path: root/pkgtools/pkglint/files/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'pkgtools/pkglint/files/')
1 files changed, 8 insertions, 383 deletions
diff --git a/pkgtools/pkglint/files/ b/pkgtools/pkglint/files/
index 7197ccd1656..937315c9f3e 100644
--- a/pkgtools/pkglint/files/
+++ b/pkgtools/pkglint/files/
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
#! @PERL@
-# $NetBSD:,v 1.777 2008/10/20 10:10:28 rillig Exp $
+# $NetBSD:,v 1.778 2008/10/20 10:56:18 rillig Exp $
# pkglint - static analyzer and checker for pkgsrc packages
@@ -168,7 +168,6 @@ BEGIN {
set_explain set_gcc_output_format
get_show_source_flag set_show_source_flag
- get_klickibunti_flag set_klickibunti_flag
import PkgLint::Util qw(
false true
@@ -188,7 +187,6 @@ use constant gcc_type => ["fatal", "error", "warning", "note", "debug"];
my $errors = 0;
my $warnings = 0;
my $gcc_output_format = false;
-my $klickibunti_flag = false;
my $explain_flag = false;
my $show_source_flag = false;
@@ -270,8 +268,6 @@ sub print_summary_and_exit($) {
sub set_explain() { $explain_flag = true; }
sub set_gcc_output_format() { $gcc_output_format = true; }
-sub get_klickibunti_flag() { return $klickibunti_flag; }
-sub set_klickibunti_flag() { $klickibunti_flag = true; }
sub get_show_source_flag() { return $show_source_flag; }
sub set_show_source_flag() { $show_source_flag = true; }
@@ -373,43 +369,6 @@ sub range($$) {
-# A StringMatch is the result of applying a regular expression to a String.
-# It can return the range and the text of the captured groups.
-package PkgLint::StringMatch;
-use enum qw(STRING STARTS ENDS);
-sub new($$) {
- my ($class, $string, $starts, $ends) = @_;
- my ($self) = ([$string, [@{$starts}], [@{$ends}]]);
- bless($self, $class);
- return $self;
-sub string($) { return shift(@_)->[STRING]; }
-sub text($$) {
- my ($self, $n) = @_;
- my $start = $self->[STARTS]->[$n];
- my $end = $self->[ENDS]->[$n];
- return $self->string->substring($start, $end - $start)->text;
-sub range($$) {
- my ($self, $n) = @_;
- return ($self->[STARTS]->[$n], $self->[ENDS]->[$n]);
-sub highlight($$) {
- my ($self, $n) = @_;
- $self->string->highlight(0, $self->[STARTS]->[$n], $self->[ENDS]->[$n]);
# When files are read in by pkglint, they are interpreted in terms of
# lines. For Makefiles, line continuations are handled properly, allowing
# multiple physical lines to end in a single logical line. For other files
@@ -623,233 +582,6 @@ sub set_text($$) {
#== End of PkgLint::Line ==================================================
-package PkgLint::String;
-# In pkglint, a String is a part of a Line that contains exact references
-# to the locations of its substrings in the physical lines of the file from
-# which it has been read. This makes it possible for diagnostics to be
-# marked at character level instead of logical line level.
-# Implementation notes:
-# A String consists of three components:
-# * a reference to a logical line,
-# * a list of Parts, which, when concatenated, form the text of the String.
-# A Part is either a literal string or an array of the form [$lineno,
-# $startcol, $endcol], which is used as a reference into the physical
-# lines array (without and local additions) of the logical line.
-# * a list of highlighting intervals, which are used in the
-# show_highlighted() method to mark up certain parts of the string.
