path: root/jstests/slowWeekly/geo_full.js
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Diffstat (limited to 'jstests/slowWeekly/geo_full.js')
1 files changed, 487 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/jstests/slowWeekly/geo_full.js b/jstests/slowWeekly/geo_full.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9eb1b7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jstests/slowWeekly/geo_full.js
@@ -0,0 +1,487 @@
+// Integration test of the geo code
+// Basically, this tests adds a random number of docs with a random number of points,
+// given a 2d environment of random precision which is either randomly earth-like or of
+// random bounds, and indexes these points after a random amount of points have been added
+// with a random number of additional fields which correspond to whether the documents are
+// in randomly generated circular, spherical, box, and box-polygon shapes (and exact),
+// queried randomly from a set of query types. Each point is randomly either and object
+// or array, and all points and document data fields are nested randomly in arrays (or not).
+// We approximate the user here as a random function :-)
+// These random point fields can then be tested against all types of geo queries using these random shapes.
+// Tests can be easily reproduced by getting the test number from the output directly before a
+// test fails, and hard-wiring that as the test number.
+var randEnvironment = function(){
+ // Normal earth environment
+ if( Random.rand() < 0.5 ){
+ return { max : 180,
+ min : -180,
+ bits : Math.floor( Random.rand() * 32 ) + 1,
+ earth : true,
+ bucketSize : 360 / ( 4 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 ) }
+ }
+ var scales = [ 0.0001, 0.001, 0.01, 0.1, 1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000 ]
+ var scale = scales[ Math.floor( Random.rand() * scales.length ) ]
+ var offset = Random.rand() * scale
+ var max = Random.rand() * scale + offset
+ var min = - Random.rand() * scale + offset
+ var bits = Math.floor( Random.rand() * 32 ) + 1
+ var range = max - min
+ var bucketSize = range / ( 4 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 )
+ return { max : max,
+ min : min,
+ bits : bits,
+ earth : false,
+ bucketSize : bucketSize }
+var randPoint = function( env, query ) {
+ if( query && Random.rand() > 0.5 )
+ return query.exact
+ if( )
+ return [ Random.rand() * 360 - 180, Random.rand() * 180 - 90 ]
+ var range = env.max - env.min
+ return [ Random.rand() * range + env.min, Random.rand() * range + env.min ];
+var randLocType = function( loc, wrapIn ){
+ return randLocTypes( [ loc ], wrapIn )[0]
+var randLocTypes = function( locs, wrapIn ) {
+ var rLocs = []
+ for( var i = 0; i < locs.length; i++ ){
+ if( Random.rand() < 0.5 )
+ rLocs.push( { x : locs[i][0], y : locs[i][1] } )
+ else
+ rLocs.push( locs[i] )
+ }
+ if( wrapIn ){
+ var wrappedLocs = []
+ for( var i = 0; i < rLocs.length; i++ ){
+ var wrapper = {}
+ wrapper[wrapIn] = rLocs[i]
+ wrappedLocs.push( wrapper )
+ }
+ return wrappedLocs
+ }
+ return rLocs
+var randDataType = function() {
+ var scales = [ 1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000 ]
+ var docScale = scales[ Math.floor( Random.rand() * scales.length ) ]
+ var locScale = scales[ Math.floor( Random.rand() * scales.length ) ]
+ var numDocs = 40000
+ var maxLocs = 40000
+ // Make sure we don't blow past our test resources
+ while( numDocs * maxLocs > 40000 ){
+ numDocs = Math.floor( Random.rand() * docScale ) + 1
+ maxLocs = Math.floor( Random.rand() * locScale ) + 1
+ }
+ return { numDocs : numDocs,
+ maxLocs : maxLocs }
+var randQuery = function( env ) {
+ var center = randPoint( env )
+ var sphereRadius = -1
+ var sphereCenter = null
+ if( ){
+ // Get a start point that doesn't require wrapping
+ // TODO: Are we a bit too aggressive with wrapping issues?
