path: root/src/pmdas/zimbra/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/pmdas/zimbra/')
1 files changed, 905 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/pmdas/zimbra/ b/src/pmdas/zimbra/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f23c2e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/pmdas/zimbra/
@@ -0,0 +1,905 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2012 Red Hat.
+# Copyright (c) 2009 Aconex. All Rights Reserved.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+# Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
+# option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+# or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+# for more details.
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use PCP::PMDA;
+my $pmda = PCP::PMDA->new('zimbra', 98);
+my $probe = pmda_config('PCP_PMDAS_DIR') . '/zimbra/zimbraprobe';
+my $stats = '/opt/zimbra/zmstat/';
+# Zimbra instrumentation is exported through a series of CSV files.
+# Several of these are system-level files that we already have PMDAs
+# for, extracted more accurately and efficiently, so we ignore those
+# (cpu,vm,mysql).
+# For the rest, we use the file "tail" mechanism to monitor
+# appends to each of the CSV files. For all data received, we parse
+# the line and extract values. These we store in fixed-size arrays,
+# one per metric cluster, then the fetch callback just passes out the
+# most recently seen value.
+my ( $imap_domain, $soap_domain ) = ( 0, 1 );
+my @imap_indom = (
+ 0 => 'CAPABILITY', 1 => 'UID', 2 => 'STATUS',
+ 3 => 'SUBSCRIBE', 4 => 'LIST', 5 => 'SELECT',
+ 6 => 'LOGIN', 7 => 'NAMESPACE', 8 => 'APPEND',
+ 9 => 'OTHER' );
+my @soap_indom = (
+ 0 => 'AuthRequest', 1 => 'DelegateAuthRequest',
+ 2 => 'GetAccountInfoRequest', 3 => 'GetAllServersRequest',
+ 4 => 'GetDomainRequest', 5 => 'GetDomainInfoRequest',
+ 6 => 'GetCosRequest', 7 => 'GetServiceStatusRequest',
+ 8 => 'GetVersionInfoRequest', 9 => 'GetAccountMembershipRequest',
+ 10 => 'GetLDAPEntriesRequest', 11 => 'GetAdminSavedSearchesRequest',
+ 12 => 'GetAdminExtensionZimletsRequest', 13 => 'GetAllConfigRequest',
+ 14 => 'GetLicenseRequest', 15 => 'SearchDirectoryRequest',
+ 16 => 'Other' );
+sub zimbra_array_lookup
+ my ( $indomref, $name ) = @_;
+ my @indom = @$indomref;
+ my $index;
+ for ($index = 1; $index < $#indom; $index += 2) {
+ return (($index-1) / 2) unless ($indom[$index] ne $name);
+ }
+ return (($#indom-1) / 2); # return the "other" bucket
+use vars qw( @fd_values @imap_time_values @imap_count_values @soap_time_values
+ @soap_count_values @mailbox_values @mtaqueue_values @proc_values
+ @threads_values @probe_values );
+use vars qw( $fd_timestamp $imap_timestamp $soap_timestamp
+ $mailbox_timestamp $mtaqueue_timestamp $proc_timestamp
+ $threads_timestamp $probe_timestamp );
+$fd_timestamp = $imap_timestamp = $soap_timestamp = $mailbox_timestamp =
+ $mtaqueue_timestamp = $proc_timestamp = $threads_timestamp =
+ $probe_timestamp = 0;
+sub zimbra_fd_parser
+ ( undef, $_ ) = @_;
+ # $pmda->log("zimbra_fd_parser got line: $_");
+ if (s|^(\d\d/\d\d/\d\d\d\d \d\d:\d\d:\d\d), ||) {
+ chomp;
+ $fd_timestamp = $1;
+ @fd_values = split /,/;
+ }
+sub zimbra_imap_parser
+ ( undef, $_ ) = @_;
+ # $pmda->log("zimbra_imap_parser got line: $_");
+ if (s|^(\d\d/\d\d/\d\d\d\d \d\d:\d\d:\d\d),||) {
+ chomp;
+ my $timestamp = $1;
+ my @values = split /,/;
+ if ($timestamp ne $imap_timestamp) {
+ $imap_timestamp = $timestamp;
+ @imap_count_values = ();
+ $imap_count_values[($#imap_indom-1)/2] = 0;
+ @imap_time_values = ();
+ $imap_time_values[($#imap_indom-1)/2] = 0;
+ }
+ my $index = zimbra_array_lookup(\@imap_indom, $values[0]);
+ $imap_count_values[$index] = $values[1];
+ $imap_time_values[$index] = $values[2];
+ }
+sub zimbra_soap_parser
+ ( undef, $_ ) = @_;
+ # $pmda->log("zimbra_soap_parser got line: $_");
+ if (s|^(\d\d/\d\d/\d\d\d\d \d\d:\d\d:\d\d),||) {
+ chomp;
+ my $timestamp = $1;
+ my @values = split /,/;
+ if ($timestamp ne $soap_timestamp) {
+ $soap_timestamp = $timestamp;
+ @soap_count_values = ();
+ $soap_count_values[($#soap_indom-1)/2] = 0;
+ @soap_time_values = ();
+ $soap_time_values[($#soap_indom-1)/2] = 0;
+ }
+ my $index = zimbra_array_lookup(\@soap_indom, $values[0]);
+ $soap_count_values[$index] = $values[1];
+ $soap_time_values[$index] = $values[2];
+ }
+sub zimbra_mailbox_parser
+ ( undef, $_ ) = @_;
+ # $pmda->log("zimbra_mailbox_parser got line: $_");
+ if (s|^(\d\d/\d\d/\d\d\d\d \d\d:\d\d:\d\d),||) {
+ chomp;
+ $mailbox_timestamp = $1;
+ @mailbox_values = split /,/;
+ }
+sub zimbra_mtaqueue_parser
+ ( undef, $_ ) = @_;
+ # $pmda->log("zimbra_mtaqueue_parser got line: $_");
+ if (s|^(\d\d/\d\d/\d\d\d\d \d\d:\d\d:\d\d), ||) {
+ chomp;
+ $mtaqueue_timestamp = $1;
+ @mtaqueue_values = split /,/;
+ }
+sub zimbra_proc_parser
+ ( undef, $_ ) = @_;
+ # $pmda->log("zimbra_proc_parser got line: $_");
+ if (s|^(\d\d/\d\d/\d\d\d\d \d\d:\d\d:\d\d), ||) {
+ chomp;
+ $proc_timestamp = $1;
+ @proc_values = ();
+ my @values = split /,/;
+ splice(@values, 0, 5); # ditch "system" values
+ # 7 values for mailbox,mysql,convertd,ldap,postfix,amavis,clam
+ # seems sometimes not all are installed/available/whatever, so
+ # take care to handle that case.
