path: root/graphics/openimageio/patches
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2017-03-17Fix build with opencv 3.2markd1-0/+15
2017-02-09Fix missing header for unlink.joerg1-0/+14
2016-02-17SunOS needs alloca.h and some TLC in sysutilsrichard2-7/+37
2016-02-17fix linking of openCV libraries.dbj2-0/+35
2015-12-15Update openimageio to 1.5.16markd3-120/+0
2014-07-09Update to 1.4.10ryoon5-73/+9
2014-05-30Add newly needed argument for DGifCloseFile.joerg1-0/+13
2014-04-07Update to 1.3.13ryoon17-132/+124
2013-10-14Kill one tautological check and disable the register deprecationjoerg1-0/+13
2013-10-12Update to 1.2.2ryoon3-16/+16
2013-07-05operator bool doesn't equal good(), but !bad(). This makes a differencejoerg1-2/+2
2013-05-09Add missing includes. Don't use forward defines of the STL.joerg3-0/+49
2013-02-27Update to 1.1.7ryoon1-8/+15
2012-12-08Release 1.1.2 (5 Dec 2012)adam2-0/+111
2012-12-03Import openimageio-1.1.1 as graphics/openimageio.ryoon8-0/+196