diff options
43 files changed, 3 insertions, 5411 deletions
diff --git a/devel/Makefile b/devel/Makefile
index 092ee975b1a..b31e0526a23 100644
--- a/devel/Makefile
+++ b/devel/Makefile
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.530 2004/09/10 16:14:03 wiz Exp $
+# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.531 2004/09/11 14:56:32 jmmv Exp $
COMMENT= Development utilities
@@ -67,7 +67,6 @@ SUBDIR+= cgdb
SUBDIR+= check
SUBDIR+= chmlib
SUBDIR+= cmake
-SUBDIR+= cmdline
SUBDIR+= coconut
SUBDIR+= codeville
SUBDIR+= cook
diff --git a/devel/cmdline/DESCR b/devel/cmdline/DESCR
deleted file mode 100644
index 651bc43c0db..00000000000
--- a/devel/cmdline/DESCR
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-This is CmdLine, a C++ library for parsing command arguments and assigning
-the corresponding values to program variables. Also included is cmdparse,
-a program to provide an interface to CmdLine for shell-scripts.
diff --git a/devel/cmdline/Makefile b/devel/cmdline/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index ab81bc1063a..00000000000
--- a/devel/cmdline/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.14 2004/09/07 20:35:31 jmmv Exp $
-PKGNAME= cmdline-${PKG_VERS}
-DIST_VERS= 1.04
-PKG_VERS= 1.05nb1
-COMMENT= C++ library for parsing command arguments
-USE_BUILDLINK3= # defined
-USE_LIBTOOL= # defined
-MOREUSRDEFS= -I${BUILDLINK_PREFIX.readline}/include/readline
-MOREUSRDEFS+= -I${BUILDLINK_PREFIX.readline}/include/readline/readline
-MOREUSRLIBS= -L${BUILDLINK_PREFIX.readline}/lib -lreadline -ltermcap
-.include "../../devel/readline/"
-.include "../../mk/"
diff --git a/devel/cmdline/PLIST b/devel/cmdline/PLIST
deleted file mode 100644
index bd4a397b90c..00000000000
--- a/devel/cmdline/PLIST
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-@comment $NetBSD: PLIST,v 1.1 2001/11/01 01:22:47 zuntum Exp $
diff --git a/devel/cmdline/distinfo b/devel/cmdline/distinfo
deleted file mode 100644
index 05b2faaf2ee..00000000000
--- a/devel/cmdline/distinfo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.4 2001/05/17 20:28:18 jlam Exp $
-SHA1 (cmdline-1.04/CmdLine.tar.gz) = 9d2bebc7faf8e47d69fd272367e1a4051bb81e13
-Size (cmdline-1.04/CmdLine.tar.gz) = 97602 bytes
-SHA1 (patch-aa) = 26d46573b173b8eeeb36790a8bd9d856b34f9d4a
-SHA1 (patch-ab) = 65bd1db2f29e145c4eea755f17eae00795671b05
-SHA1 (patch-ac) = c8381a0a19cb3c58e4d0993639385b6e45ce6920
-SHA1 (patch-ad) = 7945b1e7e4637433247f0014394b1a2641629f22
-SHA1 (patch-ae) = a8c8aed67a3110a57be54c4ee17351bdc9b01c8d
-SHA1 (patch-af) = 02cbf26035d8cb2f61bfdd0ff38faef18496a962
-SHA1 (patch-ag) = f92e9bdf2cce43f7691f74e17cd1b72ef4842302
-SHA1 (patch-ah) = bce663ff8130478fff29a5d9de22564c169c90e1
-SHA1 (patch-ai) = ece451d411933a87d90caee308c232d6f433c470
-SHA1 (patch-aj) = cba2cd5c823a4b3e670f97bbe14cf9945ac39589
-SHA1 (patch-ak) = 5e6de07b7878a900ddd663b2693c3599d5f4455f
-SHA1 (patch-al) = 7ab9016d7a95fb9b9ffcfa4bf8b360d044196a05
-SHA1 (patch-am) = 6ccab2ef40bea3af2c2cfd87b7c2139bb5a1c309
-SHA1 (patch-an) = 790de09f1250af0603b4432f999ec081b81e0d14
-SHA1 (patch-ao) = 7df8976af6f1518375f39827af730e35097d8f7d
-SHA1 (patch-ap) = 2c98ba538726e5d38ee407fad750add1a82b1109
-SHA1 (patch-aq) = db2260067d4d2259a07d90495e1b0cf450ab67cc
-SHA1 (patch-ar) = 2c081b60682ce82fa5eb3eebf3885e1c23a59812
-SHA1 (patch-as) = 8e79d13842479e7abe7ca1815d18f7f91a206f40
-SHA1 (patch-at) = ef5a35d5d4472212ce742f3505698307a4bb16c3
-SHA1 (patch-au) = 61be780115f3aef2897407e9a17812c94eac3837
-SHA1 (patch-av) = e59f08e7fba0bad7d8cdde16f2f4775470cd5ec8
-SHA1 (patch-aw) = ec3a1d21cda7f32f841bd959a8ea44f4cef9b2d8
-SHA1 (patch-ax) = a951011d41196dcd4a688eb2c6031bef1f285904
-SHA1 (patch-ay) = 7f54994ac4d67b6ebc7c21fae7f8bec4e7fe0948
-SHA1 (patch-az) = b4867a26f3f26b8ec8cb26668b0ac04e683ade2f
-SHA1 (patch-ba) = daa725abc206205ae67660d3eb7305f423ab4a27
-SHA1 (patch-bb) = 517fb1b635905688bc4a7c2367322e28d00a54e0
-SHA1 (patch-bc) = bacf35667b07ba5b3efdbfaed5e1a4e8edadd277
-SHA1 (patch-bd) = e04f4128a9c878e270e5ad5f466d0b4bb50ec7ea
-SHA1 (patch-be) = 79f8538cdeb8cf85f5696ddf32acd1c77b2cca0a
-SHA1 (patch-bf) = 0d6f0cef2adc998e6314fbe759339d6f6abc9af9
-SHA1 (patch-bg) = 8572f5193e937885971c775cb257634e30fa7a76
-SHA1 (patch-bh) = 24a2379a499966c8d3340f489e80a5f4dc2a80df
-SHA1 (patch-bi) = 0d4f8df93636b6320c0928fb8134801fd8894560
-SHA1 (patch-bj) = f9607d23393417a1f7e34f6a5fb3004b6c19402b
-SHA1 (patch-bk) = ab645f3fc56e4ea930f3666a47a131bb06c09b15
diff --git a/devel/cmdline/patches/patch-aa b/devel/cmdline/patches/patch-aa
deleted file mode 100644
index eaa9c41cf3b..00000000000
--- a/devel/cmdline/patches/patch-aa
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-$NetBSD: patch-aa,v 1.3 2001/04/23 09:15:10 skrll Exp $
---- Thu Jan 2 18:33:36 1997
-@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
- ###^^#####################################################################
- ## Universe to compile in (use "att" for SYSV Unix and "ucb" for BSD Unix).
- ## Host operating system
- OS=unix
-@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
- ## library file extension
- ## executable file extension
-@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@
- # their corresponding strings at the end of doc/!
- #
- ## common local directory
- ## where to install executables
-@@ -127,10 +127,10 @@
- LOCALMAN=local_man/
- ## where to install man-pages
- ## where to install catman-pages (preformatted manual pages)
- ## subdirectory of MANDIR and CATMANDIR for section 1 of man-pages
- MAN1DIR=man1/
-@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@
- # Define C++ compilation stuff
- #
- ## name of C++ compiler
- ## option to specify other include directories to search
- INC=-I
-@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@
- DEF=-D
- ## option to produce optimized code
- ## option to produce debugging information
- DBG=-g
-@@ -183,7 +183,8 @@
- # FLAG=$(DBG)
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-@@ -192,6 +193,7 @@
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/devel/cmdline/patches/patch-ab b/devel/cmdline/patches/patch-ab
deleted file mode 100644
index 28d51196992..00000000000
--- a/devel/cmdline/patches/patch-ab
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-$NetBSD: patch-ab,v 2000/08/25 16:15:52 jlam Exp $
---- doc/Makefile.orig Thu Jan 2 13:33:24 1997
-+++ doc/Makefile
-@@ -47,18 +47,16 @@
- .man1.1:
- $(SOELIM) $< >$*.1
-- $(MANTOCATMAN) $*.1
- .man3.3:
- $(SOELIM) $< >$*.3
-- $(MANTOCATMAN) $*.3
- ###
- # installation dependencies
- ###
- all:
--install: installman installcatman
-+install: installman
- installman: installman1 installman3
-@@ -66,19 +64,19 @@
- installman1: $(MAN1FILES)
- ( $(CHDIR) $(MANDIR)$(MAN1DIR) ; $(RM) $(MAN1FILES) )
- installcatman1: $(CATMAN1FILES)
- installman3: $(MAN3FILES)
- ( $(CHDIR) $(MANDIR)$(MAN3DIR) ; $(RM) $(MAN3FILES) )
- installcatman3: $(CATMAN3FILES)
- ###
- # maintenance dependencies
diff --git a/devel/cmdline/patches/patch-ac b/devel/cmdline/patches/patch-ac
deleted file mode 100644
index b2c62e1fbb2..00000000000
--- a/devel/cmdline/patches/patch-ac
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-$NetBSD: patch-ac,v 2000/08/25 16:15:52 jlam Exp $
---- src/cmd/Makefile.orig Thu Jan 2 13:33:27 1997
-+++ src/cmd/Makefile
-@@ -46,12 +46,12 @@
- ###
- # compilation options
- ###
- # FLAG=$(DBG)
-@@ -74,17 +74,16 @@
- ( $(CHDIR) $(PROGLIBDIR) ; $(BUILD) $@ ; )
-- $(CC) $(EXE) $@ $(OBJS) $(PROGLIB)
-+ $(CC) $(EXE) $@ $(OBJS) $(PROGLIB) $(USRLIBS)
- ###
- # maintenance dependencies
- ###
- install: $(PROGRAM) $(BINDIR) $(PROGRAM).pl
-- -$(CP) $(PROGRAM).pl $(PERLLIB)$(PROGRAM).pl
-- -$(CP) $(PROGRAM).tcl $(TCLLIB)$(PROGRAM).tcl
-+# -$(CP) $(PROGRAM).pl $(PERLLIB)$(PROGRAM).pl
-+# -$(CP) $(PROGRAM).tcl $(TCLLIB)$(PROGRAM).tcl
- clean:
- -$(RM) *$(OBJEXT) core .exrc *~ \#*\#
diff --git a/devel/cmdline/patches/patch-ad b/devel/cmdline/patches/patch-ad
deleted file mode 100644
index 91e0987e1f0..00000000000
--- a/devel/cmdline/patches/patch-ad
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
-$NetBSD: patch-ad,v 2000/08/25 16:15:52 jlam Exp $
---- src/cmd/argtypes.c.orig Thu Jan 2 13:33:27 1997
-+++ src/cmd/argtypes.c
-@@ -1,10 +1,6 @@
--#include <stdlib.h>
--#include <iostream.h>
--#include <string.h>
--#include <ctype.h>
- #include "argtypes.h"
-+using namespace cmdline;
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // ^FUNCTION: operator() - handle an argument from the command-line
-@@ -64,7 +60,7 @@
- //-------------------------------------------------------------- ShellCmdArgInt
- {
- }
-@@ -80,7 +76,7 @@
- //------------------------------------------------------------ ShellCmdArgFloat
- {
- }
-@@ -96,7 +92,7 @@
- //------------------------------------------------------------- ShellCmdArgChar
- {
- }
-@@ -112,7 +108,7 @@
- //-------------------------------------------------------------- ShellCmdArgStr
- {
- }
-@@ -131,7 +127,7 @@
- const char * ShellCmdArgBool::true_string = "TRUE" ;
- const char * ShellCmdArgBool::false_string = "" ;
- {
- }
-@@ -148,7 +144,7 @@
- //------------------------------------------------------------ ShellCmdArgClear
- {
- }
-@@ -165,7 +161,7 @@
- //----------------------------------------------------------- ShellCmdArgToggle
- {
- }
-@@ -179,4 +175,3 @@
- }
- return badval;
- }
diff --git a/devel/cmdline/patches/patch-ae b/devel/cmdline/patches/patch-ae
deleted file mode 100644
index f4b18a99a7f..00000000000
--- a/devel/cmdline/patches/patch-ae
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,184 +0,0 @@
-$NetBSD: patch-ae,v 2000/08/25 16:15:53 jlam Exp $
---- src/cmd/argtypes.h.orig Thu Jan 2 13:33:27 1997
-+++ src/cmd/argtypes.h
-@@ -8,6 +8,10 @@
- //
- // ^HISTORY:
- // 04/26/92 Brad Appleton <> Created
-+// 08/16/00 Johnny Lam <>
-+// - Refer to namespace cmdline
-+// - Updated to follow ISO C++ standard
- //-^^---------------------------------------------------------------------
- #ifndef _argtypes_h
-@@ -27,21 +31,21 @@
- char * keyword,
- char * value,
- char * description,
-- unsigned syntax_flags =CmdArg::isOPTVALREQ)
-+ unsigned int syntax_flags =cmdline::CmdArg::isOPTVALREQ)
- : ShellCmdArg(name, optchar, keyword, value, description, syntax_flags)
- {}
- ShellCmdArgInt(char * name,
- char * value,
- char * description,
-- unsigned syntax_flags =CmdArg::isPOSVALREQ)
-+ unsigned int syntax_flags =cmdline::CmdArg::isPOSVALREQ)
- : ShellCmdArg(name, value, description, syntax_flags)
- {}
-- virtual ~ShellCmdArgInt(void);
-+ virtual ~ShellCmdArgInt();
- virtual int
-- operator()(const char * & arg, CmdLine & cmd);
-+ operator()(const char * & arg, cmdline::CmdLine & cmd);
- } ;
- //------------------------------------------------------------ ShellCmdArgFloat
-@@ -56,21 +60,21 @@
- char * keyword,
- char * value,
- char * description,
-- unsigned syntax_flags =CmdArg::isOPTVALREQ)
-+ unsigned int syntax_flags =cmdline::CmdArg::isOPTVALREQ)
- : ShellCmdArg(name, optchar, keyword, value, description, syntax_flags)
- {}
- ShellCmdArgFloat(char * name,
- char * value,
- char * description,
-- unsigned syntax_flags =CmdArg::isPOSVALREQ)
-+ unsigned int syntax_flags =cmdline::CmdArg::isPOSVALREQ)
- : ShellCmdArg(name, value, description, syntax_flags)
- {}
-- virtual ~ShellCmdArgFloat(void);
-+ virtual ~ShellCmdArgFloat();
- virtual int
-- operator()(const char * & arg, CmdLine & cmd);
-+ operator()(const char * & arg, cmdline::CmdLine & cmd);
- } ;
- //------------------------------------------------------------- ShellCmdArgChar
-@@ -85,21 +89,21 @@
- char * keyword,
- char * value,
- char * description,
-- unsigned syntax_flags =CmdArg::isOPTVALREQ)
-+ unsigned int syntax_flags =cmdline::CmdArg::isOPTVALREQ)
- : ShellCmdArg(name, optchar, keyword, value, description, syntax_flags)
- {}
- ShellCmdArgChar(char * name,
- char * value,
- char * description,
-- unsigned syntax_flags =CmdArg::isPOSVALREQ)
-+ unsigned int syntax_flags =cmdline::CmdArg::isPOSVALREQ)
- : ShellCmdArg(name, value, description, syntax_flags)
- {}
-- virtual ~ShellCmdArgChar(void);
-+ virtual ~ShellCmdArgChar();
- virtual int
-- operator()(const char * & arg, CmdLine & cmd);
-+ operator()(const char * & arg, cmdline::CmdLine & cmd);
- } ;
- //-------------------------------------------------------------- ShellCmdArgStr
-@@ -114,21 +118,21 @@
- char * keyword,
- char * value,
- char * description,
-- unsigned syntax_flags =CmdArg::isOPTVALREQ)
-+ unsigned int syntax_flags =cmdline::CmdArg::isOPTVALREQ)
- : ShellCmdArg(name, optchar, keyword, value, description, syntax_flags)
- {}
- ShellCmdArgStr(char * name,
- char * value,
- char * description,
-- unsigned syntax_flags =CmdArg::isPOSVALREQ)
-+ unsigned int syntax_flags =cmdline::CmdArg::isPOSVALREQ)
- : ShellCmdArg(name, value, description, syntax_flags)
- {}
-- virtual ~ShellCmdArgStr(void);
-+ virtual ~ShellCmdArgStr();
- virtual int
-- operator()(const char * & arg, CmdLine & cmd);
-+ operator()(const char * & arg, cmdline::CmdLine & cmd);
- } ;
- //------------------------------------------------------------- ShellCmdArgBool
-@@ -142,23 +146,23 @@
- char optchar,
- char * keyword,
- char * description,
-- unsigned syntax_flags =CmdArg::isOPT)
-+ unsigned int syntax_flags =cmdline::CmdArg::isOPT)
- : ShellCmdArg(name, optchar, keyword, description, syntax_flags)
- {}
-- virtual ~ShellCmdArgBool(void);
-+ virtual ~ShellCmdArgBool();
- virtual int
-- operator()(const char * & arg, CmdLine & cmd);
-+ operator()(const char * & arg, cmdline::CmdLine & cmd);
- // Need to know what the values to use for TRUE and FALSE are
- //
- static const char *
-- True(void) { return true_string ; }
-+ True() { return true_string ; }
- static const char *
-- False(void) { return false_string ; }
-+ False() { return false_string ; }
- // Need to be able to set the values to use for TRUE and FALSE
-@@ -184,14 +188,14 @@
- char optchar,
- char * keyword,
- char * description,
-- unsigned syntax_flags =CmdArg::isOPT)
-+ unsigned int syntax_flags =cmdline::CmdArg::isOPT)
- : ShellCmdArgBool(name, optchar, keyword, description, syntax_flags)
- {}
-- virtual ~ShellCmdArgClear(void);
-+ virtual ~ShellCmdArgClear();
- virtual int
-- operator()(const char * & arg, CmdLine & cmd);
-+ operator()(const char * & arg, cmdline::CmdLine & cmd);
- } ;
- //----------------------------------------------------------- ShellCmdArgToggle
-@@ -202,14 +206,14 @@
- char optchar,
- char * keyword,
- char * description,
-- unsigned syntax_flags =CmdArg::isOPT)
-+ unsigned int syntax_flags =cmdline::CmdArg::isOPT)
- : ShellCmdArgBool(name, optchar, keyword, description, syntax_flags)
- {}
-- virtual ~ShellCmdArgToggle(void);
-+ virtual ~ShellCmdArgToggle();
- virtual int
-- operator()(const char * & arg, CmdLine & cmd);
-+ operator()(const char * & arg, cmdline::CmdLine & cmd);
- } ;
- #endif /* _argtypes_h */
diff --git a/devel/cmdline/patches/patch-af b/devel/cmdline/patches/patch-af
deleted file mode 100644
index 2b1df097b14..00000000000
--- a/devel/cmdline/patches/patch-af
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,160 +0,0 @@
-$NetBSD: patch-af,v 2000/08/25 16:15:53 jlam Exp $
---- src/cmd/cmdparse.c.orig Thu Jan 2 13:33:27 1997
-+++ src/cmd/cmdparse.c
-@@ -10,20 +10,26 @@
- //
- // 03/01/93 Brad Appleton <>
- // - Added ALLOW_PLUS to list of CmdLine configuration flags
-+// 08/16/00 Johnny Lam <>
-+// - Update to ISO C++ standard
- //-^^---------------------------------------------------------------------
--#include <stdlib.h>
--#include <iostream.h>
--#include <fstream.h>
--#include <strstream.h>
--#include <string.h>
--#include <ctype.h>
-+#include <cctype>
-+#include <cstdlib>
-+#include <cstring>
-+#include <fstream>
-+#include <iostream>
-+#include <strstream>
- #include <argtypes.h>
- #include "cmdparse.h"
- #include "syntax.h"
- #include "quoted.h"
-+using namespace cmdline;
-+using namespace std;
- enum { SUCCESS = 0, FAILURE = -1 } ;
- enum { MAX_IDENT_LEN = 64, MAX_DESCRIPTION_LEN = 1024 } ;
-@@ -67,8 +73,8 @@
- copy(char * & dest, const char * src)
- {
- if (src == NULL) return ;
-- dest = new char[::strlen(src) + 1] ;
-- if (dest) ::strcpy(dest, src);
-+ dest = new char[strlen(src) + 1] ;
-+ if (dest) strcpy(dest, src);
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------ CmdArgVers
-@@ -78,7 +84,7 @@
- {
- }
- {
- }
-@@ -136,7 +142,7 @@
- // Follow along - its pretty straightforward.
- //-^^----------------
- int
- {
- const char * str = input_str ;
- const char * varname = input_var ;
-@@ -176,7 +182,7 @@
- // means that standard input should be used.
- //
- if (filename) {
-- if (::strcmp(filename, "-") == 0) {
-+ if (strcmp(filename, "-") == 0) {
- rc += parse_declarations(cin);
- } else {
- ifstream ifs(filename);
-@@ -256,7 +262,7 @@
- char * kwd = NULL ;
- char * val = NULL ;
- char * desc = NULL ;
-- unsigned flags = arg.syntax() ;
-+ unsigned int flags = arg.syntax() ;
- char opt = arg.optchar() ;
- // Need to make copies of some things because we cant assume they
-@@ -333,7 +339,7 @@
- // Parse the user's argument declarations from an input string.
