path: root/www/py-werkzeug
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authorwiz <>2022-04-29 13:36:19 +0000
committerwiz <>2022-04-29 13:36:19 +0000
commit2de9e2650bb48cc7e9ae0a78f9ac4545487e2918 (patch)
tree56bf05fa56e0c8aea34fc2493cc5f62ad65604b0 /www/py-werkzeug
parent0d19130116b2480eb9eac51a56d476ba2975da05 (diff)
py-werkzeug*: update to 2.1.2
Version 2.1.2 ------------- Released 2022-04-28 - The development server does not set ``Transfer-Encoding: chunked`` for 1xx, 204, 304, and HEAD responses. :issue:`2375` - Response HTML for exceptions and redirects starts with ``<!doctype html>`` and ``<html lang=en>``. :issue:`2390` - Fix ability to set some ``cache_control`` attributes to ``False``. :issue:`2379` - Disable ``keep-alive`` connections in the development server, which are not supported sufficiently by Python's ``http.server``. :issue:`2397` Version 2.1.1 ------------- Released 2022-04-01 - ``ResponseCacheControl.s_maxage`` converts its value to an int, like ``max_age``. :issue:`2364` Version 2.1.0 ------------- Released 2022-03-28 - Drop support for Python 3.6. :pr:`2277` - Using gevent or eventlet requires greenlet>=1.0 or PyPy>=7.3.7. ``werkzeug.locals`` and ``contextvars`` will not work correctly with older versions. :pr:`2278` - Remove previously deprecated code. :pr:`2276` - Remove the non-standard ``shutdown`` function from the WSGI environ when running the development server. See the docs for alternatives. - Request and response mixins have all been merged into the ``Request`` and ``Response`` classes. - The user agent parser and the ``useragents`` module is removed. The ``user_agent`` module provides an interface that can be subclassed to add a parser, such as ua-parser. By default it only stores the whole string. - The test client returns ``TestResponse`` instances and can no longer be treated as a tuple. All data is available as properties on the response. - Remove ``locals.get_ident`` and related thread-local code from ``locals``, it no longer makes sense when moving to a contextvars-based implementation. - Remove the ``python -m werkzeug.serving`` CLI. - The ``has_key`` method on some mapping datastructures; use ``key in data`` instead. - ``Request.disable_data_descriptor`` is removed, pass ``shallow=True`` instead. - Remove the ``no_etag`` parameter from ``Response.freeze()``. - Remove the ``HTTPException.wrap`` class method. - Remove the ``cookie_date`` function. Use ``http_date`` instead. - Remove the ``pbkdf2_hex``, ``pbkdf2_bin``, and ``safe_str_cmp`` functions. Use equivalents in ``hashlib`` and ``hmac`` modules instead. - Remove the ``Href`` class. - Remove the ``HTMLBuilder`` class. - Remove the ``invalidate_cached_property`` function. Use ``del obj.attr`` instead. - Remove ``bind_arguments`` and ``validate_arguments``. Use :meth:`Signature.bind` and :func:`inspect.signature` instead. - Remove ``detect_utf_encoding``, it's built-in to ``json.loads``. - Remove ``format_string``, use :class:`string.Template` instead. - Remove ``escape`` and ``unescape``. Use MarkupSafe instead. - The ``multiple`` parameter of ``parse_options_header`` is deprecated. :pr:`2357` - Rely on :pep:`538` and :pep:`540` to handle decoding file names with the correct filesystem encoding. The ``filesystem`` module is removed. :issue:`1760` - Default values passed to ``Headers`` are validated the same way values added later are. :issue:`1608` - Setting ``CacheControl`` int properties, such as ``max_age``, will convert the value to an int. :issue:`2230` - Always use ``socket.fromfd`` when restarting the dev server. :pr:`2287` - When passing a dict of URL values to ````, list values do not filter out ``None`` or collapse to a single value. Passing a ``MultiDict`` does collapse single items. This undoes a previous change that made it difficult to pass a list, or ``None`` values in a list, to custom URL converters. :issue:`2249` - ``run_simple`` shows instructions for dealing with "address already in use" errors, including extra instructions