path: root/textproc/cdif
diff options
authormarkd <>2021-06-06 21:42:17 +0000
committermarkd <>2021-06-06 21:42:17 +0000
commit7b55d2e04031931a73dc82af0ff4afa1874c529f (patch)
tree20e604d3f13b7cf4b3447aaa714910d9535fd418 /textproc/cdif
parentfed0a969a9ea0fd31502978ffa0058b03af6219b (diff)
tex-lwarp{,-doc}: update to 0.898
0.898 Produces fewer underfull \hbox warnings. Improves wrapfig and keyfloat. 0.897 Added rollback for siunitx v2. Improved fixme, float. Added centerlastline, decorule, fancypar, froufrou, pbalance. Verified works as-is with fnpct. 0.896 Many fixes and improvements. Now prints theorem footnotes next to theorems. Accessibility improvements. Improved citation back references. Updated chemfig, bigdelim, xetexko. Added ccicons, classicthesis, orcidlink, enotez. Verified support for doi, doipubmed. 0.895 Updated multirow, acro, fancyhdr, changes. Improved epsfig, rotating. Greatly improved MathJax emulation for siunitx. Added MathJax emulation for isomath, mattens, maybemath, skmath, tensor. Added epsf, impnattypo, isotope, lpic, luavlna, mdwmath, pinlabel, rlepsf, tikz-imagelabels, xevlna. Verified to work as-is: tensind.
Diffstat (limited to 'textproc/cdif')
0 files changed, 0 insertions, 0 deletions