path: root/src/pmdas/gluster/pmdagluster.python
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/pmdas/gluster/pmdagluster.python')
1 files changed, 337 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/pmdas/gluster/pmdagluster.python b/src/pmdas/gluster/pmdagluster.python
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..de42e0c
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+++ b/src/pmdas/gluster/pmdagluster.python
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+Performance Metrics Domain Agent exporting Gluster filesystem metrics.
+# Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Red Hat.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+# Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
+# option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+# or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+# for more details.
+import cpmapi as c_api
+from pcp.pmapi import pmUnits
+from pcp.pmda import PMDA, pmdaMetric, pmdaIndom
+from ctypes import c_int, c_long, c_float, POINTER, cast, Structure
+import xml.etree.cElementTree as xmltree
+from os import getenv
+import subprocess
+VOL_INFO_COMMAND = 'gluster --xml volume info'
+VOL_STOP_COMMAND = 'gluster --xml volume profile %s stop'
+VOL_START_COMMAND = 'gluster --xml volume profile %s start'
+VOL_STATS_COMMAND = 'gluster --xml volume profile %s info'
+FILEOPS = [ # append only, do not change the order (changes PMID)
+class GlusterVolume(Structure):
+ ''' Statistic values per-gluster-volume (volume indom cache lookup) '''
+ _fields_ = [("distCount", c_int),
+ ("stripeCount", c_int),
+ ("replicaCount", c_int),
+ ("fopHitsEnabled", c_int),
+ ("latencyEnabled", c_int)]
+class GlusterBrick(Structure):
+ ''' Statistic values per-gluster-brick, within a volume (brick indom) '''
+ _fields_ = [("mintime", c_long * len(FILEOPS)),
+ ("maxtime", c_long * len(FILEOPS)),
+ ("avgtime", c_float * len(FILEOPS)),
+ ("count", c_long * len(FILEOPS)),
+ ("read_bytes", c_long),
+ ("write_bytes", c_long)]
+class GlusterPMDA(PMDA):
+ '''
+ Performance Metrics Domain Agent exporting gluster brick metrics.
+ Install it and make basic use of it if you use glusterfs, as follows:
+ # $PCP_PMDAS_DIR/gluster/Install
+ $ pminfo -fmdtT gluster
+ '''
+ # volumes and bricks instance domains
+ volumes = {}
+ bricks = {}
+ def runVolumeInfo(self):
+ ''' Execute the gluster volume info command to extract volume names '''
+ process = subprocess.Popen(self.vol_info, shell = True,
+ stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stderr = subprocess.PIPE)
+ out, err = process.communicate()
+ # self.log('Info command %s output: %s' % (self.vol_info, out))
+ return xmltree.fromstring(out)
+ def runVolumeProfileInfo(self, volume):
+ ''' Execute gluster volume profile info command for a given volume '''
+ command = self.vol_stats % volume
+ process = subprocess.Popen(command, shell = True,
+ stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stderr = subprocess.PIPE)
+ out, err = process.communicate()
+ # self.log('Profile command %s output: %s' % (command, out))
+ return xmltree.fromstring(out)
+ def parseVolumeInfo(self, xml):
+ ''' Extract the set of volume names from given gluster XML string '''
+ volumenames = []
+ volsxml = xml.find('volInfo/volumes')
+ if volsxml == None:
+ return volumenames
+ for volxml in volsxml.findall('volume'):
+ volname = volxml.find('name').text
+ volumenames.append(volname)
+ volume = GlusterVolume()
+ volume.distCount = int(volxml.find('distCount').text)
+ volume.stripeCount = int(volxml.find('stripeCount').text)
+ volume.replicaCount = int(volxml.find('replicaCount').text)
+ volume.fopHitsEnabled = 0
+ volume.latencyEnabled = 0
+ for option in volxml.findall('options/option'):
+ name = option.find('name').text
+ value = option.find('value').text
+ if (name == 'diagnostics.count-fop-hits' and value == 'on'):
+ volume.fopHitsEnabled = 1
+ if (name == 'diagnostics.latency-measurement' and value == 'on'):
+ volume.latencyEnabled = 1
+ self.volumes[volname] = volume # prepare the volume indom cache
+ return volumenames
+ def parseVolumeProfileInfo(self, volume, xml):
+ ''' Extract the metric values from a given gluster profile string '''
+ for brickxml in xml.findall('volProfile/brick'):
+ brickname = brickxml.find('brickName').text
+ brick = GlusterBrick()
+ for fileop in brickxml.findall('cumulativeStats/fopStats/fop'):
+ name = fileop.find('name').text
+ try:
+ fop = FILEOPS_INDICES[name]
+ except KeyError:
