIX #924 Generate project name to handle underscores (@achiu) * FIX #1067 Execute the mysql command with separate args (@postmodern) * SEC #1058 Switch to https for rubygems source in Gemfile (@tyabe) * FIX #772 Controller path when maps is in controller options (@ujifgc) * NEW #925 Add explicit Rakefile on project generation by default (@achiu) * FIX #892 Show plugin list if no arguments passed to generator (@achiu) * FIX #1107 Defaulted all ORMs that used the mysql gem (@dariocravero) * FIX #1109 Move rake initialization into CLI to avoid double loading (@skade) * NEW #1100 Add csrf token handling with csrf_token_field helpers (@skade, @dariocravero)
Diffstat (limited to 'print/tex-jsclasses')
0 files changed, 0 insertions, 0 deletions