path: root/graphics/cinepaint/patches/patch-an
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'graphics/cinepaint/patches/patch-an')
1 files changed, 337 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/graphics/cinepaint/patches/patch-an b/graphics/cinepaint/patches/patch-an
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..7860b444d4d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphics/cinepaint/patches/patch-an
@@ -0,0 +1,337 @@
+$NetBSD: patch-an,v 1.1 2005/03/16 18:32:50 rillig Exp $
+gcc-2.95.3 cannot handle declarations intermixed with code.
+--- app/look_profile.c.orig Tue Nov 23 12:58:14 2004
++++ app/look_profile.c Wed Mar 16 18:45:54 2005
+@@ -90,9 +90,10 @@ look_profile_change_image_height(GImage
+ list = gimage->channels;
+ list = g_slist_append(list, gimage->selection_mask);
+ while (list)
+- { channel = (Channel *) list->data;
++ {
+ PixelArea src_area, dest_area;
+ Canvas *new_canvas;
++ channel = (Channel *) list->data;
+ /* Update the old channel position */
+ drawable_update (GIMP_DRAWABLE(channel),
+@@ -194,13 +195,16 @@ look_profile_change_layer_height(Layer *
+ /* If there is a layer mask, make sure it gets resized also */
+ if (layer->mask)
+- { GIMP_DRAWABLE(layer->mask)->offset_x = GIMP_DRAWABLE(layer)->offset_x;
++ {
++ Channel *channel;
++ PixelArea src_area, dest_area;
++ Canvas *new_canvas;
++ GIMP_DRAWABLE(layer->mask)->offset_x = GIMP_DRAWABLE(layer)->offset_x;
+ GIMP_DRAWABLE(layer->mask)->offset_y = GIMP_DRAWABLE(layer)->offset_y;
+- Channel* channel = GIMP_CHANNEL(layer->mask);
+- PixelArea src_area, dest_area;
+- Canvas *new_canvas;
++ channel = GIMP_CHANNEL(layer->mask);
+ /* Update the old channel position */
+ drawable_update (GIMP_DRAWABLE(channel),
+@@ -253,6 +257,18 @@ look_profile_change_layer_height(Layer *
+ LookProfile *
+ look_profile_create(GImage *image, gint sample_depth)
+ { LookProfile *look_profile;
++ PixelArea sample_area;
++ CMSProfile *lab_profile, *input_profile;
++ GSList *profiles = NULL;
++ DWORD lcms_format_out;
++ CMSTransform *transform;
++ guint16 Lab[3];
++ guint8 rgb[3];
++ PixelRow row_buffer;
++ void *pag;
++ gint col_index;
++ guint8 *row_data;
++ gint sample_step;
+ gint num_pix = pow(sample_depth, 3);
+@@ -267,37 +283,32 @@ look_profile_create(GImage *image, gint
+ #endif
+- PixelArea sample_area;
+ pixelarea_init(&sample_area, look_profile->canvas,
+ 0, 0, canvas_width(look_profile->canvas), 1, TRUE);
+ /* get a lab->rgb transform
+ (the reference strip is calculated iterating over Lab, the image is rgb) */
+- CMSProfile *lab_profile = cms_get_lab_profile(NULL);
+- CMSProfile *input_profile = gimage_get_cms_profile(image);
++ lab_profile = cms_get_lab_profile(NULL);
++ input_profile = gimage_get_cms_profile(image);
+ if (!input_profile)
+ { input_profile = cms_get_srgb_profile();
+ }
+- GSList *profiles = NULL;
+ profiles = g_slist_append(profiles, lab_profile);
+ profiles = g_slist_append(profiles, input_profile);
+- DWORD lcms_format_out= cms_get_lcms_format(gimage_tag(image),input_profile);
+- CMSTransform *transform = cms_get_transform(profiles, TYPE_Lab_16,
++ lcms_format_out= cms_get_lcms_format(gimage_tag(image),input_profile);
++ transform = cms_get_transform(profiles, TYPE_Lab_16,
+ lcms_format_out,