- //
--// This member function should only be called by parse_declarations(void).
-+// This member function should only be called by parse_declarations().
- //
- // - modifies usr_cmd by appending to it any valid arguments that we parse.
-@@ -348,8 +354,8 @@
- CmdParseCommand::parse_declarations(const char * str)
- {
- int rc = 0;
-- char * strbuf = new char[::strlen(str) + 1] ;
-- (void) ::strcpy(strbuf, str);
-+ char * strbuf = new char[strlen(str) + 1] ;
-+ strcpy(strbuf, str);
- istrstream iss(strbuf);
- rc = parse_declarations(iss);
- delete strbuf ;
-@@ -372,7 +378,7 @@
- // Parse the user's argument declarations from an input steam.
- //
--// This member function should only be called by parse_declarations(void).
-+// This member function should only be called by parse_declarations().
- //
- // - modifies usr_cmd by appending to it any valid arguments that we parse.
-@@ -394,7 +400,7 @@
- CmdParseCommand::parse_declarations(istream & is)
- {
- // Keep track of the number of declarations that we parse.
-- unsigned nargs = 0;
-+ unsigned int nargs = 0;
- if (is.eof()) return SUCCESS;
-@@ -408,7 +414,7 @@
- // Skip all non-alpha-numerics
- int c = is.peek() ;
- while ((c != EOF) && (c != '_') && (! isalnum(c))) {
-- (void) is.get();
-+ is.get();
- c = is.peek();
- }
-@@ -510,7 +516,7 @@
- void
- CmdParseCommand::set_args(UnixShell * shell)
- {
-- unsigned flags, syntax;
-+ unsigned int flags, syntax;
- CmdLineCmdArgIter iter(usr_cmd);
- for (CmdArg * cmdarg = iter() ; cmdarg ; cmdarg = iter()) {
-@@ -533,8 +539,8 @@
- if ((syntax & CmdArg::isVALTAKEN) && (! (flags & CmdArg::VALGIVEN))) {
- // flag was given without its value - we need to record that
- char var_name[256];
-- (void) ::strcpy(var_name, sh_cmdarg->name());
-- (void) ::strcat(var_name, suffix_str);
-+ strcpy(var_name, sh_cmdarg->name());
-+ strcat(var_name, suffix_str);
- ShellVariable sh_var(var_name);
- sh_var.set(ShellCmdArgBool::True());
- shell->set(sh_var);
-@@ -646,7 +652,7 @@
- //------------------------------------------- CmdParseCommand::~CmdParseCommand
- {
- CmdLineCmdArgIter iter(usr_cmd);
diff --git a/devel/cmdline/patches/patch-ag b/devel/cmdline/patches/patch-ag
deleted file mode 100644
index 8b9bd47edfd..00000000000
--- a/devel/cmdline/patches/patch-ag
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,123 +0,0 @@
-$NetBSD: patch-ag,v 2000/08/25 16:15:53 jlam Exp $
---- src/cmd/cmdparse.h.orig Thu Jan 2 13:33:28 1997
-+++ src/cmd/cmdparse.h
-@@ -10,6 +10,10 @@
- //
- // 03/01/93 Brad Appleton <>
- // - Added ALLOW_PLUS to list of CmdLine configuration flags
-+// 08/16/00 Johnny Lam <>
-+// - Refer to namespace cmdline
-+// - Updated to ISO C++ standard
- //-^^---------------------------------------------------------------------
- #ifndef _cmdparse_h
-@@ -32,30 +36,30 @@
- // CmdArgVers is a class that simply prints (on cerr) the version
- // information for this command.
- //
--class CmdArgVers : public CmdArg {
-+class CmdArgVers : public cmdline::CmdArg {
- public:
- CmdArgVers(char optchar, const char * keyword, const char * description);
-- virtual ~CmdArgVers(void);
-+ virtual ~CmdArgVers();
- virtual int
-- operator()(const char * & arg, CmdLine & cmd);
-+ operator()(const char * & arg, cmdline::CmdLine & cmd);
- } ;
- class istream ;
- class ArgSyntax ;
- class UnixShell ;
--class CmdParseCommand : public CmdLine {
-+class CmdParseCommand : public cmdline::CmdLine {
- public:
- CmdParseCommand(const char * name);
-- virtual ~CmdParseCommand(void);
-+ virtual ~CmdParseCommand();
- // Do whatever it is we need to do!
- int
-- operator()(CmdLineArgIter & iter) ;
-+ operator()(cmdline::CmdLineArgIter & iter) ;
- private:
- // Dont allow copying or assignment
-@@ -68,7 +72,7 @@
- // Parse the users argument declarations
- int
-- parse_declarations(void);
-+ parse_declarations();
- int
- parse_declarations(const char * input);
-@@ -85,35 +89,35 @@
- //------------------------------------------------ arguments to cmdparse(1)
-- CmdArgBool anywhere; // clear OPTS_FIRST
-- CmdArgBool anycase; // set ANY_CASE_OPTS
-- CmdArgBool no_abort; // set NO_ABORT
-- CmdArgBool no_guessing; // set NO_GUESSING
-- CmdArgBool prompt; // set PROMPT_USER
-- CmdArgBool plus; // set ALLOW_PLUS
-- CmdArgBool opts_only; // set OPTS_ONLY
-- CmdArgBool kwds_only; // set KWDS_ONLY
-- CmdArgBool quiet; // set QUIET
-- CmdArgVers version; // print version and exit
-- CmdArgBool usage; // print usage and exit
-- CmdArgBool array_variant; // use alternate array syntax
-- CmdArgStr true_str; // TRUE for booleans
-- CmdArgStr false_str; // FALSE for booleans
-- CmdArgStr suffix_str; // suffix for missing optional-values
-- CmdArgStr usr_shell; // the shell (command interpreter)
-- CmdArgStr input_file; // read declarations from file
-- CmdArgStr input_var; // read declarations environment variable
-- CmdArgStr input_str; // read declarations from string
-+ cmdline::CmdArgBool anywhere; // clear OPTS_FIRST
-+ cmdline::CmdArgBool anycase; // set ANY_CASE_OPTS
-+ cmdline::CmdArgBool no_abort; // set NO_ABORT
-+ cmdline::CmdArgBool no_guessing; // set NO_GUESSING
-+ cmdline::CmdArgBool prompt; // set PROMPT_USER
-+ cmdline::CmdArgBool plus; // set ALLOW_PLUS
-+ cmdline::CmdArgBool opts_only; // set OPTS_ONLY
-+ cmdline::CmdArgBool kwds_only; // set KWDS_ONLY
-+ cmdline::CmdArgBool quiet; // set QUIET
-+ CmdArgVers version; // print version and exit
-+ cmdline::CmdArgBool usage; // print usage and exit
-+ cmdline::CmdArgBool array_variant; // use alternate array syntax
-+ cmdline::CmdArgStr true_str; // TRUE for booleans
-+ cmdline::CmdArgStr false_str; // FALSE for booleans
-+ cmdline::CmdArgStr suffix_str; // suffix for missing optional-values
-+ cmdline::CmdArgStr usr_shell; // the shell (command interpreter)
-+ cmdline::CmdArgStr input_file; // read declarations from file
-+ cmdline::CmdArgStr input_var; // read declarations environment variable
-+ cmdline::CmdArgStr input_str; // read declarations from string
-- CmdArgDummy dummy_arg; // "--"
-+ cmdline::CmdArgDummy dummy_arg; // "--"
-- CmdArgStr usr_prog; // program name
-- CmdArgStrList usr_args; // program arguments
-+ cmdline::CmdArgStr usr_prog; // program name
-+ cmdline::CmdArgStrList usr_args; // program arguments
-- CmdLine usr_cmd; // the user's CmdLine object
-+ cmdline::CmdLine usr_cmd; // the user's CmdLine object
- } ;
- #endif /* _cmdparse_h */
diff --git a/devel/cmdline/patches/patch-ah b/devel/cmdline/patches/patch-ah
deleted file mode 100644
index 81a14d08e7e..00000000000
--- a/devel/cmdline/patches/patch-ah
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-$NetBSD: patch-ah,v 2000/08/25 16:15:53 jlam Exp $
---- src/cmd/fsm.c.orig Thu Jan 2 13:33:28 1997
-+++ src/cmd/fsm.c
-@@ -7,15 +7,20 @@
- //
- // ^HISTORY:
- // 03/27/92 Brad Appleton <> Created
-+// 08/16/00 Johnny Lam <>
-+// - Updated to ISO C++ standard
- //-^^---------------------------------------------------------------------
--#include <stdlib.h>
--#include <iostream.h>
--#include <ctype.h>
--#include <string.h>
-+#include <cctype>
-+#include <cstdlib>
-+#include <cstring>
-+#include <iostream>
- #include "fsm.h"
-+using namespace std;
- // define the characters that have a "special" meaning
- enum {
- c_LBRACE = '[',
-@@ -214,7 +219,7 @@
- //
- if (! *input) {
- fsm_state = FINAL;
-- } else if (::strncmp(input, "...", 3) == 0) {
-+ } else if (strncmp(input, "...", 3) == 0) {
- fsm_state = LIST;
- token.set(input, 3);
- input += 3;
diff --git a/devel/cmdline/patches/patch-ai b/devel/cmdline/patches/patch-ai
deleted file mode 100644
index bcc51628e1e..00000000000
--- a/devel/cmdline/patches/patch-ai
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-$NetBSD: patch-ai,v 2000/08/25 16:15:53 jlam Exp $
---- src/cmd/fsm.h.orig Thu Jan 2 13:33:28 1997
-+++ src/cmd/fsm.h
-@@ -7,6 +7,9 @@
- //
- // ^HISTORY:
- // 03/27/92 Brad Appleton <> Created
-+// 08/16/00 Johnny Lam <>
-+// - Updated to follow ISO C++ standard
- //-^^---------------------------------------------------------------------
- class SyntaxFSM {
-@@ -23,35 +26,35 @@
- struct token_t {
- const char * start; // start address of token
-- unsigned len; // length of token
-+ unsigned int len; // length of token
-- token_t(void) : start(0), len(0) {}
-+ token_t() : start(0), len(0) {}
- void
-- set(const char * s, unsigned l) { start = s, len = l; }
-+ set(const char * s, unsigned int l) { start = s, len = l; }
- } ;
-- SyntaxFSM(void) : ntoks(0), nbpairs(0), lev(0), fsm_state(START) {}
-+ SyntaxFSM() : ntoks(0), nbpairs(0), lev(0), fsm_state(START) {}
- // Reset the FSM
- void
-- reset(void) { ntoks = 0; nbpairs = 0; lev = 0; fsm_state = START; }
-+ reset() { ntoks = 0; nbpairs = 0; lev = 0; fsm_state = START; }
- // Return the number of tokens parsed thus far.
-- unsigned
-- num_tokens(void) const { return ntoks; }
-+ unsigned int
-+ num_tokens() const { return ntoks; }
- // Return the number of balanced brace-pairs parsed thus far.
-- unsigned
-- num_braces(void) const { return nbpairs; }
-+ unsigned int
-+ num_braces() const { return nbpairs; }
- // Return the current nesting level of brace-pairs
- int
-- level(void) const { return lev; }
-+ level() const { return lev; }
- // Return the current machine state
- state_t
-- state(void) const { return fsm_state; }
-+ state() const { return fsm_state; }
- // Get the next token from "input" and place it in "token"
- // (consuming characters from "input").
-@@ -63,10 +66,10 @@
- operator()(const char * & input, token_t & token);
- protected:
-- unsigned ntoks; // number of tokens parsed thus far
-- unsigned nbpairs; // number of balanced brace-pairs parsed thus far
-- int lev; // current nesting level of brace-pairs
-- state_t fsm_state; // current machine state
-+ unsigned int ntoks; // number of tokens parsed thus far
-+ unsigned int nbpairs; // number of balanced brace-pairs parsed thus far
-+ int lev; // current nesting level of brace-pairs
-+ state_t fsm_state; // current machine state
- private:
- void
-@@ -75,4 +78,3 @@
- void
- parse_token(const char * & input);
- } ;
diff --git a/devel/cmdline/patches/patch-aj b/devel/cmdline/patches/patch-aj
deleted file mode 100644
index 08be256deba..00000000000
--- a/devel/cmdline/patches/patch-aj
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-$NetBSD: patch-aj,v 2000/08/25 16:15:53 jlam Exp $
---- src/cmd/main.c.orig Thu Jan 2 13:33:29 1997
-+++ src/cmd/main.c
-@@ -6,21 +6,27 @@
- //
- // ^HISTORY:
- // 05/03/92 Brad Appleton <> Created
-+// 08/16/00 Johnny Lam <>
-+// - Updated to ISO C++ standard
- //-^^---------------------------------------------------------------------
--#include <new.h>
--#include <iostream.h>
--#include <stdlib.h>
-+#include <cstdlib>
-+#include <iostream>
-+#include <new>
- #include "cmdparse.h"
-+using namespace std;
-+using namespace cmdline;
- //
- // cmdparse_new_handler -- allocation error handler for cmdparse(1).
- //
--void cmdparse_new_handler(void)
-+void cmdparse_new_handler()
- {
- cerr << "cmdparse: free-store allocation error." << endl ;
-- ::exit(127);
-+ exit(127);
- }
- int
diff --git a/devel/cmdline/patches/patch-ak b/devel/cmdline/patches/patch-ak
deleted file mode 100644
index afd33e38cc0..00000000000
--- a/devel/cmdline/patches/patch-ak
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
-$NetBSD: patch-ak,v 2000/08/25 16:15:53 jlam Exp $
---- src/cmd/quoted.c.orig Thu Jan 2 13:33:29 1997
-+++ src/cmd/quoted.c
-@@ -6,18 +6,23 @@
- //
- // ^HISTORY:
- // 05/01/92 Brad Appleton <> Created
-+// 08/16/00 Johnny Lam <>
-+// - Updated to ISO C++ standard
- //-^^---------------------------------------------------------------------
--#include <stdlib.h>
--#include <iostream.h>
--#include <string.h>
--#include <ctype.h>
-+#include <cctype>
-+#include <cstdlib>
-+#include <cstring>
-+#include <iostream>
- #include "quoted.h"
-+using namespace std;
- //--------------------------------------------------------------- Constructors
--QuotedString::QuotedString(unsigned max_size)
-+QuotedString::QuotedString(unsigned int max_size)
- : size(max_size)
- {
- buffer = new char[size] ;
-@@ -26,28 +31,28 @@
- QuotedString::QuotedString(const char * str)
- {
-- size = ::strlen(str + 1);
-+ size = strlen(str + 1);
- buffer = new char[size];
-- if (buffer) ::strcpy(buffer, str);
-+ if (buffer) strcpy(buffer, str);
- }
--QuotedString::QuotedString(const char * str, unsigned max_size)
-+QuotedString::QuotedString(const char * str, unsigned int max_size)
- : size(max_size)
- {
- buffer = new char[size];
-- if (buffer) ::strcpy(buffer, str);
-+ if (buffer) strcpy(buffer, str);
- }
- QuotedString::QuotedString(const QuotedString & qstr)
- : size(qstr.size)
- {
- buffer = new char[size];
-- if (buffer) ::strcpy(buffer, qstr.buffer);
-+ if (buffer) strcpy(buffer, qstr.buffer);
- }
- //--------------------------------------------------------------- Destructor
- {
- delete [] buffer ;
- }
-@@ -60,7 +65,7 @@
- delete [] buffer ;
- size = qstr.size;
- buffer = new char[size];
-- if (buffer) ::strcpy(buffer, qstr.buffer);
-+ if (buffer) strcpy(buffer, qstr.buffer);
- return *this ;
- }
-@@ -68,9 +73,9 @@
- QuotedString::operator=(const char * str)
- {
- delete [] buffer ;
-- size = ::strlen(str) + 1;
-+ size = strlen(str) + 1;
- buffer = new char[size];
-- if (buffer) ::strcpy(buffer, str);
-+ if (buffer) strcpy(buffer, str);
- return *this ;
- }
-@@ -108,9 +113,9 @@
- // Now fetch into "dest" until we see the ending quote.
-- char * dest = qstr.buffer;
-- unsigned end_quote = 0;
-- unsigned len = 0;
-+ char * dest = qstr.buffer;
-+ unsigned int end_quote = 0;
-+ unsigned int len = 0;
- int c;
- while (! end_quote) {
- int escape = 0;
diff --git a/devel/cmdline/patches/patch-al b/devel/cmdline/patches/patch-al
deleted file mode 100644
index 231a1409dd3..00000000000
--- a/devel/cmdline/patches/patch-al
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-$NetBSD: patch-al,v 2000/08/25 16:15:53 jlam Exp $
---- src/cmd/quoted.h.orig Thu Jan 2 13:33:29 1997
-+++ src/cmd/quoted.h
-@@ -12,24 +12,28 @@
- //
- // ^HISTORY:
- // 05/01/92 Brad Appleton <> Created
-+// 08/16/00 Johnny Lam <>
-+// - Updated to ISO C++ standard
- //-^^---------------------------------------------------------------------
- #ifndef _quoted_h
- #define _quoted_h
--class istream ;
-+#include <iosfwd>
- class QuotedString {
- public:
- // constructors and destructors
-- QuotedString(unsigned max_size);
-+ QuotedString(unsigned int max_size);
- QuotedString(const char * str);
-- QuotedString(const char * str, unsigned max_size);
-+ QuotedString(const char * str, unsigned int max_size);
- QuotedString(const QuotedString & qstr);
-- virtual ~QuotedString(void);
-+ virtual ~QuotedString();
- // assignment
- QuotedString &
-@@ -39,19 +43,19 @@
- operator=(const char * str);
- // convert to a string
-- operator char*(void) { return buffer; }
-+ operator char*() { return buffer; }
- // operator >> reads a quoted string from input.
- // If no beginning or ending quote is seen, than
- // a message is printed on cerr and the failbit
- // of the input stream is set.
- //
-- friend istream &
-- operator>>(istream & is, QuotedString & qstr);
-+ friend std::istream &
-+ operator>>(std::istream & is, QuotedString & qstr);
- private:
-- unsigned size;
-- char * buffer;
-+ unsigned int size;
-+ char * buffer;
- } ;
- #endif /* _quoted_h */
diff --git a/devel/cmdline/patches/patch-am b/devel/cmdline/patches/patch-am
deleted file mode 100644
index 3c012ea92ea..00000000000
--- a/devel/cmdline/patches/patch-am
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
-$NetBSD: patch-am,v 2000/08/25 16:15:53 jlam Exp $
---- src/cmd/shell_arg.c.orig Thu Jan 2 13:33:29 1997
-+++ src/cmd/shell_arg.c
-@@ -7,15 +7,21 @@
- //
- // ^HISTORY:
- // 04/22/92 Brad Appleton <> Created
-+// 08/16/00 Johnny Lam <>
-+// - Updated to ISO C++ standard
- //-^^---------------------------------------------------------------------
--#include <stdlib.h>
--#include <iostream.h>
--#include <string.h>
--#include <ctype.h>
-+#include <cctype>
-+#include <cstdlib>
-+#include <cstring>
-+#include <iostream>
- #include "shell_arg.h"
-+using namespace cmdline;
-+using namespace std;
- //----------------------------------------------------------------- initialize
- void
-@@ -30,12 +36,12 @@
- //---------------------------------------------------------------- constructors
--ShellCmdArg::ShellCmdArg(char * variable_name,
-- char optchar,
-- char * keyword,
-- char * value,
-- char * description,
-- unsigned syntax_flags)
-+ShellCmdArg::ShellCmdArg(char * variable_name,
-+ char optchar,
-+ char * keyword,
-+ char * value,
-+ char * description,
-+ unsigned int syntax_flags)
- : CmdArg(optchar, keyword, value, description, syntax_flags),
- sca_name(variable_name), sca_keyword(keyword),
- sca_value(value), sca_description(description)
-@@ -43,11 +49,11 @@
- initialize(variable_name);
- }
--ShellCmdArg::ShellCmdArg(char * variable_name,
-- char optchar,
-- char * keyword,
-- char * description,
-- unsigned syntax_flags)
-+ShellCmdArg::ShellCmdArg(char * variable_name,
-+ char optchar,
-+ char * keyword,
-+ char * description,
-+ unsigned int syntax_flags)
- : CmdArg(optchar, keyword, description, syntax_flags),
- sca_name(variable_name), sca_keyword(keyword),
- sca_value(NULL), sca_description(description)
-@@ -55,10 +61,10 @@
- initialize(variable_name);
- }
--ShellCmdArg::ShellCmdArg(char * variable_name,
-- char * value,
-- char * description,
-- unsigned syntax_flags)
-+ShellCmdArg::ShellCmdArg(char * variable_name,
-+ char * value,
-+ char * description,
-+ unsigned int syntax_flags)
- : CmdArg(value, description, syntax_flags),
- sca_name(variable_name), sca_keyword(NULL),
- sca_value(value), sca_description(description)
-@@ -68,7 +74,7 @@
- //------------------------------------------------------------------ destructor
- {
- if (is_array()) {
- delete shell_array ;
-@@ -84,7 +90,7 @@
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------- is_array
- int
--ShellCmdArg::is_array(void) const
-+ShellCmdArg::is_array() const
- {
- return (syntax() & CmdArg::isLIST) ;
- }
diff --git a/devel/cmdline/patches/patch-an b/devel/cmdline/patches/patch-an
deleted file mode 100644
index bdb187efb50..00000000000
--- a/devel/cmdline/patches/patch-an
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-$NetBSD: patch-an,v 2000/08/25 16:15:53 jlam Exp $
---- src/cmd/shell_arg.h.orig Thu Jan 2 13:33:29 1997
-+++ src/cmd/shell_arg.h
-@@ -8,6 +8,10 @@
- //
- // ^HISTORY:
- // 04/22/92 Brad Appleton <> Created
-+// 08/16/00 Johnny Lam <>
-+// - Refer to namespace cmdline
-+// - Updated to follow ISO C++ standard
- //-^^---------------------------------------------------------------------
- #ifndef _shell_arg_h
-@@ -29,43 +33,43 @@
- // already exited!).
