path: root/src/pmchart/pmchart.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/pmchart/pmchart.cpp')
1 files changed, 909 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/pmchart/pmchart.cpp b/src/pmchart/pmchart.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c80c6f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/pmchart/pmchart.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,909 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2012-2014, Red Hat.
+ * Copyright (c) 2006, Ken McDonell. All Rights Reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2006-2009, Aconex. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+ * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
+ * option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+ * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+ * for more details.
+ */
+#include <QtCore/QUrl>
+#include <QtCore/QTimer>
+#include <QtCore/QLibraryInfo>
+#include <QtGui/QDesktopServices>
+#include <QtGui/QDesktopWidget>
+#include <QtGui/QApplication>
+#include <QtGui/QPrintDialog>
+#include <QtGui/QMessageBox>
+#include <QtGui/QWhatsThis>
+#include <QtGui/QPainter>
+#include "main.h"
+#include "pmchart.h"
+#include "aboutdialog.h"
+#include "chartdialog.h"
+#include "exportdialog.h"
+#include "infodialog.h"
+#include "openviewdialog.h"
+#include "recorddialog.h"
+#include "searchdialog.h"
+#include "samplesdialog.h"
+#include "saveviewdialog.h"
+#include "seealsodialog.h"
+#include "settingsdialog.h"
+#include "tabdialog.h"
+#include "statusbar.h"
+PmChart::PmChart() : QMainWindow(NULL)
+ my.dialogsSetup = false;
+ setIconSize(QSize(22, 22));
+ setupUi(this);
+ my.statusBar = new StatusBar;
+ setStatusBar(my.statusBar);
+ connect(my.statusBar->timeFrame(), SIGNAL(clicked()),
+ this, SLOT(editSamples()));
+ connect(my.statusBar->timeButton(), SIGNAL(clicked()),
+ this, SLOT(optionsShowTimeControl()));
+ my.timeAxisRightAlign = toolBar->height();
+ toolBar->setAllowedAreas(Qt::RightToolBarArea | Qt::TopToolBarArea);
+ connect(toolBar, SIGNAL(orientationChanged(Qt::Orientation)),
+ this, SLOT(updateToolbarOrientation(Qt::Orientation)));
+ updateToolbarLocation();
+ setupEnabledActionsList();
+ if (!globalSettings.initialToolbar && !outfile)
+ toolBar->hide();
+ toolbarAction->setChecked(true);
+ my.toolbarHidden = !globalSettings.initialToolbar;
+ my.consoleHidden = true;
+ if (!pmDebug)
+ consoleAction->setVisible(false);
+ consoleAction->setChecked(false);
+ if (outfile)
+ QTimer::singleShot(0, this, SLOT(exportFile()));
+ else
+ QTimer::singleShot(PmChart::defaultTimeout(), this, SLOT(timeout()));
+void PmChart::languageChange()
+ retranslateUi(this);
+void PmChart::init(void)
+ my.statusBar->init();
+void PmChart::setupDialogs(void)
+ // In order to speed startup times, we delay creation of these
+ // global dialogs until after the main window is displayed. We
+ // do NOT delay until the very last minute, otherwise we start
+ // to hit the same problem with the dialogs (if we create them
+ // on-demand there's a noticable delay after action selected).