+ cms_default_flags);
+ g_slist_free(profiles);
+ /* iterate over Lab space, converting to rgb, filling into picture */
+- guint16 Lab[3];
+- guint8 rgb[3];
+- PixelRow row_buffer;
+- void *pag = pixelarea_register (1, &sample_area);
++ pag = pixelarea_register (1, &sample_area);
+ pixelarea_getdata (&sample_area, &row_buffer, 0);
+- gint col_index = pixelrow_width(&row_buffer);
+- guint8 *row_data = pixelrow_data(&row_buffer);
+- gint sample_step = 65535/(sample_depth-1);
++ col_index = pixelrow_width(&row_buffer);
++ row_data = pixelrow_data(&row_buffer);
++ sample_step = 65535/(sample_depth-1);
+ Lab[0]=Lab[1]=Lab[2]=0;
+ while (TRUE)
+@@ -384,8 +395,10 @@ look_profile_new_dialog ()
+ void
+ look_profile_include (LookProfile *profile, ImageMapApplyFunc func, void *data)
+ { PixelArea src_area, dest_area;
++ Canvas *new_canvas;
++ void *pag;
+ pixelarea_init(&src_area, profile->canvas, 0,0, canvas_width(profile->canvas), 1, FALSE);
+- Canvas *new_canvas= canvas_new (canvas_tag(profile->canvas), canvas_width(profile->canvas), 1,
++ new_canvas= canvas_new (canvas_tag(profile->canvas), canvas_width(profile->canvas), 1,
+ #ifdef NO_TILES
+ #else
+@@ -393,7 +406,6 @@ look_profile_include (LookProfile *profi
+ #endif
+ pixelarea_init(&dest_area, new_canvas, 0,0, canvas_width(profile->canvas), 1, TRUE);
+- void *pag;
+ for (pag = pixelarea_register (2, &src_area, &dest_area);
+ pag != NULL;
+ pag = pixelarea_process (pag))
+@@ -431,6 +443,13 @@ void
+ look_profile_save (LookProfile *profile,
+ gchar *file_name, int intent, DWORD flags)
+ { /* create a new profile, abstract, Lab */
++ SampleInfo *sample_info;
++ CMSProfile *input_profile, *lab_profile;
++ Tag t;
++ GSList *profiles = NULL;
++ PixelRow row_buffer;
+ cmsHPROFILE saved_profile = cmsOpenProfileFromFile(file_name, "w");
+ cmsSetColorSpace(saved_profile, icSigLabData);
+ cmsSetPCS(saved_profile, icSigLabData);
+@@ -438,22 +457,21 @@ look_profile_save (LookProfile *profile,
+ cmsSetDeviceClass(saved_profile, icSigAbstractClass);
+- LPLUT AToB0 = cmsAllocLUT();
++ AToB0 = cmsAllocLUT();
+ cmsAlloc3DGrid(AToB0, profile->sample_depth, 3, 3);
+- SampleInfo *sample_info = g_new(SampleInfo, 1);
++ sample_info = g_new(SampleInfo, 1);
+ sample_info->profile = profile;
+ /* create a transform from image space to lab (the space of the
+ new abstract profile, just the other way from before)*/
+- CMSProfile *input_profile = gimage_get_cms_profile(sample_info->profile->image);
++ input_profile = gimage_get_cms_profile(sample_info->profile->image);
+ if (!input_profile)
+ { input_profile = cms_get_srgb_profile();
+ }
+- CMSProfile *lab_profile = cms_get_lab_profile(NULL);
++ lab_profile = cms_get_lab_profile(NULL);
+- Tag t = gimage_tag(sample_info->profile->image);
+- GSList *profiles = NULL;
++ t = gimage_tag(sample_info->profile->image);
+ profiles = g_slist_append(profiles, input_profile);
+ profiles = g_slist_append(profiles, lab_profile);
+ sample_info->transform = cms_get_transform(profiles,
+@@ -466,7 +484,6 @@ look_profile_save (LookProfile *profile,
+ canvas_width(profile->canvas), 1,FALSE);
+ sample_info->pag = pixelarea_register (1, &sample_info->sample_area);
+- PixelRow row_buffer;
+ pixelarea_getdata (&sample_info->sample_area, &row_buffer, 0);