- import PkgLint::Util qw(
- false true
- min max
- );
-use enum qw(LINE PARTS MARKUPS);
-# The structure fields of a Part of a String
-# The structure fields of a MarkupPoint of a String
-use enum qw(:MP_ LINENO COLNO TEXT);
-sub new($$@) {
- my ($class, $line, @parts) = @_;
- my ($self) = ([$line, \@parts]);
- bless($self, $class);
- $self->compress();
- return $self;
-sub line($) { return shift(@_)->[LINE]; }
-sub parts($) { return shift(@_)->[PARTS]; }
-sub text($) {
- my ($self) = @_;
- my ($text);
- $text = "";
- foreach my $part (@{$self->[PARTS]}) {
- if (ref($part) eq "") {
- $text .= $part;
- } else {
- $text .= $self->line->substring($part->[P_LINENO], $part->[P_STARTCOL], $part->[P_ENDCOL] - $part->[P_STARTCOL]);
- }
- }
- return $text;
-sub substring($$$) {
- my ($self, $from, $len) = @_;
- my (@nparts, $skip, $take, $physlines);
- # XXX: This code is slow, but simple.
- $physlines = $self->[LINE]->[PkgLint::Line::PHYSLINES];
- $skip = $from;
- $take = defined($len) ? $len : 0x7fff_ffff;
- foreach my $part (@{$self->[PARTS]}) {
- if (ref($part) eq "") {
- my $p = "";
- my $nskipped = min($skip, strlen($part));
- $skip -= $nskipped;
- $part = substr($part, $nskipped);
- my $ntaken = min($take, strlen($part));
- $take -= $ntaken;
- $p .= substr($part, 0, $ntaken);
- $part = substr($part, $ntaken);
- push(@nparts, $p);
- } else {
- my $line = $part->[P_LINENO];
- my $col = $part->[P_STARTCOL];
- my $tocol = $part->[P_ENDCOL];
- my $linelen = length($physlines->[$line]->[1]);
- my $nskipped = max(0, min($skip, min($tocol - $col, $linelen - $col)));
- $skip -= $nskipped;
- $col += $nskipped;
- my $start = $col;
- my $ntaken = max(0, min($take, min($tocol - $col, $linelen - $col)));
- $take -= $ntaken;
- $col += $ntaken;
- my $end = $col;
- push(@nparts, [$line, $start, $end]);
- }
- }
- return PkgLint::String->new($self->[LINE], @nparts);
-sub match($$) {
- my ($self, $re) = @_;
- my ($m);
- if ($self->text !~ $re) {
- return false;
- }
- # @- and @+ are very special arrays, so we better copy them
- # before doing anything with them.
- my @starts = @-;
- my @ends = @+;
- return PkgLint::StringMatch->new($self, \@starts, \@ends);
-sub match_all($$) {
- my ($self, $re) = @_;
- my ($mm, $rest, $lastpos);
- $mm = [];
- $rest = $self->text;
- $lastpos = 0;
- pos(undef);
- while ($rest =~ m/$re/gc) {
- my @starts = @-;
- my @ends = @+;
- $lastpos = $ends[0];
- push(@{$mm}, PkgLint::StringMatch->new($self, \@starts, \@ends));
- }
- return ($mm, substr($rest, $lastpos));
-sub compress($) {
- my ($self) = @_;
- my ($parts, @nparts);
- $parts = $self->[PARTS];
- # Copy all but empty parts into nparts.
- foreach my $part (@{$parts}) {
- if (ref($part) eq "") {
- if ($part ne "") {
- push(@nparts, $part);
- }
- } else {
- if ($part->[P_STARTCOL] != $part->[P_ENDCOL]) {
- push(@nparts, $part);
- }
- }
- }
- $self->[PARTS] = \@nparts;
- # TODO: Merge adjacent parts
-# FIXME: lineno should not be needed here.