for macOS. :pr:`2321` - Extend list of characters considered always safe in URLs based on :rfc:`3986`. :issue:`2319` - Optimize the stat reloader to avoid watching unnecessary files in more cases. The watchdog reloader is still recommended for performance and accuracy. :issue:`2141` - The development server uses ``Transfer-Encoding: chunked`` for streaming responses when it is configured for HTTP/1.1. :issue:`2090, 1327`, :pr:`2091` - The development server uses HTTP/1.1, which enables keep-alive connections and chunked streaming responses, when ``threaded`` or ``processes`` is enabled. :pr:`2323` - ``cached_property`` works for classes with ``__slots__`` if a corresponding ``_cache_{name}`` slot is added. :pr:`2332` - Refactor the debugger traceback formatter to use Python's built-in ``traceback`` module as much as possible. :issue:`1753` - The ``TestResponse.text`` property is a shortcut for ``r.get_data(as_text=True)``, for convenient testing against text instead of bytes. :pr:`2337` - ``safe_join`` ensures that the path remains relative if the trusted directory is the empty string. :pr:`2349` - Percent-encoded newlines (``%0a``), which are decoded by WSGI servers, are considered when routing instead of terminating the match early. :pr:`2350` - The test client doesn't set duplicate headers for ``CONTENT_LENGTH`` and ``CONTENT_TYPE``. :pr:`2348` - ``append_slash_redirect`` handles ``PATH_INFO`` with internal slashes. :issue:`1972`, :pr:`2338` - The default status code for ``append_slash_redirect`` is 308 instead of 301. This preserves the request body, and matches a previous change to ``strict_slashes`` in routing. :issue:`2351` - Fix ``ValueError: I/O operation on closed file.`` with the test client when following more than one redirect. :issue:`2353` - ``Response.autocorrect_location_header`` is disabled by default. The ``Location`` header URL will remain relative, and exclude the scheme and domain, by default. :issue:`2352` - ``Request.get_json()`` will raise a 400 ``BadRequest`` error if the ``Content-Type`` header is not ``application/json``. This makes a very common source of confusion more visible. :issue:`2339` Version 2.0.3 ------------- Released 2022-02-07 - ``ProxyFix`` supports IPv6 addresses. :issue:`2262` - Type annotation for ``Response.make_conditional``, ``HTTPException.get_response``, and ``Map.bind_to_environ`` accepts ``Request`` in addition to ``WSGIEnvironment`` for the first parameter. :pr:`2290` - Fix type annotation for ``Request.user_agent_class``. :issue:`2273` - Accessing ``LocalProxy.__class__`` and ``__doc__`` on an unbound proxy returns the fallback value instead of a method object. :issue:`2188` - Redirects with the test client set ``RAW_URI`` and ``REQUEST_URI`` correctly. :issue:`2151` Version 2.0.2 ------------- Released 2021-10-05 - Handle multiple tokens in ``Connection`` header when routing WebSocket requests. :issue:`2131` - Set the debugger pin cookie secure flag when on https. :pr:`2150` - Fix type annotation for ``MultiDict.update`` to accept iterable values :pr:`2142` - Prevent double encoding of redirect URL when ``merge_slash=True`` for ``Rule.match``. :issue:`2157` - ``CombinedMultiDict.to_dict`` with ``flat=False`` considers all component dicts when building value lists. :issue:`2189` - ``send_file`` only sets a detected ``Content-Encoding`` if ``as_attachment`` is disabled to avoid browsers saving decompressed ``.tar.gz`` files. :issue:`2149` - Fix type annotations for ``TypeConversionDict.get`` to not return an ``Optional`` value if both ``default`` and ``type`` are not ``None``. :issue:`2169` - Fix type annotation for routing rule factories to accept ``Iterable[RuleFactory]`` instead of ``Iterable[Rule]`` for the ``rules`` parameter. :issue:`2183` - Add missing type annotation for ``FileStorage.