path: root/src/pmdas/summary/README
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+Performance Co-Pilot PMDA for Exporting Metric Summaries
+This Performance Metrics Domain Agent (PMDA) is capable of collecting
+performance metrics values from other PMDAs, computing derived
+(summary) values, and exporting these derived values as performance
+This agent uses the Performance Metrics Inference Engine pmie(1) to
+periodically collect the data and compute the summary values. These
+derived values are typically computed by expressions that aggregate a
+number of base performance values, perhaps from a number of subsystems
+on the one host or even from multiple hosts, and perhaps over an
+extended period of time.
+All of the exported metrics have a singular instance and the values are
+"instantaneous", i.e. the exported value is the value as of the last
+time the summary was computed. Refer to the PMAPI(3) man page for more
+information about these terms.
+See the file ./help, or install the agent and execute the command
+ $ pminfo -fT summary
+Note that customization of the metrics made available by the summary
+PMDA is possible, as described below.
+ + # cd $PCP_PMDAS_DIR/summary
+ + Check that there is no clash in the Performance Metrics Domain
+ defined in ./domain.h and the other PMDAs currently in use (see
+ $PCP_PMCDCONF_PATH). If there is, edit ./domain.h to choose another
+ domain number.
+ + This PMDA caches the most recent value for the performance metrics
+ computed by pmie(1). The cached values are the ones returned via
+ the Performance Metrics Collection Demon pmcd(1) to clients. By
+ default pmie(1) evaluates the expressions once every 10 seconds.
+ The installation procedure will offer you the option to change this
+ interval.
+ + Then simply use
+ # ./Install
+ and choose both the "collector" and "monitor" installation
+ configuration options.
+ You will be prompted for the necessary information to set up
+ the summary agent.
+ + Simply use
+ # cd $PCP_PMDAS_DIR/summary
+ # ./Remove
+ + After installing or restarting the agent, the PMCD log file
+ ($PCP_LOG_DIR/pmcd/pmcd.log) and the PMDA log file
+ ($PCP_LOG_DIR/pmcd/summary.log) should be checked for any warnings
+ or errors.
+New summary metrics may be added as follows.
+ + Choose new Performance Metric Name Space (PMNS) names for the new
+ metrics. These must begin with "summary." and follow the rules
+ described in pmns(4).
+ For example summary.fs.wr_cache_hit and summary.fs.rd_cache_hit
+ + Edit the file ./pmns to add the new PMNS names in the format
+ described in pmns(4). You must choose a unique Performance Metric
+ Id (PMID) for each metric ... in the ./pmns file these will appear
+ as SYSSUMMARY:0:x for some x that is arbitrary in the range 0 to
+ 1023 and unique in this file.
+ For example
+ summary {
+ cpu
+ disk
+ netif
+ /*new*/ fs
+ }
+ ...
+ summary.fs {
+ wr_cache_hit SYSSUMMARY:0:10
+ rd_cache_hit SYSSUMMARY:0:11
+ }
+ + Use the local fake PMNS ./root and validate that the PMNS changes
+ are correct.
+ For example
+ $ pminfo -n root -m summary.fs
+ summary.fs.wr_cache_hit PMID: 27.0.10
+ summary.fs.rd_cache_hit PMID: 27.0.11
+ + Create a file (./expr.pmie in the examples below) containing the
+ new expressions. If the name to the left of the assignment
+ operator (=) is one of the PMNS names, then the pmie(1) expression
+ to the right will be evaluated and returned by the summary PMDA.
+ The expression must return a numeric value, which is exported as a
+ double precision floating point number.
+ If the expression has a set value, then only the first value is
+ exported (in most cases, the pmie aggregate operators should be used
+ to produce a scalar sum or average from a set of numeric values).
+ The exported metric has the dimension (space, time and count) of
+ the expression, and the scale is the canonical scale used by
+ pmie(1), namely bytes, seconds and counts.
+ For example
+ // filesystem buffer cache hit percentages
+ prefix = ""; // variable, not exported
+ summary.fs.wr_cache_hit =
+ 100 - 100 * $prefix.bwrite / $prefix.lwrite;
+ summary.fs.rd_cache_hit =
+ 100 - 100 * $prefix.bread / $prefix.lread;
+ + Run pmie in debug mode to verify the expressions are being
+ evaluated correctly, and the values make sense.