- //
--class ShellCmdArg : public CmdArg {
-+class ShellCmdArg : public cmdline::CmdArg {
- public:
- ShellCmdArg(char * variable_name,
- char optchar,
- char * keyword,
- char * value,
- char * description,
-- unsigned syntax_flags =CmdArg::isOPTVALREQ);
-+ unsigned int syntax_flags =cmdline::CmdArg::isOPTVALREQ);
- ShellCmdArg(char * variable_name,
- char optchar,
- char * keyword,
- char * description,
-- unsigned syntax_flags =CmdArg::isOPT);
-+ unsigned int syntax_flags =cmdline::CmdArg::isOPT);
- ShellCmdArg(char * variable_name,
- char * value,
- char * description,
-- unsigned syntax_flags =CmdArg::isPOSVALREQ);
-+ unsigned int syntax_flags =cmdline::CmdArg::isPOSVALREQ);
-- virtual ~ShellCmdArg(void);
-+ virtual ~ShellCmdArg();
- // Return the name of this variable/array
- const char *
-- name(void) const { return sca_name; }
-+ name() const { return sca_name; }
- // Are we an array or a variable?
- int
-- is_array(void) const;
-+ is_array() const;
- // Return the variable portion
- ShellVariable &
-- variable(void) { return *shell_variable; }
-+ variable() { return *shell_variable; }
- // Return the array portion
- ShellArray &
-- array(void) { return *shell_array; }
-+ array() { return *shell_array; }
- // If we are a variable then the "set" member function sets the
- // value of the variable, otherwise it appends to the list of
-@@ -75,7 +79,7 @@
- set(const char * value);
- virtual int
-- operator()(const char * & arg, CmdLine & cmd) = 0;
-+ operator()(const char * & arg, cmdline::CmdLine & cmd) = 0;
- private:
- ShellCmdArg(const ShellCmdArg & cp);
diff --git a/devel/cmdline/patches/patch-ao b/devel/cmdline/patches/patch-ao
deleted file mode 100644
index c0bfa487f45..00000000000
--- a/devel/cmdline/patches/patch-ao
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,274 +0,0 @@
-$NetBSD: patch-ao,v 2000/08/25 16:15:53 jlam Exp $
---- src/cmd/shells.c.orig Thu Jan 2 13:33:30 1997
-+++ src/cmd/shells.c
-@@ -7,18 +7,24 @@
- //
- // ^HISTORY:
- // 04/19/92 Brad Appleton <> Created
-+// 08/16/00 Johnny Lam <>
-+// - Updated to ISO C++ standard
- //-^^---------------------------------------------------------------------
--#include <stdlib.h>
--#include <iostream.h>
--#include <string.h>
--#include <ctype.h>
-+#include <cctype>
-+#include <cstdlib>
-+#include <cstring>
-+#include <iostream>
- #include <fifolist.h>
- #include "shells.h"
- #include "argtypes.h"
-+using namespace cmdline;
-+using namespace std;
- //--------------------------------------------------------------- ShellVariable
- ShellVariable::ShellVariable(const char * name)
-@@ -26,7 +32,7 @@
- {
- }
- {
- }
-@@ -38,10 +44,10 @@
- CharPtrList list;
- CharPtrListArray array;
-- ShellArrayValues(void);
-+ ShellArrayValues();
- } ;
- : array(list)
- {
- list.self_cleaning(1);
-@@ -54,7 +60,7 @@
- {
- }
- {
- delete array_value ;
- }
-@@ -72,21 +78,21 @@
- }
- }
--ShellArray::count(void) const
-+unsigned int
-+ShellArray::count() const
- {
- return ((array_value) ? array_value->list.count() : 0);
- }
- const char *
--ShellArray::operator[](unsigned index) const
-+ShellArray::operator[](unsigned int index) const
- {
- return ((array_value) ? array_value->array[index] : NULL);
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------- AbstractUnixShell
- {
- }
-@@ -122,13 +128,13 @@
- }
- }
- {
- delete shell;
- }
- const char *
--UnixShell::name(void) const
-+UnixShell::name() const
- {
- return ((shell) ? shell->name() : NULL);
- }
-@@ -171,16 +177,16 @@
- const char * BourneShell::NAME = "sh" ;
- {
- }
- {
- }
- const char *
--BourneShell::name(void) const
-+BourneShell::name() const
- {
- return BourneShell::NAME ;
- }
-@@ -275,16 +281,16 @@
- const char * KornShell::NAME = "ksh" ;
- {
- }
- {
- }
- const char *
--KornShell::name(void) const
-+KornShell::name() const
- {
- return KornShell::NAME ;
- }
-@@ -323,16 +329,16 @@
- const char * BourneAgainShell::NAME = "bash" ;
- {
- }
- {
- }
- const char *
--BourneAgainShell::name(void) const
-+BourneAgainShell::name() const
- {
- return BourneAgainShell::NAME ;
- }
-@@ -353,16 +359,16 @@
- const char * CShell::NAME = "csh" ;
- {
- }
- {
- }
- const char *
--CShell::name(void) const
-+CShell::name() const
- {
- return CShell::NAME ;
- }
-@@ -433,16 +439,16 @@
- const char * ZShell::NAME = "zsh" ;
- {
- }
- {
- }
- const char *
--ZShell::name(void) const
-+ZShell::name() const
- {
- return ZShell::NAME ;
- }
-@@ -515,16 +521,16 @@
- const char * Plan9Shell::NAME = "rc" ;
- {
- }
- {
- }
- const char *
--Plan9Shell::name(void) const
-+Plan9Shell::name() const
- {
- return Plan9Shell::NAME ;
- }
-@@ -594,7 +600,7 @@
- const char * PerlShell::NAME = "perl" ;
- {
- static const char perl_true[] = "1" ;
- static const char perl_false[] = "0" ;
-@@ -604,12 +610,12 @@
- ShellCmdArgBool::False(perl_false);
- }
- {
- }
- const char *
--PerlShell::name(void) const
-+PerlShell::name() const
- {
- return PerlShell::NAME ;
- }
-@@ -683,7 +689,7 @@
- const char * TclShell::NAME = "tcl" ;
- {
- static const char tcl_true[] = "1" ;
- static const char tcl_false[] = "0" ;
-@@ -693,12 +699,12 @@
- ShellCmdArgBool::False(tcl_false);
- }
- {
- }
- const char *
--TclShell::name(void) const
-+TclShell::name() const
- {
- return TclShell::NAME ;
- }
diff --git a/devel/cmdline/patches/patch-ap b/devel/cmdline/patches/patch-ap
deleted file mode 100644
index f65c51b253d..00000000000
--- a/devel/cmdline/patches/patch-ap
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,249 +0,0 @@
-$NetBSD: patch-ap,v 2000/08/25 16:15:53 jlam Exp $
---- src/cmd/shells.h.orig Thu Jan 2 13:33:30 1997
-+++ src/cmd/shells.h
-@@ -16,6 +16,9 @@
- //
- // ^HISTORY:
- // 04/19/92 Brad Appleton <> Created
-+// 08/16/00 Johnny Lam <>
-+// - Updated to follow ISO C++ standard
- //-^^---------------------------------------------------------------------
- #ifndef _shells_h
-@@ -28,11 +31,11 @@
- public:
- ShellVariable(const char * name);
-- virtual ~ShellVariable(void);
-+ virtual ~ShellVariable();
- // Return the name of this variable
- const char *
-- name(void) const { return var_name ; }
-+ name() const { return var_name ; }
- // Set the value of this variable
- void
-@@ -40,7 +43,7 @@
- // Return the value of this variable
- const char *
-- value(void) const { return var_value; }
-+ value() const { return var_value; }
- protected:
- const char * var_name ;
-@@ -55,19 +58,19 @@
- public:
- ShellArray(const char * name);
-- virtual ~ShellArray(void);
-+ virtual ~ShellArray();
- // Return the name of this array
- const char *
-- name(void) const { return array_name; }
-+ name() const { return array_name; }
- // Append to the list of values in this array
- void
- append(const char * value);
- // Return the number of items in this array.
-- unsigned
-- count(void) const;
-+ unsigned int
-+ count() const;
- // Return the desired element of an array
- //
-@@ -76,7 +79,7 @@
- // NULL-ptr dereferencing error!
- //
- const char *
-- operator[](unsigned index) const;
-+ operator[](unsigned int index) const;
- protected:
- const char * array_name ;
-@@ -91,11 +94,11 @@
- class AbstractUnixShell {
- public:
- virtual
-- ~AbstractUnixShell(void);
-+ ~AbstractUnixShell();
- // Return the name of this shell
- virtual const char *
-- name(void) const = 0;
-+ name() const = 0;
- // Does "name" correspond to the positional-parameters for this shell?
- virtual int
-@@ -128,7 +131,7 @@
- set(const ShellArray & array, int variant) const = 0;
- protected:
-- AbstractUnixShell(void) {};
-+ AbstractUnixShell() {};
- } ;
-@@ -145,15 +148,15 @@
- UnixShell(const char * shell_name);
- virtual
-- ~UnixShell(void);
-+ ~UnixShell();
- // See if this shell is valid
- int
-- is_valid(void) const { return (valid) ? 1 : 0; }
-+ is_valid() const { return (valid) ? 1 : 0; }
- // Return the name of this shell
- virtual const char *
-- name(void) const;
-+ name() const;
- virtual void
- unset_args(const char * name) const;
-@@ -168,7 +171,7 @@
- set(const ShellArray & array, int variant) const;
- private:
-- unsigned valid : 1 ;
-+ unsigned int valid : 1 ;
- AbstractUnixShell * shell;
- } ;
-@@ -197,12 +200,12 @@
- //
- class BourneShell : public AbstractUnixShell {
- public:
-- BourneShell(void);
-+ BourneShell();
-- virtual ~BourneShell(void);
-+ virtual ~BourneShell();
- virtual const char *
-- name(void) const;
-+ name() const;
- virtual void
- unset_args(const char * name) const;
-@@ -244,12 +247,12 @@
- //
- class KornShell : public BourneShell {
- public:
-- KornShell(void);
-+ KornShell();
-- virtual ~KornShell(void);
-+ virtual ~KornShell();
- virtual const char *
-- name(void) const;
-+ name() const;
- virtual void
- unset_args(const char * name) const;
-@@ -276,12 +279,12 @@
- //
- class BourneAgainShell : public BourneShell {
- public:
-- BourneAgainShell(void);
-+ BourneAgainShell();
-- virtual ~BourneAgainShell(void);
-+ virtual ~BourneAgainShell();
- virtual const char *
-- name(void) const;
-+ name() const;
- virtual void
- set(const ShellVariable & variable) const;
-@@ -309,12 +312,12 @@
- //
- class CShell : public AbstractUnixShell {
- public:
-- CShell(void);
-+ CShell();
-- virtual ~CShell(void);
-+ virtual ~CShell();
- virtual const char *
-- name(void) const;
-+ name() const;
- virtual void
- unset_args(const char * name) const;
-@@ -355,12 +358,12 @@
- //
- class ZShell : public AbstractUnixShell {
- public:
-- ZShell(void);
-+ ZShell();
-- virtual ~ZShell(void);
-+ virtual ~ZShell();
- virtual const char *
-- name(void) const;
-+ name() const;
- virtual void
- unset_args(const char * name) const;
-@@ -397,12 +400,12 @@
- //
- class Plan9Shell : public AbstractUnixShell {
- public:
-- Plan9Shell(void);
-+ Plan9Shell();
-- virtual ~Plan9Shell(void);
-+ virtual ~Plan9Shell();
- virtual const char *
-- name(void) const;
-+ name() const;
- virtual void
- unset_args(const char * name) const;
-@@ -438,12 +441,12 @@
- //
- class PerlShell : public AbstractUnixShell {
- public:
-- PerlShell(void);
-+ PerlShell();
-- virtual ~PerlShell(void);
-+ virtual ~PerlShell();
- virtual const char *
-- name(void) const;
-+ name() const;
- virtual void
- unset_args(const char * name) const;
-@@ -479,12 +482,12 @@
- //
- class TclShell : public AbstractUnixShell {
- public:
-- TclShell(void);
-+ TclShell();
-- virtual ~TclShell(void);
-+ virtual ~TclShell();
- virtual const char *
-- name(void) const;
-+ name() const;
- virtual void
- unset_args(const char * name) const;
diff --git a/devel/cmdline/patches/patch-aq b/devel/cmdline/patches/patch-aq
deleted file mode 100644
index c402a3b12b4..00000000000
--- a/devel/cmdline/patches/patch-aq
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-$NetBSD: patch-aq,v 2000/08/25 16:15:53 jlam Exp $
---- src/cmd/syntax.c.orig Thu Jan 2 13:33:29 1997
-+++ src/cmd/syntax.c
-@@ -7,18 +7,24 @@
- //
- // ^HISTORY:
- // 03/25/92 Brad Appleton <> Created
-+// 08/16/00 Johnny Lam <>
-+// - Updated to ISO C++ standard
- //-^^---------------------------------------------------------------------
--#include <stdlib.h>
--#include <iostream.h>
--#include <string.h>
--#include <ctype.h>
-+#include <cctype>
-+#include <cstdlib>
-+#include <cstring>
-+#include <iostream>
- #include <cmdline.h>
- #include "syntax.h"
- #include "quoted.h"
-+using namespace cmdline;
-+using namespace std;
- //------------------------------------------------------------------ copy_token
- //-------------------
-@@ -53,7 +59,7 @@
- copy_token(const char * & dest, const SyntaxFSM::token_t & src)
- {
- char * tok = new char[src.len + 1] ;
-- ::strncpy(tok, src.start, src.len);
-+ strncpy(tok, src.start, src.len);
- tok[src.len] = '\0';
- dest = tok;
- }
diff --git a/devel/cmdline/patches/patch-ar b/devel/cmdline/patches/patch-ar
deleted file mode 100644
index b4592d1b2ad..00000000000
--- a/devel/cmdline/patches/patch-ar
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-$NetBSD: patch-ar,v 2000/08/25 16:15:53 jlam Exp $
---- src/cmd/syntax.h.orig Thu Jan 2 13:33:31 1997
-+++ src/cmd/syntax.h
-@@ -8,42 +8,46 @@
- //
- // ^HISTORY:
- // 04/29/92 Brad Appleton <> Created
-+// 08/16/00 Johnny Lam <>
-+// - Updated to follow ISO C++ standard
- //-^^---------------------------------------------------------------------
- #ifndef _syntax_h
- #define _syntax_h
-+#include <iosfwd>
- #include "fsm.h"
--class istream;
- class ArgSyntax {
- public:
-- ArgSyntax(void)
-+ ArgSyntax()
- : arg_syntax(0), arg_char(0), arg_keyword(0), arg_value(0)
- {}
- // Return the syntax flags
-- unsigned
-- syntax(void) const { return arg_syntax; }
-+ unsigned int
-+ syntax() const { return arg_syntax; }
- // Return the option character
- char
-- optchar(void) const { return arg_char; }
-+ optchar() const { return arg_char; }
- // Return the keyword name
- const char *
-- keyword(void) const { return arg_keyword; }
-+ keyword() const { return arg_keyword; }
- // Return the value name
- const char *
-- value(void) const { return arg_value; }
-+ value() const { return arg_value; }
- // Extract the syntax (compile it) from an input stream
- friend istream &
- operator>>(istream & is, ArgSyntax & arg);
- private:
-- unsigned arg_syntax ;
-+ unsigned int arg_syntax ;
- char arg_char;
- const char * arg_keyword;
- const char * arg_value;
diff --git a/devel/cmdline/patches/patch-as b/devel/cmdline/patches/patch-as
deleted file mode 100644
index 222c2e2cf05..00000000000
--- a/devel/cmdline/patches/patch-as
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-$NetBSD: patch-as,v 1.2 2001/04/23 09:15:10 skrll Exp $
---- src/lib/Makefile.orig Thu Jan 2 18:33:31 1997
-+++ src/lib/Makefile
-@@ -70,20 +70,25 @@
- test: cmdtest$(EXECEXT)
- cmdtest$(EXECEXT): cmdtest$(OBJEXT) $(OBJS)
-- $(CC) $(EXE) $@ cmdtest$(OBJEXT) $(LIBRARY)
-+ $(CC) $(EXE) $@ cmdtest$(OBJEXT) $(LIBRARY) $(USRLIBS)
-+lib$(LIBNAME).a: $(OBJS)
- $(AR) $@ $(OBJS)
- $(RANLIB) $@
-+lib$(LIBNAME).la: $(OBJS)
-+ $(LIBTOOL) $(CXX) -o lib$(LIBNAME).la $(OBJS:.o=.lo) \
-+ -rpath $(PREFIX)/lib -version-info 0:0
- ###
- # maintenance dependencies
- ###
- install: $(LIBRARY) $(LIBDIR) $(INCDIR) cmdline.h cmdargs.h
- -$(RM) $(LIBDIR)$(LIBRARY) $(INCDIR)cmdline.h $(INCDIR)cmdargs.h
-- $(CP) cmdline.h $(INCDIR)cmdline.h
-- $(CP) cmdargs.h $(INCDIR)cmdargs.h
-+ $(BSD_INSTALL_DATA) cmdline.h $(INCDIR)cmdline.h
-+ $(BSD_INSTALL_DATA) cmdargs.h $(INCDIR)cmdargs.h
-+ $(BSD_INSTALL_DATA) fifolist.h $(INCDIR)fifolist.h
- clean:
- -$(RM) *$(OBJEXT) core .exrc *~ \#*\#
diff --git a/devel/cmdline/patches/patch-at b/devel/cmdline/patches/patch-at
deleted file mode 100644
index 7d307bdb7b2..00000000000
--- a/devel/cmdline/patches/patch-at
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,131 +0,0 @@
-$NetBSD: patch-at,v 2000/08/25 16:15:53 jlam Exp $
---- src/lib/argiter.c.orig Thu Jan 2 13:33:31 1997
-+++ src/lib/argiter.c
-@@ -7,32 +7,38 @@
- //
- // ^HISTORY:
- // 04/03/92 Brad Appleton <> Created
-+// 08/16/00 Johnny Lam <>
-+// - Wrapped in namespace cmdline
-+// - Updated to follow ISO C++ standard
- //-^^---------------------------------------------------------------------
--#include <stdlib.h>
--#include <iostream.h>
--#include <string.h>
--#include <ctype.h>
-+#include <cstdlib>
-+#include <cstring>
-+#include <cctype>
-+#include <iostream>
- #include "cmdline.h"
-+namespace cmdline {
- //-------------------------------------------------------- class CmdLineArgIter
--CmdLineArgIter::CmdLineArgIter(void) {}
-+CmdLineArgIter::CmdLineArgIter() {}
--CmdLineArgIter::~CmdLineArgIter(void) {}
-+CmdLineArgIter::~CmdLineArgIter() {}
- //----------------------------------------------------------- class CmdArgvIter
--CmdArgvIter::~CmdArgvIter(void) {}
-+CmdArgvIter::~CmdArgvIter() {}
- const char *
--CmdArgvIter::operator()(void) {
-+CmdArgvIter::operator()() {
- return ((index != count) && (array[index])) ? array[index++] : 0 ;
- }
- int
--CmdArgvIter::is_temporary(void) const { return 0; }
-+CmdArgvIter::is_temporary() const { return 0; }
- //--------------------------------------------------------- class CmdStrTokIter
-@@ -46,7 +52,7 @@
- }
- // Destructor
- {
- delete tokstr;
- }
-@@ -62,24 +68,24 @@
- tokstr = NULL;
- token = NULL;
- if (tokens) {
-- // Make a copy of the token-string (because ::strtok() modifies it)
-+ // Make a copy of the token-string (because std::strtok() modifies it)
- // and get the first token from the string
- //
-- tokstr = new char[::strlen(tokens) + 1] ;
-- (void) ::strcpy(tokstr, tokens);
-- token = ::strtok(tokstr, seps);
-+ tokstr = new char[std::strlen(tokens) + 1] ;
-+ std::strcpy(tokstr, tokens);
-+ token = std::strtok(tokstr, seps);
- }
- }
- // Iterator function -- operator()
-- // Just use ::strtok to get the next token from the string
-+ // Just use std::strtok to get the next token from the string
- //
- const char *
- {
- if (seps == NULL) seps = WHITESPACE ;
- const char * result = token;
-- if (token) token = ::strtok(NULL, seps);
-+ if (token) token = std::strtok(NULL, seps);
- return result;
- }
-@@ -87,7 +93,7 @@
- // always points to temporary space.