+ while ($#values >= 7) {
+ my $offset = 0;
+ my @chunk = splice(@values, 0, 8);
+ if (defined($chunk[0])) {
+ $chunk[0] =~ s/\s//g;
+ }
+ if (!defined($chunk[0])) {
+ $pmda->log("zimbra_proc_parser unexpected input: $_");
+ }
+ elsif ($chunk[0] eq 'mailbox') { $offset = 0; }
+ elsif ($chunk[0] eq 'mysql') { $offset = 7; }
+ elsif ($chunk[0] eq 'convertd') { $offset = 14; }
+ elsif ($chunk[0] eq 'ldap') { $offset = 21; }
+ elsif ($chunk[0] eq 'postfix') { $offset = 28; }
+ elsif ($chunk[0] eq 'amavis') { $offset = 35; }
+ elsif ($chunk[0] eq 'clam') { $offset = 42; }
+ else {
+ $pmda->log("zimbra_proc_parser unexpected data: $chunk[0]");
+ }
+ shift @chunk; # remove the chunk name - then add values
+ splice(@proc_values, $offset, 7, @chunk); # to correct spot
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ # This includes the initial header line, so just debug:
+ # $pmda->log("zimbra_proc_parser could not parse line: $_");
+ }
+sub zimbra_threads_parser
+ ( undef, $_ ) = @_;
+ # $pmda->log("zimbra_threads_parser got line: $_");
+ if (s|^(\d\d/\d\d/\d\d\d\d \d\d:\d\d:\d\d),||) {
+ chomp;
+ $threads_timestamp = $1;
+ @threads_values = split /,/;
+ }
+sub zimbra_probe_callback
+ ( undef, $_ ) = @_;
+ # $pmda->log("zimbra_probe_callback got line: $_");
+ if (s|^(\d\d/\d\d/\d\d\d\d \d\d:\d\d:\d\d)$||) {
+ $probe_timestamp = $1;
+ } else {
+ my ($service, $status) = split;
+ return unless defined($status);
+ $status = ($status eq 'Running') ? 1 : 0;
+ $probe_values[ 0] = $status unless ($service ne 'antivirus');
+ $probe_values[ 1] = $status unless ($service ne 'antispam');
+ $probe_values[ 2] = $status unless ($service ne 'archiving');
+ $probe_values[ 3] = $status unless ($service ne 'convertd');
+ $probe_values[ 4] = $status unless ($service ne 'mta');
+ $probe_values[ 5] = $status unless ($service ne 'mailbox');
+ $probe_values[ 6] = $status unless ($service ne 'logger');
+ $probe_values[ 7] = $status unless ($service ne 'snmp');
+ $probe_values[ 8] = $status unless ($service ne 'ldap');
+ $probe_values[ 9] = $status unless ($service ne 'spell');
+ $probe_values[10] = $status unless ($service ne 'imapproxy');
+ $probe_values[11] = $status unless ($service ne 'stats');
+ }
+sub zimbra_fetch_callback
+ my ($cluster, $item, $inst) = @_;
+ #$pmda->log("zimbra_fetch_callback for PMID: $cluster.$item ($inst)");
+ if ($inst != PM_IN_NULL && $cluster != 1 && $cluster != 2) {
+ return (PM_ERR_INST, 0);
+ }
+ if ($cluster == 0) { # fd.csv
+ if ($item >= 0 && $item <= 0) {
+ return (PM_ERR_AGAIN, 0) unless defined($fd_values[$item]);
+ return ($fd_values[$item], 1);
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($cluster == 1 && $item == 0) { # imap.csv
+ if ($inst >= 0 && $inst <= $#imap_indom) {
+ return (PM_ERR_AGAIN, 0) unless defined($imap_count_values[$inst]);
+ return ($imap_count_values[$inst], 1);
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($cluster == 1 && $item == 1) { # imap.csv
+ if ($inst >= 0 && $inst < $#imap_indom) {
+ return (PM_ERR_AGAIN, 0) unless defined($imap_time_values[$inst]);
+ return ($imap_time_values[$inst], 1);
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($cluster == 2 && $item == 0) { # soap.csv
+ if ($inst >= 0 && $inst < $#soap_indom) {
+ return (PM_ERR_AGAIN, 0) unless defined($soap_count_values[$inst]);
+ return ($soap_count_values[$inst], 1);
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($cluster == 2 && $item == 1) { # soap.csv
+ if ($inst >= 0 && $inst < $#soap_indom) {
+ return (PM_ERR_AGAIN, 0) unless defined($soap_time_values[$inst]);
+ return ($soap_time_values[$inst], 1);
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($cluster == 3) { # mailboxd.csv
+ if ($item >= 0 && $item <= 60) {
+ return (PM_ERR_AGAIN, 0) unless defined($mailbox_values[$item]);
+ if ($mailbox_values[$item] eq '') {
+ $mailbox_values[$item] = 0;
+ }
+ return ($mailbox_values[$item], 1);
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($cluster == 4) { # mtaqueue.csv
+ if ($item >= 0 && $item <= 1) {
+ return (PM_ERR_AGAIN, 0) unless defined($mtaqueue_values[$item]);
+ return ($mtaqueue_values[$item], 1);
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($cluster == 5) { # proc.csv
+ if ($item >= 0 && $item <= 48) {
+ return (PM_ERR_AGAIN, 0) unless defined($proc_values[$item]);
+ return ($proc_values[$item], 1);
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($cluster == 6) { # threads.csv
+ if ($item >= 0 && $item <= 13) {
+ return (PM_ERR_AGAIN, 0) unless defined($threads_values[$item]);
+ return ($threads_values[$item], 1);
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($cluster == 7) { # timestamps
+ return ($fd_timestamp, 1) unless ($item != 0);
+ return ($imap_timestamp, 1) unless ($item != 1);
+ return ($soap_timestamp, 1) unless ($item != 2);
+ return ($mailbox_timestamp, 1) unless ($item != 3);
+ return ($mtaqueue_timestamp, 1) unless ($item != 4);
+ return ($proc_timestamp, 1) unless ($item != 5);
+ return ($threads_timestamp, 1) unless ($item != 6);
+ return ($probe_timestamp, 1) unless ($item != 7);
+ }
+ elsif ($cluster == 8) { # status probe
+ if ($item >= 0 && $item <= 11) {
+ return (PM_ERR_APPVERSION, 0) unless defined($probe_values[$item]);
+ return ($probe_values[$item], 1);
+ }
+ }
+ return (PM_ERR_PMID, 0);
+$pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(0,0), PM_TYPE_U32, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_INSTANT,
+ pmda_units(0,0,1,0,0,PM_COUNT_ONE), 'zimbra.fd_count',
+ '/opt/zimbra/zmstat/fd.csv', 'Open file descriptors');
+$pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(1,0), PM_TYPE_U32, $imap_domain, PM_SEM_INSTANT,
+ pmda_units(0,0,1,0,0,PM_COUNT_ONE), 'zimbra.imap.count',
+ '/opt/zimbra/zmstat/imap.csv',
+ 'Count of Internet Message Access Protocol commands');
+$pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(1,1), PM_TYPE_U32, $imap_domain, PM_SEM_INSTANT,
+ pmda_units(0,1,0,0,PM_TIME_MSEC,0), 'zimbra.imap.avgtime',
+ '/opt/zimbra/zmstat/imap.csv',
+ 'Time spent executing Internet Message Access Protocol commands');
+$pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(2,0), PM_TYPE_U32, $soap_domain, PM_SEM_INSTANT,
+ pmda_units(0,0,1,0,0,PM_COUNT_ONE), 'zimbra.soap.count',
+ '/opt/zimbra/zmstat/soap.csv',
+ 'Count of Simple Object Access Protocol commands');
+$pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(2,1), PM_TYPE_U32, $soap_domain, PM_SEM_INSTANT,
+ pmda_units(0,1,0,0,PM_TIME_MSEC,0), 'zimbra.soap.avgtime',
+ '/opt/zimbra/zmstat/soap.csv',
+ 'Time spent executing Simple Object Access Protocol commands');
+$pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(3,0), PM_TYPE_U32, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_INSTANT,
