path: root/dbtests/perftests.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'dbtests/perftests.cpp')
1 files changed, 336 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dbtests/perftests.cpp b/dbtests/perftests.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..182595c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dbtests/perftests.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,336 @@
+/** @file perftests.cpp.cpp : unit tests relating to performance
+ The idea herein is tests that run fast and can be part of the normal CI suite. So no tests herein that take
+ a long time to run. Obviously we need those too, but they will be separate.
+ These tests use DBDirectClient; they are a bit white-boxish.
+ * Copyright (C) 2008 10gen Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3,
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+ * along with this program. If not, see <>.
+ */
+#include "pch.h"
+#include "../db/query.h"
+#include "../db/db.h"
+#include "../db/instance.h"
+#include "../db/json.h"
+#include "../db/lasterror.h"
+#include "../db/update.h"
+#include "../db/taskqueue.h"
+#include "../util/timer.h"
+#include "dbtests.h"
+#include "../db/dur_stats.h"
+namespace PerfTests {
+ typedef DBDirectClient DBClientType;
+ //typedef DBClientConnection DBClientType;
+ class ClientBase {
+ public:
+ // NOTE: Not bothering to backup the old error record.
+ ClientBase() {
+ //_client.connect("localhost");
+ mongo::lastError.reset( new LastError() );
+ }
+ virtual ~ClientBase() {
+ //mongo::lastError.release();
+ }
+ protected:
+ static void insert( const char *ns, BSONObj o ) {
+ _client.insert( ns, o );
+ }
+ static void update( const char *ns, BSONObj q, BSONObj o, bool upsert = 0 ) {
+ _client.update( ns, Query( q ), o, upsert );
+ }
+ static bool error() {
+ return !_client.getPrevError().getField( "err" ).isNull();
+ }
+ DBClientBase &client() const { return _client; }
+ private:
+ static DBClientType _client;
+ };
+ DBClientType ClientBase::_client;
+ // todo: use a couple threads. not a very good test yet.
+ class TaskQueueTest {
+ static int tot;
+ struct V {
+ int val;
+ static void go(const V &v) { tot += v.val; }
+ };
+ public:
+ void run() {
+ tot = 0;
+ TaskQueue<V> d;
+ int x = 0;
+ for( int i = 0; i < 100; i++ ) {
+ if( i % 30 == 0 )
+ d.invoke();
+ x += i;
+ writelock lk;
+ V v;
+ v.val = i;
+ d.defer(v);
+ }
+ d.invoke();
+ assert( x == tot );
+ }
+ };
+ int TaskQueueTest::tot;
+ class CappedTest : public ClientBase {
+ };
+ class B : public ClientBase {
+ string _ns;
+ protected:
+ const char *ns() { return _ns.c_str(); }
+ virtual void prep() = 0;
+ virtual void timed() = 0;
+ // optional 2nd test phase to be timed separately
+ // return name of it
+ virtual const char * timed2() { return 0; }
+ virtual void post() { }
+ virtual string name() = 0;
+ virtual unsigned long long expectation() = 0;
+ virtual int howLongMillis() { return 5000; }
+ public:
+ void say(unsigned long long n, int ms, string s) {
+ cout << setw(36) << left << s << ' ' << right << setw(7) << n*1000/ms << "/sec " << setw(4) << ms << "ms" << endl;
+ cout << dur::stats.curr->_asObj().toString() << endl;
+ }
+ void run() {
+ _ns = string("perftest.") + name();
+ client().dropCollection(ns());
+ prep();
+ int hlm = howLongMillis();
+ dur::stats._intervalMicros = 0; // no auto rotate
+ dur::stats.curr->reset();
+ Timer t;
+ unsigned long long n = 0;
+ const unsigned Batch = 50;
+ do {
+ unsigned i;
+ for( i = 0; i < Batch; i++ )
+ timed();
+ n += i;
+ }
+ while( t.millis() < hlm );
+ client().getLastError(); // block until all ops are finished
+ int ms = t.millis();
+ say(n, ms, name());
+ if( n < expectation() ) {
+ cout << "\ntest " << name() << " seems slow n:" << n << " ops/sec but expect greater than:" << expectation() << endl;
+ cout << endl;
+ }
+ {
+ const char *test2name = timed2();
+ if( test2name ) {
