path: root/pkgtools/pkglint/files/pkglint.0
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'pkgtools/pkglint/files/pkglint.0')
1 files changed, 7 insertions, 15 deletions
diff --git a/pkgtools/pkglint/files/pkglint.0 b/pkgtools/pkglint/files/pkglint.0
index 648d5669716..e101a3d87db 100644
--- a/pkgtools/pkglint/files/pkglint.0
+++ b/pkgtools/pkglint/files/pkglint.0
--WW{{[[nnoo--]]wwaarrnn,,......}} Enable or disable specific warnings. For a list of
warnings, see below.
- --dd|----ddeebbuugg Enable warnings for parsing errors and other things
- that haven't been completed yet. This option is sep-
- arated from the `-W' options because the diagnostics
- are too hard to understand without detailed knowledge
- of pkglint's source code.
--ee|----eexxppllaaiinn Print further explanations for diagnostics. Some-
times the reasons for diagnostics are not obvious and
need further explanation.
--qq|----qquuiieett Don't print the errors and warnings summary before
- --rr Check subdirectories, too. The subdirectories are
+ --rr|----rreeccuurrssiivvee Check subdirectories, too. The subdirectories are
those that are mentioned in a `SUBDIR+=' line.
--ss|----ssoouurrccee For all diagnostics having file and line number
information, show the source code along with the
- --vv|----vveerrbboossee Be verbose. Show the progress report for items that
- are being checked. If given more than once, debug-
- ging messages are also shown.
aallll Enable all checks.
[[nnoo--]]AALLTTEERRNNAATTIIVVEESS Check the alternatives file.
+ [[nnoo--]]DDEESSCCRR Check the DESCR file.
[[nnoo--]]IINNSSTTAALLLL Check the INSTALL and DEINSTALL scripts.
[[nnoo--]]MMaakkeeffiillee Check the package Makefile, including all included
[[nnoo--]]oorrddeerr Warn if Makefile variables are not in the preferred
+ [[nnoo--]]ppeerrmm Warn if a variable is used or defined outside its
+ specified scope.
[[nnoo--]]pplliisstt--ddeepprr Warn if deprecated pathnames are used in _P_L_I_S_T files.
This warning is disabled by default.
WARN: ... Warnings generally should be fixed, but they are not as
critical as errors.
- OK: ... Informational messages are only written in verbose mode
- (--vv). Their main use is to aid debugging.
Roland Illig <>
@@ -204,4 +196,4 @@ BBUUGGSS
If you don't understand the messages, feel free to ask on the
<> mailing list.
-NetBSD 3.0 February 28, 2006 NetBSD 3.0
+NetBSD 3.0 July 27, 2006 NetBSD 3.0