+ pmda_units(0,0,1,0,0,PM_COUNT_ONE), 'zimbra.mailboxd.lmtp.rcvd_msgs',
+ '/opt/zimbra/zmstat/mailboxd.csv', 'Received mail messages');
+$pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(3,1), PM_TYPE_U32, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_INSTANT,
+ pmda_units(1,0,0,PM_SPACE_BYTE,0,0), 'zimbra.mailboxd.lmtp.rcvd_bytes',
+ '/opt/zimbra/zmstat/mailboxd.csv', 'Received bytes');
+$pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(3,2), PM_TYPE_U32, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_INSTANT,
+ pmda_units(0,0,1,0,0,PM_COUNT_ONE), 'zimbra.mailboxd.lmtp.rcvd_rcpt',
+ '/opt/zimbra/zmstat/mailboxd.csv', 'Received receipts');
+$pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(3,3), PM_TYPE_U32, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_INSTANT,
+ pmda_units(0,0,1,0,0,PM_COUNT_ONE), 'zimbra.mailboxd.lmtp.dlvd_msgs',
+ '/opt/zimbra/zmstat/mailboxd.csv', 'Delivered messages');
+$pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(3,4), PM_TYPE_U32, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_INSTANT,
+ pmda_units(0,0,1,0,0,PM_COUNT_ONE), 'zimbra.mailboxd.lmtp.dlvd_bytes',
+ '/opt/zimbra/zmstat/mailboxd.csv', 'Delivered bytes');
+$pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(3,5), PM_TYPE_U32, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_INSTANT,
+ pmda_units(0,0,1,0,0,PM_COUNT_ONE), 'zimbra.mailboxd.db_conn.count',
+ '/opt/zimbra/zmstat/mailboxd.csv', 'Database connection count');
+$pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(3,6), PM_TYPE_U32, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_INSTANT,
+ pmda_units(0,1,0,0,PM_TIME_MSEC,0), 'zimbra.mailboxd.db_conn.time',
+ '/opt/zimbra/zmstat/mailboxd.csv', 'Database connection time');
+$pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(3,7), PM_TYPE_U32, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_INSTANT,
+ pmda_units(0,0,1,0,0,PM_COUNT_ONE), 'zimbra.mailboxd.ldap.dc_count',
+ '/opt/zimbra/zmstat/mailboxd.csv', '');
+$pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(3,8), PM_TYPE_U32, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_INSTANT,
+ pmda_units(0,1,0,0,PM_TIME_MSEC,0), 'zimbra.mailboxd.ldap.dc_time',
+ '/opt/zimbra/zmstat/mailboxd.csv', '');
+$pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(3,9), PM_TYPE_U32, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_INSTANT,
+ pmda_units(0,0,1,0,0,PM_COUNT_ONE), 'zimbra.mailboxd.mbox.add_msg_count',
+ '/opt/zimbra/zmstat/mailboxd.csv', 'Mailbox message add count');
+$pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(3,10), PM_TYPE_U32, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_INSTANT,
+ pmda_units(0,1,0,0,PM_TIME_MSEC,0), 'zimbra.mailboxd.mbox.add_msg_time',
+ '/opt/zimbra/zmstat/mailboxd.csv', 'Mailbox message add average time');
+$pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(3,11), PM_TYPE_U32, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_INSTANT,
+ pmda_units(0,0,1,0,0,PM_COUNT_ONE), 'zimbra.mailboxd.mbox.get_count',
+ '/opt/zimbra/zmstat/mailboxd.csv', 'Mailbox get count');
+$pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(3,12), PM_TYPE_U32, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_INSTANT,
+ pmda_units(0,1,0,0,PM_TIME_MSEC,0), 'zimbra.mailboxd.mbox.get_time',
+ '/opt/zimbra/zmstat/mailboxd.csv', 'Mailbox average get time');
+$pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(3,13), PM_TYPE_U32, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_INSTANT,
+ pmda_units(0,0,0,0,0,0), 'zimbra.mailboxd.mbox_cache',
+ '/opt/zimbra/zmstat/mailboxd.csv', 'Mailbox cache');
+$pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(3,14), PM_TYPE_U32, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_INSTANT,
+ pmda_units(0,0,0,0,0,0), 'zimbra.mailboxd.mbox_msg_cache',
+ '/opt/zimbra/zmstat/mailboxd.csv', 'Mailbox message cache');
+$pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(3,15), PM_TYPE_U32, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_INSTANT,
+ pmda_units(0,0,0,0,0,0), 'zimbra.mailboxd.mbox_item_cache',
+ '/opt/zimbra/zmstat/mailboxd.csv', 'Mailbox item cache');
+$pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(3,16), PM_TYPE_U32, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_INSTANT,
+ pmda_units(0,0,1,0,0,PM_COUNT_ONE), 'zimbra.mailboxd.soap.count',
+ '/opt/zimbra/zmstat/mailboxd.csv', 'Simple Object Access Protocol count');
+$pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(3,17), PM_TYPE_U32, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_INSTANT,
+ pmda_units(0,1,0,0,PM_TIME_MSEC,0), 'zimbra.mailboxd.soap.time',
+ '/opt/zimbra/zmstat/mailboxd.csv', 'Simple Object Access Protocol time');
+$pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(3,18), PM_TYPE_U32, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_INSTANT,
+ pmda_units(0,0,1,0,0,PM_COUNT_ONE), 'zimbra.mailboxd.imap.count',
+ '/opt/zimbra/zmstat/mailboxd.csv', 'Internet Message Access Protocol count');
+$pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(3,19), PM_TYPE_U32, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_INSTANT,
+ pmda_units(0,1,0,0,PM_TIME_MSEC,0), 'zimbra.mailboxd.imap.time',
+ '/opt/zimbra/zmstat/mailboxd.csv', 'Internet Message Access Protocol time');
+$pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(3,20), PM_TYPE_U32, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_INSTANT,
+ pmda_units(0,0,1,0,0,PM_COUNT_ONE), 'zimbra.mailboxd.pop.count',
+ '/opt/zimbra/zmstat/mailboxd.csv', 'Post Office Protocol count');
+$pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(3,21), PM_TYPE_U32, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_INSTANT,
+ pmda_units(0,1,0,0,PM_TIME_MSEC,0), 'zimbra.mailboxd.pop.time',
+ '/opt/zimbra/zmstat/mailboxd.csv', 'Post Office Protocol time');
+$pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(3,22), PM_TYPE_U32, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_INSTANT,
+ pmda_units(0,0,0,0,0,0), 'zimbra.mailboxd.idx.wrt_avg',
+ '/opt/zimbra/zmstat/mailboxd.csv', 'Lucene Index Writer count');
+$pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(3,23), PM_TYPE_U32, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_INSTANT,
+ pmda_units(0,0,0,0,0,0), 'zimbra.mailboxd.idx.wrt_opened',
+ '/opt/zimbra/zmstat/mailboxd.csv', '');
+$pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(3,24), PM_TYPE_U32, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_INSTANT,
+ pmda_units(0,0,1,0,0,PM_COUNT_ONE), 'zimbra.mailboxd.idx.wrt_opened_cache_hit',
+ '/opt/zimbra/zmstat/mailboxd.csv', '');
+$pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(3,25), PM_TYPE_U32, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_INSTANT,
+ pmda_units(0,0,1,0,0,PM_COUNT_ONE), 'zimbra.mailboxd.calcache.hit',