+ sphereRadius = Random.rand() * 45 * Math.PI / 180
+ sphereCenter = randPoint( env )
+ var i
+ for( i = 0; i < 5; i++ ){
+ var t = db.testSphere; t.drop(); t.ensureIndex({ loc : "2d" }, env )
+ try{ t.find({ loc : { $within : { $centerSphere : [ sphereCenter, sphereRadius ] } } } ).count(); var err; if( err = db.getLastError() ) throw err; }
+ catch(e) { print( e ); continue }
+ print( " Radius " + sphereRadius + " and center " + sphereCenter + " ok ! ")
+ break;
+ }
+ if( i == 5 ) sphereRadius = -1;
+ }
+ var box = [ randPoint( env ), randPoint( env ) ]
+ var boxPoly = [[ box[0][0], box[0][1] ],
+ [ box[0][0], box[1][1] ],
+ [ box[1][0], box[1][1] ],
+ [ box[1][0], box[0][1] ] ]
+ if( box[0][0] > box[1][0] ){
+ var swap = box[0][0]
+ box[0][0] = box[1][0]
+ box[1][0] = swap
+ }
+ if( box[0][1] > box[1][1] ){
+ var swap = box[0][1]
+ box[0][1] = box[1][1]
+ box[1][1] = swap
+ }
+ return { center : center,
+ radius : box[1][0] - box[0][0],
+ exact : randPoint( env ),
+ sphereCenter : sphereCenter,
+ sphereRadius : sphereRadius,
+ box : box,
+ boxPoly : boxPoly }
+var resultTypes = {
+"exact" : function( loc ){
+ return query.exact[0] == loc[0] && query.exact[1] == loc[1]
+"center" : function( loc ){
+ return Geo.distance(, loc ) <= query.radius
+"box" : function( loc ){
+ return loc[0] >=[0][0] && loc[0] <=[1][0] &&
+ loc[1] >=[0][1] && loc[1] <=[1][1]
+"sphere" : function( loc ){
+ return ( query.sphereRadius >= 0 ? ( Geo.sphereDistance( query.sphereCenter, loc ) <= query.sphereRadius ) : false )
+"poly" : function( loc ){
+ return loc[0] >=[0][0] && loc[0] <=[1][0] &&
+ loc[1] >=[0][1] && loc[1] <=[1][1]
+var queryResults = function( locs, query, results ){
+ if( ! results["center"] ){
+ for( var type in resultTypes ){
+ results[type] = {
+ docsIn : 0,
+ docsOut : 0,
+ locsIn : 0,
+ locsOut : 0
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ var indResults = {}
+ for( var type in resultTypes ){
+ indResults[type] = {
+ docIn : false,
+ locsIn : 0,
+ locsOut : 0
+ }
+ }
+ for( var type in resultTypes ){
+ var docIn = false
+ for( var i = 0; i < locs.length; i++ ){
+ if( resultTypes[type]( locs[i] ) ){
+ results[type].locsIn++
+ indResults[type].locsIn++
+ indResults[type].docIn = true
+ }
+ else{
+ results[type].locsOut++
+ indResults[type].locsOut++
+ }
+ }
+ if( indResults[type].docIn ) results[type].docsIn++
+ else results[type].docsOut++
+ }
+ return indResults
+var randQueryAdditions = function( doc, indResults ){
+ for( var type in resultTypes ){
+ var choice = Random.rand()
+ if( Random.rand() < 0.25 )
+ doc[type] = ( indResults[type].docIn ? { docIn : "yes" } : { docIn : "no" } )
+ else if( Random.rand() < 0.5 )
+ doc[type] = ( indResults[type].docIn ? { docIn : [ "yes" ] } : { docIn : [ "no" ] } )
+ else if( Random.rand() < 0.75 )
+ doc[type] = ( indResults[type].docIn ? [ { docIn : "yes" } ] : [ { docIn : "no" } ] )
+ else
+ doc[type] = ( indResults[type].docIn ? [ { docIn : [ "yes" ] } ] : [ { docIn : [ "no" ] } ] )
+ }
+var randIndexAdditions = function( indexDoc ){
+ for( var type in resultTypes ){
+ if( Random.rand() < 0.5 ) continue;
+ var choice = Random.rand()
+ if( Random.rand() < 0.5 )
+ indexDoc[type] = 1
+ else
+ indexDoc[type + ".docIn"] = 1
+ }
+var randYesQuery = function(){
+ var choice = Math.floor( Random.rand() * 7 )
+ if( choice == 0 )
+ return { $ne : "no" }
+ else if( choice == 1 )
+ return "yes"
+ else if( choice == 2 )
+ return /^yes/
