path: root/src/pmdas/dtsrun/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/pmdas/dtsrun/')
1 files changed, 341 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/pmdas/dtsrun/ b/src/pmdas/dtsrun/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9d09d6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/pmdas/dtsrun/
@@ -0,0 +1,341 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2009 Aconex. All Rights Reserved.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+# Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
+# option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+# or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+# for more details.
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use PCP::PMDA;
+use Time::Local;
+my $pmda = PCP::PMDA->new('dtsrun', 102);
+my ( $package, $package_starttime, $instance_refresh );
+my $package_indom = 0; # instance domain for DTS package
+my @package_instances = ();
+my ( $step, $step_starttime );
+my $steps_indom = 1; # instance domain for DTS package steps
+my @steps_instances = ();
+use vars qw ( %lastpkg_times %lastpkg_stamp %allpkgs_times %allpkgs_count
+ %laststep_times %laststep_stamp %laststep_offset
+ %laststep_status %laststep_message %allsteps_times
+ %allsteps_count %allsteps_errors %allpkgs_delta
+ %packages %steps
+ );
+sub parsetime
+ shift;
+ #$pmda->log("parsetime got dtsrun timestamp: $_");
+ m|(\d+)/(\d+)/(\d+) (\d+):(\d+):(\d+) (\w+)|;
+ my ($mm, $dd, $year, $hr, $min, $sec, $ampm) = ($1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7);
+ $hr += 12 unless ($ampm eq 'AM');
+ $hr -= 1; # range 0..23 (hours)
+ $mm -= 1; # range 0..11 (months)
+ my $tm = timelocal($sec,$min,$hr,$dd,$mm,$year);
+ return $tm;
+sub dtsrun_parser
+ ( undef, $_ ) = @_;
+ s/\r//g; # cull Windows line endings
+ #$pmda->log("dtsrun_parser got line: $_");
+ if (/^Step '(\S+)' (.*)/) {
+ $step = "$package/$1";
+ if (defined($steps{$step})) {
+ $allsteps_count{$step}++;
+ } else { # new step instance
+ $steps{$step} = 1;
+ $allsteps_times{$step} = 0;
+ $allsteps_count{$step} = 1;
+ $allsteps_errors{$step} = 0;
+ $laststep_times{$step} = 0;
+ $laststep_stamp{$step} = '';
+ $laststep_offset{$step} = 0;
+ $laststep_status{$step} = -1;
+ $laststep_message{$step} = '';
+ $instance_refresh = 1;
+ }
+ if ($2 eq 'succeeded') {
+ $laststep_status{$step} = 0;
+ } else {
+ $laststep_status{$step} = -1;
+ $allsteps_errors{$step}++;
+ }
+ $laststep_message{$step} = $2;
+ }
+ elsif (/^Step Execution Started: (.*)/) {
+ $step_starttime = parsetime($1);
+ $laststep_stamp{$step} = $1;
+ $laststep_offset{$step} = $step_starttime - $package_starttime;
+ }
+ elsif (/^Total Step Execution Time: (\S+) seconds/) {
+ $laststep_times{$step} = $1;
+ $allsteps_times{$step} += $1;
+ }
+ elsif (/^Package Name: (\w+)/) {
+ $package = $1;
+ if (defined($packages{$package})) {
+ $allpkgs_count{$package}++;
+ } else { # new package instance
+ $packages{$package} = 1;
+ $allpkgs_delta{$package} = 0;
+ $allpkgs_times{$package} = 0;
+ $allpkgs_count{$package} = 1;
+ $lastpkg_times{$package} = 0;
+ $lastpkg_stamp{$package} = '';
+ $instance_refresh = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ elsif (/^Execution Started: (.*)/) {
+ my $latest = parsetime($1);
+ if (defined($package_starttime) && $package_starttime >= 0) {
+ $allpkgs_delta{$package} = $latest - $package_starttime;
+ } else {
+ $allpkgs_delta{$package} = -1;
+ }
+ $package_starttime = $latest;
+ $lastpkg_stamp{$package} = $1;
+ }
+ elsif (/^Total Execution Time: (\S+) seconds/) {
+ $lastpkg_times{$package} = $1;
+ $allpkgs_times{$package} += $1;
+ }
+ elsif (/^\*\*\*/) {
