path: root/mk/fetch/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'mk/fetch/')
1 files changed, 99 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/mk/fetch/ b/mk/fetch/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e1fdce62520
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mk/fetch/
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+# $NetBSD:,v 1.1 2006/07/18 22:41:06 jlam Exp $
+# Prints out a script to fetch all needed files (no checksumming).
+.PHONY: fetch-list
+.if !target(fetch-list)
+ @${ECHO} '#!/bin/sh'
+ @${ECHO} '#'
+ @${ECHO} '# This is an auto-generated script, the result of running'
+ @${ECHO} '# `${MAKE} fetch-list'"'"' in directory "'"`${PWD_CMD}`"'"'
+ @${ECHO} '# on host "'"`${UNAME} -n`"'" on "'"`date`"'".'
+ @${ECHO} '#'
+ @${MAKE} ${MAKEFLAGS} fetch-list-recursive
+.endif # !target(fetch-list)
+.PHONY: fetch-list-recursive
+.if !target(fetch-list-recursive)
+ for dir in `${MAKE} ${MAKEFLAGS} show-all-depends-dirs`; do \
+ (cd ../../$$dir && \
+ ${MAKE} ${MAKEFLAGS} fetch-list-one-pkg \
+ | ${AWK} ' \
+ /^[^#]/ { FoundSomething = 1 } \
+ /^unsorted/ { gsub(/[[:space:]]+/, " \\\n\t") } \
+ /^echo/ { gsub(/;[[:space:]]+/, "\n") } \
+ { block[line_c++] = $$0 } \
+ END { if (FoundSomething) \
+ for (line = 0; line < line_c; line++) \
+ print block[line] } \
+ ') \
+ done
+.endif # !target(fetch-list-recursive)
+.PHONY: fetch-list-one-pkg
+.if !target(fetch-list-one-pkg)
+. if !empty(_ALLFILES)
+ @${ECHO}
+ @${ECHO} '#'
+ @location=`${PWD_CMD} | ${AWK} -F / '{ print $$(NF-1) "/" $$NF }'`; \
+ ${ECHO} '# Need additional files for ${PKGNAME} ('$$location')...'
+. for fetchfile in ${_ALLFILES}
+. if defined(_FETCH_MESSAGE)
+ @(if [ ! -f ${_DISTDIR}/${fetchfile:T} ]; then \
+ ${ECHO}; \
+ filesize=`${AWK} ' \
+ /^Size/ && $$2 == "(${fetchfile})" { print $$4 } \
+ ' ${DISTINFO_FILE}` || true; \
+ ${ECHO} '# Prompt user to get ${fetchfile} ('$${filesize-???}' bytes) manually:'; \
+ ${ECHO} '#'; \
+ fi)
+. elif defined(DYNAMIC_MASTER_SITES)
+ @(if [ ! -f ${_DISTDIR}/${fetchfile:T} ]; then \
+ ${ECHO}; \
+ filesize=`${AWK} ' \
+ /^Size/ && $$2 == "(${fetchfile})" { print $$4 } \
+ ' ${DISTINFO_FILE}` || true; \
+ ${ECHO} '# Fetch ${fetchfile} ('$${filesize-???}' bytes):'; \
+ ${ECHO} '#'; \
+ ${ECHO} '${SH} -s ${fetchfile:T} <<"EOF" |('; \
+ ${CAT} ${FILESDIR}/; \
+ ${ECHO} EOF; \
+ ${ECHO} read unsorted_sites; \
+ ${ECHO} 'unsorted_sites="$${unsorted_sites} ${_MASTER_SITE_BACKUP}"'; \
+ ${ECHO} sites='"'${ORDERED_SITES:Q}'"'; \
+ ${ECHO} "${MKDIR} ${_DISTDIR}"; \
+ ${ECHO} 'cd ${_DISTDIR} && [ -f ${fetchfile} -o -f ${fetchfile:T} ] ||'; \
+ ${ECHO} 'for site in $$sites; do'; \
+ ${ECHO} ' ${FETCH_CMD} ${FETCH_BEFORE_ARGS} "$${site}${fetchfile:T}" ${FETCH_AFTER_ARGS} && break ||'; \
+ ${ECHO} ' ${ECHO} ${fetchfile:T} not fetched'; \
+ ${ECHO} done; \
+ ${ECHO} ')'; \
+ fi)
+. else
+ @(if [ ! -f ${_DISTDIR}/${fetchfile:T} ]; then \
+ ${ECHO}; \
+ filesize=`${AWK} ' \
+ /^Size/ && $$2 == "(${fetchfile})" { print $$4 } \
+ ' ${DISTINFO_FILE}` || true; \
+ ${ECHO} '# Fetch ${fetchfile} ('$${filesize-???}' bytes):'; \
+ ${ECHO} '#'; \
+ ${ECHO} 'unsorted_sites="${SITES.${fetchfile:T:S/=/--/}} ${_MASTER_SITE_BACKUP}"'; \
+ ${ECHO} sites='"'${ORDERED_SITES:Q}'"'; \
+ ${ECHO} "${MKDIR} ${_DISTDIR}"; \
+ ${ECHO} 'cd ${_DISTDIR} && [ -f ${fetchfile} -o -f ${fetchfile:T} ] ||'; \
+ ${ECHO} 'for site in $$sites; do'; \
+ ${ECHO} ' ${FETCH_CMD} ${FETCH_BEFORE_ARGS} "$${site}${fetchfile:T}" ${FETCH_AFTER_ARGS} && break ||'; \
+ ${ECHO} ' ${ECHO} ${fetchfile:T} not fetched'; \
+ ${ECHO} done; \
+ fi)
+. endif # defined(_FETCH_MESSAGE) || defined(DYNAMIC_MASTER_SITES)
+. endfor
+. endif # !empty(_ALLFILES)
+.endif # !target(fetch-list-one-pkg)