+ '/opt/zimbra/zmstat/mailboxd.csv', '');
+$pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(3,26), PM_TYPE_U32, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_INSTANT,
+ pmda_units(0,0,1,0,0,PM_COUNT_ONE), 'zimbra.mailboxd.calcache.mem_hit',
+ '/opt/zimbra/zmstat/mailboxd.csv', '');
+$pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(3,27), PM_TYPE_U32, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_INSTANT,
+ pmda_units(0,0,1,0,0,PM_COUNT_ONE), 'zimbra.mailboxd.calcache.lru_size',
+ '/opt/zimbra/zmstat/mailboxd.csv', '');
+$pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(3,28), PM_TYPE_U32, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_INSTANT,
+ pmda_units(1,0,0,PM_SPACE_BYTE,0,0), 'zimbra.mailboxd.idx.bytes_written',
+ '/opt/zimbra/zmstat/mailboxd.csv', '');
+$pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(3,29), PM_TYPE_U32, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_INSTANT,
+ pmda_units(1,0,0,PM_SPACE_BYTE,0,0), 'zimbra.mailboxd.idx.bytes_written_avg',
+ '/opt/zimbra/zmstat/mailboxd.csv', '');
+$pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(3,30), PM_TYPE_U32, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_INSTANT,
+ pmda_units(1,0,0,PM_SPACE_BYTE,0,0), 'zimbra.mailboxd.idx.bytes_read',
+ '/opt/zimbra/zmstat/mailboxd.csv', '');
+$pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(3,31), PM_TYPE_U32, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_INSTANT,
+ pmda_units(1,0,0,PM_SPACE_BYTE,0,0), 'zimbra.mailboxd.idx.bytes_read_avg',
+ '/opt/zimbra/zmstat/mailboxd.csv', '');
+$pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(3,32), PM_TYPE_U32, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_INSTANT,
+ pmda_units(0,0,1,0,0,PM_COUNT_ONE), '',
+ '/opt/zimbra/zmstat/mailboxd.csv', '');
+$pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(3,33), PM_TYPE_U32, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_INSTANT,
+ pmda_units(0,0,0,0,0,0), 'zimbra.mailboxd.bis.seek_rate',
+ '/opt/zimbra/zmstat/mailboxd.csv', '');
+$pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(3,34), PM_TYPE_U32, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_INSTANT,
+ pmda_units(0,0,0,0,0,0), 'zimbra.mailboxd.db_pool_size',
+ '/opt/zimbra/zmstat/mailboxd.csv', '');
+$pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(3,35), PM_TYPE_U32, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_INSTANT,
+ pmda_units(0,0,1,0,0,PM_COUNT_ONE), 'zimbra.mailboxd.innodb_bp_hit_rate',
+ '/opt/zimbra/zmstat/mailboxd.csv', '');
+$pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(3,36), PM_TYPE_U32, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_INSTANT,
+ pmda_units(0,0,1,0,0,PM_COUNT_ONE), 'zimbra.mailboxd.pop.conn',
+ '/opt/zimbra/zmstat/mailboxd.csv', '');
+$pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(3,37), PM_TYPE_U32, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_INSTANT,
+ pmda_units(0,0,1,0,0,PM_COUNT_ONE), 'zimbra.mailboxd.pop.ssl_conn',
+ '/opt/zimbra/zmstat/mailboxd.csv', '');
+$pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(3,38), PM_TYPE_U32, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_INSTANT,
+ pmda_units(0,0,1,0,0,PM_COUNT_ONE), 'zimbra.mailboxd.imap.conn',
+ '/opt/zimbra/zmstat/mailboxd.csv', '');
+$pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(3,39), PM_TYPE_U32, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_INSTANT,
+ pmda_units(0,0,1,0,0,PM_COUNT_ONE), 'zimbra.mailboxd.imap.ssl_conn',
+ '/opt/zimbra/zmstat/mailboxd.csv', '');
+$pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(3,40), PM_TYPE_U32, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_INSTANT,
+ pmda_units(0,0,1,0,0,PM_COUNT_ONE), 'zimbra.mailboxd.soap.sessions',
+ '/opt/zimbra/zmstat/mailboxd.csv', 'Simple Object Access Protocol session count');
+# Zimbra duplicates four metrics here, so skip four for direct indexing
+$pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(3,45), PM_TYPE_U64, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_COUNTER,
+ pmda_units(0,0,1,0,0,PM_COUNT_ONE), 'zimbra.mailboxd.gc.minor_count',
+ '/opt/zimbra/zmstat/mailboxd.csv', 'Java minor garbage collection count');
+$pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(3,46), PM_TYPE_U64, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_COUNTER,
+ pmda_units(0,1,0,0,PM_TIME_MSEC,0), 'zimbra.mailboxd.gc.minor_time',
+ '/opt/zimbra/zmstat/mailboxd.csv', 'Java minor garbage collection time');
+$pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(3,47), PM_TYPE_U64, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_COUNTER,
+ pmda_units(0,0,1,0,0,PM_COUNT_ONE), 'zimbra.mailboxd.gc.major_count',
+ '/opt/zimbra/zmstat/mailboxd.csv', 'Java major garbage collection count');
+$pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(3,48), PM_TYPE_U64, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_COUNTER,
+ pmda_units(0,1,0,0,PM_TIME_MSEC,0), 'zimbra.mailboxd.gc.major_time',
+ '/opt/zimbra/zmstat/mailboxd.csv', 'Java major garbage collection time');
+$pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(3,49), PM_TYPE_U64, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_INSTANT,
+ pmda_units(1,0,0,PM_SPACE_BYTE,0,0), 'zimbra.mailboxd.mempool.code_cache_used',
+ '/opt/zimbra/zmstat/mailboxd.csv', 'Java code cache space used');
+$pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(3,50), PM_TYPE_U64, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_INSTANT,
+ pmda_units(1,0,0,PM_SPACE_BYTE,0,0), 'zimbra.mailboxd.mempool.code_cache_free',
+ '/opt/zimbra/zmstat/mailboxd.csv', 'Java code cache space free');
+$pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(3,51), PM_TYPE_U64, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_INSTANT,
+ pmda_units(1,0,0,PM_SPACE_BYTE,0,0), 'zimbra.mailboxd.mempool.eden_space_used',
+ '/opt/zimbra/zmstat/mailboxd.csv', 'Java Eden area space used');
+$pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(3,52), PM_TYPE_U64, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_INSTANT,
+ pmda_units(1,0,0,PM_SPACE_BYTE,0,0), 'zimbra.mailboxd.mempool.eden_space_free',
+ '/opt/zimbra/zmstat/mailboxd.csv', 'Java Eden area space free');
+$pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(3,53), PM_TYPE_U64, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_INSTANT,
+ pmda_units(1,0,0,PM_SPACE_BYTE,0,0), 'zimbra.mailboxd.mempool.survivor_space_used',
+ '/opt/zimbra/zmstat/mailboxd.csv', 'Java survivor area space used');
+$pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(3,54), PM_TYPE_U64, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_INSTANT,
+ pmda_units(1,0,0,PM_SPACE_BYTE,0,0), 'zimbra.mailboxd.mempool.survivor_space_free',