+ # end section, cleanup global state
+ undef $step;
+ undef $package;
+ }
+sub dtsrun_instance
+ my ( $pkgcount, $stepcount );
+ #$pmda->log("dtsrun_instance");
+ return unless (defined($instance_refresh) && $instance_refresh);
+ @package_instances = ();
+ @steps_instances = ();
+ $pkgcount = $stepcount = 0;
+ foreach my $pkgname (keys(%packages)) {
+ push @package_instances, $pkgcount++, $pkgname;
+ foreach my $stepname (sort keys(%steps)) {
+ push @steps_instances, $stepcount++, $stepname;
+ }
+ }
+ #$pmda->log("dtsrun_instance: $pkgcount packages, $stepcount steps");
+ $pmda->replace_indom($package_indom, \@package_instances);
+ $pmda->replace_indom($steps_indom, \@steps_instances);
+ $instance_refresh = 0;
+sub dtsrun_fetch_callback
+ my ($cluster, $item, $inst) = @_;
+ my $instance;
+ #$pmda->log("dtsrun_fetch_callback for PMID: $cluster.$item ($inst)");
+ if ($inst == PM_IN_NULL) { return (PM_ERR_INST, 0); }
+ if ($cluster == 0 || $cluster == 1 || $cluster == 4) {
+ $instance = pmda_inst_name($package_indom, $inst);
+ } else {
+ $instance = pmda_inst_name($steps_indom, $inst);
+ }
+ if (!defined($instance)) { return (PM_ERR_INST, 0); }
+ #$pmda->log("dtsrun_fetch_callback using instance $instance");
+ if ($cluster == 0) {
+ # dtsrun.package.last.time
+ if ($item == 0) { return ($lastpkg_times{$instance}, 1); }
+ # dtsrun.package.last.timestamp
+ elsif ($item == 1) { return ($lastpkg_stamp{$instance}, 1); }
+ }
+ elsif ($cluster == 1) {
+ #
+ if ($item == 0) { return ($allpkgs_times{$instance}, 1); }
+ #
+ elsif ($item == 1) { return ($allpkgs_count{$instance}, 1); }
+ }
+ elsif ($cluster == 2) {
+ # dtsrun.package.steps.last.time
+ if ($item == 0) { return ($laststep_times{$instance}, 1); }
+ # dtsrun.package.steps.last.timestamp
+ if ($item == 1) { return ($laststep_stamp{$instance}, 1); }
+ # dtsrun.package.steps.last.offset
+ if ($item == 2) { return ($laststep_offset{$instance}, 1); }
+ # dtsrun.package.steps.last.status
+ if ($item == 3) { return ($laststep_status{$instance}, 1); }
+ # dtsrun.package.steps.last.message
+ if ($item == 4) { return ($laststep_message{$instance}, 1); }
+ }
+ elsif ($cluster == 3) {
+ #
+ if ($item == 0) { return ($allsteps_times{$instance}, 1); }
+ #
+ if ($item == 1) { return ($allsteps_count{$instance}, 1); }
+ #
+ if ($item == 2) { return ($allsteps_errors{$instance}, 1); }
+ }
+ elsif ($cluster == 4) {
+ # dtsrun.package.interval
+ if ($item == 0) { return ($allpkgs_delta{$instance}, 1); }
+ }
+ return (PM_ERR_PMID, 0);
+sub dtsrun_setup_metrics
+ $pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(0,0), PM_TYPE_FLOAT, $package_indom,
+ PM_SEM_INSTANT, pmda_units(0,1,0,0,PM_TIME_SEC,0),
+ 'dtsrun.package.lastrun.time', '',
+ 'Time taken for DTS package to complete the last time it was run');
+ $pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(0,1), PM_TYPE_STRING, $package_indom,
+ PM_SEM_INSTANT, pmda_units(0,0,0,0,0,0),
+ 'dtsrun.package.lastrun.timestamp', '',
+ 'Time stamp (string) of the last package run for each DTS package');
+ $pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(1,0), PM_TYPE_FLOAT, $package_indom,
+ PM_SEM_COUNTER, pmda_units(0,1,0,0,PM_TIME_SEC,0),
+ '', '',
+ 'Cumulative time taken to date for all DTS package runs.');
+ $pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(1,1), PM_TYPE_U32, $package_indom,
+ PM_SEM_COUNTER, pmda_units(0,0,1,0,0,PM_COUNT_ONE),
+ '', '',
+ 'Cumulative count of all DTS package runs to date.');
+ $pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(2,0), PM_TYPE_U32, $steps_indom,
+ PM_SEM_INSTANT, pmda_units(0,1,0,0,PM_TIME_SEC,0),
