path: root/setup/FreeBSD/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'setup/FreeBSD/')
1 files changed, 176 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/setup/FreeBSD/ b/setup/FreeBSD/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..595d77e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/FreeBSD/
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
+. ./.directories
+if which gawk >/dev/null
+ TXT2MAN=$SRCDIR/setup/txt2man
+ echo "No gawk found. Using lesser replacement" >&2
+ cc -o txt2man origdir/setup/txt2man.c
+ TXT2MAN=./txt2man
+rm -rf prototype
+mkdir prototype
+mkdir prototype/etc
+mkdir prototype/etc/rc.d
+mkdir prototype/usr
+mkdir prototype/usr/bin
+mkdir prototype/usr/sbin
+mkdir -p prototype/$OSSLIBDIR
+mkdir prototype/$OSSLIBDIR/etc
+mkdir prototype/$OSSLIBDIR/lib
+mkdir prototype/$OSSLIBDIR/include
+mkdir prototype/$OSSLIBDIR/include/internals
+mkdir prototype/$OSSLIBDIR/include/sys
+mkdir prototype/$OSSLIBDIR/modules
+mkdir prototype/$OSSLIBDIR/objects
+mkdir prototype/usr/share
+mkdir prototype/usr/share/man
+mkdir prototype/usr/share/man/man1
+mkdir prototype/usr/share/man/man7
+mkdir prototype/usr/share/man/man8
+mkdir prototype/$OSSLIBDIR/conf
+echo "OSSLIBDIR=$OSSLIBDIR" > prototype/etc/oss.conf
+# Regenerating the config file templates
+rm -f /tmp/confgen
+if ! cc -o /tmp/confgen ./setup/FreeBSD/confgen.c
+ echo Building confgen failed
+ exit 1
+if ! /tmp/confgen prototype/$OSSLIBDIR/conf $OSSLIBDIR/conf kernel/drv/* kernel/nonfree/drv/*
+ echo Running confgen failed
+ exit 1
+rm -f /tmp/confgen
+cp -r $SRCDIR/setup/FreeBSD/oss/* prototype/$OSSLIBDIR/
+cp $SRCDIR/kernel/OS/FreeBSD/wrapper/bsddefs.h prototype/$OSSLIBDIR/build/
+cp $SRCDIR/include/*.h prototype/$OSSLIBDIR/include/sys/
+cp $SRCDIR/lib/libOSSlib/midiparser.h prototype/$OSSLIBDIR/include/
+cp kernel/framework/include/timestamp.h kernel/framework/include/local_config.h $SRCDIR/kernel/framework/include/*_core.h $SRCDIR/kernel/framework/include/ossddk/*.h prototype/$OSSLIBDIR/include/internals
+cp kernel/framework/include/ossddk/oss_limits.h prototype/$OSSLIBDIR/include/internals
+ld -r -o prototype/$OSSLIBDIR/build/osscore.lib target/objects/*.o
+rm -f devlist.txt
+for n in target/modules/*.o
+ N=`basename $n .o`
+echo Check devices for $N
+ grep "^$N[ ]" ./devices.list >> devlist.txt
+(cd target/bin; rm -f ossrecord; ln -s ossplay ossrecord)
+cp target/modules/*.o prototype/$OSSLIBDIR/objects
+cp target/build/*.c prototype/$OSSLIBDIR/build/
+cp target/bin/* prototype/usr/bin/
+cp target/sbin/* prototype/usr/sbin/
+cp $SRCDIR/setup/FreeBSD/sbin/* prototype/usr/sbin/
+cp $SRCDIR/setup/FreeBSD/etc/rc.d/oss prototype/etc/rc.d
+cp lib/libOSSlib/ prototype/$OSSLIBDIR/lib