+ dur::stats.curr->reset();
+ Timer t;
+ unsigned long long n = 0;
+ while( 1 ) {
+ unsigned i;
+ for( i = 0; i < Batch; i++ )
+ timed2();
+ n += i;
+ if( t.millis() > hlm )
+ break;
+ }
+ int ms = t.millis();
+ say(n, ms, test2name);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ class InsertDup : public B {
+ const BSONObj o;
+ public:
+ InsertDup() : o( BSON("_id" << 1) ) { } // dup keys
+ string name() {
+ return "insert duplicate _ids";
+ }
+ void prep() {
+ client().insert( ns(), o );
+ }
+ void timed() {
+ client().insert( ns(), o );
+ }
+ void post() {
+ assert( client().count(ns()) == 1 );
+ }
+ unsigned long long expectation() { return 1000; }
+ };
+ class Insert1 : public InsertDup {
+ const BSONObj x;
+ public:
+ Insert1() : x( BSON("x" << 99) ) { }
+ string name() { return "insert simple"; }
+ void timed() {
+ client().insert( ns(), x );
+ }
+ void post() {
+ assert( client().count(ns()) > 100 );
+ }
+ unsigned long long expectation() { return 1000; }
+ };
+ class InsertBig : public InsertDup {
+ BSONObj x;
+ virtual int howLongMillis() {
+ if( sizeof(void*) == 4 )
+ return 1000; // could exceed mmapping if run too long, as this function adds a lot fasta
+ return 5000;
+ }
+ public:
+ InsertBig() {
+ char buf[200000];
+ BSONObjBuilder b;
+ b.append("x", 99);
+ b.appendBinData("bin", 200000, (BinDataType) 129, buf);
+ x = b.obj();
+ }
+ string name() { return "insert big"; }
+ void timed() {
+ client().insert( ns(), x );
+ }
+ unsigned long long expectation() { return 20; }
+ };
+ class InsertRandom : public B {
+ public:
+ string name() { return "random inserts"; }
+ void prep() {
+ client().insert( ns(), BSONObj() );
+ client().ensureIndex(ns(), BSON("x"<<1));
+ }
+ void timed() {
+ int x = rand();
+ BSONObj y = BSON("x" << x << "y" << rand() << "z" << 33);
+ client().insert(ns(), y);
+ }
+ void post() {
+ }
+ unsigned long long expectation() { return 1000; }
+ };
+ /** upserts about 32k records and then keeps updating them
+ 2 indexes
+ */
+ class Update1 : public B {
+ public:
+ static int rand() {
+ return std::rand() & 0x7fff;
+ }
+ string name() { return "random upserts"; }
+ void prep() {
+ client().insert( ns(), BSONObj() );
+ client().ensureIndex(ns(), BSON("x"<<1));
+ }
+ void timed() {
+ int x = rand();
+ BSONObj q = BSON("x" << x);
+ BSONObj y = BSON("x" << x << "y" << rand() << "z" << 33);
+ client().update(ns(), q, y, /*upsert*/true);
+ }
+ const char * timed2() {
+ static BSONObj I = BSON( "$inc" << BSON( "y" << 1 ) );
+ // test some $inc's
+ int x = rand();
+ BSONObj q = BSON("x" << x);
+ client().update(ns(), q, I);
+ return "inc";
+ }
+ void post() {
+ }
+ unsigned long long expectation() { return 1000; }
+ };
+ template <typename T>
+ class MoreIndexes : public T {
+ public:
+ string name() { return T::name() + " with more indexes"; }
+ void prep() {
+ T::prep();
+ this->client().ensureIndex(this->ns(), BSON("y"<<1));
+ this->client().ensureIndex(this->ns(), BSON("z"<<1));
+ }
+ };
+ void t() {
+ for( int i = 0; i < 20; i++ ) {
+ sleepmillis(21);
+ string fn = "/tmp/t1";
+ MongoMMF f;
+ unsigned long long len = 1 * 1024 * 1024;
+ assert( f.create(fn, len, /*sequential*/rand()%2==0) );
+ {
+ char *p = (char *) f.getView();
+ assert(p);
+ // write something to the private view as a test
+ strcpy(p, "hello");
+ }
+ if( cmdLine.dur ) {
+ char *w = (char *) f.view_write();
+ strcpy(w + 6, "world");
+ }
+ MongoFileFinder ff;
+ ASSERT( ff.findByPath(fn) );
+ }
+ }
+ class All : public Suite {
+ public:
+ All() : Suite( "perf" )
+ {
+ }
+ ~All() {
+ }
+ Result * run( const string& filter ) {
+ boost::thread a(t);
+ Result * res = Suite::run(filter);
+ a.join();
+ return res;
+ }
+ void setupTests() {
+ add< TaskQueueTest >();
+ add< InsertDup >();
+ add< Insert1 >();
+ add< InsertRandom >();
+ add< MoreIndexes<InsertRandom> >();
+ add< Update1 >();
+ add< MoreIndexes<Update1> >();
+ add< InsertBig >();
+ }
+ } myall;