-sub highlight($$$$) {
- my ($self, $lineno, $startcol, $endcol) = @_;
- push(@{$self->[MARKUPS]}, [$lineno, $startcol, $endcol]);
-sub show_highlighted($$) {
- my ($self) = @_;
- my ($physlines, @points, $curpoint, $maxpoint, $text, $physline, $col);
- return unless (PkgLint::Logging::get_show_source_flag() && PkgLint::Logging::get_klickibunti_flag());
- foreach my $m (@{$self->[MARKUPS]}) {
- push(@points, [$m->[P_LINENO], $m->[P_STARTCOL], "\x1B[33m\x1B[1m"]);
- push(@points, [$m->[P_LINENO], $m->[P_ENDCOL], "\x1B[0m"]);
- }
- @points = sort {
- $a->[MP_LINENO] <=> $b->[MP_LINENO]
- || $a->[MP_COLNO] <=> $b->[MP_COLNO];
- } (@points);
- $physlines = $self->line->[PkgLint::Line::PHYSLINES];
- $curpoint = 0;
- $maxpoint = $#points + 1;
- foreach my $lineno (0..$#{$physlines}) {
- while ($curpoint < $maxpoint && $points[$curpoint]->[MP_LINENO] < $lineno) {
- $curpoint++;
- }
- $text = "";
- $col = 0;
- $physline = $physlines->[$lineno];
- while ($curpoint < $maxpoint && $points[$curpoint]->[MP_LINENO] == $lineno) {
- $text .= substr($physline->[1], $col, $points[$curpoint]->[MP_COLNO] - $col);
- $text .= $points[$curpoint]->[MP_TEXT];
- $col = $points[$curpoint]->[MP_COLNO];
- $curpoint++;
- }
- $text .= substr($physline->[1], $col);
- print("> $text");
- }
-# TODO: Rewrite the code of log_warning to be shorter. After that is
-# done, add the other log_* methods.
-sub log_warning($$) {
- my ($self, $msg) = @_;
- if (PkgLint::Logging::get_show_source_flag()) {
- if (PkgLint::Logging::get_klickibunti_flag()) {
- $self->show_highlighted();
- } else {
- $self->line->show_source(*STDOUT);
- }
- }
- PkgLint::Logging::log_warning($self->line->fname, $self->line->lines, $msg);
-#== End of PkgLint::String ================================================
package PkgLint::FileUtil;
# This package provides subroutines for loading and saving line-oriented
@@ -979,94 +711,6 @@ sub load_file($) {
return load_lines($fname, false);
-sub get_folded_string($$$) {
- my ($fname, $lines, $ref_lineno) = @_;
- my ($value, $lineno, $first, $firstlineno, $lastlineno, $physline, $physlines, @parts);
- $value = "";
- $first = true;
- $lineno = ${$ref_lineno};
- $firstlineno = $lines->[$lineno]->[0];
- $physlines = [];
- $physline = 0;
- for (; $lineno <= $#{$lines}; $lineno++) {
- if ($lines->[$lineno]->[1] =~ m"^([ \t]*)(.*?)([ \t]*)(\\?)\n?$") {
- my ($indent, $text, $outdent, $cont) = ($1, $2, $3, $4);
- my (@start) = (@-);
- my (@end) = (@+);
- if ($first) {
- $value .= $indent;
- push(@parts, [$physline, $start[1], $end[1]]);
- $first = false;
- }
- $value .= $text;
- push(@parts, [$physline, $start[2], $end[2]]);
- push(@{$physlines}, $lines->[$lineno]);
- $physline++;
- if ($cont eq "\\") {
- $value .= " ";
- push(@parts, " ");
- } else {
- $value .= $outdent;
- push(@parts, [$physline, $start[3], $end[3]]);
- last;
- }
- }
- }
- if ($lineno > $#{$lines}) {
- # The last line in the file is a continuation line
- $lineno--;
- }
- $lastlineno = $lines->[$lineno]->[0];
- ${$ref_lineno} = $lineno + 1;
- my $line = PkgLint::Line->new($fname,
- $firstlineno == $lastlineno
- ? $firstlineno
- : "$firstlineno--$lastlineno",
- $value,
- $physlines);
- return PkgLint::String->new($line, @parts);