+ else if( choice == 3 )
+ return { $in : [ "good", "yes", "ok" ] }
+ else if( choice == 4 )
+ return { $exists : true }
+ else if( choice == 5 )
+ return { $nin : [ "bad", "no", "not ok" ] }
+ else if( choice == 6 )
+ return { $not : /^no/ }
+var locArray = function( loc ){
+ if( loc.x ) return [ loc.x, loc.y ]
+ if( ! loc.length ) return [ loc[0], loc[1] ]
+ return loc
+var locsArray = function( locs ){
+ if( locs.loc ){
+ arr = []
+ for( var i = 0; i < locs.loc.length; i++ ) arr.push( locArray( locs.loc[i] ) )
+ return arr
+ }
+ else{
+ arr = []
+ for( var i = 0; i < locs.length; i++ ) arr.push( locArray( locs[i].loc ) )
+ return arr
+ }
+var minBoxSize = function( env, box ){
+ return env.bucketSize * Math.pow( 2, minBucketScale( env, box ) )
+var minBucketScale = function( env, box ){
+ if( box.length && box[0].length )
+ box = [ box[0][0] - box[1][0], box[0][1] - box[1][1] ]
+ if( box.length )
+ box = Math.max( box[0], box[1] )
+ print( box )
+ print( env.bucketSize )
+ return Math.ceil( Math.log( box / env.bucketSize ) / Math.log( 2 ) )
+// TODO: Add spherical $uniqueDocs tests
+var numTests = 100
+// Our seed will change every time this is run, but
+// each individual test will be reproducible given
+// that seed and test number
+var seed = new Date().getTime()
+for ( var test = 0; test < numTests; test++ ) {
+ Random.srand( seed + test );
+ //Random.srand( 42240 )
+ //Random.srand( 7344 )
+ var t = db.testAllGeo
+ t.drop()
+ print( "Generating test environment #" + test )
+ var env = randEnvironment()
+ //env.bits = 11
+ var query = randQuery( env )
+ var data = randDataType()
+ //data.numDocs = 100; data.maxLocs = 3;
+ var results = {}
+ var totalPoints = 0
+ print( "Calculating target results for " + data.numDocs + " docs with max " + data.maxLocs + " locs " )
+ // Index after a random number of docs added
+ var indexIt = Math.floor( Random.rand() * data.numDocs )
+ for ( var i = 0; i < data.numDocs; i++ ) {
+ if( indexIt == i ){
+ var indexDoc = { "locs.loc" : "2d" }
+ randIndexAdditions( indexDoc )
+ // printjson( indexDoc )
+ t.ensureIndex( indexDoc, env )
+ assert.isnull( db.getLastError() )
+ }
+ var numLocs = Math.floor( Random.rand() * data.maxLocs + 1 )
+ totalPoints += numLocs
+ var multiPoint = []
+ for ( var p = 0; p < numLocs; p++ ) {
+ var point = randPoint( env, query )
+ multiPoint.push( point )
+ }
+ var indResults = queryResults( multiPoint, query, results )
+ var doc
+ // Nest the keys differently
+ if( Random.rand() < 0.5 )
+ doc = { locs : { loc : randLocTypes( multiPoint ) } }
+ else
+ doc = { locs : randLocTypes( multiPoint, "loc" ) }
+ randQueryAdditions( doc, indResults )
+ //printjson( doc )
+ doc._id = i
+ t.insert( doc )
+ }
+ printjson( { seed : seed,
+ test: test,
+ env : env,
+ query : query,
+ data : data,
+ results : results } )
+ // exact
+ print( "Exact query..." )
+ assert.eq( results.exact.docsIn, t.find( { "locs.loc" : randLocType( query.exact ), "exact.docIn" : randYesQuery() } ).count() )
+ // $center
+ print( "Center query..." )
+ print( "Min box : " + minBoxSize( env, query.radius ) )
+ assert.eq(, t.find( { "locs.loc" : { $within : { $center : [, query.radius ], $uniqueDocs : 1 } }, "center.docIn" : randYesQuery() } ).count() )
+ assert.eq(, t.find( { "locs.loc" : { $within : { $center : [, query.radius ], $uniqueDocs : false } }, "center.docIn" : randYesQuery() } ).count() )
+ if( query.sphereRadius >= 0 ){
+ print( "Center sphere query...")