- //
- int
--CmdStrTokIter::is_temporary(void) const
-+CmdStrTokIter::is_temporary() const
- {
- return 1;
- }
-@@ -102,7 +108,7 @@
- }
- // Destructor
- {
- delete tok_iter;
- }
-@@ -122,7 +128,7 @@
- // consider the line to be a comment and we ignore it.
- //
- const char *
- {
- const char * result = NULL;
- if (tok_iter) result = tok_iter->operator()();
-@@ -151,7 +157,9 @@
- // the tokens we return are always in temporary storage
- //
- int
--CmdIstreamIter::is_temporary(void) const
-+CmdIstreamIter::is_temporary() const
- {
- return 1;
- }
-+} // namespace cmdline
diff --git a/devel/cmdline/patches/patch-au b/devel/cmdline/patches/patch-au
deleted file mode 100644
index e22ec621a84..00000000000
--- a/devel/cmdline/patches/patch-au
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-$NetBSD: patch-au,v 2000/08/25 16:15:53 jlam Exp $
---- src/lib/arglist.h.orig Thu Jan 2 13:33:32 1997
-+++ src/lib/arglist.h
-@@ -10,6 +10,9 @@
- //
- // ^HISTORY:
- // 03/21/92 Brad Appleton <> Created
-+// 08/16/00 Johnny Lam <>
-+// - Wrapped in namespace cmdline
- //-^^---------------------------------------------------------------------
- #ifndef _arglist_h
-@@ -17,11 +20,15 @@
- #include "fifolist.h"
-+namespace cmdline {
- class CmdArg;
- DECLARE_FIFO_LIST(CmdArgList, CmdArg);
- DECLARE_FIFO_LIST(CmdArgListList, CmdArgList);
-+} // namespace cmdline
- #endif /* _arglist_h */
diff --git a/devel/cmdline/patches/patch-av b/devel/cmdline/patches/patch-av
deleted file mode 100644
index fcc61f2e53b..00000000000
--- a/devel/cmdline/patches/patch-av
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,161 +0,0 @@
-$NetBSD: patch-av,v 2000/08/25 16:15:53 jlam Exp $
---- src/lib/cmdarg.c.orig Thu Jan 2 13:33:32 1997
-+++ src/lib/cmdarg.c
-@@ -10,18 +10,26 @@
- //
- // 03/01/93 Brad Appleton <>
- // - Added arg_sequence field to CmdArg
-+// 08/16/00 Johnny Lam <>
-+// - Wrapped in namespace cmdline
-+// - Updated to follow ISO C++ standard
- //-^^---------------------------------------------------------------------
--#include <stdlib.h>
--#include <iostream.h>
--#include <string.h>
--#include <ctype.h>
-+#include <cstdlib>
-+#include <cstring>
-+#include <cctype>
-+#include <iostream>
- #include "cmdline.h"
-+namespace cmdline {
-+using std::cerr;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------- CmdArg
--int CmdArg::is_dummy(void) { return 0; }
-+int CmdArg::is_dummy() { return 0; }
- // Copy-Constructor
- CmdArg::CmdArg(const CmdArg & cp)
-@@ -35,8 +43,8 @@
- arg_description(cp.arg_description)
- {
- if (alloc_value_name) {
-- char * val_name = new char[::strlen(cp.arg_value_name) + 1] ;
-- ::strcpy((char *)val_name, cp.arg_value_name);
-+ char * val_name = new char[std::strlen(cp.arg_value_name) + 1] ;
-+ std::strcpy((char *)val_name, cp.arg_value_name);
- arg_value_name = val_name;
- }
- }
-@@ -47,7 +55,7 @@
- const char * keyword,
- const char * value,
- const char * description,
-- unsigned syntax_flags)
-+ unsigned int syntax_flags)
- : alloc_value_name(0),
- arg_flags(0),
- arg_syntax(syntax_flags),
-@@ -66,7 +74,7 @@
- CmdArg::CmdArg(char optchar,
- const char * keyword,
- const char * description,
-- unsigned syntax_flags)
-+ unsigned int syntax_flags)
- : alloc_value_name(0),
- arg_flags(0),
- arg_syntax(syntax_flags),
-@@ -83,7 +91,7 @@
- CmdArg::CmdArg(const char * value,
- const char * description,
-- unsigned syntax_flags)
-+ unsigned int syntax_flags)
- : alloc_value_name(0),
- arg_flags(0),
- arg_syntax(syntax_flags),
-@@ -100,7 +108,7 @@
- // Destructor
- {
- if (alloc_value_name) delete [] (char *)arg_value_name;
- }
-@@ -110,7 +118,7 @@
- // ^FUNCTION: adjust_syntax - adjust command argument syntax
- //
--// CmdArg::adjust_syntax(void)
-+// CmdArg::adjust_syntax()
- //
- // None.
-@@ -134,7 +142,7 @@
- // Follow along in the code ...
- //-^^----------------
- void
- {
- static const char default_value_name[] = "value" ;
-@@ -207,7 +215,7 @@
- // ^FUNCTION: parse_description - parse the argument description string
- //
--// CmdLine::parse_description(void)
-+// CmdLine::parse_description()
- //
- // None.
-@@ -233,7 +241,7 @@
- enum { c_HIDDEN = ';', c_OPEN = '[', c_CLOSE = ']', c_LIST = '.' } ;
- void
- {
- if (arg_description == NULL) return;
- while (isspace(*arg_description)) ++arg_description;
-@@ -249,7 +257,7 @@
- // ^FUNCTION: parse_value - parse the argument value name
- //
--// CmdLine::parse_value(void)
-+// CmdLine::parse_value()
- //
- // None.
-@@ -274,7 +282,7 @@
- // Its kind of hairy so follow along.
- //-^^----------------
- void
- {
- const char * save_value = arg_value_name;
- int brace = 0;
-@@ -306,7 +314,7 @@
- alloc_value_name = 1;
- int len = (int) (ptr - arg_value_name);
- char * copied_value = new char[len + 1];
-- (void) ::strncpy(copied_value, arg_value_name, len);
-+ std::strncpy(copied_value, arg_value_name, len);
- copied_value[len] = '\0';
- arg_value_name = copied_value;
-@@ -338,7 +346,7 @@
- }
- // Not done - we had better see a "..."
-- if (::strncmp(ptr, "...", 3) != 0) {
-+ if (std::strncmp(ptr, "...", 3) != 0) {
- cerr << "Error: unexpected token \"" << ptr << "\"." << endl ;
- ++errors;
- } else {
-@@ -365,3 +373,5 @@
- << "\t(error occurred in CmdArg constructor)" << endl ;
- }
- }
-+} // namespace cmdline
diff --git a/devel/cmdline/patches/patch-aw b/devel/cmdline/patches/patch-aw
deleted file mode 100644
index 9cfe563b6ff..00000000000
--- a/devel/cmdline/patches/patch-aw
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,399 +0,0 @@
-$NetBSD: patch-aw,v 2000/08/25 16:15:53 jlam Exp $
---- src/lib/cmdargs.c.orig Thu Jan 2 13:33:32 1997
-+++ src/lib/cmdargs.c
-@@ -10,17 +10,26 @@
- //
- // 03/03/93 Brad Appleton <>
- // - Added exit_handler() and quit() member-functions to CmdLine
-+// 08/16/00 Johnny Lam <>
-+// - Wrapped in namespace cmdline
-+// - Updated to follow ISO C++ standard
- //-^^---------------------------------------------------------------------
--#include <stdlib.h>
--#include <iostream.h>
--#include <string.h>
--#include <ctype.h>
-+#include <cstdlib>
-+#include <cstring>
-+#include <cctype>
-+#include <iostream>
- #include "cmdargs.h"
- #include "exits.h"
- #include "fifolist.h"
-+namespace cmdline {
-+using std::cout;
-+using std::ostream;
- // return values for operator()
- enum { SUCCESS = 0, FAILURE = -1 } ;
-@@ -47,7 +56,7 @@
- // -- The internal value (of some appropriate type) that is "managed"
- // by this command argument.
- //
--// unsigned default_value;
-+// unsigned int default_value;
- // -- What to assign to "value" if "arg" is NOT a value for this command
- // argument.
- //
-@@ -89,10 +98,10 @@
- //-------------------------------------------------------------- Dummy Argument
--CmdArgDummy::~CmdArgDummy(void) {}
-+CmdArgDummy::~CmdArgDummy() {}
- int
--CmdArgDummy::is_dummy(void) { return 1; }
-+CmdArgDummy::is_dummy() { return 1; }
- // For a CmdArgDummy - operator() is a No-OP and should NEVER
- // be called.
-@@ -114,7 +123,7 @@
- if (os_ptr == NULL) os_ptr = &cout;
- }
--CmdArgUsage::~CmdArgUsage(void) {}
-+CmdArgUsage::~CmdArgUsage() {}
- void
- CmdArgUsage::ostream_ptr(ostream * osp)
-@@ -134,7 +143,7 @@
- //----------------------------------------------------------- Integer Arguments
--CmdArgIntCompiler::~CmdArgIntCompiler(void) {}
-+CmdArgIntCompiler::~CmdArgIntCompiler() {}
- // Compile a string into an integer value.
- int
-@@ -153,7 +162,7 @@
- }
- // compile the string into an integer
-- result = ::strtol(arg, (char **) &ptr, 0); // watch out for -c0xa vs -axc0!
-+ result = std::strtol(arg, (char **) &ptr, 0); // watch out for -c0xa vs -axc0!
- if (ptr == arg) {
- // do we have a valid integer?
- if (! (cmd.flags() & CmdLine::QUIET)) {
-@@ -168,7 +177,7 @@
- }
--CmdArgInt::~CmdArgInt(void) {}
-+CmdArgInt::~CmdArgInt() {}
- int
- CmdArgInt::operator()(const char * & arg, CmdLine & cmd)
-@@ -185,7 +194,7 @@
- //---------------------------------------------------- Floating-point Arguments
--CmdArgFloatCompiler::~CmdArgFloatCompiler(void) {}
-+CmdArgFloatCompiler::~CmdArgFloatCompiler() {}
- // Compile a string into a floating-point value.
- int
-@@ -203,7 +212,7 @@
- return FAILURE ;
- }
-- result = ::strtod(arg, (char **) &ptr); // compile the string into a float
-+ result = std::strtod(arg, (char **) &ptr); // compile the string into a float
- if (ptr == arg) {
- // do we have a valid float?
- if (! (cmd.flags() & CmdLine::QUIET)) {
-@@ -219,7 +228,7 @@
- }
--CmdArgFloat::~CmdArgFloat(void) {}
-+CmdArgFloat::~CmdArgFloat() {}
- int
- CmdArgFloat::operator()(const char * & arg, CmdLine & cmd)
-@@ -236,7 +245,7 @@
- //--------------------------------------------------------- Character Argumrnts
--CmdArgCharCompiler::~CmdArgCharCompiler(void) {}
-+CmdArgCharCompiler::~CmdArgCharCompiler() {}
- int
- CmdArgCharCompiler::compile(const char * & arg, CmdLine & cmd, char & value)
-@@ -268,7 +277,7 @@
- }
--CmdArgChar::~CmdArgChar(void) {}
-+CmdArgChar::~CmdArgChar() {}
- int
- CmdArgChar::operator()(const char * & arg, CmdLine & cmd)
-@@ -287,7 +296,7 @@
- typedef CmdArgStrCompiler::casc_string CmdArgString ;
- #ifndef __GNUG__
- {
- if (is_alloc) delete [] (char *)str;
- }
-@@ -295,20 +304,20 @@
- // Copy a string (allocating storage if necessary)
- void
--CmdArgString::copy(unsigned is_temporary, const char * s)
-+CmdArgString::copy(unsigned int is_temporary, const char * s)
- {
- if (is_alloc) delete [] (char *)str;
- is_alloc = (is_temporary) ? 1 : 0;
- str = s;
- if (is_alloc && s) {
-- char * new_s = new char[::strlen(s) + 1] ;
-- (void) ::strcpy(new_s, s);
-+ char * new_s = new char[std::strlen(s) + 1] ;
-+ std::strcpy(new_s, s);
- str = new_s;
- }
- }
--CmdArgStrCompiler::~CmdArgStrCompiler(void) {}
-+CmdArgStrCompiler::~CmdArgStrCompiler() {}
- int
- CmdArgStrCompiler::compile(const char * & arg,
-@@ -326,7 +335,7 @@
- }
--CmdArgStr::~CmdArgStr(void) {}
-+CmdArgStr::~CmdArgStr() {}
- int
- CmdArgStr::operator()(const char * & arg, CmdLine & cmd)
-@@ -356,11 +365,11 @@
- IntList list;
- IntListArray array;
-- CmdArgIntListPrivate(void);
-+ CmdArgIntListPrivate();
- } ;
- : array(list)
- {
- list.self_cleaning(1);
-@@ -382,19 +391,19 @@
- return rc;
- }
--CmdArgIntList::count(void) const
-+unsigned int
-+CmdArgIntList::count() const
- {
- return (val) ? val->list.count() : 0 ;
- }
- int &
--CmdArgIntList::operator[](unsigned index)
-+CmdArgIntList::operator[](unsigned int index)
- {
- return val->array[index];
- }
--CmdArgIntList::~CmdArgIntList(void) {}
-+CmdArgIntList::~CmdArgIntList() {}
- //------------------- Float List -------------------
-@@ -406,10 +415,10 @@
- FloatList list;
- FloatListArray array;
-- CmdArgFloatListPrivate(void);
-+ CmdArgFloatListPrivate();
- } ;
- : array(list)
- {
- list.self_cleaning(1);
-@@ -432,19 +441,19 @@
- return rc;
- }
--CmdArgFloatList::count(void) const
-+unsigned int
-+CmdArgFloatList::count() const
- {
- return (val) ? val->list.count() : 0 ;
- }
- float &
--CmdArgFloatList::operator[](unsigned index)
-+CmdArgFloatList::operator[](unsigned int index)
- {
- return val->array[index];
- }
--CmdArgFloatList::~CmdArgFloatList(void) {}
-+CmdArgFloatList::~CmdArgFloatList() {}
- //------------------- String List -------------------
-@@ -454,10 +463,10 @@
- StringList list;
- StringListArray array;
-- CmdArgStrListPrivate(void);
-+ CmdArgStrListPrivate();
- } ;
- : array(list)
- {
- list.self_cleaning(1);
-@@ -478,29 +487,29 @@
- return rc;
- }
--CmdArgStrList::count(void) const
-+unsigned int
-+CmdArgStrList::count() const
- {
- return (val) ? val->list.count() : 0 ;
- }
- CmdArgString &
--CmdArgStrList::operator[](unsigned index)
-+CmdArgStrList::operator[](unsigned int index)
- {
- return val->array[index];
- }
--CmdArgStrList::~CmdArgStrList(void) {}
-+CmdArgStrList::~CmdArgStrList() {}
- //----------------------------------------------------------- Boolean Arguments
--CmdArgBoolCompiler::~CmdArgBoolCompiler(void) {}
-+CmdArgBoolCompiler::~CmdArgBoolCompiler() {}
- int
- CmdArgBoolCompiler::compile(const char * & arg,
- CmdLine & cmd,
-- unsigned & value,
-- unsigned default_value)
-+ unsigned int & value,
-+ unsigned int default_value)
- {
- if (arg == NULL) {
- // if no argument was given use the default
-@@ -587,12 +596,12 @@
- //------------------------------------------------------------------ CmdArgBool
--CmdArgBool::~CmdArgBool(void) {}
-+CmdArgBool::~CmdArgBool() {}
- int
- CmdArgBool::operator()(const char * & arg, CmdLine & cmd)
- {
-- unsigned value = val;
-+ unsigned int value = val;
- int rc = compile(arg, cmd, value, 1);
- val = value;
- return rc;
-@@ -600,12 +609,12 @@
- //----------------------------------------------------------------- CmdArgClear
--CmdArgClear::~CmdArgClear(void) {}
-+CmdArgClear::~CmdArgClear() {}
- int
- CmdArgClear::operator()(const char * & arg, CmdLine & cmd)
- {
-- unsigned value = val;
-+ unsigned int value = val;
- int rc = compile(arg, cmd, value, 0);
- val = value;
- return rc;
-@@ -613,12 +622,12 @@
- //---------------------------------------------------------------- CmdArgToggle
--CmdArgToggle::~CmdArgToggle(void) {}
-+CmdArgToggle::~CmdArgToggle() {}
- int
- CmdArgToggle::operator()(const char * & arg, CmdLine & cmd)
- {
-- unsigned value = val;
-+ unsigned int value = val;
- int rc = compile(arg, cmd, value, (! value));
- val = value;
- return rc;
-@@ -626,12 +635,12 @@
- //--------------------------------------------------------------- CmdArgBoolRef
--CmdArgBoolRef::~CmdArgBoolRef(void) {}
-+CmdArgBoolRef::~CmdArgBoolRef() {}
- int
- CmdArgBoolRef::operator()(const char * & arg, CmdLine & cmd)
- {
-- unsigned val = ref;
-+ unsigned int val = ref;
- int rc = ref.compile(arg, cmd, val, 1);
- ref = val;
- return rc;
-@@ -639,12 +648,12 @@
- //-------------------------------------------------------------- CmdArgClearRef
--CmdArgClearRef::~CmdArgClearRef(void) {}
-+CmdArgClearRef::~CmdArgClearRef() {}
- int
- CmdArgClearRef::operator()(const char * & arg, CmdLine & cmd)
- {
-- unsigned val = ref;
-+ unsigned int val = ref;
- int rc = ref.compile(arg, cmd, val, 0);
- ref = val;
- return rc;
-@@ -652,14 +661,15 @@
- //------------------------------------------------------------- CmdArgToggleRef
--CmdArgToggleRef::~CmdArgToggleRef(void) {}
-+CmdArgToggleRef::~CmdArgToggleRef() {}
- int
- CmdArgToggleRef::operator()(const char * & arg, CmdLine & cmd)
- {
-- unsigned val = ref;
-+ unsigned int val = ref;
- int rc = ref.compile(arg, cmd, val, (! val));
- ref = val;
- return rc;
- }
-+} // namespace cmdline
diff --git a/devel/cmdline/patches/patch-ax b/devel/cmdline/patches/patch-ax
deleted file mode 100644
index 75c347ea2df..00000000000
--- a/devel/cmdline/patches/patch-ax
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,637 +0,0 @@
-$NetBSD: patch-ax,v 2000/08/25 16:15:53 jlam Exp $
---- src/lib/cmdargs.h.orig Thu Jan 2 13:33:33 1997
-+++ src/lib/cmdargs.h
-@@ -50,13 +50,23 @@
- //
- // ^HISTORY:
- // 03/25/92 Brad Appleton <> Created
-+// 08/16/00 Johnny Lam <>
-+// - Wrapped in namespace cmdline
-+// - Updated to follow ISO C++ standard
-+// - Removed unnecessary NULL.
- //-^^---------------------------------------------------------------------
- #ifndef _usr_include_cmdargs_h
- #define _usr_include_cmdargs_h
-+#include <iosfwd>
- #include <cmdline.h>
-+namespace cmdline {
-+using std::ostream;
- //-------------------------------------------------------------- Dummy Argument
- // A Dummy argument is one that is used only for its appearance in
-@@ -73,28 +83,28 @@
- const char * keyword,
- const char * value,
- const char * description,
-- unsigned syntax_flags =CmdArg::isOPTVALREQ)
-+ unsigned int syntax_flags =CmdArg::isOPTVALREQ)
- : CmdArg(optchar, keyword, value, description, syntax_flags) {}
- CmdArgDummy(char optchar,
- const char * keyword,
- const char * description,
-- unsigned syntax_flags =CmdArg::isOPT)
-+ unsigned int syntax_flags =CmdArg::isOPT)
- : CmdArg(optchar, keyword, description, syntax_flags) {}
- CmdArgDummy(const char * value,
- const char * description,
-- unsigned syntax_flags =CmdArg::isPOSVALREQ)
-+ unsigned int syntax_flags =CmdArg::isPOSVALREQ)
- : CmdArg(value, description, syntax_flags) {}
- CmdArgDummy(const CmdArgDummy & cp) : CmdArg(cp) {}
- CmdArgDummy(const CmdArg & cp) : CmdArg(cp) {}
-- virtual ~CmdArgDummy(void);
-+ virtual ~CmdArgDummy();
- virtual int
-- is_dummy(void); // return non-zero
-+ is_dummy(); // return non-zero
- virtual int
- operator()(const char * & arg, CmdLine & cmd); // NO-OP
-@@ -115,20 +125,20 @@
- CmdArgUsage(char optchar,
- const char * keyword,
- const char * description,
-- ostream * osp =NULL); // cout is used if "osp" is NULL
-+ ostream * osp =0); // cout is used if "osp" is NULL
- CmdArgUsage(const CmdArgUsage & cp) : CmdArg(cp) {}
- CmdArgUsage(const CmdArg & cp) : CmdArg(cp) {}
-- virtual ~CmdArgUsage(void);
-+ virtual ~CmdArgUsage();
- virtual int
- operator()(const char * & arg, CmdLine & cmd);
- // get/set the ostream that usage is printed on
- ostream *
-- ostream_ptr(void) const { return os_ptr; }
-+ ostream_ptr() const { return os_ptr; }
- void
- ostream_ptr(ostream * osp);
-@@ -150,19 +160,19 @@
- const char * keyword,
- const char * value,
- const char * description,
-- unsigned syntax_flags =CmdArg::isOPTVALREQ)
-+ unsigned int syntax_flags =CmdArg::isOPTVALREQ)
- : CmdArg(optchar, keyword, value, description, syntax_flags) {}
- CmdArgIntCompiler(const char * value,
- const char * description,
-- unsigned syntax_flags =CmdArg::isPOSVALREQ)
-+ unsigned int syntax_flags =CmdArg::isPOSVALREQ)
- : CmdArg(value, description, syntax_flags) {}
- CmdArgIntCompiler(const CmdArgIntCompiler & cp) : CmdArg(cp) {}
- CmdArgIntCompiler(const CmdArg & cp) : CmdArg(cp) {}
-- virtual ~CmdArgIntCompiler(void);
-+ virtual ~CmdArgIntCompiler();
- virtual int
- operator()(const char * & arg, CmdLine & cmd) = 0;
-@@ -178,7 +188,7 @@
- // a CmdArgInt as if it were an integer:
- //
- // operator=(int);
-- // operator int(void);
-+ // operator int();
- // operator<<(os, CmdArgInt);
- //
- // The integer value is initialized to zero by the constructor.