-sub load_strings($$) {
- my ($fname, $fold_backslash_lines) = @_;
- my ($physlines, $seen_newline, $strings);
- $physlines = load_physical_lines($fname);
- if (!$physlines) {
- return false;
- }
- $seen_newline = true;
- $strings = [];
- if ($fold_backslash_lines) {
- for (my $lineno = 0; $lineno <= $#{$physlines}; ) {
- push(@{$strings}, get_folded_string($fname, $physlines, \$lineno));
- }
- } else {
- foreach my $physline (@{$physlines}) {
- my ($text, $line);
- ($text = $physline->[1]) =~ s/\n$//;
- $line = PkgLint::Line->new($fname, $physline->[0], $text, [$physline]);
- push(@{$strings}, PkgLint::String->new($line, [0, 0, length($text)]));
- }
- }
- if (0 <= $#{$physlines} && $physlines->[-1]->[1] !~ m"\n$") {
- log_error($fname, $physlines->[-1]->[0], "File must end with a newline.");
- }
- return $strings;
sub save_autofix_changes($) {
my ($lines) = @_;
@@ -1673,7 +1317,6 @@ my (%warnings) = (
my $opt_autofix = false;
my $opt_dumpmakefile = false;
my $opt_import = false;
-my $opt_klickibunti = false; # experimental
my $opt_quiet = false;
my $opt_recursive = false;
my $opt_rcsidstring = "NetBSD";
@@ -1737,11 +1380,6 @@ my (@options) = (
sub {
} ],
- [ "--klickibunti", "Enable colored and precise diagnostics",
- "klickibunti",
- sub {
- PkgLint::Logging::set_klickibunti_flag();
- } ],
@@ -2941,18 +2579,6 @@ sub remove_variables($) {
return $text;
-# Converts an array of PkgLint::String to an array of PkgLint::Line.
-sub strings_to_lines($) {
- my ($strings) = @_;
- my ($retval);
- $retval = [];
- foreach my $s (@{$strings}) {
- push(@{$retval}, $s->line);
- }
- return $retval;
sub backtrace($) {
my $msg = shift();
my (@callers);
@@ -7200,7 +6826,7 @@ sub checkfile_package_Makefile($$$) {
sub checkfile_patch($) {
my ($fname) = @_;
- my ($strings);
+ my ($lines);
my ($state, $redostate, $nextstate, $dellines, $addlines, $hunks);
my ($seen_comment, $current_fname, $current_ftype, $patched_files);
my ($leading_context_lines, $trailing_context_lines, $context_scanning_leading);
@@ -7235,7 +6861,7 @@ sub checkfile_patch($) {
- my ($s, $line, $m);
+ my ($line, $m);
my $check_text = sub($) {
my ($text) = @_;
@@ -7493,11 +7119,11 @@ sub checkfile_patch($) {
$opt_debug_trace and log_debug($fname, NO_LINES, "checkfile_patch()");
- if (!($strings = PkgLint::FileUtil::load_strings($fname, false))) {
+ if (!($lines = load_lines($fname, false))) {
log_error($fname, NO_LINE_NUMBER, "Could not be read.");
- if (@{$strings} == 0) {
+ if (@{$lines} == 0) {
log_error($fname, NO_LINE_NUMBER, "Must not be empty.");
@@ -7511,9 +7137,8 @@ sub checkfile_patch($) {
$current_ftype = undef;
$hunks = undef;
- for (my $lineno = 0; $lineno <= $#{$strings}; ) {
- $s = $strings->[$lineno];
- $line = $s->line;
+ for (my $lineno = 0; $lineno <= $#{$lines}; ) {
+ $line = $lines->[$lineno];
my $text = $line->text;
$opt_debug_patches and $line->log_debug("[${state} ${patched_files}/".($hunks||0)."/-".($dellines||0)."+".($addlines||0)."] $text");
@@ -7587,7 +7212,7 @@ sub checkfile_patch($) {
log_error($fname, NO_LINE_NUMBER, "Contains no patch.");
- checklines_trailing_empty_lines(strings_to_lines($strings));
+ checklines_trailing_empty_lines($lines);
sub checkfile_PLIST($) {