path: root/misc/ruby-pry
AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorFilesLines
2021-10-26misc: Replace RMD160 checksums with BLAKE2s checksumsnia1-2/+2
All checksums have been double-checked against existing RMD160 and SHA512 hashes The following distfiles could not be fetched (possibly fetched conditionally?): ./misc/libreoffice/distinfo libreoffice/harfbuzz-2.6.4.tar.xz
2021-10-07misc: Remove SHA1 hashes for distfilesnia1-2/+1
2021-05-04misc/ruby-pry: update to 0.14.1taca2-7/+7
0.14.1 (April 12, 2021) Bug fixes * Fixed bad coloring of some RDoc-style docs (#2182) * Fixed broken --plugins option. It shows a warning now (#2180) * Fixed bad output on printing non-visible characters with color codes (#2154) * Fixed bad output when colors are disabled and a string with color codes is printed (#2158)
2021-02-13misc/ruby-pry: update to 0.14.0taca3-9/+8
0.14.0 (February 8, 2021) Features * Made ? an alias to show-source -d (#2133) * Added support for Ruby 3.0 Breaking changes * Deleted support for plugin autoloading (#2119). In order to load a Pry plugin you must require it from your pryrc or add it to your Gemfile. # ~/.pryrc require 'pryrc'
2020-04-27misc/ruby-pry: update to 0.13.1taca2-7/+7
Update ruby-pry to 0.13.1. ### [v0.13.1][v0.13.1] (April 12, 2020) #### Bug fixes * Fixed bug where on invalid input only the last syntax error is displayed (instead of all of them) ([#2117]( * Fixed `Pry::Config` raising `NoMethodError` on undefined option instead of returning `nil` (usually invoked via `Pry.config.foo_option` calls) ([#2126]( * Fixed `help` command not displaying regexp aliases properly ([#2120]( * Fixed `pry-backtrace` not working ([#2122](
2020-03-27misc/ruby-pryu: commit forgotten filestaca2-24/+19
Commit forgotten files. Noted by joerg@.
2020-03-23misc/ruby-pry: update to 0.13.0taca1-4/+3
Update ruby-pry to 0.13.0. pkgsrc change: add "USE_LANGAUGES= # none". 0.13.0 (March 21, 2020) Features * Added metadata to the gem (such as changelog URI, source code URI & bug tracker URI), so it shows on (#1869) * Added ability to forward ARGV to a Pry session via -- (or -) when launching Pry from shell (#1902) * Added Pry::Config::LazyValue & Pry::Config::MemoizedValue, which allow storing callable procs in the config (#2024) * Added the rc_file config option that tells Pry the path to pryrc (#2027) * Added the --code flag to the wtf command, which shows code for each backtrace frame (#2037) * Added the ability to paste method call chains with leading dots (#2060) API changes * Pry::Prompt is a class now and it can be instantiated to create new prompts on the fly that are not registered with Pry::Prompt#add. Learn more about its API in the docs (#1877) Deprecations * Deprecated Pry.config.exception_whitelist in favor of Pry.config.unrescued_exceptions (#1874) * Deprecated Pry.config.prompt = Pry::Prompt[:simple][:value] in favor of Pry.config.prompt = Pry::Prompt[:simple] when setting Pry prompt via pryrc. Pry::Prompt[:simple] would return an instance of Pry::Prompt instead of Hash (#1877) * Deprecated setting prompt via an array of two procs: (#1877) # Deprecated, emits a warning. Pry.config.prompt = [proc {}, proc {}] This will be removed in the next release. * Deprecated the show-doc command. The show-source -d is the new recommended way of reading docs (#1934) * Deprecated Pry::Command#_pry_. Use Pry::Command#pry_instance instead (#1989) Breaking changes * Deleted deprecated Pry::Platform (#1863) * Deleted deprecated Pry#{input/output}_array (#1884) * Deleted deprecated Pry::Prompt::MAP (#1866) * Deleted deprecated methods of Pry::Helpers::BaseHelpers such as mac_osx?, linux?, windows?, windows_ansi?, jruby?, jruby_19?, mri?, mri_19?, mri_2? (#1867) * Deleted deprecated Pry::Command#text (#1865) * Deleted deprecated Pry::Method#all_from_common (#1868) * Deleted install-command (#1979) * Deleted Pry::Helpers::BaseHelpers#command_dependencies_met? (#1979) * Deleted commands: gem-cd, gem-install, gem-list, gem-open, gem-readme, gem-search, gem-stats (#1981) * Deleted deprecated commands: edit-method and show-command (#2001) * Deleted Pry::Command#disabled_commands (#2001) * Deleted Pry::BlockCommand#opts (use #context instead) (#2003) * Deleted Pry.lazy (use Pry::Config::LazyValue instead) (#2024) Bug