path: root/mail/spamassassin/patches/patch-ae
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'mail/spamassassin/patches/patch-ae')
1 files changed, 24 insertions, 11 deletions
diff --git a/mail/spamassassin/patches/patch-ae b/mail/spamassassin/patches/patch-ae
index 38f75ef572c..ae8ad1be549 100644
--- a/mail/spamassassin/patches/patch-ae
+++ b/mail/spamassassin/patches/patch-ae
@@ -1,14 +1,27 @@
-$NetBSD: patch-ae,v 1.5 2003/05/22 11:41:03 abs Exp $
+$NetBSD: patch-ae,v 1.6 2003/11/03 00:56:26 heinz Exp $
---- lib/Mail/SpamAssassin/ 2003-03-28 21:26:12.000000000 +0000
-+++ lib/Mail/SpamAssassin/
-@@ -5,7 +5,8 @@ use bytes;
- use Fcntl;
+--- spamd/spamd.raw.orig Thu Sep 11 03:05:22 2003
++++ spamd/spamd.raw
+@@ -207,8 +207,8 @@ if ($opt{'auth-ident'}) {
+ }
- # tell AnyDBM_File to prefer DB_File, if possible.
--# BEGIN { @AnyDBM_File::ISA = qw(DB_File GDBM_File NDBM_File SDBM_File); }
-+# Pkgsrc: enable following line because already broke the rule
-+BEGIN { @AnyDBM_File::ISA = qw(DB_File GDBM_File NDBM_File SDBM_File); }
- # off until 3.0; there's lots of existing AWLs out there this breaks.
+ # Check for server certs
+-$opt{'server-key'} ||= "$LOCAL_RULES_DIR/certs/server-key.pem";
+-$opt{'server-cert'} ||= "$LOCAL_RULES_DIR/certs/server-cert.pem";
++$opt{'server-key'} ||= "@SA_SSLCERTS@/server-key.pem";
++$opt{'server-cert'} ||= "@SA_SSLCERTS@/server-cert.pem";
+ if ($opt{'ssl'}) {
+ eval { require IO::Socket::SSL };
+ die "fatal: SSL encryption requested, but IO::Socket::SSL is unavailable\n" if ($@);
+@@ -1221,8 +1221,9 @@ sub restart_handler {
+ use POSIX 'setsid';
+ sub daemonize
+ {
+- # Pretty command line in ps
+- $0 = join(' ', $ORIG_ARG0, @ORIG_ARGV) unless($opt{'debug'});
++ # no pretty 'ps' command line (easier for NetBSD rc script)
++ # # Pretty command line in ps
++ # $0 = join(' ', $ORIG_ARG0, @ORIG_ARGV) unless($opt{'debug'});
- use AnyDBM_File;
+ # Be a nice daemon and chdir() to the root so we don't block any unmount attempts
+ chdir '/' or die "Can't chdir to /: $!\n";