+ if (my.dialogsSetup)
+ return;
+ = new InfoDialog(this);
+ = new SearchDialog(this);
+ my.newtab = new TabDialog(this);
+ my.edittab = new TabDialog(this);
+ my.samples = new SamplesDialog(this);
+ my.exporter = new ExportDialog(this);
+ my.newchart = new ChartDialog(this);
+ my.openview = new OpenViewDialog(this);
+ my.saveview = new SaveViewDialog(this);
+ my.settings = new SettingsDialog(this);
+ connect(my.newtab->buttonOk, SIGNAL(clicked()),
+ this, SLOT(acceptNewTab()));
+ connect(my.edittab->buttonOk, SIGNAL(clicked()),
+ this, SLOT(acceptEditTab()));
+ connect(my.samples->buttonOk, SIGNAL(clicked()),
+ this, SLOT(acceptEditSamples()));
+ connect(my.exporter->buttonOk, SIGNAL(clicked()),
+ this, SLOT(acceptExport()));
+ my.dialogsSetup = true;
+void PmChart::quit()
+ // End any processes we may have started and close any open dialogs
+ if (my.dialogsSetup) {
+ }
+ if (pmtime)
+ pmtime->quit();
+ unsetenv("PCP_STDERR");
+ putenv("PCP_STDERR=");
+ pmflush();
+void PmChart::setValueText(QString &string)
+ my.statusBar->setValueText(string);
+ QTimer::singleShot(PmChart::defaultTimeout(), this, SLOT(timeout()));
+void PmChart::timeout()
+ my.statusBar->clearValueText();
+void PmChart::closeEvent(QCloseEvent *)
+ quit();
+void PmChart::enableUi(void)
+ bool haveTabs = (chartTabWidget->size() > 1);
+ bool haveCharts = (activeTab()->gadgetCount() > 0);
+ bool haveLoggers = (activeTab()->isRecording());
+ bool haveLiveHosts = (!activeTab()->isArchiveSource() && !Lflag);
+ closeTabAction->setEnabled(haveTabs);
+ fileSaveViewAction->setEnabled(haveCharts);
+ fileExportAction->setEnabled(haveCharts);
+ filePrintAction->setEnabled(haveCharts);
+ editChartAction->setEnabled(haveCharts);
+ closeChartAction->setEnabled(haveCharts);
+ recordStartAction->setEnabled(haveCharts && haveLiveHosts && !haveLoggers);
+ recordQueryAction->setEnabled(haveLoggers);
+ recordStopAction->setEnabled(haveLoggers);
+ recordDetachAction->setEnabled(haveLoggers);
+ zoomInAction->setEnabled(activeGroup->visibleHistory() > minimumPoints());
+ zoomOutAction->setEnabled(activeGroup->visibleHistory() < maximumPoints());
+void PmChart::updateBackground(void)
+ liveGroup->updateBackground();
+ archiveGroup->updateBackground();
+int PmChart::defaultFontSize()
+#if defined(IS_DARWIN)
+ return 9;
+#elif defined(IS_MINGW)
+ return 8;
+ return 7;
+void PmChart::updateHeight(int adjustment)
+ QSize newSize = size();
+ int ideal = newSize.height() + adjustment; // may be negative
+ int sized = QApplication::desktop()->availableGeometry().height();
+ console->post(PmChart::DebugUi,
+ "updateHeight() oldsize h=%d,w=%d maximum=%d proposed=%d",
+ newSize.height(), newSize.width(), sized, ideal);
+ if (ideal > sized)
+ ideal = sized;
+ newSize.setHeight(ideal);
+ resize(newSize);
+void PmChart::updateToolbarLocation()
+ if (globalSettings.toolbarLocation)
+ addToolBar(Qt::RightToolBarArea, toolBar);
+ else
+ addToolBar(Qt::TopToolBarArea, toolBar);
+ setUnifiedTitleAndToolBarOnMac(globalSettings.nativeToolbar);
+void PmChart::updateToolbarOrientation(Qt::Orientation orientation)
+ my.statusBar->setTimeAxisRightAlignment(
+ orientation == Qt::Vertical ? my.timeAxisRightAlign : 0);
+void PmChart::setButtonState(QedTimeButton::State state)
+ my.statusBar->timeButton()->setButtonState(state);
+void PmChart::step(bool live, QmcTime::Packet *packet)
+ if (live)
+ liveGroup->step(packet);
+ else
+ archiveGroup->step(packet);
+void PmChart::VCRMode(bool live, QmcTime::Packet *packet, bool drag)
+ if (live)
+ liveGroup->VCRMode(packet, drag);
+ else
+ archiveGroup->VCRMode(packet, drag);
+void PmChart::timeZone(bool live, QmcTime::Packet *packet, char *tzdata)
+ if (live)
+ liveGroup->setTimezone(packet, tzdata);
+ else
+ archiveGroup->setTimezone(packet, tzdata);
+void PmChart::setStyle(char *newlook)
+ QApplication::setStyle(newlook);
+void PmChart::fileOpenView()
+ setupDialogs();
+ my.openview->reset();
+ my.openview->show();
+void PmChart::fileSaveView()
+ // If we have one host only, we default to "host dynamic" views.