+ 'dtsrun.package.steps.last.time', '',
+ 'Time taken to complete the last iteration of each step.');
+ $pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(2,1), PM_TYPE_STRING, $steps_indom,
+ PM_SEM_INSTANT, pmda_units(0,0,0,0,0,0),
+ 'dtsrun.package.steps.last.timestamp', '',
+ 'Time of completion of the last iteration of each step.');
+ $pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(2,2), PM_TYPE_U32, $steps_indom,
+ PM_SEM_INSTANT, pmda_units(0,1,0,0,PM_TIME_SEC,0),
+ 'dtsrun.package.steps.last.offset', '',
+ 'Offset from package start time for this step, in seconds.');
+ $pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(2,3), PM_TYPE_32, $steps_indom,
+ PM_SEM_INSTANT, pmda_units(0,0,0,0,0,0),
+ 'dtsrun.package.steps.last.status', '',
+ 'Indicator of success (0) or failure of last run for each step.');
+ $pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(2,4), PM_TYPE_STRING, $steps_indom,
+ PM_SEM_INSTANT, pmda_units(0,0,0,0,0,0),
+ 'dtsrun.package.steps.last.message', '',
+ 'Message string used to determine status of last run for each step.');
+ $pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(3,0), PM_TYPE_FLOAT, $steps_indom,
+ PM_SEM_COUNTER, pmda_units(0,1,0,0,PM_TIME_SEC,0),
+ '', '',
+ 'Cumulative count of time taken for runs of each DTS package step.');
+ $pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(3,1), PM_TYPE_U32, $steps_indom,
+ PM_SEM_COUNTER, pmda_units(0,0,1,0,0,PM_COUNT_ONE),
+ '', '',
+ 'Cumulative count of runs of each DTS package step.');
+ $pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(3,2), PM_TYPE_U32, $steps_indom,
+ PM_SEM_COUNTER, pmda_units(0,0,1,0,0,PM_COUNT_ONE),
+ '', '',
+ 'Cumulative count of errors observed for each DTS package step.');
+ $pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(4,0), PM_TYPE_32, $package_indom,
+ PM_SEM_INSTANT, pmda_units(0,1,0,0,PM_TIME_SEC,0),
+ 'dtsrun.package.interval', '',
+ 'Time between consecutive observations of each DTS package run. Unknown is -1.');
+sub dtsrun_setup_instances
+ $package_indom = $pmda->add_indom($package_indom, [], '', '');
+ $steps_indom = $pmda->add_indom($steps_indom, [], '', '');
+my $logfile = '';
+if (!defined($ENV{PCP_PERL_PMNS} && !defined($ENV{PCP_PERL_DOMAIN}))) {
+ die "No dtsrun statistics file specified\n" unless (defined($ARGV[0]));
+ $logfile = $ARGV[0];
+ die "Cannot find a valid dtsrun statistics file\n" unless -f $logfile;
+$pmda->log("Using logfile: $logfile");
+$pmda->add_tail($logfile, \&dtsrun_parser, 0);
+=head1 NAME
+pmdadtsrun - Data Transformation Services process (dtsrun) log file PMDA
+B<pmdadtsrun> is a Performance Metrics Domain Agent (PMDA) which
+exports metric values from the DTS run executable, which is a data
+transformation server, used with SQL Server.
+Further details on DTS can be found at
+If you want access to the names and values for the dtsrun performance
+metrics, do the following as root:
+ # cd $PCP_PMDAS_DIR/dtsrun
+ # ./Install
+If you want to undo the installation, do the following as root:
+ # cd $PCP_PMDAS_DIR/dtsrun
+ # ./Remove
+B<pmdadtsrun> is launched by pmcd(1) and should never be executed
+directly. The Install and Remove scripts notify pmcd(1) when
+the agent is installed or removed.
+=head1 FILES
+=item /var/log/dtsrun.log
+log file showing status and elapsed times exported from dtsrun
+=item $PCP_PMDAS_DIR/dtsrun/Install
+installation script for the B<pmdadtsrun> agent
+=item $PCP_PMDAS_DIR/dtsrun/Remove
+undo installation script for the B<pmdadtsrun> agent
+=item $PCP_LOG_DIR/pmcd/dtsrun.log
+default log file for error messages from B<pmdadtsrun>
+=head1 SEE ALSO