__getattr__`` :issue:`2155` - The debugger pin cookie is set with ``SameSite`` set to ``Strict`` instead of ``None`` to be compatible with modern browser security. :issue:`2156` - Type annotations use ``IO[bytes]`` and ``IO[str]`` instead of ``BinaryIO`` and ``TextIO`` for wider type compatibility. :issue:`2130` - Ad-hoc TLS certs are generated with SAN matching CN. :issue:`2158` - Fix memory usage for locals when using Python 3.6 or pre 0.4.17 greenlet versions. :pr:`2212` - Fix type annotation in ``CallbackDict``, because it is not utilizing a bound TypeVar. :issue:`2235` - Fix setting CSP header options on the response. :pr:`2237` - Fix an issue with with the interactive debugger where lines would not expand on click for very long tracebacks. :pr:`2239` - The interactive debugger handles displaying an exception that does not have a traceback, such as from ``ProcessPoolExecutor``. :issue:`2217` Version 2.0.1 ------------- Released 2021-05-17 - Fix type annotation for ``send_file`` ``max_age`` callable. Don't pass ``pathlib.Path`` to ``max_age``. :issue:`2119` - Mark top-level names as exported so type checking understands imports in user projects. :issue:`2122` - Fix some types that weren't available in Python 3.6.0. :issue:`2123` - ``cached_property`` is generic over its return type, properties decorated with it report the correct type. :issue:`2113` - Fix multipart parsing bug when boundary contains special regex characters. :issue:`2125` - Type checking understands that calling ``headers.get`` with a string default will always return a string. :issue:`2128` - If ``HTTPException.description`` is not a string, ``get_description`` will convert it to a string. :issue:`2115` Version 2.0.0 ------------- Released 2021-05-11 - Drop support for Python 2 and 3.5. :pr:`1693` - Deprecate :func:`utils.format_string`, use :class:`string.Template` instead. :issue:`1756` - Deprecate :func:`utils.bind_arguments` and :func:`utils.validate_arguments`, use :meth:`Signature.bind` and :func:`inspect.signature` instead. :issue:`1757` - Deprecate :class:`utils.HTMLBuilder`. :issue:`1761` - Deprecate :func:`utils.escape` and :func:`utils.unescape`, use MarkupSafe instead. :issue:`1758` - Deprecate the undocumented ``python -m werkzeug.serving`` CLI. :issue:`1834` - Deprecate the ``environ["werkzeug.server.shutdown"]`` function that is available when running the development server. :issue:`1752` - Deprecate the ``useragents`` module and the built-in user agent parser. Use a dedicated parser library instead by subclassing ``user_agent.UserAgent`` and setting ``Request.user_agent_class``. :issue:`2078` - Remove the unused, internal ``posixemulation`` module. :issue:`1759` - All ``datetime`` values are timezone-aware with ``tzinfo=timezone.utc``. This applies to anything using ``http.parse_date``: ````, ``.if_modified_since``, ``.if_unmodified_since``; ````, ``.expires``, ``.last_modified``, ``.retry_after``; ``parse_if_range_header``, and ````. When comparing values, the other values must also be aware, or these values must be made naive. When passing parameters or setting attributes, naive values are still assumed to be in UTC. :pr:`2040` - Merge all request and response wrapper mixin code into single ``Request`` and ``Response`` classes. Using the mixin classes is no longer necessary and will show a deprecation warning. Checking ``isinstance`` or ``issubclass`` against ``BaseRequest`` and ``BaseResponse`` will show a deprecation warning and check against ``Request`` or ``Response`` instead. :issue:`1963` - JSON support no longer uses simplejson if it's installed. To use another JSON module, override ``Request.json_module`` and ``Response.json_module``. :pr:`1766` - ``Response.get_json()`` no longer caches the result, and the ``cache`` parameter is removed. :issue:`1698` - ``Response.freeze()`` generates an ``ETag`` header if one is not set. The ``no_etag`` parameter (which usually wasn't visible anyway) is no longer used. :issue:`1963` - Add a ``url_scheme`` argument to :meth:`` to override the bound scheme. :pr:`1721` - Passing an empty list as a query string parameter to ``build()`` won't append an unnecessary ``?