-@@ -199,16 +209,16 @@
- const char * keyword,
- const char * value,
- const char * description,
-- unsigned syntax_flags =CmdArg::isOPTVALREQ)
-+ unsigned int syntax_flags =CmdArg::isOPTVALREQ)
- : CmdArgIntCompiler(optchar, keyword, value, description, syntax_flags),
- val(0) {}
- CmdArgInt(const char * value,
- const char * description,
-- unsigned syntax_flags =CmdArg::isPOSVALREQ)
-+ unsigned int syntax_flags =CmdArg::isPOSVALREQ)
- : CmdArgIntCompiler(value, description, syntax_flags), val(0) {}
-- virtual ~CmdArgInt(void);
-+ virtual ~CmdArgInt();
- virtual int
- operator()(const char * & arg, CmdLine & cmd);
-@@ -223,7 +233,7 @@
- CmdArgInt &
- operator=(int cp) { val = cp; return *this; }
-- operator int(void) const { return val; }
-+ operator int() const { return val; }
- private:
- int val;
-@@ -246,19 +256,19 @@
- const char * keyword,
- const char * value,
- const char * description,
-- unsigned syntax_flags =CmdArg::isOPTVALREQ)
-+ unsigned int syntax_flags =CmdArg::isOPTVALREQ)
- : CmdArg(optchar, keyword, value, description, syntax_flags) {}
- CmdArgFloatCompiler(const char * value,
- const char * description,
-- unsigned syntax_flags =CmdArg::isPOSVALREQ)
-+ unsigned int syntax_flags =CmdArg::isPOSVALREQ)
- : CmdArg(value, description, syntax_flags) {}
- CmdArgFloatCompiler(const CmdArgFloatCompiler & cp) : CmdArg(cp) {}
- CmdArgFloatCompiler(const CmdArg & cp) : CmdArg(cp) {}
-- virtual ~CmdArgFloatCompiler(void);
-+ virtual ~CmdArgFloatCompiler();
- virtual int
- operator()(const char * & arg, CmdLine & cmd) = 0;
-@@ -274,7 +284,7 @@
- // a CmdArgFloat as if it were a float:
- //
- // operator=(float);
-- // operator float(void);
-+ // operator float();
- // operator<<(os, CmdArgFloat);
- //
- // The floating-point value is initialized to zero by the constructor.
-@@ -296,16 +306,16 @@
- const char * keyword,
- const char * value,
- const char * description,
-- unsigned syntax_flags =CmdArg::isOPTVALREQ)
-+ unsigned int syntax_flags =CmdArg::isOPTVALREQ)
- : CmdArgFloatCompiler(optchar, keyword, value, description, syntax_flags),
- val(0) {}
- CmdArgFloat(const char * value,
- const char * description,
-- unsigned syntax_flags =CmdArg::isPOSVALREQ)
-+ unsigned int syntax_flags =CmdArg::isPOSVALREQ)
- : CmdArgFloatCompiler(value, description, syntax_flags), val(0) {}
-- virtual ~CmdArgFloat(void);
-+ virtual ~CmdArgFloat();
- virtual int
- operator()(const char * & arg, CmdLine & cmd);
-@@ -322,7 +332,7 @@
- CmdArgFloat &
- operator=(float cp) { val = cp; return *this; }
-- operator float(void) const { return val; }
-+ operator float() const { return val; }
- private:
- float val;
-@@ -343,19 +353,19 @@
- const char * keyword,
- const char * value,
- const char * description,
-- unsigned syntax_flags =CmdArg::isOPTVALREQ)
-+ unsigned int syntax_flags =CmdArg::isOPTVALREQ)
- : CmdArg(optchar, keyword, value, description, syntax_flags) {}
- CmdArgCharCompiler(const char * value,
- const char * description,
-- unsigned syntax_flags =CmdArg::isPOSVALREQ)
-+ unsigned int syntax_flags =CmdArg::isPOSVALREQ)
- : CmdArg(value, description, syntax_flags) {}
- CmdArgCharCompiler(const CmdArgCharCompiler & cp) : CmdArg(cp) {}
- CmdArgCharCompiler(const CmdArg & cp) : CmdArg(cp) {}
-- virtual ~CmdArgCharCompiler(void);
-+ virtual ~CmdArgCharCompiler();
- virtual int
- operator()(const char * & arg, CmdLine & cmd) = 0;
-@@ -371,7 +381,7 @@
- // a CmdArgChar as if it were a character:
- //
- // operator=(char);
-- // operator char(void);
-+ // operator char();
- // operator<<(os, CmdArgChar);
- //
- // The character value is initialized to '\0' by the constructor.
-@@ -393,16 +403,16 @@
- const char * keyword,
- const char * value,
- const char * description,
-- unsigned syntax_flags =CmdArg::isOPTVALREQ)
-+ unsigned int syntax_flags =CmdArg::isOPTVALREQ)
- : CmdArgCharCompiler(optchar, keyword, value, description, syntax_flags),
- val(0) {}
- CmdArgChar(const char * value,
- const char * description,
-- unsigned syntax_flags =CmdArg::isPOSVALREQ)
-+ unsigned int syntax_flags =CmdArg::isPOSVALREQ)
- : CmdArgCharCompiler(value, description, syntax_flags), val(0) {}
-- virtual ~CmdArgChar(void);
-+ virtual ~CmdArgChar();
- virtual int
- operator()(const char * & arg, CmdLine & cmd);
-@@ -417,7 +427,7 @@
- CmdArgChar &
- operator=(char cp) { val = cp; return *this; }
-- operator char(void) const { return val; }
-+ operator char() const { return val; }
- private:
- char val;
-@@ -446,17 +456,17 @@
- // it and a "char *" (in most cases).
- //
- struct casc_string {
-- unsigned is_alloc : 1 ;
-+ unsigned int is_alloc : 1 ;
- const char * str ;
-- casc_string(void) : is_alloc(0), str(0) {}
-+ casc_string() : is_alloc(0), str(0) {}
- casc_string(const char * s) : is_alloc(0), str(s) {}
- void
-- copy(unsigned is_temporary, const char * s);
-+ copy(unsigned int is_temporary, const char * s);
-- casc_string(unsigned is_temporary, const char * s)
-+ casc_string(unsigned int is_temporary, const char * s)
- : is_alloc(0), str(0) { copy(is_temporary, s); }
- casc_string(const casc_string & cp)
-@@ -469,9 +479,9 @@
- casc_string &
- operator=(const char * cp) { copy(0, cp); return *this; }
-- operator const char*(void) const { return str; }
-+ operator const char*() const { return str; }
-- virtual ~casc_string(void)
-+ virtual ~casc_string()
- #ifdef __GNUG__
- { if (is_alloc) delete [] (char *) str; }
- #endif
-@@ -482,19 +492,19 @@
- const char * keyword,
- const char * value,
- const char * description,
-- unsigned syntax_flags =CmdArg::isOPTVALREQ)
-+ unsigned int syntax_flags =CmdArg::isOPTVALREQ)
- : CmdArg(optchar, keyword, value, description, syntax_flags) {}
- CmdArgStrCompiler(const char * value,
- const char * description,
-- unsigned syntax_flags =CmdArg::isPOSVALREQ)
-+ unsigned int syntax_flags =CmdArg::isPOSVALREQ)
- : CmdArg(value, description, syntax_flags) {}
- CmdArgStrCompiler(const CmdArgStrCompiler & cp) : CmdArg(cp) {}
- CmdArgStrCompiler(const CmdArg & cp) : CmdArg(cp) {}
-- virtual ~CmdArgStrCompiler(void);
-+ virtual ~CmdArgStrCompiler();
- virtual int
- operator()(const char * & arg, CmdLine & cmd) = 0;
-@@ -510,7 +520,7 @@
- // a CmdArgStr as if it were a string:
- //
- // operator=(char*);
-- // operator char*(void);
-+ // operator char*();
- // operator<<(os, CmdArgStr);
- //
- // The string value is initialized to NULL by the constructor.
-@@ -532,16 +542,16 @@
- const char * keyword,
- const char * value,
- const char * description,
-- unsigned syntax_flags =CmdArg::isOPTVALREQ)
-+ unsigned int syntax_flags =CmdArg::isOPTVALREQ)
- : CmdArgStrCompiler(optchar, keyword, value, description, syntax_flags),
- val(0) {}
- CmdArgStr(const char * value,
- const char * description,
-- unsigned syntax_flags =CmdArg::isPOSVALREQ)
-+ unsigned int syntax_flags =CmdArg::isPOSVALREQ)
- : CmdArgStrCompiler(value, description, syntax_flags), val(0) {}
-- virtual ~CmdArgStr(void);
-+ virtual ~CmdArgStr();
- virtual int
- operator()(const char * & arg, CmdLine & cmd);
-@@ -560,12 +570,12 @@
- CmdArgStr &
- operator=(const char * cp) { val = cp; return *this; }
-- operator CmdArgStrCompiler::casc_string(void) { return val; }
-+ operator CmdArgStrCompiler::casc_string() { return val; }
-- operator const char*(void) const { return val.str; }
-+ operator const char*() const { return val.str; }
- // use this for comparing to NULL
-- int isNULL(void) const { return (val.str) ? 0 : 1; }
-+ int isNULL() const { return (val.str) ? 0 : 1; }
- private:
- CmdArgStrCompiler::casc_string val;
-@@ -605,25 +615,25 @@
- const char * keyword,
- const char * value,
- const char * description,
-- unsigned syntax_flags =(CmdArg::isOPTVALREQ + CmdArg::isLIST))
-+ unsigned int syntax_flags =(CmdArg::isOPTVALREQ + CmdArg::isLIST))
- : CmdArgIntCompiler(optchar, keyword, value, description, syntax_flags),
- val(0) {}
- CmdArgIntList(const char * value,
- const char * description,
-- unsigned syntax_flags =(CmdArg::isPOSVALREQ + CmdArg::isLIST))
-+ unsigned int syntax_flags =(CmdArg::isPOSVALREQ + CmdArg::isLIST))
- : CmdArgIntCompiler(value, description, syntax_flags), val(0) {}
-- virtual ~CmdArgIntList(void);
-+ virtual ~CmdArgIntList();
- virtual int
- operator()(const char * & arg, CmdLine & cmd);
-- unsigned
-- count(void) const;
-+ unsigned int
-+ count() const;
- int &
-- operator[](unsigned index);
-+ operator[](unsigned int index);
- private:
- CmdArgIntList(const CmdArgInt & cp);
-@@ -652,25 +662,25 @@
- const char * keyword,
- const char * value,
- const char * description,
-- unsigned syntax_flags =(CmdArg::isOPTVALREQ + CmdArg::isLIST))
-+ unsigned int syntax_flags =(CmdArg::isOPTVALREQ + CmdArg::isLIST))
- : CmdArgFloatCompiler(optchar, keyword, value, description, syntax_flags),
- val(0) {}
- CmdArgFloatList(const char * value,
- const char * description,
-- unsigned syntax_flags =(CmdArg::isPOSVALREQ + CmdArg::isLIST))
-+ unsigned int syntax_flags =(CmdArg::isPOSVALREQ + CmdArg::isLIST))
- : CmdArgFloatCompiler(value, description, syntax_flags), val(0) {}
-- virtual ~CmdArgFloatList(void);
-+ virtual ~CmdArgFloatList();
- virtual int
- operator()(const char * & arg, CmdLine & cmd);
-- unsigned
-- count(void) const;
-+ unsigned int
-+ count() const;
- float &
-- operator[](unsigned index);
-+ operator[](unsigned int index);
- private:
- CmdArgFloatList(const CmdArgFloat & cp);
-@@ -699,25 +709,25 @@
- const char * keyword,
- const char * value,
- const char * description,
-- unsigned syntax_flags =(CmdArg::isOPTVALREQ + CmdArg::isLIST))
-+ unsigned int syntax_flags =(CmdArg::isOPTVALREQ + CmdArg::isLIST))
- : CmdArgStrCompiler(optchar, keyword, value, description, syntax_flags),
- val(0) {}
- CmdArgStrList(const char * value,
- const char * description,
-- unsigned syntax_flags =(CmdArg::isPOSVALREQ + CmdArg::isLIST))
-+ unsigned int syntax_flags =(CmdArg::isPOSVALREQ + CmdArg::isLIST))
- : CmdArgStrCompiler(value, description, syntax_flags), val(0) {}
-- virtual ~CmdArgStrList(void);
-+ virtual ~CmdArgStrList();
- virtual int
- operator()(const char * & arg, CmdLine & cmd);
-- unsigned
-- count(void) const;
-+ unsigned int
-+ count() const;
- CmdArgStrCompiler::casc_string &
-- operator[](unsigned index);
-+ operator[](unsigned int index);
- private:
- CmdArgStrList(const CmdArgStr & cp);
-@@ -754,14 +764,14 @@
- CmdArgBoolCompiler(char optchar,
- const char * keyword,
- const char * description,
-- unsigned syntax_flags =CmdArg::isOPT)
-+ unsigned int syntax_flags =CmdArg::isOPT)
- : CmdArg(optchar, keyword, description, syntax_flags) {}
- CmdArgBoolCompiler(const CmdArgBoolCompiler & cp) : CmdArg(cp) {}
- CmdArgBoolCompiler(const CmdArg & cp) : CmdArg(cp) {}
-- virtual ~CmdArgBoolCompiler(void);
-+ virtual ~CmdArgBoolCompiler();
- virtual int
- operator()(const char * & arg, CmdLine & cmd) = 0;
-@@ -769,8 +779,8 @@
- int
- compile(const char * & arg,
- CmdLine & cmd,
-- unsigned & value,
-- unsigned default_value =1);
-+ unsigned int & value,
-+ unsigned int default_value =1);
- } ;
-@@ -794,7 +804,7 @@
- // a Boolean Value:
- //
- // operator=(int);
-- // operator int(void);
-+ // operator int();
- //
- // Examples:
- // CmdArgBool xflag('x', "xmode", "turn on xmode);
-@@ -808,7 +818,7 @@
- CmdArgBool(char optchar,
- const char * keyword,
- const char * description,
-- unsigned syntax_flags =CmdArg::isOPT)
-+ unsigned int syntax_flags =CmdArg::isOPT)
- : CmdArgBoolCompiler(optchar, keyword, description, syntax_flags),
- val(0) {}
-@@ -816,7 +826,7 @@
- CmdArgBool(const CmdArg & cp) : CmdArgBoolCompiler(cp), val(0) {}
-- virtual ~CmdArgBool(void);
-+ virtual ~CmdArgBool();
- CmdArgBool &
- operator=(const CmdArgBool & cp)
-@@ -826,13 +836,13 @@
- operator=(int new_value)
- { val = (new_value) ? 1 : 0; return *this; }
-- operator int(void) const { return val; }
-+ operator int() const { return val; }
- virtual int
- operator()(const char * & arg, CmdLine & cmd);
- protected:
-- unsigned val : 1;
-+ unsigned int val : 1;
- } ;
- ostream &
-@@ -845,14 +855,14 @@
- CmdArgClear(char optchar,
- const char * keyword,
- const char * description,
-- unsigned syntax_flags =CmdArg::isOPT)
-+ unsigned int syntax_flags =CmdArg::isOPT)
- : CmdArgBool(optchar, keyword, description, syntax_flags) { val = 1; }
- CmdArgClear(const CmdArgClear & cp) : CmdArgBool(cp) {}
- CmdArgClear(const CmdArg & cp) : CmdArgBool(cp) { val = 1; }
-- virtual ~CmdArgClear(void);
-+ virtual ~CmdArgClear();
- CmdArgClear &
- operator=(const CmdArgClear & cp)
-@@ -862,7 +872,7 @@
- operator=(int new_value)
- { val = (new_value) ? 1 : 0; return *this; }
-- operator int(void) const { return val; }
-+ operator int() const { return val; }
- virtual int
- operator()(const char * & arg, CmdLine & cmd);
-@@ -873,14 +883,14 @@
- CmdArgToggle(char optchar,
- const char * keyword,
- const char * description,
-- unsigned syntax_flags =CmdArg::isOPT)
-+ unsigned int syntax_flags =CmdArg::isOPT)
- : CmdArgBool(optchar, keyword, description, syntax_flags) {}
- CmdArgToggle(const CmdArgToggle & cp) : CmdArgBool(cp) {}
- CmdArgToggle(const CmdArg & cp) : CmdArgBool(cp) {}
-- virtual ~CmdArgToggle(void);
-+ virtual ~CmdArgToggle();
- CmdArgToggle &
- operator=(const CmdArgToggle & cp)
-@@ -890,7 +900,7 @@
- operator=(int new_value)
- { val = (new_value) ? 1 : 0; return *this; }
-- operator int(void) const { return val; }
-+ operator int() const { return val; }
- virtual int
- operator()(const char * & arg, CmdLine & cmd);
-@@ -929,10 +939,10 @@
- char optchar,
- const char * keyword,
- const char * description,
-- unsigned syntax_flags =CmdArg::isOPT)
-+ unsigned int syntax_flags =CmdArg::isOPT)
- : CmdArg(optchar, keyword, description, syntax_flags), ref(bool_arg) {}
-- virtual ~CmdArgBoolRef(void);
-+ virtual ~CmdArgBoolRef();
- virtual int
- operator()(const char * & arg, CmdLine & cmd);
-@@ -949,10 +959,10 @@
- char optchar,
- const char * keyword,
- const char * description,
-- unsigned syntax_flags =CmdArg::isOPT)
-+ unsigned int syntax_flags =CmdArg::isOPT)
- : CmdArg(optchar, keyword, description, syntax_flags), ref(bool_arg) {}
-- virtual ~CmdArgClearRef(void);
-+ virtual ~CmdArgClearRef();
- virtual int
- operator()(const char * & arg, CmdLine & cmd);
-@@ -967,10 +977,10 @@
- char optchar,
- const char * keyword,
- const char * description,
-- unsigned syntax_flags =CmdArg::isOPT)
-+ unsigned int syntax_flags =CmdArg::isOPT)
- : CmdArg(optchar, keyword, description, syntax_flags), ref(bool_arg) {}
-- virtual ~CmdArgToggleRef(void);
-+ virtual ~CmdArgToggleRef();
- virtual int
- operator()(const char * & arg, CmdLine & cmd);
-@@ -978,5 +988,7 @@
- protected:
- CmdArgBool & ref;
- } ;
-+} // namespace cmdline
- #endif /* _usr_include_cmdargs_h */
diff --git a/devel/cmdline/patches/patch-ay b/devel/cmdline/patches/patch-ay
deleted file mode 100644
index 4443b50b54c..00000000000
--- a/devel/cmdline/patches/patch-ay
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,169 +0,0 @@
-$NetBSD: patch-ay,v 2000/08/25 16:15:53 jlam Exp $
---- src/lib/cmdline.c.orig Thu Jan 2 13:33:32 1997
-+++ src/lib/cmdline.c
-@@ -18,21 +18,31 @@
- // - Added cmd_nargs_parsed field to CmdLine
- // - Added cmd_description field to CmdLine
- // - Added exit_handler() and quit() member-functions to CmdLine
-+// 08/16/00 Johnny Lam <>
-+// - Wrapped in namespace cmdline
-+// - Updated to follow ISO C++ standard
- //-^^---------------------------------------------------------------------
--#include <stdlib.h>
--#include <iostream.h>
--#include <stdarg.h>
--#include <string.h>
--#include <ctype.h>
-+#include <cstdlib>
-+#include <cstdarg>
-+#include <cstring>
-+#include <cctype>
-+#include <iostream>
- #include "cmdline.h"
- #include "cmdargs.h"
- #include "arglist.h"
- #include "states.h"
--#define va_CmdArgP(ap) va_arg(ap, CmdArg *)
-+namespace cmdline {
-+using std::cerr;
-+using std::exit;
-+using std::strcpy;
-+using std::strrchr;
-+#define va_CmdArgP(ap) va_arg(ap, CmdArg *)
- //------------------------------------------------------------------- init_args
-@@ -139,12 +149,12 @@
- # ifdef vms
- char * ver;
- // remove leading directory and/or device name
-- p1 = ::strrchr(filename, ':');
-- p2 = ::strrchr(filename, ']');
-+ p1 = strrchr(filename, ':');
-+ p2 = strrchr(filename, ']');
- # else
- // remove leading directory and/or drive name
-- p1 = ::strrchr(filename, '/');
-- p2 = ::strrchr(filename, '\\');
-+ p1 = strrchr(filename, '/');
-+ p2 = strrchr(filename, '\\');
- # endif
- if ((p1 == NULL) && (p2 == NULL)) {
- start = filename ;
-@@ -157,15 +167,15 @@
- }
- str = new char[strlen(start) + 1];
-- (void) ::strcpy(str, start);
-+ strcpy(str, start);
- // remove the extension
-- ext = ::strrchr(str, '.');
-+ ext = strrchr(str, '.');
- if (ext) *ext = '\0' ;
- # ifdef vms
- // remove the version
-- ver = ::strrchr(str, ';');
-+ ver = strrchr(str, ';');
- if (ver) *ver = '\0' ;
- # endif
-@@ -173,7 +183,7 @@
- #else
-- char * p = ::strrchr(filename, '/') ;
-+ char * p = strrchr(filename, '/') ;
- return (p == NULL) ? filename : (p + 1) ;
- #endif /* if (vms || msdos || os2) */
-@@ -197,7 +207,7 @@
- cmd_quit_handler(NULL)
- {
- name(cmdname);
-- ::init_args(cmd_args);
-+ init_args(cmd_args);
- }
- // Constructor with a name and CmdArgs
-@@ -215,7 +225,7 @@
- cmd_quit_handler(NULL)
- {
- name(cmdname);
-- ::init_args(cmd_args);
-+ init_args(cmd_args);
- CmdArgListListIter iter(cmd_args);
- CmdArgList * arg_list = iter();
-@@ -244,7 +254,7 @@
- cmd_quit_handler(NULL)
- {
- if (cmdarg1 == NULL) return;
-- ::init_args(cmd_args);
-+ init_args(cmd_args);
- CmdArgListListIter iter(cmd_args);
- CmdArgList * arg_list = iter();
-@@ -259,7 +269,7 @@
- // Destructor
- {
- delete cmd_args;
-@@ -278,14 +288,14 @@
- #if (defined(vms) || defined(msdos) || defined(os2))
- delete [] cmd_name;
- #endif
-- cmd_name = ::filebasename((progname) ? progname : unknown_progname);
-+ cmd_name = filebasename((progname) ? progname : unknown_progname);
- }
- // Print an error message prefix and return a reference to the
- // error output stream for this command
- ostream &
--CmdLine::error(unsigned quiet) const
-+CmdLine::error(unsigned int quiet) const
- {
- ostream * os = (cmd_err) ? cmd_err : &cerr ;
- if (cmd_name && *cmd_name && !quiet) *os << cmd_name << ": " ;
-@@ -310,7 +320,7 @@
- if (cmd_quit_handler != NULL) {
- (*cmd_quit_handler)(status);
- } else {
-- ::exit(status);
-+ exit(status);
- }
- }
-@@ -338,7 +348,7 @@
- }
- }
- {
- delete iter;
- }
-@@ -347,8 +357,9 @@
- // Returns NULL if we are already at the end of the list.
