Changes since xerces-j-1.0.4 (some of these were in xerces-j-1.1.0, formerly
available as xerces-j-current):
Added "any" with "processContents='lax|skip'" support for Schema. [ericye]
Added feature "load-dtd-grammar" [ericye]
Added "anyAttribute" support for Schema. [ericye]
Added "xsi:type" support for Schema. [ericye]
Added full equivClass support for Schema. [ericye]
Expanded "any" element support to model groups. [ericye]
Added testcase under test to test DOM Java Serialization. [jeffreyr]
Miscelanous DOM enhancements [lehors].
Added "any" element content support for Schema [andyc]
Turned on namespace support in all parsers, by default [andyc]
Added feature to allow Schema support to be turned off [andyc]
Modified samples to include additional switches [jeffreyr]
Added regular expression character class subtraction [tkent@jp.ibm.com]
Added URI class [paul.eng@iclick.com]
Added Schema include/import [ericye]
Performance tuning [ericye, andyc]
Added Ant support to build process [abagchi]
Re-architecture Schema datatypes [jeffreyr]
Re-organized docs directory to get FOP to work[abagchi, jeffreyr]
Added JAXP to build, updated JAXP files [lehors]
Added a DOM from scratch and Serializer sample [jeffreyr]
Updated XML Schema support to April working draft [ericye, jeffreyr]
Changed code to notify error handler of content model validation errors before calling endElement [lehors]
In a few minutes, I will import cocoon-1.8, which supports the latest Xerces version,
rendering the xerces-j-current package obsolete.