+ // Otherwise (multiple hosts), default to explicit host names.
+ int i, ngadgets = activeTab()->gadgetCount();
+ bool hostDynamic = true;
+ for (i = 0; i < ngadgets; i++) {
+ Gadget *gadget = activeTab()->gadget(i);
+ if (gadget->hosts().size() > 1)
+ hostDynamic = false;
+ }
+ setupDialogs();
+ my.saveview->reset(hostDynamic);
+ my.saveview->show();
+void PmChart::fileExport()
+ setupDialogs();
+ my.exporter->reset();
+ my.exporter->show();
+void PmChart::acceptExport()
+ my.exporter->flush();
+void PmChart::filePrint()
+ QPrinter printer;
+ QString creator = QString("pmchart Version ");
+ creator.append(pmGetConfig("PCP_VERSION"));
+ printer.setCreator(creator);
+ printer.setOrientation(QPrinter::Portrait);
+ printer.setDocName("pmchart.pdf");
+ QPrintDialog print(&printer, (QWidget *)this);
+ if (print.exec()) {
+ QPainter qp(&printer);
+ painter(&qp, printer.width(), printer.height(), false, false);
+ }
+void PmChart::updateFont(const QString &family, const QString &style, int size)
+ int i, ngadgets = activeTab()->gadgetCount();
+ globalFont->setFamily(family);
+ globalFont->setPointSize(size);
+ globalFont->setStyle(QFont::StyleNormal);
+ if (style.contains("Italic"))
+ globalFont->setItalic(true);
+ if (globalSettings.fontStyle.contains("Bold"))
+ globalFont->setBold(true);
+ for (i = 0; i < ngadgets; i++)
+ activeTab()->gadget(i)->resetFont();
+ my.statusBar->resetFont();
+void PmChart::painter(QPainter *qp, int pw, int ph, bool transparent, bool currentOnly)
+ double scale_h = 0;
+ double scale_w = 0;
+ int i, ngadgets = activeTab()->gadgetCount();
+ QSize size;
+ QRect rect; // used for print layout calculations
+ qp->setFont(*globalFont);
+ console->post("painter() pw=%d ph=%d ngadgets=%d", pw, ph, ngadgets);
+ for (i = 0; i < ngadgets; i++) {
+ Gadget *gadget = activeTab()->gadget(i);
+ if (currentOnly && gadget != activeTab()->currentGadget())
+ continue;
+ size = gadget->size();
+ console->post(" [%d] w=%d h=%d", i, size.width(), size.height());
+ if (size.width() > scale_w) scale_w = size.width();
+ scale_h += size.height();
+ }
+ console->post(" final_w=%d final_h=%d", (int)scale_w, (int)scale_h);
+ // timeaxis is _always_ less narrow than the plot(s)
+ // datelabel is _never_ wider than the timeaxis
+ // so width calculation is done, just need to consider the heights
+ size = my.statusBar->timeAxis()->size();
+ console->post(" timeaxis w=%d h=%d", size.width(), size.height());
+ scale_h += size.height() - TIMEAXISFUDGE;
+ size = my.statusBar->dateLabel()->size();
+ console->post(" datelabel w=%d h=%d", size.width(), size.height());
+ scale_h += size.height();
+ console->post(" final_w=%d final_h=%d", (int)scale_w, (int)scale_h);
+ if (scale_w/pw > scale_h/ph) {
+ // window width drives scaling
+ scale_w = pw / scale_w;
+ scale_h = scale_w;
+ }
+ else {
+ // window height drives scaling
+ scale_h = ph / scale_h;
+ scale_w = scale_h;
+ }
+ console->post(" final chart scale_w=%.2f scale_h=%.2f", scale_w, scale_h);
+ rect.setX(0);
+ rect.setY(0);
+ for (i = 0; i < ngadgets; i++) {
+ Gadget *gadget = activeTab()->gadget(i);
+ if (currentOnly && gadget != activeTab()->currentGadget())
+ continue;
+ size = gadget->size();
+ rect.setWidth((int)(size.width()*scale_w+0.5));