+ '/opt/zimbra/zmstat/mailboxd.csv', 'Java survivor area space free');
+$pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(3,55), PM_TYPE_U64, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_INSTANT,
+ pmda_units(1,0,0,PM_SPACE_BYTE,0,0), 'zimbra.mailboxd.mempool.old_gen_space_used',
+ '/opt/zimbra/zmstat/mailboxd.csv', 'Java old generation space used');
+$pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(3,56), PM_TYPE_U64, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_INSTANT,
+ pmda_units(1,0,0,PM_SPACE_BYTE,0,0), 'zimbra.mailboxd.mempool.old_gen_space_free',
+ '/opt/zimbra/zmstat/mailboxd.csv', 'Java old generation space free');
+$pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(3,57), PM_TYPE_U64, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_INSTANT,
+ pmda_units(1,0,0,PM_SPACE_BYTE,0,0), 'zimbra.mailboxd.mempool.perm_gen_space_used',
+ '/opt/zimbra/zmstat/mailboxd.csv', 'Java permanent generation space used');
+$pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(3,58), PM_TYPE_U64, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_INSTANT,
+ pmda_units(1,0,0,PM_SPACE_BYTE,0,0), 'zimbra.mailboxd.mempool.perm_gen_space_free',
+ '/opt/zimbra/zmstat/mailboxd.csv', 'Java permanent generation space free');
+$pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(3,59), PM_TYPE_U64, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_INSTANT,
+ pmda_units(1,0,0,PM_SPACE_BYTE,0,0), 'zimbra.mailboxd.heap.used',
+ '/opt/zimbra/zmstat/mailboxd.csv', 'Java heap space used');
+$pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(3,60), PM_TYPE_U64, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_INSTANT,
+ pmda_units(1,0,0,PM_SPACE_BYTE,0,0), '',
+ '/opt/zimbra/zmstat/mailboxd.csv', 'Java heap space free');
+$pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(4,0), PM_TYPE_U32, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_INSTANT,
+ pmda_units(1,0,0,PM_SPACE_KBYTE,0,0), 'zimbra.mtaqueue.size',
+ '/opt/zimbra/zmstat/mtaqueue.csv',
+ 'Number of kilobytes queued to the Mail Transfer Agent');
+$pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(4,1), PM_TYPE_U32, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_INSTANT,
+ pmda_units(0,1,0,0,PM_TIME_MSEC,0), 'zimbra.mtaqueue.requests',
+ '/opt/zimbra/zmstat/mtaqueue.csv',
+ 'Number of requests queued to the Mail Transfer Agent');
+$pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(5,0), PM_TYPE_FLOAT, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_INSTANT,
+ pmda_units(0,0,0,0,0,0), 'zimbra.proc.mailbox.cputime',
+ '/opt/zimbra/zmstat/proc.csv',
+ 'Total time as a percentage spent executing the mailbox process');
+$pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(5,1), PM_TYPE_FLOAT, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_INSTANT,
+ pmda_units(0,0,0,0,0,0), 'zimbra.proc.mailbox.utime',
+ '/opt/zimbra/zmstat/proc.csv',
+ 'Total user time as a percentage spent executing the mailbox process');
+$pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(5,2), PM_TYPE_FLOAT, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_INSTANT,
+ pmda_units(0,0,0,0,0,0), 'zimbra.proc.mailbox.stime',
+ '/opt/zimbra/zmstat/proc.csv',
+ 'Total systime as a percentage spent executing the mailbox process');
+$pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(5,3), PM_TYPE_FLOAT, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_INSTANT,
+ pmda_units(1,0,0,PM_SPACE_MBYTE,0,0), '',
+ '/opt/zimbra/zmstat/proc.csv',
+ 'Total virtual memory footprint of the mailbox processes');
+$pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(5,4), PM_TYPE_FLOAT, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_INSTANT,
+ pmda_units(1,0,0,PM_SPACE_MBYTE,0,0), 'zimbra.proc.mailbox.rss',
+ '/opt/zimbra/zmstat/proc.csv',
+ 'Resident set size of the mailbox processes');
+$pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(5,5), PM_TYPE_FLOAT, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_INSTANT,
+ pmda_units(1,0,0,PM_SPACE_MBYTE,0,0), 'zimbra.proc.mailbox.shared',
+ '/opt/zimbra/zmstat/proc.csv',
+ 'Shared memory space used by the mailbox processes');
+$pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(5,6), PM_TYPE_U32, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_INSTANT,
+ pmda_units(0,0,1,0,0,PM_COUNT_ONE), 'zimbra.proc.mailbox.count',
+ '/opt/zimbra/zmstat/proc.csv', 'Total number of mailbox processes');
+$pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(5,7), PM_TYPE_FLOAT, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_INSTANT,
+ pmda_units(0,0,0,0,0,0), 'zimbra.proc.mysql.cputime',
+ '/opt/zimbra/zmstat/proc.csv',
+ 'Total time as a percentage spent executing the MySQL process');
+$pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(5,8), PM_TYPE_FLOAT, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_INSTANT,
+ pmda_units(0,0,0,0,0,0), 'zimbra.proc.mysql.utime',
+ '/opt/zimbra/zmstat/proc.csv',
+ 'Total user time as a percentage spent executing the MySQL process');
+$pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(5,9), PM_TYPE_FLOAT, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_INSTANT,
+ pmda_units(0,0,0,0,0,0), 'zimbra.proc.mysql.stime',
+ '/opt/zimbra/zmstat/proc.csv',
+ 'Total systime as a percentage spent executing the MySQL process');
+$pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(5,10), PM_TYPE_FLOAT, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_INSTANT,
+ pmda_units(1,0,0,PM_SPACE_MBYTE,0,0), '',
+ '/opt/zimbra/zmstat/proc.csv',
+ 'Total virtual memory footprint of the MySQL processes');
+$pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(5,11), PM_TYPE_FLOAT, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_INSTANT,
+ pmda_units(1,0,0,PM_SPACE_MBYTE,0,0), 'zimbra.proc.mysql.rss',
+ '/opt/zimbra/zmstat/proc.csv',
+ 'Resident set size of the MySQL processes');
+$pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(5,12), PM_TYPE_FLOAT, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_INSTANT,
+ pmda_units(1,0,0,PM_SPACE_MBYTE,0,0), 'zimbra.proc.mysql.shared',
+ '/opt/zimbra/zmstat/proc.csv',
+ 'Shared memory space used by the MySQL processes');
+$pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(5,13), PM_TYPE_U32, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_INSTANT,
+ pmda_units(0,0,1,0,0,PM_COUNT_ONE), 'zimbra.proc.mysql.count',
+ '/opt/zimbra/zmstat/proc.csv', 'Total number of MySQL processes');
+$pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(5,14), PM_TYPE_FLOAT, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_INSTANT,
+ pmda_units(0,0,0,0,0,0), 'zimbra.proc.convertd.cputime',
+ '/opt/zimbra/zmstat/proc.csv',
+ 'Total time as a percentage spent executing the convertd process');
