path: root/client/gridfs.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'client/gridfs.cpp')
1 files changed, 233 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/client/gridfs.cpp b/client/gridfs.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..892ec6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/gridfs.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,233 @@
+// gridfs.cpp
+/* Copyright 2009 10gen
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include "../stdafx.h"
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <utility>
+#include "gridfs.h"
+#include <boost/smart_ptr.hpp>
+#if defined(_WIN32)
+#include <io.h>
+#ifndef MIN
+#define MIN(a,b) ( (a) < (b) ? (a) : (b) )
+namespace mongo {
+ const unsigned DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE = 256 * 1024;
+ Chunk::Chunk( BSONObj o ){
+ _data = o;
+ }
+ Chunk::Chunk( BSONObj fileObject , int chunkNumber , const char * data , int len ){
+ BSONObjBuilder b;
+ b.appendAs( fileObject["_id"] , "files_id" );
+ b.append( "n" , chunkNumber );
+ b.appendBinDataArray( "data" , data , len );
+ _data = b.obj();
+ }
+ GridFS::GridFS( DBClientBase& client , const string& dbName , const string& prefix ) : _client( client ) , _dbName( dbName ) , _prefix( prefix ){
+ _filesNS = dbName + "." + prefix + ".files";
+ _chunksNS = dbName + "." + prefix + ".chunks";
+ client.ensureIndex( _filesNS , BSON( "filename" << 1 ) );
+ client.ensureIndex( _chunksNS , BSON( "files_id" << 1 << "n" << 1 ) );
+ }
+ GridFS::~GridFS(){
+ }
+ BSONObj GridFS::storeFile( const char* data , size_t length , const string& remoteName , const string& contentType){
+ massert( 10279 , "large files not yet implemented", length <= 0xffffffff);
+ char const * const end = data + length;
+ OID id;
+ id.init();
+ BSONObj idObj = BSON("_id" << id);
+ int chunkNumber = 0;
+ while (data < end){
+ int chunkLen = MIN(DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE, (unsigned)(end-data));
+ Chunk c(idObj, chunkNumber, data, chunkLen);
+ _client.insert( _chunksNS.c_str() , c._data );
+ chunkNumber++;
+ data += chunkLen;
+ }
+ return insertFile(remoteName, id, length, contentType);
+ }
+ BSONObj GridFS::storeFile( const string& fileName , const string& remoteName , const string& contentType){
+ uassert( 10012 , "file doesn't exist" , fileName == "-" || boost::filesystem::exists( fileName ) );
+ FILE* fd;
+ if (fileName == "-")
+ fd = stdin;
+ else
+ fd = fopen( fileName.c_str() , "rb" );
+ uassert( 10013 , "error opening file", fd);
+ OID id;
+ id.init();
+ BSONObj idObj = BSON("_id" << id);
+ int chunkNumber = 0;
+ gridfs_offset length = 0;
+ while (!feof(fd)){
+ boost::scoped_array<char>buf (new char[DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE]);
+ char* bufPos = buf.get();
+ unsigned int chunkLen = 0; // how much in the chunk now
+ while(chunkLen != DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE && !feof(fd)){
+ int readLen = fread(bufPos, 1, DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE - chunkLen, fd);
+ chunkLen += readLen;
+ bufPos += readLen;
+ assert(chunkLen <= DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE);
+ }
+ Chunk c(idObj, chunkNumber, buf.get(), chunkLen);
+ _client.insert( _chunksNS.c_str() , c._data );
+ length += chunkLen;
+ chunkNumber++;
+ }
+ if (fd != stdin)
+ fclose( fd );
+ massert( 10280 , "large files not yet implemented", length <= 0xffffffff);
+ return insertFile((remoteName.empty() ? fileName : remoteName), id, length, contentType);
+ }
+ BSONObj GridFS::insertFile(const string& name, const OID& id, unsigned length, const string& contentType){
+ BSONObj res;
+ if ( ! _client.runCommand( _dbName.c_str() , BSON( "filemd5" << id << "root" << _prefix ) , res ) )
+ throw UserException( 9008 , "filemd5 failed" );
+ BSONObjBuilder file;
+ file << "_id" << id
+ << "filename" << name
+ << "length" << (unsigned) length
+ << "chunkSize" << DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE
+ << "uploadDate" << DATENOW
+ << "md5" << res["md5"]
+ ;
+ if (!contentType.empty())
+ file << "contentType" << contentType;
+ BSONObj ret = file.obj();
+ _client.insert(_filesNS.c_str(), ret);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ void GridFS::removeFile( const string& fileName ){
+ auto_ptr<DBClientCursor> files = _client.query( _filesNS , BSON( "filename" << fileName ) );
+ while (files->more()){
+ BSONObj file = files->next();
+ BSONElement id = file["_id"];
+ _client.remove( _filesNS.c_str() , BSON( "_id" << id ) );
+ _client.remove( _chunksNS.c_str() , BSON( "files_id" << id ) );
+ }
+ }
+ GridFile::GridFile( GridFS * grid , BSONObj obj ){
+ _grid = grid;
+ _obj = obj;
+ }
+ GridFile GridFS::findFile( const string& fileName ){
+ return findFile( BSON( "filename" << fileName ) );
+ };
+ GridFile GridFS::findFile( BSONObj query ){
+ query = BSON("query" << query << "orderby" << BSON("uploadDate" << -1));
+ return GridFile( this , _client.findOne( _filesNS.c_str() , query ) );
+ }
+ auto_ptr<DBClientCursor> GridFS::list(){
+ return _client.query( _filesNS.c_str() , BSONObj() );
+ }
+ auto_ptr<DBClientCursor> GridFS::list( BSONObj o ){
+ return _client.query( _filesNS.c_str() , o );
+ }
+ BSONObj GridFile::getMetadata(){
+ BSONElement meta_element = _obj["metadata"];
+ if( meta_element.eoo() ){
+ return BSONObj();
+ }
+ return meta_element.embeddedObject();
+ }
+ Chunk GridFile::getChunk( int n ){
+ _exists();
+ BSONObjBuilder b;
+ b.appendAs( _obj["_id"] , "files_id" );
+ b.append( "n" , n );
+ BSONObj o = _grid->_client.findOne( _grid->_chunksNS.c_str() , b.obj() );
+ uassert( 10014 , "chunk is empty!" , ! o.isEmpty() );
+ return Chunk(o);
+ }
+ gridfs_offset GridFile::write( ostream & out ){
+ _exists();
+ const int num = getNumChunks();
+ for ( int i=0; i<num; i++ ){
+ Chunk c = getChunk( i );
+ int len;
+ const char * data = len );
+ out.write( data , len );
+ }
+ return getContentLength();
+ }
+ gridfs_offset GridFile::write( const string& where ){
+ if (where == "-"){
+ return write( cout );
+ } else {
+ ofstream out(where.c_str() , ios::out | ios::binary );
+ return write( out );
+ }
+ }
+ void GridFile::_exists(){
+ uassert( 10015 , "doesn't exists" , exists() );
+ }