+ rect.setHeight((int)(size.height()*scale_h+0.5));
+ console->post(" [%d] @ (%d,%d) w=%d h=%d", i, rect.x(), rect.y(), rect.width(), rect.height());
+ gadget->print(qp, rect, transparent);
+ rect.setY(rect.y()+rect.height());
+ }
+ // time axis
+ rect.setY(rect.y() - TIMEAXISFUDGE);
+ size = my.statusBar->timeAxis()->size();
+ rect.setX(pw-(int)(size.width()*scale_w+0.5));
+ rect.setWidth((int)(size.width()*scale_w+0.5));
+ rect.setHeight((int)(size.height()*scale_h+0.5));
+ console->post(" timeaxis @ (%d,%d) w=%d h=%d", rect.x(), rect.y(), rect.width(), rect.height());
+ my.statusBar->timeAxis()->print(qp, rect, transparent);
+ rect.setY(rect.y()+rect.height());
+ // date label below time axis
+ size = my.statusBar->dateLabel()->size();
+ rect.setX(pw-(int)(size.width()*scale_w+0.5));
+ rect.setWidth((int)(size.width()*scale_w+0.5));
+ rect.setHeight((int)(size.height()*scale_h+0.5));
+ console->post(" datelabel @ (%d,%d) w=%d h=%d", rect.x(), rect.y(), rect.width(), rect.height());
+ qp->drawText(rect, Qt::AlignRight, my.statusBar->dateText());
+void PmChart::fileQuit()
+ QApplication::exit(0);
+void PmChart::helpManual()
+ bool ok;
+ QString documents("file://");
+ QString separator = QString(__pmPathSeparator());
+ documents.append(pmGetConfig("PCP_HTML_DIR"));
+ documents.append(separator).append("index.html");
+ ok = QDesktopServices::openUrl(QUrl(documents, QUrl::TolerantMode));
+ if (!ok) {
+ documents.prepend("Failed to open:\n");
+ QMessageBox::warning(this, pmProgname, documents);
+ }
+void PmChart::helpAbout()
+ AboutDialog about(this);
+ about.exec();
+void PmChart::helpAboutQt()
+ QApplication::aboutQt();
+void PmChart::helpSeeAlso()
+ SeeAlsoDialog seealso(this);
+ seealso.exec();
+void PmChart::whatsThis()
+ QWhatsThis::enterWhatsThisMode();
+void PmChart::optionsShowTimeControl()
+ if (activeTab()->isArchiveSource())
+ pmtime->showArchiveTimeControl();
+ else
+ pmtime->showLiveTimeControl();
+void PmChart::optionsHideTimeControl()
+ if (activeTab()->isArchiveSource())
+ pmtime->hideArchiveTimeControl();
+ else
+ pmtime->hideLiveTimeControl();
+void PmChart::optionsToolbar()
+ if (my.toolbarHidden)
+ toolBar->show();
+ else
+ toolBar->hide();
+ my.toolbarHidden = !my.toolbarHidden;
+void PmChart::optionsConsole()
+ if (pmDebug) {
+ if (my.consoleHidden)
+ console->show();
+ else
+ console->hide();
+ my.consoleHidden = !my.consoleHidden;
+ }
+void PmChart::optionsNewPmchart()
+ QProcess *buddy = new QProcess(this);
+ QStringList arguments;
+ QString port;
+ port.setNum(pmtime->port());
+ arguments << "-p" << port;
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < archiveGroup->numContexts(); i++) {
+ QmcSource source = archiveGroup->context(i)->source();
+ arguments << "-a" << source.source();
+ }
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < liveGroup->numContexts(); i++) {
+ QmcSource source = liveGroup->context(i)->source();
+ arguments << "-h" << source.source();
+ }
+ if (Lflag)
+ arguments << "-L";
+ buddy->start("pmchart", arguments);
+// Note: Called from both Apply and OK on New Chart dialog
+// Must only called when the changes are definately going to
+// be applied, so all input validation must be done by now.