- //
- CmdArg *
- {
- return (iter) ? iter->operator()() : NULL ;
- }
-+} // namespace cmdline
diff --git a/devel/cmdline/patches/patch-az b/devel/cmdline/patches/patch-az
deleted file mode 100644
index 1edf86d7d29..00000000000
--- a/devel/cmdline/patches/patch-az
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,615 +0,0 @@
-$NetBSD: patch-az,v 2000/08/25 16:15:53 jlam Exp $
---- src/lib/cmdline.h.orig Thu Jan 2 13:33:32 1997
-+++ src/lib/cmdline.h
-@@ -16,16 +16,26 @@
- // - Added cmd_description field to CmdLine
- // - Added exit_handler() and quit() member-functions to CmdLine
- // - Added ALLOW_PLUS to list of CmdLine configuration flags
-+// 08/16/00 Johnny Lam <>
-+// - Wrapped in namespace cmdline
-+// - Updated to follow ISO C++ standard
-+// - Add declarations from arglist.h.
- //-^^---------------------------------------------------------------------
- #ifndef _usr_include_cmdline_h
- #define _usr_include_cmdline_h
--class ostream ;
--class istream ;
-+#include <iosfwd>
-+#include <fifolist.h>
-+namespace cmdline {
-+class CmdArg ;
- class CmdLine ;
--class CmdArgListIter ;
--class CmdArgListList ;
-+DECLARE_FIFO_LIST(CmdArgList, CmdArg);
-+DECLARE_FIFO_LIST(CmdArgListList, CmdArgList);
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-@@ -110,7 +120,7 @@
- const char * keyword,
- const char * value,
- const char * description,
-- unsigned syntax_flags =isOPTVALREQ);
-+ unsigned int syntax_flags =isOPTVALREQ);
- // Create an option that takes no value.
- //
-@@ -123,7 +133,7 @@
- CmdArg(char optchar,
- const char * keyword,
- const char * description,
-- unsigned syntax_flags =isOPT);
-+ unsigned int syntax_flags =isOPT);
- // Create a positional argument.
- //
-@@ -142,18 +152,18 @@
- //
- CmdArg(const char * value,
- const char * description,
-- unsigned syntax_flags =isPOSVALREQ);
-+ unsigned int syntax_flags =isPOSVALREQ);
- CmdArg(const CmdArg & cp);
-- virtual ~CmdArg(void);
-+ virtual ~CmdArg();
- // over-ride this function to return a non-zero value if you
- // wish the argument to be ignored (except for usage messages).
- //
- virtual int
-- is_dummy(void);
-+ is_dummy();
- // Here is the "primary" function that makes everything work ...
- //
-@@ -204,12 +214,12 @@
- operator()(const char * & arg, CmdLine & cmd) = 0;
- // Retrieve the syntax flags for this argument.
-- unsigned
-- syntax(void) const { return arg_syntax; }
-+ unsigned int
-+ syntax() const { return arg_syntax; }
- // Get the flags that say how this argument was specified.
-- unsigned
-- flags(void) const { return arg_flags; }
-+ unsigned int
-+ flags() const { return arg_flags; }
- // Get the sequence number corresponding to the last
- // time this argument was matched on the command-line.
-@@ -218,65 +228,65 @@
- // will be zero, otherwise it will be 'N' where the last
- // time this argument was matched, it was the 'N'th argument
- // encountered.
-- unsigned
-- sequence(void) const { return arg_sequence; }
-+ unsigned int
-+ sequence() const { return arg_sequence; }
- // Get the character (short-option) name of this argument.
- // Returns '\0' if there isnt one.
- char
-- char_name(void) const { return arg_char_name; }
-+ char_name() const { return arg_char_name; }
- // Get the keyword (long-option) name of this argument
- // Returns NULL if there isnt one.
- const char *
-- keyword_name(void) const { return arg_keyword_name; }
-+ keyword_name() const { return arg_keyword_name; }
- // Get the value name of this argument.
- // Returns NULL if this argument takes no value.
- const char *
-- value_name(void) const { return arg_value_name; }
-+ value_name() const { return arg_value_name; }
- // Get the description (help-message) of this argument.
- const char *
-- description(void) const { return arg_description; }
-+ description() const { return arg_description; }
- // If we were compiled for dubugging, then dump this argument
- virtual void
-- dump(ostream & os, unsigned level =0) const;
-+ dump(std::ostream & os, unsigned int level =0) const;
- private:
- // Member functions for internal use
- void
-- adjust_syntax(void);
-+ adjust_syntax();
- void
-- parse_description(void);
-+ parse_description();
- void
-- parse_value(void);
-+ parse_value();
- void
-- flags(unsigned newflags) { arg_flags = newflags; }
-+ flags(unsigned int newflags) { arg_flags = newflags; }
- void
-- set(unsigned flags) { arg_flags |= flags; }
-+ set(unsigned int flags) { arg_flags |= flags; }
- void
-- clear(unsigned flags =~0) { arg_flags &= ~flags; }
-+ clear(unsigned int flags =~0) { arg_flags &= ~flags; }
- // set sequence number
- void
-- sequence(unsigned num) { arg_sequence = num; }
-+ sequence(unsigned int num) { arg_sequence = num; }
- // Private data members
-- unsigned alloc_value_name : 1 ;
-+ unsigned int alloc_value_name : 1 ;
-- unsigned arg_flags : 8 ;
-- unsigned arg_syntax : 8 ;
-+ unsigned int arg_flags : 8 ;
-+ unsigned int arg_syntax : 8 ;
-- unsigned arg_sequence;
-+ unsigned int arg_sequence;
- char arg_char_name;
- const char * arg_keyword_name;
-@@ -293,19 +303,19 @@
- //
- class CmdLineArgIter {
- public:
-- CmdLineArgIter(void);
-+ CmdLineArgIter();
-- virtual ~CmdLineArgIter(void);
-+ virtual ~CmdLineArgIter();
- // Return the current argument and advance to the next one.
- // Returns NULL if we are already at the end of the arguments
- //
- virtual const char *
-- operator()(void) = 0;
-+ operator()() = 0;
- // Are the args returned by operator() pointing to temporary storage?
- virtual int
-- is_temporary(void) const = 0;
-+ is_temporary() const = 0;
- private:
- CmdLineArgIter(const CmdLineArgIter &) ;
-@@ -326,14 +336,14 @@
- CmdArgvIter(const char * const argv[])
- : array(argv), index(0), count(-1) {}
-- virtual ~CmdArgvIter(void);
-+ virtual ~CmdArgvIter();
- virtual const char *
-- operator()(void);
-+ operator()();
- // is_temporary returns 0 for CmdArgvIter
- virtual int
-- is_temporary(void) const;
-+ is_temporary() const;
- // Restart using a different string array.
- void
-@@ -367,10 +377,10 @@
- public:
- CmdStrTokIter(const char * tokens, const char * delimiters =0);
-- virtual ~CmdStrTokIter(void);
-+ virtual ~CmdStrTokIter();
- virtual const char *
-- operator()(void);
-+ operator()();
- // Reset using a new token-string and delimiter set.
- void
-@@ -378,7 +388,7 @@
- // Get the current delimiter set
- const char *
-- delimiters(void) const { return seps; }
-+ delimiters() const { return seps; }
- // Change the current delimiter set
- void
-@@ -386,7 +396,7 @@
- // is_temporary returns 1 for CmdStrTokIter
- virtual int
-- is_temporary(void) const;
-+ is_temporary() const;
- private:
- CmdStrTokIter(const CmdStrTokIter &) ;
-@@ -411,21 +421,21 @@
- //
- class CmdIstreamIter : public CmdLineArgIter {
- public:
-- static const unsigned MAX_LINE_LEN ;
-+ static const unsigned int MAX_LINE_LEN ;
-- CmdIstreamIter(istream & input);
-+ CmdIstreamIter(std::istream & input);
-- virtual ~CmdIstreamIter(void);
-+ virtual ~CmdIstreamIter();
- virtual const char *
-- operator()(void);
-+ operator()();
- // is_temporary returns 1 for CmdIstreamIter
- virtual int
-- is_temporary(void) const;
-+ is_temporary() const;
- private:
-- istream & is ;
-+ std::istream & is ;
- CmdStrTokIter * tok_iter ;
- } ;
-@@ -496,11 +506,11 @@
- CmdLine(CmdArg * cmdarg1 ...); // last arg should be NULL
-- virtual ~CmdLine(void);
-+ virtual ~CmdLine();
- // Get the command name.
- const char *
-- name(void) const { return cmd_name; }
-+ name() const { return cmd_name; }
- // Specify a command name.
- void
-@@ -508,7 +518,7 @@
- // Get the command description.
- const char *
-- description(void) const { return cmd_description; }
-+ description() const { return cmd_description; }
- // Specify a command description.
- void
-@@ -548,11 +558,11 @@
- } ;
- // Print usage on the given output stream using the given verboseness
-- ostream &
-- usage(ostream & os, CmdUsageLevel level =DEFAULT_USAGE) const ;
-+ std::ostream &
-+ usage(std::ostream & os, CmdUsageLevel level =DEFAULT_USAGE) const ;
- // Print usage on the CmdLine's error-outstream
-- ostream &
-+ std::ostream &
- usage(CmdUsageLevel level =DEFAULT_USAGE) const ;
- // Obtain the current status of the command. The status will be
-@@ -560,8 +570,8 @@
- // to a combination of CmdStatus bitmasks telling us precisely
- // what went wrong.
- //
-- unsigned
-- status(void) const { return cmd_status; }
-+ unsigned int
-+ status() const { return cmd_status; }
- // Print an error message prefix on the error output stream
- // associated with this command. The prefix printed is the
-@@ -577,8 +587,8 @@
- // (which may be useful if you wish only to obtain a reference
- // this CmdLine's error-outstream).
- //
-- ostream &
-- error(unsigned quiet =0) const;
-+ std::ostream &
-+ error(unsigned int quiet =0) const;
- // If the QUIET-flag is not set, then we need to know where
- // to print any error messages (the default is cerr).
-@@ -587,27 +597,27 @@
- // for error messages.
- //
- void
-- error(ostream & os) { cmd_err = &os; }
-+ error(std::ostream & os) { cmd_err = &os; }
- //
- // Get & set the command-parsing-flags
- //
- // Get the current set of command-flags
-- unsigned
-- flags(void) const { return cmd_flags; }
-+ unsigned int
-+ flags() const { return cmd_flags; }
- // Specify a new set of command-flags
- void
-- flags(unsigned newflags) { cmd_flags = newflags; }
-+ flags(unsigned int newflags) { cmd_flags = newflags; }
- // Set only the given command-flags
- void
-- set(unsigned flags) { cmd_flags |= flags; }
-+ set(unsigned int flags) { cmd_flags |= flags; }
- // Clear only the given command-flags
- void
-- clear(unsigned flags =~0) { cmd_flags &= ~flags; }
-+ clear(unsigned int flags =~0) { cmd_flags &= ~flags; }
- //
- // We are somewhat flexible in the way we parse arguments.
-@@ -632,33 +642,33 @@
- //
-- unsigned
-+ unsigned int
- parse(CmdLineArgIter & arg_iter, int processing =AUTO_PROCESSING) ;
- // Perform the necessary pre-processing.
- // Return the resultant command status.
- //
-- unsigned
-- prologue(void) ;
-+ unsigned int
-+ prologue() ;
- // Parse a single argument (pre- and post- processing is
- // NOT performed).
- //
-- unsigned
-+ unsigned int
- parse_arg(const char * arg) ;
- // Perform the necessary post-processing.
- // Return the resultant command status.
- //
-- unsigned
-- epilogue(void) ;
-+ unsigned int
-+ epilogue() ;
- //
- // Find out the number of arguments parsed so far
- //
-- unsigned
-- nargs_parsed(void) const { return cmd_nargs_parsed; }
-+ unsigned int
-+ nargs_parsed() const { return cmd_nargs_parsed; }
- //
- // Exception handling (well -- not really)
-@@ -685,7 +695,7 @@
- // Get the current quit-handler (returns NULL if there isnt one)
- //
- quit_func_t
-- quit_handler(void) const { return cmd_quit_handler; }
-+ quit_handler() const { return cmd_quit_handler; }
- //
-@@ -714,16 +724,16 @@
- //
- // get the release number
-- static unsigned
-- release(void);
-+ static unsigned int
-+ release();
- // get the patchlevel number
-- static unsigned
-- patchlevel(void);
-+ static unsigned int
-+ patchlevel();
- // get the SCCS identifier string
- static const char *
-- ident(void);
-+ ident();
- //
- // These next few functions are used internally but are general
-@@ -740,7 +750,7 @@
- // partial-match, and str_NONE otherwise.
- //
- static strmatch_t
-- strmatch(const char * src, const char * attempt, unsigned len =0);
-+ strmatch(const char * src, const char * attempt, unsigned int len =0);
- // Print a hanging indented paragraph on an outstream. Long lines
- // are broken at word boundaries and are wrapped to line up with
-@@ -753,12 +763,12 @@
- // is the second sentence. etc ...
- //
- static void
-- strindent(ostream & os,
-- unsigned maxcols,
-- unsigned margin,
-- const char * title,
-- unsigned indent,
-- const char * text);
-+ strindent(std::ostream & os,
-+ unsigned int maxcols,
-+ unsigned int margin,
-+ const char * title,
-+ unsigned int indent,
-+ const char * text);
- //
- // Debugging stuff ...
-@@ -766,24 +776,24 @@
- // If we were compiled for dubugging, then dump this command
- virtual void
-- dump(ostream & os, unsigned level =0) const;
-+ dump(std::ostream & os, unsigned int level =0) const;
- // If we were compiled for dubugging, then dump the argument list
- virtual void
-- dump_args(ostream & os, unsigned level =0) const;
-+ dump_args(std::ostream & os, unsigned int level =0) const;
- private:
- // Private data members
-- unsigned cmd_parse_state : 8 ;
-- unsigned cmd_state : 8 ;
-- unsigned cmd_flags : 16 ;
-- unsigned cmd_status : 16 ;
-- unsigned cmd_nargs_parsed ;
-+ unsigned int cmd_parse_state : 8 ;
-+ unsigned int cmd_state : 8 ;
-+ unsigned int cmd_flags : 16 ;
-+ unsigned int cmd_status : 16 ;
-+ unsigned int cmd_nargs_parsed ;
- const char * cmd_name ;
- const char * cmd_description ;
- CmdArg * cmd_matched_arg ;
- CmdArgListList * cmd_args ;
-- ostream * cmd_err ;
-+ std::ostream * cmd_err ;
- quit_func_t cmd_quit_handler ;
- // Disallow copying and assignment
-@@ -803,16 +813,16 @@
- handle_arg(CmdArg * cmdarg, const char * & arg);
- void
-- ck_need_val(void);
-+ ck_need_val();
- CmdLineSyntax
-- syntax(void) const;
-+ syntax() const;
-- unsigned
-+ unsigned int
- prompt_user(CmdArg * cmdarg);
-- unsigned
-- missing_args(void);
-+ unsigned int
-+ missing_args();
- CmdArg *
- opt_match(char optchar) const;
-@@ -824,47 +834,47 @@
- int match_value =0) const;
- CmdArg *
-- pos_match(void) const;
-+ pos_match() const;
-- unsigned
-+ unsigned int
- parse_option(const char * arg);
-- unsigned
-+ unsigned int
- parse_keyword(const char * arg);
-- unsigned
-+ unsigned int
- parse_value(const char * arg);
-- ostream &
-+ std::ostream &
- arg_error(const char * error_str, const CmdArg * cmdarg) const;
-- unsigned
-+ unsigned int
- fmt_arg(const CmdArg * cmdarg,
- char * buf,
-- unsigned bufsize,
-+ unsigned int bufsize,
- CmdLineSyntax syntax,
- CmdUsageLevel level) const;
- static CmdUsageLevel
-- get_usage_level(void);
-+ get_usage_level();
-- unsigned
-- print_synopsis(CmdLineSyntax syntax,
-- ostream & os,
-- int cols) const;
-+ unsigned int
-+ print_synopsis(CmdLineSyntax syntax,
-+ std::ostream & os,
-+ int cols) const;
- void
- print_descriptions(CmdLineSyntax syntax,
-- ostream & os,
-+ std::ostream & os,
- int cols,
-- unsigned longest) const;
-+ unsigned int longest) const;
- } ;
- // "os << cmd" is equivalent to "cmd.usage(os)"
--inline ostream &
--operator <<(ostream & os, CmdLine & cmd) { return cmd.usage(os); }
-+inline std::ostream &
-+operator <<(std::ostream & os, CmdLine & cmd) { return cmd.usage(os); }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-@@ -879,13 +889,13 @@
- CmdLineCmdArgIter(CmdLine * cmd);
-- virtual ~CmdLineCmdArgIter(void);
-+ virtual ~CmdLineCmdArgIter();
- // Return the current argument and advance to the next one.
- // Returns NULL if we are already at the end of the list.
- //
- CmdArg *
-- operator()(void);
-+ operator()();
- private:
- CmdLineCmdArgIter(const CmdLineCmdArgIter &);
-@@ -895,5 +905,7 @@
- CmdArgListIter * iter;
- } ;
-+} // namespace cmdline
- #endif /* _usr_include_cmdline_h */
diff --git a/devel/cmdline/patches/patch-ba b/devel/cmdline/patches/patch-ba
deleted file mode 100644
index d170dea3be8..00000000000
--- a/devel/cmdline/patches/patch-ba
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
-$NetBSD: patch-ba,v 2000/08/25 16:15:53 jlam Exp $
---- src/lib/cmdtest.c.orig Thu Jan 2 13:33:33 1997
-+++ src/lib/cmdtest.c
-@@ -9,13 +9,18 @@
- //
- // 03/01/93 Brad Appleton <>
- // - Attached a description to the command.
-+// 08/16/00 Johnny Lam <>
-+// - Updated to follow ISO C++ standard
- //-^^---------------------------------------------------------------------
--#include <stdlib.h>
--#include <iostream.h>
--#include <ctype.h>
-+#include <cstdlib>
-+#include <cctype>
-+#include <iostream>
- #include <cmdargs.h>
-+using namespace cmdline;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------- CmdArgModCmd
- // CmdArgModCmd is a special argument that we use for testing.