+$pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(5,15), PM_TYPE_FLOAT, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_INSTANT,
+ pmda_units(0,0,0,0,0,0), 'zimbra.proc.convertd.utime',
+ '/opt/zimbra/zmstat/proc.csv',
+ 'Total user time as a percentage spent executing the convertd process');
+$pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(5,16), PM_TYPE_FLOAT, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_INSTANT,
+ pmda_units(0,0,0,0,0,0), 'zimbra.proc.convertd.stime',
+ '/opt/zimbra/zmstat/proc.csv',
+ 'Total systime as a percentage spent executing the convertd process');
+$pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(5,17), PM_TYPE_FLOAT, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_INSTANT,
+ pmda_units(1,0,0,PM_SPACE_MBYTE,0,0), '',
+ '/opt/zimbra/zmstat/proc.csv',
+ 'Total virtual memory footprint of the convertd processes');
+$pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(5,18), PM_TYPE_FLOAT, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_INSTANT,
+ pmda_units(1,0,0,PM_SPACE_MBYTE,0,0), 'zimbra.proc.convertd.rss',
+ '/opt/zimbra/zmstat/proc.csv',
+ 'Resident set size of the convertd processes');
+$pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(5,19), PM_TYPE_FLOAT, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_INSTANT,
+ pmda_units(1,0,0,PM_SPACE_MBYTE,0,0), 'zimbra.proc.convertd.shared',
+ '/opt/zimbra/zmstat/proc.csv',
+ 'Shared memory space used by the convertd processes');
+$pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(5,20), PM_TYPE_U32, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_INSTANT,
+ pmda_units(0,0,1,0,0,PM_COUNT_ONE), 'zimbra.proc.convertd.count',
+ '/opt/zimbra/zmstat/proc.csv', 'Total number of convertd processes');
+$pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(5,21), PM_TYPE_FLOAT, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_INSTANT,
+ pmda_units(0,0,0,0,0,0), 'zimbra.proc.ldap.cputime',
+ '/opt/zimbra/zmstat/proc.csv',
+ 'Total time as a percentage spent executing the LDAP process');
+$pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(5,22), PM_TYPE_FLOAT, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_INSTANT,
+ pmda_units(0,0,0,0,0,0), 'zimbra.proc.ldap.utime',
+ '/opt/zimbra/zmstat/proc.csv',
+ 'Total user time as a percentage spent executing the LDAP process');
+$pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(5,23), PM_TYPE_FLOAT, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_INSTANT,
+ pmda_units(0,0,0,0,0,0), 'zimbra.proc.ldap.stime',
+ '/opt/zimbra/zmstat/proc.csv',
+ 'Total systime as a percentage spent executing the LDAP process');
+$pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(5,24), PM_TYPE_FLOAT, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_INSTANT,
+ pmda_units(1,0,0,PM_SPACE_MBYTE,0,0), '',
+ '/opt/zimbra/zmstat/proc.csv',
+ 'Total virtual memory footprint of the LDAP processes');
+$pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(5,25), PM_TYPE_FLOAT, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_INSTANT,
+ pmda_units(1,0,0,PM_SPACE_MBYTE,0,0), 'zimbra.proc.ldap.rss',
+ '/opt/zimbra/zmstat/proc.csv',
+ 'Resident set size of the LDAP processes');
+$pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(5,26), PM_TYPE_FLOAT, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_INSTANT,
+ pmda_units(1,0,0,PM_SPACE_MBYTE,0,0), 'zimbra.proc.ldap.shared',
+ '/opt/zimbra/zmstat/proc.csv',
+ 'Shared memory space used by the LDAP processes');
+$pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(5,27), PM_TYPE_U32, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_INSTANT,
+ pmda_units(0,0,1,0,0,PM_COUNT_ONE), 'zimbra.proc.ldap.count',
+ '/opt/zimbra/zmstat/proc.csv', 'Total number of LDAP processes');
+$pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(5,28), PM_TYPE_FLOAT, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_INSTANT,
+ pmda_units(0,0,0,0,0,0), 'zimbra.proc.postfix.cputime',
+ '/opt/zimbra/zmstat/proc.csv',
+ 'Total time as a percentage spent executing the postfix process');
+$pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(5,29), PM_TYPE_FLOAT, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_INSTANT,
+ pmda_units(0,0,0,0,0,0), 'zimbra.proc.postfix.utime',
+ '/opt/zimbra/zmstat/proc.csv',
+ 'Total user time as a percentage spent executing the postfix process');
+$pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(5,30), PM_TYPE_FLOAT, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_INSTANT,
+ pmda_units(0,0,0,0,0,0), 'zimbra.proc.postfix.stime',
+ '/opt/zimbra/zmstat/proc.csv',
+ 'Total systime as a percentage spent executing the postfix process');
+$pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(5,31), PM_TYPE_FLOAT, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_INSTANT,
+ pmda_units(1,0,0,PM_SPACE_MBYTE,0,0), '',
+ '/opt/zimbra/zmstat/proc.csv',
+ 'Total virtual memory footprint of the postfix processes');
+$pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(5,32), PM_TYPE_FLOAT, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_INSTANT,
+ pmda_units(1,0,0,PM_SPACE_MBYTE,0,0), 'zimbra.proc.postfix.rss',
+ '/opt/zimbra/zmstat/proc.csv',
+ 'Resident set size of the postfix processes');
+$pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(5,33), PM_TYPE_FLOAT, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_INSTANT,
+ pmda_units(1,0,0,PM_SPACE_MBYTE,0,0), 'zimbra.proc.postfix.shared',
+ '/opt/zimbra/zmstat/proc.csv',
+ 'Shared memory space used by the postfix processes');
+$pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(5,34), PM_TYPE_U32, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_INSTANT,
+ pmda_units(0,0,1,0,0,PM_COUNT_ONE), 'zimbra.proc.postfix.count',
+ '/opt/zimbra/zmstat/proc.csv', 'Total number of postfix processes');
+$pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(5,35), PM_TYPE_FLOAT, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_INSTANT,
+ pmda_units(0,0,0,0,0,0), 'zimbra.proc.amavis.cputime',
+ '/opt/zimbra/zmstat/proc.csv',
+ 'Total time as a percentage spent executing the virus scanner');
+$pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(5,36), PM_TYPE_FLOAT, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_INSTANT,
+ pmda_units(0,0,0,0,0,0), 'zimbra.proc.amavis.utime',
+ '/opt/zimbra/zmstat/proc.csv',
+ 'Total user time as a percentage spent executing the virus scanner');
+$pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(5,37), PM_TYPE_FLOAT, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_INSTANT,
+ pmda_units(0,0,0,0,0,0), 'zimbra.proc.amavis.stime',
+ '/opt/zimbra/zmstat/proc.csv',
+ 'Total systime as a percentage spent executing the virus scanner');