+Chart *PmChart::acceptNewChart()
+ bool yAutoScale;
+ double yMin, yMax;
+ QString scheme;
+ int sequence;
+ Chart *cp = new Chart(activeTab(), activeTab()->splitter());
+ activeGroup->addGadget(cp);
+ activeTab()->addGadget(cp);
+ QString newTitle = my.newchart->title().trimmed();
+ if (newTitle.isEmpty() == false)
+ cp->changeTitle(newTitle, true);
+ cp->setLegendVisible(my.newchart->legend());
+ cp->setAntiAliasing(my.newchart->antiAliasing());
+ cp->setRateConvert(my.newchart->rateConvert());
+ my.newchart->updateChartPlots(cp);
+ my.newchart->scale(&yAutoScale, &yMin, &yMax);
+ cp->setScale(yAutoScale, yMin, yMax);
+ my.newchart->scheme(&scheme, &sequence);
+ cp->setScheme(scheme, sequence);
+ activeGroup->setupWorldView();
+ activeTab()->showGadgets();
+ enableUi();
+ return cp;
+void PmChart::fileNewChart()
+ setupDialogs();
+ my.newchart->reset();
+ my.newchart->show();
+void PmChart::editChart()
+ Chart *cp = (Chart *)activeTab()->currentGadget();
+ setupDialogs();
+ my.newchart->reset(cp);
+ my.newchart->show();
+void PmChart::acceptEditChart()
+ bool yAutoScale;
+ double yMin, yMax;
+ QString scheme;
+ int sequence;
+ Chart *cp = my.newchart->chart();
+ QString editTitle = my.newchart->title().trimmed();
+ if (editTitle.isEmpty() == false && editTitle != cp->title())
+ cp->changeTitle(editTitle, true);
+ cp->setLegendVisible(my.newchart->legend());
+ cp->setAntiAliasing(my.newchart->antiAliasing());
+ cp->setRateConvert(my.newchart->rateConvert());
+ my.newchart->scale(&yAutoScale, &yMin, &yMax);
+ cp->setScale(yAutoScale, yMin, yMax);
+ my.newchart->updateChartPlots(cp);
+ my.newchart->scheme(&scheme, &sequence);
+ cp->setScheme(scheme, sequence);
+ cp->replot();
+ cp->show();
+ enableUi();
+void PmChart::closeChart()
+ activeTab()->deleteCurrent();
+ enableUi();
+void PmChart::metricInfo(QString src, QString m, QString inst, int srcType)
+ setupDialogs();
+>reset(src, m, inst, srcType);
+void PmChart::metricSearch(QTreeWidget *pmns)
+ setupDialogs();
+void PmChart::editSamples()
+ int samples = activeGroup->sampleHistory();
+ int visible = activeGroup->visibleHistory();
+ setupDialogs();
+ my.samples->reset(samples, visible);
+ my.samples->show();
+void PmChart::acceptEditSamples()
+ activeGroup->setSampleHistory(my.samples->samples());
+ activeGroup->setVisibleHistory(my.samples->visible());
+ activeGroup->setupWorldView();
+ activeTab()->showGadgets();
+void PmChart::editTab()
+ setupDialogs();
+ my.edittab->reset(chartTabWidget->tabText(chartTabWidget->currentIndex()),
+ activeGroup->isArchiveSource() == false);
+ my.edittab->show();
+void PmChart::acceptEditTab()
+ QString label = my.edittab->label();
+ chartTabWidget->setTabText(chartTabWidget->currentIndex(), label);
+void PmChart::createNewTab(bool live)
+ setupDialogs();
+ my.newtab->reset(QString::null, live);
+ my.newtab->show();
+void PmChart::addTab()
+ createNewTab(isArchiveTab() == false);
+void PmChart::acceptNewTab()
+ Tab *tab = new Tab;
+ QString label = my.newtab->labelLineEdit->text().trimmed();
+ if (my.newtab->isArchiveSource())
+ tab->init(chartTabWidget, archiveGroup, label);
+ else
+ tab->init(chartTabWidget, liveGroup, label);
+ chartTabWidget->insertTab(tab);
+ enableUi();