+ // $centerSphere
+ assert.eq( results.sphere.docsIn, t.find( { "locs.loc" : { $within : { $centerSphere : [ query.sphereCenter, query.sphereRadius ] } }, "sphere.docIn" : randYesQuery() } ).count() )
+ assert.eq( results.sphere.locsIn, t.find( { "locs.loc" : { $within : { $centerSphere : [ query.sphereCenter, query.sphereRadius ], $uniqueDocs : 0.0 } }, "sphere.docIn" : randYesQuery() } ).count() )
+ }
+ // $box
+ print( "Box query..." )
+ assert.eq(, t.find( { "locs.loc" : { $within : { $box :, $uniqueDocs : true } }, "box.docIn" : randYesQuery() } ).count() )
+ assert.eq(, t.find( { "locs.loc" : { $within : { $box :, $uniqueDocs : false } }, "box.docIn" : randYesQuery() } ).count() )
+ // $polygon
+ print( "Polygon query..." )
+ assert.eq( results.poly.docsIn, t.find( { "locs.loc" : { $within : { $polygon : query.boxPoly } }, "poly.docIn" : randYesQuery() } ).count() )
+ assert.eq( results.poly.locsIn, t.find( { "locs.loc" : { $within : { $polygon : query.boxPoly, $uniqueDocs : 0 } }, "poly.docIn" : randYesQuery() } ).count() )
+ // $near
+ print( "Near query..." )
+ assert.eq( > 100 ? 100 :, t.find( { "locs.loc" : { $near :, $maxDistance : query.radius } } ).count( true ) )
+ if( query.sphereRadius >= 0 ){
+ print( "Near sphere query...")
+ // $centerSphere
+ assert.eq( results.sphere.locsIn > 100 ? 100 : results.sphere.locsIn, t.find( { "locs.loc" : { $nearSphere : query.sphereCenter, $maxDistance : query.sphereRadius } } ).count( true ) )
+ }
+ // geoNear
+ // results limited by size of objects
+ if( data.maxLocs < 100 ){
+ // GeoNear query
+ print( "GeoNear query..." )
+ assert.eq( > 100 ? 100 :, t.getDB().runCommand({ geoNear : "testAllGeo", near :, maxDistance : query.radius }).results.length )
+ // GeoNear query
+ assert.eq( > 100 ? 100 :, t.getDB().runCommand({ geoNear : "testAllGeo", near :, maxDistance : query.radius, uniqueDocs : true }).results.length )
+ var num = 2 *;
+ if( num > 200 ) num = 200;
+ var output = db.runCommand( {
+ geoNear : "testAllGeo",
+ near :,
+ maxDistance : query.radius ,
+ includeLocs : true,
+ num : num } ).results
+ assert.eq( Math.min( 200, ), output.length )
+ var distance = 0;
+ for ( var i = 0; i < output.length; i++ ) {
+ var retDistance = output[i].dis
+ var retLoc = locArray( output[i].loc )
+ // print( "Dist from : " + results[i].loc + " to " + startPoint + " is "
+ // + retDistance + " vs " + radius )
+ var arrLocs = locsArray( output[i].obj.locs )
+ assert.contains( retLoc, arrLocs )
+ // printjson( arrLocs )
+ var distInObj = false
+ for ( var j = 0; j < arrLocs.length && distInObj == false; j++ ) {
+ var newDistance = Geo.distance( locArray( ) , arrLocs[j] )
+ distInObj = ( newDistance >= retDistance - 0.0001 && newDistance <= retDistance + 0.0001 )
+ }
+ assert( distInObj )
+ assert.between( retDistance - 0.0001 , Geo.distance( locArray( ), retLoc ), retDistance + 0.0001 )
+ assert.lte( retDistance, query.radius )
+ assert.gte( retDistance, distance )
+ distance = retDistance
+ }
+ }
+ //break;