+$pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(5,38), PM_TYPE_FLOAT, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_INSTANT,
+ pmda_units(1,0,0,PM_SPACE_MBYTE,0,0), '',
+ '/opt/zimbra/zmstat/proc.csv',
+ 'Total virtual memory footprint of the virus scanner process');
+$pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(5,39), PM_TYPE_FLOAT, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_INSTANT,
+ pmda_units(1,0,0,PM_SPACE_MBYTE,0,0), 'zimbra.proc.amavis.rss',
+ '/opt/zimbra/zmstat/proc.csv',
+ 'Resident set size of the virus scanner process');
+$pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(5,40), PM_TYPE_FLOAT, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_INSTANT,
+ pmda_units(1,0,0,PM_SPACE_MBYTE,0,0), 'zimbra.proc.amavis.shared',
+ '/opt/zimbra/zmstat/proc.csv',
+ 'Shared memory space used by the virus scanner processes');
+$pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(5,41), PM_TYPE_U32, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_INSTANT,
+ pmda_units(0,0,1,0,0,PM_COUNT_ONE), 'zimbra.proc.amavis.count',
+ '/opt/zimbra/zmstat/proc.csv', 'Total number of virus scanner processes');
+$pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(5,42), PM_TYPE_FLOAT, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_INSTANT,
+ pmda_units(0,0,0,0,0,0), 'zimbra.proc.clam.cputime',
+ '/opt/zimbra/zmstat/proc.csv',
+ 'Total time as a percentage spent executing the anti-virus process');
+$pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(5,43), PM_TYPE_FLOAT, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_INSTANT,
+ pmda_units(0,0,0,0,0,0), 'zimbra.proc.clam.utime',
+ '/opt/zimbra/zmstat/proc.csv',
+ 'Total user time as a percentage spent executing the anti-virus process');
+$pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(5,44), PM_TYPE_FLOAT, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_INSTANT,
+ pmda_units(0,0,0,0,0,0), 'zimbra.proc.clam.stime',
+ '/opt/zimbra/zmstat/proc.csv',
+ 'Total systime as a percentage spent executing the anti-virus process');
+$pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(5,45), PM_TYPE_FLOAT, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_INSTANT,
+ pmda_units(1,0,0,PM_SPACE_MBYTE,0,0), '',
+ '/opt/zimbra/zmstat/proc.csv',
+ 'Total virtual memory footprint of the anti-virus processes');
+$pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(5,46), PM_TYPE_FLOAT, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_INSTANT,
+ pmda_units(1,0,0,PM_SPACE_MBYTE,0,0), 'zimbra.proc.clam.rss',
+ '/opt/zimbra/zmstat/proc.csv',
+ 'Resident set size of the clam processes');
+$pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(5,47), PM_TYPE_FLOAT, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_INSTANT,
+ pmda_units(1,0,0,PM_SPACE_MBYTE,0,0), 'zimbra.proc.clam.shared',
+ '/opt/zimbra/zmstat/proc.csv',
+ 'Shared memory space used by the anti-virus processes');
+$pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(5,48), PM_TYPE_U32, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_INSTANT,
+ pmda_units(0,0,1,0,0,PM_COUNT_ONE), 'zimbra.proc.clam.count',
+ '/opt/zimbra/zmstat/proc.csv', 'Total number of anti-virus processes');
+$pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(6,0), PM_TYPE_U32, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_INSTANT,
+ pmda_units(0,0,1,0,0,PM_COUNT_ONE), 'zimbra.threads.btpool',
+ '/opt/zimbra/zmstat/threads.csv', '');
+$pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(6,1), PM_TYPE_U32, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_INSTANT,
+ pmda_units(0,0,1,0,0,PM_COUNT_ONE), 'zimbra.threads.pool',
+ '/opt/zimbra/zmstat/threads.csv', '');
+$pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(6,2), PM_TYPE_U32, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_INSTANT,
+ pmda_units(0,0,1,0,0,PM_COUNT_ONE), 'zimbra.threads.lmtp',
+ '/opt/zimbra/zmstat/threads.csv', '');
+$pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(6,3), PM_TYPE_U32, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_INSTANT,
+ pmda_units(0,0,1,0,0,PM_COUNT_ONE), 'zimbra.threads.imap',
+ '/opt/zimbra/zmstat/threads.csv', '');
+$pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(6,4), PM_TYPE_U32, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_INSTANT,
+ pmda_units(0,0,1,0,0,PM_COUNT_ONE), 'zimbra.threads.pop3',
+ '/opt/zimbra/zmstat/threads.csv', '');
+$pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(6,5), PM_TYPE_U32, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_INSTANT,
+ pmda_units(0,0,1,0,0,PM_COUNT_ONE), 'zimbra.threads.scheduled_tasks',
+ '/opt/zimbra/zmstat/threads.csv', '');
+$pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(6,6), PM_TYPE_U32, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_INSTANT,
+ pmda_units(0,0,1,0,0,PM_COUNT_ONE), 'zimbra.threads.timer',
+ '/opt/zimbra/zmstat/threads.csv', '');
+$pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(6,7), PM_TYPE_U32, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_INSTANT,
+ pmda_units(0,0,1,0,0,PM_COUNT_ONE), 'zimbra.threads.anonymous_io',
+ '/opt/zimbra/zmstat/threads.csv', '');
+$pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(6,8), PM_TYPE_U32, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_INSTANT,
+ pmda_units(0,0,1,0,0,PM_COUNT_ONE), 'zimbra.threads.flap_processor',
+ '/opt/zimbra/zmstat/threads.csv', '');
+$pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(6,9), PM_TYPE_U32, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_INSTANT,
+ pmda_units(0,0,1,0,0,PM_COUNT_ONE), 'zimbra.threads.gc',
+ '/opt/zimbra/zmstat/threads.csv', '');
+$pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(6,10), PM_TYPE_U32, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_INSTANT,
+ pmda_units(0,0,1,0,0,PM_COUNT_ONE), 'zimbra.threads.socket_acceptor',
+ '/opt/zimbra/zmstat/threads.csv', '');
+$pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(6,11), PM_TYPE_U32, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_INSTANT,
+ pmda_units(0,0,1,0,0,PM_COUNT_ONE), 'zimbra.threads.thread',
+ '/opt/zimbra/zmstat/threads.csv', '');
+$pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(6,12), PM_TYPE_U32, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_INSTANT,
+ pmda_units(0,0,1,0,0,PM_COUNT_ONE), 'zimbra.threads.other',
+ '/opt/zimbra/zmstat/threads.csv', '');
+$pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(6,13), PM_TYPE_U32, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_INSTANT,
+ pmda_units(0,0,1,0,0,PM_COUNT_ONE), '',
+ '/opt/zimbra/zmstat/threads.csv', '');
+$pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(7,0), PM_TYPE_STRING, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_INSTANT,