fixes * Fixed bug where using Pry.config.prompt_name can return a Pry::Config::Lazy instead of expected instance of String (#1890) * Fixed LoadError being raised when using auto completions and Bundler (#1896) * Fixed bug where Pry.input_ring doesn't append duplicate elements (#1898) * Fixed Ruby 2.6 warning about Binding#source_location (#1904) * Fixed wrong winsize when custom output is passed to Pry (#2045) * Fixed XDG_CONFIG_HOME & XDG_DATA_HOME precedence. When these env variables are set, Pry no longer uses traditional files like ~/.pryrc & ~/.pry_history. Instead, the env variable paths are loaded first (#2056) * Fixed the $SAFE will become a normal global variable in Ruby 3.0 warning on Ruby 2.7 (#2107) * Fixed bug when whereami -c cannot show beginning of the class, which is on the same line as another expression (#2098) * Fixed bug when Object#owner is defined, which results into somewhat broken method introspection (#2113) * Fixed bug when indentation leaves parts of input after pressing enter when Readline is enabled with mode indicators for vi mode. This was supposed to be fixed in v0.12.2 but it regressed (#2114)
2018-12-22misc/ruby-pry: fix ALTERNATIVES filetaca2-2/+3
2018-12-17misc/ruby-pry: update to 0.12.2taca4-13/+15
pkgsr change: * Remove @PREFIX@ from ALTERNATIVES file. ### [v0.12.2][v0.12.2] (November 12, 2018) #### Bug fixes * Restore removed deprecations, which were removed by accident due to a bad rebase. ### [v0.12.1][v0.12.1] (November 12, 2018) #### Bug fixes * Stopped creating a new hash each time `Pry::Prompt#[]` is invoked ([#1855]( * Fixed `less` pager not working when it's available ([#1861]( ### [v0.12.0][v0.12.0] (November 5, 2018) #### Major changes * Dropped support for Rubinius ([#1785]( #### Features * Added a new command, `clear-screen`, that clears the content of the screen Pry is running in regardless of platform (Windows or UNIX-like) ([#1723]( * Added a new command, `gem-stat`, that prints gem statistics such as gem dependencies and downloads ([#1707]( * Added support for nested exceptions for the `wtf` command ([#1791]( * Added support for dynamic prompt names ([#1833]( ```rb # pryrc Pry.config.prompt_name = Pry.lazy { rand(100) } # Session [1] 80(main)> [2] 87(main)> [3] 30(main)> ``` * Added support for XDG Base Directory Specification ([#1609](, [#1844](, ([#1848]( * Removed the `simple-prompt`. Use `change-prompt simple` instead. The `list-prompt` command was removed and embedded as `change-prompt --list` ([#1849]( #### API changes * The following methods started accepting the new optional `config` parameter ([#1809]( * `Pry::Helpers.tablify(things, line_length, config = Pry.config)` * `Pry::Helpers.tablify_or_one_line(heading, things, config = Pry.config)` * `Pry::Helpers.tablify_to_screen_width(things, options, config = Pry.config)` * `, args, config = Pry.config)` You are expected to pass a session-local `_pry_.config` instead of the global one. * Added new method `Pry::Config.assign`, for creating a Config non-recursively ([#1725]( * Added `Pry.lazy`, which is a helper method for values that need to be calculated dynamically. Currently, only `config.prompt_name` supports it ([#1833]( * `Pry::Prompt` responds to `.[]`, `.all` & `.add` now. The `Pry::Prompt.add` method must be used for implementing custom prompts. See the API in the documentation for the class ([#1846]( #### Breaking changes * Deleted the `Pry::Helpers::Text.bright_default` alias for `Pry::Helpers::Text.bold` ([#1795]( * `Pry::Helpers.tablify_to_screen_width(things, options, config = Pry.config)` requires `options` or `nil` in place of them. * `, args, config = Pry.config)` requires `args` or `nil` in place of them. * Completely revamped `Pry::HistoryArray` ([#1818]( * It's been renamed to `Pry::Ring` ([#1817]( * The implementation has changed and as result, the following methods were removed: * `Pry::Ring#length` (use `Pry::Ring#count` instead) * `#empty?`, `#each`, `#inspect`, `#pop!