+ # self.log('Unrecognised fileops key %s' % name)
+ pass
+ else:
+ brick.count[fop] = long(fileop.find('hits').text)
+ brick.avgtime[fop] = float(fileop.find('avgLatency').text)
+ brick.mintime[fop] = long(float(fileop.find('minLatency').text))
+ brick.maxtime[fop] = long(float(fileop.find('maxLatency').text))
+ brick.read_bytes = long(brickxml.find('cumulativeStats/totalRead').text)
+ brick.write_bytes = long(brickxml.find('cumulativeStats/totalWrite').text)
+ self.bricks[brickname] = brick # prepare the bricks indom cache
+ def gluster_refresh(self):
+ ''' Refresh the values and instances for gluster volumes and bricks '''
+ xml = self.runVolumeInfo()
+ if (xml != None):
+ for vol in self.parseVolumeInfo(xml):
+ xml = self.runVolumeProfileInfo(vol)
+ if (xml != None):
+ self.parseVolumeProfileInfo(vol, xml)
+ def gluster_instance(self, serial):
+ ''' Called once per "instance request" PDU '''
+ if (serial == 0 or serial == 1):
+ self.gluster_fetch()
+ def gluster_fetch(self):
+ ''' Called once per "fetch" PDU '''
+ self.bricks.clear()
+ self.volumes.clear()
+ self.gluster_refresh()
+ self.replace_indom(self.brick_indom, self.bricks)
+ self.replace_indom(self.volume_indom, self.volumes)
+ def gluster_fetch_thruput_callback(self, item, inst):
+ '''
+ Returns a list of value,status (single pair) for thruput cluster
+ Helper for the fetch callback
+ '''
+ if (item < 0 or item > 2):
+ return [c_api.PM_ERR_PMID, 0]
+ voidp = self.inst_lookup(self.brick_indom, inst)
+ if (voidp == None):
+ return [c_api.PM_ERR_INST, 0]
+ cache = cast(voidp, POINTER(GlusterBrick))
+ brick = cache.contents
+ if (item == 0):
+ return [brick.read_bytes, 1]
+ return [brick.write_bytes, 1]
+ def gluster_fetch_latency_callback(self, item, inst):
+ '''
+ Returns a list of value,status (single pair) for latency cluster
+ Helper for the fetch callback
+ '''
+ if (item < 0 or item > len(FILEOPS) * 4):
+ return [c_api.PM_ERR_PMID, 0]
+ voidp = self.inst_lookup(self.brick_indom, inst)
+ if (voidp == None):
+ return [c_api.PM_ERR_INST, 0]
+ cache = cast(voidp, POINTER(GlusterBrick))
+ brick = cache.contents
+ fileop = item / 4
+ index = item % 4
+ if (index == 0):
+ return [brick.mintime[fileop], 1]
+ elif (index == 1):
+ return [brick.maxtime[fileop], 1]
+ elif (index == 2):
+ return [brick.avgtime[fileop], 1]
+ return [brick.count[fileop], 1]
+ def gluster_fetch_volumes_callback(self, item, inst):
+ '''
+ Returns a list of value,status (single pair) for volumes cluster
+ Helper for the fetch callback
+ '''
+ if (item < 0 or item > 3):
+ return [c_api.PM_ERR_PMID, 0]
+ voidp = self.inst_lookup(self.volume_indom, inst)
+ if (voidp == None):
+ return [c_api.PM_ERR_INST, 0]
+ cached = cast(voidp, POINTER(GlusterVolume))
+ volume = cached.contents
+ if (item == 0):
+ enabled = volume.fopHitsEnabled
+ if (enabled):
+ enabled = volume.latencyEnabled
+ return [enabled, 1]
+ elif (item == 1):
+ return [volume.distCount, 1]
+ elif (item == 2):
+ return [volume.stripeCount, 1]
+ elif (item == 3):
+ return [volume.replicaCount, 1]
+ return [c_api.PM_ERR_PMID, 0]
+ def gluster_fetch_callback(self, cluster, item, inst):
+ '''
+ Main fetch callback, defers to helpers for each cluster.
+ Returns a list of value,status (single pair) for requested pmid/inst
+ '''
+ # self.log("fetch callback for %d.%d[%d]" % (cluster, item, inst))
+ if (cluster == 0):
+ return self.gluster_fetch_thruput_callback(item, inst)
+ elif (cluster == 1):
+ return self.gluster_fetch_latency_callback(item, inst)
+ elif (cluster == 2):
+ return self.gluster_fetch_volumes_callback(item, inst)
+ return [c_api.PM_ERR_PMID, 0]
+ def gluster_store_volume_callback(self, inst, val):
+ ''' Helper for the store callback, volume profile enabling/disabling '''
+ sts = 0
+ name = self.inst_name_lookup(self.volume_indom, inst)
+ if (name == None):
+ sts = c_api.PM_ERR_INST
+ elif (val < 0):
+ sts = c_api.PM_ERR_SIGN
+ elif (val == 0):
+ command = self.vol_stop % name
+ # self.log("Running disable command: %s" % command)
+, shell =True,
+ stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stderr = subprocess.PIPE)
+ else:
+ command = self.vol_start % name
+ # self.log("Running enable command: %s" % command)
+, shell =True,
+ stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stderr = subprocess.PIPE)
+ return sts
+ def gluster_store_callback(self, cluster, item, inst, val):
+ '''
+ Store callback, executed when a request to write to a metric happens
+ Defers to helpers for each storable metric. Returns a single value.
