path: root/geography/gama/PLIST
AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorFilesLines
2022-04-14geography/gama: Update to 2.18gdt1-1/+3
* Changes in release 2.18 (2022-04-09) New conversion class K2gkf (lib/krumm) with accompanying program krumm2gama-local and the testing suite for converting input data format used in the text book "Geodetic Network Adjustment Examples" by Friedhelm Krumm, Geodätisches Institut Universität Stuttgart, 2020. Not all input data in Krumm Format can be converted to GNU Gama, i.e. to the adjustment program gama-local input XML: * scale factor is not implemented in gama-local adjustment * gama-local does not enable fixing only x coordinate (or y coordinate) for 2D free network to remove singularity. This kind of regularization has very little practical meaning. Technically it would be possible to enable this feature in gama-local, but it is questionable if the outcome would not enable more confusion than possible outcome. Adustment should not be dependent on the coordinate system used. * gama-local does not deduce that an azimuth to the unknown point P can be combined with some angle pointing to the P to create a new feigned azimuth. This is an interesting feature which may be implemented in some future version, namely in the gama-local stage of computing approximate coordinates. * nonlinear conditions are not implemented in gama-local * BLH coordinates are not supported in gama-local
2021-01-24geography/gama: Update to 2.13gdt1-1/+2
Changes in release 2.13 (2021-01-15) * [new program gama-local-gkf2yaml] * Command line programs gama-local, gama-local-yaml2gkf and gama-local-gkf2yaml can now read input data from standard input. * New exlicit parameter --input-xml in gama-local (previously input file was the first parameter) * [bug fixes and minor improvements]
2020-11-28gama: Update to 2.12gdt1-1/+2
Packaging changes: Add yaml-cpp dependency Upstream changes: Add support for yaml input format
2011-09-07Import gama-1.11 as geography/gama.gdt1-0/+6
GNU Gama is a project dedicated to adjustment of geodetic networks. It is intended for use with traditional geodetic surveyings which are still used and needed in special measurements (e.g., underground or high precision engineering measurements) where the Global Positioning System (GPS) cannot be used. Adjustment in local Cartesian coordinate systems is fully supported by a command-line program gama-local that adjusts geodetic (free) networks of observed distances, directions, angles, height differences, 3D vectors and observed coordinates (coordinates with given variance-covariance matrix). Adjustment in global coordinate systems is supported only partly as a gama-g3 program.