path: root/textproc
diff options
authorsno <>2010-03-09 21:54:01 +0000
committersno <>2010-03-09 21:54:01 +0000
commita1d6df8c771a00dd96da6e9ac27669457335333e (patch)
treeb3fce0fed392ba22806c012aef6b1118b99f9a7d /textproc
parent3dab4fdb3caa36900ec85c8d3777e9c6ea844f6a (diff)
Updating textproc/p5-Text-BibTeX from 0.38 to 0.40
pkgsrc changes: - Add license definition - Adjust dependencies - Add module type Upstream changes: Release 0.40 - 7 March, 2010 ---------------------------- * this release is very similar to 0.40_3, but now indexable by cpan. Release 0.40_3 - 18 February, 2010 ---------------------------------- * fixed Build.PL with correct build_requirements; * fixed test to use still not installed library; Release 0.40_2 - 15 February, 2010 ---------------------------------- * merged btparse library into Text::BibTeX code. I am sorry for all other languages that might be using this library. For them my suggestion is that they make Text::BibTeX as a dependency. * ported compilation and configuration tools from ExtUtils::MakeMaker to Module::Build. * back on track, trying to make Text::BibTeX work and compile easily on main platforms (sorry, for main platforms I assume Linux, Mac OS X and Windows running Strawberry Perl). * Thanks to Philip Kime for continuous poke so I work on this!! Created a THANKS file for this purpose.
Diffstat (limited to 'textproc')
3 files changed, 89 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/textproc/p5-Text-BibTeX/Makefile b/textproc/p5-Text-BibTeX/Makefile
index a0fe35b2749..5d16eec4690 100644
--- a/textproc/p5-Text-BibTeX/Makefile
+++ b/textproc/p5-Text-BibTeX/Makefile
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.17 2008/11/22 00:07:12 he Exp $
+# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.18 2010/03/09 21:54:01 sno Exp $
-DISTNAME= Text-BibTeX-0.38
+DISTNAME= Text-BibTeX-0.40
CATEGORIES= textproc perl5
@@ -12,10 +12,23 @@ MAINTAINER=
COMMENT= Perl library for reading, parsing, and processing BibTeX files
+BUILD_DEPENDS+= p5-Capture-Tiny>=0.06:../../devel/p5-Capture-Tiny
+BUILD_DEPENDS+= p5-Config-AutoConf>=0.14:../../devel/p5-Config-AutoConf
+BUILD_DEPENDS+= p5-ExtUtils-CBuilder>=0.27:../../devel/p5-ExtUtils-CBuilder
+BUILD_DEPENDS+= p5-Module-Build>=0.36030:../../devel/p5-Module-Build
PERL5_PACKLIST= auto/Text/BibTeX/.packlist
+PERL5_MODULE_TYPE= Module::Build
+ ${MKDIR} ${WRKDIR}/tmp
.include "../../lang/perl5/"
.include "../../mk/"
diff --git a/textproc/p5-Text-BibTeX/distinfo b/textproc/p5-Text-BibTeX/distinfo
index f02798c987e..59dbd4e9033 100644
--- a/textproc/p5-Text-BibTeX/distinfo
+++ b/textproc/p5-Text-BibTeX/distinfo
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
-$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.5 2008/11/22 00:06:30 he Exp $
+$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.6 2010/03/09 21:54:01 sno Exp $
-SHA1 (Text-BibTeX-0.38.tar.gz) = b324e6a37c107d31ab8d930f29c95e7470378ca0
-RMD160 (Text-BibTeX-0.38.tar.gz) = 9b6c53840cce22a4fc5ac17c6fffecbfe8509096
-Size (Text-BibTeX-0.38.tar.gz) = 85432 bytes
+SHA1 (Text-BibTeX-0.40.tar.gz) = 4b65b761cd5a7ed404f48aad292f6a6a4da37701
+RMD160 (Text-BibTeX-0.40.tar.gz) = f9a8e7fe676c3fa835308ed269ddb020ae86f85a