+ sample_info->col_index = pixelrow_width (&row_buffer);
+ sample_info->current_pixel = pixelrow_data(&row_buffer);
+@@ -700,28 +717,33 @@ _look_profile_gui_free_row_data(gpointer
+ static void
+ _look_profile_gui_update_list(_LookProfileGui *data)
+-{ data->row_count=0;
++ GSList *profile_file_names, *iterator;
++ gint path_length;
++ char *file_path;
++ _LookProfileGuiRowData *row_data = NULL;
++ data->row_count=0;
+ gtk_clist_clear(GTK_CLIST(data->profile_list));
+- GSList *profile_file_names = cms_read_icc_profile_dir(look_profile_path, icSigAbstractClass);
++ profile_file_names = cms_read_icc_profile_dir(look_profile_path, icSigAbstractClass);
+ if (!profile_file_names)
+ { return;
+ }
+- gint path_length = strlen(look_profile_path);
+- gchar *file_path;
++ path_length = strlen(look_profile_path);
+ /* row_data[0] contains the path of the profile,
+ row_data[1] is NULL if off, profile handle if on */
+- _LookProfileGuiRowData *row_data = NULL;
+- GSList *iterator = profile_file_names;
++ iterator = profile_file_names;
+ while (iterator != NULL)
+- { file_path = (gchar *)iterator->data;
++ {
++ /* the text to display in the row, one element per column */
++ gchar *row_text[2] = {NULL, NULL};
++ file_path = (gchar *)iterator->data;
+ row_data = g_new(_LookProfileGuiRowData, 1);
+ row_data->file_name = file_path;
+ row_data->handle = NULL;
+- /* the text to display in the row, one element per column */
+- gchar *row_text[2] = {NULL, NULL};
+ /* strdup(file_path + path_length + 1) extracts the filename from the path */
+ row_text[1] = strdup(file_path + path_length + 1);
+ gtk_clist_insert(GTK_CLIST(data->profile_list), data->row_count, row_text);
+@@ -813,10 +835,10 @@ _look_profile_gui_open_cb (GtkWidget *wi
+ static void
+ _look_profile_gui_open_ok_cb(GtkWidget *widget, _LookProfileGui *data)
+-{ look_profile_path = strdup(gtk_file_selection_get_filename (GTK_FILE_SELECTION(data->file_selector)));
+ GList *update_settings = NULL;
+ GList *remove_settings = NULL;
++ look_profile_path = strdup(gtk_file_selection_get_filename (GTK_FILE_SELECTION(data->file_selector)));
+ update_settings = g_list_append(update_settings, "look-profile-path");
+ save_gimprc(&update_settings, &remove_settings);
+ g_list_free(update_settings);
+@@ -829,6 +851,10 @@ void
+ _look_profile_gui_apply(_LookProfileGui *data)
+ { GSList *profiles = NULL;
+ CMSProfile *image_profile = gimage_get_cms_profile(data->display->gimage);
++ DWORD lcms_format;
++ CMSTransform *transform;
++ int i;
+ if (image_profile == NULL)
+ { image_profile = cms_get_srgb_profile();
+ }
+@@ -836,9 +862,9 @@ _look_profile_gui_apply(_LookProfileGui
+ profiles = g_slist_append(profiles, (gpointer)image_profile);
+ profiles = g_slist_concat(profiles, g_slist_copy(gdisplay_get_look_profile_pipe(data->display)));
+ profiles = g_slist_append(profiles, (gpointer)image_profile);
+- DWORD lcms_format = cms_get_lcms_format(gimage_tag(data->display->gimage),
++ lcms_format = cms_get_lcms_format(gimage_tag(data->display->gimage),
+ image_profile);
+- CMSTransform *transform = cms_get_transform(profiles,
++ transform = cms_get_transform(profiles,
+ lcms_format, lcms_format,
+ gdisplay_get_cms_intent(data->display),
+ gdisplay_get_cms_flags(data->display));