+void PmChart::addActiveTab(Tab *tab)
+ chartTabWidget->insertTab(tab);
+ setActiveTab(chartTabWidget->size() - 1, true);
+ enableUi();
+void PmChart::zoomIn()
+ int visible = activeGroup->visibleHistory();
+ int samples = activeGroup->sampleHistory();
+ int decrease = qMax(qMin((int)((double)samples / 10), visible/2), 1);
+ console->post("zoomIn: vis=%d s=%d dec=%d\n", visible, samples, decrease);
+ visible = qMax(visible - decrease, minimumPoints());
+ activeGroup->setVisibleHistory(visible);
+ activeGroup->setupWorldView();
+ activeTab()->showGadgets();
+ zoomInAction->setEnabled(visible > minimumPoints());
+ zoomOutAction->setEnabled(visible < samples);
+void PmChart::zoomOut()
+ int visible = activeGroup->visibleHistory();
+ int samples = activeGroup->sampleHistory();
+ int increase = qMax(qMin((int)((double)samples / 10), visible/2), 1);
+ console->post("zoomOut: vis=%d s=%d dec=%d\n", visible, samples, increase);
+ visible = qMin(visible + increase, samples);
+ activeGroup->setVisibleHistory(visible);
+ activeGroup->setupWorldView();
+ activeTab()->showGadgets();
+ zoomInAction->setEnabled(visible > minimumPoints());
+ zoomOutAction->setEnabled(visible < samples);
+bool PmChart::isTabRecording()
+ return activeTab()->isRecording();
+bool PmChart::isArchiveTab()
+ return activeTab()->isArchiveSource();
+void PmChart::closeTab()
+ int index = chartTabWidget->currentIndex();
+ chartTabWidget->removeTab(index);
+ if (index > 0)
+ index--;
+ setActiveTab(index, false);
+ enableUi();
+void PmChart::setActiveTab(int index, bool redisplay)
+ console->post("PmChart::setActiveTab index=%d r=%d", index, redisplay);
+ if (chartTabWidget->setActiveTab(index) == true)
+ activeGroup = archiveGroup;
+ else
+ activeGroup = liveGroup;
+ activeGroup->updateTimeButton();
+ activeGroup->updateTimeAxis();
+ if (redisplay)
+ chartTabWidget->setCurrentIndex(index);
+void PmChart::activeTabChanged(int index)
+ if (index < chartTabWidget->size())
+ setActiveTab(index, false);
+ enableUi();
+void PmChart::editSettings()
+ setupDialogs();
+ my.settings->reset();
+ my.settings->show();
+void PmChart::setDateLabel(time_t seconds, QString tz)
+ char datestring[32];
+ QString label;
+ if (seconds) {
+ pmCtime(&seconds, datestring);
+ label = tr(datestring);
+ label.remove(10, 9);
+ label.replace(15, 1, " ");
+ label.append(tz);
+ }
+ else {
+ label = tr("");
+ }
+ my.statusBar->setDateText(label);
+void PmChart::setDateLabel(QString label)
+ my.statusBar->setDateText(label);
+void PmChart::setRecordState(bool record)
+ liveGroup->newButtonState(liveGroup->pmtimeState(),
+ QmcTime::NormalMode, record);
+ setButtonState(liveGroup->buttonState());
+ enableUi();
+void PmChart::recordStart()
+ if (activeTab()->startRecording())
+ setRecordState(true);
+void PmChart::recordStop()
+ activeTab()->stopRecording();
+void PmChart::recordQuery()
+ activeTab()->queryRecording();
+void PmChart::recordDetach()
+ activeTab()->detachLoggers();
+QList<QAction*> PmChart::toolbarActionsList()
+ return my.toolbarActionsList;
+QList<QAction*> PmChart::enabledActionsList()
+ return my.enabledActionsList;
+void PmChart::setupEnabledActionsList()
+ // ToolbarActionsList is a list of all Actions available.