`, `#to_h` * To access old Enumerable methods convert the ring to Array with `#to_a` * Fixed indexing for elements (e.g. `_pry_.input_ring[0]` always return some element and not `nil`) * Renamed `Pry.config.prompt_safe_objects` to `Pry.config.prompt_safe_contexts` * Removed deprecated `Pry::CommandSet#before_command` & `Pry::CommandSet#after_command` ([#1838]( #### Deprecations * Deprecated `_pry_.input_array` & `_pry_.output_array` in favour of `_pry_.input_ring` & `_pry_.output_ring` respectively ([#1814]( * Deprecated `Pry::Command#text`. Please use `#black`, `#white`, etc. directly instead (as you would with helper functions from `BaseHelpers` and `CommandHelpers`) ([#1701]( * Deprecated `_pry_.input_array` & `_pry_.output_array` in favour of `_pry_.input_ring` and `_pry_.output_ring` respectively ([#1817]( * Deprecated `Pry::Platform`. Use `Pry::Helpers::Platform` instead. Note that `Pry::Helpers::BaseHelpers` still includes the `Platform` methods but emits a warning. You must switch to `Pry::Helpers::Platform` in your code ([#1838](, ([#1845]( * Deprecated `Pry::Prompt::MAP`. You should use `Pry::Prompt.all` instead to access the same map ([#1846]( #### Bug fixes * Fixed a bug where `cd` reported `self` as an instance of Pry::Config in the prompt ([#1725]( * Silenced the `Could not find files for the given pattern(s)` error message coming from `where` on Windows, when `less` or another pager is not installed ([#1767]( * Fixed possible double loading of Pry plugins' `cli.rb` on Ruby (>= 2.4) due to [the `realpath` changes while invoking `require`]( ([#1762](, [#1774]( * Fixed `NoMethodError` on code objects that have a comment but no source when invoking `show-source` ([#1779]( * Fixed `negative argument (ArgumentError)` upon pasting code with tabs, which used to confuse automatic indentation ([#1771]( * Fixed Pry not being able to load history on Ruby 2.4.4+ when it contains the null character ([#1789]( * Fixed Pry raising errors on `cd`'ing into some objects that redefine `method_missing` and `respond_to?` ([#1811]( * Fixed bug when indentation leaves parts of input after pressing enter when Readline is enabled with mode indicators for vi mode ([#1813](, [#1820](, [#1825]( * Fixed `edit` not writing to history ([#1749]( #### Other changes * Deprecated the `Data` constant to match Ruby 2.5 in the `ls` command ([#1731](
2018-03-14misc/ruby-pry: update to 0.11.3taca4-13/+30
pkgsrc change: add support for pkg_alternatives ### HEAD #### Features * Add Pry::Testable, an improved modular replacement for PryTestHelpers. **breaking change**. See pull request [#1679]( * Add a new category module: "Pry::Platform". Loosely related to #1668 below. See pull request [#1670]( * Add `mac_osx?` and `linux?` utility functions to Pry::Helpers::BaseHelpers. See pull request [#1668]( * Add utility functions for drawing colorised text on a colorised background. See pull request [#1673]( #### Bug fixes * Fix a case of infinite recursion in `Pry::Method::WeirdMethodLocator#find_method_in_superclass` that users of the [Hanami]( web framework experienced and reported since 2015. See pull request [#1639]( * Fix a bug where Method objects were not returned for setters inherited from a default (Pry::Config::Default). Eg, this is no longer an error: pry(main)> d = Pry::Config.from_hash({}, pry(main)> d.method(:exception_whitelist=) # Error See pull request [#1688]( * Do not capture unused Proc objects in Text helper methods `no_color` and `no_paging`, for performance reasons. Improve the documentation of both methods. See pull request [#1691]( * Fix `String#pp` output color. See pull request [#1674]( ### 0.11.0 * Add alias 'whereami[?!]+' for 'whereami' command. ([#1597]( * Improve Ruby 2.4 support ([#1611]( * Deprecated constants are hidden from `ls` output by default, use the `-d` switch to see them. * Fix warnings that originate in Pry while using the repl. * Improve completion speed in large applications. ([#1588]( * Pry::ColorPrinter.pp: add `newline` argument and pass it on to PP. ([#1603]( * Use `less` or system pager pager on MS Windows if it is available. ([#1512]( * Add `Pry.configure` as an alternative to the current way of changing configuration options in `.pryrc` files. ([#1502]( * Add `Pry::Config::Behavior#eager_load!