+@@ -847,7 +873,6 @@ _look_profile_gui_apply(_LookProfileGui
+ cms_return_transform(transform);
+ /* resets all the selections */
+- int i;
+ for (i=0; i<data->row_count; i++)
+ { _look_profile_gui_profile_set_active(data, i, FALSE);
+ }
+@@ -855,13 +880,22 @@ _look_profile_gui_apply(_LookProfileGui
+ void
+ _look_profile_gui_apply_flipbook (_LookProfileGui *data)
+-{ if (data->display->bfm == NULL)
++ GSList *profiles = NULL;
++ CMSProfile *image_profile;
++ DWORD lcms_format;
++ CMSTransform *transform;
++ GtkWidget *progress_dialog, *vbox, *progress_bar;
++ GSList *iterator;
++ gint num_images, count;
++ int i;
++ if (data->display->bfm == NULL)
+ { g_message("This display has no flipbook. Application to flipbook stores not possible");
+ return;
+ }
+- GSList *profiles = NULL;
+- CMSProfile *image_profile = gimage_get_cms_profile(data->display->gimage);
++ image_profile = gimage_get_cms_profile(data->display->gimage);
+ if (image_profile == NULL)
+ { image_profile = cms_get_srgb_profile();
+ }
+@@ -869,23 +903,23 @@ _look_profile_gui_apply_flipbook (_LookP
+ profiles = g_slist_append(profiles, (gpointer)image_profile);
+ profiles = g_slist_concat(profiles, g_slist_copy(gdisplay_get_look_profile_pipe(data->display)));
+ profiles = g_slist_append(profiles, (gpointer)image_profile);
+- DWORD lcms_format = cms_get_lcms_format(gimage_tag(data->display->gimage), image_profile);
+- CMSTransform *transform = cms_get_transform(profiles,
++ lcms_format = cms_get_lcms_format(gimage_tag(data->display->gimage), image_profile);
++ transform = cms_get_transform(profiles,
+ lcms_format, lcms_format,
+ gdisplay_get_cms_intent(data->display),
+ gdisplay_get_cms_flags(data->display));
+ g_slist_free(profiles);
+ /* create progress dialog */
+- GtkWidget *progress_dialog = gtk_window_new(GTK_WINDOW_DIALOG);
++ progress_dialog = gtk_window_new(GTK_WINDOW_DIALOG);
+ gtk_window_set_wmclass (GTK_WINDOW (progress_dialog), "progress", PROGRAM_NAME);
+ gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (progress_dialog), "Applying look to flipbook stores...");
+ gtk_window_set_position(GTK_WINDOW(progress_dialog), GTK_WIN_POS_CENTER);
+- GtkWidget *vbox = gtk_vbox_new(FALSE, 0);
++ vbox = gtk_vbox_new(FALSE, 0);
+ gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (progress_dialog), vbox);
+- GtkWidget *progress_bar = gtk_progress_bar_new();
++ progress_bar = gtk_progress_bar_new();
+ gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX(vbox), progress_bar, TRUE, TRUE, 0);
+ gtk_widget_set_usize(progress_bar, 250,-1);
+ gtk_widget_show_all(progress_dialog);
+@@ -894,9 +928,9 @@ _look_profile_gui_apply_flipbook (_LookP
+ gtk_widget_draw(progress_bar, NULL);
+ gdk_flush();
+- GSList *iterator = data->display->bfm->sfm->stores;
+- gint num_images = g_slist_length(iterator);
+- gint count = 0;
++ iterator = data->display->bfm->sfm->stores;
++ num_images = g_slist_length(iterator);
++ count = 0;
+ while (iterator != NULL)
+ { store *store = iterator->data;
+ gimage_transform_colors(store->gimage, transform, FALSE);
+@@ -914,7 +948,6 @@ _look_profile_gui_apply_flipbook (_LookP
+ cms_return_transform(transform);
+ /* resets all the selections */
+- int i;
+ for (i=0; i<data->row_count; i++)
+ { _look_profile_gui_profile_set_active(data, i, FALSE);
+ }