+ // The SeparatorsList contains Actions that are group "breaks", and
+ // which must be followed by a separator (if they are not the final
+ // action in the toolbar, of course).
+ // Finally the enabledActionsList lists the default enabled Actions.
+ my.toolbarActionsList << fileNewChartAction
+ << editChartAction << closeChartAction;
+ my.toolbarActionsList << fileOpenViewAction << fileSaveViewAction;
+ addSeparatorAction(); // end of chart/view group
+ my.toolbarActionsList << fileExportAction << filePrintAction;
+ addSeparatorAction(); // end exported formats
+ my.toolbarActionsList << addTabAction << editTabAction << closeTabAction;
+ my.toolbarActionsList << zoomInAction << zoomOutAction;
+ addSeparatorAction(); // end tab group
+ my.toolbarActionsList << recordStartAction << recordStopAction;
+ addSeparatorAction(); // end recording group
+ my.toolbarActionsList << editSettingsAction;
+ addSeparatorAction(); // end settings group
+ my.toolbarActionsList << showTimeControlAction << hideTimeControlAction
+ << newPmchartAction;
+ addSeparatorAction(); // end other processes
+ my.toolbarActionsList << helpManualAction << helpWhatsThisAction;
+ // needs to match pmchart.ui
+ my.enabledActionsList << fileNewChartAction << fileOpenViewAction
+ // separator
+ << zoomInAction << zoomOutAction
+ // separator
+ << fileExportAction
+ // separator
+ << showTimeControlAction << newPmchartAction;
+ if (globalSettings.toolbarActions.size() > 0) {
+ setEnabledActionsList(globalSettings.toolbarActions, false);
+ updateToolbarContents();
+ }
+void PmChart::addSeparatorAction()
+ int index = my.toolbarActionsList.size() - 1;
+ my.separatorsList <<;
+void PmChart::updateToolbarContents()
+ bool needSeparator = false;
+ toolBar->clear();
+ for (int i = 0; i < my.toolbarActionsList.size(); i++) {
+ QAction *action =;
+ if (my.enabledActionsList.contains(action)) {
+ toolBar->addAction(action);
+ if (needSeparator) {
+ toolBar->insertSeparator(action);
+ needSeparator = false;
+ }
+ }
+ if (my.separatorsList.contains(action))
+ needSeparator = true;
+ }
+void PmChart::setEnabledActionsList(QStringList tools, bool redisplay)
+ my.enabledActionsList.clear();
+ for (int i = 0; i < my.toolbarActionsList.size(); i++) {
+ QAction *action =;
+ if (tools.contains(action->iconText()))
+ my.enabledActionsList.append(action);
+ }
+ if (redisplay) {
+ my.toolbarHidden = (my.enabledActionsList.size() == 0);
+ toolbarAction->setChecked(my.toolbarHidden);
+ if (my.toolbarHidden)
+ toolBar->hide();
+ else
+ toolBar->show();
+ }
+void PmChart::newScheme()
+ my.settings->newScheme();
+void PmChart::newScheme(QString cs)
+ my.newchart->setCurrentScheme(cs);
+ my.newchart->setupSchemeComboBox();
+void PmChart::exportFile()
+ int sts = ExportDialog::exportFile(outfile, outgeometry, Wflag == 0);
+ QApplication::exit(sts);