+ For example
+ $ pmie -t2 -v expr.pmie
+ summary.fs.wr_cache_hit: ?
+ summary.fs.rd_cache_hit: ?
+ summary.fs.wr_cache_hit: 45.83
+ summary.fs.rd_cache_hit: 83.2
+ summary.fs.wr_cache_hit: 39.22
+ summary.fs.rd_cache_hit: 84.51
+ Once you are happy with the new expressions, add them to the existing
+ expressions in the file ./summary.pmie.
+ + Edit the ./help file to add help text for the new metrics ... see
+ newhelp(1) for a description of the syntax.
+ For example
+ @ summary.fs.wr_cache_hit Filesystem cache read hit ratio
+ Percentage of filesystem block writes that involve a block currently
+ found in the filesystem cache.
+ @ summary.fs.rd_cache_hit Filesystem cache write hit ratio
+ Percentage of filesystem block reads that involve a block currently
+ found in the filesystem cache, and thereby avoid a physical read.
+ + Install the new PMDA
+ For example
+ # ./Install
+ You will need to choose an appropriate configuration for installation of
+ the "summary" Performance Metrics Domain Agent (PMDA).
+ collector collect performance statistics on this system
+ monitor allow this system to monitor local and/or remote systems
+ both collector and monitor configuration for this system
+ Please enter c(ollector) or m(onitor) or b(oth) [b]
+ Updating the Performance Metrics Name Space ...
+ Installing pmchart view(s) ...
+ Interval between summary expression evaluation (seconds)? [10]
+ Terminate PMDA if already installed ...
+ Installing files ..
+ rm -f help.pag help.dir
+ $PCP_BINADM_DIR/newhelp help
+ Updating the PMCD control file, and notifying PMCD ...
+ Wait 15 seconds for the agent to initialize ...
+ Check summary metrics have appeared ... 8 metrics and 8 values
+ + Check the metrics ...
+ For example
+ $ pminfo -fT summary.fs
+ summary.fs.wr_cache_hit
+ Help:
+ Percentage of filesystem block writes that involve a block currently
+ found in the filesystem cache.
+ value 11.97916666666666
+ summary.fs.rd_cache_hit
+ Help:
+ Percentage of filesystem block reads that involve a block currently
+ found in the filesystem cache, and thereby avoid a physical read.
+ value 74.31192660550458
+ $ pmval -t5 -s4 summary.fs.wr_cache_hit
+ metric: summary.fs.wr_cache_hit
+ host: localhost
+ semantics: instantaneous value
+ units: none
+ samples: 8
+ interval: 5.00 sec
+ 63.60132158590308
+ 62.71878646441073
+ 62.71878646441073
+ 58.73968492123031
+ 58.73968492123031
+ 65.33822758259046
+ 65.33822758259046
+ 72.6099706744868
+ Note the values are being sampled here by pmval(1) every 5 seconds,
+ but pmie(1) is only passing new values to the sample PMDA every
+ 10 seconds. Both rates could be changed to suit the dynamics of
+ your new metrics.
+ + Create pmchart(1) views, pmview(1) scenes and pmlogger(1)
+ configurations to monitor and archive your new performance
+ metrics.
+ For example, a pmchart view could be created using pmchart and
+ the View->Save Configuration menu option. Copy the view from
+ $HOME/.pcp/pmchart into $PCP_PMDAS_DIR/summary and rename it to have
+ the suffix ".pmchart", and a prefix that identifies the view and
+ is unique amongst the view names in $PCP_VAR_DIR/config/pmchart,
+ e.g. Summary.FScache.pmchart
+ Then
+ # cp Summary.FScache.pmchart $PCP_VAR_DIR/config/pmchart/Summary.FScache
+ will install the view in a place where pmchart(1) will be able
+ to find it. Provided the name of the file ends in ".pmchart" in
+ $PCP_PMDAS_DIR/summary the view will be re-installed as a side-effect
+ of any subsequent ./Install of the summary PMDA.