+cp devlist.txt prototype/$OSSLIBDIR/etc/devices.list
+if test -d kernel/nonfree
+ rm -f $SRCDIR/devlists/FreeBSD
+ cp devlist.txt $SRCDIR/devlists/FreeBSD
+# Generate Man pages for commands
+for i in target/bin/*
+CMD=`basename $i`
+$TXT2MAN -t "$CMD" -v "User Commands" -s 1 cmd/$CMD/$ | gzip -9 > prototype/usr/share/man/man1/$CMD.1.gz
+echo done $CMD
+for i in target/sbin/*
+ CMD=`basename $i`
+ if test -f cmd/$CMD/$
+ then
+ $TXT2MAN -t "$CMD" -v "System Administration Commands" -s 8 cmd/$CMD/$ | gzip -9 > prototype/usr/share/man/man8/$CMD.8.gz
+ echo done $CMD
+ fi
+for i in $SRCDIR/misc/man1m/*.man
+ N=`basename $i .man`
+ $TXT2MAN -t "$CMD" -v "OSS System Administration Commands" -s 1 $i | gzip -9 > prototype/usr/share/man/man1/$N.1.gz
+$TXT2MAN -t "ossdetect" -v "User Commands" -s 8 os_cmd/FreeBSD/ossdetect/ | gzip -9 > prototype/usr/share/man/man8/ossdetect.8.gz
+echo done ossdetect
+for n in target/modules/*.o
+ N=`basename $n .o`
+ ld -r -o prototype/$OSSLIBDIR/$MODULES/$N.o $n
+ echo Check devices for $N
+ grep "^$N[ ]" ./devices.list >> devlist.txt
+ rm -f /tmp/ossman.txt
+ if test -f $SRCDIR/kernel/drv/$N/$
+ then
+ sed "s:CONFIGFILEPATH:$OSSLIBDIR/conf:g" < $SRCDIR/kernel/drv/$N/$ > /tmp/ossman.txt
+ $TXT2MAN -t "$CMD" -v "OSS Devices" -s 7 /tmp/ossman.txt|gzip -9 > prototype/usr/share/man/man7/$N.7.gz
+ else
+ if test -f $SRCDIR/kernel/nonfree/drv/$N/$
+ then
+ sed "s:CONFIGFILEPATH:$OSSLIBDIR/conf:g" < $SRCDIR/kernel/nonfree/drv/$N/$ > /tmp/ossman.txt
+ $TXT2MAN -t "$CMD" -v "OSS Devices" -s 7 $SRCDIR/kernel/nonfree/drv/$N/$|gzip -9 > prototype/usr/share/man/man7/$N.7.gz
+ fi
+ fi
+sed "s:CONFIGFILEPATH:$OSSLIBDIR/conf:g" < $SRCDIR/kernel/drv/osscore/ > /tmp/ossman.txt
+$TXT2MAN -t "osscore" -v "OSS Devices" -s 7 /tmp/ossman.txt|gzip -9 > prototype/usr/share/man/man7/osscore.7.gz
+rm -f /tmp/ossman.txt
+cp .version prototype/$OSSLIBDIR/version.dat
+# Licensing stuff
+if test -f $SRCDIR/4front-private/osslic.c
+ cc -o prototype/usr/sbin/osslic -Isetup -Ikernel/nonfree/include -Ikernel/framework/include -Iinclude -Ikernel/OS/FreeBSD -I$SRCDIR $SRCDIR/4front-private/osslic.c
+ strip prototype/usr/sbin/osslic
+ BITS=3 # Default to 32 bit ELF format
+ if test "`uname -m` " = "amd64 "
+ then
+ BITS=6 # Use 64 bit ELF format
+ fi
+ prototype/usr/sbin/osslic -q -u -$BITS./prototype/$OSSLIBDIR/build/osscore.lib
+if test -f 4front-private/ossupdate.c
+ #ossupdate
+ cc -I. 4front-private/ossupdate.c -s -o prototype/usr/sbin/ossupdate
+chmod 700 prototype/usr/sbin/*
+chmod 755 prototype/usr/bin/*
+chmod 700 prototype/$OSSLIBDIR
+(cd prototype;ls usr/sbin/* usr/bin/* etc/* usr/share/man/man*/*) > prototype/$OSSLIBDIR/sysfiles.list
+exit 0