-@@ -34,7 +39,7 @@
- const char * keyword,
- const char * value,
- const char * description,
-- unsigned syntax_flags =CmdArg::isOPTVALOPT);
-+ unsigned int syntax_flags =CmdArg::isOPTVALOPT);
- virtual
- ~CmdArgModCmd(void);
-@@ -47,14 +52,14 @@
- const char * keyword,
- const char * value,
- const char * description,
-- unsigned syntax_flags)
-+ unsigned int syntax_flags)
- : CmdArg(optchar, keyword, value, description, syntax_flags) {}
- CmdArgModCmd::~CmdArgModCmd(void) {}
- int CmdArgModCmd::operator()(const char * & arg, CmdLine & cmd)
- {
-- unsigned new_flags = 0;
-+ unsigned int new_flags = 0;
- for (const char * p = arg ; *p ; p++) {
- char ch = *p;
- if (isupper(ch)) ch = tolower(ch);
-@@ -142,7 +147,7 @@
- cout << "xflag=" << (xflag ? "ON" : "OFF") << endl ;
- cout << "count=" << count << endl ;
-- unsigned sflags = str.flags();
-+ unsigned int sflags = str.flags();
- if ((sflags & CmdArg::GIVEN) && (! (sflags & CmdArg::VALGIVEN))) {
- cout << "No string given on command-line!" << endl ;
- } else {
-@@ -154,20 +159,20 @@
- cout << "why=\"" << why << "\"" << endl ;
- cout << "who=\"" << who << "\"" << endl ;
-- unsigned nints = ints.count();
-+ unsigned int nints = ints.count();
- for (int i = 0; i < nints ; i++) {
- cout << "int[" << i << "]=" << ints[i] << endl ;
- }
-- unsigned ngrps = grps.count();
-- for (i = 0; i < ngrps ; i++) {
-+ unsigned int ngrps = grps.count();
-+ for (int i = 0; i < ngrps ; i++) {
- cout << "groups[" << i << "]=\"" << grps[i] << "\"" << endl ;
- }
- cout << "name=\"" << name << "\"" << endl ;
-- unsigned nfiles = files.count();
-- for (i = 0; i < nfiles ; i++) {
-+ unsigned int nfiles = files.count();
-+ for (int i = 0; i < nfiles ; i++) {
- cout << "files[" << i << "]=\"" << files[i] << "\"" << endl ;
- }
- }
-@@ -223,12 +228,12 @@
- name = NULL;
- cout << "Parsing the command-line ..." << endl ;
-- unsigned status = cmd.parse(argv_iter);
-+ unsigned int status = cmd.parse(argv_iter);
- if (status) cmd.error() << "parsing errors occurred!" << endl ;
- print_args();
-- unsigned dbg_flags = debug.flags();
-+ unsigned int dbg_flags = debug.flags();
- if ((dbg_flags & CmdArg::GIVEN) && (! (dbg_flags & CmdArg::VALGIVEN))) {
- debug = 1;
- }
diff --git a/devel/cmdline/patches/patch-bb b/devel/cmdline/patches/patch-bb
deleted file mode 100644
index 0cc19b038de..00000000000
--- a/devel/cmdline/patches/patch-bb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,208 +0,0 @@
-$NetBSD: patch-bb,v 2000/08/25 16:15:53 jlam Exp $
---- src/lib/dump.c.orig Thu Jan 2 13:33:33 1997
-+++ src/lib/dump.c
-@@ -13,18 +13,23 @@
- // - Added arg_sequence field to CmdArg
- // - Added cmd_nargs_parsed field to CmdLine
- // - Added cmd_description field to CmdLine
-+// 08/16/00 Johnny Lam <>
-+// - Wrapped in namespace cmdline
-+// - Updated to follow ISO C++ standard
- //-^^---------------------------------------------------------------------
- #include "cmdline.h"
--# include <iostream.h>
--# include <string.h>
-+# include <iostream>
--# include "arglist.h"
- # include "states.h"
- #endif
-+namespace cmdline {
-+using std::ostream;
-@@ -32,7 +37,7 @@
- // The number of spaces to indent is 3x the indent level
- //
- static ostream &
--indent(ostream & os, unsigned level)
-+indent(ostream & os, unsigned int level)
- {
- os.width(level * 3);
- return (os << "");
-@@ -42,7 +47,7 @@
- // Dump the arg_syntax field of a CmdArg in a mnemonic format
- //
- static ostream &
--dump_arg_syntax(ostream & os, unsigned syntax)
-+dump_arg_syntax(ostream & os, unsigned int syntax)
- {
- if (syntax & CmdArg::isREQ) {
- os << "isREQ" ;
-@@ -78,7 +83,7 @@
- // Dump the arg_flags field of a CmdArg in a mnemonic format
- static ostream &
--dump_arg_flags(ostream & os, unsigned flags)
-+dump_arg_flags(ostream & os, unsigned int flags)
- {
- if (flags & CmdArg::GIVEN) {
- os << "GIVEN" ;
-@@ -109,7 +114,7 @@
- // Dump the cmd_flags field of a CmdLine in a mnemonic format
- static ostream &
--dump_cmd_flags(ostream & os, unsigned flags)
-+dump_cmd_flags(ostream & os, unsigned int flags)
- {
- if (flags & CmdLine::NO_ABORT) {
- os << "NO_ABORT" ;
-@@ -147,7 +152,7 @@
- // Dump the status of a CmdLine in a mnemonic format
- static ostream &
--dump_cmd_status(ostream & os, unsigned status)
-+dump_cmd_status(ostream & os, unsigned int status)
- {
- if (! status) {
- os << "NO_ERROR";
-@@ -189,7 +194,7 @@
- // Dump the state of a CmdLine in a mnemonic format
- static ostream &
--dump_cmd_state(ostream & os, unsigned state)
-+dump_cmd_state(ostream & os, unsigned int state)
- {
- if (! state) {
- os << "NO_OPTIONS";
-@@ -215,7 +220,7 @@
- // Dump the parse_state of a CmdLine in a mnemonic format
- static ostream &
--dump_cmd_parse_state(ostream & os, unsigned parse_state)
-+dump_cmd_parse_state(ostream & os, unsigned int parse_state)
- {
- switch (parse_state) {
- case cmd_START_STATE :
-@@ -264,9 +269,9 @@
- // Dump the arguments (including the default arguments) in an arg_list
- static ostream &
--dump_cmd_args(ostream & os, CmdArgListList * arg_list, unsigned level)
-+dump_cmd_args(ostream & os, CmdArgListList * arg_list, unsigned int level)
- {
-- ::indent(os, level) << "CmdLine::cmd_args {\n" ;
-+ indent(os, level) << "CmdLine::cmd_args {\n" ;
- CmdArgListListIter list_iter(arg_list);
- for (CmdArgList * alist = list_iter() ; alist ; alist = list_iter()) {
-@@ -276,7 +281,7 @@
- }
- }
-- ::indent(os, level) << "}" << endl;
-+ indent(os, level) << "}" << endl;
- return os;
- }
-@@ -285,72 +290,73 @@
- // Dump a CmdArg
- void
--CmdArg::dump(ostream & os, unsigned level) const
-+CmdArg::dump(ostream & os, unsigned int level) const
- {
-- ::indent(os, level) << "CmdArg {\n" ;
-+ indent(os, level) << "CmdArg {\n" ;
-- ::indent(os, level + 1) << "option='" << char(arg_char_name) << "', "
-+ indent(os, level + 1) << "option='" << char(arg_char_name) << "', "
- << "keyword=\"" << arg_keyword_name << "\", "
- << "value=\"" << arg_value_name << "\"\n" ;
-- ::indent(os, level + 1) << "syntax=" ;
-+ indent(os, level + 1) << "syntax=" ;
- dump_arg_syntax(os, arg_syntax) << "\n";
-- ::indent(os, level + 1) << "flags=" ;
-+ indent(os, level + 1) << "flags=" ;
- dump_arg_flags(os, arg_flags) << "\n";
-- ::indent(os, level + 1) << "sequence=" << arg_sequence << "\n";
-+ indent(os, level + 1) << "sequence=" << arg_sequence << "\n";
-- ::indent(os, level) << "}" << endl;
-+ indent(os, level) << "}" << endl;
- #endif
- }
- // Dump a CmdLine
- void
--CmdLine::dump(ostream & os, unsigned level) const
-+CmdLine::dump(ostream & os, unsigned int level) const
- {
-- ::indent(os, level) << "CmdLine {\n" ;
-+ indent(os, level) << "CmdLine {\n" ;
-- ::indent(os, level + 1) << "name=\"" << cmd_name << "\"\n";
-+ indent(os, level + 1) << "name=\"" << cmd_name << "\"\n";
-- ::indent(os, level + 1) << "description=\"" << cmd_description << "\"\n";
-+ indent(os, level + 1) << "description=\"" << cmd_description << "\"\n";
-- ::indent(os, level + 1) << "flags=" ;
-+ indent(os, level + 1) << "flags=" ;
- dump_cmd_flags(os, cmd_flags) << "\n";
-- ::indent(os, level + 1) << "status=" ;
-+ indent(os, level + 1) << "status=" ;
- dump_cmd_status(os, cmd_status) << "\n";
-- ::indent(os, level + 1) << "state=" ;
-+ indent(os, level + 1) << "state=" ;
- dump_cmd_state(os, cmd_state) << "\n";
-- ::indent(os, level + 1) << "parse_state=" ;
-+ indent(os, level + 1) << "parse_state=" ;
- dump_cmd_parse_state(os, cmd_parse_state) << "\n";
-- ::indent(os, level + 1);
-+ indent(os, level + 1);
- if (cmd_matched_arg == NULL) {
- os << "matched_arg=NULL\n";
- } else {
- os << "matched_arg=" << (void *)cmd_matched_arg << "\n";
- }
-- ::indent(os, level + 1) << "# valid-args-parsed="
-+ indent(os, level + 1) << "# valid-args-parsed="
- << cmd_nargs_parsed << "\n" ;
-- ::indent(os, level) << "}" << endl;
-+ indent(os, level) << "}" << endl;
- #endif
- }
- // Dump the arguments of a CmdLine
- void
--CmdLine::dump_args(ostream & os, unsigned level) const
-+CmdLine::dump_args(ostream & os, unsigned int level) const
- {
- dump_cmd_args(os, cmd_args, level);
- #endif
- }
-+} // namespace cmdline
diff --git a/devel/cmdline/patches/patch-bc b/devel/cmdline/patches/patch-bc
deleted file mode 100644
index cba0681406b..00000000000
--- a/devel/cmdline/patches/patch-bc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
-$NetBSD: patch-bc,v 2000/08/25 16:15:53 jlam Exp $
---- src/lib/fifolist.c.orig Thu Jan 2 13:33:33 1997
-+++ src/lib/fifolist.c
-@@ -6,9 +6,14 @@
- //
- // ^HISTORY:
- // 03/21/92 Brad Appleton <> Created
-+// 08/16/00 Johnny Lam <>
-+// - Wrapped in namespace cmdline
-+// - Updated to follow ISO C++ standard
-+// - Moved template code to fifolist.h from this file
- //-^^---------------------------------------------------------------------
--#include <stdlib.h>
-+#include <cstdlib>
- #include "cmdline.h"
- #include "fifolist.h"
-@@ -16,10 +21,12 @@
- # define NULL 0L
- #endif
-+namespace cmdline {
- //------------------------------------------------------------- GenericFifoList
- // Destructor
--GenericFifoList::~GenericFifoList(void) {
-+GenericFifoList::~GenericFifoList() {
- GenericFifoListNode * nd = head;
- head = NULL;
- while (nd) {
-@@ -48,7 +55,7 @@
- // Remove an item off the front
- void *
--GenericFifoList::remove(void) {
-+GenericFifoList::remove() {
- if (head == NULL) return NULL;
- GenericFifoListNode * nd = head;
- void * result = head->contents;
-@@ -61,10 +68,10 @@
- //--------------------------------------------------------- GenericFifoListIter
--GenericFifoListIter::~GenericFifoListIter(void) {}
-+GenericFifoListIter::~GenericFifoListIter() {}
- void *
--GenericFifoListIter::operator()(void) {
-+GenericFifoListIter::operator()() {
- void * result = NULL;
- if (current) {
- result = current->contents;
-@@ -75,11 +82,11 @@
- //-------------------------------------------------------- GenericFifoListArray
--GenericFifoListArray::~GenericFifoListArray(void) {}
-+GenericFifoListArray::~GenericFifoListArray() {}
- void *
--GenericFifoListArray::operator[](unsigned ndx) {
-- unsigned max_index = count();
-+GenericFifoListArray::operator[](unsigned int ndx) {
-+ unsigned int max_index = count();
- if (! max_index--) return NULL; // check for underflow
- if (ndx > max_index) return NULL; // check for overflow
-@@ -104,27 +111,4 @@
- return current->contents;
- }
--//-------------------------------------------------------------------- FifoList
--#ifdef TEMPLATES
-- // Destructor
--template <class Type>
--FifoList<Type>::~FifoList(void) {
-- GenericFifoListNode * nd = head;
-- head = NULL;
-- while (nd) {
-- GenericFifoListNode * to_delete = nd;
-- nd = nd->next;
-- if (del_items) delete (Type *)to_delete->contents;
-- delete to_delete;
-- }
--template <class Type>
--FifoListIter<Type>::~FifoListIter(void) {}
--template <class Type>
--FifoListArray<Type>::~FifoListArray(void) {}
-+} // namespace cmdline
diff --git a/devel/cmdline/patches/patch-bd b/devel/cmdline/patches/patch-bd
deleted file mode 100644
index b8c85a167bf..00000000000
--- a/devel/cmdline/patches/patch-bd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,242 +0,0 @@
-$NetBSD: patch-bd,v 2000/08/25 16:15:54 jlam Exp $
---- src/lib/fifolist.h.orig Thu Jan 2 13:33:34 1997
-+++ src/lib/fifolist.h
-@@ -22,6 +22,11 @@
- //
- // ^HISTORY:
- // 03/21/92 Brad Appleton <> Created
-+// 08/16/00 Johnny Lam <>
-+// - Wrapped in namespace cmdline
-+// - Updated to follow ISO C++ standard
-+// - Moved template code from fifolist.c to this header file
- //-^^---------------------------------------------------------------------
- #ifndef _fifolist_h
-@@ -35,6 +40,7 @@
- # endif
- #endif
-+namespace cmdline {
- // GenericFifoList - a FIFO linked list of void * pointers
- //
-@@ -51,41 +57,41 @@
- : next(nd), contents(val) {}
- } ;
-- unsigned mod : 1;
-- unsigned del_items : 1;
-- unsigned num_items ;
-+ unsigned int mod : 1;
-+ unsigned int del_items : 1;
-+ unsigned int num_items ;
- GenericFifoListNode * head;
- GenericFifoListNode * tail;
-- GenericFifoList(void)
-+ GenericFifoList()
- : head(0), tail(0), num_items(0), del_items(0), mod(0) {}
- // Remove the first item from the list
- void *
-- remove(void);
-+ remove();
- // Add an item to the end of the list
- void
- add(void * item);
- public:
-- virtual ~GenericFifoList(void);
-+ virtual ~GenericFifoList();
- // Was the list modified since the last time we checked?
- int
-- modified(void) { return (mod) ? (mod = 0, 1) : 0 ; }
-+ modified() { return (mod) ? (mod = 0, 1) : 0 ; }
- // Is the list empty?
- int
-- is_empty(void) const { return (num_items == 0); }
-+ is_empty() const { return (num_items == 0); }
- // How many items are in the list?
-- unsigned
-- count(void) const { return num_items; }
-+ unsigned int
-+ count() const { return num_items; }
- // Is the list responsible for deleting the items it contains?
- int
-- self_cleaning(void) const { return int(del_items); }
-+ self_cleaning() const { return int(del_items); }
- // Tell the list who is responsible for deleting the items it contains?
- void
-@@ -112,10 +118,10 @@
- // returns NULL if at end-of-list
- //
- void *
-- operator()(void);
-+ operator()();
- public:
-- virtual ~GenericFifoListIter(void);
-+ virtual ~GenericFifoListIter();
- } ;
-@@ -124,7 +130,7 @@
- class GenericFifoListArray {
- private:
- GenericFifoList & list;
-- unsigned index;
-+ unsigned int index;
- GenericFifoList::GenericFifoListNode * current;
- protected:
-@@ -135,7 +141,7 @@
- : list(*fifo_list), index(0), current(fifo_list->head) {}
- // How many items are in the array?
-- unsigned count(void) const { return list.count(); }
-+ unsigned int count() const { return list.count(); }
- // Return a specified item in the array.
- // NOTE: the programmer is responsible for making sure the given index
-@@ -146,27 +152,27 @@
- // cause a NULL pointer dereferencing error!
- //
- void *
-- operator[](unsigned ndx);
-+ operator[](unsigned int ndx);
- public:
-- virtual ~GenericFifoListArray(void);
-+ virtual ~GenericFifoListArray();
- } ;
--#ifdef TEMPLATES
-+#if 1 // TEMPLATES
- template <class Type>
- class FifoList : public GenericFifoList {
- public:
-- FifoList(void) {}
-+ FifoList() {}
-- virtual ~FifoList(void);
-+ virtual ~FifoList();
- void
- add(Type * item) { GenericFifoList::add((void *)item); }
- Type *
-- remove(void) { return (Type *) GenericFifoList::remove(); }
-+ remove() { return (Type *) GenericFifoList::remove(); }
- } ;
- template <class Type>
-@@ -175,10 +181,10 @@
- FifoListIter(FifoList<Type> & list) : GenericFifoListIter(list) {}
- FifoListIter(FifoList<Type> * list) : GenericFifoListIter(list) {}
-- virtual ~FifoListIter(void);
-+ virtual ~FifoListIter();
- Type *
-- operator()(void) { return (Type *) GenericFifoListIter::operator()(); }
-+ operator()() { return (Type *) GenericFifoListIter::operator()(); }
- } ;
- template <class Type>
-@@ -187,13 +193,31 @@
- FifoListArray(FifoList<Type> & list) : GenericFifoListArray(list) {}
- FifoListArray(FifoList<Type> * list) : GenericFifoListArray(list) {}
-- virtual ~FifoListArray(void);
-+ virtual ~FifoListArray();
- Type &
-- operator[](unsigned ndx)
-+ operator[](unsigned int ndx)
- { return *((Type *) GenericFifoListArray::operator[](ndx)); }
- } ;
-+template <class Type>
-+FifoList<Type>::~FifoList() {
-+ GenericFifoListNode * nd = head;
-+ head = NULL;
-+ while (nd) {
-+ GenericFifoListNode * to_delete = nd;
-+ nd = nd->next;
-+ if (del_items) delete (Type *)to_delete->contents;
-+ delete to_delete;
-+ }
-+template <class Type>
-+FifoListIter<Type>::~FifoListIter() {}
-+template <class Type>
-+FifoListArray<Type>::~FifoListArray() {}
- #define DECLARE_FIFO_LIST(Name,Type) \
- typedef FifoList<Type> Name; \
- typedef FifoListIter<Type> name2(Name,Iter); \
-@@ -204,9 +228,9 @@
- #define DECLARE_FIFO_LIST(Name,Type) \
- class Name : public GenericFifoList { \
- public: \
-- Name(void) {} \
-+ Name() {} \
- \
-- virtual ~Name(void) { \
-+ virtual ~Name() { \
- GenericFifoListNode * nd = head; \
- head = 0; \
- while (nd) { \
-@@ -221,7 +245,7 @@
- add(Type * item) { GenericFifoList::add((void *)item); } \
- \
- Type * \
-- remove(void) { return (Type *) GenericFifoList::remove(); } \
-+ remove() { return (Type *) GenericFifoList::remove(); } \
- \
- friend class name2(Name,Iter); \
- } ; \
-@@ -231,10 +255,10 @@
- name2(Name,Iter)(Name & list) : GenericFifoListIter(list) {} \
- name2(Name,Iter)(Name * list) : GenericFifoListIter(list) {} \
- \
-- virtual ~ name2(Name,Iter)(void) {} \
-+ virtual ~ name2(Name,Iter)() {} \
- \
- Type * \
-- operator()(void) { return (Type *) GenericFifoListIter::operator()(); } \
-+ operator()() { return (Type *) GenericFifoListIter::operator()(); } \
- } ; \
- \
- class name2(Name,Array) : public GenericFifoListArray { \
-@@ -242,15 +266,15 @@
- name2(Name,Array)(Name & list) : GenericFifoListArray(list) {} \
- name2(Name,Array)(Name * list) : GenericFifoListArray(list) {} \
- \
-- virtual ~ name2(Name,Array)(void) {} \
-+ virtual ~ name2(Name,Array)() {} \
- \
- Type & \
-- operator[](unsigned ndx) \
-+ operator[](unsigned int ndx) \
- { return *((Type *) GenericFifoListArray::operator[](ndx)); } \
- }
- #endif /* TEMPLATES */
-+} // namespace cmdline
- #endif /* _fifolist_h */
diff --git a/devel/cmdline/patches/patch-be b/devel/cmdline/patches/patch-be
deleted file mode 100644
index 49f7209cb93..00000000000
--- a/devel/cmdline/patches/patch-be
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
-$NetBSD: patch-be,v 2000/08/25 16:15:54 jlam Exp $
---- src/lib/parse.c.orig Thu Jan 2 13:33:34 1997
-+++ src/lib/parse.c
-@@ -14,24 +14,28 @@
- // 03/01/93 Brad Appleton <>
- // - Added cmd_nargs_parsed field to CmdLine
- // - Added exit_handler() and quit() member-functions to CmdLine
-+// 08/16/00 Johnny Lam <>
-+// - Wrapped in namespace cmdline
-+// - Updated to follow ISO C++ standard
- //-^^---------------------------------------------------------------------
--#include <stdlib.h>
--#include <iostream.h>
--#include <ctype.h>
--#include <string.h>
-+#include <cstdlib>
-+#include <cstring>
-+#include <cctype>
-+#include <iostream>
- #include "exits.h"
- #include "states.h"
--#include "arglist.h"
- #include "cmdline.h"
-+namespace cmdline {
- //-------
- // ^FUNCTION: CmdLine::prologue - initialize before parsing
- //
--// unsigned CmdLine::prologue(void)
-+// unsigned int CmdLine::prologue()
- //
- // None.