+ '''
+ # self.log("store callback for %d.%d[%d]" % (cluster, item, inst))
+ if (cluster == 2 and item == 0):
+ return self.gluster_store_volume_callback(inst, val)
+ elif (cluster == 0 or cluster == 1):
+ return c_api.PM_ERR_PERMISSION
+ return c_api.PM_ERR_PMID
+ def __init__(self, name, domain):
+ PMDA.__init__(self, name, domain)
+ self.vol_info = getenv('GLUSTER_VOL_INFO', VOL_INFO_COMMAND)
+ self.vol_stop = getenv('GLUSTER_VOL_STOP', VOL_STOP_COMMAND)
+ self.vol_start = getenv('GLUSTER_VOL_START', VOL_START_COMMAND)
+ self.vol_stats = getenv('GLUSTER_VOL_STATS', VOL_STATS_COMMAND)
+ self.volume_indom = self.indom(0)
+ self.add_indom(pmdaIndom(self.volume_indom, self.volumes))
+ self.brick_indom = self.indom(1)
+ self.add_indom(pmdaIndom(self.brick_indom, self.bricks))
+ self.add_metric(name + '.brick.read_bytes', pmdaMetric(self.pmid(0, 0),
+ c_api.PM_TYPE_U64, self.brick_indom, c_api.PM_SEM_COUNTER,
+ pmUnits(1, 0, 0, c_api.PM_SPACE_BYTE, 0, 0)))
+ self.add_metric(name + '.brick.write_bytes', pmdaMetric(self.pmid(0, 1),
+ c_api.PM_TYPE_U64, self.brick_indom, c_api.PM_SEM_COUNTER,
+ pmUnits(1, 0, 0, c_api.PM_SPACE_BYTE, 0, 0)))
+ item = 0
+ for fileop in FILEOPS:
+ metricname = name + '.brick.latency.' + fileop.lower() + '.'
+ self.add_metric(metricname + 'min', pmdaMetric(self.pmid(1, item),
+ c_api.PM_TYPE_U64, self.brick_indom, c_api.PM_SEM_INSTANT,
+ pmUnits(0, 1, 0, 0, c_api.PM_TIME_USEC, 0)))
+ item += 1
+ self.add_metric(metricname + 'max', pmdaMetric(self.pmid(1, item),
+ c_api.PM_TYPE_U64, self.brick_indom, c_api.PM_SEM_INSTANT,
+ pmUnits(0, 1, 0, 0, c_api.PM_TIME_USEC, 0)))
+ item += 1
+ self.add_metric(metricname + 'avg', pmdaMetric(self.pmid(1, item),
+ c_api.PM_TYPE_FLOAT, self.brick_indom, c_api.PM_SEM_INSTANT,
+ pmUnits(0, 1, 0, 0, c_api.PM_TIME_USEC, 0)))
+ item += 1
+ self.add_metric(metricname + 'count', pmdaMetric(self.pmid(1, item),
+ c_api.PM_TYPE_U64, self.brick_indom, c_api.PM_SEM_COUNTER,
+ pmUnits(0, 0, 1, 0, 0, c_api.PM_COUNT_ONE)))
+ item += 1
+ metricname = name + '.volume.'
+ self.add_metric(metricname + 'profile', pmdaMetric(self.pmid(2, 0),
+ c_api.PM_TYPE_32, self.volume_indom, c_api.PM_SEM_INSTANT,
+ pmUnits(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)))
+ self.add_metric(metricname + 'dist.count', pmdaMetric(self.pmid(2, 1),
+ c_api.PM_TYPE_32, self.volume_indom, c_api.PM_SEM_INSTANT,
+ pmUnits(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)))
+ self.add_metric(metricname + 'stripe.count', pmdaMetric(self.pmid(2, 2),
+ c_api.PM_TYPE_32, self.volume_indom, c_api.PM_SEM_INSTANT,
+ pmUnits(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)))
+ self.add_metric(metricname + 'replica.count', pmdaMetric(self.pmid(2, 3),
+ c_api.PM_TYPE_32, self.volume_indom, c_api.PM_SEM_INSTANT,
+ pmUnits(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)))
+ self.set_fetch(self.gluster_fetch)
+ self.set_instance(self.gluster_instance)
+ self.set_fetch_callback(self.gluster_fetch_callback)
+ self.set_store_callback(self.gluster_store_callback)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ for index in range(0, len(FILEOPS)):
+ fileop = FILEOPS[index]
+ FILEOPS_INDICES[fileop] = index
+ GlusterPMDA('gluster', 118).run()