+ pmda_units(0,0,0,0,0,0), 'zimbra.control.fd.timestamp',
+ 'Timestamp for completion of last fd value fetch', '');
+$pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(7,1), PM_TYPE_STRING, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_INSTANT,
+ pmda_units(0,0,0,0,0,0), 'zimbra.control.imap.timestamp',
+ 'Timestamp for completion of last imap value fetch', '');
+$pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(7,2), PM_TYPE_STRING, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_INSTANT,
+ pmda_units(0,0,0,0,0,0), 'zimbra.control.soap.timestamp',
+ 'Timestamp for completion of last soap value fetch', '');
+$pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(7,3), PM_TYPE_STRING, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_INSTANT,
+ pmda_units(0,0,0,0,0,0), 'zimbra.control.mailbox.timestamp',
+ 'Timestamp for completion of last mailbox value fetch', '');
+$pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(7,4), PM_TYPE_STRING, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_INSTANT,
+ pmda_units(0,0,0,0,0,0), 'zimbra.control.mtaqueue.timestamp',
+ 'Timestamp for completion of last mtaqueue value fetch', '');
+$pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(7,5), PM_TYPE_STRING, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_INSTANT,
+ pmda_units(0,0,0,0,0,0), 'zimbra.control.proc.timestamp',
+ 'Timestamp for completion of last process value fetch', '');
+$pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(7,6), PM_TYPE_STRING, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_INSTANT,
+ pmda_units(0,0,0,0,0,0), 'zimbra.control.threads.timestamp',
+ 'Timestamp for completion of last threads value fetch', '');
+$pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(7,7), PM_TYPE_STRING, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_INSTANT,
+ pmda_units(0,0,0,0,0,0), 'zimbra.control.status.timestamp',
+ 'Timestamp for completion of last status probe', '');
+$pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(8,0), PM_TYPE_U32, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_INSTANT,
+ pmda_units(0,0,0,0,0,0), 'zimbra.status.antivirus',
+ 'Status for Zimbra antivirus service - 0=stopped, 1=running', '');
+$pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(8,1), PM_TYPE_U32, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_INSTANT,
+ pmda_units(0,0,0,0,0,0), 'zimbra.status.antispam',
+ 'Status for Zimbra antispam service - 0=stopped, 1=running', '');
+$pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(8,2), PM_TYPE_U32, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_INSTANT,
+ pmda_units(0,0,0,0,0,0), 'zimbra.status.archiving',
+ 'Status for Zimbra archiving service - 0=stopped, 1=running', '');
+$pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(8,3), PM_TYPE_U32, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_INSTANT,
+ pmda_units(0,0,0,0,0,0), 'zimbra.status.convertd',
+ 'Status for Zimbra convertd service - 0=stopped, 1=running', '');
+$pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(8,4), PM_TYPE_U32, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_INSTANT,
+ pmda_units(0,0,0,0,0,0), 'zimbra.status.mta',
+ 'Status for Zimbra MTA service - 0=stopped, 1=running', '');
+$pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(8,5), PM_TYPE_U32, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_INSTANT,
+ pmda_units(0,0,0,0,0,0), 'zimbra.status.mailbox',
+ 'Status for Zimbra mailbox service - 0=stopped, 1=running', '');
+$pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(8,6), PM_TYPE_U32, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_INSTANT,
+ pmda_units(0,0,0,0,0,0), 'zimbra.status.logger',
+ 'Status for Zimbra logger service - 0=stopped, 1=running', '');
+$pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(8,7), PM_TYPE_U32, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_INSTANT,
+ pmda_units(0,0,0,0,0,0), 'zimbra.status.snmp',
+ 'Status for Zimbra SNMP service - 0=stopped, 1=running', '');
+$pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(8,8), PM_TYPE_U32, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_INSTANT,
+ pmda_units(0,0,0,0,0,0), 'zimbra.status.ldap',
+ 'Status for Zimbra LDAP service - 0=stopped, 1=running', '');
+$pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(8,9), PM_TYPE_U32, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_INSTANT,
+ pmda_units(0,0,0,0,0,0), 'zimbra.status.spell',
+ 'Status for Zimbra spell service - 0=stopped, 1=running', '');
+$pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(8,10), PM_TYPE_U32, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_INSTANT,
+ pmda_units(0,0,0,0,0,0), 'zimbra.status.imapproxy',
+ 'Status for Zimbra imapproxy service - 0=stopped, 1=running', '');
+$pmda->add_metric(pmda_pmid(8,11), PM_TYPE_U32, PM_INDOM_NULL, PM_SEM_INSTANT,
+ pmda_units(0,0,0,0,0,0), 'zimbra.status.stats',
+ 'Status for Zimbra stats service - 0=stopped, 1=running', '');
+$pmda->add_indom($imap_domain, \@imap_indom, 'IMAP operations',
+ 'Internet Message Access Protocol operations');
+$pmda->add_indom($soap_domain, \@soap_indom, 'SOAP operation',
+ 'Simple Object Access Protocol operations');
+$pmda->add_tail($stats . 'fd.csv', \&zimbra_fd_parser, 0);
+$pmda->add_tail($stats . 'imap.csv', \&zimbra_imap_parser, 0);
+$pmda->add_tail($stats . 'mailboxd.csv', \&zimbra_mailbox_parser, 0);
+$pmda->add_tail($stats . 'mtaqueue.csv', \&zimbra_mtaqueue_parser, 0);
+$pmda->add_tail($stats . 'proc.csv', \&zimbra_proc_parser, 0);
+$pmda->add_tail($stats . 'soap.csv', \&zimbra_soap_parser, 0);
+$pmda->add_tail($stats . 'threads.csv', \&zimbra_threads_parser, 0);
+$pmda->add_pipe($probe, \&zimbra_probe_callback, 0);
+=head1 NAME
+pmdazimbra - Zimbra Collaboration Suite (ZCS) PMDA
+B<pmdazimbra> is a Performance Metrics Domain Agent (PMDA) which
+exports metric values from several subsystems of the Zimbra Suite.
+Further details on Zimbra can be found at
+If you want access to the names and values for the zimbra performance
+metrics, do the following as root:
+ # cd $PCP_PMDAS_DIR/zimbra
+ # ./Install
+If you want to undo the installation, do the following as root:
+ # cd $PCP_PMDAS_DIR/zimbra
+ # ./Remove
+B<pmdazimbra> is launched by pmcd(1) and should never be executed
+directly. The Install and Remove scripts notify pmcd(1) when
+the agent is installed or removed.
+=head1 FILES
+=item /opt/zimbra/zmstat/*
+comma-separated value files containing Zimbra performance data
+=item $PCP_PMDAS_DIR/zimbra/Install
+installation script for the B<pmdazimbra> agent
+=item $PCP_PMDAS_DIR/zimbra/Remove
+undo installation script for the B<pmdazimbra> agent
+=item $PCP_LOG_DIR/pmcd/zimbra.log
+default log file for error messages from B<pmdazimbra>
+=head1 SEE ALSO