``. Also drop any number of ``None`` items in a list. :issue:`1992` - When passing a ``Headers`` object to a test client method or ``EnvironBuilder``, multiple values for a key are joined into one comma separated value. This matches the HTTP spec on multi-value headers. :issue:`1655` - Setting ``Response.status`` and ``status_code`` uses identical parsing and error checking. :issue:`1658`, :pr:`1728` - ``MethodNotAllowed`` and ``RequestedRangeNotSatisfiable`` take a ``response`` kwarg, consistent with other HTTP errors. :pr:`1748` - The response generated by :exc:`~exceptions.Unauthorized` produces one ``WWW-Authenticate`` header per value in ``www_authenticate``, rather than joining them into a single value, to improve interoperability with browsers and other clients. :pr:`1755` - If ``parse_authorization_header`` can't decode the header value, it returns ``None`` instead of raising a ``UnicodeDecodeError``. :issue:`1816` - The debugger no longer uses jQuery. :issue:`1807` - The test client includes the query string in ``REQUEST_URI`` and ``RAW_URI``. :issue:`1781` - Switch the parameter order of ``default_stream_factory`` to match the order used when calling it. :pr:`1085` - Add ``send_file`` function to generate a response that serves a file. Adapted from Flask's implementation. :issue:`265`, :pr:`1850` - Add ``send_from_directory`` function to safely serve an untrusted path within a trusted directory. Adapted from Flask's implementation. :issue:`1880` - ``send_file`` takes ``download_name``, which is passed even if ``as_attachment=False`` by using ``Content-Disposition: inline``. ``download_name`` replaces Flask's ``attachment_filename``. :issue:`1869` - ``send_file`` sets ``conditional=True`` and ``max_age=None`` by default. ``Cache-Control`` is set to ``no-cache`` if ``max_age`` is not set, otherwise ``public``. This tells browsers to validate conditional requests instead of using a timed cache. ``max_age=None`` replaces Flask's ``cache_timeout=43200``. :issue:`1882` - ``send_file`` can be called with ``etag="string"`` to set a custom ETag instead of generating one. ``etag`` replaces Flask's ``add_etags``. :issue:`1868` - ``send_file`` sets the ``Content-Encoding`` header if an encoding is returned when guessing ``mimetype`` from ``download_name``. :pr:`3896` - Update the defaults used by ``generate_password_hash``. Increase PBKDF2 iterations to 260000 from 150000. Increase salt length to 16 from 8. Use ``secrets`` module to generate salt. :pr:`1935` - The reloader doesn't crash if ``sys.stdin`` is somehow ``None``. :pr:`1915` - Add arguments to ``delete_cookie`` to match ``set_cookie`` and the attributes modern browsers expect. :pr:`1889` - ``utils.cookie_date`` is deprecated, use ``utils.http_date`` instead. The value for ``Set-Cookie expires`` is no longer "-" delimited. :pr:`2040` - Use ``request.headers`` instead of ``request.environ`` to look up header attributes. :pr:`1808` - The test ``Client`` request methods (``client.get``, etc.) always return an instance of ``TestResponse``. In addition to the normal behavior of ``Response``, this class provides ``request`` with the request that produced the response, and ``history`` to track intermediate responses when ``follow_redirects`` is used. :issue:`763, 1894` - The test ``Client`` request methods takes an ``auth`` parameter to add an ``Authorization`` header. It can be an ``Authorization`` object or a ``(username, password)`` tuple for ``Basic`` auth. :pr:`1809` - Calling ``response.close()`` on a response from the test ``Client`` will close the request input stream. This matches file behavior and can prevent a ``ResourceWarning`` in some cases. :issue:`1785` - ``EnvironBuilder.from_environ`` decodes values encoded for WSGI, to avoid double encoding the new values. :pr:`1959` - The default stat reloader will watch Python files under non-system/virtualenv ``sys.path`` entries, which should contain most user code. It will also watch all Python files under directories given in ``extra_files``. :pr:`1945` - The reloader