path: root/print/advi/patches/patch-aj
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Diffstat (limited to 'print/advi/patches/patch-aj')
1 files changed, 70 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/print/advi/patches/patch-aj b/print/advi/patches/patch-aj
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..49b09b99652
--- /dev/null
+++ b/print/advi/patches/patch-aj
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+$NetBSD: patch-aj,v 1.1 2006/04/19 13:13:05 tonio Exp $
+--- 2004-09-03 16:31:33.000000000 +0200
+@@ -320,9 +320,7 @@ let init_geometry all st =
+ | In f -> float attr.geom.Ageometry.height /. (h_in +. 2.0 *. f)
+ | _ -> assert false in
+ let base_dpi = min wdpi hdpi in
+- let width = Misc.round (base_dpi *. w_in)
+- and height = Misc.round (base_dpi *. h_in)
+- and real_width = Misc.round (base_dpi *. w_in *. st.ratio)
++ let real_width = Misc.round (base_dpi *. w_in *. st.ratio)
+ and real_height = Misc.round (base_dpi *. h_in *. st.ratio) in
+ let fwidth = base_dpi *. w_in
+ and fheight = base_dpi *. h_in in
+@@ -371,7 +369,6 @@ let init master filename =
+ try (Unix.stat filename).Unix.st_mtime
+ with _ -> 0.0 in
+ Gs.init_do_ps ();
+- let npages = Array.length dvi.Cdvi.pages in
+ let st =
+ let npages = Array.length dvi.Cdvi.pages in
+ { filename = filename;
+@@ -680,7 +677,6 @@ let make_thumbnails st =
+ let num_nails = Array.length page_nails in
+ let r_fit = int_of_float (ceil (sqrt (float_of_int num_nails))) in
+ let r = min r_fit !thumbnail_limit in
+- let pages = num_nails - 1 / r / r in
+ let ist =
+ { st with
+ size_x = st.size_x / r;
+@@ -765,14 +761,6 @@ let rec reload foreground st =
+ st.last_modified <- reload_time st;
+ let dvi = Cdvi.load st.filename in
+ let cdvi = Driver.cook_dvi dvi in
+- let dvi_res = !dpi_resolution
+- and mag = float dvi.Cdvi.preamble.Dvicommands.pre_mag /. 1000.0 in
+- let w_sp = dvi.Cdvi.postamble.Dvicommands.post_width
+- and h_sp = dvi.Cdvi.postamble.Dvicommands.post_height in
+- let w_in = mag *. ldexp (float w_sp /. dvi_res) (-16)
+- and h_in = mag *. ldexp (float h_sp /. dvi_res) (-16) in
+- let width = Misc.round (w_in *. st.base_dpi *. st.ratio)
+- and height = Misc.round (h_in *. st.base_dpi *. st.ratio) in
+ let npages = Array.length dvi.Cdvi.pages in
+ st.dvi <- dvi;
+ st.cdvi <- cdvi;
+@@ -830,7 +818,6 @@ let show_thumbnails st r page =
+ let size_y = Graphics.size_y () in
+ let dx = size_x / r
+ and dy = size_y / r in
+- let pages = Array.length page / r / r in
+ Array.iteri
+ (fun p' (p, img) ->
+ let x = size_x * (p' mod r) / r in
+@@ -1354,13 +1341,13 @@ module B =
+ let search_forward st =
+ let re_string = ask_to_search "Search Forward (re): " in
+ Misc.warning (Printf.sprintf "Search forward %s" re_string);
+- let re = Str.regexp re_string in
++ let _re = Str.regexp re_string in
+ ()
+ let search_backward st =
+ let re_string = ask_to_search "Search Backward (re): " in
+ Misc.warning (Printf.sprintf "Search backward %s" re_string);
+- let re = Str.regexp re_string in
++ let _re = Str.regexp re_string in
+ ()
+ let duplex = duplex_switch false