-@@ -55,8 +59,8 @@
- // Follow along - its not too complicated.
- //-^^----
-+unsigned int
- {
- // reset parse-specific attributes
- cmd_parse_state = cmd_START_STATE ;
-@@ -80,7 +84,7 @@
- // ^FUNCTION: CmdLine::epilogue - clean up after parsing
- //
--// unsigned CmdLine::epilogue(void)
-+// unsigned int CmdLine::epilogue()
- //
- // None.
-@@ -112,8 +116,8 @@
- // - Print usage if required
- // - Exit if required
- //-^^----
-+unsigned int
- {
- if (cmd_err == NULL) cmd_err = &cerr;
-@@ -167,21 +171,22 @@
- // Trivial - just iterate through calling parse_arg.
- //-^^----------------
-+unsigned int
- CmdLine::parse(CmdLineArgIter & arg_iter, int auto_processing)
- {
- // NOTE: If arg_iter.is_temporary() is TRUE then we MUST remember
- // to set the CmdLine::TEMP flags before parsing (and put it
- // back the way it was when we are finished.
- //
-- if (auto_processing) (void) prologue();
-- unsigned save_flags = cmd_flags;
-+ if (auto_processing) prologue();
-+ unsigned int save_flags = cmd_flags;
- if (arg_iter.is_temporary()) cmd_flags |= TEMP;
- for (const char * arg = arg_iter() ; arg ; arg = arg_iter()) {
-- (void) parse_arg(arg);
-+ parse_arg(arg);
- }
- if (arg_iter.is_temporary()) cmd_flags = save_flags;
-- if (auto_processing) (void) epilogue();
-+ if (auto_processing) epilogue();
- return cmd_status ;
- }
-+} // namespace cmdline
diff --git a/devel/cmdline/patches/patch-bf b/devel/cmdline/patches/patch-bf
deleted file mode 100644
index 98a9435ebbc..00000000000
--- a/devel/cmdline/patches/patch-bf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-$NetBSD: patch-bf,v 2000/08/25 16:15:54 jlam Exp $
---- src/lib/patchlevel.c.orig Thu Jan 2 13:33:35 1997
-+++ src/lib/patchlevel.c
-@@ -21,10 +21,17 @@
- //
- // 01/11/94 Brad Appleton <>
- // - Modified for patch 4
-+// 08/16/00 Johnny Lam <>
-+// - Wrapped in namespace cmdline
-+// - Updated to follow ISO C++ standard
-+// - Modified for patch 5
- //-^^---------------------------------------------------------------------
- #include "cmdline.h"
-+namespace cmdline {
- // Record the version-identifier for this configuration of the project.
- //
- // My source-code management system lets me use a symbolic-name
-@@ -33,24 +40,25 @@
- // file that makes up this version of the project.
- //
- static const char ident[] =
-- "@(#)SMS task: cmdline-1.04" ;
-+ "@(#)SMS task: cmdline-1.05" ;
- // Release and patchlevel information
--#define CMDLINE_IDENT "@(#)CmdLine 1.04"
-+#define CMDLINE_IDENT "@(#)CmdLine 1.05"
- unsigned
--CmdLine::release(void) { return CMDLINE_RELEASE; }
-+CmdLine::release() { return CMDLINE_RELEASE; }
- unsigned
--CmdLine::patchlevel(void) { return CMDLINE_PATCHLEVEL; }
-+CmdLine::patchlevel() { return CMDLINE_PATCHLEVEL; }
- const char *
--CmdLine::ident(void) {
-+CmdLine::ident() {
- static const char Ident[] = CMDLINE_IDENT ;
- return Ident;
- }
-+} // namespace cmdline
diff --git a/devel/cmdline/patches/patch-bg b/devel/cmdline/patches/patch-bg
deleted file mode 100644
index cbd557c620e..00000000000
--- a/devel/cmdline/patches/patch-bg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
-$NetBSD: patch-bg,v 1.2 2001/05/17 20:28:19 jlam Exp $
---- src/lib/private.c.orig Thu Jan 2 13:33:34 1997
-+++ src/lib/private.c
-@@ -18,14 +18,19 @@
- //
- // 03/03/93 Brad Appleton <>
- // - Added exit_handler() and quit() member-functions to CmdLine
-+// 08/16/00 Johnny Lam <>
-+// - Wrapped in namespace cmdline
-+// - Updated to follow ISO C++ standard
-+// - Find readline.h in newer versions of readline
- //-^^---------------------------------------------------------------------
--#include <iostream.h>
--#include <strstream.h>
--#include <fstream.h>
--#include <stdlib.h>
--#include <string.h>
--#include <ctype.h>
-+#include <iostream>
-+#include <strstream>
-+#include <cctype>
-+#include <cstdlib>
-+#include <cstring>
-+#include <cstdio>
- extern "C" {
- int isatty(int fd);
-@@ -48,8 +53,14 @@
- #include "cmdline.h"
- #include "states.h"
--#include "arglist.h"
-+namespace cmdline {
-+using std::cerr;
-+using std::cin;
-+using std::isupper;
-+using std::ostrstream;
-+using std::tolower;
- // Need a portable version of tolower
- //
-@@ -236,7 +247,7 @@
- // ^FUNCTION: CmdLine::prompt_user - prompt the user for a missing argument
- //
--// unsigned CmdLine::prompt_user(cmdarg);
-+// unsigned int CmdLine::prompt_user(cmdarg);
- //
- // CmdArg * cmdarg;
-@@ -274,7 +285,7 @@
- // - if an invalid value was given return ARG_MISSING
- // - else return 0
- //-^^----
-+unsigned int
- CmdLine::prompt_user(CmdArg * cmdarg)
- {
- // dont prompt if cin or cerr is not interactive
-@@ -316,7 +327,7 @@
- // try to handle the value we read (remember - buf is temporary)
- if (! errs) {
- const char * arg = buf;
-- unsigned save_cmd_flags = cmd_flags;
-+ unsigned int save_cmd_flags = cmd_flags;
- cmd_flags |= TEMP;
- errs = handle_arg(cmdarg, arg);
- if (errs) {
-@@ -387,7 +398,7 @@
- // ^FUNCTION: CmdLine::missing_args - check for missing required arguments
- //
--// unsigned CmdLine::missing_args(void);
-+// unsigned int CmdLine::missing_args(void);
- //
- //
-@@ -424,7 +435,7 @@
- // endfor
- // return the current cmd-status
- //-^^----
-+unsigned int
- CmdLine::missing_args(void)
- {
- char buf[256];
-@@ -649,3 +660,5 @@
- } //for list_iter
- return last_pos_list ;
- }
-+} // namespace cmdline
diff --git a/devel/cmdline/patches/patch-bh b/devel/cmdline/patches/patch-bh
deleted file mode 100644
index 76a585e860e..00000000000
--- a/devel/cmdline/patches/patch-bh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-$NetBSD: patch-bh,v 2000/08/25 16:15:54 jlam Exp $
---- src/lib/states.h.orig Thu Jan 2 13:33:34 1997
-+++ src/lib/states.h
-@@ -9,6 +9,9 @@
- //
- // ^HISTORY:
- // 03/26/92 Brad Appleton <> Created
-+// 08/16/00 Johnny Lam <>
-+// - Wrapped in namespace cmdline
- //-^^---------------------------------------------------------------------
- #ifndef _states_h
-@@ -16,14 +19,16 @@
- #include "cmdline.h"
-+namespace cmdline {
- #ifdef unix_style
- // Default command-flags for a unix-command
-- static const unsigned DEFAULT_CMDFLAGS = CmdLine::OPTS_FIRST ;
-+ static const unsigned int DEFAULT_CMDFLAGS = CmdLine::OPTS_FIRST ;
- #endif
- #ifdef vms_style
- // Default command-flags for a vms-command
-- static const unsigned DEFAULT_CMDFLAGS = CmdLine::TEMP ;
-+ static const unsigned int DEFAULT_CMDFLAGS = CmdLine::TEMP ;
- #endif
- //
-@@ -67,5 +72,6 @@
- #endif
- } ;
-+} // namespace cmdline
- #endif /* _states_h */
diff --git a/devel/cmdline/patches/patch-bi b/devel/cmdline/patches/patch-bi
deleted file mode 100644
index 4c45c71226e..00000000000
--- a/devel/cmdline/patches/patch-bi
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,116 +0,0 @@
-$NetBSD: patch-bi,v 2000/08/25 16:15:54 jlam Exp $
---- src/lib/strindent.c.orig Thu Jan 2 13:33:34 1997
-+++ src/lib/strindent.c
-@@ -11,11 +11,15 @@
- //
- // ^HISTORY:
- // 12/05/91 Brad Appleton <> Created
-+// 08/16/00 Johnny Lam <>
-+// - Wrapped in namespace cmdline
-+// - Updated to follow ISO C++ standard
- //-^^-----------------------------------------------------------------------
--#include <iostream.h>
--#include <string.h>
--#include <ctype.h>
-+#include <iostream>
-+#include <cstring>
-+#include <cctype>
- #include "cmdline.h"
-@@ -26,6 +30,7 @@
- //
- #define TO_LOWER(c) ((isupper(c)) ? tolower(c) : c)
-+namespace cmdline {
- //-------
- // ^FUNCTION: strmatch - match a keyword
-@@ -40,7 +45,7 @@
- // const char * attempt;
- // -- the "candidate" that may or may not match the keyword
- //
--// unsigned len;
-+// unsigned int len;
- // -- the number of character of "attempt" to consider (==0 if all
- // characters of "attempt" should be used).
- //
-@@ -67,9 +72,9 @@
- // else return str_PARTIAL
- //-^^----
- CmdLine::strmatch_t
--CmdLine::strmatch(const char * src, const char * attempt, unsigned len)
-+CmdLine::strmatch(const char * src, const char * attempt, unsigned int len)
- {
-- unsigned i;
-+ unsigned int i;
- if (src == attempt) return str_EXACT ;
- if ((src == NULL) || (attempt == NULL)) return str_NONE ;
-@@ -94,16 +99,16 @@
- // ostream & os;
- // -- the stream to which output is sent
- //
--// unsigned maxcols;
-+// unsigned int maxcols;
- // -- the maximum width (in characters) of the output
- //
--// unsigned margin;
-+// unsigned int margin;
- // -- the number of spaces to use as the left margin
- //
- // char * title;
- // -- the paragraph title
- //
--// unsigned indent;
-+// unsigned int indent;
- // -- the distance between the title and the paragraph body
- //
- // char * text;
-@@ -134,10 +139,10 @@
- //-^^-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- void
- CmdLine::strindent(ostream & os,
-- unsigned maxcols,
-- unsigned margin,
-+ unsigned int maxcols,
-+ unsigned int margin,
- const char * title,
-- unsigned indent,
-+ unsigned int indent,
- const char * text)
- {
- // If we were given non-sensical parameters then dont use them
-@@ -168,9 +173,9 @@
- // Loop through the paragraph text witing to print until we absolutely
- // have to.
- //
-- unsigned col = margin + indent + 1;
-- unsigned index = 0 ;
-- unsigned last_white = 0 ;
-+ unsigned int col = margin + indent + 1;
-+ unsigned int index = 0 ;
-+ unsigned int last_white = 0 ;
- const char * p = text ;
- while (p[index]) {
-@@ -291,8 +296,8 @@
- getsym(const char * sym_name)
- {
- static char sym_value[256];
-- unsigned long stat;
-- unsigned short buflen;
-+ unsigned int long stat;
-+ unsigned int short buflen;
- $DESCRIPTOR(sym_name_d, sym_name);
- $DESCRIPTOR(sym_value_d, sym_value);
-@@ -309,3 +314,5 @@
- }
- #endif /* vms */
-+} // namespace cmdline
diff --git a/devel/cmdline/patches/patch-bj b/devel/cmdline/patches/patch-bj
deleted file mode 100644
index 4a7a67ab3f2..00000000000
--- a/devel/cmdline/patches/patch-bj
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,173 +0,0 @@
-$NetBSD: patch-bj,v 2000/08/25 16:15:54 jlam Exp $
---- src/lib/unix.c.orig Thu Jan 2 13:33:35 1997
-+++ src/lib/unix.c
-@@ -19,17 +19,26 @@
- //
- // 03/01/93 Brad Appleton <>
- // - Added ALLOW_PLUS to list of CmdLine configuration flags
-+// 08/16/00 Johnny Lam <>
-+// - Wrapped in namespace cmdline
-+// - Updated to follow ISO C++ standard
- //-^^---------------------------------------------------------------------
--#include <iostream.h>
--#include <strstream.h>
--#include <stdlib.h>
--#include <string.h>
-+#include <iostream>
-+#include <strstream>
-+#include <cstdlib>
-+#include <cstring>
- #include "exits.h"
- #include "cmdline.h"
- #include "states.h"
-+namespace cmdline {
-+using std::ostream;
-+using std::strpbrk;
- //
- // Some Helper function for getting and recognizing prefixes
- //
-@@ -42,7 +51,7 @@
- // Function to return the option-prefix
- inline static const char *
--OptionPrefix(void) { return "-" ; }
-+OptionPrefix() { return "-" ; }
- // Function to tell us if an argument looks like a long-option.
-@@ -67,14 +76,14 @@
- // Function to return the "end-of-options" string
- inline static const char *
--EndOptions(void) { return "--" ; }
-+EndOptions() { return "--" ; }
- //-------
- // ^FUNCTION: CmdLine::parse_option - parse a Unix option
- //
--// unsigned CmdLine::parse_option(arg);
-+// unsigned int CmdLine::parse_option(arg);
- //
- // const char * arg;
-@@ -120,11 +129,11 @@
- // endif
- // endfor
- //-^^----
-+unsigned int
- CmdLine::parse_option(const char * arg)
- {
- const char * save_arg = arg;
-- unsigned save_flags = 0, rc = 0 ;
-+ unsigned int save_flags = 0, rc = 0 ;
- CmdArg * cmdarg = NULL;
- int bad_val;
-@@ -242,7 +251,7 @@
- // ^FUNCTION: CmdLine::parse_keyword - parse a Unix keyword
- //
--// unsigned CmdLine::parse_keyword(arg);
-+// unsigned int CmdLine::parse_keyword(arg);
- //
- // const char * arg;
-@@ -285,10 +294,10 @@
- // update the state of the argument.
- // endif
- //-^^----
-+unsigned int
- CmdLine::parse_keyword(const char * arg)
- {
-- unsigned save_flags = 0, rc = 0 ;
-+ unsigned int save_flags = 0, rc = 0 ;
- CmdArg * cmdarg = NULL ;
- int ambiguous = 0, len = -1, bad_val;
- const char * val = NULL ;
-@@ -412,7 +421,7 @@
- // ^FUNCTION: CmdLine::parse_value - parse a Unix value
- //
--// unsigned CmdLine::parse_value(arg);
-+// unsigned int CmdLine::parse_value(arg);
- //
- // const char * arg;
-@@ -448,10 +457,10 @@
- // endif
- // handle the given value and update the argument and command states.
- //-^^----
-+unsigned int
- CmdLine::parse_value(const char * arg)
- {
-- unsigned save_flags = 0, rc = 0 ;
-+ unsigned int save_flags = 0, rc = 0 ;
- int bad_val;
- CmdArg * cmdarg = NULL;
-@@ -514,7 +523,7 @@
- // ^FUNCTION: CmdLine::parse_arg - parse an argv[] element unix-style
- //
--// unsigned CmdLine::parse_arg(arg)
-+// unsigned int CmdLine::parse_arg(arg)
- //
- // const char * arg;
-@@ -552,7 +561,7 @@
- // call parse_value()
- // endif
- //-^^----
-+unsigned int
- CmdLine::parse_arg(const char * arg)
- {
- if (arg == NULL) return cmd_status ;
-@@ -660,7 +669,7 @@
- // ^FUNCTION: CmdLine::fmt_arg - format an argument for usage messages
- //
--// unsigned CmdLine::fmt_arg(cmdarg, buf, bufsize, syntax, level);
-+// unsigned int CmdLine::fmt_arg(cmdarg, buf, bufsize, syntax, level);
- //
- // const CmdArg * cmdarg;
-@@ -669,7 +678,7 @@
- // char * buf;
- // -- where to print the formatted result
- //
--// unsigned bufsize;
-+// unsigned int bufsize;
- // -- number of bytes allocated for buf.
- //
- // CmdLine::CmdLineSyntax syntax;
-@@ -695,10 +704,10 @@
- // Its kind of tedious so follow along.
- //-^^----
-+unsigned int
- CmdLine::fmt_arg(const CmdArg * cmdarg,
- char * buf,
-- unsigned bufsize,
-+ unsigned int bufsize,
- CmdLine::CmdLineSyntax syntax,
- CmdLine::CmdUsageLevel level) const
- {
-@@ -819,3 +828,4 @@
- return (oss.pcount() - 1) ;
- }
-+} // namespace cmdline
diff --git a/devel/cmdline/patches/patch-bk b/devel/cmdline/patches/patch-bk
deleted file mode 100644
index 50059a22995..00000000000
--- a/devel/cmdline/patches/patch-bk
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-$NetBSD: patch-bk,v 2000/08/25 16:15:54 jlam Exp $
---- src/lib/usage.c.orig Thu Jan 2 13:33:35 1997
-+++ src/lib/usage.c
-@@ -11,15 +11,25 @@
- //
- // 03/01/93 Brad Appleton <>
- // - Added cmd_description field to CmdLine
-+// 08/16/00 Johnny Lam <>
-+// - Wrapped in namespace cmdline
-+// - Updated to follow ISO C++ standard
- //-^^---------------------------------------------------------------------
--#include <iostream.h>
--#include <stdlib.h>
--#include <string.h>
-+#include <iostream>
-+#include <cstdlib>
-+#include <cstring>
- #include "cmdline.h"
- #include "states.h"
--#include "arglist.h"
-+namespace cmdline {
-+using std::getenv;
-+using std::ostream;
-+using std::strlen;
-+using std::strtol;
- #ifdef vms
- # define getenv getsym
-@@ -31,7 +41,7 @@
- // ^FUNCTION: CmdLine::get_usage_level
- //
--// CmdLine::CmdUsageLevel CmdLine::get_usage_level(void)
-+// CmdLine::CmdUsageLevel CmdLine::get_usage_level()
- //
- // NONE.
-@@ -61,15 +71,15 @@
- // Read the usage_level from the environment and return it.
- //-^^----
- CmdLine::CmdUsageLevel
- {
- long level;
-- char * end_scan, * level_str = ::getenv("USAGE_LEVEL");
-+ char * end_scan, * level_str = getenv("USAGE_LEVEL");
- if (level_str == NULL) return VERBOSE_USAGE ;
- if (*level_str == '\0') return NO_USAGE ;
-- level = ::strtol(level_str, &end_scan, 0);
-+ level = strtol(level_str, &end_scan, 0);
- if (end_scan == level_str) return VERBOSE_USAGE ;
- switch(level) {
-@@ -127,7 +137,7 @@
- // first print the command name
- os << usg_prefix << cmd_name ;
-- ll = (cmd_name ? ::strlen(cmd_name) : 0) + (sizeof(usg_prefix) - 1);
-+ ll = (cmd_name ? strlen(cmd_name) : 0) + (sizeof(usg_prefix) - 1);
- // set margin so that we always start printing arguments in a column
- // that is *past* the command name.
-@@ -322,3 +332,4 @@
- return usage(*cmd_err, usage_level);
- }
-+} // namespace cmdline
diff --git a/doc/CHANGES b/doc/CHANGES
index 720f2c957cd..73ece26fdc2 100644
--- a/doc/CHANGES
+++ b/doc/CHANGES
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-$NetBSD: CHANGES,v 1.7138 2004/09/11 12:17:05 markd Exp $
+$NetBSD: CHANGES,v 1.7139 2004/09/11 14:56:32 jmmv Exp $
Changes to the packages collection and infrastructure in 2004:
@@ -4235,3 +4235,4 @@ Changes to the packages collection and infrastructure in 2004:
Updated teixsl-html to 3.3 [minskim 2004-09-11]
Updated teixsl-fo to 3.3 [minskim 2004-09-11]
Updated pixieplus to 0.5.4nb5 [markd 2004-09-11]
+ Removed cmdline [jmmv 2004-09-11]