ignores ``__pycache__`` directories again. :pr:`1945` - ``run_simple`` takes ``exclude_patterns`` a list of ``fnmatch`` patterns that will not be scanned by the reloader. :issue:`1333` - Cookie names are no longer unquoted. This was against :rfc:`6265` and potentially allowed setting ``__Secure`` prefixed cookies. :pr:`1965` - Fix some word matches for user agent platform when the word can be a substring. :issue:`1923` - The development server logs ignored SSL errors. :pr:`1967` - Temporary files for form data are opened in ``rb+`` instead of ``wb+`` mode for better compatibility with some libraries. :issue:`1961` - Use SHA-1 instead of MD5 for generating ETags and the debugger pin, and in some tests. MD5 is not available in some environments, such as FIPS 140. This may invalidate some caches since the ETag will be different. :issue:`1897` - Add ``Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy`` and ``Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy`` response header properties. :pr:`2008` - ``run_simple`` tries to show a valid IP address when binding to all addresses, instead of ```` or ``::``. It also warns about not running the development server in production in this case. :issue:`1964` - Colors in the development server log are displayed if Colorama is installed on Windows. For all platforms, style support no longer requires Click. :issue:`1832` - A range request for an empty file (or other data with length 0) will return a 200 response with the empty file instead of a 416 error. :issue:`1937` - New sans-IO base classes for ``Request`` and ``Response`` have been extracted to contain all the behavior that is not WSGI or IO dependent. These are not a public API, they are part of an ongoing refactor to let ASGI frameworks use Werkzeug. :pr:`2005` - Parsing ``multipart/form-data`` has been refactored to use sans-io patterns. This should also make parsing forms with large binary file uploads significantly faster. :issue:`1788, 875` - ``LocalProxy`` matches the current Python data model special methods, including all r-ops, in-place ops, and async. ``__class__`` is proxied, so the proxy will look like the object in more cases, including ``isinstance``. Use ``issubclass(type(obj), LocalProxy)`` to check if an object is actually a proxy. :issue:`1754` - ``Local`` uses ``ContextVar`` on Python 3.7+ instead of ``threading.local``. :pr:`1778` - ``request.values`` does not include ``form`` for GET requests (even though GET bodies are undefined). This prevents bad caching proxies from caching form data instead of query strings. :pr:`2037` - The development server adds the underlying socket to ``environ`` as ``werkzeug.socket``. This is non-standard and specific to the dev server, other servers may expose this under their own key. It is useful for handling a WebSocket upgrade request. :issue:`2052` - URL matching assumes ``websocket=True`` mode for WebSocket upgrade requests. :issue:`2052` - Updated ``UserAgentParser`` to handle more cases. :issue:`1971` - ``werzeug.DechunkedInput.readinto`` will not read beyond the size of the buffer. :issue:`2021` - Fix connection reset when exceeding max content size. :pr:`2051` - ``pbkdf2_hex``, ``pbkdf2_bin``, and ``safe_str_cmp`` are deprecated. ``hashlib`` and ``hmac`` provide equivalents. :pr:`2083` - ``invalidate_cached_property`` is deprecated. Use ``del`` instead. :pr:`2084` - ``Href`` is deprecated. Use ``werkzeug.routing`` instead. :pr:`2085` - ``Request.disable_data_descriptor`` is deprecated. Create the request with ``shallow=True`` instead. :pr:`2085` - ``HTTPException.wrap`` is deprecated. Create a subclass manually instead. :pr:`2085`
Diffstat (limited to 'www/py-werkzeug')
4 files changed, 56 insertions, 72 deletions
diff --git a/www/py-werkzeug/Makefile b/www/py-werkzeug/Makefile
index 7a3d6bdffb7..23eb4a7cc08 100644
--- a/www/py-werkzeug/Makefile
+++ b/www/py-werkzeug/Makefile
@@ -1,38 +1,43 @@
-# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.20 2022/01/04 20:55:38 wiz Exp $
+# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.21 2022/04/29 13:36:19 wiz Exp $
COMMENT= Python WSGI Utility Library
-TEST_DEPENDS+= ${PYPKGPREFIX}-test-runner-[0-9]*:../../devel/py-test-runner
+# optional
+#DEPENDS+= ${PYPKGPREFIX}-cryptography-[0-9]*:../../security/py-cryptography
+#DEPENDS+= ${PYPKGPREFIX}-greenlet-[0-9]*:../../devel/py-greenlet
+#DEPENDS+= ${PYPKGPREFIX}-watchdog-[0-9]*:../../sysutils/py-watchdog
+TEST_DEPENDS+= ${PYPKGPREFIX}-ephemeral_port_reserve-[0-9]*:../../net/py-ephemeral_port_reserve
+TEST_DEPENDS+= ${PYPKGPREFIX}-test-[0-9]*:../../devel/py-test
+TEST_DEPENDS+= ${PYPKGPREFIX}-test-timeout-[0-9]*:../../devel/py-test-timeout
+TEST_DEPENDS+= ${PYPKGPREFIX}-test-xprocess-[0-9]*:../../devel/py-test-xprocess
REPLACE_PYTHON+= examples/manage-*.py
REPLACE_PYTHON+= examples/
REPLACE_PYTHON+= tests/multipart/
-EGDIR= share/examples/${PKGBASE}
+EGDIR= share/examples/${PKGBASE}
+PRINT_PLIST_AWK+= { gsub(/${EGDIR:S,/,\\/,g}/, "$${EGDIR}") }
+USE_TOOLS+= pax
-.for i in console.png less.png more.png source.png
- ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/${PYSITELIB}/werkzeug/debug/shared/${i}
+ ${CHMOD} ${SHAREMODE} ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/${PYSITELIB}/werkzeug/debug/shared/*.png
cd ${WRKSRC}/examples && ${PAX} -rwppm . ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/${EGDIR}
-.for i in \
- \
-.for i in down.png up.png
- ${CHMOD} ${SHAREMODE} ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/${EGDIR}/cupoftee/shared/${i}
+ ${CHMOD} ${SHAREMODE} ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/${EGDIR}/cupoftee/shared/*.png
+# as of 2.1.2
+# 18 failed, 804 passed, 8 errors
+ cd ${WRKSRC} && ${SETENV} ${TEST_ENV} pytest-${PYVERSSUFFIX}
.include "../../www/py-werkzeug/Makefile.common"
diff --git a/www/py-werkzeug/Makefile.common b/www/py-werkzeug/Makefile.common
index 6f07a9f9d44..595ba72e71b 100644
--- a/www/py-werkzeug/Makefile.common
+++ b/www/py-werkzeug/Makefile.common
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
-# $NetBSD: Makefile.common,v 1.27 2020/05/16 08:37:47 adam Exp $
+# $NetBSD: Makefile.common,v 1.28 2022/04/29 13:36:19 wiz Exp $
# used by www/py-werkzeug/Makefile
# used by www/py-werkzeug-docs/Makefile
-DISTNAME= Werkzeug-1.0.1
+DISTNAME= Werkzeug-2.1.2
CATEGORIES= www python
@@ -14,4 +15,3 @@ HOMEPAGE=
LICENSE= modified-bsd
-USE_TOOLS+= pax
diff --git a/www/py-werkzeug/PLIST b/www/py-werkzeug/PLIST
index 8ac8ff3a9c5..a132fb4fd64 100644
--- a/www/py-werkzeug/PLIST
+++ b/www/py-werkzeug/PLIST
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-@comment $NetBSD: PLIST,v 1.10 2020/04/01 17:44:54 adam Exp $
+@comment $NetBSD: PLIST,v 1.11 2022/04/29 13:36:19 wiz Exp $
@@ -7,9 +7,6 @@ ${PYSITELIB}/${EGG_INFODIR}/top_level.txt
@@ -18,6 +15,7 @@ ${PYSITELIB}/werkzeug/_reloader.pyc
@@ -28,24 +26,18 @@ ${PYSITELIB}/werkzeug/debug/console.pyo
@@ -76,12 +68,25 @@ ${PYSITELIB}/werkzeug/middleware/proxy_fix.pyo
@@ -97,48 +102,21 @@ ${PYSITELIB}/werkzeug/testapp.pyo
@@ -251,3 +229,4 @@ ${EGDIR}/simplewiki/
diff --git a/www/py-werkzeug/distinfo b/www/py-werkzeug/distinfo
index caeb8b84de2..6d3c050e65e 100644
--- a/www/py-werkzeug/distinfo
+++ b/www/py-werkzeug/distinfo
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.27 2021/10/26 11:30:51 nia Exp $
+$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.28 2022/04/29 13:36:19 wiz Exp $
-BLAKE2s (Werkzeug-1.0.1.tar.gz) = aefa78d6e9048d0b164f3bf814ab89e42b86764c1e55df6d19dd30a510915888
-SHA512 (Werkzeug-1.0.1.tar.gz) = ba76ee6f39cf8f6b2c8988e6119be78cc6c868ea78bd2014837b4e9f59e8b790fb3a7b5a45b392cabdc61f32b8a6902cf5f43d7e20b1f4571e0bef102a3e88fa
-Size (Werkzeug-1.0.1.tar.gz) = 904455 bytes
+BLAKE2s (Werkzeug-2.1.2.tar.gz) = 4ce382b58eb0eaa390db010a310317675cbd50f75ec8d05b88ce2fab4b0c1701
+SHA512 (Werkzeug-2.1.2.tar.gz) = 83c8f930c1166c2228ad4cdacfb150e39f6e4476960fb24ab44d6ee65eca34bfc211c9d45e895e031f0c387fbe4d5c6cae1d3d0fd6b5671aaace50306b9593ed
+Size (Werkzeug-2.1.2.tar.gz) = 835169 bytes