+Size (Text-BibTeX-0.40.tar.gz) = 265444 bytes
SHA1 (btparse-0.35.tar.gz) = bb52c5fc02c1326008bed31a3c8932dd832b8ea8
RMD160 (btparse-0.35.tar.gz) = afdf8cc2abd0beaa53b142d7277758a32e26d256
Size (btparse-0.35.tar.gz) = 470546 bytes
+SHA1 (patch-aa) = 33ca774fe490a9c6e809ac17202badf9843e8aaf
diff --git a/textproc/p5-Text-BibTeX/patches/patch-aa b/textproc/p5-Text-BibTeX/patches/patch-aa
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ed8d28a310f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/textproc/p5-Text-BibTeX/patches/patch-aa
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+$NetBSD: patch-aa,v 1.3 2010/03/09 21:54:01 sno Exp $
+--- inc/ 2010-03-07 18:53:31.000000000 +0000
++++ inc/
+@@ -75,9 +75,10 @@ sub ACTION_compile_xscode {
+ # .o => .(a|bundle)
+ my $lib_file = catfile( $archdir, "BibTeX.$Config{dlext}" );
+ if ( !$self->up_to_date( [ @$objects ], $lib_file ) ) {
++ my $btparselibdir = $self->install_path('usrlib');
+ $cbuilder->link(
+ module_name => 'Text::BibTeX',
+- extra_linker_flags => '-Lbtparse/src -lbtparse ',
++ extra_linker_flags => "-Lbtparse/src -Wl,-R${btparselibdir} -lbtparse ",
+ objects => $objects,
+ lib_file => $lib_file,
+ );
+@@ -142,24 +143,25 @@ sub ACTION_create_binaries {
+ print STDERR "\n** Creating binaries (dumpnames$EXEEXT, biblex$EXEEXT, bibparse$EXEEXT)\n";
++ my $btparselibdir = $self->install_path('usrlib');
+ # NO INST?
+ ## FIXME - uptodate
+ $CCL->($cbuilder,
+ exe_file => "btparse/progs/dumpnames$EXEEXT",
+- extra_linker_flags => '-Lbtparse/src -lbtparse ',
++ extra_linker_flags => "-Lbtparse/src -Wl,-R${btparselibdir} -lbtparse ",
+ objects => [ "btparse/progs/dumpnames.o" ]);
+ # NO INST?
+ ## FIXME - uptodate
+ $CCL->($cbuilder,
+ exe_file => "btparse/progs/biblex$EXEEXT",
+- extra_linker_flags => '-Lbtparse/src -lbtparse ',
++ extra_linker_flags => "-Lbtparse/src -Wl,-R${btparselibdir} -lbtparse ",
+ objects => [ "btparse/progs/biblex.o" ]);
+ ## FIXME - uptodate
+ $CCL->($cbuilder,
+ exe_file => "btparse/progs/bibparse$EXEEXT",
+- extra_linker_flags => '-Lbtparse/src -lbtparse ',
++ extra_linker_flags => "-Lbtparse/src -Wl,-R${btparselibdir} -lbtparse ",
+ objects => [ map {"btparse/progs/$_.o"} (qw.bibparse args getopt getopt1.) ]);
+ $self->copy_if_modified( from => "btparse/progs/dumpnames$EXEEXT",
+@@ -187,7 +189,7 @@ sub ACTION_create_tests {
+ ## FIXME - uptodate
+ $CCL->($cbuilder,
+ exe_file => "btparse/tests/simple_test$EXEEXT",
+- extra_linker_flags => '-Lbtparse/src -lbtparse ',
++ extra_linker_flags => "-Lbtparse/src -Wl,-Rbtparse/src -lbtparse ",
+ objects => [ map "btparse/tests/$_.o", (qw.simple_test testlib.) ]);
+ ## FIXME - uptodate
+@@ -264,9 +266,13 @@ sub ACTION_test {
+ if ($^O =~ /darwin/i) {
+ $ENV{DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH} = catdir($self->blib,"usrlib").":$ENV{DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH}";
+ }
+- if ($^O =~ /linux/i) {
++ if ($^O =~ /(?:linux|bsd|sun|sol|dragonfly|hpux|irix)/i) {
+ $ENV{LD_LIBRARY_PATH} = catdir($self->blib,"usrlib").":$ENV{LD_LIBRARY_PATH}";
+ }
++ if ($^O =~ /aix/i) {
++ my $oldlibpath = $ENV{LIBPATH} || '/lib:/usr/lib';
++ $ENV{LIBPATH} = catdir($self->blib,"usrlib").":$oldlibpath";
++ }
+ $self->SUPER::ACTION_test
+ }