` to add a possible workaround for issues like ([#1501]( * Remove Slop as a runtime dependency by vendoring v3.4 as Pry::Slop. People can depend on Slop v4 and Pry at the same time without running into version conflicts. ([#1497]( * Fix auto-indentation of code that uses a single-line rescue ([#1450]( * Remove "Pry::Config#refresh", please use "Pry::Config#clear" instead. * Defining a method called "ls" no longer breaks the "ls" command ([#1407]( * Don't raise when directory permissions don't allow file expansion ([#1432]( * Syntax highlight <tt> tags in documentation output. * Add support for BasicObject subclasses who implement their own #inspect (#1341) * Fix 'include RSpec::Matchers' at the top-level (#1277) * Add 'gem-readme' command, prints the README file bundled with a rubygem * Add 'gem-search' command, searches for a gem with the HTTP API * Fixed bug in the `cat` command where it was impossible to use line numbers with files ([#1349]( * Fixed uncaught Errno::EOPNOTSUPP exception when $stdout is a socket ([#1352]( * Display a warning when you cd'ed inside a C object and executed 'show-source' without arguments ([#691]( * Make the stagger_output method more reliable by reusing possibly available Pry instance ([#1364]( * Make the 'gem-install' message less confusing by removing backticks ([#1350]( * Fixed error when Pry was trying to load incompatible versions of plugins ([#1312]( * Fixed bug when `hist --clear` led to ArgumentError ([#1340]( * Fixed the "uninitialized constant Pry::ObjectPath::StringScanner" exception during autocomplete ([#1330]( * Secured usage of colours with special characters (RL_PROMPT_START_IGNORE and RL_PROMPT_END_IGNORE) in Pry::Helpers::Text ([#493]( * Fixed regression with `pry -e` when it messes the terminal ([#1387]( * Fixed regression with space prefixes of expressions ([#1369]( * Introduced the new way to define hooks for commands (with `Pry.hooks.add_hook("{before,after}_commandName")`). The old way is deprecated, but still supported (with `Pry.commands.{before,after}_command`) ([#651]( * Removed old API's using `Pry::Hooks.from_hash` altogether * Removed hints on Foreman support (see [this]( * Fixed support for the tee command ([#1334]( * Implemented support for CDPATH for ShellCommand ([#1433](, [#1434]( * `Pry::CLI.parse_options` does not start Pry anymore ([#1393]( * The gem uses CPU-less platforms for Windows now ([#1410]( * Add `Pry::Config::Memoization` to make it easier to implement your own `Pry::Config::Default` class.([#1503]( * Lazy load the config defaults for `Pry.config.history` and `Pry.config.gist`.
2016-11-19Remove RUBY_RDOC_VERSION since All RUBY_VERSION_DEFAULT versions of Rubytaca1-3/+1
are satisfy minimum RUBY_RDOC_VERSION now.
2016-10-17Update ruby-pry to 0.10.4.taca2-7/+7
* Clean up warnings.
2015-12-12Update ruby-pry to 0.10.3.taca2-7/+7
### 0.10.3 * cherry-pick 0d1d72b and e0e5c75 to fix the install of Pry on Windows.
2015-11-03Add SHA512 digests for distfiles for misc categoryagc1-1/+2
Problems found locating distfiles: Package colorls: missing distfile ls.tar.gz Package molden: missing distfile molden-4.6/molden4.6.tar.gz Package softmaker-office-demo: missing distfile ofl06trial.tgz Otherwise, existing SHA1 digests verified and found to be the same on the machine holding the existing distfiles (morden). All existing SHA1 digests retained for now as an audit trail.
2015-10-04Update ruby-pry to 0.10.2.taca2-6/+6
### 0.10.2 * cherry-pick c2ed9ec135bd791a32c70fbe05cc0508ea17c4040e from master (fix inf. loop with prepended methods source retrieval) * Update some specs for recent ruby versions (2.2+)
2015-02-04Update ruby-pry to 0.10.1.taca3-90/+44
Changes are too many to write here, please refer file.
2014-09-23Needs rdoc 4.0.0 or newer. Fixes build with RUBY_VERSION_DEFAULT=193,fhajny1-1/+3
no change on newer Ruby versions.
2014-06-03Import misc/ruby-pry into pkgsrc.jperkin4-0/+214
Pry is a powerful alternative to the standard IRB shell for Ruby. It is written from scratch to provide a number of advanced features. Pry also aims to be more than an IRB replacement; it is an attempt to bring REPL driven programming to the Ruby language. It is currently not as powerful as tools like SLIME for lisp, but that is the general direction Pry is heading. Pry is also fairly flexible and allows significant user customization is trivial to set it to read from any object that has a readline method and write to any object that has a puts method - many other aspects of Pry are also configurable making it a good choice for implementing custom shells.